Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur (MP) Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur (MP)
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur (MP) Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur (MP) 2018 ¡flÊ„U⁄U‹Ê‹ Ÿ„UM§ ∑ΧÁ· Áfl‡flÁfllÊ‹ÿ ∑ΧÁ· Ÿª⁄U, •Ê œÊ⁄UÃÊ‹, ¡’‹¬È⁄U 482 004 (◊.¬˝.) Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Krishi Nagar, Adhartal, Jabalpur 482 004 (M.P.) Ph.: 0761-2681706 (O), Fax: 0761-2681389 E-mail: bisenvcjnkvv@gmail.com Foreword The University has been recognised for its contributions in the field of agriculture. For the continuous three years, Madhya Pradesh has been Dr. P.K. Bisen honoured with 'Krishi Karman Award' by Hon'ble President of India. Iin February Vice Chancellor 2015, JNKVV has been conferred with 'Mahindra Samridhi National Agriculture Education Award' at New Delhi by Hon'ble Union Agriculture Minister. During last 10 years, JNKVV has developed more than 78 crop varieties. Based on the extensive research accomplishments, University has identified about 65 crop farming systems suitable for Madhya Pradesh. The State holds flagship in quality and production with trusted brand 'Jawahar Seed'. The world famous Jawahar Soybean crop varieties are being grown over 92% area at national level. For the benefit of resource poor farmers, development of short duration hybrids for enhancing cropping intensity has been the priority area. Utilization of fallow land, hi-tech horticulture for off-season production of vegetables, integrated farming system for enhancing nutritional and food security of small and marginal farmers, awareness for organic farming, resource conservation, development of suitable mechanisation for timely harvesting with added value of the produce, are the major achievements that helped in enhancing socio-economic status of farmers.
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