Los Feliz Ledger Read by 100,000+ Residents and Business Owners in Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Vol 12. No. 2 August 2016 Atwater Village, Echo Park & Hollywood Hills

[election measure PATH Contract analysis] Homeless Bond to Expire, Half-Baked, Renewal Uncertain Lacking Critical By Erin Hickey Services Ledger Contributing Writer By Andrew Murphy Davis EAST HOLLYWOOD Ledger Contributing Writer —A year- long $150,000 contract be- A much-hyped $1.2 bil- tween the East Hollywood lion city plan to build housing Los Feliz Homeless Coalition for the homeless lacks crucial (EHLFHC) and People As- funding for social services that sisting the Homeless (PATH) keep people off the streets. It will expire August 30th and is also not clear how the city is currently being considered expects to convince homeless for renewal, amid ongoing individuals to move into the homeless encampments in the new housing units. area—particularly at the high The plan will appear on profile location of the “Ver- the November ballot, request- mont Triangle.” ing voter approval for the city The coalition hired PATH to issue $1.2 billion in munici- to conduct outreach and pro- pal bonds that will primarily vide services to the area’s finance 7,000-10,000 perma- growing homeless population, nent supportive housing units. including employment, men- ’s chronic tal health, substance abuse homelessness problem has GEHRY DESIGNED—A hearing before the city’s planning commission is scheduled for July 28th regarding 8150 Sunset, a five- and legal services, as well as grown into a full-fledged pub- building, 334,000 square-foot residential and retail mixed-use complex (pictured above) proposed for Sunset and Crescent motel vouchers, hygiene kits, Heights boulevards. See “8150 Sunset” on page 6. see HOMELESS page 18 bus tokens and food. see PATH page 4

Ranch Sues City over Sign Tourism Franklin Hills Annexation Revived by Ryu By Andrew Murphy Davis, Ledger Contributing Writer By Erin Hickey, Ledger Contributing Writer

LOS FELIZ—A controversial ary change—well over application by the Franklin the 20% requirement Hills Residents Assoc. (FHRA) outlined in city poli- to extend the boundaries of cy—which they said Franklin Hills into part of Los they sought in recogni- Feliz and install a community tion of the community identity sign at the corner of service work they had Tracy and Talmadge streets— done in the surround- an issue thought by many com- ing area, including the munity members to have been creation of the Shake- put to rest—has now been re- speare Bridge Garden suscitated by Los Angeles City and the establishment Councilmember David Ryu of a neighborhood

Horseback riders from Sunset Ranch on the trails in the shadow of the Holly- (Council District 4). watch. wood Sign. Photo: sunsetranchhollywood.com Ryu authored a one-sen- But the FHRA tence motion in July, request- faced pushback from BEACHWOOD CANYON— Sign tourist traffic through ing the application, “which the Los Feliz Neigh- A lawsuit pitting the city of their neighborhood. expired per Council policy, be borhood Council Los Angeles against Sunset Sunset Ranch launched reactivated and that the matter (LFNC) and the Los Ranch, one of the area’s oldest the dispute in March of 2015 be restored to its most recent Feliz Improvement Assoc. cern that differing crime rates businesses, may soon deliver a by suing the city for control legislative status.” (LFIA) after some residents between Los Feliz and Frank- landmark victory to local resi- over the Beachwood Drive Prior to its expiration, the claimed they had been misled lin Hills would cause property dents in their ongoing battle trailhead, which is currently FHRA had collected 96 signa- as to the nature of the petition values to go down and insur- to stem the flow of Hollywood see RANCH page 8 tures in support of the bound- while others expressed con- see ANNEX page 15

Politics: Ryu says Italy trip may Community News: Community News: Former home Real Estate: Online: Permit parking for some lead, in time, to a delegation to S. Los Feliz Village in Transition, of Walt Disney gets demolition Local sales medians strong, page9 residential streets near the Sunset Korea, page 3 page 4 stay, page 5 Junction, losfelizledger.com Los Feliz Ledger

[letter from the publisher]

My friends which $1.4 million was spent dislike paying their annual as- know I on keeping the area “clean and sessments because they don’t FOUNDED 2005 Available at these locations: r e c e n t l y safe,” and it shows. see any outcomes of the funds. Delivered the last Thursday of Atwater Library each month to 34,500 homes and moved to The historic BID is fund- That’s because there’s little 3379 Glendale Blvd. businesses in the Los Feliz, downtown ed by property owners, not change you can make on such Bruce Q’s Barbershop & Salon Silver Lake, Atwater Village, L.A. merchants, unlike the Los a limited budget. 3013 W. Los Feliz Blvd. Echo Park and Hollywood Hills Casita del Campo I’ve lived in both Hancock Feliz Business Improvement Recently, the LFVBID communities. 1920 Hyperion Ave Park and Los Feliz for many District, whose annual budget discussed hiring a gardener for Citibank years, but decided the move to is about $65,000. Los Feliz’s Los Feliz Village. The board re- 1933 Hillhurst Ave. 1965 Hillhurst Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027 Courtney + Kurt Real Estate L.A.’s historic core would be BID is one of the last mer- ceived two bids: one for $5,000 (323) 741-0019 3167 Glendale Blvd. a good one, since my sons are chant based BIDs in the city’s a month and the other for Dresden Restaurant now on the East Coast attend- 42 districts. $3,000. The governing board PUBLISHER/EDITOR 1760 N. Vermont Avenue ing college. Comparing downtown’s dismissed both bids as being Allison B. Cohen House of Pies 1869 N. Vermont ASSISTANT EDITOR The very first impression historic BID to Los Feliz’s may too expensive, as either would Los Feliz Public Library Sheila Lane I had, living in my area of not be fair. An apples-to-ap- eat up most of its budget. 1874 Hillhurst Avenue Erin Hickey downtown, was how clean it is. ples comparison would be to But I disagree. If they Los Feliz 3 Theaters 1822 N. Vermont Every morning, as I walk my evaluate the LFVBID’s bud- were to hire the less expensive ADVERTISING SALES Libby Butler-Gluck Muddy Paws Coffee dog along Spring and Main get compared to that of the gardener, at least merchants’ 323-644-5536 3320 Sunset Blvd. streets, there is clear evidence Larchmont Village Business money would be going to- [email protected] Newsstand of the area’s business improve- Improvement District, accord- Vermont and Melbourne ward some effect they could GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT Palermo ment district’s efforts: workers ing to city staffers. see daily, like sustainable clean Tiffany Sims 1858 N. Vermont sweep and power wash the ar- That BID receives about streets. Silver Lake Chamber of Commerce ea’s streets daily; there are ga- $130,000 a year from proper- I have editorialized be- For more stories 1724 W. Silver Lake Drive Skylight Books zoodles of trash cans and the ty owners—more than double fore the city should be taking and updates: 1818 N. Vermont area has a picturesque quality, that of Los Feliz. Meanwhile, care of these quality of life is- LosFelizLedger.com The Village Bakery and Café with its tree planters overflow- the two BIDs are nearly iden- sues for Los Feliz. But, I sense 3119 Los Feliz Blvd. ing with dangling ivy. Security tical regarding the number that is just not going to hap- on bicycles is often seen, and of businesses or commercial pen. As such, the LFVBID tasteful signage is omnipresent properties in each. should rethink its priorities, directing the area’s many dog I’m sure Los Feliz prop- stop spreading thin its small owners on the best of curbing erty owners don’t want to be budget and consider spending practices (please don’t let your responsible for funding the it the best way possible: re- OD • ART • MUSIC dogs “go” on metal trash cans LFVBID, any more than the turning dignity to Los Feliz by FO or containers, for example). merchants do now. Repeat- simply keeping it clean. There are also lights strung edly, I hear some merchants between buildings over the streets, which provide the area Sign up for the with a lovely, connected, com- munity feeling. Los Feliz Ledger Daily You see, the Historic email newsletter Happy Hour Downtown Business Improve- in between our regular 3pm-7pm ment has boatloads of funding. publication dates. According to city documents, its annual budget for 2014, To start receiving yours, please the last year publicly available, register at www.losfelizledger.com or was just over $1.6 million—of email us at: [email protected]

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Page 2 www.losfelizledger.com August 2016 Los Feliz Ledger

Ryu Defends Recent Italy [LOS FELIZ NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL] Work Trip New Leadership in Los Feliz By Luke Klipp, LFNC President By Allison B. Cohen Just a few I welcome your feedback and mention someone whose lead- Los Angeles City Coun- According to Ryu spokes- months ago, any thoughts that you have on ership we have all been fortu- cilmember David Ryu (Coun- person Estevan Montemayor, hundreds of ways that we can improve our nate to have in our neighbor- cil District 4) spent a week Ryu was interested in traveling Los Feliz constituents par- outreach. hood: Linda Demmers. For in Italy in July, part of what’s with the delegation because he ticipated in the election of Secondly, I am commit- the past five years, Linda has being referred to as a “City “is particularly interested in new district representatives ted to ensuring that our work served as the president of the of Los Angeles Business Ex- learning more about the film to serve our community for will always be conducted LFNC, steering us through change Delegation.” industry in Italy, as it relates the next four years on the Los with respect and civility. We numerous challenges and Along with Ryu were to distribution and placement Feliz Neighborhood Coun- may not always agree, but we working diligently to profes- councilmembers of films made by independent cil (LFNC). And at our first will still remain neighbors. sionalize and standardize the (15th Council District), Gil filmmakers from the United meeting of the new board, we No matter the circumstances work of the council. Because Cedillo (1st Council District), States.” elected an entirely new leader- that bring us to step up our of her efforts, the LFNC is Mitchell Englander (12th “Anytime you go out of ship team. neighborhood participation, now one of Los Angeles’s Council District) as well as the country or [visit] another As the newly elected presi- we must always remember most-respected and well-run Sister Cities of Los Angeles city,” you learn new things and dent of the LFNC, I wanted that each of us comes to the neighborhood councils. President Tom Gilmore and get new ideas, Ryu said in an to take this opportunity to table for reasons that are im- While it will be a daunt- two aides for Buscaino. interview upon his return. share a few thoughts with our portant to us and we must ing challenge to take her place According to an itinerary One such idea, which community about my goals respect that. at the helm, I am also the ben- provided by Ryu’s office at the came from the trip, he said, was and hopes for the next couple Finally, it is my fervent eficiary of her work to ensure request of the Ledger, the del- the possibility to create low cost years. hope that, however possible, a successful transition. We egation had meetings with the scholarships for Los Angeles First and foremost, our our neighborhood council all are the beneficiaries of the Italian Trade Commission, filmmakers to enable them to council will be doing more can be more than simply reac- steady and thankless leader- the Italian Ministry of Foreign submit their work to film festi- to communicate and connect tive to what is happening but ship that she has provided Affairs, meetings with city of- vals in Italy and beyond. with you. Whether for plan- also be proactive, to work with for a half-decade. Thank you, ficials from Ischia—a small is- “After all, we are the ning hearings, community you in developing and pro- Linda. land off the coast of Naples— entertainment capital of the seminars, grant opportuni- mulgating our vision for Los Should you have any ques- as well as two events for the world,” he said. ties, or any number of other Feliz. In this vein, I look for- tions or comments to offer, signing of a “Friendship Port” Additionally, according to matters impacting our com- ward to working with the new please feel free to email me at agreement between the city of Montemayor, Ryu attend the munity, your neighborhood President of the Los Feliz Im- [email protected]. Los Angeles and Palermo. trip as a learning experience, council is here to be a resource provement Association, Nyla Additionally, the group as he would like to, in time, for you. At the top of my pri- Arslanian, who is a long-time attended the gala “opening possibly host a similar delega- orities list is ensuring that we member of our community Read the Silver Lake night” of the Ischia Global tion to to foster engage as much as possible and well-established leader in Neighborhood Council’s Fest, a film and music festival, economic ties. with our community through Los Angeles. column on page 8 where they additionally had a Some of Ryu’s constituents, as many avenues as possible. I would be remiss not to screening by a U.S. filmmaker. see ITALY page 4

August 2016 www.losfelizledger.com COMMUNITY NEWS Page 3 Los Feliz Ledger

Village Retail In Transition ITALY from page 3 last year that his staffer had re- “Taxpayer funds were not By Allison B. Cohen however, were miffed he would ceived double pay for the same used for this delegation trip,” take such a trip, recalling for- work. Montemayor said. LOS FELIZ—St. Mary of the of selling alcohol in a property mer councilmember Tom La- But Montemayor said Meanwhile, some con- Angels Church is close to hav- owned by a church and fears Bonge’s many trips with Sister Ryu’s trip and any association stituents reported an inabil- ing a new lessee for the Ci- the Concord, CA based chain Cities of Los Angeles. with Sister Cities is quite dif- ity to reach Ryu while he was tibank building on Hillhurst could put other local liquor re- “I was shocked he was in ferent than that of LaBonge. abroad, with his office saying Avenue, which it owns, ac- tailers out of business. Italy,” said Miracle Mile Resi- “There is a difference,” only that “he is unavailable,” cording to Father Christopher At that time, Kelley was dential Assoc. President Jim Montemayor said. “The prior not that he was out of the Kelley and Los Feliz Business in protracted legal proceedings O’Sullivan. “I would have told council administration ran... country. Improvement District (LFV- with former parishioners at St. him, with the association of Sister Cities out of their office According to Montemayor, BID) President Chris Serrano. Mary’s, who, according to court Sister Cities, you should have and were highly involved. Tom the office was not trying to con- Serrano announced the documents, had orchestrated stayed away from that.” was on the board and raised ceal Ryu’s whereabouts, and had possibility of a new tenant at his ouster. Ultimately, Kelley The issue of LaBonge’s many funds,” for Sister Cit- in fact, disclosed he would be the LFVBID’s July meeting. prevailed in the proceedings association with Sister Cit- ies. “There is a huge difference taking a trip to Italy the day be- That organization, as well as and took back the helm of the ies became a sore point for between what happened in the fore he departed to the editorial the Los Feliz Neighborhood parish last February. some constituents during the prior administration and our staff of Los Angeles Magazine. Council (LFNC) and the Los Kelley had previously 2015 campaign to replace relationship with Sister Cities.” However, Montemayor Feliz Improvement Assoc. promised to community him when he was termed out. According to Montemay- said, the council office typi- hold their monthly meetings groups the 2nd floor meeting Some wondered if LaBonge’s or, each of the city’s 15 coun- cally does not provide the on the 2nd floor of the site. room would remain available. trips abroad were mere boon- cilmembers was invited to be councilmember’s exact loca- “This may be the last time “That is still our hope,” doggles. Additionally, it came part of the delegation, which tion to inquirers by telephone. we are in this building, we’re Kelley said, “but we have to to light that possibly one of cost $3,000 a piece. City of- Further, the office said is on not sure,” Serrano told the see the paperwork from the LaBonge’s staffers was work- ficials were expected to pay more alert now due to recent LFVBID governing board. [potential] lessee.” ing in his office on Sister Cities for their own airfare. Ryu, security concerns. Last year, when the church But according to LFNC projects while also being paid Montemayor said, paid for “There remains a [Black was managed by a different President Luke Klipp, that or- by another city department for his airfare using his city of- Lives Matter] protest on the set of leaders, it was in nego- ganization’s final meeting at the same work. fice holder account and the steps of City Hall,” Ryu said, tiations with BevMo! for the the location was July 19th. Sister Cities Los Angeles $3,000 participation fee “was “and some of my staff are a little site, which stirred much pub- “We have been searching was for years housed in La- funded by donations Coun- rattled. These past couple of lic controversy on a number of for a new space,” Klipp said Bonge’s City Hall office suite. cilmember Ryu raised for this weeks have been trying times, fronts, including the integrity see VILLAGE page 10 LaBonge vehemently denied trip, through Sister Cities. especially for law enforcement.”

PATH from page 1 “As a rule, we don’t ap- gratification,” he said. newed—offers. the proposals before voting, Since their contract be- proach [encampments] when In addition to patrol- According to Jeff Zarrin- and there could very well be gan last September, PATH has there are open containers” or ling the area, PATH relies nam, treasurer and founding a gap in outreach services for made 1,474 total contacts with when there appears to be drug on community members and board member of EHLFHC, the area while that decision is the homeless in the East Hol- use, said the representative. business owners to alert them the coalition is considering a being made. lywood and Los Feliz areas, According to data from to the areas in need of the proposal to extend PATH’s According to Zarrinnam, including 555 first-time inter- the 2016 Greater Los Angeles most attention, according to contract as well as proposals who is also on the board of actions, according to a report Homeless Count, conducted in a representative present at the from the Center at Blessed the East Hollywood Business delivered by the organization at January by Los Angeles Home- meeting. However, she said, Sacrament and Housing Improvement District and a July 19th EHLFHC meeting. less Services, there are currently many local businesses are un- Works. the East Hollywood Neigh- Of those, PATH has re- an estimated 825 homeless peo- aware of PATH’s services, as “The main thing is, we borhood Council, when the ferred 109 people to transi- ple living in East Hollywood outreach to them can be time need more awareness, and we coalition does decide, they tional housing—meaning and Los Feliz. consuming. need more donations to pay want the Los Feliz Neighbor- they have told them about such Still, to some, PATH’s ef- “If we didn’t receive calls, for these contracts,” said Zar- hood Council and the Los housing and how to obtain forts seem like a drop in the we’d still go out to [patrol] rinnam. Feliz Village Business Im- it—placed 15 people in tran- bucket when faced with the the area, but it’s nice to know Members of the coalition provement District to have a sitional housing and housed city’s growing homeless popu- what areas concern commu- also discussed the possibility of vote. three people permanently, ac- lation. nity members the most,” said contracting a second organiza- According to Zarrinnam, cording to the report. “How do you handle the the representative. tion to handle clean up and san- the EHLFHC has made mul- As for the Triangle, ac- 28,000 [homeless people] that EHLFHC President itation, which is not included in tiple requests to both organi- cording to a PATH represen- are in the city with individual Douglas Walker said the co- the scope of outreach organiza- zations, but while he said they tative, many of the “regulars,” outreach?” Robert Pepper- alition plans to do more in the tions such as PATH. have expressed interest, they with whom PATH had estab- muller, of the East Hollywood future to make sure local busi- Although PATH’s con- are not yet represented in the lished a rapport, have left the Neighborhood Council, asked ness are aware of the outreach tract expires at the end of coalition. area, making way for newcom- at the meeting. “Ninety-per- services PATH—or possibly August, Zarrinnam said the “This affects them too, ers—and with them, more cent of people don’t under- a different outreach organiza- coalition will take as much and they should be here when drug and alcohol use. stand that. They want instant tion, if their contract is not re- time as necessary to review we vote,” said Zarrinnam.

IHM Jubilarians Celebrated on July 2016 Contact: Victoria Berry, IHM - (323) 466-2157 On Saturday, July 16, ten members of the Immaculate Heart Community celebrated their jubilees with Mass at Our Mother of Good Counsel Church in Los Angeles. They served for decades as teachers and volunteers in the L.A. Archdiocese. Honored were Noel Sweeney (RIP) and Ethel Swain, 80th; Ethel Weber and Doris Murphy, 75th; Rosemary Babbitt and Ruth Anne Murray, 70th; Charmaine Aghili, Rose Chamberlin, Catherine Smith, and Phyllis Straling, 60th; Rosa Manriquez 25th. A reception followed in the church hall. On June 25, the Immaculate Heart Community welcomed five new members: Sharon Bagley, Gretchen Dumas, Jack Pike, Sherry Purcell, and Tristine Rainier in a joyful ceremony at La Casa de Maria Retreat Center in Montecito. The Community continues to grow as new members enrich the life of the Community and further its mission to create community and promote justice and peace. An ecumenical community, the Immaculate Heart Community sponsors ministries in Montecito at the La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center and the IHM Center for Spiritual Renewal; in Panorama City at the IHM Blythe St. Project/Casa Esperanza; in Los Angeles at the IHM Residence on Kenmore Ave., and in Hollywood, the Corita Art Center. Former colleagues and students, family, friends, and supporters of the Immaculate Heart Community were invited to participate in honoring this year’s jubilarians. Donations in their name may be made to Immaculate Heart Community, 5515 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028. To specify a particular jubilarian and/or ministry, please designate with donation.

Page 4 COMMUNITY NEWS www.losfelizledger.com August 2016 Los Feliz Ledger

Disney’s First Animation Studio Gets Ford Theatres Hitting the Stay from Demolition Hiking Trail By Allison B. Cohen By Sheila Lane, Ledger Contributing Writer

LOS FELIZ—Los Angeles City website that lists the property real estate office, also on King- HOLLYWOOD—The John An- tionary funds—and requested Councilmember David Ryu in as one eligible for the National swell Avenue, which is now to- son Ford Theatres re-opened $250,000 to meet a matching July, stepped in and asked the Register of Historic Places. day’s Extra Copy, a photocopy to the public July 8th after a grant offered by the state of city’s top planning director to “The councilmember is in and notary store. four-year renovation that re- California, but a decision has put a home once used by Walt agreement with the city of Los The 1,458 square foot quired the complex to close for not yet been made. Disney as an animation studio Angeles’s Survey L.A., which home near Commonwealth almost two years. According to the Ford up for historic status consid- declared the home eligible for Avenue was sold in May for At a cost of $65.8 million Theatre Foundation proposal, eration after learning the new the National Register of His- $750,000 to Krystal Yoo and dollars, the refurbished John the ¾ mile trail—located in owners of the property at 4406 toric Places because of its role and Sang Ho Yoo, of Studio Anson Ford Amphitheater the 32-acre Los Angeles Coun- Kingswell Ave. were planning as Mr. Disney’s first animation City according to public re- and other associated renova- ty regional park in which the tions mark the completion of Ford Theatres sit—will wind The possible stoppage of demolition and re-designation of the phase one of a master plan that through a hillside covered will ultimately bring new per- with costal sage, mixed chap- Disney home as historic comes shortly after the city denied historic formance spaces, dining areas arral and sumac. status to a bungalow on Russell Avenue, where Forrest Ackerman, and a parking structure to the Hikers will have 360 de- “ a science fiction writer who coined the term “Sci-Fi,” once lived. almost 100 year-old site. grees views of Los Angeles, Funding is still being including the , sought for future elements of the Hollywood Bowl, down- to demolish it. studio,” spokesperson Mon- cords. Additionally, accord- the plan, including a hiking town Los Angeles and the Pa- According to Ryu temayor said on behalf of Ryu. ing to city records, a city per- trail that will loop behind the cific Ocean. spokesperson Estevan Mon- The issue was first report- mit was requested by the new complex. The trail will be seven feet temayor, Ryu’s request was ed online July 19th by Los An- owners in mid-July to demol”- Estimated at just over $1 wide, include interpretive trail granted July 20th by Los An- geles Magazine. ish the house for the new con- million to build, the Ford The- signage and have trailheads at geles Planning Director Vince According to the maga- struction of a two-story home. atre Foundation is currently the north and south parking Bertoni. zine’s story, the property first Attempts to reach the new seeking funding for the trail lot areas. In addition, it will Now there will be a 75- belonged to Disney’s aunt owners were unsuccessful. from various sources. also include at least 250 feet day stay on the property’s fate and uncle, who invited Dis- The possible stoppage of This past spring, they of Americans with Disabilities as its potential historic status ney in 1923 to stay at their demolition and re-designation approached the Discretion- Act compliant trail. is reviewed by the city’s Cul- home. Ultimately, the young of the Disney home as historic ary Funds Task Force of Los Leticia Buckley, a spokes- tural Heritage Commission. Disney, according the maga- comes shortly after the city de- Angeles City Council Dis- person for the Ford Theaters, Historic homes in Los Angeles zine, set up his first anima- nied historic status to a bunga- trict 4—an advisory board said the project will transform cannot be demolished. tion studio in the garage be- low on Russell Avenue, where of community leaders who what is already a makeshift The 1914 Craftsman bun- hind the house. Forrest Ackerman, a science consider proposals request- trail into a formal one that is galow was listed on “Survey Later, Disney moved the fiction writer who coined the ing money from the Council- available and accessible to the LA,” a city of Los Angeles studio to the back room of a term “Sci-Fi,” once lived. member David Ryu’s discre- see FORD page 6

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August 2016 www.losfelizledger.com COMMUNITY NEWS Page 5 Los Feliz Ledger

Griffith Traffic Plan Delayed By Erin Hickey, Ledger Contributing Writer

A new traffic reduction popular route for cyclists and and parking plan called “The pedestrians. Griffith Observatory Circula- In light of that feedback, tion and Parking Enhance- the revised plan “will not be ment Plan,” initially set to be using Mt. Hollywood Drive,” finalized by June, has been de- Salaices told the Los Feliz layed until September, when Neighborhood Council July it will be presented to the Los 19th. “It will remain a walk- Angeles Recreation and Parks ing and cycling zone only, Commission for review, ac- with no vehicles,” including cording to Recreation and shuttles. Parks Dept. General Manager Still intact, according to Mike Shull. Salaices, are plans to monetize The plan has been go- parking near the Griffith Ob- ing through a public vetting, servatory to pay for shuttle ser- which according to Shull re- vice throughout the park and quired more public hearings to encourage visitors to park and meetings than usual, offsite or take public transit. causing the delay. According to Salaices, “It wasn’t long ago that park-wide shuttle service will we got all the comments on not be implemented until a the [plan]….We ended up hav- later phase of the plan. In the ing more [community input] meantime, he said, park go- meetings and we did extend ers will be able to rely on ex- the time frame,” said Shull. panded DASH bus service in The first phase of the plan the park. is expected to be implemented Tentative pricing for ob- this fall. servatory parking would be “Generally, there’s support $4 per hour, according to for [the plan], but people are Salaices, although he empha- passionate about specific piec- sized that is not finalized, and es” of it, and the department paid parking hours would be has been taking their time to from noon until 11 p.m. make sure each individual However, he said, there concern expressed during will still be free parking public comment is addressed, throughout the park, includ- Shull said. ing on Western Canyon Road After the city has reviewed and on N. Vermont Canyon all public comment, it will an- Road near the Greek Theater. swer any questions posed by Bicycle activist and com- the community and release a munity organizer Don Ward new document. also spoke in support of the According to Recreation revised plan during public Have you seen our profile and Parks Superintendent Joe comment at the July LFNC Salaices, some changes already meeting. and walking farm app? made to the plan include mak- “The goal is to provide ing traffic around the Griffith people with access to the park Observatory one-way, allow- that haven’t had access to the ing the Mt. Hollywood Drive park before,” he said, in refer- tunnel to remain two-way and ence to expanded shuttles and removing a plan for shuttle DASH service. John Chadbourne buses on Mt. Hollywood The LFNC voted to send Drive. a letter to the Department of Cell (310) 892-3301 At a public forum in Janu- Recreation and Parks in sup- ary, members of the public port of the plan, with the con- expressed safety concerns over tingency that DASH service in allowing shuttle buses on Mt. the area run seven days a week Hollywood Drive, as it is a with 15-20 minute headways. FORD from page 5 “The biological surveys are trail, which only contains the 8150 SUNSET public all year round. pretty scant,” said Hans of the northern portion. from page 1 “This [county facility] is a reports done for the project’s Estevan Montemayor, a huge open space in the middle environmental impact report. spokesperson for councilmem- The Frank Gehry-de- neighborhood. Ryu said in of a major urban dense area,” Hans said he is concerned ber Ryu, said both the Discre- signed complex proposes an interview he’s been work- said Buckley. “That [availabil- that the trail will further in- tionary Funds Task Force and rental and for-sale housing ing with developers Town- Ryu are supportive of the hik- in two buildings—11 and 15 scape Partners, but has thus ing trail proposal, but that the stories tall—and retail, enter- far not been able to see any Gerry Hans, president of Friends of Griffith Park, office is reviewing its options. tainment and public space. compromise on the design said his group is not opposed to the trail, but “We’re looking at vari- Petitions have been filed with from them. “It’s not look- would like to have further discussions regarding ous ways to fund it, includ- the city by the activist group ing good. I am a little disap- ing discretionary funds,” said Fix the City as well as by the pointed with the developer,” its environmental impacts. Montemayor, “but also explor- city of West Hollywood. The Ryu said. “It looks like I am ing the possibility of a private project lies completely within going to have to come down ity and accessibility] is a really donation, or multiple private - hard. [The project] is too big important part of this project hibit wildlife connectivity donations and also whether it member David Ryu’s dis- and too high.” According to for us.” between the two sides of the qualifies for Quimby funds.” trict. Some constituents have a Townscape Partners repre- Gerry Hans, president of Cauhenga Pass and that some Quimby funds are fees said they are watching Ryu sentative, the project has so Friends of Griffith Park, said special status floral species on paid by developers that are closely to see how he handles far received input from over his group is not opposed to the the southern portion of the used to acquire new parkland the project, which they say is 2,900 individual neighbors trail, but would like to have trail may be compromised. or fund capital improvements too tall, too large and out of who have lent their names in further discussions regarding Hans said he would like to at existing recreational and scale with the surrounding support of the project. its environmental impacts. see a downscaled version of the park facilities.

Page 6 COMMUNITY NEWS www.losfelizledger.com August 2016 Los Feliz Ledger

Teenage Parisian Comments on L.A. Fashion [street level] By Anne-Charlotte Raimbault, Ledger Contributing Writer November Ballot Issues:

As a teenaged native Pari- from outside L.A. young woman with really Death Penalty sian, visiting the exciting city We first met Karen, 28, cute shorts. Her name was By Michael Darling, Ledger Contributing Writer of Los Angeles is an illuminat- an Irish actress who lives now Emma, 19, a French tourist. ing experience. in Los Feliz. She was wearing As we were happily speaking This November, Californians will be asked to vote on two In Paris, people my age a cute vintage-styled dress she in French (a compatriot!), measures related to the death penalty. One seeks to repeal the copy the American lifestyle found in a boutique in Los Fe- we spoke about how she was death penalty in California; the other seeks to speed up the death because it’s “cool,” thanks to liz Village for $19. She wore dressed: embroidered blue penalty process by setting time limits on the review of convictions social media outlets like Ins- makeup: red lips and black shorts and white top, both by courts. What do you think of the death penalty? tagram, Facebook, Snapchat lashes, and told us that she coming from Etam, a Fran- and YouTube, which allows usually wears skirts. She also co-German brand. It was her “I’m opposed against it.” – Tynitra W., us “foreigners” to emulate the told us that she noticed that, first time in L.A. and she told to the death outside Two Boots look of people we admire. in L.A., boys (and presumably me that she loved the city, penalty.” I arrived in L.A. looking men) don’t really pay attention but that people “over 40” – Patty C., “Oh boy, that’s forward to seeing “Instagram- to the way they’re dressed. She didn’t really pay attention to outside the a serious worthy” people in the streets, was about to join a friend at the way they were dressed. Echo Park question. and now I have the added ben- the Alcove to have lunch, so As we were walking Time Travel Mart Honestly, I’m efit of being asked by Allison we let her go. through S. Broadway’s Grand torn, like I Cohen, publisher of the Led- We continued on our Central Market, we met a “I would vote think people ger, to write a story comparing way down Hillhurst Avenue tourist who was wearing a grey to speed up the who have done truly horrible the fashions in Paris to those and then Vermont Avenue to overall in a sort of a sweatpants process, but I things like a violent rapist or in L.A. the Metro Red Line station, fabric. She said she was wear- would also vote serial killer might deserve it, In Paris, most people and didn’t really find anyone ing it to be comfortable while to abolish it.” but I’m also a liberal and I choose fashion over comfort fashionable until we arrived in visiting the city, but the final – Courtney S., don’t like the idea of capital and our city is known world- Downtown L.A. result was that it looked really outside the Echo Park Time punishment, especially when wide as a premier fashion capi- As Allison was showing cute on her. Comfort chic. We Travel Mart there’s a chance the person tal. I mean, who doesn’t know me the city and it’s historic— continued into the market and could be innocent. So, I’m Yves Saint-Laurent or Hermes? by L.A. standards—buildings, I came upon Sam, 26, from “I’m totally torn.” – Heidi S., outside Their brands’ goals are to de- we noticed a young African Missouri. She was wearing a against it and The Echo sign chic clothes, to create American man who had just skirt made of printed Indian have been all trends. If a brand adds “Paris” stopped at a cupcake shop, Big fabric and the same motif ap- my life. I think “I think it’s to its logo, the purpose is to Man Cakes, on Main Street plied to her purse, matched the punishment fine. If people make you imagine that if you with his best friends. with a black tank top with a of a long life who commit wear their clothes, you’ll be We started with a dis- black Brandy Melville bralette without the chance of release serious crimes chic. High heels, gold details cussion of Black Lives Mat- underneath. is tough enough for capital like murder, and minimalism first. ter and the recent tragedies The last person we in- crimes. Personally, I have you should pay Now, if a brand adds “Los across the U.S. He was wear- terviewed was Lauren, from trouble even killing cock- the price and in some cases Angeles” to its logo, you’ll au- ing a pair of Nike Air Force Florida, who was wearing a roaches.” – Willard S., you might have someone get tomatically think about some- 1’s, ripped jeans, a colorful flower-print sundress, with outside Phys. Ed. Studio life in prison, but they still get thing that a hipster would Kente shirt, sunglasses, mari- black over-the-knee boots. out, and that’s not fair to the wear in Venice Beach. It’s all juana leaf earrings and a Se- She accented her dress with “I don’t think families of the victims.” about the “Californian Vibe” attle Mariners baseball cap: an antique turquoise and silver I’m for the – Michael W., outside or something a teenager would a confident, strong look bal- necklace, woven bracelets and death penalty. Stories Books And Café on define as cool: sneakers, shorts anced by the sweet cupcake a white Garmin smart-watch. In fact, I’m Sunset or sunglasses. in his hand. Perfect juxtapo- She was talkative and looked pretty much Something Allison and sition. He described himself see FASHION page 22 I noticed, as we were walk- as “into fashion and against ing in Los Feliz and later in stereotypes of any kind.” Downtown L.A., is that here, Yup, he captured that look. people often choose comfort He was visiting L.A. from over fashion. To our surprise, San Francisco. We continued the majority of people wear- our walk. ing the classic styles associ- At The Last Bookstore ated with high fashion came on Spring Street, we saw a

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August 2016 www.losfelizledger.com COMMUNITY NEWS Page 7 Los Feliz Ledger

[silver lake RANCH from page 1 lywood Sign. these actions violated environ- ment agreement was signed, neighborhood the primary public access into Beachwood Canyon—a mental protection laws as well is a mere money grab and that council] Griffith Park from Beachwood neighborhood of about 560 as state planning and zoning the ranch, which has existed Updates on Canyon. homes—sits directly below laws. since at least 1929, has been However, the trailhead the sign. In recent years, the The ranch’s lawsuit, on suffering financially for years. Local Issues has also acted as the ranch’s advent of GPS technology has the other hand, claims the gate One former employee at By Anne-Marie Johnson driveway since at least 1940— funneled an unprecedented is illegal because it was con- the ranch, Ana Debasa, has ad- Co-Chair when an easement agreement number of tourists into this structed without the ranch’s ditionally alleged the ranch’s was signed that guaranteed once hidden and idyllic resi- “permission or consent” and current owners “are cheap,” During the the ranch the right to use the dential enclave as mapping sits on top of the ranch’s “ex- and as a result the horses are Silver Lake trailhead in perpetuity for ac- apps now consider the Beach- clusive easement.” The ranch’s overworked and lack proper Neighborhood cess to its privately owned, wood Drive trailhead one of suit also claims that the gate care. Council’s July two-acre parcel inside Griffith the most convenient ways to “interferes” with the ranch’s According to the Los An- board meeting, Park. There is no other way to hike to Los Angeles’s most business. geles chapter of the Prevention the Los An- access the ranch from public iconic landmark. There had been a small, of Cruelty to Animals, multi- geles Dept. of roads. Fed up by the unrelent- metal swinging arm gate at the ple complaints have been filed Water and Power (LADWP) The ranch’s lawsuit claims ing influx of traffic, some local trailhead prior to 2014. How- against the ranch. The most presented an update regard- that the agreement’s wording residents have filed their own ever, when LaBonge replaced recent, and the only one pub- ing the Silver Lake Reservoir also guarantees the ranch an lawsuit against the city to shut this small gate, he had the city lically available, was reviewed Bypass Project. The project is “exclusive easement” on the down the trailhead. build a much more fortified by the city’s animal services “on schedule,” according to trailhead—meaning that the department in 2014, which LADWP representative Rue- trailhead was essentially set Fed up by the unrelenting influx of investigated the ranch and ben Rosales, and “in the home aside for the ranch’s private found no violations. stretch…[and the] project will use decades ago and that any traffic, some local residents have Sheila Irani, the presi- be 100% completed by the public use today can only oc- filed their own lawsuit against the city dent of the Lake Hollywood end of August.” cur with the ranch’s explicit to shut down the trailhead. Homeowners Assoc. and a for- Trees will be added and/ permission. mer staffer for LaBonge, said or replaced on a 2-to-1 basis, The city has responded, the ranch’s lawsuit is without with an eye to drought toler- claiming that the agreement “We support one anoth- gate at the trailhead’s opening, merit. ant and Southern California explicitly states the easement er,” said Sarajane Schwartz, a then staffed that new gate with “[Their] business model native species. LADWP’s Su- was always intended for use petitioner in another lawsuit a private security guard. has not been a successful one san Roghani stated the reser- “in-common” with the city. against the city over public Both actions were in- for a while,” she said, and they voir will be refilled sometime The agreement itself access to the trailhead, in ref- tended to help regulate the are using the tourism and in May 2017, but the issue of states: “the [city] does hereby erence to the ranch’s lawsuit. flow of public traffic through Hollywood Sign issue because what kind of water will be grant the [ranch] the right to “We have shared information, the trailhead—preventing they are “desperate for mon- used to do so is still in ques- use as a roadway in common but we are not coordinating non-ranch vehicle traffic from ey.” tion. Future community meet- with the [city], for the purpos- [legal efforts]....We both feel traveling into the park and According to Irani, who ings will be held by both the es of ingress and egress from that the situation at the end of limiting pedestrian traffic to ran unsuccessfully in the 2015 LADWP and the SLNC. the [ranch] parcel…but not the street is really dangerous.” daylight hours in order to en- campaign to replace LaBonge, As reported in the Los for any other purposes, that Schwartz founded Home- hance public safety. “The smartest thing for the Feliz Ledger, there have been certain strip of land.” owners on Beachwood Drive However, the ranch’s law- city to do is to negotiate [with safety and nuisance concerns While the two-page United, which is spearheading suit claims that these actions the ranch’s owners] and buy regarding Tenants Of The agreement never uses the word the homeowners’ suit. have resulted in a “substantial them out.” Doing so, Ira- Trees and Out Of Order bars exclusive, the ranch’s lawyers Both the ranch’s and the decline in business.” The law- ni said, would effectively ab- located at 2810 North Hyper- have fixated on the phrase homeowners’ suits also con- suit claims that the ranch’s sorb the ranch into Griffith ion Ave. “but not for any other pur- cern the legality of a gate con- customers have been confused Park, which already surrounds After several months of poses,” claiming that it implies structed at the Beachwood by the gate’s uninviting ap- it, and resolve the “headache” community outreach and exclusivity. Drive trailhead by former Los pearance and, at times, have that has emerged recently over meetings with the bars’ man- The final interpretation of Angeles City Councilmember even been turned away from the ranch’s easement. agement, the SLNC voted to this easement agreement will Tom LaBonge in 2014. the gate by the security guard. The owners of Sunset send a letter of “No Support be decided in court by a judge The homeowners’ lawsuit As such, the ranch’s suit Ranch refused multiple re- for additional operation per- later this year. If the judge claims that LaBonge opened seeks over $100,000 in dam- quests for comment. mits,” to seven city and state rules in favor of the ranch, the the gate for public use with- ages for lost business. Without a settlement, the agencies, including the Police Beachwood Drive trailhead out going through proper due However, some residents issue will be heard in October Commission, Council District will likely be closed to all pub- process. The homeowners’ suit believe the lawsuit, filed 75 before a Los Angeles Superior 4 and the Los Angeles City lic non-ranch traffic. further asserts that the gate’s years after the original ease- Court judge. Attorney’s office. A hearing This would mark a major opening was just one in a regarding additional permits victory for Beachwood Can- string of actions LaBonge took held by the Police Commis- yon homeowners, who say to illegally expand tourist ac- sion will be held in August. they are fed up with Holly- cess to Griffith Park through WORRIED? Please visit silverlakenc. wood Sign tourists using the Beachwood Canyon. When org for updated information. trailhead to get near the Hol- taken together, the suit claims, STRESSED? DEPRESSED? Slow getting Organized? There are answers in this book. Team up with a Professional! BUY AND READ Home - Office - Time DIANETiCS THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH ✣ THE #1 BEST SELLING BOOK ON THE HUMAN MIND BY L. 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Page 8 COMMUNITY NEWS www.losfelizledger.com August 2016

Los Feliz Ledger

[real estate] [HOUSE & HOLMES] Market Gains Strong In May My Window to the World By Allison B. Cohen By Rob Loos, Ledger Columnist

Southern California real price paid in May was up from 2015. In our new 1920s era Determined that there estate sales in May 2016 were year-over-year in all areas: Regarding condos, prices home, our biggest issue is three must be a better answer I up 5.5% from the month prior Los Feliz, Echo Park, Silver increased in all local areas ex- sets of tall rectangular windows called my super-contractor and likewise up just over 3% Lake and the Hollywood cept for the Hollywood Hills in our master bedroom. friend, Dave. He was quick from the same time last year, Hills. Eighty-five single fam- area, where nine sold at a me- We recently bought some with a winning idea. according to Core Logic, a real ily homes sold in those areas dian price of $520,000, down lovely draperies to hang on new “Blinds, not curtains,” estate analysis firm out of La in May, the most occurring 5.5% from last year. curtain rods. According to the Dave said. Jolla, CA. in zip code 90068 (the Hol- Los Feliz condo prices instructions, this “simple” task “What’s the difference?” I Core Logic also reports lywood Hills). saw the most gains in May at was supposed to take “about 15 wondered. the median price for a South- Echo Park saw the stron- a median price of $486,000, minutes per window.” “You can get blinds for ern California home in May gest increase in median pric- up 24% compared to last Seven hours, five Diet each individual window,” was $459,500, up 7% from es, up nearly 21% compared year. Echo Park’s median Cokes, and two trips to the Dave said. “You still get air last year. to May of last year. Los Fe- prices were strong as well, up store later, I proudly hung the flow and it stays pretty dark.” “May home sales picked liz prices followed close be- 21% over last year, ending at curtains on the rods as night He was right. Six custom- up a bit following a relatively hind, up 17.4% for the same $720,000. fell over Los Angeles. cut blinds later and we had a weak start to the spring home- time period. Median prices Silver Lake had only But the dawning of our new state-of-the-art bedroom. We buying season in April,” said in May for those areas were two condo sales recorded in bedroom decor came abruptly. open a few windows to allow Andrew LePage, a CoreLogic $797,000 and $1.3 million May at a median price of Somewhere around 5:30 a.m., airflow, but we keep most of research analyst in a released respectively. $819,000, up nearly 8% over I realized my mistake—if you them closed so I can sleep past statement, “while [May’s] me- Median prices in Silver 2015. leave the windows open to get dawn. dian sales price inched closer Lake ended May at $870,000 A total of 22 condos some airflow, that requires the All of which once again to its all-time high set in (up 6.7% over last year) and closed escrow locally in May, curtains to be open, which goes to prove, “If I can’t fig- 2007.” $1.4 million for the Holly- the most expensive of which means an early “good morning” ure it out—and I know that I Locally, the median wood Hills, up nearly 3% were sold in Silver Lake. from Mr. Sunshine. can’t—my friend Dave can.”

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August 2016 www.losfelizledger.com Su Casa REAL ESTATE Page 9 Los Feliz Ledger

VILLAGE from page 4 a gelato bar at 1936 Hillhurst adding the council is taking Ave. and Milkcow, an ice-cream matters into their own hands shop will be taking over the in case this new lessee, or any former space of long-time 1946 other, has different plans for Hillhurst Ave. tenant, Tran- the 2nd floor space. scend Hair Salon. The spaces Kelley would not say what formerly occupied by Dragonfly kind of business could be pos- DuLou and Tangiers, at 2066 sibly moving into the site, but and 2138 Hillhurst Ave. respec- confirmed the potential lessee tively, remain vacant. would not be controversial, as Along Vermont Avenue, BevMo! was. there are currently three vacat- “There is nothing con- ed storefronts: the former Or- troversial about this,” he ganic Liaison space at 1864; Strategy. Marketing. Execution. said. “We’ve been very clear Pleasantry Jewelry at 1754 and in communicating that to the former site of Blue Rooster our realtor.” art supplies and at 1718 Ver- According to Serrano, and mont Ave., which has moved confirmed by Kelley, the lessee to Hollywood Boulevard. is looking to be fully opera- Additionally, there are a tional at the site in December, number of other empty retail but plans on renovating the spots on Village side streets, building. including four vacated store- Along with the currently fronts on Melbourne Avenue, empty Citibank building, there including the former Blank-O are a number of storefronts in Studio Showroom as well as Los Feliz in transition. the former Los Feliz News- Maru Coffee is replacing stand.

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SILVER LAKE | 2317 Micheltorena St. | New Listing LOS FELIZ | 4239 Dundee Drive | SOLD LOS FELIZ | 3777 Effingham Place | New Listing SILVER LAKE | 3027 Silver Lea Terrace | In Escrow web: 0286690 | $1,599,000 Listed at $1,595,000 web: 0286701 | $1,299,000 web: 0308701 | $1,298,000 Stunning mid-century modern c. 1952 in the Classic Traditional c 1941 in superb location. First time on the market in over 40 years! This very The entry to the foyer gives vantage to fireside living, Ivanhoe School District of Silver Lake. incredible 3 bedrooms and 3 baths plus family room all special Los Feliz Spanish home c. 1929 is a perfect formal dining, contemporary eat-in kitchen and views out to the city and ocean, tri-level. beautifully restored. restoration project for creating your dream home. dramatic ceiling peaks exhaling an open flow. Rob Kallick 323.775.6305 Konstantine V. | Rick Yohon 323.270.1725 Rob Kallick 323.775.6305 Jeffrey Young 213. 819.9630

SILVER LAKE | 2300 Lake View Avenue SILVER LAKE | 1410 N. Benton Way | In Escrow ECHO PARK | 1336 N Douglas St. | New Listing GLASSELL PARK | 1474 W Avenue 43 | New Listing web: 0286649 | $1,249,000 web: 0286669 | $1,195,000 web: 0286695 | $989,000 web: 0286640 | $925,000 Contemporary Duplex Charmer. A large 3030 Spanish home with gorgeous gardens. Secluded Perched on an Elysian Park hillside, this 3-level Incredible value in the hills of hot Glassell Park. This sqft. (approx) income property. 3bd/2ba up, flat back yard with a lovely patio. 3 bd/2ba well single family home exemplifies the perfect Echo 5bd/5ba modern home on a quiet and centrally lo- 2bd/2ba down with bonus space. Vacant. maintained in the heart of Silver Lake. Park retreat. Views from downtown LA to westside. cated cul-de-sac street. Over 3,100 sq.ft. (approx). Katie Robertson 310.717.4313 Laura T. Mullen 323.240.6600 Jovelle Schaffer 213.718.1110 Rob Kallick 323.775.6305

SIVER LAKE | 1728 Westerly Terrace | In Escrow ECHO PARK | 1619 Rockwood Street PASADENA | 65 N Michigan Ave. #9 | New Listing SILVER LAKE | 2184 Moreno Drive | New Listing web: 0286660 | $899,000 web: 0286677 | $499,000 web: 0286513 | $429,000 web: 0308701 | $7,500/month Steps from the reservoir is this charming 2bd/1 Looking for Craftsman charm with tastefully mod- Gorgeous chic townhouse-style unit tucked C 1936 Traditional Pool home with a modern flair. ba cottage c. 1927. Full of vintage character as ern amenities? 1619 Rockwood in Echo Park is a quietly away in the back of a mid-sized complex Open concept main level with gorgeous newer well as modern and thoughtful updates, beautiful 2 bedrooms, 1 bath bottom-floor condo. half a block from famed Colorado Blvd. kitchen/dining room and living room all with views. Rob Kallick 323.775.6305 Jovelle Schaffer 213.718.1110 Rick Yohon 323.270.1725 Jeffrey Young 213. 819.9630

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[EASTSIDE EYE] Public Art Drops Across Town in Current: LA Water By Kathy A. McDonald, Ledger Columnist From ou Leasing Team...

LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED 1816 Hillhurst Ave. 3157 Perlita Ave. #6 2338 Teviot St. 903 Maltman Ave. Los Feliz Atwater Village Silver Lake Silver Lake 1 bed 1 bath, $1,850 1 bed 1 bath, $1,295 1 bed 1 bath, $2,350 2 bed 2 bath, $2,675 Artist Mel Chin chose the 18-acre Bowtie Parcel in Glassell Park as the site for his work, The TIE that BINDS: the MIRROR of the FUTURE.

Los Angeles is the canvas p.m. and weekends from 9 for the citywide Current: LA a.m. to 9 p.m. LEASED LEASED LEASED Water public art exhibition Among the projects is a LEASED now underway through Au- 3D digital projection against 3502 Garden Ave. 2914 Reservoir St. 4223 1/2 Gateway Ave 1527 Lake Shore Ave. Atwater Village Silver Lake Silver Lake Echo Park gust 14th. The across-town ef- the 1st Street Bridge entitled 3 bed 2 bath, $3,300 1 bed 1 bath, $1,775 1 bed 1 bath, $1,995 2 bed 2 bath, $4,300 fort tackles the complex issue UnderLA: 1st Street Bridge by of the increasingly scarce nat- Refik Anadol and Peggy Weil. LINDSAY VICTORY JASMINE WARD ural resource and is intended The piece takes viewers Silve Lake, Atwate, Ech Park Lo Feliz & Franklin hi  to engage audiences and con- back in time, exploring the (cell) 323.844.0329 (cell) 323.284.4572 nect communities. geologic history of the region [email protected] › BRE LIC. # 01970611 [email protected] › BRE LIC. # 02005995 At 15 different locations and the river’s fluctuating wa- from Echo Park Lake and the ter levels. Los Angeles River to San Pe- At the Bowtie Parcel—an (p) 323.275.9273 dro’s Point Fermin Park, site- 18-acre post-industrial area specific artworks creatively ex- near where the 5 and 2 free- plore the theme of water. ways meet—artist Mel Chin To get a sense of the proj- re-imagines the site as one ect—and to serve as a jumping filled with drought tolerant From ou off point—there is the Current landscaping via The TIE that LA: Hub located in a grove of BINDS: the MIRROR of the Sale Team... eucalyptus trees off Riverside FUTURE. Drive next to Mulholland For a complete list of the Drive and Fountain Avenue exhibition’s varied events— close to Los Feliz Boulevard. including screenings, nature The temporary resource walks and native plant forag- center has maps to the art ing—artwork locations and sites, free Wi-Fi and informa- artist biographies, check out tion on the artists. It’s open currentla.org. SOLD SOLD JUST LISTED weekdays from 4 p.m. to 9 1109 GREEN ST › GLENDALE 822-824 SANBORN AVE › SILVER LAKE 944 HOWARD ST › PASADENA 3 BED/2 BATH › 1503 SQ/FT 4 BED/4 BATH › 3780 SQ/FT 3 BED/2 BATH › 1560 SQ/FT [EASTSIDE EYE PICK FOR AUGUST] SOLD: $688,000 › Represented Buyer SOLD: $1,265,000 › Represented Buyer LISTED: $799,000

10th Annual Frogtown walking tour of the riverside ALISON GILBERT ELIZABETH MCDONALD ELIZABETH MCDONALD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Artwalk: Thirty-three venues neighborhood. (P) 323.419.0065 › BRE LIC. # 01879624 (P) 323.313.5780 › BRE LIC. # 01449897 (P) 323.313.5780 › BRE LIC. # 01449897 in Frogtown along the Los Angeles River will welcome Frogtown Artwalk, exhibitions, performances August 13th, 4 p.m.-10 p.m. and food vendors during this Frogtownarts.com

Thinking of SOLD SOLD ANNEX from page 1 FHRA obtain additional sig- leasing o se ing ance rates to go up in the af- natures to reach 51% support 2815 BELLEVUE AVE › SILVER LAKE 6526 RIVERTON AVE › N. HOLLYWOOD fected area, the Ledger previ- from affected residents. 3 BED/2 BATH › 1540 SQ/FT 2 BED/1 BATH › 796 SQ/FT SOLD: $865,000 › Represented Buyer SOLD: $730,000 › Represented Buyer you home? ously reported. CD4 Field Representa- Former CD4 Council- tive Adam Miller reiterated MONA GHOSSEIN MONA GHOSSEIN Give u a ca ... member Tom LaBonge had that contingency at a July 19th [email protected] [email protected] initially supported the expan- LFNC meeting. (P) 323.284.4529 › BRE LIC. # 01342592 (P) 323.284.4529 › BRE LIC. # 01342592 sion—even offering to pay for “Until they have the 51%, BRITA KLEINGARTNER BRITA KLEINGARTNER 323.275.9273 the sign himself—but he later our office isn’t even going to [email protected] [email protected] rescinded his support in light look at it,” he said. (P) 323.284.5674 › BRE LIC. # 01977100 (P) 323.284.5674 › BRE LIC. # 01977100 of community input. LaBonge According to Miller, the chose instead to remain neu- extension was only meant to give the FHRA more time to tral, leaving the decision to his MONA GHOSSEIN CRISTINA BROW collect the additional signa- ALISON GILBERT successor, Ryu, but the appli- Sale BRITA KLEINGARTNER Sale cation expired before a deci- tures without having to start ALISONPROPERTIES.COM Sale BROWHOMES.COM sion could be made. “from square one,” and it was MONAANDBRITA.COM According to Estevan in no way meant to express Montemayor, a spokesperson support for the boundary for Ryu, the councilmember change. chose to reactivate the expired “We have a very neutral po- motion with a caveat that the see ANNEX page 19

August 2016 www.losfelizledger.com Su Casa REAL ESTATE Page 15 BEVERLY HILLS PO BRENTWOOD BROOKSIDE ECHO PARK $2,697,000 $1,350,000 $1,299,000 $549,000 Canyon to Ocean views on large lot! 4+3. Quiet, peaceful 2br 2.5ba in The Terrace Beautiful Brookside 4 bedroom home. Move in ready home has a lot to offer!

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Laura Markosian (323) 333-1431 June Lee/James Song 323-860-4262x4255 Tim Tighe (614) 638-6418 Loveland Carr Properties (323) 460-7606

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Claudia Hipolito (323) 906-2425 Kerry Marsico (213) 700-6515 Eric Lowry & Neal Baddin (213) 507-0950 Galina Blackman (310) 281-3642

LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES $450,000 $489,000 $925,000 $3,559,000 Spacious 2bd/2bth condo, great location! Duplex in booming Lincoln Heights area. 3bd/2bth versatile home on large lot Updates throughout Paul Williams Tudor.

Atsuko Kimoto (310) 990-9951 John Anthony Christopher (323) 906-2468 Yolanda Querubin (323) 210-1419 Chris Abbott (323) 210-1430

SILVER LAKE SUNSET STRIP WEST ADAMS WEST HOLLYWOOD $2,500,000 $2,145,000 $400,000 $588,000 Gorgeous 5 bedroom, 3 bath home. Glamorous modern showcase w/city views. Tudor with fresh updates inside and out! Spacious condo in walker’s paradise.

June Ahn (323) 855-5558 Jane Schore (323) 573-6562 Sergio Flores (323) 665-5841 Richard H Parrot (310) 278-9470

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[OUR BREAD AND BUTTER] HOMELESS from page 1 Jose Huizar, who helped initi- Supervisors earlier voted to Property Investigations by Equity lic health crisis in recent years ate the ballot measure. Huizar’s place on November’s county- as decades of underbuilding district includes Skid Row in wide, general election ballot Title May Reveal Hidden Facts housing has driven up rents— downtown Los Angeles. for voter approval. By Kimberly Gomez, Ledger Columnist putting many low income An- According to Coca, However, according to gelenos only a job loss, medi- the city does not tradition- Naipo, at its current size, Cali- A home is one of the most cal emergency, or divorce away ally provide supportive “wrap fornia’s limited medical mari- expensive and important pur- from homelessness. The city’s around” services, and doing juana industry “is only ex- chases we make in our life- homeless population swelled so now would require the cre- pected to generate $13 million times. When we’re ready to to over 25,000 in 2015. ation of a new bureaucracy in per year,” and the measure has buy, dozens of people from Permanent supportive the city’s government. Instead, little chance of being effective real estate agents to inspectors housing is a method for com- those services are traditionally in raising revenue to combat step in, but it is the title com- bating homelessness that offers offered by the county. homelessness unless Califor- pany that insures that you are homeless individuals apart- However, the county is nians also vote to legalize the buying or selling exactly the ments or private rooms in land and property that you’ve special housing developments agreed upon. that also provide access to The city’s $1.2 billion plan does not finance Title companies review “wrap around” or “supportive” any of these crucial wrap around services. the public records relating to services. These services include Instead, the plan only provides financing to real estate, facilitate closings health care, addiction counsel- “ and record paperwork. ing, mental health treatment, build the new housing developments. Pretty routine work, said education and job training. John Chadbourne of Equity John Chadbourne of Equity Title in- vestigates a property’s backstory for “There is strong evidence Title, but not always. A thor- a smooth and successful real estate that [permanent supportive experiencing the same home- recreational use of marijuana. ough title investigation may transaction. housing] works, that people are less crisis as the city, and does However, on July 22, determine that the piece of more likely to maintain being not currently possess the nec- County Supervisor Sheila Kue- property you want to buy the most. housed over time,” said Joan essary funds to finance “wrap hl introduced a new motion” to is actually smaller than you “I like the investigations Tucker, who researches home- around” services for the city’s stop the pot tax from going on thought, or is not even owned and seeing the old docu- lessness at the RAND Corpo- planned permanent supportive the November ballot, due to by the person from whom you ments,” said Chadbourne, ration in Santa Monica. “The housing developments, should what she called “a good deal of hoped to buy it. “I’m someone who knows how majority take advantage of voters approve the measure. ambivalence,” about the mea- An investigation may even to find things that aren’t easy services that are provided and “We need $450 million sure citing, to the Los Angeles even uncover burdening liens to find.” it saves money because people annually to fully address the Times, concern from substance and previous taxes. Chadbourne added that being housed are less likely to problem with housing and abuse providers who were not Chadbourne’s role as a it’s not uncommon for him use emergency services.” supportive services,” said enthusiastic about the measure. title insurance representative to get calls with unusual re- However, the city’s $1.2 bil- Al Naipo, senior deputy for Naipo also said that the is to find these red flags. His quests. lion plan does not finance any communications for Los An- millionaire’s tax—which would sophisticated research and re- “Once in a while some- of these crucial wrap around geles County Supervisor Mark add a .5% tax on all income view department examines body is writing a book and services. Instead, the plan only Ridley-Thomas. above $1,000,000—polled well public records, laws and court they ask me to do research,” provides financing to build the In recent months, Supervi- with county voters and could decisions to disclose all facts, said Chadbourne. new housing developments. sors have considered four possi- provide $243 million per year. current and past, concerning Through his work, Chad- “The goal is to work with ble taxes to close this $450 mil- However, the county does ownership. bourne has uncovered some the county and nonprofit sec- lion gap—included a parcel tax, not possess the power to place Real estate agent Brian intriguing historical facts tor who already do this sort of millionaire’s tax, sales tax and a this tax on the ballot for approv- Ades has counted on Chad- about various homes. work to get those wrap around 10% marijuana industry tax. al without special action from bourne for over 15 years. “The chain of title reveals services” said Rick Coca, com- The only one to gain trac- the state government, and “for “John and his team help a lot,” said Chadbourne, “and munications director for Los tion so far has been the mari- now,” Naipo said, “the governor buyers and sellers through ev- sometimes you see different Angeles City Councilmember juana industry tax, which the has said no to that.” erything from property liens movie stars who have lived in to things more complicated,” the homes and it’s fun to see said Ades. that.” Even though Chadbourne started working at Equity Ti- Equity Title Company, tle at age 21 and has learned 425 W. Broadway #300, the business from every angle, Glendale, 310-892-3301, he enjoys the technical aspect equitytitle.com

Page 18 LIFESTYLES www.losfelizledger.com August 2016 Los Feliz Ledger

[KEEN TO BE GREEN] ANNEX from page 15 opinion of the councilmember vised on how it would change Re-Use, Not Single-Use sition on this,” said Miller. “We whose district is affected, so a our boundaries,” said Tom would simply like to know what boundary change without Ryu’s Hennenberry, a resident of the By Meher McArthur, Ledger Columnist the community thinks….This support would be unlikely. affected area. Percentage change aside, Hennenberry and other I recently spent meet the same fate as the di- is simply allowing for people to many at the meeting ques- affected residents had previ- a day at Uni- nosaurs. sign a petition.” tioned whether the initial sig- ously said they were told the versal Studios and was over- Waste seems to have be- But some at the meet- natures should count at all, petition was simply to install whelmed not only by the heav- come an integral part of our ing wondered how the coun- amid allegations they were im- a sign, and were not informed ing crowds and tremendous leisure activities. It is easy to cilmember could raise the properly obtained. that such action would offi- heat, but also by the amount re-use and recycle at home, but required percentage without “No one was clearly ad- see ANNEX page 21 of waste generated in a single much harder to avoid single- changing city policy. day by thousands of people in- use containers while playing Miller said Ryu’s office tent on having fun. and traveling. consulted extensively with the Sunset Hall - Curriculum and Advocacy city clerk’s office prior to their I, too, went there to have For two weeks, I plan to Thanks to our ad sponsor Sunset Hall. They offer... fun with family and friends, refill my bottle with water and request for more signatures. “The policy is considered a Programs for Conversational but as I shuffled past bins decline other plastic cups and free-thinking older Spanish at GPACC on overflowing with plastic cups bottles, potentially stopping guideline,” he said. “As far as adults (323) 660-5277 Thursdays at 3:00-4:30 and bottles in line for the 15-20 plastic containers from the city clerk’s office was con- cerned, we could easily shift Griffith Park Adult Community Center Calendar [the requirement] to 51%.” It is easy to re-use and recycle at home, Ryu spokesperson Mon- No General Meetings in August. temayor later clarified, “What but much harder to avoid single-use Learn about Public Transit, we’re talking about is not a a Presentation by Mobility Management Partners: containers while playing and traveling. law or a policy change….It Thursday, August 18th, 2:30 – 4:00. is about gaining the council- A class about the ins and outs of riding public transit, using the TAP member’s support.” Jurassic Park ride, my heart trashing the places I visit. card program, and reading a bus schedule or planning routes online. When asked if the FHRA sank. In summertime, as we Sign up at GPACC or call (323) 644-5579. Days later, sitting in an let loose at theme parks, on could use the 20% they had airport terminal—another planes, and even at fast-food already acquired in compli- Swimming opportunities for adults only are at the place packed with people seek- restaurants, we all need to stay ance with city policy to obtain Los Feliz Swimming Pool this summer through ing adventure and pleasure— mindful of our waste. a boundary change without September 5th, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon. I noticed that the single-use If enough of us carry our Ryu’s support, Montemayor plastic container reigned su- own bottles and cups and re- would not comment, instead The Lunch Program: Lunch is served 5 days a week at the Center. repeating, “What I’m saying is $2 is the donation for those over 60 years. $4 for less than 60 years. preme there as well. fuse single-use containers, Daily lunch is served at 12 pm. Come in for coffee and sign in at 10:30. Surely, if we keep con- we can reduce our trash and [Councilmember Ryu] won’t suming single-use plastic con- perhaps even prevent our race support it.” For Information on the Griffith Park Adult Community tainers at our current rate, we from becoming the main at- However, it should be Club and getting a newsletter, call Stephanie Vendig at (323) 667-3043, or e-mail at [email protected] will trash our own habitat so traction in a theme park for noted that when voting, city much that our species could some future species. council generally defers to the GPACC is located at 3203 Riverside Dr., just south of Los Feliz Bl.

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[editorial] nancy. My mom looked up at [STARGAZING] The Brink of National Combustion me from her drawing the other Meteor Shower Hits Peak day and said, “I think we’re on By Belen Cahill, Ledger Contributing Writer the brink of a national cultural in Early August When my college coun- I used to listen to the ele- war.” The stagnancy I once in- Anthony Cook, Ledger Columnist selor first suggested I consider giac tenor of Nina Simone and terpreted to imply limbo has schools in Scotland, I recoiled become inundated by a fierce since infused me with a gnaw- The Perseid ets in the morning sky during from the foreignness of such an yearning to be as alive, angry ing unrest, because it is the meteor shower reaches its peak February and March this year, idea. I knew the school I want- and brave as she. Part of this kind of stagnancy that begs for on the night of Thursday, Au- the August evening appear- ed to attend here in the United certainly was a projection of disruption. gust 11th through the begin- ance will be with Mercury, States and, having never been my desire to have a racial iden- As much as part of me ning of dawn on Wednesday Venus, and Jupiter grouped to Europe, my gut contracted tity other than one of routine wants desperately to be a part the 12th. Although the best together low in the southwest, at the thought of losing the se- oppression and consequent of that disruption, there is an- curity of my homeland. shame, but part of it was also other part that has learned to The meteors can be seen between When I first signed up for that I felt a rumble of excite- live amidst a bleakness that AP US History, I was a reluc- ment within my soul at the knows no horizon, to expect 10:00 p.m. and 4:40 a.m tantly patriotic kid eager to fearlessness of it. submission, intransigent stu- whet my appetite for maverick Many who lived through pidity, and a gaping lack of American heroism. 1968 are drawing parallels be- humanity from people in viewing conditions begin and Saturn paired with Mars When I tenderly smoothed tween then and now, but there power in this country. I am when the moon sets at 1:30 in the southwest. down a Bernie 2016 sticker on seems to be one major differ- confused and thus I am torn a.m., the shower itself might Jupiter and Venus will ap- the bumper of my banged up ence. Scrolling through my between two Americas. What put on a stronger than normal pear only a sixth of a degree, sedan, I smiled. Facebook feed or slumped on scares me the most is that I am show a few hours earlier, ac- or one third the angular size And then Orlando hap- my staircase and picking up only seventeen and yet I am cording to meteor experts. of the moon, from each other pened. And then Minneapolis. conversations over the muted already one misstep away from The meteors can be seen on Saturday the 27th. This is And then Dallas. And then Ba- din of my parents’ cocktail being crushed by the weight between 10:00 p.m. and 4:40 close enough in the sky that ton Rouge. I am not black, nor party, I can see and hear the of a country immobile. Jaded a.m., and are best observed the two planets can be seen am I queer, but I am an Amer- exhaustion. For a moment, I millennials are no longer a from wilderness, far from ur- together in the same telescopic ican. I’m an American who is was scared because we can’t trope—if we are not careful, ban light pollution. With the field of view. seriously considering spending afford to be tired; because the we will define contemporary enhanced activity, about 100 The moon is visible with my college years abroad, an more tired we grow, the more America. meteors could be visible per the planets from the 4th American who watched her we accept defeat. One of my favorite lines hour. through the 18th. It is new patriotism dwindle into next Since when did being tired of Walt Whitman, and one I All five naked-eye planets on the 2nd, first quarter on to nothing with every fatigued stop meaning the same thing often quote reads, “There is will be visible at the end of civ- the 10th, full on the 18th, and sigh of her history teacher, an as being fed up? Since when something profoundly affect- il twilight, approximately 30 last quarter on the 24th. The American whose vision of a did it start meaning the same ing in large masses of men fol- minutes after sunset, between moon passes near Mercury national identity based in rev- thing as hopeless oblivion? lowing the lead of those who the 7th and 24th. and Venus on the 4th, Jupiter olution has been splintered by There is the exhaustion, do not believe in men.” There Unlike the fairly even on the 5th, and both Mars and an omnipresent hypocrisy. and then there is the stag- see EDITORIAL page 21 spacing presented by the plan- Saturn on the 15th.

Page 20 LIFESTYLES www.losfelizledger.com August 2016 Los Feliz Ledger

[MOTHER OF INVENTION] ANNEX from page 19 is a change of the boundary.” and rigorous process,” she The Ultimate Kids’ Sports cially change the boundaries According to Miller, any- said. “I feel like we gave this of Franklin Hills. one who feels they were co- measure its due….The process Alternative “The signatures were erced or otherwise misunder- was finished.” By Rita Mauceri, Ledger Columnist tainted,” said LFNC board stood the petition will be free Ultimately, the LFNC member Mark Mauceri. to remove their name from it. voted 16-0, with no absten- bee leagues and programs for “There were lots of things that Additionally, he said, anyone tions and three absent, to ad- kids since the 1990s. In 2004, made me believe the signa- who has moved out of the af- vise against Ryu’s motion. he and fellow local dad Dave tures, and the way it was done, fected area since signing would Ambrose launched the Sum- was unethical.” also be removed. mer League youth program at Despite allegations they But some board members EDITORIAL from page 20 Silver Lake. had previously misled resi- remained unconvinced. So how does Ultimate dents, FHRA representa- “If all this vetting has to exists no realistically simple Frisbee rank in the world of tives actually corrected such happen, it sounds like the solution to a pattern this deep- kid sports? In Towne’s words, misconceptions at the recent work has to be redone any- ly systematic, but if we are it offers youngsters “an oppor- LFNC meeting. way,” said LFNC representa- to have any hope for a future tunity to have big fun and get “From what I understand, tive Courtney Ballard. wherein we have unlearned some great exercise.” it’s just a sign,” said CD4’s Others, like former LFNC hate, everyone is going to need The sport is highly aero- Miller. “Other people say it President Linda Demmers, ex- to start believing. bic. Players get exercise from will change boundaries and pressed frustration at having With three active grade- all the running and they have affect property values. I’m not to revisit an issue the board Belen is a rising senior at Poly- schoolers and a husband who’s a blast. But there are side ben- sure of the validity of that.” had already spent so much technic School in Pasadena and an unapologetic baseball evan- efits as well. Ultimate has no But the FHRA’s Charley time discussing, and had con- will be the editor in chief next gelist, I spend a lot of time at refs or umpires. Teams abide Mims was quick to interject. sidered closed. year of its school newspaper. She kids’ sporting events. Saturday by an honor system called the “It’s not just a sign,” he said. “It “We went through a full is also a resident of Los Feliz. is almost always “game day” Spirit of the Game. for us. “It requires players to In our corner of Los show respect and apprecia- Angeles, there are the “big tion for everyone on their Visit us online for our August Intro Special. three” youth team sports. team and the opposing one, Soccer and basketball are my and it asks them to self-of- Save over $50! personal favorites because ficiate,” Towne explained. the pacing is fast and every- “As a player, you are expect- one can participate. Then ed to be honest and respect- there is baseball, a sport I ful while trying your best once judged as boring and le- to win. Altruistic? Perhaps. thargic, but which is actually But our players have fun, a pressure cooker of charac- show great spirit, and get ter-building proportions. super exercise. What’s not This summer, our family to like?” discovered a new kid on the As a mom, I appreciate block. We signed our three Ultimate’s design. It is un- children up for a budding abashedly co-ed and players Ultimate Frisbee League run come in all shapes and sizes. by the Silver Lake Recreation Nearly any kid can step onto Center. the field and play this game, 3178 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90039 At first glance, Ultimate and more and more people are 323.906.0088 www.pilatesmetro.com is the perfect combination of catching onto it. just about every major team Not only that, but in sport we know. It moves fast a world where PS4s and X- like basketball, soccer, and Boxes cost hundreds of dol- hockey and players execute lars—good golf and tennis football-like pass plays. equipment, even more than Cliff Towne of DiscSports that—a Frisbee or “flying in Southern California has disc” runs about $8. been running Ultimate Fris- That›s pretty ultimate. 

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August 2016  www.losfelizledger.com LIFESTYLES Page 21 Los Feliz Ledger

[SENIOR MOMENTS] [THEATER REVIEW] FASHION from page 7 Making Los Angeles a Church & State Tackles Thorny gorgeous. She told us she was pleased that we stopped to More Livable Community Issue of Gun Control talk to her, that she likes fash- By Stephanie Vendig, Ledger Columnist By Marilyn Tower Oliver, Ledger Theater Critic ion and that she was wearing a special outfit because it was a Close to The idea was to encourage Friday night. 90 percent of us over age 65 states, cities, towns, counties At the end of the day, I would like to remain in our and rural areas to pay more at- had seen Los Feliz and Down- homes and communities for as tention to the environmental, town L.A. and a lot of people. long as possible, according to economic and social factors I’m sure that if we had contin- the AARP (American Associa- that influence the well-being ued on, we would have found tion of Retired Persons) Public of older adults. a fashionable L.A. native, but Policy Institute. They also joined up with the fact is, we didn’t manage But wanting to remain the World Health Organiza- to find one in the four hours of in your home shouldn’t mean tion Global Network of Age- wandering the streets. that you end up isolated due to Friendly Cities and Commu- If you ask me, I wouldn’t your community’s inability to nities to help cities prepare for be able to pick a “favorite have resources, safety, or ame- rapid population aging and style.” I live in Paris, so I love nities available to you. the parallel trends of urban- to wear chic dresses whenever In other words, as you age, ization. I go out, but in my everyday life, I am usually dressed the way I feel that day. One day Annika Marks, Tracie Lockwood and Rob Nagle in a scene from Church & State at I can wear a Hollister t-shirt The idea was to encourage states, cities, the Skylight Theatre in Los Feliz. Photo credit: Ed Krieger with jeggings, and the next towns, counties and rural areas to pay day a really expensive outfit. In this controversial gun debate, religious beliefs But I do like the way people “more attention to the environmental, election year, Church & and the reach of social media dress in L.A., choosing com- economic and social factors that influence State, a new play by Em- affects politics in our country. fort over high fashion. the well-being of older adults. my-nominated writer Jason The action is gripping and My other conclusion is Odell Williams at the Sky- fast paced, and a superb cast that due to social media, light Theatre on Vermont, makes the somewhat implau- teenagers, regardless of where offers a candid, albeit some- sible plot twists believable. they live, dress similarly: you require a “livable commu- With a proclamation on times humorous insight Although the subject is seri- Converse shoes, ripped jeans nity” for quality of life. May 18, 2016, Mayor Eric into the inner workings of ous, humorous dialogue keeps and T-shirts are the teenag- As defined by AARP, a Garcetti committed Los An- a heated political campaign. the play from being too heavy ers’ daily uniform, wherever livable community “is safe geles to join this network.” The setting is North Car- handed. you travel. Which, by the and secure, has affordable and There will be a Purposeful olina and the central character Church & State runs in way, is an American export appropriate housing, diverse Aging Task Force which will is Charlie Whitmore (Rob Na- tandem with Obama-ology, for the most part. So, as a transportation options, and come up with a strategic plan gle), a conservative Republican by Aurin Squire a second French teenager, I am lucky supportive community fea- by May 18, 2018. candidate for the US Senate. election-based theme play that to know both styles. tures and services. Once in If residents can live, work, Minutes before he is to go takes place during the 2008 Of the people we inter- place, these resources enhance and play—regardless of age, onstage to make a speech to election. viewed, my favorite outfit was personal independence and income or ability—and be fire up his evangelical base— the man wearing the Kente health and engage residents in able to move about their com- and just after attending the Church & State, Skylight shirt and baseball cap. I liked an area’s civic, economic and munity easily and safely, then funeral of children killed in a Theatre, 1816 ½ N. Ver- the way he mixed colors and I social life.” we will truly be a livable com- school shooting—Whitmore mont Avenue, Saturdays, loved his t-shirt. In 2012, AARP, a non- munity. confesses to his liberal Jew- 8:30 p.m.; Sundays, 3 But the people I met were profit advocacy member- You can find out all ish campaign manager, Alex p.m. through August 14th. all Instagram-worthy—and ship organization for the 50+ about livable communities at Klein (Annika Marks) that he Obama-ology, Fridays, really friendly, unlike some population, created the AARP the AARP website. aarp.org/ made an off-the-cuff comment 8:30 p.m.; Sundays, 7p.m., fashionable Parisians! Network of Age-Friendly livable-communities/livable-in- to a blogger questioning the through August 28th. $15- Communities. action/. existence of God. $39. Reservations (213)761- Advertise in the Whitmore intends to 7061 or SylightTix.com. reveal his misgivings in his Street parking or $5 in Los Feliz Ledger Look for the September edition speech, but his devoutly Chris- private lots off Vermont. (323) 644-5536 of the tian and highly ambitious wife, Sara Whitmore (Tracie Los Feliz Ledger Lockwood) joins forces with Alex to urge him not to do so. on Thursday, September 1st The ensuing fast paced, drama explores the way the

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