SOR-RING an Electron Storage Ring Dedicated to Spectroscopy
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Particle Accelerators © Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Ltd. 1976, Vol. 7, pp. 163-175 Printed in the United Kingdom SOR-RING An Electron Storage Ring Dedicated to Spectroscopy 1 T. MIYAHARA,t§ H. KITAMURA,t ) s. SATo,t M. WATANABE,t s. MITANI,2) E. ISHIGURO,3) T. FUKUSHIMA, T. ISHII,4) SHIGEO YAMAGUCHI,S) M. ENDO,§6) Y. IGUCHI,7) H. TSUJIKAWA, T. SUGIURA,§ T. KATAYAMA, T. YAMAKAWA, SEITARO YAMAGUCHI and T. SASAKI§8) Institute for Nuclear Study, University ofTokyo, Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan (Received February 25,1976; infinalform June 1,1976) A 300-MeV electron storage ring to be used exclusively as a synchrotron-radiation source for spectroscopy has been constructed in the Institute for Nuclear Study (INS), University of Tokyo, Tanashi. Its useful spectral range lies between 40 and 2200 A. The 1.3-GeV electron synchrotron of INS currently being operated for high-energy-particle experiments serves as an injector. Electron beams are extracted from the synchrotron at 300 MeV, transported about twenty meters, and injected into the ring at the rate of one pulse per second. In the test operation a current of 10 mA was stored in a filling time of 10 minutes. The lifetime measured at a current of 1 mA was 2.5 hours, while the design goal determined by the Touschek effect is 100 mA with one hour life, for oper ation at 300 MeV. Increase of operating energy up to 375 MeV is feasible with a minor modification of the present design. INTRODUCTION hand, converting electron storage rings under taken or constructed primarily for colliding-beam Electron storage rings have been developed in their experiments into machines dedicated for spectro history of the last two decades mostly as colliding scopy, was also reported, for instance, by the beam machines for experiments in high-energy Physical Sciences Laboratory, Wisconsin," and physics, but recently, their importance as light LURE (Laboratoire pourl'Utilisation du Rayonne sources in the vacuum ultraviolet region has been ment Electromagnetique), Orsay.S more and more recognized by workers of other SOR-RING is a 300-MeV electron storage fields of natural science. 1 Existing storage rings, ring constructed at the Institute for Nuclear Study for instance, DORIS in Hamburg and SPEAR (INS), University of Tokyo, Tanashi, to be used in Stanford have established their synchrotron as a dedicated synchrotron-radiation source for radiation facilities for applications in spectroscopy, spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet region. crystallography, biology, and so on. 2,3 On the other The construction of SOR-RING was proposed by INS-SOR in 1965. It was undertaken, as a dedicated machine from the beginning. Construction started t Postgraduate research fellow of Institute for Nuclear in 1971 and was completed in 1974 with the first Study (INS). t Institute for Solid State Physics (lSSP), University of successful test filling. Tokyo. The present paper describes the design principle, § College of General Education, University of Tokyo. the instrumental details of the ring and the beam 1) On leave from Department of Physics, Kyoto University. transport system, the problems encountered in the 2) Research Institute for Atomic Energy, Osaka City University. course of construction, and the results of test 3) Department of Applied Physics, Osaka City University. operations. The spectral intensity of synchrotron 4) Department of Physics, Tohoku University. radiation and the main features of the ring are 5) Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University. given in Section 2 and Section 3, respectively. 6) Present address: National Institute of Radiological Sciences. The features of various parts of the ring are 7) Institute for Optics, Tokyo University of Education. discussed separately: the magnet system in Section M) Visiting staff of INS. 4; the rf system in Section 5; the vacuum system in 163 164 T. MIYAHARA, et ale Section 6; beam transport system in Section 7; p is given by" monitors of beam characteristics in Section 8. The results of test operations are briefly discussed N(A) = 7.86 x 1011J(mA) [E(GeV)r in Section 9. The main parameters of the ring [p(m)J2 are tabulated in Table L x A(A)(~)3 foo K 5/3('1) d'1, (2-1) AelA TABLE I where N(A) is the number of photons of wavelength A, emitted per second in a width of 1 A into a Design parameters of the SOR-RING horizontal angle of 1 mrad along the orbit; y and Ac Energy of stored electrons E = 300 MeV are defined by Stored current I = 100 rnA 10 Number of stored electrons No = 3.6 X 10 E A- 4np -3 L y==--2' C--3- (2-2) Beam lifetime > 1 h (at 100 rnA) me Y Radius of curvature in a bending magnet p = 1.10 m K 5I3(1]) is the modified Bessel function of fractional Field strength of a bending magnet B = 9.09 kG Field index in a bending magnet 11 = 0.5 order of the second kind. Total orbit length C=17.4m The operating energy and the orbit radius of Length of a bending magnet L B = 0.864 m SOR-RING have been decided to be 300 MeV and L = 0.10 m Length of a quadrupole magnet F 1.1 m, respectively, from consideration of the L = 0.20 m D spectral range of interest and the limited available Length of a straight section L s = 1.31 m Revolution frequency fo = 17.24 MHz space. For this energy and radius, the practical Resonant frequency of the rf cavity f = 120.66 MHz spectral range of radiation emitted from the ring Harmonic number h = 7 extends down 40 A for 300-MeV operation as will V > 7kV rf voltage RF be seen in Figure 1, which shows the spectral Radiation loss per turn per electron Urad = 0.65 keV intensity distribution given by Eq. (2-1) with Numbers of betatron oscillations Vx :::::::: Vz :::::::: 1.2 Average of f3 x 2 < Px < 2.5 m p == 1.1 m. The available spectral range extends Average of f3z 2 < pz < 2.4 m even to 20 A by increasing the operating energy. Range of the field gradient of a 2 The orbit radius of 1.1 m leaves the possibility of quadrupole magnet 0<KQ<7m- 2 increasing energy up to 375 MeV. By choosing the Design value of K Q K F :::::::: K D :::::::: 4.6m- Dilation factor (J"c:::::::: 0.9 operating energy and the orbit radius as given Time constant of radial oscillation above, the emphasis of the working range for the damping LX :::::::: 54 msec ring has been placed on the long-wavelength part Time constant of vertical oscillation of soft X-rays, in which a majority of the radiation :::::::: damping L Z 54 msec Time constant of synchrotron users are interested. The ring was not intended to oscillation damping LS :::::::: 27 msec take over all the activities of the presently running Radial size of the beam S; :::::::: 2.4 mm synchrotron-radiation facility of INS using the Vertical size of the beam S, :::::::: 1.7 mm 1.3-GeV INS synchrotron. The INS synchrotron, Longitudinal size of the beam SL:::::::: 600 mm Average pressure in the doughnut which has been recently improved in its intensity, (without beam) Po = 1 x 10- 10 Torr still remains as a powerful light source, especially 9 (with beam) P = 1 X 10- Torr in the range below 100 A. Total pumping speed S > 4500 Iiters sec- 1 The maximum of the spectral distribution, given by Eq. (2-1),occurs at about 0.76 Ac' which is equal to 172 A. The number of photons emitted at A == 172 A is found to be 2.2 x 101 0 A-I. sec-I. rnA- 1 . mrad- 1. If we take out radiation emitted in an aperture of 10 mrad in a horizontal angle 2 SPECTRAL INTENSITY OF and focus it on the entrance slit of an optical 1 0 SYNCHROTRON RADIATION system, we have 2.2 x 10 photons A-I. sec- 1 . rnA- 1 at the slit, assuming the efficiency of the The spectral intensity of synchrotron radiation focusing mirror to be 10%. If the reflection emitted by electrons in a current J at the energy E efficiency of the grating is 10- 2 and resolving power 3 circulating in an orbit with the radius of curvature is 10 , the photon number behind the exit slit is SYNCHROTRON RADIATION SOURCE 165 A: E = 350 MeV of the radial oscillation with the vertical oscillation. B: E =300 MeV The use of quadrupole magnets with variable C: E =250 MeV field gradients enables us to choose an operating point suitable for exciting difference resonance. The beam cross section is also made large if the dilation or momentum-compaction factor of a machine is made large. This is attained by weak 101° focusing. Therefore, SOR-RING was designed as a ~ machine of a weak-focusing type with variable field E -0 gradients. tU '- the value of the field index, n, of the bending E magnet in SOR-RING was chosen close to 0.5 for o~ 9 u 10 fast damping to occur." In a weak-focusing system QI ~ where the value of n is 0.5 and the focusing force "-en c of the quadrupole magnets is weak, the only 0 '0 possible case for the excitation of difference .J::. 0- 8 resonance occurs for Ivx - vzl = o. In SOR-RING 10 the designed values of the betatron number are Vx = Vz = 1.20. The time constants of oscillation damping are 54 msec for both radial and vertical oscillations and 27 msec for the synchrotron oscillation.