Alexander Mack the T Unker and Descendants
Alexander Mack the Tunker and Descendants BY REV. FREEMAN ANKRUM, AB. PUBLISHED BY TH£ HE;RALO P~ESS, SCOTTOAt..F::, PENNSYL..VANIA 1 FOR REV. FREEMAN ANKRUM, A.B. MASONTOWN, Pl:NNSYLVANIA 1943 COPYRIGHT 1943 BY REV. FREEMAN ANKRUM All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY HERALD PRESS, SCOTTDALE, PENNSYLVANIA 1845 · 1945 ~, ~ ~~;~ ,, / ~ . -:❖ 11·~11-vr· ~<8~ CYthtom/&~~ --(l e1. ... ALEXANDER MACK THE TUNKER ARD DESCENDANTS Rev. Freeman Ankrum, A.B. TO ONE VVHO NEVER FORGOT, NOR NEGLECTED, TO INSTILL INTO THE MINDS OF HER CHILDREN, THOSE FUNDAMENTALS INDICATED AS BASIC BY HER AN CESTORS," WHO HAS KNOWN HARD WORK ALL HER LIFE AND THE CARES OF A LARGE FAMILY, YET PATIENTLY AND FAITHFULLY TAUGHT THEM BY PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE, AND LOY ALTY TO GOD AND THE CHURCH, THIS BooK Is HUMBLY DEDI CATED To LUCINDA MACK ANKRUM, BY HER SoN THE AUTHOR. PREFACE THE WRITER HAS NEVER KNOWN a time when he has not been surrounded by, and grounded in, the history of the Mack Family. Since he was of the family, it was taken as a matter of course, and little more than ordinary thought was given it. However, there was instH!ed through the years a desire to capture and place upon the records stories that were handed down and dates and records, which in the course of time would be lost. The rich opportunity of securing much material from an individual who sat at the feet of one who was educated in Germantown, Pennsylvania, and who was thirty years of age when his Grandfather Alexander Mack, Jr., passed away at his Germantown, Pennsylvania, home, was a rare privilege.
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