BISl'O:IY OJ' . 679 Council, Borough Magistrates, and Public Officers of the Borough, for tha ye&r 1855-6, are as follows :- MAYOR-C. B. Moody, Esq. HIGH STEWARD-The Right Hon. Earl of Yarborougb. ALDERMEN-Wm. Bennett, Wm. Dann, Thos. Bell, and Wm. Brooks, Esqrs. CouNciLLoRs-C. B. Moody, T. B. Keetley, Mdk. Cbaplin, Wm. Squire, Robt. Keetley, John Marshall, Tbos. Bancroft, Robt. Blow, Wm. Ken­ nington, Stephen Oates, John Skelton, and Henry Bennett. Bailiff, and Judge of the Com·t of Record-Wm. Brooks, Esq. TowN CLERK, Clerk to the Borough Magistrates and Board of Health, and Registrar of tbe Conrt of Record, George Babb, Esq. GAOLER, and Inspector of Weights and Measures, Isaac Anson. Mayor's Sergeant-J. D. Brown 11 Common Sergeant-T. Bellamy. Bailiff's Sergeant and Market Keeper-Cbas. Cook. Corporation Surveyor-Mr. John Barker. Surveyor and Inspector of Nuisances-Edw. Micklethwait. The BoROUGH MAGISTRATES are the Mayor, and Thos. Bell, Wm. Brooks, Wm. Bennett, John Moody, John Bell, C. P. Loft, (non-resident,) Geo. Skelton, H. M. Leppington, Robt. Keetley, and Cyprian Snow, Esqrs. The BoRoUGH PoLICE comprises Isaac Anson, superintendent; Tbos. Bin­ nington, sergPant; and six police constables. fi"' For Grimsby District of UNION, Mr. Wm. Berry is relieving officer; Mr. John Bates, registmr of marriages; and H. M. Lapping­ ton, Esq., registrar of births and deaths. The CouNTY CouRT, held here monthly, at the Town Hall, for the reco­ very of debts or damnges to the amount of £50, has in its district the 29 parishes, &c., of Ashby-cum-Fenby, , Barnoldby-le-Beck, , lh:adJey, , Clee, , Great and , Great Grimsby, Gra.insby, Hatcliffe, Hawerby, , Healing, Holton-le-Clay, Hum­ berstone, Irby, , , , , East and , Tetney, Waitb, Waltham, and Wold Newton. J. G. S. Smith, Esq., of Lincoln, is the judge; George Babb, Esq., clerk; J. U. S. Smith, Esq., high bailiff, and Cbas. Cook, bailiff. MoNASTERIES. Here were formerly several religious houses; and many ancient monuments, which have been removed from their ruins, are now deposited in St. J ames's Church. The ABBEY oF WELLOW was a monastery of Black Canons, said to have been built about the year 1110; the ample revenues possessed by this esta­ blishment, amounting in those times to £152. 7s. 4d. per annum, were surrendered to Henry VIII. in the year 1539, by Robert Whit­ gift, the abbot, and the canons; and that monarch afterwards granted them by letters patent. dated :May 22nd, 1539, to Sir Tbos. Heneage and the lady Catherine his wife, and their heirs male for -ever, in exchange for the lordship of Barton-upon-Humber. ST. LEONARD's NuNNERY was a small religious society of Benedictine Nuns, which was established before the year 1185, probably by Henry I. At the suppression of this house, in 1543, its possessions were given by Henry VIII. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and afterwards to the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cam­ bridge ; but this, as well as the Augustine Friary, is now the pro­ perty of the Earl of Yarborough. The FRANCISCAN MoNASTERY was a. convent of Grey Friars, which was built and endowed at the beginning of the reign of Edward II.t about the year 1308, and is