Works of Augustus Toplady
THE WORKS OF AUGUSTUS TOPLADY VOLUME 2 THE WORKS OF AUGUSTUS M. TOPLADY, A.B. LATE VICAR OF BROAD HEMBURY, DEVON. _____________________________________ NEW EDITION, WITH AN ENLARGED MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR _____________________________________ IN SIX VOLUMES ____________ VOL. 2 ____________ LONDON: PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BAYNES AND SON, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND H. S. BAYNES, EDINBURGH ___________ 1825 As Published By 2015 Book II - Works of Augustus Toplady Calvinism XVI - The Judgment of the most eminent English Martyrs,... SECTION XVI. The Judgment of the most eminent English Martyrs, and Confesssors, who suffered Death, or Persecution, after the Overthrow of the Reformation by Queen Mary I. WE have seen in the three preceeding Sections, 1. That the reformers of the Church of England were zealous Calvinists, as to matters of doctrine: 2. That Calvin himself had a very considerable hand in reducing our liturgy to that purity and excellence which it still retains: and, 3. That Calvin, Beza, Zanchius, Sadeel, Bullinger, and Gualter, entertained very respectful and affectionate sentiments, concerning the ritual, decency and order, together with the episcopal regimen, of our incomparable Church. And, to the approbation of those most learned persons, might be added (if need required) that of many other foreign Calvinists, who are deservedly numbered among the first ornaments of that century. While pious king Edward lived, the Church of England saw herself at the very pinnacle of spiritual prosperity. Her supreme visible head was a prodigy of wisdom, knowledge, and undefiled religion. Her bishops were luminaries of the first brightness: men glowing with love to God; clear in the doctrines of the gospel, and zealous in maintaining them; of eminent learning, for the most part; assertors, and patterns, of every good word and work.
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