Somersetshire. [Kelly's
128 BRIDGWATER. SOMERSETSHIRE. [KELLY'S Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of the Distress Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bridgwater sub-district, Amendment Act :-T. M. Reed, solicitor, King square, George Cozens, Taunton road, Bridgwater; deputy, Miss Bridgwater; Robert Squibbs, auctioneer, Cornhill, Bridg Ann Cozens, 3 Hampton terrace, Bridgwater ; Huntspill water ; John Coombs, auctioneer, George street, Bridg sub-district, Edward Toogood, HuntApill; deputy, W. J. water; Thomas H. Boys, auctioneer, Cattle market, Toogood, Huntspill; Middlezoy sub-district, H. P. Biddle Bridgwater; Horace Hurman, auctioneer, Cattle market, combe, Middlezoy; deputy, Francis Wheller, Middlezoy; Bridgwater; ·waiter Jas. Toogood, auctioneer, Huntspill North Petherton sub-district, Thomas Hallett, North Cattle Market, H. Abraham, Taunton, collector Petherton ; deputy, Mrs. L. Hallett, North Petnerton ; County Police Station, Bl&.ke street, Joseph Vowles, super Polden Hill sub-district, E. F. C. Ling, Chilton Polden > intendent ; & I sergt. 2 acting sergts. & 12 constables deputy, J. C. Moore, Chilton Polden Custom House, West quay, John R. Beatt, principal officer Registrar of Marriages, Charles Chard, Town hall, Bridg Highway Board, Paul Octavius Haythorne Reed, clerk ; water; deputy, John Fowler, Wembdon road, Bridgwater Edward Hickes, district road surveyor The Workhouse in N orthgate, erected in I 837, is a building Infirmary, Salmon parade, medical officers, John Parsons of white brick, partly stuccoed, & will hold 388 inmates> L.R.C.P.Lond. Washington L. Winterbotham M.B. Francis the average number being 230; at the back of the house John Crane Parsons & Ht>.nry Marcus Kemmiss L.K.Q.C .. P .. is a detached hospital of red brick ; R. Sheppard, master> rrel. ; surgeon dentist, C.
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