Property of the Watertown Historical Society § JT E 1

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Vol. 49 No. 48 December 2,1993 URA 1 PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. OS 40 Pages Price 65 cents Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Poster-Makers at Integration Forum Reveals SJHS Compete in Peaceful Contest Widespread Opposition by Susan Faber by Susan Faber commissioner from the state The world would probably be Information was not the only Department of Education, who a more pleasant place if its citi- thing doled out at Monday's opened the forum by reviewing zens followed the personal vi- public forum on the state's plan the basics of the law. sions of a few young artists who to improve educational quality "The law requires we sit down have created their views of world and diversity. together as comm unities and talk peace for an international poster No sooner was data provided about the way we can improve contest. by a sLatc Department of Educa- the educational quality of pro- Swift Junior High School stu- tion official, than a barrage of grams," Ms. Aronson said. dent Oana Uilean-Marian has opposition was hurled back by The law resulted in large part been named the local winner in about20 of the almost700 people from the still pending Sheff v. thesixth annual Lions Clubs Inter- who filled the Watertown High O'Neill court case in which the national Peace Poster Contest School auditorium. plaintiffs claim their right to an designed to emphasize the im- The public's comments op- equal education is being violated portanceof worldpeace to young posing the plan often were fol- because the schools are segre- people. lowed by scattered applause as gated, she said. Oana's poster is among thou- many of the speakers said they "The governor said we can sands of entries which will be feared that children would be either let the court decide or see submitted to the international bused and opposed what they whether we can start addressing contest and was judged locally to considered undue government the issue voluntarily. If the court best portray the contest's theme, intervention. Others called for feels there is no violation, the law "A Journey to Peace," according preserving the status quo. may be repealed," she said. to the Lions Club. "The most important thing "There are those who would In her poster, a crowd of about this legislation is that it is rather wait for a court order. peopleare heading toward a train intended to be a planning proc- which will lake them through a ess," said Lori Aronson, deputy (Continued on page 23) tunnel embraced by the dove of peace. She drew the wheels of the train as peace symbols and color- Shoppers Off and Running ful balloons, and the sun symbol- DECORATIONS FROM HOME: The town's official Christmas tree ize happiness, Oana said. on the Town Hall Hill Green was decorated with ornaments brought Local Merchants Optimistic Over Start "People from all over the by children during last Friday's "Santa's Mailbox" visit sponsored by Chris Gardner world are getting together to get by the Watertown Jaycees and Parks and Recreation Department. Shoppers looking for holiday bargains blanketed the Watertown on the train," she said, for the Sunday's torrential wind and rain storm battered the tannenbaum retail market last Friday on a day that is known traditionally as the joumey toward peace. and knocked off many of the ornaments (after this photo was taken busiest shopping day of the year. Two other Swift students, late Saturday afternoon), which were put back up by parks workers Merchants looking to improve from three years of slow holiday MichelleO'Brien and Chad Val- Monday.—Times Photo, Valuckas sales were rejoicing last weekend as initial receipt returns showed a erio, also participated in the con- rebound in customer spending. test. Chad's poster showed cars "It's been pretty steady in here," said Genia Maruca, owner of A and trucks driving on a rainbow Mittens, Mittens, Who Has the Mittens? Stitch In Time children's clothing store on Main Street. "We've had road toward world peace, repre- The Town Times' Miuan Tree is accepting donations of mittens, more traffic in here today than in past years.'* sentedbythepcace symbol super- scarves and hats for the Department of Social Services to distribute The day after Thanksgiving is usually regarded as an economic continued on page 12) this holiday season. See Page 4 for more details. indicator. Traditionally, if sales are up, the economy is improving. If retailers report a slow day, shopping volume during the remainder of the holiday season will be off. Butmost merchants had been predicting a solid shopping day last Friday. Some stores, like Marshalls on Main Street, opened their doors at 7 a.m. Others, like Kmart in Ten Acre Mall, hit shoppers with a barrage of irresistible sale prices on items ranging from jewelry to toys to clothing. Cars jammed the parking lot in front of Kmart last Friday as (Continued on page 13) Thanksgiving Service Brings Out Those Appreciative and Grateful by Tommy Valuckas churches host the annual event Apparently there were plenty on a rotating basis. of peoplein the mood to be thank- This year, in addition to a ful for their blessings. combined adultschoir represent- Oakville's Union Congrega- ing seven churches, children from tional Church established a new fiveofthecommunity'schurches attendance record for its sanctu- formed a separate group for the ary last week when an estimated singing of two Natalie Sleeth 355 people turned out for the songs, "Feed Mr Lambs" and annual Thanksgiving Eve Ecu- "God Is Like a Rock." menical Service November 24. "I'm forever trying to call on According to the Rev. Waldo Him for help... and I'm always Landquist, Union Church minis- thanking Him," said the Rev. The Rev. Judith Toffey, minister at All Saints' Episcopal Church in Oakville, relates the story of the ter, the mark surpassed theprevi- Kevin Forsyth, parochial vicar at soldier with the magic stone to youngsters gathered about her during the November 24 Thanksgiving ous high that came for a similar Watertown's St. John the Evan- Eve Ecumenical Service held in Union Congregational Church's new sanctuary. The service drew an community service a few years overflow crowd to hear the messages and music. — Times Photo, Valuckas ago in the old sanctuary. Town (Continued on page 16) 2 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 3of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgQSM CHOICE- v^Watertown" Meat Center RUMP HEMINWAY PLACE 485 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. • 274-2714 ROAST PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 WED THURS FRI SAT SUN MON TUES $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ib 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 1.89 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm $ EYE ROUND ROAST 2.59 Ib raft's $ LEA—N GROUN,mrD» Ii BOTTOM ROUND ROAST. 1 .69 Ib I CHUCK or PATTIESJ SIRL0IN TIp R0AST *1 .99.b

Boneless SIRLOIN STEAK... 2.69,b S1.9a Boneless New York STRIP STEAK Ib PORK Boneless Center Cut * Country Style $ CHUCK STEAK 1 .7% SPARE RIBS.... 1.39. Thin Sliced Hatfield Extra Lean SANDWICH $ FRESH STEAK 2.99 PORZIO VEAL SALE SHOULDERS.. 'Ib Hatfield Extra Lean $ VEAL STEW. $2.99Ib Ib BOSTON BUTT! 1.19 Our Own Stuffed Baby $ $ VEAL ROAST SPARE RIBS.... 1.49 Stuffed with Sausage, Proscuitto, Spinach & Mozzerella POULTRY Grade A Chicken Grade A Whole or Split LEG QUARTERS. -39* CHICKEN BREAST DELI DEPARTMENT SHURFINE GROCERY CORNER 1 Land O Lakes $ LUIGIVITALLI ^ AMERICAN CHEESE 1-99, Danish $ IMPORTED PASTA 3/1 .OU IMPORTED HAM 2.69 TUTTOR RUSSO Hudson Oven Roasted $ $ TURKEY BREAST 2.49, CRUSHED TOMATOES 28oZ _ .69 Hatfield $ $ P & P or OLIVE LOAF . 1.69. BOUNTY TOWELS .79 Hatfield $ $ LIVERWURST 1.39. CHARMIN BATH TISSUE «,«*_ .99 Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n SocietyTimes, December 2,199 3 - 3 Neighbors XllQGX 17 Name: Nick Gugliotti Births Residence: Watertown Calendar 8 Occupation: Advertising Churches 15-17 GoalofWECF Nick Gugliotti, a Waterbury Classifieds 35-40 Therapists native and a Fairficld University Crossword Puzzle 18 page 6 graduate with adegreeinEnglish Editorials 4 andmaster's in communications, Hospice Program looks back on his life this way: Entertainment 30 "I feel very fortunate—I have Fire Log 23 Brings Comfort a beautiful wife (Dawn) and two Letters 5 page 10 beautiful children (Nicholas, 12, Legal Notices 35 and Danielle, 11), and I feel I Musical Notes 24 Christmas Shopping have everylhingl want thatl could 14-15 in Watertown be blessed with." Obituaries A gracious attitude like that Police Log 23 pages 19-22 naturally has carried the presi- Real Estate 32-33 dent of Prospect's GP&P Mar- Restaurants 31 Tribe Scalps Raiders keting Communications, where Scholastic News 34 in Grid Finale he's been nine years, to this Scouts 34 page 25 Christmas season's promotion of special Christmas cards (see at Seniors 12 right) in area stores. All 100 per- Sports 25-29 cent of the proceeds will benefit the Waterbury Area Council of Churches soup kitchen. Edwards Printing is producing the cards. ^^^ If all 1,100 packets are sold, v the soup kitchen will net$l 1,000. "I feel good that everybody Christmas Portraits *j with the company is involved," Nick said. "At Christmas lime, we have to share with those who are in need." 'Clara and The Nutcracker' Benefits Curtain Fund DA 0 N I S PHOTOGRAPHY Watertown's Raise the Cur- "We're almost there," Mrs. munity's meetings and shows that tain Fund to replace the tattered Capinera said on Die concerned require adequate sealing, and is stage drapes at the Watertown residents' reaching their target used by many outside groups as There's SM High School auditorium will get financial goal. She said there isn't well as the WHS personnel. Time For a boost this month from special enough funding yet to replace the Both the 1994 Miss Greater Christmas performances of "Clara and The heavy front curtain on Ihe WHS Waterlown and Miss Waterbury Portraits Nutcracker." stage, but many of the backdrop scholarship pageants arc sched- The narrated version of the curtains can be. uled there early next year among ... Schedule Your classic Christmas tale will be The new backdrops also will the many events needing the Appointment staged Friday, December 17, all be black, which more appropri- siagc. Before the p.m. at WHS, 324 French Street, ately fit theatrical settings and Reserved seating tickets are Thursday, December 16th, and again on Saturday, Decem- performance shows. available at the CDT, 523 Main Deadline ber 18, at 2 p.m. The high school auditorium is Street, in advance for $11, and A highlight of the perform- the setting for most of the com- will go for $12 at Ihe door. ances will be guest appearances PHONE by soloists from the famed school 274-9375 of the Joffrey Ballet. The event is being spear- BOZZUTO ASSOCIATES INC. 587 Main Street, Watertown, CT headed by Donna Bonasera, ar- Insurance Past Winner, Connecticut Professional Photographers Assoc. tistic director at Watertown Chil- "Photographer Of Tile Year Aw»rd" dren's Dance Theater, and Jane Capinera, who has been working quietly yet diligently behind the - curtains, so to speak, generating interest in the fund. • Individual of Group HejiItK . See PICK. DICK is See JANe. JANC SAYS • Retirement Planning SAP. rhS BAGfc HOETS. "6oTo )bOR CHttoPRACrOR, .' THAT^ WHAT I 0o/" CD OWNERS! • High Return Annuities


Interest Rate Dick Bozzuto 945-3559 Guaranteed ^ 401 Main Street Watertown j

See DICK, no you CAN Feeu Feeus see/sT / No Annual Fees! "HOORA/,"SAYS PICK. CALU Guaranteed Return of Jimmy's 1067 MAIN STREET , '-SAYS Ol PR.//IARK Principall WATERTOWN • 274-J2H JeT * fl A "Where Great Food & Reasonable Prices Go Hand in Hand!"j Multiple Income Features! WEEKEND SPECIALS • Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus "Sizzler" Call now for More Information For An Appointment Call: On Tax-deferred Annuities • Yankee Pot Roast Jardienere 274-5484 • Baked Scrod • Broiled Scallops Above with potato & vegetable HARRY A. RAYMOND Creative •• :< ••: : •. .:.-.. •.•::• :u Financial Services SAT. & SUN. BREAKFAST 574-2947 • Cheese Blintzes w/blueberries or strawberries Golden Rule Insurance Company. Rated • Salsa Omelette • Belgian Waffles • Raisin Bread STONE -A*" (Superior) by A.M. Best ThU rating indicates financial Mrenglh and liability • French Toast • Blueberry Pancakes CHIROPRACTIC • Corned Beef Hash • and much, much more This annuity includes a 1% first-year bonus. Rate ai of 11-1-93, subject to change. WE ARE OFTEN IMITATED BUT NEVER DUPLICATED • Complimentary ConsultatioCENTEn • Direct insuranceR Billing Oben &-9 Daily 7-fi SundJ vB 1 :1044 M^in St., SurteiS, Watert6\Vn' ' Dr. Mark P. Stons 4 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,1993 of the Watertown Historical Society Editorials Calling All Mittens! During the Christmas season the Town Times once again is collecting mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for our fifth annual Mitten Tree, which is set up in the front of our office at 1192 Main Street. Residents arc invited to drop off their new, unwrapped presents of warmth weekdays from 8:30 to 5 p.m.; cut-off is Wednesday, December 22, at noon. The items in turn will be delivered to Darylle Willenbrock, direc- tor of the town's Social Services Department, right before Christmas so she may distribute them with her food and toy baskets of holiday cheer to her needy clients in the commu- nity.

UPINTHEHILLS:TheO.D.Esteyhouse,atHillcrestFarmonupperNovaScotiaHill Road, eventually passedon to the Joseph Zuraitisfamily. Photo courtesy of Watertown Historical Society.

This Holiday Tale No Wag by Ronald Blanchard It appears that the Lions of And sure enough, coming into tiful Christmas trees at the Wa- Wateriownaregeilingsomehelp view, out of the cloud of snow, tertown Plaza, Main Street, De- from good of St. Nick. was a bright red sleigh driven by cember 3,4 and 5 and again De- The Watertown-based Lions none other than ol' St. Nick cember 10,11 and 12. began their quest for prime himself... and "wait, who's that Christmas trees earlier this year in the back scat" (Sarah said)... They also will have wreaths, and the search led them to the "why, it'sLco theLion!" mascot tree removal bags and even Uic state of Maine, and a little town to the Watertown Lions Club. new pewter Town of Watcrlown they call Lionsville. According to Lions Club Christmas ornament for sale. Well, it seems, once the local President Phil Grayeb, Leo lhc Sanla, Leo the Lion and Miss Lions arrived in Lionsville they Lion had notified St. Nick that Greater Watenown 1993 will be became lostduring a snow squall the tree farm couldn't be located providing treats to children at and couldn't find the Christmas and St. Nick said he would help various times during the sale. tree farm. Tree Chairman Steve direct the Lions to it. Bormaliini was at wits end until Well, the trip to buy the trees Friday hours are 4 to 8p.m., daughter Sarah exclaimed, "Dad, was a success; the Watcrtown and Saturdays and Sundays, 10 look, it's Santa!" Lions Club is now selling beau- a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Town Times' Mitten Tree, a tradition in our office the past four years, again is set up for the holiday season to assist those less fortunate. - Times Photo, Valuckas Time of Sharing

The jolly ol' elf himself, Santa, at left, helps pick out trees with from left to right: Dan Hawkins, Diane Bormallini, niece Laura Simpson, Watertown Lions Tree Chairman Steve Bormallini, mascotLeo theLion, SarahBormalliniandPhil Grayeb,Watertown Lions Club president. Photo courtesy of Ron Blanchard.

HOLIDAY FEAST: Judson School kindergartners dressed in Toys Drop-Off at Local Post Office Thanksgiving costumes help themselves to turkey and trimmings at The Watertown Post Office, deposit box located inside the The Watertown Post Office the annual Thanksgiving feast last week. — Times Photo, Faber in conjunction with the Greater Post Office on Woodruff Ave- branch is one of 125 facilities in Connecticut Area Local, Ameri- nue. The box will be there until Connecticut which will assist in can Postal Workers Union, is around December 21, according collecting and bringing the toys DEADLINE REMINDER: Town Times reminds its readers that the supporting the United States to Post Office Clerk Edward to the Marine Corps Reserve deadline for all press releases; club or organization notices; births, Marine Corps Reserve in its Dclaney. Stations located in New Haven engagement and wedding announcements; business updates; photo annual Toys for Tots campaign The Toys for Tots program and Piainvillc. submiuals, etc., is Friday at 5 p.m. previous to the issue of publica- this year. began in 1947 with the donation tion. Letters to the editor are the exception, with that deadline 5 p.m. People interested in donating of one hand-made doll and now "Short words arc best and the Monday. new, unwrapped toys for needy distributes more than 8 million old words when short are best of "'Children may leave the gifts in a toys each year. all." — Winston Churchill ' ' Town Times, December 2,1993 - 5 LetterPropertys of the Watertown Historical Society Heminway Teacher Goes Above the Call of Duty To The Editor: through some grueling refcren- keep us aware of concerns or I am writing this tetter to thank dums, butMs. Nelson has proven, problems and updated us on his a particular teacher for her posi- beyond a reasonable doubt, that progress. I feel comfortable tive effect on children above and great teachers still do exist. She knowing that there arc never any beyond her call of duty. has helped my son to survive a surprises awaiting us. I have had the pleasure of difficult transition from elemen- I feel fortunate and confident being associated with my son's tary to sixth grade. to have Mary Nelson as a leader sixth grade teacher at Heminway A difficult student, yes, but for our children in our commu- Park School, Ms. Mary Nelson. she has led him down the right nity and I know that the time will Her personality is direct but road, encouraging us parents come when my son will also say, V considerate and always positive, along the way. For this I am truly "thank-you, Ms. Nelson, for and I find I am not as skeptical grateful. She is always firm and everything!" about the teachers left in our consistentwith her discipline, yet Sincerely, system. concerned and caring asan indi- Richard Miele, With Ms. Nelson we have a vidual—all the qualities required Watertown lot to be thankful for. to make a "great teacher." I realizeour town has suffered She has made home calls to Wreath Pick-Up To The Editor: Grade A for Pizza Partner in Education The Watertown High School JudsonSchoolstudenlsHenryCyr.AdamRinaldiandMoiraJacobsen field hockey team would like to drum up interest in the Judson Sckoolfundraising game at the crafts To The Editor: ner in Education since 1989 and thank everyone who ordered fair held at the school recently. — Times Photo, Faber The Baldwin School PTO theyhavcgenerouslyparticipated Christmas wreaths and remind would like to publicly thank in our membership drive each them that they are to picked up Domino's Pizza, our Partner in year with their donation. Saturday, December 4, from 9 Judson Students' Fund-Raiser Education, for donating pizza to a.m. to 1 p.m. in the front en- all classes at Baldwin School who Sincerely, tranceof Watertown High School Gives Game Local Flavor reached 100 percent PTO mem- Francine C. Knight, at the pool side. by Susan Faber bership. secretary, Baldwin PTO, Happy holidays! People in town who contribute to the Judson School fund-raiser Domino's has been our Part- Walertown this year will receive a two-fold benefit. Sincerely, First, they will be able to play a new version of the traditional Support the Town Times' Mitten Tree! WHS Field Hockey Team, Monopoly game, which incorporates Watertown/Oakville busi- Watenown nesses. Secondly, their contributions will be used by the Judson Student Council to help needy families this holiday season. Businesses may have their their names printed in squares on the The Superintendent's Corner game board by paying $ 169 for white spaces, $229 for yellow spaces and $299 for four-corner spaces. Middle School Concept, Part II --The Adolescent The money raised from the property spaces goes to Unique by Carol Rector "informers" arc involved. Promotions, the company which produces the games. But for each Irstin a series of articles And how do students deal with 40 spaces sold, Judson will receive 200 free games which it can sell on the middle school gave you a these conflicts? For the most part for $15 each. brief history of the junior high with verbal comments,including "It'sadiffcrenlkind of community project," saidCarolynFinley, and the changes now occurring. threats and obscenities, slapping, a representative from Unique Promotions. "It's a fun thing for the In order to more fully understand kicking, punching, pushing, shov- students." the thinking behind the middle ing, snd definitely holding As a PTA member in Shcllon, Mrs. Fintey raised $9,400 in six school concept, you need to grudges. months from selling the game, and hopes that Judson School will understand the--students who Mood swings are a constant have similar luck. comprise this age group. and can be a part of adult-like So far, the response from the Watertown/Oakville community \ Thoseparcnts who have chil- behavior one minute and child- points toward that direction. dren who arc described as "ado- like behavior the next. Adoles- Within three days, the school sold almost all the properties and lescents": know that the only cents may be bored one minute 126 games have been sold, according to Judson Principal Kathleen constant is change. Theirchild's and challenged the next. They Malusiak, who spent a few days before Thanksgiving selling prop- body is changing; their emotions are prone to exaggerate and erties door to door with Mrs. Finley. are changing; they arc changing sometimes a "tough guy" exte- "The response from the community has been terrific," Mrs. friends and clothes and hairsty- rior masks insecurities. Matusiak said. "Some businesses bought a game and an ad." les. Students are developing a real Thomaston Savings Bank was the first to buy a corner property They arc best friends with Sara sense lot humor. They are sclf- to support the Partners in Education program, she said. one minute and mortal enemies centered about their experiences (Continued on page 23) the next' They want independ- Carol Rector and feelings; they believe that no ence, especially from their par- • •• . •;"'" one else: has experiencod'-what:: ents,, yet the next minute may Thch'aUway between the cafe-- they have. Adolescents seem to find them wanting a big hug from tcria and the bathrooms is well have boundless energy yet the Xftmee those very same parents. worn as students continually: emotional and physical changes Capozzi Professional Building They are in transition between check out how they; look. Lock- occurring also take their toll and 1192 Main Street, Watertown, Connecticut 06795 childhood and adolescence, yet ers are filled with mirrors (ever can be tiring. . ; 203-274-6721 (Facsimile) 203-945-3116 :theyaregoing through it at vary- notice how long your son or If you are beginning to feel ing times and rates, . daughter can spend at the mir- that this article is full of contra- : Girls, on average, mature a ror?),hair spray, mousse, brushes, dictions, you are right because Publisher - Rudv Ma?,uroskv year or two ahead of: boys; yet combs, breath spray, cologne, adolescence is the time for con- Editor - Tommy Valuckas some boys reach puberty;bcfore makeup, etc. tradictions. Imagine 532 of these Sports Editor - Chris Gardner some girls. Some girls move As they search for their own changing students in one build- Reporter - Susan Faber through the stages of puberty in identity, they watch other stu- ing at one time! Office Manager - Lea Hudak 18 months while others take dents. It is important that these . How can a school address all Sales Representatives - Vincent Dorso and Lyn Priestman several years. students feel accepted and that of these changes and still provide: Production Supervisor - Martha Stammer ; '.•.': I recently had a mother la- they "fit in." Clothes make the. an education for these students? Production Staff - Stephanie Knipple, Bemice Proe ment, "I'll never make it through adolescent and they know ex- The. next two articles will detail puberty! "This tremendous physi- actly What they want and how it what we are doing atSwiftto ; ADDRESS: Town Times, P. O. Box 1 Watertown, CT 06795 cal diversity is also matched with address these needs and how we should look on them. SUBSCRIPTION RATES comparable diversity in the so- Peer pressure is a major factor compare with the recommenda- $36 -1 year; $20 - 6 mos.; $12-3 mos; $4.50/month cial, emotional and intellectual , at this age. Values are tested tions made by the Carnegie: development of early adolescents. constantly. Experimentation with Council on Adolescent Develop-.. Published Thursday by ::.:: Junior high dances offer in- alcohol, drugs, sex; tobacco can ment to transform middle grade;. sight into the social aspects. You. . occur as acting on impulse is schools to fit the special needs of Prime Publishers, Inc. will find some boys on one side commonplace: .... young adolescent students. \ P.O. Box 383 of the room and some girls on the •Real or imagined offenses Southbury, Connecticut 06488 other side, while another group occur — -'He gave me a look." ... Carol Rector is principal of of students is paired off as they "They were talking, about^me." • Swift Junior High School' in Second Class Postage Paid at Watertown Post Office discover members of the oppo- Usually second- or third-party Member USSPI; Member INAE; Member NNA; Member CAC. If you moisten the brushes of Mount Everest is named for The first around-the-world Town Times (USPS635480) is published weekly for $36 per year a (non-electric) carpet sweeper Col. Sir George Everest, who had automobile race began in New by Prime Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 383, Souihbury, CT 0648S- slightly with warm water before been Surveyor-General of India. York City on February 12,1908. 9978. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Town Times, P.O. Box 1, Watertown, CT 06795. using, it will work more effi- He pronounced his name "Eve- The winner returned on August ciently. rest." 1,1908. 6 Property- Town Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society Chamber Toastmasters Meet in Morning WATERBURY — The inarelaxedclubsetting. The club ChamberToastmasters will watertownhistoricalsociety.orgmeet is open to chamber members and Thursday, December 9, at the their employees. Dues are $80 Greater Waterbury Chamber of per year. Commerce, 83 Bank Street, from The toaslmasters meet the 7:45 to 9:30 a.m. second and fourth Thursday of Toastmasters is an ongoing each monlh. For more informa- program that teaches speaking, tion, call Kerri at the chamber at listening and presentation skills 757-0701. Looking for Sports Partner? Personal Possibilities 1-800-454-9200

Wine & Liquor

Joan Emerson, center, occupational therapist at Waterbury Extended Care Facility, explains some of When Nothing But The Best the equipment used in the facility's department to Rose Marie Belo and Garrett Casey Jr. at right. At Witt Do. left are Marylou Goiter, COT Alt, left, and Linda Sonstrom, COT AIL, who also assist at the facility. — Times Photo, Valuckas Kegs always available Integrating Residents Back into Society 274-1992 544 Straits Turnpike • Watertown, CT George Demi rs Ken Dcmirs Pioneer Plaza. • Opposite Labonnc's Market Primary Goal of Facility Therapists Douglas Demirs Corner of Bunker Hill Ave. & Straits Turnpike by Chris Gardner ity's physical therapy room is a the user exerts downward pres- FnA lUiatUd Tttrke] Eceiy Baj Graduation and commence- large piece of posterboard with sure on the handle, allows a resi- TheAUNew... ment are events usually associ- photographs of recent graduates. dent to cut their food independ- ated with high school and col- Some learned how to walk after ent of a therapist. lege-aged men and women. suffering from a stroke. Others The gadgets help residents HOMEPIATE ii But at one Walertown elderly were able to strengthen muscles improve their strength and fine care facility, graduation motivates and joints in their upper extremi- motor coordination. They also RESTAURANT most residents to strive toward an ties to combat severe arthritis. provide that psychological ad- 1133 Main St., Watertown, CT • 274-2811 independent style of living. Ms. Emerson said the facil- vantage needed to achieve inde- WE ARE OPEN "TIL 9 PM THURS., FRI. &SAT. Therapists at Walerbury Ex- ity's occupational therapy depart- pendence. tended Care Facility, at 35 Bun- • Eggs Benedict ment plays a large role in reha- Occupational therapists at ker Hill Road, have nursed hun- bilitatingpatients. Staffed by one Waterbury Extended Care also Broccoli & Cheddar Cheese Omelette dreds of residents back to inde- part-time and two full-timethera- design splints out of plastic. The • Belgian Waffles w/fresh strawberries pendence since the center was pists.thedepartment'smajorgoal splints are molded to die patient's • Jumbo Strawberry French Crepes founded in 1967. is to make residents as independ- body part and used to stretch the w/non alcoholic strawberry liquor, optional Occupational Therapist Joan ent as possible. muscle and tissue in order for the ALL YOU CAN EAT SPECIALS • Emerson said the majority of the "Ideally, we would like to see part to function properly. MON., TOES. & WED. $5.95 facility'sres'idems arc short-term them graduate and return home Electrical stimulation also is rehabilitation patients attempting to their own environment," Ms. employed to substitute for a pa- CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE and TURKEY POT PIE to recover from ailmems iike Emerson said. "But we always tient's normal nerve impulse. The Every Thursday strokes, arthritis, hip replace- try and make our residents as stimulation is not painful, al- Corned Beef & Cabbage Available For Lunch 8c Dinner ments or heart attacks. independentas they can be in this though someresidentsoptagainst Waterbury Extended Care WEEKEND DINNER SPECIALS environment." the treatment. boasts 100 beds, two dining The therapists use a number Paraffin heat therapy provides • Roast Prime Rib 9 rooms, a full nursing and therapy of different methods to achieve patients who suffer from severe staff, and a host of social pro- arthritis a treatment to battle the • Broiled Seafood Combo $Q95 their goal. Adaptive equipment grams designed to integrate resi- — commonly referred to in the pain. Therapists dip a patient's Stuffed Shrimp, Sole, Scallops & Halibut Steak If dents back into society. clinic as gadgets — enable the hand into warm wax, which forms • Broiled Flank Steak w/mushroom wine sauce : O "People think of a nursing residents to perform daily tasks. a sturdy mold over the ex irem i ly. home as a place where you go Patients who may have prob- The heat, according to Ms. Emer- • Boneless Chicken Breast, Chablis Style (with wild rice) 8 permanently," Ms. Emerson said. son, sooths the pain and swelling AU Dinner Specials include Potato, Vegetable, Salad, Bread 0/ Butter. lems bending over can use a We Make Our Own Dinner Rolls. "We are very proud of ourgradu- device called the sock assist to associated with the disease. FULL SERVICE LIQUOR ation program here." help them put their socks on. The A team of therapists from the Affixed to a wall in the facil- rocker knife, which works when carecenterwillassessarcsident's WATERTOWN LIONS CLUB STAINMASTER CHRISTMAS TREE SALE plus WATERTOWN PLAZA Dec. 3rd, 4th & Sth Fridays 4>8 pm 50 sq. yds. Dec. 10th, Uth & 12th Saturdays and Sundays We 104 pm Stainmaster Plus Look For Serve Santa Claus We will pick -Also- and up and remove your 799 Leo the Lion Christmas Tree for a i* Tree Stands nominal fee of $3.00 • Wreaths Watertown Lions & Watertown (plain and Bring Park and Recreation will be Vear Warranty decorated) The participating in the 3rd Annual Family! Christmas Tree Burning January 15th at Crestbrook Park. CARPET BARN 44th CARPET MILL OUTLET For Information Call 250 Porter Street, Watertown • 274-6851 or 274-0155 Lions' Steve Bormolini Annual Monday - Saturday 10-5; Thursday 'til 8 945-3494 Tree Sale Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n SocietyTimes, December 2,199 3 - 7 home environmentbeforc releas- Clockwork Rep Says 'Greetings!' ing them from the facility. Ms. Emerson said Ihe team will rec- The Clockwork Repertory humor, understanding and spiri- ommend ways to make the home watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTheatre announces the opening tuality to the holiday season. safe and accessible. The study of"Greetings!"byTomDudzick, Performances are Friday, also provides a forum to deter- a play about a young man who Saturday and Sunday evenings, mine what skills the residents brings his bride-to-be home for December 3,4 and 5,10,11 and must master before they arc re- the Christmas holidays. 12, and 17, 18 and 19, at the leased. The problem is his parents arc Clockwork theater, 133 Main The occupational therapists devout Catholics and his fiancee Street, Oakville. work closely with the physical is an atheist. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. Fri- 10% Amidst family squabbling, days and Saturdays, and 7 p.m. and speech therapists at Water- OFF Saturday, December 4th 10 am - 6 pm ' bury Extended Care to determine Mickey, the retarded brother, Sundays; tickets are $10, re- Refreshments - Free Drawings the best approach to rehabilitat- suddenly starts speaking in elo- served. Early reservations are Much, Much Morel! quent tones and reveals that he is ing a resident. suggested. Village Square "We need to know from every rcallyLucius,aholiday spirit who has come to provide new insight 530 Middlebury Rd. • Middlebury, CT • 577-2242 department how a patient is re-' For information, call Susan Mon. - Fri- 9;30 - 8:30 Sat. 9:30 - 5:00 Sun. 10-2 f sponding to treatment before we into their lives. Pantely, artistic director, at 274- can assess their skills," Ms. The play is designed to bring 7247. Emerson said. "We have a very integrated program." The three occupational thera- pists at Watcrbury Extended Care —Ms. Emerson, Marylou Gotlcr and Linda Sonstrom — arc em- ployed by the Rehab Manage- ment Company, which is affili- ated with the Apple Health Care Network. Ms. Emerson said the therapists will often travel toarca AECNN facilities to network with other PUURE occupational therapists. "The overall cohesiveness of the entire staff here is good," Ms. WATERTOWN • 274-9631 WOODBURY • 266-4202 FARMINGTON • 677-1601 SALISBURY • 435-2559 OPENWON.FH1 ,- w fO 1! PM OPENMON-5AT 7 AM TO8 PM OPEN MON-WED 7-8 PM-TIIURS A FRI 7-9 PM OPEN MON-SAT 7 AM TO 8 PM Emerson said. "The nurses and Wl IRPAV TO cJ.tliNfJAY m 7 5UNOAV 7 \M TO 7 PM SATURDAY 7 TO fl-SUNDW 7 TO 6 SUNDAY 7 AM TO 6 PM certified nursing assistants are really instrumental in carrying IT QUANTITIES NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERR OH S ILLUSTRATIONSAflEFOHDISPLAVPURPOSESONLYftOONOTNECESSARILYREPRESENTlTEMSONSALE. out our programs." Food, Toy Drive LABONNE'S TRUCKLOAD SEAFOOD SALE || WATERBURY—The Salva- ALL ITEMS SOLD IN BOX, BAG OR MULTIPLE PACKS ONLY tion Army Christmas food and 1UO7CAN /\QQ toy drive is underway, the or- LOBSTER MEAT 9" ganization has announced. tlHAVC; . pQQ The Salvation Army is look- ing foe unwrapped new toys, said OBSTER TAILS COOKED LOBSTERS 51? the S A's Commander Greg Hart- shorn, "or if you prefer, a tax deductible check for either food or toys." He said cash donations also arc accepted at the 74 Central COOKEDSHWMP Avenue office. Last year, some 1,000 Waterbury area families were helped during Uic Christ- mas season, Mr. Hartshorn said. "Thank-you foryourgeneros- ity and support," he said. BLACKT1GERSHRIMP Good news good BLACKTIGERSHRIMP drivers. SAFECO's Quality-Plus™ SAVINGS Auto Insurance gives good STUFFED COLOSSAL SHRIMP RAW SHRIMP£3 drivers the credit they deserve: Special discounts if you have a good driving record; if 199 you own your own home; and more. It's one more way we can help you care for d»e tilings CLEANED SQUID you care about. Because if it's important to you, it's important to us.™ BABY OCTOPUS ©SAFECO The Smart Choice. COOKED 2 29 SHRIMP WN TASTY 6 * LANGOSTINOS

Depot Square Mail, Watcrcown LOOK FOR OUR IN-STORE CIRCULAR FOR 274-8871 BUY ONE - GET TWO FREE SPECIALS ee Agent 8 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society Calendar THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 Hill Road. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; lunch wagon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CHRISTMAS BOOK FAIR continues at Watertown Library. 9 a.m. to CHRISTMAS POTPOURRIatUnion Congregational Church, Oakville. 9 p.m. Call 274-6729. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Santa Claus 11 a.m. to 1 pjn. STORYTIME at Watcrtown Library children's wing. 10:30 a.m. and 1 POTLUCK SUPPER at All Saints' Episcopal Church, Oakville. 5:30 p.m. for all ages through 5, with parent. Call 274-6729 for more information. p.m. Tickets at door. Call 274-2352 for information. No preregistration required. "GREETINGS" staged by Clockwork Repertory Theatre at 133 Main HOLIDAY CONCERT at Griffin School, Oakville, 6 p.m. outdoors, Street, Oakville theater. 8:15 p.m. Tickets $10 reserved, call 274-7247. public invited. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 CHRISTMAS TREE SALE by Walerlown Lions Club at Watertown WELL CHILD CLINIC at greater Watertown Visiting Nurse & Home Plaza upper parking lot, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Care, Inc., 27 Princeton Road, 9 a.m. Call 274-7531 for information. CHRISTMAS BOOK FAIR concludes at Watertown Library, 1 to 4 CHRISTMAS BOOK FAIR continues at Watertown Library, 9 a.m. to p.m. Call 274-6729. 5 pjn. Call 274-6729. REMEMBRANCE TREE LIGHTING Service by hospice: Project CHRISTMAS TREE SALE by Watertown Lions Club at Watertown Care Inc., at hospice tree byBicentcnnial Gazebo, 2:30p.m. Public invited. Plaza upper parking lot, 4 to 8 p.m. % Call 274-9239 for information. REHEARSAL by Oakville-Watertown Junior Diablos Drum Corps at "GREETINGS" staged by Clockwork Repertory Theatre at 133 Main Swift Junior High School, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Call 274-5542 for information. Street, Oakville theater, 7 p.m. Tickets 7 p.m. reserved, call 274-7247. "GREETINGS" staged by Clockwork Repertory Theatre opens al 133 Main Street, Oakville theater, 8:15 p.m. Tickets $10 reserved, call 274- MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 7247. FEDERAL LODGE No. 17 of Masons Meeting at Masonic Hall, 175 Michael Trager, M.D. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 Main Street, 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS BOOK FAIR continues at Watertown Library, 9 a.m. to WATERTOWN ART LEAGUE at First Congregational Church's Fel- TrageratWECF 4 p.m. Call 274-6729. lowship Hall, 7:30 p.m. Guest: Ellen Dougan on acrylic painting. Michael Trager, M.D., re- WINTER FOOD DRIVE by Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) at FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP for parents by Guidance Department Water-Oak VFW Post 5157 hall, Thomaston Road (Route 6), 10 ajn. to 4 at Watertown High School at school cafeteria, 7:30 p.m. Facilitator: Mark cently was appointed medical p.m. Call 266-5904 for information. French, assistant director of financial aid office at Sacred Heart University. director at the Waterbury Ex- CHRISTMAS TREE SALE by Watertown Lions Club at Watertown All parents welcome. tended Care Facility at 35 Bun- Plaza upper parking lot, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 ker Hill Road. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR at Waterbury Extended Care Facility, Bunker HOLIDAY CONCERT at Polk School. Oakville. 7 p.m.. public invited. Dr. Tragerreceived his doctor HOLIDAY CONCERT by Baldwin School al Judson School, 7 p.m., of medicine from Chicago Medi- public invited. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 cal School and did post-graduate STORYTIME at Watertown Library children's wing, 10:30 a.m. for all training in oncology and hema- 2-year-olds with parent. Call 274-6729 for information. No prcregistralion tologyat Albert Einstein College required. of Medicine in The Bronx, N.Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Museum at 22 DcForcst Street open 2 to 4 He is board-certified with the p.m. to general public; free admission, donations accepted. American Board of Internal REHEARSAL by Wcstbury Drum Corps at Heminway Park School. Medicine and is a member of the 6:30 p.m.; call 274-4622. American College of Physicians Breakfast Sandwiches HOLIDAY CONCERT at Judson School, 7 p.m.. public invited. and the American Medical Asso- GENERAL ciation. Deli Salads • Groceries INFO NUMBERS: EMERGENCIES, 911; Routine Police Calls, 945- Fresh Milk • Newspapers 5200; Routine Fire Calls (business hours only), 945-5220; Town Clerk's Dr. Trager has contributed to Fresh Sliced Cold Cuts office, 945-5230; Parks and Recreation Department, 945-5246. several professional publications Hot Fresh Coffee DAILY INFOLINE: 274-9334; CRIMESTOPPERS: 755-1234; WEL- and currently is affiliated with COME WAGON: 266-4157. Waterbury Hospital. MEETINGS of BOARDS, COMMISSIONS He has a private practice in Thursday, December 2 — Oakville Green Committee al Parks and Woodbury, specializing in inter- Recreation Department, 6:45 p.m.; Town Council Finance Subcommittee at nal medicine, hcmatology and Town Hall Annex, 7 p.m.; Parks and Recreation Commission at Cavalio's oncology. Crestbrook Inn, 7p.m.; His toricalDistrictSludy Committee at5Thc Green, YES. 7:30 p.m. Monday. December 6 — Town Council at high school library, 8 p.m. INJURED OR SICK? V Wednesday, December 8 — Waterlown Housing Authority al Truman Brunch and Toys UNABLE TO WORK? V Terrace community room, 7 p.m.; Water and Sewer Authority at Polk School library, 7:30 p.m. You May Be Surprised To Learn That at Country Club You May Be Eligible for Social Security WATERBURY—Theannual Disability or Supplemental Social Security. The Morning Glory opens in Toys for Tots Holiday Brunch 755-2274 the morning, but closes in the At Yoga Center will be sponsored by the Auxil- sunlight later in the day. iary of St. Mary's Hospital on Law Offices Of WOODBURY—Owen Blum Sunday, December 5, at 11:30 LOUIS S. AVITABILE will give a talk on "Radiant a.m. at the Waterbury Country SPECIALS Health: The Benefits of Hatha Club, Oronoke Road. Yoga" on Sunday, December 5, The event will benefit the MERYL ANNE SPAT At The Fox at 6:45 p.m. at the Woodbury hospital and provide toys for its 182 Grand Street, Suite 314, Waterbury Yoga Center, 122 Wcsi Side pediatric ambulatory care ccn- Road. ler. SPIRAL PERM "21 Mr. Blum is a veteran of Viet- Special guestappearances will nam and was a medic in the spe- be made by Ruth and Skitch cial forces. An English teacher, Henderson, owners of The Silo, poet and writer, he was inspired Store Gallery and Cooking (Kitchen CURLY IJOOK" by aborigines in a recent trip to School of New Milford. Also co- Wash & Wear- Perm , Australia and looks forward to authors of their latest book, Sea- inc. returning to study with them. sons in the Country, they will The free program will be fol- makcitavailablcfor viewing and Tues. S Sat. Att DAY SPECIAL With Nicole SS«Ff Milrin Perm lowed by meditation instruction, their personal autograph. meditation, tea and discussion. More information may be MATRIX PERM The public is invited to attend. obtained by calling Tess For more information on Beauchampat274-4082 or Ruth • : WM* Sunday's program call 263-2254. *Jj0ttger katr slightly fXtfit.— •;•• Grover at 274-2858. I" i . I fedSStNelF COLOR ~i


We Use MATRIX and thar Quality Products! THE FOX HIS and HER HAIR CARE • Gift Certificates Available * Walk-wx Welcome 1 I *Nol to be combined with other offers. OPEN 9 a.m. 'til dark EASY DIRECTIONS: Wiuertown Ave., Every Day Dec. 4-24 "Quality at Affordable Prices" 3rd right after Kaynor Tech to top of Windsor St. {119 Windsor St., In the Middlebury Hamlet Waterbury.) Also. Christmas wreaths & assorted decorations made fresh daily!! WE USE ftND RECOMMEND HOUKS: located on Old Town Farm Rd- ofl' Rl. 6 in Call Today - 758-1721 1 M-F9-8pm Sal. 8-4:30 pm Nor* Woodbury. Cl. - Watch for sign on Rl. 6 263-4230 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.;Sat. 9a.m.-2 p.m.; Eye. by appt. ! _s S9fr41 V\t LEWIS CHRISTMAS TREE FARM Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, December 2,199 3 - 9 BK Cash-O-Las Fine Line Art Gallery to Open Christmas Show Friday Helping Groupswatertownhistoricalsociety.orgBETHLEHEM — The Fine detailed watcrcolors. She paints from the Academic Artist Asso- Piazza of Bethlehem. The gal- The WASA/Safe Homes or- Line Art Gallery will open its various subjects, but her love of ciation National Exhibition, lery presents a varied selection of ganization, Watertown Youth Christmas show "Art for Christ- flowers is very apparent. SCAN Spring Show, and the oils, pastels and watercolors. Hockey program, Watertown mas" with a reception from 5 Ms. Jamieson has been in- Watertown Art League Fall The "Art for Christmas" show High School Athletic Associa- p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, Decem- volved in many juried shows, Show. at the gallery is one of the many tion (WHSAA) and the Water- ber 3 and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Satur- nationally and locally, and has The Fine Line Art Gallery, at activities being held during the town Association for Youth days and Sundays, December 4 had several solo exhibitions. She 22 EastStreet, also will be show- Bethlehem Christmas Town Soccer (WAYS) are running and 5, and 11 and 12. has won numerous awards for ing the works of Nancy Gray Festival this weekend. Cash-O-La benefits through the The gallery will be introduc- her watercolors, including first Fischer and Julie Hickcox of cooperation of the Watertown ing its newest exhibitionist, prize in walercolor the last three Watertown; Judith K. Lewis, "Crank — a man with a new Burger King, 1274 Main Street. Watertown artist Joan Jamieson. years from the Kent Art Associa- Sandra McLean and Nadine idea until it succeeds." — Mark WASA/Safe Homes is aided Ms. Jamieson uses a richly vi- tion. Newell of Woodbury; and Katie Twain the second Thursday of the month brant palette to execute her finely Other credits include awards (next: December 9), while the next session for the hockey pro- gram is the third Thursday on BOIXHOUSES December 16. * Furniture • Miniatures • Accessories The WHSAA has its Cash-O- Las the third Wednesday of the Personalized Custom Service month on December 15. The Everything to Decorate soccer program will be assisted the first Friday (tomorrow) of .... * Your House Inside and Out December. Gift Certificates From 4 to 8 p.m. the evenings Layairays for WASA, youth hockey and soccer, palronscan turn back their receipts to representatives in order VAL-LE OF THE DOIXS for the respective programs to 840 Hamilton Avenue, Waterbury 754-1622 collect 20 percent of the sales. 1-84 Exit 23, Rle. 69 South, 500 ft from exit on right ALL MAJOR Patrons also can utilize the Houre: Mon.-Frl. 1-6 p.m.. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-* ACCEPTED drive-thru and request their re- ceipts be turned into the hockey people. Watertown artist Joan Jamieson with her award-winning painting Twenty percent of all receipts "Pink Columbine." Ms. Jamieson is the newest member of the Fine between 5 and 9 p.m. will go Line Art Gallery in Bethlehem. — Times Photo, Valuckas toward the WHSAA its nights. Historical Society The Waterlown Historical Society will meet Thursday, December 8, at 8 p.m. at the society museum, 22 DcForest Street. Guest speaker Gordon A. INC Frohn of Middlebury will illus- ICIVE YOUR WINDOWS THE FULL TREATMENT trate his traditional method of preserving furniture and heir- • CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • BALLOONS looms, which might mean restor- • SHADES • SWAGS • VALANCES ing rather than applying new • LEVOLOR & VERTICAL BLINDS finishes. • BEDSPREADS Shop'AT'HoME SERVICE Interested persons and guests m are welcome to attend. Refresh- • -Ask You* Fnimh 4 Neiqbbois Abour Us ments will be served. 36 CENTER ST., WATERbimy 7?6-0220

For Parents Of College-Bound Students..

This Christmas, give the perfect gift...... the one that expresses your special bond in the most eloquent way - the classic Mother and Child* ring. No other gift is as timeless and unique a symbol of the love you share. Available without diamond in 14K gold starting at $195 and also available as a pendant or earrings.


Waterbury's First Family ofFineJewelry WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL 575-9880 384 Slillson Road, Waterbury (by the Mall) 7:00 PM Open Mm. & Sat. 10 to 5; Tues. &Fri. 10 to 6; Wed. & Thurs. 10 to 8:30; Sun. 11 to 4

• 10 - Town Times, December 2,1993 Propertyby Judy Christie of the Watertown Historical Societytients frequently want no more Only two years ago Water- than to know that someone is in town Visiting Nurse and Home Hospice Program at Local VNA Brings the room who cares about them. Care, Inc. had no effective hos- Other volunteer services pro- pice program, no ability to use itwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs Comfort and Caring to Those Grieving vided recently have included resources of professional staff, transporting a patient lo Yale- therapists and home health aides home care one step further, for volunteers, who may serve in the Further, they must go through New Haven twice a week for to make the last days or weeks of the patients who became termi- capacity of a sympathetic I islener an eight-week training program, chemotherapy treatment. a patient with whom they had nally ill while in our care," Mrs. or a driver to treatments, a letter attend inservice programs after "I really learned a lot about been working as comfortable as Gridley said. writer or reader, a partner for completing training, and be will- her," said volunteer Pat Desjar- possible. As with oilier hospice pro- games, orjustsomeone who runs ing to work as an integral part of dins, "because when you see Enter Elizabeth Gridley, a grams, the Watertown one strives errands for the patient, now the professional team. someone that often, and you're registered nurse who makes her toprovidehomecarein"askilled number over 20. "Ahugeamountof communi- in a car, you have to be able to home in Woodbury. Liz found a and compassionate manner for Hospice means more than just cation and coordination between talk." challenge when she applied for a patients and families affected by 'regular' job with the agency. an incurable illness limiting the Today, Watertown VNA is patient's life expectancy to days, experiencing the results of the weeks or months." Hospice Home CareProgram Liz The professional staff of phy- put together with the complete sicians, registered nurses, medi- backing of the board of directors cal social workers, home health and the staff. The challenge is aides, physical and occupational being met head on and with a therapists and clergy were all level of success that both fami- available through the VNA, lies and workers, from physicians which serves Walcrtown and to volunteers, have termed Thomaslon and surrounding "rewarding." towns. "We began by looking at other What was lacking when Liz agency models for hospice pro- Gridley took on the challenge grams because we wanted lo take wasavoluntccrprogram. Trained

PRODUCE AND JK GREENHOUSES POINSETTIAS All Sizes and Colors Cemetery Boxes • Wreaths • Roping Two of the volunteers in the current class al the WatenownVNA and Home Care, John Charles, left. andTomLovig, discuss what will be expected of them once they become actively involved with a patient '^$1.SO OFF $3.OO OFF and his/her family through the agency's hospice program. — Times Photo, Christie any 6'/S" PoinsetUa • any hanging basket Poinsetria • exp. 12-1-93 exp. 12-1-93 the care of cancer paticnis, al- the primary nurse, the family, the And lhat particular patient RETAIL - ALSO WHOLESALE TO CHURCH GROUPS, though they constitute a portion patient, the physician and VNA turned out to be a success story. FLORISTS & CORPORATE GROUPS of the terminally ill. clinical personnel are necessary She was discharged from the 5. 6 Chimney Rd., Watertown Phone: 274-0685 .• "That is often a misconcep- to make the program run hospice program after improv- tion," Mrs. Gridley pointed ouL smoothly," Mrs. Gridley said. ing dramatically. "A heart or kidney patient can How It Works Pat's feelings about being a just as easily be terminal, and A team of hospice people can volunteer arc good ones. She has CHRISTMAS TREES patients' families need to know function most effectively when worked with three different pa- Tag Your Tree Early we will be there for everyone the primary carcgivcr is an tients during the past year and a who is in such a situation. immediate family member. The half and said "being a sympa- "Hospice treatmentis oriented person who knows the patient thetic car and a sounding board" ANY SIZE $25 to comfort, not cure," she said, best is a critical part of the team have been important aspects of and volunteers have been invalu- that provides for all of the pa- her involvement. able in helping patients and their tient's needs. "You become a friend to the Saturdays families through a most difficult But that same person will family," Mrs. Desjardins said, lime for all concerned. likely be the one who is placed "but as much as you can give to and In fact, the guidelines estab- under the most stress. them, you get back. It's been a lished by the VNA request lhat a "Sometimes just giving the positive experience and one I feel Sundays person not apply for a volunteer primary person a chance to get good about." position if they themselves have out once in a while, or even a Volunteers must agree to experienced a major loss in the short respite lo take a nap or go confidentiality about family 321 Sunnyside Ave., Oakville past year. off in a corner by themselves, is matters and are instructed to the most a volunteer can do," Liz withdraw from any meeting of said. the family when discord surfaces. "Youreally need lohavesome "As a team, we are here to JOHN DEL BUONO intuition about what the best thing hclppcoplemakcinformed deci- to do is in a case like that," Mrs. sions during a difficult time," Attorney At Law Gridley told a recent group of Mrs. Gridley said, "but our job volunteers in training. does not mean interference with "Catering To Clientele Who Want Personal Service" Fr-ax & dim Serra 's On Ihc other hand, when a customs or values a family has patient's condition permits it, he lived with for years." H. CUTS LTD. can be taken for a ride, or outside Thus one of the vol unteerrules FREE CASE EVALUATION -- where he might want to super- is "not to impose your own val- A Barber Shop & vise a volunteer in doing some ues or belief systems on the pa- Styling Salon far Men gardening tasks. tient or family." Perhaps the most important Trying to do so can amount to PERSONAL AUTOMOBILE aspect of being a hospice volun- grounds for immediate dismissal w Regular Haircuts teer is simply "being there." Pa- from the volunteer program. INJURY ACCIDENTS «" Razor Cuts w Clipper Cuts •*• Medical & Cosmetic •MOW =IM1 Hair Replacement KIDZ KONSIGNMENT * CLOTHING + TOYS * FURNITURE 274-9601 753-4438 Everything for your kids! I BrlngTn~Adft>r~~^l THE WATERTOWN PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1575 Thomaston Ave. Frances Commons 680 MAIN STREET • WATERTOWN, CT (Near Motor Vehicle) t^i ' Toward First Purchase. I Waterbury •jraann.-i.Fiirerfra«E1M ^SSS^Tiw™..!* Ground Floor Office NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED Archway Plara (Me«toDomenicsPMa) 3S 7C2 O2C1 Cai Free Parking Hours: Monday-Friday 8 to 6 517 Wolcotl St., Waterbury. CT T5T /JJ'ZjQ I ap, (S Closed Sat. & Sun. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, December 2,199 3 - 11 Volunteers are recruited as com- families didn't have regular good. panions primarily. The team has clergy to call on, and was 'there' "I am looking forward to being When you buy something for Christmas, it clergy members as a part of it, so for them the whole time," Mrs. able to help someone be more unnecessary preaching has no watertownhistoricalsociety.orgGridleysaid."Hchasbeenahuge comfortable. I've been there should last a lifetime. place, according to the program part of the team process and myself (with relatives) and think * Live Trees Available Now! coordinator. someonepeoplc really could turn I can help them," Tom said. * 100% Guaranteed Beginnings and Endings to." Referrals to the Watertown * Hundreds to choose from - many The GrcaLcr Watcnown Vis- In the current group of volun- VNA Hospice Home Care pro- different varieties. iting Nurse and Hospice Home teers in training are John Charles gram may be made by individu- Care Program is the second such and Tom Lovig. als themselves, their physician, Prices Starting at pianiniownforallcviatingphysi- John is doing the training as hospital, another community cal and emotional pain of pa- part of becoming a deacon in St. service or health agency, or a tienls and their families when John the Evangelist Roman counselor. cure is an impossibility. Catholic Church in Waicnown. The primary physician must Hospicc:Projcct Care is an- "We have to choose an area of consent to the patient's request Select Yours now other one. inicrcst in which we can serve the and must agree to be an integral Walcrtown VNA, which also community. I think this will be a pan of the team. ^Branching Out, Inc. includes the Thomaston branch, marvelous experience fpr me," has a 55-year history of provid- John said. With the program's success- Rt. 118, East Litchfield ing home health care for patients. Tom said his involvement ful beginning, volunteers arc The hospice program was per- might even be called "a little bit always needed. Interested people ceived as a need to expand and selfish." over the age of 18 may call 274- extend the high quality services "We (volunteers) benefit too. 7531 for more detailed informa- 496-0879 already being offered. If I am a better person as a result tion about the hospice volunteer "It is a way to preserve the of giving of myself, then that's plan. comfort and dignity of our pa- tients and their families. We can offer a personalized plan of care that focuses on the patient and family with the Agency being the coordinator," Mrs. Gridlcy explained, "Many of the patients have been in our home care prior to needing hospice. Still the pri- mary physician directs the over- all care. Our team carries through on the prescribed plan, offering guidance along with the best quality nursing and therapeutic carcavailablc," Mrs. Gridlcytold a recent class of volunteers. And when thepaticntdics, the concern of the hospice team docs not end. Professionals and volunteers alike arc schooled in bereave- ment follow-up, available to families who may need support through the grieving process "We've found that a year is about the average," Liz said. "At any time, a call from a family member might be received. We will still be there to help." Most recently, three men have joined the ranks of volunteers in Watcrlown VNA Hospice pro- gram. The Rev. Rick Fowler, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Plymouth, became involved more than a year ago. "Rick stepped in when a few

CHRISTMAS TREES 6 varieties, over 2,000 trees to '^ss^^s^y choose from Fresh Wreaths

Open Saturdays and Sundays until Christmas 9:00 am until 4:00 pm

PAR 3 Merchandise available in dspis. regularly found in your favorite CHRISTMAS Chef ly & Wobb store. Reductions taken at the register. TREE FARM 'Interim markdowns may have been taken LAKES LANE, BETHLEHEM, CT 266-7075 12Property - Town Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society Poster-Makers (Continued from page 1) imposed on the world map.watertownhistoricalsociety.orgcommented Alice Schilling, who the students felt strongly enough town schools. and its founder, Melvin Jones, Michelle had drawn an illus- teaches art at Swift and acted as that they would participate. The A state winner will be chosen signed the UN Charter. tration of people of different an adviser for the project. "These eighth grade class has been very after January 1, and after further Watertown Lions Club Presi- nationalities playing musical kids were very excited about it. concerned about what goes on in competition, a grand winner will dent Phil Grayeb said he was instruments. Their work was great." the community and the world." be chosen from 24 international pleased with the work the Swift "People are joined together in "I'm continually over- As a local winner, Oana is finalists. students put into the project. harmony," she said. "You need whelmed at the talent we have at assured a $50 savings bond and a The winner wili be awarded "From Iookingat all the entries, it all people to make peace work." Swift," said the school's princi- trip to the United Nations and her an all-expense paid trip to the wasobvious all the students have "The theme is so important," pal, CarolRector. "I'm proud that entry will continue on the com- awards ceremony at the United strong feelingsaboutpeace," Mr. petitive road. Nations in March, Mr.Footesaid. Grayeb said. "My committee will chose a The grand prize also includes a district winner on December 10," cash award of $1,500. Teacher Tom Druan of Wa- said Dick Foote, Lions Club The Lions Club has been in- tertown High School co-chaired District 23 B governor, who is a volved with the United Nations thepostercontestalong wiih Ray guidancecounselorin the Water- sinceitsfounding, Mr. Foolesaid, Licho of Raymond's Jewelers. WE \ CATER TO YOU!


Three Swift Junior High School eighth graders entered a Peace Poster Contest sponsored by the Lions Club International. Pictured are students Chad Valerio, Michelle O 'Brien, and contest winner Oana Uilean-Marian (front row, left to right), andproject Co-Chairman TomDruan, Swift Principal Carol T & C CATERING Rector and Lions Club District Governor Dick Foote (back row, left to right) — Times Photo, Fabcr -AT THEIR BEST Menus Starting At i AARP Chapter 548 J6.50. There will be no membership membership into the group. with Nancy Coffey, Falls Ave- FREE DELIVERY i meeting for the American Asso- The chapter, in conjunction nue senior center director, at the BUNKER HILL ROAD For more info ciation of Retired Persons with the senior citizens, will hold center. Deadline is Friday, De- WATERTOWN Call i (AARP), Chapter 548 of Water- its annual Christmas Party Tues- cember 10. town, in December. day,December 14,at noonatThe A local disc jockey will pro- TOM * CAROL DELEO 274-7882 A membership drive for the Westbury Room, 666 Thomas- vide the musical entertainment. i chapter is underway. Current ton Road. A cocktail hour will Several door prizes will be members are asked to bring a begin at 11 a.m. awarded during the party. relative or friend along to any Cost per person is $15. Reser- The chapter is seeking volun- future meeting for prospective vations with paymemcan be made teers for several committees to Does Gift Giving Make help keep them activated. Also, the group is collecting used You A Senior Scene magazines dating back three Basket months or fewer that will begiven A Country Christmas Celebration, including a musical and all- to local rest and convalescent For The you-can-cat-feast at the Delaney House in Massachusetts, has been homes. Discriminating Palate: planned for today (Thursday) as the feature trip for senior citizens Chapter members have been Gift Baskets & Hostess Baskets this month. asked to bring any used eye- for the Holidays The excursion will include a visit to the Yankee Candle Co. in glasses they no longer need to South Deerfield for Christmas shopping. Call the Falls Avenue meetings for distribution to the 754-0295^ World Wide Shipping senior center for more details and reservations. The bus leaves at 8 needy through the Watertown 1-80O-332-MRSG (6774) 'Tast&'fuftgifts By 9fos. g a.m. from the Depot Square parking lot. Lions Club eyeglass program. Mon.-Thurs. 8 asn.-7:3Q p.n The Watertown Police Benevolent Association (PB A) will host Fri. & Sat. 8a.m.-8p.m. A Division of The Grotto Restaurant The chapter is collecting do- 634 Watertown Ave. • Waterbury. CT its third holiday dinner for the seniors Thursday, December 9, at ^Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. nations of canned goods and noon at Cavallo's Crestbrook Inn, Northfield Road. The dinner is foods, and packaged goods at free. meetings to help replenish the 239 Buckingham Street The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Chapter Oakville 274-3812 Walcrtown Food Bank for the 548 of Watertown's annual Christmas Party has been planned holidays. A scholarship basket Tuesday, December 14, at noon at The Weslbury Room, 666 also is being displayed to accept LORRAINE'S CAKES, Thomaston Road. CATERING & PIES donations to the June, 1994 an- Cost is $15 per person. Reservations should be made by Friday, nual memorial scholarship made December 10, with Nancy Coffey, director of the center. on behalf of Ihe chapter. Order Early For Christmas! SENIOR CALENDAR Information on chapter mem- Falls Avenue senior center phonenumbcrs—945-5250 and 945- OUR FAMOUS Tkies-Sat 8-6 bership and activities may be ut Custard • Choesccake-RicottaPie Sunday 8-1 • Mince 5251 (minibus); activities for December 2 to December 8: * Strawberry Rhubarb - Pumpkin Chftesttcake Closed Mondays obtained at the center by calling Thursday — Macrame Class 9 a.m.; Senior Social, cards and 945-5250. Christmas Cakes OUR REAL WHIPPED CREAM PIEMES 1 bingo, 1 to 4 p.m. • Chocolate Cream • Banana Fudge 'BananvCrcaa m Santa • Candelabra •Chocolate Banana -Coconut Cream Forest Friday — Exercise Class 9 a.m.; Line Dancing 10 a.m.; center Annual PBA Dinner • Christmas Tree • Almond Joy « Swiss Chcc. Mul closes 1 p.m. The annual holiday dinner - Planning Your Office or Shop Party? - Monday — Application Assistance for ConnMAP, ConnPACE, sponsored by the Watertown and other programs, 9 to 11 a.m.; Po-Ke-No 1 p.m. Police Benevolent Association Tuesday — Exercise Class 9 a.m.; Line Dancing 10:30 a.m.; (PBA) for senior citizens will be CHRISTMAS COOKIE TRAYS & COOKIE BASKETS We Delh/er to Watsrbury & S^ Mary's Hospitals Knitting and Crocheting Circle 1 p.m. held Thursday, December 9, at on Tu"uesda< y and Friday Wednesday — Ceramics Class 9 a.m.; Mini-Bus to Waterbury noonatCavallo'sCrcstbrooklnn, 11 and .mall (naall mnraing>nrh1yV iV'P— — Norrhfield Road. ——• Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, December 2,199 3 -13 Art League Demo Slated Monday We Ship Nationwide For All Occasions The Watertown Art League tional Church'sFellowship Hall, do a demonstration in acrylic will meet Monday, Decembewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgr 6, 40 DeForesl Street painting. at 7:30 p.m. at First Congrega- GuestartistEllen Dougan will Ms. Dougan received a bache- Gary's Long Stem Cookies lor of fine arts degree from the Shoppers Off ~ University of Connecticut, ma- (203) 598-0658 (Continued from page 1) joring in painting. She currently shoppers fought to get Ihe best possible buys on their holiday owns and operates Dougan Art purchases. and Framing in South Windsor. CHRISTMAS TOTE Kmart store manager Charles Ross said his employees were well- In the fall of 1991, she held a Give your lovsd one a tola box ol a equipped to handle the onslaught of customers. one-woman show at the Art and ^o MI i L anOniHK.! wis); IE n „ "We scheduled enough workers lo handle ihc crowds in anticipa- Frame Gallery in RockyHill. She :•:,>• •:.:>••;:•.. . '. • tion of today," Mr. Ross said. "It is usually so busy in here." has won first prize at the Con- A PERFECT CHOICE! And he was right. Home appliances, clothing, electronics and a necticut Women Artists Associa- $26.00 wide variety of toys were reportedly hot sellers at Kmart. tion juried show in 1990. At Raymond's Jewelers on Main Street, owner Raymond Licho Her works arc in permanent All Major Credit GirJs 90 Middlebury Terrace - Middlebuiy, CT 06762 was keeping his glass cases slocked with plenty of diamond rings, collections at the Aetna and bracelets and earrings. Shawmut Bank in Hanford. Ms. "The key to having a successful holiday season is to have a very Dougan also has displayed across large inventory," Mr. Licho said. "The traffic coming in here today the United States, and also in has been fairly consistent. I like it that way." Germany and Groat Britain. Christmas Bazaar lh Edie Richardson, owner of Best Foot Forward on Main The demonstration is free and SAX, DEC. 4 Street, said Friday's shopping day was a "better day than usual." She open to Ihe public. said marly shoppers travel to the malls in Waicrbury orDanbury the 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. day after Thanksgiving, buL the stores in lown arc holding their own Political Humorist this holiday season. TORRINGTON — The Lunch Wagon "More and more people each year arc atlracied lo Main Street," Warner Theater, 68 Main Street, Bake Sale • White Elephant 11-2 Mrs. Richardson said. "I think ihcy get more personal attention and will host political humorist Mark Table and Much More! and ... they can do all their shopping in one place." Russell Thursday, December 9, picture* with our Consumers said they ventured out to the stores Friday lo take at 8 p.m. friendly Purple advantage of sales and to get their hoi iday shopping out of the way. Tickets arcS19.50and$17.50 Dinosaur Sisters Kim Forbes of Southbury, Leslie Anderson of Naugaiuck and available at the theater box and Melanie Fleet of Kent, traveled to Kmart out of habit. office, 72 Main Street, or by call- Proceeds go to benefit Resident Council Fund "We all usually go out this day," Ms. Fleet said. "We are just ing 489-1780. WATERBURY EXTENDED CARE FACILITY looking around and seeing what bargains we can find before we 35 Bunker Hill Rd., Watertown • 274-5428 buy." Miniature tools were used as Marilyn Perugini of Watertown took her granddaughter, Sophia money in China around 1100B.C. Rickevicius of Watertown, to Kmart for a different reason. "Some person had the nerve to have a birthday yesterday," Ms. Perugini said as she surveyed a shelf stocked with toys. "Actually, we are doing a little Christmas shopping too." Cara Wilke of Ansonia came to Watertown to visit the stores ANTONELLI'S VEAL LEGS"F2.49. [ 195 FREIGHT ST. » WATERBURY along Main Street. BONELESS "I like Watertown because it's quaint," Ms. Wilke said. "I've STEW VEAL LEG been able to get a good jump on my shopping today." VEAL VEAL LEG CUTLETS Bill Johnson of Morris said the large crowds and hectic stores do ROAST not usually bother him. "I enjoy going out and watching the people shop," he said. Sale Ends Sat., Dec. 4, 1993 "Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am supposed to be m reserve Ifie figfii (o limit quantities We are not [esporaQie for typog- 3.49. 6.99. raphical errors We reserve Ihe rigtU to map meals into bulk packages shopping too." STOCK UP THINLY SLICED SPICY, BONELESS PORK SHLDR BUTT SHOULDER PORCHETTA 1.99** LAMB CHOPS 1.99, PORTERHOUSE VERY THIN STEAK T-BONE SHORT POT TOP ROUND ROAST RIB STEAKS ROAST STEAKS BEEF 2.91 3.9SL 2 1.S9S-7LBBALG BONELESS .99, 2.99. OVEN HEADY •• 1.99. BULK BEEF LOIN REG. 4.99 LB. BRACIOLE SEMI-BONELESS BONELESS GRADE A FROZEN • CHOCK-TENDECORNISR H QQc GEESE 1 HENS FROZEN 99 CORNED PORK LAMB WHOLE BUDABALL HAMILTON BEEF BUTTS LEGS PORK BRISKET LOINS HANS HANS WHOLE 1.99L 1.19. 1.99. SEMI WHOLE BOX BONELESS 1 LB LONG CUT WHOLE 0H HALF 70 LB, AYG. 1.5ft. 1.61 CHICKEN CHICKEWHOLNE CHICKEN ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING CHICKEN BREASTS THIGHS LIVERS SEAMLESS GUTTERS LEG QUARTERS CHILCKEN OB STORM WINDOWS & DOORS 5 U.OB MOKE BRE3ASTA S DRUMSTICKS SLB. ROOFING 1.09. TUB 40 B. BOX WHOLE OR VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 13.95 SPLIT 1.99 69«, SHRIMP RINGS &gz 6.25 ». • SQUID 3 LB. BOX 2.97 COCKTAIL COCKTAIL Shell-On IMITATION LOBSTER SHRIMP SHRIMP SHRIMP CRABMEAT MEAT OCTOPUS JUMBO 21-25 EXLABCE Jumbo 16-20

21.95 15.95 22.95 'CAN THAW 'N' SEHVE THAW V SEHVE 2'A LB BAG 1,99 U.3OZ, FROZEM 1,79. 2 LB. BAG 2 LB. BAG 31/40 BLACK TIGER FRESH FROZEN PECORINO WHOLE MILK PBOSCJUTTO M0ZZ1BELLA DiLUSSO ROMANO RICOTTA sGffiAi BULK BAG 1.99. 3.49,. SLICED ENDS 1.81 3.99L 1.91 5-6LB. AVG. AND PIECES CHUM - IMPORTED POLLY-O WHOLE M1L8 STORE SLICED Property of the Watertown Historical Society 14 - Town Times, December 2,1993 Obituaries Angelo D. Barbino Arabic Order Nobles of the late Leonidas and Carrir (Dubus) doctorate in the history of con- two sons, Christopher Archer of Allard. She lived in Oakville for sciousness at the University of WATERBURY — Funeral MysticShrineofNewington;and New York City and Raymond was awarded the Meritorious many years. She was a communi- California in Santa Cruz. She Lee Archer of Danbury; two services for Angelo D. Barbino, cant of St. Mary Magdalen received the 1993 Volunteer of 75, of 13 Robinson Street, will be Service Award from the Scottish daughters, June Archer of Fairfax, Rite. He was one of the founders Church and was a member of its the Year Award from the Va., and Margaret Archer of held today (Thursday) at 11 a.m. Catholic Women's Organization Women's Abuse Center in Lake at the Alderson Funeral Home of and served as the first president Sandy Hook; a sisler.Ethyl Shaw of the Italian Heritage of Water- (CWO). Tahoe, Nev., and wrote art ar- of New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; and Waterbury, 70 Central Avenue. She leaves several nieces and ticles for the local newspaper. Burial with full military honors bury and was a former president two granddaughters. nephews. She leaves her parents. will beinNewPineGrove Ceme- oftheLegaSicilianoSocialClub. Besides his wife, he leaves Contributions may be made to Mildred E. Miller tery. Edna Dunphy Mr. Barbino, husband of Lois two daughters, Mrs. Francis the Lisa Summa Scholarship WATERBURY — Funeral WOODBURY — Funeral J. (Spicer) Barbino and active in (Palma) Graziano of Watertown Fund, c/o The Tafl School, 110 services for Mrs. Mildred E. services for Mrs. Edna (Murphy) Republican politics in Waterbury and Mrs. Keith (Cathy) Mosgrova Woodbury Road, Watertown (Goodson) Miller, 85, of Watcr- Dunphy,of270 White DeerRock for more than 50 years, died of Oakville; a brother, Frank 06795. bury, wore held Saturday, No- Road, formerly of 9 Glenridge Sunday,November28, at Abbott Barbino of Watcrbury; two sis- vember 27, at 11 a.m. at the Dcl- Street, Waterbury, will be held Terrace Health Center. ters, Mrs. Anthony (Rose) Faiia Raymond L. Archer laVecchia Funeral Home, today (Thursday) at 8:30 a.m. He was bom in Waterbury on of Waterbury and Mrs. Salvatore Funeral services for Raymond Wolcou. Burial was in New Pine from the Bcrgin Funeral Home, June 2, 1918, a son of the late (Mary)Commendatoreof Green- Leslie Archer, 65, of 1439 Bun- Grove Cemetery, Waterbury. 290 East Main Slreet, Walcrbury, Anthony and Palma (Laspina) ville, R.I.; and four grandchil- ker Hill Road and 21253 Yontz Mrs. Miller, widow of James to St. Margaret's Church, Wil- Barbino. He was a hairdresser for dren. Road, Brooksville, Fla., were held Albert Miller, died Tuesday, low S treet, Waterbury, for a Mass many years and also owned the Contributions may be made to Tuesday, November 30, at 9:15 November 23, at St. Mary's at9a.m. Burial will be in Calvary Casa Mia Restauranton Division Waterbury VNA Hospice, 50 a.m. from Hickcox Funeral Home Hospital in Waterbury. Cemetery, Waterbury. Street. He was a veteran of World Brookside Road, Waterbury toSL John theEvangelisl Church She was bom February 22, War II, serving with the U.S. 06708. Mrs. Dunphy, widow of Cyril fora Mass at 10a.m. Burial, with 1908, in Walerbury, daughter of Army in Europe. Dunphy and mother of Darylle full military honors, was in Ever- the late Maurice A. and Ethel Mr. Barbino was Waterbury's Bertha Brazaitis Willcnbrock, Watertown'sdi rec- (Collycr) Goodson. She lived in municipal agent for the elderly. Funeral services for Mrs. tor of social services, died Mon- Waterbury for most of her life He was a special constable for Bertha (Allard) Brazaitis, 85, day, November 29, at her home. and formerly worked at Plume & the collection of delinquent taxes formerly of 21 Buckingham She was bom in Waterbury, Atwood Co. of Thomaston. She for the city. He was a justice of Street, Oakville, were held daughter of the late Edward and was a former member of the the the peace and was a member of Wednesday, December 1, at 9:15 Catherine (Ryan) Murphy. She FosterGrandparentProgram. She the Republican State Central a.m. from the O'Neill Funeral was a graduate of St. Mary's was a 60-year grange member Committee. Home, Oakville, to St Mary Grammar School and Sacred and belonged to the Mad River Mr. Barbino was a member of Magdalen Church, Oakville, for Heart High School. She was a Grange. Mrs. Miller was a cur- the Elks Club No. 265 and the a Mass at 10 a.m. Burial was in member of the Sacred Heart rent member of the Wolcou Rotary Club of Waterbury. He Old St. Joseph Cemetery, Water- Alumni Association and the Grange No. 173, of Excelsior alsowasamemberoftheWolcott bury. Knights of Columbus Auxiliary. Pomona Grange No. 7, and was a LodgeNo. 146,AncientFreeand Mrs. Brazaitis, the widow of She was a communicant of St. 7 th degree member of the Na- Accepted Masons; the Ancient Joseph J. Brazaitis, died Sunday, Margaret's Church and belonged tional Grange. She also was a Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley November 28, at East End Con- to its Ladies Guild. She was a member of the Wolcou Histori- of Waterbury; the Lafayette valescent Home in Waterbury. member of the daughters of Isa- cal Society, The Bethlehem Fair Consistory, Valley of Bridgeport; She was bom in Waterbury on bella. Association and of St. John's the Sphinx Temple, Ancient April 15, 1908, daughter of the In addition to her daughter of Episcopal Church. Woodbury, she leaves a son, Shelcavcsason, James Alfred Joseph Dunphy of Waterbury; Millcrof Watcrbury; thrcedaugh- ninegrandchildren;and six great- lers, Mary Ethel Gray of Vernon, grandchildren. Raymond Leslie Archer Mildred E. Kcers of Watcnown JOHN G. O'NEILL green Cemetery. and Margaret L. Bonola of Lisa Jane Summa Mr. Archer, husband of Carol Forestville; three brothers, Wal- FUNERAL HOME MIDDLEBURY — Funeral (Mullancy) Archer, died Thurs- ter M. Goodson of Cheshire, services for Ms. Lisa Jane day, November 25, in Watertown Alfred E. Goodson of Bclhlchem "Within The Means Of All" Summa, 25, of Burr Hill Road, after a long illness. and George Goodson of Char- lotte, N.C.; three sisters, Betty • Serving All Faiths • Pre-Arrangements will be held today (Thursday) at He was bom in Watertown on 9:30 a.m. from the Colasanto March 2, 1928, son of the late Blais, Nancy Russo and Rose- • Pre-Need Funeral Trust Accounts Funeral Home, 932 Bank Street, Frederick W.and Anna (Valonis) mary Convard.allofWolcolt; 10 grandchildren; and six great- • Complete Burial & Cremation Services Waterbury, to St. John of the Archer. He graduated from Wa- Cross Church, Middlebury, for a tcrtown High School in 1946 and grandchildren. Mass at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be Contributions may be made to Serving Oakville-Watertown & Surrounding Areas from the University of Connecti- in Middlebury Cemetery. cut in 1952 with a bachelor's a charily of the donor's choice. 742 Main St., Oakville Peter J. Zakowich, 274-3005 Ms. Summa died Wednesday, degree in business administra- November 24, in Santa Cruz, tion. Ho was a U.S. Army vet- Judith Stinson Calif, as a result of a motor ve- eran. He grew up in Watertown DANBURY — A memorial hicle accident. and had lived in Ridgcfield and service for Mrs. Judith (Noble) She was bom August23,1968, Danbury for many years while Slinson, 50, of 4 Alan Avenue, in Watcrbury, daughter of Paul working for Rollins Burdick was hold Monday, November 29, FIRST OIL CO. D. and Jean (Shakespeare) Hunter in New York City. In at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Summa of Middlebury. She 1982, hemoved to Florida, where Church of Danbury. Burial was graduated from SaintMargaret's- he worked for Jim Walter Corp. lobe althc family's convenience. McTeman School of Waterbury, until his illness. While living in Mrs. Stinson, wifeof the Rev. HOME The Taft School in Watertown, Ridgefield, he was the Ridgc- James Stinson, pastor of United McGill University in Montreal, field insurancecommissioner. He Methodist Church of Danbury, HEATING Canada, and the graduate school wasacommunicantof St. Mary's former long-time pastor at the at the University of Connecticut Church in Masaryktown, Fla. United Methodist Church of OIL in Storrs, and was studying for a Besides his wife, he leaves Watertown, and before that a pastor in Monroe, N.Y., died Wednesday, November 24, at 150 Gallon Minimum (smaller amounts available) AUTO REFORM IS COMING - JAN. 1. 1994 home after a long illness. Mrs. Stinson was born No- • full service oil company IF CHOOSING vember 15, 1943, in Brooklyn, N.Y., daughter of the late George • automatic deliveries INSURANCE WERE EASY • budget plan and Elsie (Smith) Noble. She YOU WOULDN'T NEED US! received her bachelor of arts • service contract degree from Taylor University • 24-hour burner service and her master of science degree from the University of Bridge- We will meet or BEAT port. Before moving to Danbury three years ago, she lived in our competitors' prices! H.D. SEGUR- Watertown for about 12 years, INSURANCE where she was a substitute 753-5255 Office, looted b Bethel. W.lerbury. Pkiuvtte teacher, as well as being chair- woman of many church projects 797-1505 or at United Methodist of Water- Call Laureta Zibell or Dan Simons town. 756r79j3S_or. •' i.TheStinscmswerejnsirumen- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, December 2,199 3 - 15 Obituaries watertownhistoricalsociety.orgChurches tal in developing an area Cambo- Mary Magdalen Church. All Saints' Episcopal dian refugee adoption program She leaves two sons, Frank 262 Main Street while in Watenown. Rinaldi of Oakville and John Oakville, 274-2352 "Shchad tremendous failh and Rinaldi of Morris; two daugh- Friday, December 3 — N. A., conviction," said the Rev. Dr. ters, Mrs. John (Anne) Panilaitis 7 p.m. William J. Zito of Walertown's of Morrisand Mrs. B.J. (Carmcla) Saturday, December 4 — First Congregational Church, Quccnof Marietta, Ga.;abrothcr, Brownies, 10 a.m.; Ecumenical who broke the sad news to those Salvatore Fusco of Waterbury; Council Caroling at Watertown attending the annual Thanksgiv- 10grandchildren;21 great-grand- andOakvillenursinghomes, 1:45 ing Eve Ecumenical Service ch ildrcn; and a great-great-grand- to 4 p.m.; Annual Pot Roast November 24 at Union Congre- daughter. Dinner, 5 p.m. gational Church. Sunday, December 5—Holy "It's always tough to leave Frances Schlesinger Communion, 8 a.m.; Nursery your family," [he Rev. Dr. Zito NAUGATUCK — Funeral Care/Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; noted. "She has fought the fight services for Mrs. Frances Jean Holy Communion, 10 a.m.; and has won the victory" of eter- (Else) Schlesinger, 65, of 37 Coffee Hour and Fellowship, Beacon Manor Circle, were held nal life, he said. 11:15a.m.; YouthGroups,6p.m. FOOD FOR THE SOUL: A table at Union Congregational Church Tuesday,Novcmbcr30,at 11a.m. Monday, December 6 — Besides her husband, she holds the loaves of'various types ofbread thatwere sharedNovember leaves a daughter, Amy Slinson at the Alderson Funeral Home of Choir, 7 p.m. of Danbury; five sons, James, Naugatuck. Burial was in Grove Tuesday,Decembcr7—Holy 24 at the annual Ecumenical Council's Thanksgiving Eve Service. Chay, Andrew and Choch S tin- Cemetery. Communion with Healing, noon. — Times Photo, Valuckas son, all of Danbury, and Kenneth Mrs. Schlesinger, wife of Wednesday, December 8 — Saturday, December 4 — Quilling Club, church hall, 10 Stinson of Maine; and a sister, William F. Schlesinger, died Brownies, 6 p.m.; Overeaters Ecumenical Council Caroling at a.m. to 2 p.m.; Mass for Joseph Joan Schmidt of Rochester, N.Y. Sunday morning, November 28, Anonymous, 8 p.m. Watertown and Oakville nursing Giroux, 12:10p.m.; SacredScrip- Contributions maybe made to at her home. Christ Episcopal homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m. ture Course at St. John School (heJudieStinsonMemorialFund, She was bom in Williamsport, 25 The Green Sunday, December 5 — Iibrary,3to4:30or7:30to9p.m. c/o United Methodist Church of Pa., on October 28,1928, daugh- 274-1910 Morning Worship Service, 10 Friday, December 3—Fourth Danbury, Clapboard Ridge, ter of the late George and Jo- Thursday, December 2 — a.m.; Intercessory Prayer, 5:25 Anniversary Mass for Margery Danbury 068) 0. The Tomlinson sephine (Federonis) Else, and Music Ministry, 7:30 p.m. p.m.; Evening Holy Spirit Ral- Traver, 12:10p.m.; Homestead, Danbury, is in charge moved to Connecticut in 1933. Saturday, December 4 — lye, 6 p.m. hall, 7 p.m.; Healing Liturgy and of arrangements. SheretiredfromLewis Engineer- Men's Timothy Fellowship Tuesday, December 7 — Mass, 7:30 p.m. ing Co. in 1990 after working Breakfast, 7:30 a.m., men bring Water-Oak Clergy Prayer Meet- Saturday, December 4 — there for 26 years. She was a Anna Scanlon children or grandchildren; Ecu- ing at All Saints' Episcopal Ecumenical Council Caroling at member of the Immanuel Lu- SANDY HOOK — Funeral menical Council Caroling at Church in Oakville, 2 p.m. Watertown and Oakville nursing theran Church and Crusader Post services for Miss Anna L. Watertown and Oakville nursing Wednesday, December 8 — homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m.; Confes- 1946 Veterans of Foreign Wars Scanlon, 89,of 7 Old GreenRoad, homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m. Bible Study with "First Things sions 3 to 4 p.m.; Bake Sale by Auxiliary. were held Monday, November Sunday, December 5—Holy First" and New Life Studies USJB"Conseil Laval" before and 29, at 10 a.m. from the Honan Besides her husband, she Communion, 8 a.m.; Church classes, 7 p.m. after Mass; Vigil Mass for Peter Funeral Home, Newtown, to St. leaves a son, Robert G. Schlesin- School for Children and Adults, Archibald, 5 p.m. Rose Church, Newtown, for a ger of Naugatuck; three daugh- 9:30 a.m.; Holy Communion, St. John the Evangelist (RC) Sunday, December 5—Bake Mass at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in ters, Deborah Lee Bensavage of 10:30 a.m., children leave for 574 Main Street Sale by USJB "Conseil Laval" St. Rose Cemetery. Northfield, Linda Joy Schlesin- Children's Church before read- 274-8836 ger of Walcrtown and Mrs. Frank Miss Scanlon died Thursday, ings. Thursday, December 2 — (Continued on page 16) November 25, in Danbury Hos- (Georgcanne) Kozlowski of Monday, December 6 — pital. Colorado Springs, Colo.; and five Morning Prayer, 8 a.m.; A.A., She was born in Bethel on grandchildren. 10:30 a.m.; A. A. Women, 7 p.m. January 6,1904, daughter of the Contributions may be made to Tuesday, December 7 — Al- late Thomas and Margaret hospice: Project Care, Inc., 51 Anon, 10 a.m. ^CHRISTMAS POTPOURRI (Blake) Scanlon. She was a Depot Street, Suite 107, Water- Wednesday, December 8 — Union Congregational Church graduate of Danbury Teachers town 06795. "God and Me" Program, 3 p.m. 161 Buckingham Street, Oakville, Ct. College. From 1920 to 1968, she was a schoolteacher in Water- Evangel Assembly of God SATURDAY DEC. 4TH, 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. • town. 51 Depot Square, Suite 523 OVER 40 VENDORS She leaves several cousins. Union Church 274-5759 • Crafts • Decorations • Ornaments • Jewelry • Food Table Thursday, December 2 — • Candy • Tag Sale • Clothing Boutique • Etc. Nicolina Rinaldi Yule Potpourri Commuter Prayer, 6:30 to 7a.m.; Funeral services for Mrs. The annual Christmas Pot- Youth Group Meeting, 7 to 9 SANTA CLAUS FROM 11:00 A.M. -1:00 P.M. Nicolina (Fusco) Rinaldi, 91, of pourri will be sponsored by Un- p.m. OASIS SINCERS 1:00 P.M. TO ENTERTAIN 95 Capcwell Avenue, Oakville, ion Congregational Church Sat- Friday, December 3—Disci- . Smorgasbord Supper Later For Members Of The Church y> were held Tuesday, November urday, Decembcr4, from 10 a.m. pleship Class No. 103 Potluck 30, from the Albini Funeral lo3 p.m. atthe church, 161 Buck- Dinner at the Houses, 7 p.m. Home, Waterbury, to St. Mary ingham Street, Oakville. Magdalen Church, Oakvillo, for a Mass at 9 a.m. Burial was in There will be 40 vendors in- Mount Olivet Cemetery, Water- stead of 30 due to more space this ^ Victory Independent Baptist Church town. year. Crafts, homemade foods, Mrs. Rinaldi, widow of Gio- children's grab bag, tag sale, boutique, snack bar, and raffle vanni Rinaldi, died Saturday, Pastor: Kevine D. Malone November 27, at Wolcott View items will be among the features. Manor. Santa Claus will make a visit 965 Litchfield Rd. She was bom December 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1901, in Pontclandoiro, At 1 p.m. Oasis, a singing Watertown Benevento, Italy,daughter of the group from Waterbury, will pro- late Mr. and Mrs. Francesco vide a short program for those in Fusco. She came to this country attendance. There will be a smor- Phone: 274-5020 and settled in Oakville in 1920 gasbord dinner for church mem- and was a communicant of St. bers following the potpourri. Welcomes You To A Great Revival! CHRISTMAS TREE SALE (Proceeds To Benefit Carolyn's Place) December 11th 7:00 p.m. RESERVE NOW Locally Grown - Fresh Premium Christmas Trees December 12th 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Sale Starts: Saturday, December 4th Renowned — International Speakers and Special hlusic Simonin's Country Standj 931 Litchfield Road Danny Souza, Ron Maggard and Dan Khaigan Watertown ^ Any Questions -__ Nursery provided for all services. Cail Stephen or Donna Hqcbachuk - 274^8545 16 Property- Town Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society Churches (Continued from page 15) Wednesday, December 8 — Scouts,7p.m.; Senior Choir,7:30 Youth Group for Grades 6 and as a wrapped toy for a boy or girl beforeand after all Masses; Mass Mass, 12:10 p.m.; Mass, 7 p.m.; p.m. Up, 7 to 8:30 p.m. up to age 10. Either pasta or. ce- for Ben Petrillo, 7 a.m.; Christ- Senior Choir,choirloft,7:45 p.m. Monday, December6—Staff real is needed for the food bank mas Wrealh Sale after all Masses St. Mary Magdalen (RC) Parish Relations Committee as well. First Congregational 16 Buckingham Street and until 6 p.m.; Third Anniver- 40 DeForest Street Meeting, 7 p.m.; Annual Charge sary Mass for Arthur Toffey Jr., Oakville, 274-9273 274-6737 Conference Meeting, 7:30 p.m. German Supper 8:30a.m.;First Anniversary Mass Thursday, December 2 — Thursday, December 2 — Wednesday, December 8 — for Marcelle Faucher, 10 a.m.; Mass forEdward and Mary Motto WATERBURY—The annual Junior/Senior Bells, 5 p.m. Youth Bell Choir Rehearsal, 5 Fifth Anniversary Mass for Sr., 7 a.m.; Bingo, church hall, 7 German Suppcrof FirstLulheran Saturday, December 4 — p.m.; Adult Voice Choir Re- Eleanor Gilbert, noon; Folk p.m. Church, corner of Cooke and Ecumenical Council Caroling at hearsal, 7 p.m.; Adult Bell Choir Choir, 4:30 p.m.; Mass (Folk Friday, December 3 — Mass Grove streets, will be held Satur- Watertown and Oakville nursing Rehearsal, 8:30 p.m. Mass) forparishionersofSt. John, for Joseph Avellani, 7 a.m.; day, December 4, with sealings homes, 1:45 to4p.m.;PF "Lock- 5 p.m.; Bingo, church hall, 6:30 Expositionof Blessed Sacrament Trinity Lutheran at 5 and 6:30 p.m. In," 7 p.m. to 9 a.n\ Sunday. p.m. in rectory chapel, all day; Pre- 50 DeForest Street There will be German foods Sunday, December 5 — PF Baptismal Session, rectory hall, 274-8534 served family style, handmade Monday, December 6 — "Lock-In" ends 9 a.m.; Church 7 p.m. Saturday, December 4 — items, Christmas wreaths, deco- Mass, 12:10 p.m.; CCW Christ- School, 9 a.m.; Adult Study, Saturday, December 4 — Ecumenical Council Caroling at rative baskets, plants and much mas Party, church hall, 6 p.m.; Trumbull House, 9 a.m.; Second Watertown and Oakville nursing more. Tickets are $10 for adults, CCD Grade 6 at S t. John School, Mass for All Saints, 8 a.m.; Ecu- Sundayof Advent WorshipServ- menical Council Caroling at homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m. and $5 for children under 12; 6:45 to 8:15 p.m.; Folk Choir, ice, 10:30 a.m., Coffee Hour, Sunday, December 5 — Sun- ages 5 and under get in free. sacristy, 7:30 p.m. Watertown and Oakville nursing nursery. homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m.; Confes- day School, 9 a.m.; Discussion For tickets and information, Tuesday, December 7 — Monday, December 6 — Fix- sions in church, 2:30 to 3:30p.m.; Group for adults, 9 a.m.; Wor- call 753-5092, 879-0879, 754- Mass, 12:10 p.m.; CCD Grades Its,9a.m.;CubScouts,3:30p.m.; Vigil Mass for Savcrio Delio, 4 shipServicewith Holy Commun- 7905 or 753-0223. K-5 at Heminway Park School, Bell Choir, 7:30 p.m.; Watertown p.m.; Bingo, church hall, 5:30 ion, 10:15 a.m., nursery care 2:45 to4:05p.m.,Baldwin School ArtLeague,FellowshipHalI,7:30 p.m. provided, Coffee Hour. 3:15 to 4:30 p.m., and Judson p.m. Christmas Trees Sunday, December5—Mass School 3:25 to 4:40 p.m.; Vigil Tuesday, December 7 — Union Congregational Union Congregational Mass, 5 p.m.; CCD Grades 7 and Women's Fellowship Program, for Francesca Di'Bate, 7 a.m.; Church, 161 Buckingham Street, Mass for Noel Chouinard, 8:30 161 Buckingham Street Trumbull House, 7:30 p.m. Oakville, 274-4045 Oakville, is selling Christmas 8 at St. John School, 7 to 8:30 a.m.; Rosary, 9:30 a.m.; Mass for trees to the community this holi- p.m.; Novena, 7 p.m. Wednesday, December 8 — Simonc Gauthier, 10 a.m.; Mass Saturday, December 4 — Youth Choir, 6:30 p.m.; Boy Christmas Potpourri, 10a.m. to 3 day season for the 40th year in a for Anna Riccardi, 11:30 a.m.; row. Baptism of Jennifer Eva Zam- p.m.; Ecumenical Council Car- oling at Watertown and Oakville The sale started November 27 biclla, 12:15 p.m. and will continue until all the Monday, December 6—Mass nursing homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m. Sunday, December 5 — trees are sold. Hours Saturday Personal Counseling for Nicholas Longo, 7 a.m. and Sundays will be until 6 p.m., Tuesday, December 7—Mass Morning Worship, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 7—Girl while weekday hours will be 3 to Integrating for Robert and LeonaJoscphson, 8 p.m. 7 a.m.; CCD Grades 3 to 6 at Scouts, 7 p.m. Body, Mind and Spirit Wednesday, December 8 — All trees are priced from $20 school, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.; Mass to $40. Carol Romano, RN, MA, CACS for Joseph Thompson, 5:30 p.m.; Children'sChoir,3:30p.m.;Boy CCD Grade 8 at school, 5:45 to Scouts Troop 52,7 p.m. Potluck Supper Do you need help coping with life and its transitions? losses? changes? 6:45 p.m.; Legion of Mary, rec- Victory Independent Baptist All Saints' Episcopal Church, tory chapel, 7:30 p.m. 965 Litchfleld Road 262 Main Street, Oakville, will Do you wish to transform your energy into positive 274-5020 have its annual potluck supper outcomes and self-discovery? Wednesday, December 8 — Mass for Joseph Korzeniewki, 7 Sunday, December 5—Sun- Saturday, December 4, at 5:30 Learn to build self-esteem and enhance your strengths. a.m.;Massfor Paul Valerio, 12:10 day Schoolforallages, 9:30 a.m.; p.m. in the church's Fellowship Discover how to find peace and happiness by living Morning Worship, 10:30 a.m.; Hall. "one day at a time" and focus on the "here and now." p.m.; CCD Grades3to6at school, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.; Mass for Vic- Junior Church ages 3 to 12,10:30 Ticketswill be sold atthedoor. If you need my help, call 274-4005, in the evening for toria andGenneroRinaldi,5p.m.; a.m.; Evening Services, 6 p.m.; an appointment. Confirmation II, church hall, 7 to nursery available ali services. Thanksgiving 8:30 p.m.; Fire of HisLovePrayer Wednesday, December 8 — (Continued from page 1) Group, chapel, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. gelist Roman Catholic Church, United Methodist who delivered the main sermon. 305 Main Street "I'm thankful to God for giv- 274-3785 CCW Holiday Party ing us a saviour who is also my Thursday, December 2 — The Council of Catholic brother," Father Forsyth contin- Stewardship and Finance Com- Women at St. John the Evangel- ued. mittee Meeting, 7 p.m. ist Church will hold its annual He proceeded to name off a Saturday, December 4 — Christmas Party Monday, De- Ecumenical Council Caroling at cember 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Watertown and Oakville nursing church's Father Filip Hall, 574 homes, 1:45 to 4 p.m. Main Street. Sunday, December 5 — Sun- Dinner will be catered at a day School, 9 a.m., nursery pro- cost of $7 per person. Reserva- vided; Worship Service, 10:30 tions can be made by calling a.m., nursery provided, WACC Jeanette at 274-3158 or Marga- Toy Gift Sunday; Cherub Choir ret at 756-4853. All women of Rehearsal, 10:45 a.m.; Junior the parish are invited to attend. FLU GOT We take it seriously! THE Voice Choir Rehearsal, 11:45 Members and guests are asked FLU and all Us symptoms - a.m.; Advent Service, 7 p.m.; tobringa$5grabbaggift,aswcll high fever, headaches, body YOU aches, sinus congestion and coughing - can lead to IN ITS pneumonia. It can be fatal Help Unlimited, Inc. to older persons, diabetics 285 Main Street, Oakville GRIP? or people with heart and "Nursing Registry" lung disease. See us before • Registered Nurses • Personal Attendants J5»» The HealthNet flu season for your vaccine ' Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions tb# Medical Group or whenever you have flu • Bath and Nutrition Attendants symptoms. The Rev. Kevin Forsyth, paro- OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES chial vicar at St. John the Evan- Stop in at your convenience: IN YOUR HOME, 24 HOURS A DAY, gelislRotnan Catholic Churchin 7 DAYS A WEEK Watertown, delivered the homily at the Thanksgiving Eve Service. 694 Straits Tpk. Also Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" — Times Photo, Valuckas Watertown, CT 06795 A Unique Voice to Voice Communication System 203-274-7571 For Emergency Help • Accident Prevention list of people and things he is Dr. Joel Bogner and Companionship most thankful for, ranging from 506 Frost Rd. his parents to the m usic of Gloria Walerbury, CT 06705 Dr. Shagufta Hasan 203-753-8477 Our Help Is Unlimited...If you need help in any way Estefan, Amy Grant and the late Rale Schedule and Karen Carpenter, to the close- Dr. Leslie Miller PLEASE CALL: 274-7511 Brochure Available ness of friends and his beloved M-F-8a.m.-8p.m. Upon Request Dr. Wieslaw Walczak Sat., Sun., Hols. - 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Temporary Employment Agency ...... _. . (Continuedonpagei7)-' Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, December 2,199 3 -17 Choral Society Has Holiday Concert Set for Watertown Churches watertownhistoricalsociety.orgThe 115-voice Connecticut Gaodette.asetof six Latin Christ- percussion accompaniment. Harry Simeone. Entitled "Love mas hymns originally commis- (Continued from page 16) Choral Society, under the direc- Opening the second half of Divine," it was composed after tion of Tina Johns Heidrich, will sioned by Robert Shaw for the the concert is John Williams' Mr. Simeone heard the Choral golden retrievers, Casey and feature music by nine 20th cen- Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and "Exsultate Justi," the song of Society's performance of his Goldie, the latter of whom died a tury composers in a holiday con- Chorus. rejoicing heard at the conclusion work "Sing We Now of Christ- few months ago after suffering cert on Friday, December 17, at 8 It will be followed by an a of his film "Empire of the Sun." mas" last year. from arthritis and diabetes, and p.m. at the First Congregational cappella setting of "Blessed Is Also featured will be "A Musi- Tickets are $8 and may be having been blind the final year Church, 40 DeForest Street. the Man," from Rachmaninoff s cological Journey Through the bought at the door, from any of her life. The program will open with "All-Night Vigil"; John Rutter's Twelve Days of Christmas," a Connecticut Choral Society "It was never a burden or an "Personent Hodie," arranged by "Nativity Carol"; and Rutter's piece which weaves the tradi- member, or reserved by calling inconvenience to help her," Fa- Alice Parker and taken from "Gloria," a work with brass and tional carol together with various 262-6744. For more information ther Forsyth said as he choked styles and periods of music his- call 775-2602. back tears, "because when we do tory from Gregorian chant to things out of love, it's never a Sousa's "Stars and Stripes For- Health Care Class burden." ever; Donald Fraser's "This WOODBURY — A health The priest noted lhat the most Christmastide"; and Theron care class will be conducted by pleasingaspectof one's true gifts Kirk's "Festival of Carols." Steven L. Levy, D.C., of the is that they are not material and A special feature of the con- Woodbury Chiropractic Center, don't cost any money. cert will be die world premiere of MainStrect,onMonday,Decem- "The best things in life are a piece written especially for the ber 6, at 6:30 p.m. free — thank God!" he con- Connecticut Choral Society by Thepublic is invited to attend. cluded. "Little Drummer Boy" composer Call 263-0400 for reservations. The service also featured flute playing by Tammy Gray and Jennifer Reinke; songs and an- thems of thanksgiving by Ihe adult choir; the story of the sol- dier and the magic stone by the Rev. Judith Toffey of All Saints' Episcopal Church; and the shar- Tina Johns Heidrich, left, director of music for the Connecticut ing of several loaves of bread by Choral Society, with composer Harry Simeone. Photo courtesy of the congregation. CCS. Other participating clergy included the Rev. William TraxI and the Rev. Norman Brockett of St. Mary Magdalen Roman DR. JOHN MCHUGH Catholic Church; theRev. David Someone To Watch Over You Powell of Evangel Assembly of PODIATRIST Health Care Associates, Inc. (HCA), a pace- God; the Rev. Robert Rousseau I setter in long term care, owns some of the finest of St. John the Evangelist; Ihc nursing homes in Connecticut. HCA has an excel- Rev. Dr. William J. Zito of First Medical and Surgical Footcare Congregational Church; and the lent reputation for providing quality nursing and re- Rev. Robert Crank of Gateway habilitative care at a very reasonable price. Bible Church. PERMANENT CORRECTION Waterbury Extended Care Facility is a skilled Otherparticipating musicians nursing facility owned and operated by HCA. It is • BUNIONS • INGROWN TOENA1LS and directors were Julie George, attractively furnished with a home-like charm and organist at St. John the Evangel- • CORNS • HEEL SPURS ist; Anna Jedd, organist at St. air of serenity. Mary Magdalen; Robert Havery, • CALLOUSES • WARTS For Someone To Watch Over You, organistand choir directoratFirst please call Claudia West, Admissions Coordinator, Congregational Church; Fred Medical insurance Accepted at Waterbury Extended Care Facility. Black, organist and choir direc- tor at United Methodist Church; "Quality Care....Quality Life" and the Rev. Mr. LandquisL DEPOT SQUARE MALL, WATERTOWN 35 Bunker Hill Road, Watertown, CT 06795 274-1773 (203) 274-5428 Births O'BRIEN — A daughter, Dia Marie, October 19 in Bristol Hospiial, to Michael and Dorecn (Guamicri) O'Brien of Torring- ton. Grandparents are Edward and Florence O'Brien of Water- Ask town, and Joseph and Theresa Guarnicri of Torrington.

SHIELDS—Adaughterjoanna Marie, November 21 in Mid- dlesex Hospital, Middletown, to an associate Charles and Christine (Wuthrich) Shields of Watertown. Grand- parents arc Charles and Joan Shields of Hampton Bays, N.Y., and Paul and Ann Wuthrich of Watcrtown. Great-grandfather is in Avon. Emil Wuthrich of Ziefen, Swit- zerland. Great-grandmother is Ellen Shields of Hampton Bays, N.Y. If your colleague has ConnectiCare, you may learn that we're a health plan with an attitude. We don't see why, for example, you should have to call more than once with the same question. Or why you should Festival of Lights have to get an OK from your doctor in order to see a specialist if you need to. Or why you would pay any BRANFORD — The first annual Festival of Lights will be attention whatsoever to advertising for a health plan, when all you have to do is ask somebody who has held at Branford Craft Village at lived with it for a while. Bittersweet Farm, 779 East Main Street (Exit 56 off 1-91), Satur- day and Sunday, December 4-5. Saturday hours are6 to8 p.m., while Sunday's are noon to 5 p.m. Voluntary admission is donation of toy to Toys for Tots program. ConnectSCare For more information, call II i? jtoH.nifl., .i(\ 18 - Town Times, December 2,1993

Property of the Watertown Historicali " . - • " ""-- I Society -:••• P F Music is s / s s p9d v EYE EXAMS NOW THE MUSEUM STOKE Instrumental By Appointment 2-4 pm watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHror Unique §ifis -'Reasonably Triced in Making • Complete Optical Services Your • Complete Examinations •Pine Porcelain • Enriching Books • Glaucoma Screening • Eyeglass Repairs 'Quality Brass •Logo Items Christmas • On Premises Lab • Contact Lenses * Handcrafted Glass •Children's Toys Merry • Fashion Eyewear •Art Reproductions •Stationer}' Items * Classic Jewelry •Seasonal Items Music Instruction Watertown Optical and much, much more! 625 Straits Turnpike Pianos ComSee Our festival of the Trees (Dec. 4-1)ec. 12 Organs 10 Acre Mail, Watertown ' 274-3031 Sams Location for 21 Years 144 W. Main Street, (on the Green) Keyboards VMIWn Lang. Licensed OptKsm ruM.-fii.MrSW. t0-«: Clflsofl Sun, t Man. Guitars Waterbury • 574-4583 Music

Gift Certificates Available THE WASHINGTON POST MAGAZINM E ftPUZZLE Major Credit Cards Accepted by Affio Micci m i Solution Page 34

'Music Education ACROSS 39 Secrete/wing/ and Musical floe Instruments 1 Role for Greta Urban Charades our Only Business' 5 Mind opener 40 Legislate 10 Furniture 41 Fills up 43 Emu or ape design family 44 Unfettered 14 Heights of 47 Musical repeat TWO Europe sign 18 Zounds! 51 McCarthy 19 Path colleague WAYS TO 20 Canard 52 Mild 22 Paper 53 Annoy pondficator 54 Verse FIND THE 23 Soon/scuty 55 — the outset stinger 57 De Beauvoir to 25 Lily/Yo-Yo/ Sartre menagerie 58 20 quires BEST 27 Inappropriate 59 Amusing 28 Queen's 61 Fracas attendant 62 "... guilty INSURANCE 30 Rector's aide creatures 31 Has a taste sitting at —": 32 Hi, Ho "Hamlet" VALUE! 33 German 63 Hang in folds brotherhood 64 Betimes 34 Leave off 65 Kind of gold 1. CALL: 283-0278 37 On account of 66 Buenos — 38 Disciplines 67 Macabre 42 "—Paris in the 68 Blanch 2. CALL: 283-3020 Springtime" 43 Saloon/vend/ 70 Escapes Munson 71 OUie's friend 74 Outcries 45 Actress Claire 46 Beget 76 Wheel tooth THOMASTON 79 Bivalve 47 Japanese red deer 80 Actress Skye INSURANCE 81 Recorded in 89 Main Street 48 Tale start symbols 49 Lat. case 82 Of a royal court 50 MUer Sebastian 84 More nimble THOMASTON'S 51 Calyx part 85 A Chaplin PREMIER AGENCY 52 Bouillon 74 Like molasses 95 Nail job DOWN 15 Lorna's sister 87 Destitution 54 Section 75 Russian range 99 Chap/ox/slay 16 Scheme 56 Alien 1 Bill of fare 89 Christopher 76 "Que — ..." 101 Conway/ 2 Notfer 17 Blackthorn Robin creator 58 Lift 77 Arafat's gp. Rogers/also 3 Labels 21 Blanks 90 Taos denizen 59 Russian river 78 Inferno/err/ 103 Monster 4 Glue 24 Journey in Dodge Luhan 60 Correct islet 104 — store by Juelich 91 Stravinsky 61 A Starr 5 Remind APPLIANCE SERVICENTER 82 Month of (distrust) 6 Bays 26 He played ballet 62 Concerning the Chaucer and 35 105 Bitter follower Pasteur acreage 7 "—lipsabove 92 Enormous Down 106 "1 would — the water. . .": 29 Learning 93 Bronte's Jane For Your 63 "Mad Dog and 83 Visual offenses missionary": method Glory" star "Clementine" 94 Widow's coin 86 Places in the Wilberforce 8 Printemps 32 Of the ear 95 MCCL+MCCLI 65 Double-cross Convenience fridge 107 —do-well successor 33 Cluster 96 Bountiful state 66 Peter and Paul 87 Cleaned out 108 Sob 9 Jabs 34 Harrow parts 97 Nice roast 69 Assayed 33 Petits — 109 Antimacassar 10 Spirits 35 See 82 Across 98 Of the dawn Vie Are Now 70 Lathered 89 Ray type relative 11 Hunt goddess 36 Painful/torn/ . 100 Queens 71 Jean-Claude of 90 Dramatic Skinny 12 Competent digit Gardens the slopes no beginning 13 Brooks or 37 Senegal's 102 Goddess who OPEN 72 Ansetal's abbey 91 Actor Brian Gibson capita) rescued 73 Skill A — minute 14 Laurels 38 — Vecchio Odysseus MONDAYS 9-5:30 Miiwti BARIBAULT OIL CO., INC. Say "Happy Birthday" Until Christmas 600 Main street, oakville Say "Happy Anniversary" 274-3284 With An Ad! . S. SPECIAL RATE Hours: Mon.-Frl. 9-5:30 • Sal 9-1 • Full Service Dealer • 208 Main Street* Oakville Quality Fuel At Reasonable Prices (Photo Included) 203-274-1647 Free Warranty Service PROPANE Call TOWN TIMES 274-6721 800-231-2345 Since 1926 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, December 2,199 3 - 19 Christmawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs Shopping In Watertown —Join Us For Our Dickens Weekend —

Raffle Prizes! Refreshments! Old Fashioned Fun!

For Everyone On Your List! Tanning Plus Depot Square Mall, Watertown 274-9277 I Clip This Valuable Coupon! -| 1 MONTH ONLY $49 And Bring Join Us For Our Annual * A Friend For 1/^ CHRISTMAS PARTY i Offer ^Expires 1/1/94 Sunday, Dec. 5th • 3-6 PM

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FOURPAWS Hosking's Red Barn Just Arrived! Fresh-cut Christmas Trees. GROOMING SALON We have all your Holiday Greenery needs: Licensed Professional Dog Groomer Wreaths (plain & custom decorated), Roping, 1037 Main St., Watertown Swags, Greens, Cemetery Planters, 274-7154 B & BTrees. The Plant Gallery is full of Holiday Plants Treat Your Dog Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Christmas Cactus, ThL) CbrLftnuu) Season With A Paperwhite Bulbs, Amaryllis & more... Artificial Silk Wreaths, Garlands & Trees, GIFT CERTIFICATE „4 Christmas Tree Lights, Ornaments, A Great Stocking Stuffer! Tree Tops, Garlands, Have a Great Holiday! Tree Stands & more... JobnnQ. ^attnpne * LLia.Gibb . 10% off all Boxed Christmas Cards thru. Dec. 5th Jonathan .s The Red Barn Gift Shoppe is brim-full of gift ideas and hair & skin fi) GOOD IDEAS f, decorating supplies. center Bows made to order. A Parent Teacher Store Sample some of Canterbury Cuisine's Gourmet Food 51 Depot St., watertown • Phone 2O3-945-O469 mixes and enjoy some Jonathans hot cider while you This toy is powered by shop on Sat. & Sun. Jonathan's Free boxing and . your child's mind. wrapping on Jonathan's gift items. jonathans The Red Barn • Natural Permanent Gift Shoppe 114 Porter St. Waves 274-8889 • Texturized Colors Watertown • Manicures A Mon.-Fri. 9- ™ 5:30; Sat 9-5; • Skin Care & Waxing Sun. 10-4 Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 756 Thomaston Road starting Dec. Watertown 9th HI 8 274-5459 / /ours: 1 ^nathan s Sion.-Wed.. i-'; Thursday io&; Saturday JCM- 20 -Property Town Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgChristmas Shop Join Us For Ou

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d Fun! reshments! reat Christmas gifts for your family and fri 695 Main Street 945-6136 $20 - $ZZ Qift Certificates for Stocking Kits Knitting Classes t Depot Square Collectible Bears, Bunnies and Sheep Madame advises that ss & Reading Glasses ...with sweater patterns available. SMALL I^pilLg-E^pl % Retail Hand Knit Sweaters for Children and Adults jrand names: can make merrier gifts'. geti • Gargoyles Come in and warm up to knitting. my more. She offers JCLEY ornaments, i & Oakley SU Gojjles and pretty Bottles, unique necklaces, Roor m unusual frames, ill //Mail n\l^^i scents and potions, // Avoid Long Lines ^^| |[\ mm oils and Cottons! / Do Your \ Br; from. $6 Holiday Shipping Early IB Iw Sealing & Addressing FREE • 5-0647 at the |£. For 31 WE 1278 Main St., Watertown (ASKETS Mr mngements 274-7735 MOCL-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. H Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. A Stitch In 'Ti Quality Children's Fashions IDEAS Holiday

featuring ack, Navy, Blowout RINGS Tobacco Diamonds and & Signature PENDANT* Gemstones of (Burgundy) BRACELET* extrawdina\ v EAKRINfif 40% *« 50% brilliance, clarity Mm and value. For OFF NICKLACEf Every Item in stock now, for layaway, /l WATCH Ef •rward \Open Sunday thru Christmas^ forever. JEWELERS Does not apply to previous sates 'fi.1'637 Main SlreelSfn»*»( . WaleWfilcrtnw: n T!S.AXl\!\ 22 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,1993 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgIM'MHO inn |alternatiue clothing Christmas Shopping 699 Main Street 945-3241 In Watertcrwn Best Gift Sweater Woolly and warm, 100% wool, handknit Join Us For Our Dickens Weekend cardigans and pullovers. A special group at a Special Price $39 M/F Sizes in assorted colorful patterns Hours: 1O-©; Thurs. & Frl. 't-II 9; Sunday 12-5

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5 Readers To Appear In Our Trans I lhanneler • Psychic Medicine Cards • Palmistij Psyehometry • Reiki Therapy Ses For More Information: 1994 Guide to Call Dee, 945-6085 30 Depot Street Dee Randis, Astrologer Watertown, CT 06795 Member of AFA - Certified by NCGR Watertown/Oakville To Be Published In January OPEN 7 This Special Supplement will be printed in booklet form as a handy HAYS NOW OPEN! :- Mon.-Fri. reference guide to area services. Included in th? 12-8 Sit »5 guide will be: • An index of participating advertisers Rates • A listing of town services and phone numbers Full Page-$195 • Clubs and organizations $ 974 Main St., Watertown, CT • 945-6022 1/2 Page- 115 (Next to Monro Mufflers) • A town map and historical data We have something for everyone 1/4 Page-$65 on your shopping list... • Schools, churches and recreational activities 0 Racing Cards 0 Large Seleclbn of Model Kits • Much, much more! Mara, Trax & Action Packed in Plastic, Wood, Metal: Cars. Diecast Cars & Trucks by Trucks, Boats. Planes, Tanks. Matchbox. Racing Champions. Star Trek DEADLINE FOR AD COPY IS JANUARY 7,1994 RCCA, Revel, Ertl & Burago. \so Radio Control Cars & Trucks All Scales in stock also have 0 Estes Rockets & Supplies To reserve your ad space contact your Town Times Dracast Racing Banks 0 House Numbw ~ sales representative or call our office at Model Train Sets & Race Car s.,a 1 274,6721 Town Times, December 2,1993 - 23 Integration PropertyForum of the Watertown Historical Society (Continued from page 1) "Either way we face a real- missioner of education by Sep- worked in any other state in the see as excessive government government intentions," said ity," Ms. Aronson continued. tembewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgr 15, 1994 for his com- country," he said. "If we truly intervention in local affairs. Watertown resident Charles Ol- "Now there is tremendous racial ment. want to help the children, we "What greater tyranny is there isolation in our school districts," "There is no requirement that should be spending lhemoneyin than the road to hell paved wilh (Continued on page 24) with 80 percent of the minorities the plans be implemented," Ms. the cities to lake care of the prob- schooled in 18 districls. Aronson said, and funding is not lem," he continued, as he urged "Our population is changing," included in the present budget. residents to let legislators know she said, and throughout their Grant programs won't be opera- their views. NtaORN ACCOUNTANTS, lives.ourchildren will find them- tional until 1995-96. "I also oppose this bill," Mr. P.O. BOX 9437, ForestVille, a 06011-9437 selves dealing with people "who The open-ended nature of the Flaherty agreed, "because of the look different." plan troubled state Sen. Louis C. things it doesn't say. We think "There is not a lot of defini- DeLuca (R-Woodbury) and state this law misses the mark," he "We specialize In services to the small tion in the law. It is a locally and Rep. Brian J. Flaherty (R-Water- commented and said he and Mr. and growing businesses." regionally controlled process," town), who told thcaudicncc they DeLuca plan to work on chang- according to Ms. Aronson, who were firmly opposed to the law. ing the law during the upcoming Business Taxes - income statements - payroll - went on to summarize a schedule "I believe there are too many legislative session. inventories - Audits - Bookkeeping and for the process. 'ifs,'" said Mr. DeLuca, who Residents of Watertown and The local advisory committee spoke out strongly against forced Oakville and neighboring com- individual Taxes will meet no later than April 1, bussing. munities took turns at the micro- call Frank (203) 583-3822 or 1994 to assess local needs as well "Moving children hasn't phone to rail against what they Mary (203) 274-9431 as resources that could be shared Judson Students wilh the region, she said, and the (Continued from page 5) law requires that the committee meet once with the town's gov- Gift certificates for games as well as additional property spaces erning body and hold a public are available through the school office. The first 300 families who hearing. buy gamesgettheirnames printed on thegameboard and thereisstill By April 15, regional forums time for more names to be added, Mrs. Matusiak said. CRESTWOOD TRAVEL will convene, guided by advisers The games are being sold for "a good cause," she explained. "The Presents... trained by the Institute of Public students plan to give back the money to a community project. There Service, wilh the goal of devel- are many needs. We will use the money to work with the social oping regional plans such as workers in town. We're trying to teach the children altruism. building magnet or regional vo- "The first project is to adopt five needy families during the cational-technical schools, or Christmas holidays," according to Mrs. Matusiak, who said students holding summer schools and will work with town Social Services Director Darylle Willenbrock, WINTER TRAVEL PREVIEW extra-curricular activities. who will supply them with clothing sizes and special wish lists from featuring The regional plans arc sched- the families. uled to be submitted to the com- "The students will use the money and shop for the families. It will be a learning experience," Mrs. Matusiak said. 1994'S HOTTEST DESTINATIONS "The Judson School Student Council is entrepreneurial," Mrs. with Fire Log Matusiak said. "Last year they won a silver medal award for their ® Holland AmerieaVVfestours efforts wilh the Monteverdc Rain Forest project." The Watertown Fire Dcpart- The students'efforts this year have been spurred on by adonalion H Carnival. Cruise Lines mentrcsponded lo34alarmsfrom of four 22-pound turkeys from the employees of J. Thomas Honda, S£} GWV International the period of Monday through who also bought a double property space on the game, Mrs. Matu- Sunday, November 22 to 28, siak said. BRITISH AIRWAYS according to the weekly statisti- Because it's an elementary student fund-raiser, the school will HOLIDAYS* ^ cal report filed by Fire Ch icf and not be looking for sales from stores selling tobacco and liquor, she Marshal O'Neill Burrows. said. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7th Businesses which buy properties will be able to have Ihcir The breakdown is as follows: Doors Open at 5:30 PM, Presentation at 6 PM November 22 — Three emer- property illuslraied with students' versions of their logos. A drawing of the town gazebo will be in the center of the game board. T&C Banquet Room (American Legion) gency medical assists (EMAs), Bunker Hill Road, Watertown one accident with injuries, one Free Admission • Refreshments by T«C Catering investigation of gas leak, one Exciting Prizes. Discounts factory fire and oneinvestigation of smoke in area; November 23 MICHAEL R. SIRICA — Three EMAs, two responses H Carnival. to alarms sounding and one in- ATTORNEY AT LAW vestigation of smoke in area; General Practice The Newest Fascination Ship In November 24—Two EMAs and The World Sails From New York! one accident with injuries; No- 1 SUMMER, 1994 vember 25 — Three EMAs and Persona! Injury 2 Day Cruises to Nowhere • 5 Day Cruises to Canada one response to alarm sounding; Products Liability November 26 — Two EMAs; • Negligence FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS CALL: November 27 — OncEMA.lwo • Auto Accidents brush fires and one mutual aid; and November28—FourEMAs, Phone 274-7111 _ * "Where Service is a Fact, Not a Promise". •—- two responses to alarms sound- Crestwood plaza -1278 Main Street, Watertown • 274-7568 ing,one commercial building and 51 Depot St., Depot Square, Suite 103, Watertown, CT one investigation of furnace fire. I Police Log The Watertown Police Depart- mentinvestigated255complainls from the period of Saturday through Friday, November 20 to 26, according to the latest statis- tical log filed by Police Chief Jack Carroll. The number is down 13 per- cent from the 294 complaints handled the previous week from Saturday through Friday,Novem- bcr 13 to 19. Export Advice': The rest of the recent break- down, with November 13 to 19 figures in parenthesis for com- parison, is as follows: accidents Call I-800-392-2122. investigated, 20 (16); criminal investigations, four (five); DWI arrests, four (zero); misdemean- ors, four (three); infractions, 12 TheNewConnediwt (six); written warnings, five Jobs Are Our Fi>st Order Of Business. (nine); and parking tickets, 22 (14). • • t ft' 24 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 3of the Watertown Historical Society • Integration Forum Dastur said topics for discussion will include the superintendent's (Continued from page 23) advisory council and open court ivea, who taught high school in a watertownhistoricalsociety.orgthe children." "It's a connived thing to cre- "I'mnotmybrolher'skeeper," meeting for parents. A represen- neighboring town and referred to "It is a blatant power grab by ate a crisis," said resident John declared resident Nicholas Rey- tative from the Police Depart- the "flawed features of this legis- the state," declared Robert Quinn. "Judges don't make the nolds, who spoke out against the ment will be present to address lation." Strasdauskas of Waterbury, who laws, legislators make the laws. ideaofdesegregation."Wcdon't parents' concerns for safety in "There is no evidence that argued with Ms. Aronson'sclaim It's an attempt by the socialists in want to share with anyone else." and around school buildings. having schools of different races that the commissioner of educa- Hartford to get rid of democracy. Robert Yoxall, newly-elected is going to produce higher educa- tion can only set priorities for This is a colossal blunder to have Board of Education member, also tional achievement It is not the those communities who have passed this bill. I agree we should Musical Notes will address the committee. schools' responsibility to do what approved a plan. repeal it." Interested parents are encour- society can'tdo," commented Mr. "He can reject anything," Mr. Others said they also wanted Open Registration aged to attend and are asked to Olivea, who said he opposed the Strasdauskas said. to see the law done away wilh. Westbury Drum Corps notify Dr. Dastur'sofficeby call- idea of successful people "carry- "I don't like this idea of man- "What are the chances of kill- The WDC is holding an open ing 945-4801 if they are going. ing on their own backs those who dates, telling people what to do ing the legislation?" resident registration for any interested boy have not been successful." with their children," said Rose David Goulet asked Mr. Flaherty. or girl between ihe ages of 8 and "The problem lies in the Ring of Waterbury. "Some people who voted for 21,who are invited to sign upfor Nutmeg Squares homes," said Michael Mobilio of Oakville resident John Dillon it are going back (to Hartford), the color guard ranks or the The Nutmeg Square and Oakville, who has been teaching argued that dividing thestate into but they're listening to their musical ranks, the latter consist- Round Dance Club will hold a in Waterbury schools for 25 years. planning regions is unconstitu- constituenis and they may change ing of fifes, trumpets, glocken- "Toy Night" square dance Satur- "To move children is not going to tional. their minds," responded Mr. spiels and a drums section. day, December 11, from 8 to 11 solve theproblem. Money should "We're having our freedoms Flaherty, who offered to provide No experience is necessary, p.m. at Judson School, 124 be spent to cope with the lives of taken away," Mr. Dillon said. his constituents with a record of as instructors are provided; Hamilton Lane. how the 187 legislators voted on "experienced youngsters would Guest caller Alan Brozek will the measure. enhance the musical ranks," the call for the square dancing, while "Do you see any emotional corps leadership said. Len and Helen DiFederico will PREPARE NOW ramifications of being bused?" Practices areheld Wednesdays cue the rounds. AH club level asked Jaime Lewis, a Watertown from 6:30 to 9 p.m. atHcminway dancers are invited to attend. FOR YEAR END High School student. Park School, 37 Heminway Park There is a S3 per person ad- "Part of the answer depends Road. More information may be mission charge and refreshments on what the community comes obtained by calling Michael will be served. Dancers are re- X up with,"Ms. Aronson said. "This Kleban, corps director, at 274- quested to bring a Christmas gift, is a matter of choice." 4622. preferably a toy, fora needy child. } VARLESE ENTERPRISES * "It depends on how you plan The "Christmas Parade" has Spectators are welcome. For the process," said Watertown more information,call574-2947. '„ ACCOUNTING SERVICES FOR SMALL \ been rescheduled for Sunday, Superintendent of Schools Di- December 5, in Seymour. Mem- The club is sponsored by the \ AND MEDIUM SIZE BUSINESSES J> noo Dastur, responding to other bers will meet at the director's Parks and Recreation Depart- •* A questions about moving children home to take part in the festive ment \k ACCOUNTS PAYABLE * ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE* from town to town. "We are not evenL I* FINANCIAL STATEMENTS * PAYROLL tj recommending bussing," she On tap is the corps' Christmas NVS Musicians said. '$, * SPECIALIZING IN START-UP BUSINESSES € Party, slated for Sunday, Decem- and Singers * * FREE rNTTIAL CONSULTATION ' f Some residents said they ber 12 at the American Legion feared a loss of values and sccu- Post 195 hall on Bunker Hill WATERBURY—The Nauga- rity, should theschoolsbe opened Road. More information will be tuck Valley Youth Symphony up to students from other com- Junior and Symphonette orches- announced soon. tras have rehearsals on Saturdays JOHN B. VARLESE munities. Watertown An Individuals, Duets and resident Nancy Biello said her from 9:30 to 11 a.m., while the Quartets (ID&Qs) has been Youth Symphony goes from 9:30 274-1203 children's main concern is that scheduled Sunday, January 9, in a.m. to noon, at Kennedy High 1192 MAIN STREET WATERTOWN they would be "involved with Prospect, to be hosted by the School, Highland Avenue. kids outside the community." Prospect Drum Corps. New musicians, ages 7 to 19, Anyinformationregardingtho are needed for all groups. For corps or corps membership can more information, call Cheryl be obtained by calling Mr. Kle- Brinckerhoff at 729-1984 or ban. Kyungsook Petrahai at 879-4128. KIDDIE'S The new Youth Chorale for PAC Meeting ages 8 to 15 rehearses Saturdays CHRISTMAS on Monday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at KHS. The Watertown Parents Advi- Call Stephen P. Fredericksen at 879-5594 for more information. sory Council (PAC) next will SHOPPING SPREE meet Monday, December 6, at 6:30 p.m. at the Judson School "The man who has a dogmatic Presented By library, 124 Hamilton Lane. creed has more time left for his School SuperintcndcntDinoo business." — Henry S. Haskins DECA'S Marketing Education Class Watertown High School 1993 Hf CHECK Santa's Workshop OUR Watertown High School Cafeteria December 8, 9 &10 PRICES 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm • Watertown grammar school children will have the chance to buy Sing & Soar ™ Christmas presents for the whole family. Wild Bird • All of the gifts that are purchased will be gift wrapped and Seed. tagged so the kids will have special gifts for all. • Free coffee and cookies for parents while Santa's helpers are 50 lb. Bag helping the kids shop. $ • Over 1500 gifts to choose from, ranging in price from $1.00 so Reg. to $15.00 $11.25 With This Ad • Lots of fun and an excellent opportunity for children to buy WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF gifts! DOG & CAT FOOD AND LIVESTOCK FEEDS • Parking available at the rear of the High School, next to old OPEN SUNDAYS 9«2 UNTIL CHRISTMAS football field. Look for the Christmas lights. Questions?? - Contact Mr.. Riley - 945-48.10.... outpost Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, Decembers, 1993 — 2 5 TTowm Ttitnes watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWatch for the Annual Winter Sports Preview of the Watertown High School Indians Girls' and Boys' Basketball, Hockey, and Boys' Swim Teams Sports in Next Thursday's Edition of the Town Times Indians Defeat Torrington Defense Lifts Tribe to Thanksgiving Win

by Chris Gardner town coach Roger Ouellette told line. After a season full of missed his players to put away the Senior Jon Pennella scored tackles and blown pass cover- memories of a disappointing his first of two touchdowns on age, the much-maligned Water- season and focus only on the day with a two-yard plunge town High defense got a final defeating Torrington. through (he line to give the Indi- shot at redemption last week. The Indian defense, which ans a 6-0 lead. Defensive back Steve Verdu- gave up 284 points on the cam- Kicker Jeff Plourde, who ra knew the traditional Thanks- paign, held the Torrington was a perfect 3-3 on extra point giving Day showdown against offense to a scant 23 yards pass- conversions, sent the ball Torrington High would come ing. The Red Raiders' leading through the uprights to put down to which team could capi- rusher, Don Lamont, managed Watertown in front 7-0. talize most on turnovers. He only 72 yards on the ground Watertown's defense jumped said he was committed to play a against a strong Watcrtown all over Richard and the rest of big role from his position in the defensive front. the Red Raider offense on Tor- defensive backfield. Ouellette said his defense rington's second drive. Waterloo n played its best game of the sea- 29 son. "Just beating Torrington "Offensively we've been Torrington was our pretty good this year," Ouellette Verdura, a senior, did not let said. "The defense, which has main goal here. We his teammates down. His fum- been the problem, really came weren't trying to get ble recovery and interception through for us today." off Red Raider quarterback Jim Watertown (3-7) was able to me 100 yards. We just Richard in the fourth quarter capture its first Thanksgiving thwarted a pair of Torrington wanted to beat them." Day victory against Torrington drives and helped put the Indi- (2-8) in four years with a first ans over the top 29-12. quarter offensive blitz that saw Watertown High fullback Verdura said playing in his the Indians jump out to a com- Jon Pennella last high school football game manding 16-0 lead. helped to motivate him. Memo- ries of the late-game intercep- Ouellette put his trick play Linebacker Vin Longo made tion, he said, will last long after book to work early when he the game's first big defensive the season is over. called for a halfback option pass play when he came up behind "It was great," Verdura said. on Hie game's first drive. Richard in the endzone and "Everyone told me I needed an Quarterback Rudy Pilla took sacked him for a safety with interception this year. It is my the snap and pitched the ball to 4:28 remaining in the first quar- final year and it just felt great." Sam Sirica, who hurled a spiral ter to put Watertown up 9-0. Verdura's big fourth quarter 36 yards downfield to a wide On the ensuing kickoff, Indi- plays were just two of several open Chris Petti. an return specialist Doug Ouel- important blows the Indians The call opened up the Red lette rambled down to the Tor- )pen Field dealt Tonrington on a cold and Raider defense as the Indians rington 30-yard line. A holding blustery day at John J. Mills used a mix of off-tackle and up- call against Watertown moved Indians quarterback Rudy Pilla turns the corner against a Torring- Athletic Complex. the-middle runs to move the ton defender during the first halfofWatenown's 29-12 win over the Going into the game, Water- ball to the Torrington two-yard (Continued on page 27) Red Raiders on Thanksgiving Day. - Times Photo, Gardner

Field to Get Drainage and Seed for '94 Campaign

by Chris Gardner damage to the bleachers on A little preventive mainte- either side of the field was nance will go a long way. repaired. If that theory holds true to The field is exhibiting signs form, the football field at the of a heavy fall schedule that John J. Mills Athletic Complex saw the freshman, junior varsity at Watertown riigh School may and varsity football teams play not be recognizable next fall. a full slate of home games. And coaches and players Much of the turf from the think that is just fine. 25-yard lines at either end of the Officials with the school's playing surface has been Buildings and Grounds depart- chewed up. Puddles at depths of ment spent the early part of this four inches in some spots have week closing down the field. pooled where lush grass used to Art Curulla, a maintenance grow. worker with the department, Gary Martin, supervisor of said the line markers, team buildings and grounds, said he benches and protective foam is hoping volunteers from Pop pads that wrap around the Warner Football and other Parks uprights will be put into storage and Recreation organizations for the winter. will band together next spring The underground irrigation to upgrade the drainage on the Art Curulla, a maintenance worker with the Watertown schools Buildings and Grounds department, system was also blown out with field. ^yMd at the John J. Mills Athletic heavy air pressure. Left-over 26 - Town TimesProperty, December 2,1993 of the Watertown Historical Society Sports watertownhistoricalsociety.orgFroiritHe Sports Editor's Desk Tradition and Fan Support

My predecessor, Kim Harmon, warned mc.not to get too excitcx about the traditional Thanksgiving Day football classic between Watertown High and its rival to the north, Torn'ngton High, He described the bitter cold air, the muddy field, the turnovers, the foolish penalties and the lack of fans in the sta Lack"of fans in the stands? "Just watch," he said, as we watched the sprinkler system spra> u r in the battered pi ying surface iboi L I . i, mi' ' OP uniP Hun ^ iin Day:ehampi- Tomsheck, Michelle Cyr, Jaclyn Salomone, Molly Gelinas. Standing (left to right) are: Lauren Fogar- •:;;..' ,v tea ; ; ioy ?& rs,; always in awe of ;l;se thousands .oi ty, Coach Ivan Cyr, Leah Bellemare, Maura Tansley, Assistant Coach Mary Blazys, and Jennifer Zaremski. Missing from the photo are Ann Belforti andJillian Witherly. matchup Most don'i core who wins the game. They just come : staridsiand cheer for a few ii :-on traditional Thanksgiving f: Great Holiday Gift Idea for Collegiate Football Lovers ve-worst-when I woke up lasl 7 Sports collectibles are sweep- "The Heisman Signature Les Horvath, 1944; Vic Jano- " • ;Ipw; freezing'i: My Mom hat ing the nation as popular gifts for Football Series commemorates wicz, 1950; Howard "Hopalong Family, bird, The traditional Natic sports fans of all ages. This holi- the most prestigious award in Cassady," 1955;and ArchieGrif- •.\s-Tnvolymg'the-DetipitLions:andDc3i • "-. day season, score a touchdown college football," said Lairy fin, the only player in history to 3n. But in the back of.tny niind, all I c with your favorite football fan Weckstein,Spectrum Group vice receive two Heisman Trophies, with a limited edition Heisman president •,.;...• ..- - 1974 and 1975, are featured on Ifol^fiimbles;', .••:';i|| Trophy Signature Series Foot- "With only 5,000 balls avail- the Ohio State football. pblem1: . • arrival at the.higK;|gigj»i ball from Spectrum Group, Inc. able, each football is not only a The Penn State University Each ball is hand-signed by special gift, but a good invest- football has been autographed wp;ian)aucmpi at iryirig-ao I; the Heisman Trophy winners ment for the avid collector." by its outstanding running back Torringion fans.carrie down'in'drovesto'ii;; d .Rai from some of the nation's most TheUniversity of Notre Dame John Cappelletti, who received Then,-as I was trying to load "my ca"mera,"Rudy Pi I " popular football schools—Notre Heisman Signature Football fea- the Heisman Trophy in 1973. to tight end SiimSiricaVwha"tn"rew:"a 36-yard tomb down'fiekl to ; Dame, The University of South- tures the signatures of the7Fight- These limited edition collect- ^cl! c r" L 1 muticr 1 io n >ffei em California, Penn State, and ing Irish selected for the award: ible footballs are being offered ; Ohio State. Angelo Bertelli, 1943; John Lu- by mail for $295 (Notre Dame, As "the "game wore on, and it appeared the Indians-were on ihcir Beautifully handcrafted from jack, 1947; Leon Hart, 1949;John USC,OhioState)and$149 (Penn way'their- first Thanksgiving Day win in four years, ,200-odd brownandwhitefull grain leather Latlner, 1953; Paul Homung, State). Tans that had turned out at John J. Mills Athletic Complex cheered and officially licensed by the 1956; John Huarte, 1964; and For more information or to louder and louder. Parents.coached their sons from-the stands; Downtown Athletic Club and Tim Brown, 1987. order a football dial 1-800-966- each respective school, Heisman The University of Southern 0866. Future Indian football stars sat on top of their Dads' shoulders and Signature Footballs area gift with watched as the current group of Tribesmen buried the Red Raiders. California football boasts four Spectrum Group is the na- 1 a sense of football history. Each Heisman Trophy recipients: Mike tion's only authorized distribu- Even the Water-Oak Gold Circle of Sports took time from their football is individually numbered Garrett, 1965; OJ Simpson, 1968; tor of Heisman Trophy collect- isual perches behind the perimeter fence to recruit new members and comes with a certificate of Charles White, 1979;andMarcus ible footballs and commemora- n•the lower parking lot. The atmosphere was Rose Bowl-like, authenticity. Allen, 1981. tive coins. ixcepl the temperature was probably 60 degrees colder. . I left Watertown.feeling a sense of pride. Not from the stand- bint of a fan. But from the standpoint of a reporter who saw wiiat 274-2547 Field Reseeded sal football tradition in a smali suburban town like 11 about. ' • --• •"• :".•.;. .' • "•'/"•*• -•-•-•- •-. £ -V» Fax # 274-7978 For '94 Season / 79 Commercial St., Watertown (Continued from page 25) fiocCy & Towing "The surface could really use from ihe field to the sideline. the grass when games are a little sprucing up," Mr. Martin The improved drainage played on it." said. "One of the only ways we should improve the surface of 23 y2 Hour Towing arc going to be able to do it is the field and, subsequently, the Mr. Martin said he has been through donations of time." playing conditions, Mr. Martin in touch with representatives Mr. Martin said the field will said. from a company that manufac- 1 remain dormant through the "Excess water does not do tures a durable type of seed Free Estimates winter. Once spring rolls good things to a natural turf used specifically for athletic 1 Major & Minor Collision Work around, five underground gul- field like the ©ne we have here," fields. lies will be dug to divert water he said. "It really helps tear up "We hope to get the seed down next spring," Mr. Martin :..-:.-.:..:•-.:.;.: .-;;.- .-...- =;;. /; =;= -. " • .-;•:.-V• •••• :- .. .,;,,-: said. "But if we don't get the drainage work done, we'll have fiTTORNEY to just lightly seed it and lef it

SUNSHINE OIL, ,nv. ]. Kaccj Mr. Curulla said although the A Full Service Discount Oil Co. playing surface has suffered Divorce (Simple) from a long season, the field should rebound in time for next Bankruptcy fall's gridiron schedule.

$245 Plus costs "If it gets some drainage it will be in better shape," he said. "I was here when they engi- 755-1942 neered it, and it looks much bet- ••ternow." • • • * i rr» - .- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, December 2,1993 - 2 7 Sports Watertown Runs Over Torrington in Big Thanksgiving Day Win

(Continued from page 25) pion of the conference after Lhe ball back 10 yards, but Pilla posting a 22-0 victory over teamed up with Petti on a 20- Ansonia last Thursday. yard pass to move the ball to the Torrington four-yard line. Watertown 29 On second down and goal Torrington 12 from the four-yard line, Pilla Team 1 2 3 4 F faked a handoff to Pennella and pitched the ball to Doug Ouel- Watertown 16 7 0 6 29 lette, who broke free off the Torrington 0 0 12 0 12 right side and ran into the end- Scoring summary zone untouched. The extra point W - Pennella 2 run (Plourde kick) conversion put the Indians up W -- Safety, Richard sacked in end 16-0. zone by Longo Doug Ouellettc and Longo W - Oucllelte 5 run (Plourde kick) recovered pair of Torrington W - Pennella 1 run (Plourde kick) fumbles in Watertown territory T - Low 10 run (run failed) in the second quarter to snuff T - Richard 5 run (kick failed) out two Red Raider drives. W -- Cronan 1 run (pass failed) The Indians' final score in Team statistics the first half came when Pennel- Water. Torr. la took a handoff from Pilla First downs 19 10 from one yard out with 1:58 Rushing yards 21] 189 remaining in the second quarter Passing yards 147 123 to give Watertown a 23-0 half- Comp.-Att.-Inl. 9-17-1 3-12-2 time lead. Torrington regrouped in the Watertown High head coach Roger Ouellette gives instructions to running back Jesse Johnson duringFinal NVL Standings lockerroom and marched 58 the Thanksgiving Day matchup against Torrington. Johnson rambled for several long runs against the Football yards on seven plays for a porous Red Raider defense. — Times Photo, Gardner touchdown on the team's open- Large Division ing drive of the second half. Team Div. Ov. PF PA A fumble by Pilla on Water- But Verdura's big fourth team's main goal was to close games," Ouellette quipped. Naugatuck 4-0 9-1 278 58 town's first possession of the quarter defensive plays and a the season with a victory. "The season did not go the way Crosby 2-2 7-3 -m 206 half gave Torrington the ball at late-game interception by Indi- "Just beating Torrington was we wanted in terms of wins, but Wilby 2-2 5-5 189 159 the Indians' 35-yard line. an defensive back Dan Rinaldi our main goal here," Pennclla it was very important to win the Holy Cross 2-2 3-7 146 217 Richard capitalized on the error kept Torrington from getting said. "We weren't trying to get last one." Torrington 0-4 2-S 124 223 with 7:17 to go in the third any closer. me 100 yards. We just wanted With the victory, Watertown Small Division quarter when he scored on a Watertown scored an insur- to beat them." avenged a loss to Torrington in Team Div. Ov. PF PA five-yard quarterback keeper lo ance touchdown with 3:45 Ouellettc said the win was last season's Thanksgiving Day Ansonia 4-0 9-1 338 50 move the Red Raiders within 11 remaining in the game when Joe some redemption for a long sea- game that kept the Indians from Wolcott 3-1 6~< 176 150 points. Cronan plunged through the son that saw Watertown finish going 5-5. Sac. Heart 22 6-4 206 197 "I got worried when they offensive line from two-yards the campaign two games below Watertown finished in fourth Watertown 1-3 3-7 20') 2S4 scored those two touchdowns," out. .500. place in the Small Division of Kennedy 0--1 0-10 78 399 Ouellette said. "They seemed to Pennella, who rushed for 90 "We played some great the Naugatuck Valley League. have the momentum." yards on 16 carries, said the games and some not so great Naugatuck was crowned cham- NVL League Title: Naugatuck

Youth Hockey December 8 at Charles Dickens Pub.. The Water-Oak Gold Circle of Sporis will hold ks.arinua All seven Watertown Youth Vcmrosca, who each scored a hat trick. before losing to Southeastern 7-3. Bran- Christmas dinner and party yt 6:30 p.m., V', Hockey teams Saw action last Mark Mansorc, Mark Duschane and Jil- don Hess and Tim Osieki scored twice u In I (iJ in> Till on Mini St fie is ;ir ?1 c h weekend after the Thanksgiving Han Giordina also scored for Water- against Windsor. Jason Perrillo, Tim holiday. town. Goalie Chris McKcc preserved Osieki and Steven Soeeck pitched in All members ami ihoir-guests are invited to altend. Tk:, Results: the shutout for the Pec Wees. with goals against Southeastern. > ii i lilable D\ calling Don Stcpansfc it 945 ^2 6 6 Joe Romano;at Jo".Ro's.Coffee Shop, at.274-8;' *" Mite A Pee Wee B The Mite A team lost a close game The Pee Wee B team lost 7-1 to 10 Southeastern 4-2 before pulling oui a Ridgcficld and 7-4 lo Avon. Chris McK- 5-1 victory against Pawling. ce scored the lone goal against Ridge- "Who of us is mature enough field. Matt Iannacone tallied two goals for offspring before the offspring MitcB and Mike Simon and Brian Heffcman themselves arrive? The value of The Mite B team racked up 8 big pitched in with two scores against Avon. marriage is not that adults pro- win against Hamdun, 4-1. Josh Fcrrcira, duce children, but that children Mike Voket, Jeffrey Vcllcca and Tony Bantam produce adults." — Peter Dc Rina netted goals for Watcnown. Mike The Bantams beat Windsor 4-2 Vries PaUadino played a strong game between You, or someone you know, the pipes for the locals. has always wanted to learn Squirt A The Squirt A team tied Avon 2-2. IDUHAMEL ELECTRONICS I how

TAE KWON DO CHAMPS: Over one dozen students from Champion Tae Kwon Do of Waterlown recently participated in the eighth annual Governors Cup Championships at West Point Academy in Bronze Metal Winner New York. Participants included (from left) Matthew Esandria; Mary Ellen Castro (forms:gold, spar- Noah Golden, a student at Toft School, recently earned a bronze ring: silver): Sam Antonacci (forms: gold, sparring: silver): Susan Andrews (forms: gold, sparring: metal in sparring and forms at the America's Challenge Open in gold); Sarah Antonacci (sparring: gold, forms: silver); Master Jose' San Lee, coach; Dan Pries/man Massachusetts. Noah is a student at Champion Tae Kwon Do , with (forms: silver); Christelle Sadler (sparring: bronze); Erika Bergstrom (forms: silver); Caillin Fitzger- locations at 1278 Main Street in Watertown and 40 Industry Lane ald (forms: silver). Not pictured are Brandyn Lauer, Emilio Santos, Jr. (sparring: bronze); Maximo in Waterbury. Champion offers Tae Kwon Do insluction from Torres (sparring: gold); Steve Reed (sparring: bronze); Dave Montini (sparring: gold); Keith Buin- qualified Oriental Masters. Students learn to master the art auskas (sparring: bronze); Rebecca Norville (sparring: silver). through positive thinking and self discipline. Bird Retirement Aided Charities Eating Right an Important Ingredient for Soccer Success One of the all-time basketball among 25 Boston-area charities Don't skimp on the grain group, greats,LarryBird,wasaforward that receivedthe$ l million raised Soccer is the most popular everythingfrom game fundamen- sport in the world and it is talcing tals to scoring techniques to how where you'll find bread, muf- fortheBoston Celtics from197 9 by "Larry Bird Night." fins, cereal, rice and pasta. up until his recent retirement James Wright, chairman of the United States by storm. to prepare for the game. Nearly 15 million Americansplay "Being a good player starts A great way to get in shape tor Named the league's Most the Boston Shriners Burns Insti- an upcoming soccer season is ValuablePIayer on several occa- tute Board of Governors andPast the sport and an additional 26 long before you take (he field," million family members get in- says U.S. World Cup team skillpractice. Youcan orderyour sions, Bird excelled in all phases Potentate of Cairo Temple, Rut- own U.S. World Cup Team soc- of basketball—shooting.passing, land, Vt., accepted a $50,000 volved in games and related ac- sweeper Marcelo Balboa. "You have to practice your cer ball for $8.95 ($25 value) rebounding and defense. check on behalf of the Boston tivities. plus two proofs of purchase from When the Boston Celtics held Unit. Most of these soccer players skills every day, build up endur- ance and eat right to have the any Wonder bread product or a "Larry Bird Night" in honor of If you'd like the Shriners to are between 6- to 11-years-old Hostess cakes family pack. and their role models are the pro- stamina for a running game like Bird'sretirementfrom the game, help a child you know, the toil- Send your check, payable to all proceeds were distributed free number to call for general fessional players, members of the soccer." Eating right means following Soccer Ball Offer, and proofs of among charities for the young, admission information, or to U.S. World Cup Team. purchase to: Soccer Ball Offer— elderly and needy. obtain an application, is 1-800- Through televised games, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, which recommends eating a bal- ZZ443E, P.O. Box 15504, Mas- The Boston Shriners Bums 237-5055. magazines and corporate spon- coutah, 111. 62224. Institute—which, like other In Canada, call 1-800-361- sors such as Hostess cakes and anced diet with servings from Shriners Hospitals, provides free 7256. Wonder bread, kids are learning each of the five food groups. medical care to children—was Two Watertown Youths Lead St. CHAMPION Margaret's To A TAE lOA/ON DO ACADEMY Winning Season Give someone special Two Watertown residents, (including yourself) Matt Chere and Matt Czomobil, the opportunity and advantages both 8th graders at the St. Mar- garet's-McTernan Country Day of Tae Kwon Do School in Waterbury, helped to lead the soccer team to an 8-2-1 • Mind and Body Conditioning record this fall. Both co-cap- tains, the boys were recently • Stress Relief j/fc, • Inner Peace honored at a school awards cer- mony. Chere, playing right wing, Master Un Chik Lee Master Jose San Lee scored 18 goals, including one MEN • WOMEN • CHILDREN • FAMILIES game when he scored four times, sttid had 10 assists. He ONE MONTH was named the teams most valu- English, able player. Spanish, SPECIAL & Korean *39 Czornobil excelled both on Spoken Includes Uniform offensive and defense from his Witt) this ad through 1-2-94 center midfield position. He too I S was recognized for his outstand- Call JFor- Information ng contributions to the team at •HI WATERTOWN • 1278 MAIN STREET • 945-6390 the end of thr season with the WATERBURY • 40 INDUSTRY LANE • 756-5134 coaches award. Matt Chere (left) and Matt Czornobi Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown times Society, December 2,1993 - 2 9 Sports Watertown Youth Hockey Launches Season League Skates Into its 36th Year of Operation Huskies Watch The Town Times' Weekly Round-Up For the 36th straight season, almost essential for parents to In addition to the Canadian the Watertown Youth Hockey, start their kids early because it's exchange program, Watertown of UCONN Mens' Hoops Inc., is bringing organized hard to catch up when other teams will also be playing youth hockey to town. kids have already been skating games at the Hartford Civic for a few years." Center. Last night (Wednesday, Seven teams, accomodating December 1) the Squirts "A" Last Week's Action Watertown Youth Hockey a total of 170 skaters, are look- team took on a squad from Saturday, Nov. 27 plays an important role in town ing to excel in schedules that Enfield just before the Whalers as a developmental program for UConn 107 will take them to all corners of game against Detroit. youth talent between the ages the state and Canada by season's Watertown Youth Hockey Towson St. 67 of 4 and 15. Many of the pro- end. There are 52 youth hockey will return to the Civic Center gram's participants continue organizations in Connecticut, on December 22 when the Mite with the sport at the scholastic from Greenwich to New Lon- "A" team takes on West Hart- Monday, Nov. 29 level, whether it be for the Indi- don, and Watertown will see ford at 5:15 p.m. before the ans at Watertown High School, UConn action against the vast majority Whalers date with the New Jer- or at other schools, such as Taft, of them. With nearly 30 games sey Devils. The Mite "B" team (12) Virginia to play from now until April, will play between the first and the Watertown players should This season, as they have second periods of the game. be well-improved come spring. done for the past seven winters, HUSKY NOTES: UConn's upset of No. 12 ranked Virginia Tickets, regularly priced at should propel them into the Associated Press Top 25 Watenown will participate in an S30, arc available for $20 from Bob Maruca, president of exchange program with The Bob Maruca at 274-9567 or rankings.. Junior forward Donyell Marshall, the preseason pick for Watertown Youth Hockey, said Delta Laval Hockey Associa- Pete Whitney at 283-5188. Big East Player of the Year, scored a career-high 31 points against that the purpose of the organiza- tion of Quebec, Canada. Towson State. He added 17 against Virginia...Freshman guard Ray tion is to provide an environ- Watertown Youth Hockey Allen continued to impress Coach Jim Calhoun with a 20-point ment for the kids to both learn Located just outside of Mon- treal, Laval will send 80 players Coaches: Winter 93/94 performance against Virginia. Allen went 9-13 from the floor...All the sport and have a fun experi- Mile "A": Andy Donnan 12 players who dressed for the Virginia game saw action. ence in the process. on seven teams to town for a weekend in February. Laval Mile "B": Teny Barker Squill "A": Rich Brandl He emphasized the impor- will play Watertown in games throughout the weekend and the Squirt "B": Perry Townsend Next Week's Action tance of learning to skate at a Pee Wcc"A": Jerry Clement young age. "We have kids start- players will spend their time - Wed., Dec. 1 YALE (after press time) here living with the families of Pee Wee "B : Andy Jones ing with us who are as young as Bantam: Marty Palmer Wed., Dec. 8SetonHall four years old," he said. "It's Watertown skaters. Youth Soccer Travel Soccer Guilford 2-1, and deadlocking U-17 Boys Cromwell 2-2. Offensive stand- outs for the Wings were Jon The Watertown Wings U-17 Wright and Shaun Gallagher, boys soccer team participated in whiie Gary Titus, Mike Diorio the McDonald's Holiday Indoor and Chris Smith paced the Soccer Tournament on Novem- defense. Goalie Dave Welch ber 28 at the Oakwood Sports excelled in the net Center in Glastonbury. The In the semifinal match with locals fared well, advancing to Middlesex, the locals found the semifinals before falling to a themselves in the hole early and strong Middlesex Union team. were never able to fully recover. Watertown finished up unde- Watertown fell 5-3 after picking feated in their bracket by up play in the second half. defeating Meriden 4-2, downing

Save Heating Dollars With Mew

A member of the Watertown Youth Hockey Mites B Team works on his skating under the watchful eye High-Efficiency of his coach during a recent practice at the Taft rink. — Times Photo, Gardner Oil Furnace if you believe all high efficiency furnaces are alike, take a look at Let Us Spread the Good News! N BARNS, INC. Thermo Pride. 84% efficiency and a heat exchanger with a Town Times has forms available lifetime warranty makes the cost of owning a quality piece of B • Our buildings G equipment like Thermo Pride less per year because of its higher for engagement and wedding efficiency and longer life. announcements. Stop by during A are custom-built A regular weekday office hours, 8 on site... a.m. to 5 p.m., to pick them up. R • Versatile struc- Forms cannot be mailed out un- tures for any less accompanied by a self-ad- N purpose dressed, stamped envelope. Also, S Town Times welcomes news of •No Sales Tax!! Southern New England birth announcements, and regu- 24' X 24' larly receives notifications from Special: 2 Car Garage Not Shown Ice, Coal & Oil Waterbury Hospital and St. Includes: Footings, Slab, Doors, Windows, 267 Railroad Hill Street Mary's Hospital. Birth notices Roofing. Siding, ready for you to paint ,200- outside those hospitals or the area Waterbury CT Lie. #539295 • Call for free anmtuatian and estimate. Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30; Sat. 8-12 should be submitted; in writing ANY ANY -SIZE. 1-800-765-2534 . STYLE MADE IN U.S.A. 754-4148 30 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 3of the Watertown Historical Society SPECIALS Owatertownhistoricalsociety.orgF THE WEEK Entertainment GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE Flanders Part of Christmas Festival FROM TRAVEL HOUSE for the WOODBURY — The volun- on Christmas Eve. ders' table at the craft sale. teers who have sold wreaths, Gift certificates for thcChrist- For more information call the t person that's hard to buy for! crafts and baked goods from mas trees will be sold at Flan- nature center at 263-3711. (any amount available) Flanders Nature Center's Trail House will join the Junior CARNIVAL • CARNIVAL • CARNIVAL • CARNIVAL Women'sClubatMilchellSchool as part of Woodbury's annual ChristmasFeslival this Saturday, HCarnivaL 7 nights 1,249 December 4. SUPER SAVERH 3 nights 549 Sales of cut-your-own ever- includes air, all meals and much more... greens will begin Saturday at the tree farm at the Van Vleck Sanc- BOOK NOW THRU MARCH 20TII, 1994 tuary on Church Hill and Flan- $ ders Roads. Six evergreen spe- ROME • FLORENCE • VENICE 599* cies will be available for approxi- Round trfp airfare on AUTAUA from New vorfc & Boston mately S30 per tree. • s Nights at a 3 siar Hotel • Transfers (except Florence) • continental breakfast dally The tree farm will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Wednesday through Sunday in S December. It will close at 1 p.m. Bahamas Princess Grand 3 nt. 319* Bahamas (Freeport) non-stopop $ from Hartford, December 21 Square Dance Club 4-nt. 359* WOODBURY — The Woo- dbury Town and Country Square Dance Club will hold a "Blast Off dance Friday, December 10, from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Mitchell Watertown's Dolores Pearl, shownwith her granddaughter Amanda School, School Street. Ventresca, is the "Artist of the Month" for December at the SS TRAVEL HOUSE ™ Allen Finkenaur will call and Middlcbury Library. Photo courtesy of Dolores Pearl. ffld CORPORATE & LEISURE TRAVEL SPECIALISTS SSH Len DiFedcrico will cue the 1175 Main Street, Watertown, CT 0«79S rounds. For more information, Mrs. Pearl 'Artist of Month' in Middlebury 274-5559 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30, Sal. 9-1 1-800-251-5559 call 274-4194. MIDDLEBUR Y—The Mid- cut Waiercolor Society. dlcbury Library will feature Mrs. pearl has studied water- Watertown's Dolores Pearl as ils colors with Julie Hickcox of WINTER VACATION SPECIALS "Arlistof the Month" for Decem- Woodbury; Ferdinand Pctrie and ber. Martin Ahearn of Rockport, Mrs. Pearl uses both water- Mass.; portraiture with Paul Monte Carlo <£ Home: color and pastels as her medium. LcVille of Massachusetts; Har- Jrench Riviera 'Che Eternal Gitu There will be portraits on display ley Brown and Leslie DcMille of as well as landscapes and other Arizona; and pastels with Alan subject matter. Flatman, Herman Margulies and The artist accepts commis- Albert Handel. sions for portraits of people and animals. She is a member of the She has been a recipient of Watertown Art League, the Kent several awards with her exhibits iiijlllliitiV Art Association, Academic Art- IhroughoutConnecticut.Shealso ist Association, Connecticut has exhibited her works in New Pastel Society and the Connecti- York and Arizona. February 3 ~ February 10 February 21 ~ February 28 00 00 ONLY $859. ONLY$899. Connecticut Children's Dance Theatre From Boston and New York From Boston and New York 'Dotmn 'Boiiusern, S4tiislic 'Director What better way to shake the winter blues Rome, the imperial capital of the ancient world than a trip to The French Riviera! and the center of modern Italy, has always ^- Presents * been a favorite destination for Americans. This spectacular tour Includes: • Roundtrip scheduled air This remarkable trip includes: Clara and • Six nights accommodation in a deluxe 4 star • Roundtrip scheduled air hotel in Cannes • Six nights accommodation in a 3 star hotel • Services of a professional tour guide throughout • Services of a professional lour guide throughout • Airport transfers • Airport transfers the Nutcracker • Sightseeing tour of Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo • Guided sightseeing tour of Rome • Deluxe motorcoach transportation • Deluxe motorcoach transportation 5it Watertown High School A special Monte Carlo evening with dinner Fascinating optional excursions are available French Street, Watertown, CT and a visit to the famous casino is available as lo Pompeii, Capri (The Island of Dreams), well as other optional excursions to a perfume Tivoli and Florence. An evening illumination On December 17,1993 7 p.m. factory in Grasse, the beautiful walled town drive and a special guided tour of the Sistine December 18, 1993 2 p.m. of Saint Paul de Vence, the ritzy resort of St. Chapel and the Vatican Museum are also Tropez, and the luxury resort of San Remo on available. the Italian Riviera. Tickets $11.00 in advance To receive a complete itinerary call Marybeth on the Reader $12.00 at the door Offer Line 1-800-771 -5353, or return the coupon below. for -Tick tesewatkins Call • 214-0004

Destination: To Benefit Please send rne_ _brochure(s). "Raise The Curtain" Watertown High Schoo Name: Featuring Address: Guest Artists of Students of City: State: CDT and The School of the Joffrey Ballet Phone Daytitne:_ . Evening:_ Preferred Departure City: Mail to: Media Promotions Division of Fawkes Travel Co. c/o Town Times, P.O. Box 1 Watertown, CT 06795 ^ 12/2 j Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, December 2,1993 - 31 Restaurants

CEORCE MICHAEL'S & COMPANY Christmas Card , 1650 Watertown Avc, Waterbury 757-3321 Sales Benefit MONTAGANO Wcstwood piaza Friday From Soup Kitchen FOODS & PIZZA Night 9P.u. WATERBURY—The Water- 254 Falls Avenue, Oakville KARAOKE bury Area Council of Churches Phone 274-9667 Drawing* for Prizes soup kitchen will receive 100 How Featuring: ^JfrEastanstPnXuctions percent of the proceeds from the Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11-10 HOMEMADE SOUP sale of Christmas cards in area stores this holiday season. & HOT SANDWICHES _VALUABLE CO£PONS!!_ • Opep n Steak • Hot Turkeyy •& THIS WEEK ic The cards, which were pro- Roast Beef • Grilled Reuben Monday Night Football duced by GP&P Marketing $*J ftrt Coming Soon! Every Thursday Complimentary Communications and Edwards 9 PM HOT DOGS with OPEN STEAK NICHT Printing, feature Waterbury win- 5O(t OFF All Drinks tor scenes from posters Ihe com- OFF SUNDAYS Baked Potato «^ BM MUKUAT I:,S. ULAM panies have produced over the Let Us Cater Your «IY«/S?lt $C MIGHT H1GHT years. Large Next Affair! SaladBar 9 6 PM • ? The cards will be on sale at a * As Alwayi - Proper A Mm • Open 7 Days » Late Night Menu Available Christmas Catering GEORGE MICHAELS & COMPANY booth in the Naugatuck Valley 18" Pizza Mai! and at selected area stores. Starling at Excluding Shrimp Scampi $4.95 per person Merchants interested in slocking Not lo be combined wittl any other coupon ofe. the cards may call GP&P at 758- Cull Carl for Info "Serving the Finest Brick Oven Pizza 3311. HOLIDAY CATERING ... ORDER NOW!! Since 1947" The soup kilchen, located at If you missed us last year, beat the rush and call us St. John's Episcopal Church, today to insure your order for the holidays! Pizza serves between 150 and 175 Fresh Baked, Right Out Of The Oven!!! Served Daily people daily. from 11 am to Closing STUFFED BREADS & ITALIAN PASTRIES Federal Lodge No. 17 (Minis also available) Call Ahead and The Federal Lodge of Masons Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11 -10 Have Your Pizza Ready to No. 17 will have election of offi- Eat In Our Dining Room. cers and a reading of committee reporLs at a meeting slated for Monday, December 6, at 7:30 841 Main Street 274-8069 p.m. at the Masonic Hall, 175 Main Street. Depot Square Mall ^^j Oakville 274-1348 51 Depot St., Watertown "^ 274-7353 ^~ Try Our Many Other Specialties, Too! Low Cholesterol Veggie Pie Unity Affordable Family Dining Clam Pizza - White or Red Our Own Eggplant Parmesan Breakfast Specials Mozzarella Sticks • Garlic Bread Parmesan At the base of JWt. Wasftinnton Your Choice! Salads • Antipasto • Pasta • Grinders 2-Night "Weekend A) • 2 Hot Cakes EAT IN or TAKE OUT - FULL LIQUOR PERMIT Escape"* • 2 Slices Bacon • 2 Sausages • Juice 3-Night "Mid-Week B) •3 Eggs Escape"* • Homefries 1-. ' • 2 Slices Bacon Above Package Includes: • Toast & Juice * 2 or 3 Nights Lodging * Country Breakfast each morning * One Evening Dining by Candlelight * Skicre Boi Lunch Daily, Sun in Din Rm * X-Coimliy Tickets. 2 Days 3.69 * Aprcs Ski w/llot Cite ft "Chefs Whim" * Cozy Inn Rooms, Just 35 PORK CHOP DINNER * Imlfxir Heated Pool A Jaarai Includes 2 Large Baked i * 3 Dining Rooms Pork Chops, Vegetable, i * Ellis Rivet Trail at Door.X-C Potato or Rice, Bread & * pirepfaccd Library w/Evening Movies Butter...A Great Escape Splash Cut! * l)o«n Ihe Road to Wildcat Ml. From Turkey! 5.95 Cacch the newest excitement in Connecticut at SPLASH!, a California style eating and drinking Alt Items Available For Carry-Out bistro. SPLASH! has it all — upscale atmosphere, s Mon. 7 am - 5 pm beauciful decor, live entertainment and stylish menu DANA PLACE INN Tues.-Sat. with a wide range of culinary delights beautifully Jackson, New Hampshire 7 am - 8 pm Downtown Watertown ToWaterbufy Sun. 7 am - 2 pm prepared and guaranteed to satisfy any palate. 800-537-9276 Daily SPLASH! DOWN Happy Hour, 5 - 7 PM. Good food. Good friends, Good times. You have our word, you'll never have to SPLASH! alone. SANTA'S ONE-STOP CHRISTMAS PARTY SHOP Entertainment Calendar For all your gift ideas: Dec. 3 • espresso & cappuccino machines A TNT BAND • pizza stones & paddles Explosive Dance Music • pasta makers • December 4 BOWT1ES & LACE Stylish Dance Standards WAREHOUSE PARTY STORE 249 Thomaston Ave Waterbury (next to Colonial Plaza) 575-0111 Located at the Bazaar entrance to Heritage Inn. Exit 15,1-84 Southbury, CT 262-6264 264-8200 32 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 3 of the Watertown Historical Society Real Estate watertownhistoricalsociety.orgsail For J Market Analysis Property Transfers Take the right step in Thefollowingrealeslate trans- Miley, property at239 Oak Drive, property at 80 Winthrop Street, buying or selling. actions and property transfers $203,000. $127,000. Call Connie Baker first, were recorded recently with the Watertown Rest Home, Inc., Jacqueline Mulhail toSoyheil a true professional town clerk's office: to Catherine Foley and Theodore Eldanof, property at49 Woodvine nnie Baker Robert Bellemare to Joe G. Faraci Jr., property at 470 Straits Avenue, Oakville, $102,000. Top Producer Noujaim,property on McLennan Northwest Development to 199 1 Turnpike, $175,000. !&4 1990 - - 1992 Drive, OakvUle, $155,000. Allen Atwood to Robert Stephen Masayda and Sandra Margaret Watson to Michael Yerger and Michele Yerger, Masayda, property at 47 Adams IWMWA R4I/EIS REAL ESTATE Lombard! and Sandra Lombardi, property at55SteeieBrookRoad, Road, $143,000. Offlco - 598TO449 « Home • 758-9121 property at58MeadowcrestLane, $130,000. Randall Rock and Laura Rock $165,000. Robert Lukos to Charles to Christopher Nelson and Gayle Kevin Holmes and Carol Leblanc and CharJene Vanalst, Nelson, propertyat 180 Ball Farm Holmes to Robin Osmanski and property 71 Sylvan Lake Road, Road, Oakville, $126,000. Mark Osmanski, property at 94 Oakville, $155,000. Citicorp Mortgage, Inc., to CAIX FOR OFFERS Orchard Lane, $174,000. Capital Construction to Patricia Katan, Unit A5 of Northwest Development to George Tallaksen and Janet Tal- Brookview Village, $38,000. All Reasonable Offers Will Be Considered Gregory Masterson and Gloria Iaksen,Unit77 at Watertown Old Wcslvicw Village to Michele Masterson, property on Adam Farms, $175,000. Bazzarini, Unit 303 of Bucking- RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION Road, $164,000. Kevin Gallagher and Tammy Naugatuck Savings Bank to Gallagher to Ronald Wilson, (Continued on page 33) High Ridge Estates JacquclineR.Hoffman,Unit 114 Southbury, Connecticut at Artillery Hill, 3107,500. Jeffrey Burnett to Margaret Outstanding investment opportunity in a residential Watson,Unit31 at Artillery Hill, community of upscale homes. Land with renewable S134.000. approvals for twenty-nine lots plus a partially completed Eric Magnuson and Louise colonial style home. Conveniently located under 2 miles Wills to Kenneth Bradshaw and REALTY from Interstate 84 Exit 14. Janet Bradshaw, property at 25 Pioneer Plaza Bushnell Avenue, Oakville, 544 Straits Turnpike 274-7000 List price: $1,650,000 S32.500. Watertown Deadline for offers: Katherine Magnuson and Charles Wills to Kenneth Brad- Wednesday, December 8,1993 shaw and Janet Bradshaw, prop- How much is your home worth? erty at 25 Bushnell Avenue, Contact: Tom Cognato Call Today Southbury Associates Realtors, Ltd. Oakville, $32,500. Armand Pescetelli and Marie 203-264-4044 Pescetelli to Charles Pescetelli, FREE MARKET ANALYSIS property on Frances Ann Drive, RECOLL Oakville, $130,000. Litchfield Meadows to Franco WATERTOWN Management Galasso and Tine Galasso, prop- Corporation erty on Hidden Pond Drive, CONTEMPORARY RANCH - $199,900 $56,000. 245 Summer St. Boston, Ma. 02209 Clyde Hayden and Doris , 617-573-7000 , Hayden toRichardLutz and Mary

Connecticut The Prudential Realty 4 BRs - This custom designed exec, home offers amenities too numerous to mention. Bright white eat-in kit. w/buitt-in appls., Corian counters & ceramic tile fir. Gracious FDR w/parquet fir. & brick FP. Contemporary LR w/ceramic tile fir., cathedral ceiling, unique marble FP & sliding glass doors that open to a private patio & fenced-in back yard. Comfortable FR w/built-in bookcases, fieldstone FP & plush w/w carpet, 2 full baths, many ctosets & room for storage. 3 car gar., beautiful ievet manicured 3/4 acre, city utifs. WESTBURY REALTY 967 Main Street, Watertown • 274-9661

MIDDLEBURY - Tired of condo living? Fabulous one OAKVILLE - One rather elegant Colonial with wide bedroom house located across from fishing lake! front porch w/pillars. Hardwood floors, vinyl siding, SUPERCENTER Cathedral ceilings, Vermont casting stove, full base- one car garage. $114,900. Cormtciicui1. Firei B,:.l Hq> Office ment, wrap-around deck and more. $113,000. Bill Qufoley eves. 274-1810. Cynthia Anderson eves. 262-6086^ Frank Melchiore 596-7700 offic. 573-0B88 homa 500 Chase Parkway, Waterbury


WATERTOWN - 7 room Spiit Level on large corner lot, MIDDLEBURY - Cape situated on 1.50 acres in won- featuring FDR, El kitchen, FR, enclosed porch, 2 car derful neighborhood. Six rooms/2 BRs, LR w/FP and garage. $129,000. H/W floors. Br&ezeway to 2 car garage. $139,900. Bob Shuhart eves. 274-6404. Andy or Eileen Cfflazo 266-0106 or 264-2662.

ReMax = SOLD WATERTOWN • Rose Garden splendor. An income WATERTOWN . Entertain to the max!! Custom built booster in Watertown can offer you a way to live home, 4 bedrooms, 5 baths, 3 fireplaces, gourmet Frank Melchiore - Top Producer almost free. Bank your dividends. $179,900. kitchen. Spa & heated pooll $375,000. 1988, 1989, 199O, 1991, 1992 Madelalne Peed eves. 274-2362 Certified Residential specialist ^ J, Certified Real Estate Appraiser Graduated Kealror insrirure ::.'Aa'n:i ; ' EM,It:.;. Buyer Broker Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times, DecembeSocietyr 2,1993 - 33 Real Estate Property Transfers '— You — Homeowner-to-Be? (Coniinucd from page 32) Being able 10 buy the home of payment. Although traditionally ham Court, 3121,675. your dreams is one dream that banks would require a down 565 MAIN STREET WATERTOWN • PhoNC 945-0J60 can come true more easily ihcse payment equal to at least 20 per- David Bingham [o Giovanni NEW LISTING CiarloandKathlcenSartor.prop- days, with home prices declining cent of the purchase price of the eny at 497 Cherry Avenue, or remaining stable in most parts home, in some cases they actu- $129,500. of the country, experts say. ally only require a five percent Marie Orsini Rosen to M&M Most home buyers arc sur- down payment. Builders, property at 124-126 prised to learn that it only lakes a Such a small down payment is DavisSlreet,Oakville,$126,000. small amount of cash for a down possible through private mort- Richard Greenwood and gage insurance. In fact, many Nancy Greenwood to Robert people have private mortgage Jason Avenue, $118,000. insurance and don't even realize Truelove and Roseann Truelove, Oakville - This beautiful Raised Ranch features 3 BRs, FR, Arthur M. Williams Jr. to it. property at 341 Greenwood Martin Divito and Judith Divito, FP, 2 car gar., above ground pool, security system, a private Experience shows that people Street, $105,000. property on Linkfield Road, yard in a great neighborhood. Call for more info! $156,900 who make down paymentsof less Michael Kettenbach to NNA $67,000. than 20 percent tend to default Association, property on Frost Capital Construction to Ter- JULIA GIONTA 945-0879 more on their payments. This is Bridge Road, $360,000. esa Colwell, Unit 85 of Water- OFFICE 945-0560 why lenders and investors are North American Bank & Trust town Old Farms, $130,000. unwilling to take on the risk of to Randall Rock and Laura Rock, Allen Hoube and Lelia Hoube property on Georgetown Drive, these low down payment loans to Gary O'Brien and Patricia by themselves. OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 2-5 p.m. $76,000. O'Brien, property at 35 Pine Litchfield Meadow Associa- Street, $200,000. Private mortgage insurers - Build Your Dream Home - tion to Catherine Woodruff, prop- Linda Agnew to William Seres share the risk of default with the Use Your Plans or The Builders erty on Hidden Pond Drive, and Melissa Seres, property at 62 lender or investor, thus making $59,000. Prospect Street, $142,500. low down payment loans more OVERLOOK Femand Labbe and Irma Anita Mucci to Vincenzo attractive to issue. AT Labbe to David Sandulli and Mucci Sr., property on Wcslview With the interestrales on home **»., , • .-

WATERTOWN - 3 BR Tri-Level, 3 BRs, WATERTOWN • Well-maintained 7 on 1.S5 acre lot, country kitchen, LR room, 3 BR Colonial. Huge LR lor for- w/FP, 2 car garage and more. Asking mal entertaining or use the big deck & $159,900. Don or Sally. FR w/FP for those less formal times. Dining rm. w/Parquet floors, large dining area by the kit. for everyday use. $194,900. Vinnie Smith.

OAKVILLE-$99,000 WATERTOWN - $127,700 JUST REDUCED AGftIM! COME HURRY -I oveiv 5 rmJZ SIX ROOM RANCH In walking distance to town, offering 3 SR Ranch. Quiet, end of street neighborhood. Full base- 8Rs, LR w/fpl., formal DR, 2 car gar. Excellent value. ment, newer roof & furnace. Yarka Cleary eves., 274-1407. Exclusively listed! 264-5000.

WATERTOWN • Beautiful Custom-built WATERTOWN • Magnificent 9+ room home w/all amenities. Huge EIK w/solid Colonial with circular driveway set on Cherry cabinets, cathedral ceilings, 3 secluded private lot. Spectaculaf 2-story zone heat Sun rrn. w/hot tub off Master. marble entry, MBR suite w/jacuzzi & walk 3 car gar., security system & much, in closet, guest suite, huge entry, kit. w/all much more. $279,000. Connie Baker. the amenities. Great rm. w/marble FP, and much more. $299,000. Connie 8aker. WATERTOWN - $124,900 WATERTOWN - $279,900 LOCATION! LOCATION! Charming Ranch w/3 BRs, 11/2 BUY A CUSTOM BUILT HOUSE! without the wait. baths, LR w/fpl. EIK, enclosed porch, gar. Gloria Shriro. 266- Relocating executive's loss your gain. 4 BDR colonial by 4510. E&R Builders. Call Bernie Evans eves., 758-1585.

WATERTOWN - Spectacular Contem- WATERTOWN - Gracious Vintage porary nestied on 5 acres. LR w/flr. to Colonial possesses 12+ rooms of ceiling FP. fully sppi. kit. w/breakfast unique character & charm. Wainscoting, rm., FDR, FR w/FP, 3 BRs & office. 3 stenciled walls, wood flooring, (4) lire- full baths, including Jacuzzi, inground places, 3500 sq. it., storage barn, beau- pool, and Florida room. $329,900. Mary tifully landscaped, many more details. Ann or Joe. $297,900. Joe DiSantis. WOODBURY- $139,900 OXFORD-$142,900 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a home w/high visibility in a prime GREAT RETURN FOR YOUR TIME and money on this 3 BR 900 Straits Tpke., Rte. 63 location, yet Ig. enough to raise a family & run a business? split. Mature neighborhood, country setting & privacy. CsJI Well, we have one. Hurry, it's priced to sell, call today. Cindy today. Bemie Evans/Rita Hoy! 274-5431 or eves., Bernie Middlebury, CT HOMEQurrr Timm eves 274-5830 758-1585 or Rita 274-9416. 598-0449 RBOCAIiON CENTER 34 - PropertyTown Times, December 2,199 of3 the Watertown Historical Society Scholastic News

FEELING GOOD: Strawberry Productions of Massachusetts, above, entertained St. John the THANKFUL TIME: St. Mary Magdalen kindergarteners pause for Evangelist School youngsters a short prayer before enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner prepared by recentlyinFather FilipHallwith their mothers last week. — Times Photo, Faber songs and skits that stressed self- confidence .self-esteemandstay- ing away from drugs and alco- hol. At right, all the younger students respond to the lyrics fromtheVanHalensong "Jump" by raising hands in unison — well, er, almost everybody. — Times Photos, Valuckas

With the Scouts

After spending the past four weeks getting reorganized, re- cruiting members and volunteers, and holding their initial Cub den and tiger group meetings, the CLASS CHARACTERS: Baldwin School second graders Geoffrey newly-reborn Watertown Cub Scout Pack 55 held ils first offi- Quinby, Patrick Kiernan, Jacob Hammer, Margaret Byrnes and cial pack meeting Monday, Erica Pilicy model costumes they wore in the class play entitled November 22, at Uie United "The Scarecrows and the Moon," performed for parents and MelhodistChurch on Main Street. classmates recently. "It is a story about friendship," said teacher The evening began with the Dinah Butterly. "Every child in the class had a part." — Times pledge of allegiance as Den 1 Photo, Faber carried out theflag. Chuck Fisher, the new cubmaster, introduced some of the committee members, Susanne Charbonneau, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John volunteers and others who will Charbonneau of Watertown, has entered the freshman class at be involved in the operation of Wheaton College in Norton, Mass. the pack this year. Entertainment was provided by Den 2, which performed an original skit from "The Jungle Solution to page 18 Crossword Puzzle Book" featuring Mowgli, the man-cub. All Cub Scouis in attendance JARS APLENTY: Brownie Troop 4054 from Baldwin School shows were awarded their Bobcat offlts "GoodDeedJars" itmaderecently.Foreachgooddeedtheir badges. This badge is earned only daughter does, parents will put 5 cents in the jar, with earnings after the cub has learned certain goingtotheWatertownFoodBank.Photo courtesy ofMarySklanka. basic components of scouting protocol, including the laws of the pack, the Cub Scout sign, motto, promise and salute. Michael Chapman announced available by calling Diane Baugn The Bobcat badge officially at the meeting that the popcorn at 274-0888 or Diane Chere ai welcomes the cub into scouting fund-raiser netted $800 for the 274-5010. and represents the first step on scouts. theroadtobecomingaBoy Scout In addition to the popcorn CFIDS Support The Tigers each received a spe- fund-raiser and the food drive, LITCHFIELD—The North- cial patch to signify their initial some scouts recently participated west Connecticut Chronic Fa- inthetroutstockingoftheNauga- tigue(CFIDS)andFibromyalgia involvement in the pack. Support Group mecls Die second Overall, ihe equivalent of 40 tuck River. Tiger Group 3 went on a hike through White Memo- Saturday of the month from 1 to cases of canned foods and dry 3 p.m. at the Oliver Wolcott goods were collected by the rial in Lilchfield and Den 1 found lime to make birdhouses, which Library, 150 South Street. scouts for the annual drive for the The next meeting is set for Watertown Food Bank. The col- were displayed at the pack meet- December 11, lection required five fully.-loaded ing. Family, friends and caregivcrs All OakviNe and Walcrtown are welcome. For more informa- trucks to deliver all thedonalions children are invited to join Pack to ihe food bank. tion, call Karen Mcares at 489- 55, [nfiifmalion on scouting is 4118. . - Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n SocietyTimes, December 2,199 3 - 35 Legals Classifieds NOTICE TO CREDITORS watertownhistoricalsociety.orgSection 25.3.1 of the Zoning Sate of Connecticut Regulations of the Town of Apartments For Rent 040 Watertown, 4,904 Sq. Ft. lot Uovvn Court of Probate WATERTOWN District of Watfirtown area proposed and a variance of 3 rooms •* /appliances $425 11.5 Ft. to the new property Classified 3-1/2 rooms w/appliances $425 Estate of Notice 10 Advertisers IRENE NARDOIA line; 30 Ft. required by Section 3 rooms w/appliances $450 Please Read Your 3 rooms w/appliances, first floor, The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, 25.5.2 of the Zoning Regula- Advertisement $475 Judge of the Court of Probate, tions of the Town of Watertown Advertisements are taken by Town Times over the telephone as a customer conve- 757-7124 or 754-6573 District of Watertown at a hear- in an R-G District located at 60 nience. You should read your ad the first day it appears and report any error in lime ONE BEDROOM, suitable for single. ing held on November 23,1993 Mason Avenue, Oakville, Ct for the next scheduled insertion. Town Times is responsible for one incorrect inser- Heat, hot water, electric, cable, w/ap- which presently has two exist- tion for any advertisement and then only to the extent of a "make-good" inscnion. pliances. $550/month. Security re- ordered that all claims must be quired. 881-2211. presented lo the fiduciary at the ing dwellings on the lot be Errors which do not lessen the value of [he advertisement will not be corrected by approved subject to conditions "make-good" inscnion. Thank you. Town Times, 274-8851 or 274-8852. WATERTOWN- BEAUTIFUL 1 address below. Failure to bdrm. apt. Perfect for the profession- promptly present any such and al. Private entrance. No pets. Non- claim may result in the loss of App. #500 of Mr. & Mrs. Card Of Thanks 005 Condominiums For Sale 015 smoker. All utilities included. rights to recover on such claim. Vincent Tumbull of 80 Long- $650/month. References required. 274-5767.. Carey R. Geghan, Judge view Avenue, Watertown, Ct. NOVENATOST.JUDE WOODLAKE- MUST sell! 2BR, 2- The fiduciary is: requesting a variance of 11 Ft May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be 1/2 baths, family room, FP in living BRIDGEWATER - 4 room apartment to a side property line to con- adored, glorified, loved and preserved room. Excellent condition. Priced at with garage. Single person, profes- Nicholas Nardoia throughout the world, now and forev- $84,900. Call 1 -43 1 -0468 alter 6pm. sional preferred. No pels. $575/mo. c/o Richard P. Zipoli, Esq. struct an addition 10 Ft X 20 er. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. CaU 354-6628. FL, 9 Ft. from a side property HERITAGE CIRCLE- Winthrop. 80 Phoenix Avenue St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for 2BR, 2 baths. Deck overlooks bird BUNKER HILL, Waterbury- Out- Waterbury.CT 06702 line; 20 FL required by Section as. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by sanctuary. No age limit. $112,000. standing short-term apartments. 1 or the 8th day your prayer will be an- 264-1919 leave message. more bedrooms, full kitchen, LR, off- TT 12-2-93 23.5.3 of the Zoning Regula- swered. It has never been known to tions of the Town of Watertown street panting, appliances, dishwash- fail. Publication must be promised. er, parking. 263-0018, 263-4620. in an R-20 District located at 80 Thank you and God bless you St. Land For Sale 025 LEGAL NOTICE Longview Avenue, Watertown, Jude. C.A.W. BUNKER HILL, Waterbury- New The Zoning Board of Appeals OXFORD- 2-1/2 acres, high views, listing. Newly remodeled 4 room Ct be approved subject to con- apartment. Quiet, pleasant neighbor- of Watertown, Connecticut at a ditions and close to Rts. 8 & 1-84, $60,000. regular meeting held on Real Estate For Sale 010 Owner 881-0705. hood. $575Mo., includes heat, HW. parking. 263-0018, 263-4620. App. #503 of the Tbrrington MUST SELL. Woodbury- Perced & November 24,1993 voted that: LITCHFIELD- 3 bdnn. contempo- Company, a Division of Inger- approved 2+ partially cleared acres. WOODBURY- MAIN St.- fully fur- rary, 2 full baths, formal dining room, App. #495 of Henry Straw of Close to town on Transylvania Road. nished efficiency apt. $500/mCfl. plus soll Rand, 59 Field Street, spacious, fully applianced eat-in 479 Strongtown Road, South- Torrington.Ct requesting a var- $70,000. 263-3948. utilities. Fist & last month's rent. bury, Ct. requesting a variance kitchen, full walkout basement, deck, Available 11/23. 263-0120. iance of 8 Sq. Ft. and 4 Linear newly landscaped 1-1/4+ acres. All WOODBURY- NEAR Watertown NEWTOWN- SHORT-TERM or of street frontage and dimension freshly painted inside and out, new line. Clear open lots with view. Wells Ft. to construct a sign 4 FL X 12 long. 2-3BR Historic home, com- of square: 50 Ft. frontage w/w carpeting, lg. 2 car garage, very are in. Asking $89,000 to $99,000. Ft. (48 Square Feet in area), 10 pletely furnished and equipped, in es- required by Section 24.3.5 of private setting, end of cul-de-sac. Wooded lot offered at $79,000. Short- Ft. from a street line (Park Must see. Asking $189,900. Call 263- term owner financing may be avail- tate area. 263-0018, 2634620. the Zoning Regulations and 75 Road) Section 62.4.2.C of the 0230 or 266-5621. able. Hardisty Real Estate, owner. WOODBURY. 2BR apt. in residential Ft. dimension of square re- 2634546. area, stove, refrigerator, w/w carpet, Zoning Regulations of the Town SMALL COTTAGE, Sution, NH. AU coin-op w/d, addt'l storage. Available quired by Section 23.3.2a of the 23 ACRES by owner, Bethany. Road of Watertown that only one sign year living. Lake rights. Rentable. Dec. 1. $625Ano. CT Realty Group, frontage. Serene and secluded Zoning Regulations to establish S29.5O0. Phone 264-5731. Firm price. may be located 10 Ft. from a areamice view. Call 272-7860, after 7 354-0084. a building lot with access by an OAKVILLE: BY owner. Six room street line, provided that the 1/2 DUPLEX - Two bedroom. Nice ranch, immaculate. 1-1/2 baths, fin- existing right of way across pro- yard, deck, garage. No dogs. 274- sign does not exceed an area of ished basement, sun room, new roof, WATERBURY BUILDING lot. perly known as 131 Falls 3589 40 Sq. Ft and more than 8 Ft in freshly painted, fenced-in yard, cus- Level, clear. Townplot section, near Avenue, Oakville, Ct. be ap- any dimension in an IR-200 dis- tom storage shed, central air, gas heat, Holy Cross. $39,900 or best offer. NEWTOWN- IBR apartment- Walk proved subject to conditions and trict located at 156 Park Road, 3 car garage. Many extras. $150,000. 756-0139. to town, all utilities/appliances. App. #499 of Steven J. Bavone, 274-8359. $625/mo. Available 12/1. CaU 426- Watertown, Ct. be approved. 8389. 60 Mason Avenue, Oakville, Ct. Dated in Watertown, CL this 1st ROXBURY- 5 room Ranch, 1-1/2 Homes For Rent 035 requesting two variances to baths, FP in living room, 2 car 48 HARVARD St., Oakville - Second day of December 1993. floor, 5 rooms, closed-in porch, walk- create a lot which will not meet garage, plus cottage with efficiency WOODBURY- FOR single person or Jeffrey Franson, Secretary kitchen. Located on private 10 acres in attic. 274-3105. lot area requirement of an R-G professional couple. House on 3 Zoning Board of Appeals with pond and brook. $225,900. acres. Convenient to town & Rt 84. OAKVILLE FOUR room apartment- District of 7,500 Sq. Ft. per TT 12-2-93 Owner 350-2874. No pets. Lease security & references. First floor, heat/hot water included. $l,050/mon. 266-5252. weekdays; $550/month. Security Deposit re- 266-7476. evenings. quired. CaU 274-5406. days. 274- 2712. evenings. OXFORD/STEVENSON- DREAM house. Must seel You'll love this WOODBURY- PRIVATE. Wooded most unique newly renovated doll- views. Spacious 2BR. W/D hook-up. house. No smoking, no pets, refer- Appliances. Available immediately. enccs. Affordable. 735-7011. $7S0/monlh. 263-5823. SOUTHBURY- 3BR, large living WATERTOWN- TAFT School. 6 room and kitchen. Family room with rooms, 2+ bedrooms. Appliances, fireplace. Garage. 1-1/2 acres. Near some utilities. $595 first month, nege- Pomperaug High School, $l,050/mo. tiable. 266-0898. Rent with option possible. Connecticut Realty Group OAKVILLE-FIRST FLOOR, one 354-0084 bedroom apartment, LR, kitchen, washer/dryer hook-up, gas stove, oil OXFORD HOUSE: Lovely Colonial heat, gas hot water. No pets. on secluded 1.7 acres - 8 rooms - 4 $450/monlh plus utilities. Security bedrms- 4 full baths - fam. rm. dcposiL 274-1854. w/vauked ceiling - skylites - fireplace FOUR ROOMS-FIRST floor, private - 2 decks - 2 car garage. $1500 per parking (Polk School area), month: Nancy Bova Real Estate 264- $475/month plus utilities. Refer- 9787. ences/Security. No pets. 274-0434. WATERTOWN- 2BR Ranch, Judson School District. Deck, appliances, Rentals Wanted 055 lovely yard. $850/mo. References, se- curity deposit. 274-5726. OXFORD/SOUTHBURY- SHORT- WATERBURY'S BEST location- 6 TERM, January to March, while rooms, 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths. building. Call 881-0705. Finished family room in lower level. Stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, wash- er/dryer hook-ups. Deck, patio, 2 car For Sale/Display garage. No pets. Call Coldweil Banker, Ydrka, 274-5431 or evenings 274-1407. WATERTOWN- 2 or 3 bedroom CHRISTMAS Ranch, LR, DR. all appliances includ- ing, washesWryer, oil heat. Great lo- TREES cation and neighborhood. Comer lot. On Sale Nov. 27th CaU Coldweil Banker, Yarka 274- 5431, or evenings 274-1407. WATERTOWN- THREE bedroom home, 2 baths, fireplace, large quiet estate. Two year lease, security, refer- ences. July 1. S840/mo. plus utilities. CaU 274-6316. Apartments For Rent 040

EXTRA LARGE one and two bed- room apartments with laundry facili- ties and storage. No pets. $585/mo. to $67S/mo. 263-5482. OAKVILLE/WATERBURY- 1BR apt., near Rt. 8 & 1-84. Parking. $400. . 756-4929. ... 36 - TownProperty Times, December 2,1993 of the Watertown Historical Society To place your FREE ad To respond to ads Simply call 1-900-288-4803 Call 1-800-454-9200, 24 (call costs $1.99 per minute. 18 hours a day. For assistance or older). Using a touch-tone from a Personal Possibilities phone, enter the four digit representative call Monday- number in the ad, or browse all the voice ads in a category of Friday 9am-9pm. We'll help your choice. Listen to as many you write your FREE 30 voice ads as you want and leave your own private message for word ad and give you blishers the people who interest you. If instructions on how to you re calling from a rotary record and retrieve your phone you can still leave your sm own private message for a messages for FREE. Its easy To call & respond to Personal Possibilities ad call specific advertiser by following and fun! Meeting someone the easy instructions. The special just got easier! browse feature is only available Call today! 1 -900-288-4803 with a touch tone phone. $1.99/min. i8orover.TPI1-800-454-9200

OLD FASHIONED ROMANTIC ALL PURPOSE MAN NEVER DULL ATTRACTIVE SM DWJF. 50YO, 5'6", full figured. SBF, 5'4", personable, enjoy Middle-aged man enjoys dining out. 35, 5'6". br/bl. 135, fit professional, intelligent, friendly, outgoing, likes traveling, cooking, meeting new sports, dancing and spontaneity musician, composer. I enjoy theater, movies, music, (heater, concerts, people. ISO intelligent, good seeking warm, personable F with symphony, dining-out, comfortable dancing, & traveling. Not interested in similar interests. Enthusiasm a plus. clothes. Sincere, caring and just walking the beaches. Cm looking, ambitious, quiet, loving tTi5O5 (expia'fS) comfortable, exciting, & fun. ISO the male, 40-55. tt1469 (exp12/9) committed, environmentally and ATTRACTIVE SINCERE same. 1T1434 (exp11/26) spiritually aware. TT1466 (expi2/9) DF, 40's, 135lbs, 5'6", brown/brown, LIFE AFTER 507 VOICES AREA WS, N/drugs, good mind, positive living DWF. early 50's, seeking friendship Attractive WM. 35, fit, educated. LOVEABLE HUGQABLE style, enjoys working out, dancing. GORGEOUS, SHAPELY, PREPPY with gentleman of similar age and executive, confident, sincere, con- THETOTAL PACKAGE SWM, 35YO, N/S, build -John walks on beach. Seeks same in female. 5'6\ noibs. 30's. seeks interests, and hopefully explore new siderate, enjoys exotic foods, foreign SM. 24. interests include tennis, Goodman" type, br/br, appreciates physically fit M, 5'8"-6'2" W1529 husband. Wants mirror image, 5'10"~ travel, outdoor activities, and the finer exercise, skiing, the outdoors, locking honesty and openness, no head horizons of life. Now 5s the time to things in life. Seeks attractive female, fit (expi/2) 6"2". handsome, brainy, preppy, fit, enjoy. «1194 (exp12/3) for that someone special, 20-28. N/S, games, ISO down-to-earth lady, let's for friendship first. N/S. W1502 non-drinker. TT1107 (exp12/3) dancer, skier, loaded, traveler, social, (npiSriS) meet for coffee or drinks, 1T1464 funny, fun-loving. N/S. never married. SEEKING (exp 12/9) COMPANIONSHIP 35-45. tT1436 (exp11/26) F. seeking a gentlemen. 35-45. likes FRIENDSHIP OUTGOING DWM Relationship, DWF, 37, 57", LOOKING FOR A WIFE Early 40's. 5'11", 185I&S, likes all types SELF-SUFFICIENT outgoing, friendly, romantic, enjoys 39YO SWM. looking for a SWF, under Of music and dining, seeking S/DWF, SM, 57", br hair, self-sufficient, music, movies, dancing, sports, 30, no kids, who is looking to fulfill all 35-38, nice figure, for long-term enjoy going out, conversation, ISO artist, vibrant, passionate, well traveled, seeks tall SM, 35-50, to share that life has to offer. I'm in Southern relationship. TT1454 (exp12/3) attractive. SF. approximately 22YO, California area. tri494 (expi2/i2) witty, with eclectic interest. You. SM, i r weekends with. 1T1468 must have good attitude. W1460 FRIENDLY AND NICE 32-42, dynamic, creative, secure, (exp 12/2) attractive, playful, warm, humorous, HANDSOME ATTORNEY, 30 S8F. 25, 5'6". attractive, likes lo read, 1 write, movies and quiet evenings a< communicative, non-smoker.B 1432 Enjoys travel, dinner, walks on the (expi2/3) beach, golf, and his bulldog, seeks a FUN FUN FUN home. Looking (of good looKing male dynamic, caring, and gentle woman to DWM, 46YO seeks WF, 35-50. to 28-31. outgoing, friendly, caring, share quality time. W1201 (exp12/3) share life's simplest pleasures. adventurous, for friendship and DWPF, 34, 5'10". artist type, cowgirl, 1X1459 (exp 1272) romance. 1*1520 (exp12/26) skiier, good cook, smoker, drinker, love great wines. Can chop wood in NEAR WATERBURY DWM, attractive, ffil", I85)bs., 4O's, DWM. 41, N/D. smoker, seeking SENSUAL, SENSITIVE, SPIRITED flannels, serve champagne in si*. Love Meeting athletic-minded F, 30-45, skiing, golf black ties and pig roasts. Seeking br/blue, romaniic, open, and honest, Tali, dramatic, beauty. 29, ambitious, successful man, 30*. with no baggage. ISO 30-45YO attractive, tall, slender, and sailing are a few of my interests. compassionate, daring, spontaneous, 1T1381 (exp12/3) outdoor, barefoot type lady, drug free. Have 16YO daughter, kids OK. loyal, romantic, interests from A-Z. Loves to pamper - from cooking dinner tT1i97 (exp12/3) desiring, tall. sultry.N/S. PM. 30-45, to polishing your toes. V1109 ambitious, passionate, and adven- SOFT AND GENTLE (exp12/3) READY FOR FUN turesome, for emotional and spiritual OWF, 42, 5'10", ISO D/SWM. 40-50, Sincere, attractive SWM, 23, 5'10", exchange. TT1518 (exp12/26) Someone 6'+. honest, sincere, has good sense of 190, enjoys outdoors, sports, and humor, and wants to get back to SWM College-educated, Army Reserve. music. Seeks W/HF for a honest basics. Must enjoy long walks, quiet relationship. Will answer all replies. ATTRACTIVE ON THE OUTSIDE romantic evenings by the fire, Interested in martial arts, keeping in but most Important, beautiful on the candlelight dinners, and long shape, but not macho. Open-minded, U1493 (exp12/12) inside. SWPF, 34YO. secure, sincere weekends. W1351 (exp11/26) shy. prefers one to one situations. ISO and unpretentious, seeks intelligent, fit straight-forward S/DF, 30's. Lei's start ATTRACTIVE SM male who is comfortable with himself Special Just as friends, and see what happens. 35, 5'6", br/bl, 135, fit professional, tH098 (expi2/3) and maybe searching for real. W1S15 ATTRACTIVE AND BRIGHT musician,, composerp . I enjojyy theater, (expi2/26) DWF. 42 YO. professional. Enjoys symphonyh , dining-outdiit , comfortablftble outdoor activities, meditation, family, & clothes. Sincere, caring and cuddling by the fire. Seeks loving SM committed, environmentally and SWF, 31YO relationship w/man, 34-4rj's. who Looking lor SF who likes music, , y petite, attractive. N/S, educated, with welcomes an independent & successful movies, walks on the beach. W1099 spiritualliitll y aware. tT146666 (exp12/9( ) musical ability. ISO N/S SWM. who Is worrfen. V1346 (expi23) Got Easier! (exp!2/3) intelligent, sensitive, ambitious with SECOND CHANCE good values and morals for friendship, SINGLE WHITE MALE, 28 Happy, healthy dad. 40, with or possible relationship. W1516 MARRIAGE MINDED custody of two small girls, average Attractive DWF, 4Q's. W, 115. caring, Looking for SWF, 23-35, would like to (exp12/26) share bobbies and activities with heightyweight, seeking S/DF, 28-38, sensitive, sense o< humor, financially 5'6" or less.-0-1340 (exp12/3) secure, dances to top 40's: ISO -» Free 30 Word Ad someone for a possible relationship to have fun and share life with. 1T1062 CLASSIC LADY S/D/WWM, 40's, with sense of humor, and same interests. 1T1391 (expi2/3) (expi2/3) DWM. down-to-earth, 39YO, who SWPF. 44YO. 5'4", auburn hair, N/S. -> Free to Record Your Greeting enjoys camping, fine foods, & walks smart, witty, outgoing, with old- w/hls Labrador. Seeks a fit, 25- fashioned values. Seeking intelligent. Attractive, cultured professional female -» Free Message Retrieval 35YO woman who enjoys romance fit, successful gentleman, with cul- interested in the "arts", sports, boating, & an old-fashioned relationship. tural/outdoor interests, values in laith/ traveling, seeks well-educated man, IBM 341 (exp12/3) family, to share life's adventures. 55-65. #1371 (exp12/3) GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR TT1504 (expia/19) DWCM. 40's, friendly, caring, honest, DWM, 44YO, 5'9", 210lbs., enjoys travel, dining, cooking, Christian, N/D, easygoing, likes TALL, ATTRACTIVE gardening, & kids. Looking for woman. IN NEED OP A REAL MAN SWF, 31YO, tall, attractive, head In 30-40's, w/simiiar interests. W1435 fishing and outdoors ISO S/DWM, DWPF. N/S. 25. pelite, hazel/long stars, feet on ground, independent, To Place Your Free Ad Call (expi2/3) N/D, 34-40, WP to H, for friendship blonde, hourglass figure, ISO 23-28 spiritually-minded, outdoorsy. & earthy. and possible long term relationship. SWPM. small to medium build, clean ISO 30-40YO S/DWM with similar MO. •B1290 (exp!2/3J cut. honest. Loves kids, compassionate Let's get together & grow from there! SWM. 42. 5'9", brown/brown, 165, and active. 1T1501 (expi2/12> 91342 (exp12/3) athletic, considered handsome. NS. ND, enjoys traveling to tropical places, golfing, beaches, wknd getaways, hugs HONEST AND SINCERE SF. 37YO. attractive, enjoys running, and handholding. Seeks S/DWF 23-38 hiking, music, & has many interests. SWF. enjoys dancing, riding bikes, friendship and monogamous rela- NICE, PRESENTABLE GENTLEMAN walking, dining out or in. walks on Seeks attractive SM, 40-50, w/ similar tionship. W1433 |exp12/3) qualities. 1T1343 (expi2/3) SWM, 80, N/S, N/D, likes dancing, beaches, movies, cooking and 1 -800- dining out, movies, reading, looking for traveling. I'm honest and sincere. Looking for SWM with similar interest, SF, w/kids. likes dancing, quiet AWESOME 34 45-60. «M497 (exp12/12) evenings at home, seeking SM, for Secure SWM. 34. never married, great relationship, trmo {exp11/26J sense of humor, loves rock & roll, outdoors, fun times; ISO SF. 25-35, w/hearl of gold, who enjoys concerts, VERY SMART OPEN-MINDED SENIOR WIDOW SWF, 56. grey/blue. 5"4". ISO daytrips and the beach. IT1336 (SO senior widower. 75YO+-, 5'10"». attractive, respectable SM, 45*. Enjoys COLLEGE STUDENT (exp!2/3) with similar interests: casual lifestyle, dancing, movies, dining out, singing, SWF, enjoys movies, working out, liberal religion, politics, artistic, enjoy walking on beach, relaxing at home. 454-9200 country music. Very smart. Intelligent. walk in woods, along shore, good home 91498 Cexpi2/12) Seeks SWM. 21-26YO, for friend- A SPECIAL COMPANION cooked meal, with glass of wine. ship and laughter, v 2303 SWPM, 35. 5'8", quiet type, never TH559 {exp12/26> (exp12/22) married. Enjoy travel the beach, skiing, SWF. 26, very outgoing, smoker, TRUE LOVE music, racecar driving. Desires that SWF, 21 AWAITS likes to go camping, hiking, single special lady, 27-35. with heart of Sensitive and caring, enjoys music, A CHALLENGE She's: medium to Rubenesque, 32-49, gold. 1*1373 (exp12/3) dancing, long walks, movies, camping, Tall, attractive. 29, Christian, single travelling, seeking SM, who has the a tactile romantic, N/S, Into music, the outdoors, romaniic dinners, playing parent, sense of humor, many same interests for friendship first. dancing, laughter and conversation. ABBREVIATIONS pool. ISO SWM, with similar interests interests, romantic, spontaneous, W1199 {exp12/3) Her champion: DWM, 51, husky, N/S, CLOCK TICKING?? who has a good sense of humor. seeks tall, physically, and mentally S/D, aspires to long term ARA. All It's past time this 45 year old SWM met TT1499 (exp12/12) strong man for serious relationship responses answered, tf 1500 a nice, thin, family oriented SWF. 30* and lots of fun.1*1115 (expi2/3) (exp12/12) and settled down. TT1372 (exp11/26) WARM, AFFECTIONATE DWF M-Male; Blond, blue eyes, 5P4", i20lbs.. loves ADVENTUROUS SEARCHING MARKETING EXECUTIVE tennis, videos, cozy times, seeks SF, 24, brown wavy hair, hazel NORMAL WM FOR SOULMATE DWM, 40, 5'1O", brown/blue, friendly, F-Female; family-oriented S/DWM. 35-44, N/S, eyes, 5'5n, 152, enjoys ciancing, 33YO, fun-seeker. N/S, average- Attractive OWPM. 45, 5'7", 150lbs, outgoing, l like children and am sharing laughter, honesty, and fishing, horseback riding, ISO SM, height/weight/appearance seeks sensitive, caring, enjoys music, theater, interested in starting a family, flay trips. commitment-W1465 (expl2/9) 24-32, responsible, mature, with compatible SWF, 21-38YO for cinema, cozy dinners, ISO attractive beach, dining out. )SO S/DF, 30-40, for B-Black; sense of humor, goal-oriented, who relationship. Intelligent, appealing woman, trim, N/S, down-to-earth. possible relationship and marriage. will respect me. iri452 (exp12/2) appearance are pluses. IT 1537 sense of humor, independent, kind, IT 1330 (exp12/3) RELATIONSHIP WANTED (expi/9) compassionate. TT1335 (expi2/3) W-White; SF. w/klds, likes dancing, quiet FAIRLY SERIOUS... evenings at home, seeking SM, (or Retired widow senior citizen, seeks J-Jewish; relationshfp. IMno (expH/26) Divorced lady looking for attractive SOUTH AMERICAN SWM DWM, 50 attractive female, 45 or younger, for male, 40s, who enjoys going oul, Looking to meet SWPF. 35-«0. likes to 57, iSOibs., brown/brown, enjoys comapanicnship. «1331 (exp12/3) music, some sports, to lead into a dance, travel, read, the theatre and dancing, tennis, al! sports, movies ISO H-Hispanic; CATCH OF THE DAY fairly serious relationship. H1196 sports. Looking for intellectual for S/DWF. 4CM5. preferably dark-haired, SWM, 45. 6', interests: sports, movies, petite, attractive, decent figure, DWF, full-figured, 37. enjoys dining out. (exp 12/3) friendship poss relationship. W1531 reading and other diverse interes's. twpifi) outgoing, fun. 1t1406 (exp12/16) Looking for someone 30-45 who has A-Asian; similar/varied interests, N/S, wi/hl DWF, 52YO, petite, looking for proportionate, lor monogamous, 40somelhing, with similar interests who honest, caring, gentle man to enjoy DWM, 38 COUNTRY GENT S-Single; has a good sense of humor. TT1111 iongterm relationship. Serious inquiries iife with. Ideal fit would be under Young looks. 57", i601bs. D/free, N/D, Tall, blond, DWPCM. enjoys outdoors, onr/.TTI285 (exp12/3) {expii#6) 5'1O", slim, & sense of humor. I am sense of humor, sensitive, romantic, individual sports, garde ning, cooking, enjoys life. Harleys. camping, music, travel: seeks tail, 45ish. creative D-Divorcecl; fun & considered to look & act INTELLIGENT PROFESSIONAL younger than my years. My interests romantic evenings at home. Seeks woman with similar interests to share in LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP honest, attractive SDF, 28-40. possible a healthy, natural lifestyle and personal SWM, 38, attractive, fit, highly are aerobics, walking, the theater, P-Professional; SF, 65, friendly, outgoing, interesting, serious relationship. TT1527 (exp1/2) growth. *1104 (exp12/3) educated, intelligent, professional, dining out, & people. V1345 enjoys sight seeing, taking rides, dining outgoing. ISO S/DF, early 20's-late out, shopping, antiques, seeking SM, (exp12/3) C-Christian; HOWS YOUR MIND? 30's, attractive, fit, intelligent, bright, about the same age, with similar A LEG MAN sensitive, kind. TT1484 (exp12/16) interests, for conversation. W1112 ATTRACTIVE HONEST SWM. young looking, 36. 6'2", seeks SWM, 49, down to earth, very SF, 5'5", brown/brown, financially S/DWF. 26-36. with nice legs, sense of responsible and caring, likes homeflfe, N/S-Non-Smoken (mpHJ&q humor, down to earth values. I'm family Harleys and weekends away. Desires SINCERE, HONEST, FRIENDLY secure, seeks S/OWM, 5-9"-6'2", oriented, enjoys camping, dancing, woman with a good mind. 1*1106 SM, looking for a nice, loving. late 30'5-40's, financially secure, ISO-Jn Search Of; SF. 45, 5-8 1/2" interested in dancing. music, socializing. W1514 (expi2/26f texpi2/3) attractive WF, 25-40, for good times, handsome, fit, who understands who enjoys dining out, dancing and oriental background, likes going out, going to the beach, for companion- YO - Years Old dining, dancing, theatre, NYC, art, ship. «1483 (expl2/16) music, workout V1485 (exp 12/16)

GUIDELINES: Anyone seeking a long term monogamous relationship may advertise in the Personal Possibilities". Abbreviations are permitted only to indicate gender preference, race, religion. We suggest your ad contain a self-description, age range lifestyle and avocations. Ads containing explicit sexual or anatomical language will not be accepted. Prime Publishers reserves the right to reject any advertisement. You must be 18 years of age or older to place a Personal Possibilities'" ad No ads wi! be published seeking persons under 18. DISCLAIMER: Prime Publishers assumes no liability for the content or reply to any Personal Possibilities- arj. The advertiser assumes complete liability for the content and all replies to any advertisement or recorded message and for any claims made against Prime Publishers as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold Prime Publishers and its employees harmless from all costs, expenses (Including reasonable attorney fees) liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or arty reply to any such advertisement. By using Personal Possibles™, the advertiser agrees not to leave his/her telephone number, last name or address In his/her voice message. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, December 2,1993 - 3 7 Rentals To Share 060 For Sale 085 For Sale 085 Tag Sales 100 Automotive 105 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to SIMMONS BEAUTYREST MAT- CHRISTMAS TREES Norway MOVING SALE- Woodbury, 5 Cedar 1974 CORVETTE dual exhaust, auto. share house in Walertown. TRESS SETS- Lowest prices in CT. Spruce or Colorado Blue Spruce, four Spring Lane, Woodlakc. Furniture, $8,000 will trade for Cherokee, pick- S400/month, includes heat and utili- Calwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl for free price quote on Simmons to nine feet- Tag now or cut. $20 to household items, tools and organ. up truck, etc 274-2132. ties. Call Diane, 945-3276 evenings Bcautyresl, Sealy Poslurepedic, and $30. 274-5320. SaL, Dec. 4,9am-4pm. 1977 SUNBIRD- runs, body OK, or 877-1473 days. Sena Perfect Sleeper. Free delivery. RUSSO COAL/WOOD Stove with ALL CHILDREN'S needs - Holiday The Bedding Shack $100. 1976 Cordoba- 400 engine, blower-Excellent condition, $400. clothes, toys-fumiturc-walkers. Open runs good. $400. Evenings 598-7699. Vacation Rentals 065 580 Lakcwood Rd. 274-0185. Sundays 1-5 pm. Tuesday-Satruday, WaKrbury-574-M99 1983 DODGE Van. Low mileage. SKI VACATION- Trailside condo al 10 am-4 pm. Kid's Room Consign- FIELDSTONE - good quality rock ment, 727 Main St., Walertown. One owner. Excellent running condi- Mount Snow in Southern Vermont. CHRISTMAS TOEES- Tag Saturdays for stone walls, etc. Large amount tion. New tires & exhaust system, Sleeps 8, beautifully furnished, color & Sundays 'til dark. Call Transylva- available. Will deliver any amount, am/fm stereo. Must see. Call 575- TV, VCR, stereo, fireplace, phone, nia Tree Farm at 266-0330. large or small. Mark Jungen. 263- Automotive 105 1148. microwave, W7D. Available 1/14/94- 0143. 1990 DODGE Shelby Daytona, under 1985 PLYMOUTH Horizon: Auto- 1/17/94. Call for rates, other dates. DOLLHOUSES: VICTORIAN, warranty. 42K, $8,000. 1988 Suzuki and color photos, 1-272-5942. Colonial, Kits, finished houses, furni- PORTABLE G.E. dishwasher (two matic, 4 door, white with maroon in- months old). Regular $450 asking Samurai. 4wd, black, convertible. terior, 65,000 miles. Good condition. BARBADOS. 1BR oceanfront villa ture, and accessories. Discounts now $2300. All excellent condilion. 266- for Christmas. Miniature Mansions by $285. Secretary, $275. Humidifier, Asking $2,100. 274-2981. with pool. Reasonable. Brochure $40. Moving. Catt 753-3378. 4729. available. K. Kellcy, 203-879-6105. Maccione. 263-3233. 1989 FORD Mustang GT. Red with 1968 DART- Four door, V-8,318 au- red interior. Power everything. Call FLORIDA. WEST Palm Beach BEAUTIFUL BLUE and white tomatic. Very good condition. 598-0278. condo. IBR, 1-1/2 bath, pool. Spruce Christmas trees. Cut yours or $900/ncg. 720-1220 after 6pm. $ 1 ^OOAnonlh. 274-3705 after 5pm. Antiques 090 1991 FORD F250 HD XLT. 4-wheeI we will. $25. Free greens. Ragland 1987 SAAB 900- Red. 2-dr.. 5-spd.. drive, black, automatic, 351, alu- PORT CHARLOTTE. FL- 2BR. 2 Tree Farm, below Woodbury line, RL •TREASURES & TRASH* air conditioning. Great condition. minum wheels, bedliner. $12,900. baths, fully furnished, newly decorat- 6, Southbury. Stiles Brook. 264-5470. We buy & sell from attic to cellar. $5,500 or ben offer. 263-4192. 263-0143. ed home. Close to shopping, beach, FULLER BRUSH products make Partial or whole contents. Used furni- 1966 THUNDERB1RD. All original. entertainment. $975/mo., utilities in- ture, antiques, household items etc. 1978 FORD Granada - Great condi- great Christmas gifts! Start holiday 30,000 miles. Very good condilion. lion. V-8,78,000 miles. Good reliable cluded. Available Jan. thru April. shopping now! Call Jessica, 945- Shop located on Rt- 6 Thomaston Rd. Walertown. Open Thursday thro Sun- $6,850. 888-0694. transportation, $500/best offer. 945- 0252. 6478. day 1-5. Shop * 274-2945 or call Jen- 1969 AMX-AUTOMATIC, PB, PS, NORTH HUTCIIINSON Island, FL- 5 PIECE Oriental style LR set- Sofa, Oceanfronl condo. Two bedrooms, 2 nifer, 266-5323. positraclion. Factory mags. Needs 87 PLYMOUTH Sundance-Automat- chair, coffee, sofa & end tables. Like work. Asking $2,700. 274-7265 after ic, AC, 4 door. $3,800 or best offer. baths, fully equipped, pool, tennis new. Asking $900.723-7673. "2(Xh Century Antiques" courts. Reasonable monthly rales. A new fun shop filled with early 20th 6 pm. Call 274-2880. POKER TABLE. $40. Workbench. 274-0436. Century furniture, jewelry, pottery, Special Notice/Display $30. 888-0694. collectibles (perfect for Christmas), Condominiums For Rent 070 NEW SKI package never used. In- prints, china, and assortment of un- cludes boots (size 8). Best offer. 274- usual things. We also love lo buy and HIGHGATE TWO bedroom, two V898, leave message/phone number. manage estate sales. Winter hours: baths, deck, pool, appliances, storage Fri. thru Sun., llam-5pm. 13 River area, heat and hot water. References FISH SHOP going out of business Rd., (Off Rt- 47), Washington Depot. STOLEN and security. $7S0/mo. 274-4382. sale. Many tanks, lights, equipment 868-7846. 18 SPEED CROSS COUNTRY BIKE HERITAGE CIRCLE- Hawthorne and accessories. Call 266-5591. 26", Black Cherry (Maroon), Red water bottle holder, Black Seat floor plan, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, frpl. eat- CHRISTMAS TREES Tag Sales 100 STOLEN IN THE VICINITY OF in kit., garage. Near pool & tennis. All sizes. Mostly large (9*-18-), $30. Available immediately. $875/mon. 266-5880. LORAINE GARDENS/BARON MOTORS Call Heritage Village Real Estate, NAUGATUCK ESTATE Sale- Con- Between 3-5 p.m. Sunday 264-0888. KIDZ KONSIGNMENT now open tents 412 Field St. Dec. 4 & 5. 9am- Sunday through Wednesday, 12-4; 3pm. Frig., washer, stove, color TV, Child is heartbroken WATERTOWN- ARTILLERY Hill- Thursday, 10-6; Friday & Saturday, oak cabinet & table, rattan furniture, 2BR, 1-1/2 bath townhouse. with fire- 10-4. Accepting consignments. 517 leaf blower, mower, yard and hand Any info., please call place, basement, A/C, garage and Wolcott St. (Archway Plaza), Water- tools, much furniture, household & patio. Tennis & pool. No pels. Imme- bury. 753-2361. misc. 945-6573 diate occupancy. $7S5/mo. 945-6897. BEAUTIFUL 2/3BR condo, with fireplace and garage. Off exit 18. $825/mo. Joan, Realty Plus 264-2333. Reach more than 150,000 suburban Readers For Sale 085 FABRIC BARN Quilting/smocking supplies. Large as- • - • • Voices sortment of calico. Holiday hours: Open every day to December 24, TZown Uimes Weekly Star The Newspaper 10am to 5pm. Rt. 63 East Morris. Next to Cardinal Craft Shop. 567- (In-Home THURSDAY) (In-Home SATURDAY) (In-Home WEDNESDAY) 5823. Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Tuesday Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Friday Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Monday CARPET REMNANTS Cheap! (hun- dreds). Dan Dixon's Carpet, Rt. 69, PHONE PHONE PHONE Prospect Sat., Sun. only, 10am-2pm. 758-0104. 274-8851 -or- 263-2116 263-2116 -or- 274-8851 263-2116 -or- 274-8851 FIELDSTONE, SCREENED topsoil, gravel fill, lot clearing, wood chip- FAX FAX FAX ping, & excavating. Jim Kacerguis, 266-7664. 945-3116 -or- 266-0199 266-0199 -or- 945-3116 266-0199 -or- 945-3116 MATTRESS FACTORY BUYOUT All new premium mattresses. P.O. Box 1 • Watertown, CT 06795 P.O. Box 383 • Southbury, CT 06488 P.O. Box 383 • Southbury, CT 06488 Twin. S19; full, $29; queen, $49. The Bedding Shack S80LakcwoodRd. Watcrbury-574-4499 TTown ZTimee BED FRAME LIQUIDATION Regular, $49; now $29: CLASSIFIED ADS Offer No Fancy Claims... JUST RESULTS Bedding Shack ONE THREE FIVE WEEK WEEKS WEEKS 580LakewoodRd. (PLEASE PRINT EACH WORD IN SEPARATE SPACE) Walerbury-574-4499 4th S Up to 3rd Week 5th MAHOGANY END tables, dining set 2 3 4 15 Weeks with 6 Sheraton style upholstered Words FREE shield back chairs. Velour camel back' couch. Wing back chair. Sarouk scat- 8_ ter rugs. Paintings, china, stemware. Call 2634203. 1£ V V $16.50 ROSSIGOL 150 skis w/ poles. = $5.50 $11.00 Martlcr M36 bindings. Rachelc ski 20_ $19.50 oools (ladies sizc-8). Boots $50. Skis/poles, $200. Like new. 274- 22_ 24_ 25_ = $6.50 $13.00 $22.50 7488 26_ 27_ 3C._ = $7.50 $15.00 AIRLINE TICKETS from Ft. Myers. 28L $25.50 Florida to Hartford. Exp. 12-12-93. $17.00 $150. Ncg. Call 274-9154. Order your Town Times Classified Ad io also run in the Voices Sunday-Weekly Star (In-Home= Saturday $8.50) and Voices The Newspaper FIREWOOD. SEASONED hard- (In-Home Wednesday). Your three (3) Newspaper Ad will cost you only twice (2 times) the cost of your Town Times Ad (the third wood. Cut, split and delivered. S125 newspaper ad insertion is FREE every week your ad runs in all three (3) newspapers.) cord. Mark Jungen 263-0143. LTTTLE WONDER 5HP leaf blower NAME (please print) & vacuum hose w/collecting bag, $425; La-Z-Boy chipper-vac, 3.5HP ADDRESS TOWN ZIP PHONE includes vacuum kit, $300; Sears 32cc blower vacuum includes bag, RUN FOR CLASSIFICATION $50; Brothers 2600Q word processor, _WEEK(S) STARTING, $375; original Telris, $125. Call 264- 0450. D Also run this ad same number of weeks in Voices The Newspaper and Voices Sunday-Weekly Star (Pay only twice the cost of your ad.) Mai! your t ti and paym i to: SEARS 10" table saw with dado and TOWN TIMES carbide Made, $295. Call 274-5997. PAYMENT 1 • Check enclosed In the amount of $ . ATTN: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. ZUCKERMAN HARPSICHORD- 1 P.O. BOX 1 ExceHent condition. $750 negotiable. METHOD* • I hereby authorize Town Times to charge my (chock one) 756-4858. • WATERTOWK, CT08795 . ' V-~?f." in the amount of $ i i rri i rr i n FREE WOODEN pallets for fire- PHONE: 274-8851 OR 263-2116 wood. Call 274-O68S. Card Expiration Date_ . Your Signature DOUGLAS FIR Christmas Trees - FAX; 945-3116 OR 266-0199 All SOCT, $2Oe«*-&)l-H4-4?85.- 38 - TowPropertyn Times, December 2,199 3of the Watertown Historical Society Automotive 105 Lost & Found 155 Position Wanted 175 Help Wanted 180 Business Services 185 1988 FORD F-250: 351, 4*4, HD, LOST- (WOODBURY). Tan longhair CHILDCARE. SOUTHBURY- con- DRIVER WANTED to deliver The PROFESSIONAL PS, PB, cniige, muiy factory extras, female cat, collar but no ID. Lost on venient Rte.6/I-84. Prc-school pro- New York Times early morning hours TYPING SERVICE watertownhistoricalsociety.orggram. Infant, 2, 3, 4 before/after in ihe Woodbury/Southbury area. Tri- Word processing, typing, letters, running boards, mags, never Thanksgiving Day, Minortown Road plowed/towed. Immiculatc. 263- area. 263-4447. Reward. school. Kids are happy at RAINBOW State News Service, call toll free 1- mailing lists, tape transcription, fax 416, a loving, licensed family daycarc 800-654-7295. Ask for Connie. service, resumes, copies. Specializing 5790. home. E.C. teacher, CPR certified, in small business support. 1979 CHEVY Corvette- Red-oo-red, experienced, references. Call Barbara WAITER OR Waitress- Some experi- Instructions 160 ence necessary. Apply in person, San T-tops, 29,000 original miles. $15,000 Packer, 264-7971. Woodbury Secretarial or best offer. 888-5685 leave mes- Remo's, 135 Main St. No., Wood- 263-2279 FAX 263-0386 TUTORING HOUSEKEEPER, EXPERIENCED, bury. Was the last progress report/report dependable and efficient, affordable The most diverse secretarial card a disappointment? I can improve rates, local references, weekly/bi- CHILDCARE NEEDED in Washing- service in the area... since 19851 Pets 130 your child's academic performance. weekly schedule preferred. Call ton area. 2 small boys. Flexible hours. HOMEOWNERS Private tutoring is the answer. Experi- Maria 753-9888. Must have own transportation. Rcfcr- Remodeling and repairs. Carpentry. INVISIBLE PET containment sys- enced, certified, patient teacher, will ences. 868-1881. Interior or exterior. Small jobs wel- tems- free estimates. Financing avail- provide private individualized in- HOUSECLEANING-TWO YOUNG mothers looking for homes to clean GROUP LEADER for parentAoddler come. PROMPT SERVICE at reason- able. Call Iitchfield County Invisible structions in my home. Flexible able rates. Quality workmanship, free Dog Guard, 945-0057. weekday and weekend appointments while oar children are at school. Rea- play and exercise program. Thursday still available. Excellent references sonable Rates. Great references. 266- a.m. in Watertown and/or Monday estimates, fully insured. State Regis- AKC IRISH Setters- Parents on and a track record of proven success- 0375. a.m. and nights in Southington. Ideal tered. References available. Call premises. Males/females. Ready for es. Call 262-6831. opportunity for high-energy individu- William M. Cooke 263-5400. Christmas, $275. 888-1554. I WILL do your housecleaning for al who enjoys working with children. HOME REPAIRS- Remodeling, addi- you. Thank you. 274-9531. Experience preferred; will train. Call tions. For free estimate call Bill POT LUCK Poppies! Mom Aus- LEARN TO ski- Cross-country and 800-397-PLAY. dock, 274-2859. tralian Cattle Dog. Possible 2 Dads. racing camps. Dec. 27-30, $125. MATURE, CARING mother of two S45-S60. Includes 1st shots, worming. After school programs, private, semi- grown children to give T*LC to your Business Services/Display Afternoons, nights only! 429-5670. private lessons. Woodbury Ski Area. elderly/sick person. Days preferred Business Services 185 TRUE MINIATURE Piglets! Smaller 263-2203. but flexible. 20 years Nurses-Aide's size purebreds. Litter trained house- experience. Call Judy, 9am-lpm. 573- MARK SMOLLEY'S Remodeling pets. Great with other pets. Support RUSSIAN TUTORING from native 8744. Company. Interior & exterior paint- Russian language teacher all levels. After Purchase! Afternoons, nights CAREGIVER/RESPITE CARE for ing. Wallpapering. Carpentry. Includ- onlyl 429-5670. Reasonable rales. 283-6517. ing roofs and decks. Free estimates. elderly- Long or short-term. All needs f ROOFING. covered. 20 years experience. 263- Insured. References. Call 274-9082. NURSES AIDE courses- Day, (203) 264-0760 Pet Services. evening and Saturday. Med-Care 4556. DROP OFF Catering- Parties, show- 135 Training, Federal Rd., Brookfield. ers, stags. Complete buffet, $7 per CAT SITTING- We will feed and 775-5699. Help Wanted 180 person, large menu to choose from. give T.L.C. to your cats in your home Laura's Kitchen. Call 945-0013. ReRooflng • Tear off* Repairs while you're on vacation. References GUITAR a BASS w/Tony Dezicl. REAL ESTATE AGENTS- MOTI- Emergency Repairs • Insurance Claims available. Phone: 274-2361. Learn what you want to learn. Theory VATION IS A KEY TO SUCCESS. T.V. VCR Service- Duhamel Elec- included. Call 274-7567. Need self starter with real estate li- tronics. 40S Buckingham St., Oalcville. CT State Lie. #001226. Call Vinyl & Wood Siding Wanted cense. Excellent commission split. 145 Floortime available. Call Connie 274-1974. WANT CASH? Buying US/world Personal 170 Jones, 263-4737. Free Estimates Southbury, CT coins, stamps, proof sets. Silver coins. Business Services/Display Gold: Dental, unwanted/broken INCREDIBLE PSYCHIC predic- SALES REPRESENTATIVES for 14K/18K jewelry. Pony Express, 264- tions]! 1-900-820-3055 Ext. 4120. Metropolitan Insurance Company. 0990. Heritage Village. $3.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Pro- Excellent training program, salary /CAPINERAVt call Co. (602) 954-7420. plus bonus. Send resume to Ken AMANDA'S CLOSET- Accepting Hintz, 683 Farmington Ave., Bristol, Plumbing & Heating quality consignments for established BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ready to CT 06010 or call Bridgette at 583- Woodbury Antique store. Furniture. talklli 1-900-288-9155 ext.3247. 4051 for an appointment. to an, textiles, decoys, jewelry. Dolls $3.99 per minute. Must be 18 years. Quality Work wanted! Also buying and selling. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. DENTAL ASSISTANT with expert Fusco's at Mattresses and box springs made to ence wanted for Woodbury practice. Competitive Prices orderfor antique beds. Call 274-7383. NHL/NFL/NBA - Scores, spreads!!! Seeking individual who is energetic, 1-900-884-9203 Ext. 4467. $2.99 per enjoys patient contact and has a sup- Auto Salvage • New Construction • WANTED- GARAGE for storage of minute. Must be 18 years. Procall Co. portive altitude to join our high quali- • Remodeling • Classic car. Bethlehem area. Call (602) 954-7420. ty, friendly working environment. for FREE Pick-up Rick 266-7667. ULTIMATE DATELINE- Meet those Please call Dr. Rubin at 250-6496. oi Junk Cars • Repair Work • NEED TO make room for all those available in your area 1-900-787- PART-TIME NEEDED, early riser. new toys before Christmas? Donate 2894 Ext. 779. Two dollars per Dependable & flexible. Earn 274-6735 ^ Z74-6398 j toys in good condition to day care minute, 18 or older. Avalon Comm. $60/weekly. Call 274-9328 after home. Call 274-3954. (305)525-0800. 3PM. Miscellaneous EASY MATCH making is readynow ! CHILDCARE IN my home Monday 150 1-900-884-9205 Ext 7596. $2.99 per thru Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm. 575- Blue Seal Feeds TED TIETZ, JR. GREAT GIFT IDEA! A Personal- min. Must be 18 years. Procall Co. U64. Rock Salt • Fine Salt ized Letter from Santa will be the (602)954-7420. Fertilizer • Lawn • Garden TRUCKING highlight of every child's holiday! SEEKING DRIVER- To and from Dog Foods • Purina • Wayne Quassuk Rd. Woodbury Only $3.00 per child plus each re- Bradley Airport. Call 758-1595 (four Scott Lawn Products 263-3972 Position Wanted Far Mel • Milorganlta ceives a FREE GIFT! For ordering 175 rings)- YOU CALL. WE HAUL info, call now] 1-800-434-7980. Dolomite Lime • Peat Moss COMPANION AVAILABLE- Edu- HANDY MAN wanted -Full or pan Decorative Bark • Fertilizers ANYTIME, ANYPLACE RED CABOOSE Craft Shoppe. Many cated, mature, experienced. Shopping, time to do painting, carpentry and Hay • Straw • Shavings CRUSHED STONE miscellaneous. Musi be reliable. Bag Balm • Maple Syrup unusual handcrafl items. 10am to errands, holiday decorating, cooking, GRAVEL-LOAM'SAND 6pm, Wednesday thru Monday. Con- etc. Reasonable fee. No minimum Brookwood Manor, call Cathy, 635- signments welcome. Route 67 Rox- hours. Kim, 274-7383. Amanda's 8734, leave message. H.S. Coe Co. BULLDOZING bury. 350-9010. Closet FULL-TIME TELLER needed. Local REASONABLE RATES Savings Bank seeks a person with 45 Freight Street You're Always Ahead some experience to work in their Wa- Waterbury 754-6177 When You Call Ted Help Wanted/Display. tertown Branch. Applications may be submitted to: Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hurl- but, Manager, Thomaston Savings ANNOUNCEMENT OF PART-TIME Bank, 565 Main St., Waterrtown, CT Automotive/Display TEMPORARY POSITION OPENING 06795. We are an E.O.E. _ EXPERIENCED HEAD teacher/di- Remember * TUNE-UPS * SNO-TIRES POSITION: job Developer for Cooperative Education rector. Send resume to: Region #15 * BATTERIES Before and After School Program, Part-Time position (\7A hpw) P.O. Box 864, Middlebury. CT 06762. US r On * EXHAUST * SHOCKS & STRUTS STARTING DATE: December 1993/January 1994 * WINTERIZING * EMISSIONS DRIVER-HELPERS. $9.50 per hour. -AND ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS- MINIMUM Monday-Friday. Stan late morning, QUALIFICATIONS: fixation-BachclonDegree early December through Christmas. Apply in person on Wednesdays from Expcri^ncq-At least one year of experience related to noon to 3pm at UPS, Mountain View responsibilities below. Demonstrated understanding of Road, Watertown. E.O.E. M/F. ARMAND'S MOBIL the co mm unity- technical college mission and its diverse student body. Sales/marketing background, especially in LIKE CANDLES? Become a party 131 Davis Street • Oakville, CT • 274-2538 NVCTC service region. Familiarity with coop or other job light Hostess or home demonstrator. Experienced Mechanic matching functions. Some experience dealing with ESL Earn free product or $20/hr. No esti- 14*"* RESIDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING I onDutyMon.-Fri.8-S I and/or ID special populations a plus. mate. No delivery. Call 881-9138. NOW AVAILABLE - Free Estimates EQUIVALENCIES: Applicants who do Dot meel the minimum qualifications CHILDCARE- TOP-PAYING nanny as stated are encouraged to put in writing precisely how positions available to loving and re- "SIMONEE" $59.95 ""THE ulTMATE" $95.00 sponsible caregivers. Full-time live Complete wash & dry, complete exterior wax, Complete exterior wash & dry, complete shampoo, their background and experience have prepared them for urri. CA63n wnoows. clean door jamos, Armoral! tires and interior, clean the respoflsibilidcf of this positioa and by providing in, live out, and part-time available. windows, jxxnp^te wax. •fm appropriate references. Let us help match your special talents PRIMARY with our special families. Personal in- terview required. Call First Priority RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for job placement, student recruitment and Childcare Services at 723-2589. placement; coordinate employer recruitment and ADVERTISING SALES Rep. tot development; establish and maintain outreach with Connecticut Valley Area. Work dose WATERTOWN AUTO BODY faculty, students, employers; prepare students for to hornet Salary plus commission. successful workplace transition; other related duties. Call for information 1-323-3105. 81 Knight Street, Watertown SALARY: $12.90 PER HOUR - ITA hours per week. CHILDCARE- PART-TIME for 4yr. 274-6626 Position funded by a grant; continued employment & 6 mon. old boys in Woodbury. Re- subject to funding availability. : : liable, experienced, loving & energet- . ; , :/: ;;7!.•,;•;.,/ •'••••••':>:•'••:•• ;",y.\••/.:•;;• TO APPLY: Send letter of intent and resume to: ic. References. 263-4840. Complete Collision Repair • Fiberglass Repair Betsy Sharp, Director of Cooperative Education "SALVATION ARMY of Waicrbury •--•;:?:•• foti|igri S Dtfiflesji • •'..'••.•;, •'.•••' ; Ntugatuck Valley Community-Technical College is looking for "Bell Ringers" at $4.50 750 Chase Pirkwiy, Waterbury, CT 06708 to $5.00/hr. Monday thru Saturday to Auto Painting & Frame Straightening Phone: (203) 57&S225 Christmas. Customizing & Restorotion of Old Cars DEADLINE: December 7,1993 • 430 p.m. INTERESTING POSITION. Lifcht Installed office work & sales. Really nice op- NAUCATUCK VALLEV COMUUNiTYTEOm ICAL COLLEGE IS AN AFFIRMATIVE portunity. Apply in person: Ham rah's S24 HOUR TOWING • OtiMuTAdfe's 1 itf-Maih'StMS Woodbury. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, December 2,1993 - 3 9 Classified Business Services 185 Business Services 185 Business Services 185 Automotive/Display PROCESSING PLUS: Reports, cor- WESTERN CT Carpenuy- Additions, POWER EQUIPMENT service & re- respondence, term papers typed basements, bathrooms, flooring, cabi- pair. Snowblowcrs, chainsaws, mow- quickly and accurately. Expert editing nets, painting and sheetrock. Call ers, etc. Reasonable rates. Free pick- service available. Reasonable rates, 888-1651 or 263-2738. up & delivery. Call 264-2120. free drafts. 264-4383. 95 on $OQ95 Tune-Up CLOCKS REPAIRED: All types. STUMP GRINDING - Man with LOG SPLITTER for hire, with opera- Free pickup and delivery or in-house wood splitter for hire. Call 274-9914. Change LyJ Special tor. Reasonable rales. Call 266-4360. repairs. $30 per clock plus parts. Call SEAMSTRESS, SPECIALIZING in Most Cars 4 Cyl.* r BULLDOZER BACKHOE- work by Dan DeBarba, 879-0372. women's alterations. Expert work, in Every Tuna-op includes a computerized the hour or job. Driveways, septic, CROSSROADS STUDIO-ALL reasonable lime, at fair price. Wood- engine diagnosis & emissions analysis. lawns, drainage, clearing, sand stone, bury 263-5895. Includes Valvoline Motor Oil, Plus our 12 monlh/12,000 mile forms of recording audio/video. Full New filter and Chassis Lube. guarantee is honored at over 600 loam fill delivered. Reasonable. 881- back tracks song arrangements. Du- SNOWPLOWING. REASONABLE centers nationwide. 'Most 4 cyl. engines; 0199, T.T. „ \6 cyl. $49.95. 8 cyl. $59.95. tt, plication of audio cassettes/video rales. Call Don. 274-3949. CUSTOM CABINETRY for kitchen, (VHS). Full size band/group studio. bath, home office/library, etc. Com- Single recording room. Remote and JIMMY'S MASONRY- Specializing With This Coupon • Expires 12/9/93 plete design service. Low overhead, in-house video shoots. Parties/get 10- in masonry, carpentry, fireplaces, Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Sal. 7:30 a.m.4p.m. competitive price. Call for appoint- gethers. Full music any occasion. chimneys, tiles, hardwood floors, & 801 Wolcott St., Waterbury Tape splicing/repairs. Transfer snap sidewalks. 757-3305. ment, leave message. Pisani Interi- (Nextto K-Mart Raia} ors, 577-2221. shots/8mm to video format w/music DAN'S CARPET Service-Repairs, background. Also total sound produc- 597-8863 HANDYMAN- HOME Improvement tions for pageants/performances. etc. 28 years expereincc. Call 757- is currently scheduling fall clean-up. Transfer your LPs/45s to cassette. 69 0008. Beautify your home with interior/ex- Charles St., Watertown. Duane W. terior work done with pride. Dave, Rose, 274-0222. 274-2601. HOLIDAY GIFT ideas. VCR tapes HANDYMAN SERVICES- Bumper made from home movies, photos, Consumers Guide to bumper, allic to cellar. Car clean- slides. "This Is Your Life" videos. ing, maintenance and repairs- Odd Special events taped. Home videos jobs. Reliable and dependable. 274- edited, copied. Call Cloudrider, 264- .to CRAFTS and EXPERT SERVICES 1438. 8020. SNOWPLOWING TABLECLOTHS, DESIGNER fab- 274-1438 rics: Vinylized and custom made to Suburban SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned- Herb specifications. For inquiries call Slip IAGASSE Shaw Sanitation Service, the service Covers Plus***945-3121. professional. Call 274-8228 anytime. Call 274-8851 Construction EXCAVATING, LAND clearing, PAINTING CO. MAGICAL ENTERTAINMENT for woodchipping. Screened topsoil, children's panics and shows. Call Mr. fieldstone, gravel & fill delivered. Jim •Wallpapering SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Miracle 274-6115. Kacerguis, 266-7664. • Power Washing HAPPY'S SEWING- Dressmaking, • Commercial / Residential To See Your Uncovered $ A rr alternations. Also, leather. Exper- PRIME BOOKKEEPING SER- •Interior/ Exterior Watertown & **O inccd. References. And reasonable VICES- Specializing in small busi- • Local References Consumers Guide Oakville Residents Only nesses. Data Entry * Accounts Re- • 25 yrs. Experience rates. Call 274-5626. ceivable • Accounts Payable * Pay- Ad Here • New Installations • Repairs BARK BUSTERS- Tree Service. In- roll/Financial Statements • Tax Free estimates Fully Insured 274-8285 sured. No job too small or large. 12 Preparation. Reasonable Rates. Call 754-0050 yrs. experience. Senior discounts. 274-5456. Complete or partial jobs fitting your ^BaismmsmBSBm budget. 283^1110. BARTENDER AVAILABLE for pri- vate holiday parties, business func- A MOM & POP CARPET PLUMBING REPAIR- Sinks, toilets, tions. Experienced, licensed. Call R.P. ROMANIELLO leaks, etc. Call Jim, 274-8292. 945-0120. & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Business Services/Display 10% Senior Citizen Discount Avg. Size Rms. 1 rm. $29.95 Sofa SM.OO UC. #202980 a rms. $39.95 Loveseal $25.00 Faucet, Sink, Robert A. Lafond I 3rnis.S-19.95 Chair $15.00 Toilet Repairs I rms. $59.95 (etc.) Hardwood Floors Water Heaters Tile & Carpentry (tofnUMd Drains & Sewers Scotchguard S20.00 any couch - 315.00 Loveseal • J 10.00 Chair Cleared -•wodoitilng- No Ad4. C CeramiC'Marble'Granite otal floor mainlenan 754-2273 EMERGENCY SERVICE 274-8784 598-7561

9>.O. '£0x393 • ^/iorus.,(0 06763 J \ tree removal brush chipping ELECTRICAL land clearing • landscape design CONTRACTOR • lawn renovation NO JOB TOO SMALL • ratotilling Matthew J. Baker, D.M.D. • fall clean-up Guaranteed Lowest Prices • leaf removal • snow plowing Seymour - Waterbury - Family Dentistry 274-J400 ,„,,, Oxford Woodbury Area estimates •Quality at Its Besf insured 732-0605 754-6183 621 Main Street s Russ Turner Heating Watertown A I Masonry Ct. Lie. #308164 >. ASPHALT PA VINO, Our Specialties.... ,y Oil Burner Cleaning 264-2954 • Stone Walls • Brick Walls & Repair 274-9315 • Free Estimates • Driveway* • Trucking • ParWng Areas Fireplaces • Patios • Blocks 24 Hour Emergency I • Grading Service • Roads • Tennis Court* • Steps • Foundations Service . ly Insured S Bonded • Oil & Stone Driveways Intuited ALL TYPES OP MASONRY WORK • Service Contracts • Qravol& Stone DeHvaritn Fully Insured - Reasonable Prices Available FALL CLEANING CHECK LIST! Replacement Boilers References Available ft Furnaces For Free Estimates •Over 20 Years Experience- LJ Leaves Removed 263-5248 Call 757-3478 D Lime & Fertilizer Applied O Branches Pruned Away From House SAVE "TICKET" S1O.OO JOHNLEMAYJR. • Gutters Cleaned Free With Cleanup CUSTOM BUILDERS (Repairs extra) On your first house TO DRIVE! cleaning service from additions d Last Mowing & Trimming I BANKRUPTCY.' BAD CREDIT.' remodeling restoration Free With Cleanup SLOW CBEDII7 NO CREDIT; roofing B' Call HARVEST LflNDSCflPE vinyl & wood siding CALL MR. WALL AT Free Estimates masonry 756-1127 custom, 18th century 758-8261 windows, doors, paneling Experience Without Expense Insured & Bonded Fully Insured -All Makes & Models Of Cars Not valid with other offers 266-7508 266-7502 . Free, Estimate, . 40 - Town PropertyTunes, December 2,1993 of the Watertown Historical Society Business Services 185 Business Services 185 Business Services 185 COMPLETE SNOWPLOWINO & SANDING- FOUR SEASONS Horticultural Ser- HOLIDAY HELPER - will bake ResidentuI of commercial No drive- vices- Specializing in mowing, yard beautiful and delicious cookies, tarts COLLISION way or parking lot too big or too cleawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn ups, fertilizations, snow plow- and quiches for your holiday get to- small. Don't wait 'til it snows. Loader ing. Free estimates. Call Walt Wozni- gether*. Girt wrapping also available. also available. Call 274-3014. ak, owner. 756-4002. Call 598-0352, leave message. SERVICE NEILS AUTO BODY INC.

FLATBED TOWING 23% HOUR TOWING HEAVY DUTY TOWING WE REPAIR ALL MAKES & MODELS COMPLETE FOREIGN S DOMESTIC CRESTWOOD AUTO BODY & PAINT SHOP LICENSED * FULLY INSURED FRAME STRAIGHTENING U-HAUL RENTALS INSURANCE ESTIMATES 1029 MAIN ST. 274-2463 WATERTOWN FORD EVERITT'S PARTS DEPARTMENT GffRfTGE, Extended Hours for Oil Changes Only Mon. - Thurs. 'til 8:00 INC. NOW OPEN Oakville • 274-2147 i Front End Alignments with Computer Balancing SATURDAYS, 9-1 • Brakes • Tune Ups • Emission Testing 1230 Main Street, Watertown »274-2501 1-800-523-2323 • Complete Exhaust Installations

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New Vehicles - 1230 Main Street all rebates to dealer. "Where Customers Bring Friends" Watertown Exit 17 Off 1-84 I This sale cannot be combined 274-2501 -1-800-523-2323 3 7z mi. on 63N with any other sale offer. •92 93 FORD TEMPOS FORD ESCORTS

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