Jan—Dec 2010 Dept. of Health - EMRS Uthukela District EMRS—UTHUKELA NEWS


Response Times 2

Our Top 5 Disease 2

Obstetric Unit 3

Estcourt Sub Base 4 Message from our EMS Ladysmith Sub Base 5 Manager Public Awareness 6 The world cup has come and gone but which gives the district a coverage Sport Day 7 the legacy lives on within us . Some of 5.2% . One of our priorities is to road infrastructure has been improved reduce morbidity and mortality. Sub District 8 in certain areas. The community has a better understanding of EMRS. Despite many challenges that we Year End party 9 face in our district the staff are still We have started the year with floods motivated to having a healthy life- Congratulations 10 and despite all challenges God has style, they participate in soccer, been on our side as we haven't had netball and team building exer- any incidents in EMRS. From 2007— cises, we are promoting healthy 2009 we had no advance life support lifestyle. Ms. BN Zungu EMS Manager qualified staff which was causing a huge challenge in terms of providing the ALS support skills to the commu- Wishing all staff a joyous and fruit- nity , but now we have 4 ALS qualified ful 2011 .

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4


EMS Cases Response Times Urban & Rural Response Times Urban & Rural Jan - Dec 2010 Jan - Dec 2010


50 0 0 0 48% 45000 50%


35000 40% 30000 29% 29%

% 30% 25000

20000 20% 15 0 0 0 10% 10 0 0 0 10% 500 0

0 0% EM S EM S red - EM S red - EM S red - EM S red - emerg urban urban rural 40 rural 60 EMS red - EMS red - EMS red - EMS red - cases tot 15 mi n 30min urban 15min urban 30min rural 40 rural 60

Ems Uthukela top 5 cases jan— dec 2010

EMS Top 5 Cases Jan - Dec 2010 EMS Top 5 Cases Percentage

14 0 0 0 25%

12 0 0 0 20% 10 0 0 0

8000 15%

% 6000 10 % 4000

2000 5%

0 EM S EM S EM S EM S EM S 0% M VA case assault mat er nit y acut e t rauma EM S M VA EM S EM S EM S acut e EM S case case Cardiac case case assault mat ernit y Cardiac t rauma cond case case cond case

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4

EMRS UTHUKELA’S Obstetric Unit

it is a great honour to have this unit as it helps a lot in dealing with the increase number of neonatal transfers, intra and inter district . We are looking forward to increase the number of this unit as soon as we have enough qualified ALS staff and equipment

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4


Estcourt Sub– District

Estcourt EMRS is a sub– Estcourt , it is next to the KwaZulu Natal. district base with three National road (N3) and satellite bases which are Drankensberg Mountains. Havilland, Ntabamhlophe We ate Estcourt have 56 There are 10 clinics under employees and Injesuthu, all are situ- the sub district that we ated inside the clinics and render namely, Cornfields, provide or render all emer- , Fordeville, Mad- Our vision is to strive for gency services in the district iba, Corner Street, Zwelisha, excellence in the provision of Estcourt (imbabazane & Ncibidwane, Ntabamhlophe, of emergency Medical Res- Mthezi Municipality). Sahlumbe, Havilland and cue Service in the province It is situated in the West Injesuthi clinic. Estcourt of KwaZulu natal. Northern Corner Of KZN at EMRS and its satellite Our mission is to provide an bases have its equitable, Efficient, effec- referral system tive quality and caring medi- made by hospi- cal emergency rescue ser- tals, patients vices, through a trans- are referred to formed and amalgamated Ladysmith pro- structure by professional , vincial hospital, disciplined and demographi- greys hospital, cally representative staff. edendale, In- Our core value is profes- kosi Albert sionalism, discipline, hon- LUTHULI and the rest of esty and respect Mr. Pm Strydom Sub District Manager Estcourt

ESTCOURT SUB—DISTRICT “If I respond correctly

to my critics by examining myself and admitting my shortcomings , I can make positive changes in my life” (john Maxwell)

Positive Comments from Patients and clients

Our dedication to improve Please thank the gentleman for us as for it is highly service delivery has re- Letter from Lombaard / du appreciated and well done to sulted by receiving the fol- Randt Family both of them as for it is won- lowing positive feed back I want to congratulate paramedics Mr. BT derful to see that they take from our service care user’s their career up so seriously Nkabinde and Mr. DM Khumalo from the patient and family, the feed- and only give them their ambulance service of Estcourt that attended back from the patients best. Estcourt people can to call on the 2009-11-05 when we phoned plays an important role in rely on them in time of need. motivating our staff to per- for an ambulance a attend an emergency at our residence when one of our employees We also wrote to the Est- form more in order to im- Mr. Mandla Mfusi collapsed and had all court news to place the letter prove service delivery to our sings of a stroke. It did not even take 15 of appreciation in the next community at large. minutes for the paramedics to arrive at the Letter of Ap- week’s newspaper for these scene, they were so helpful, calm and pro- two gentleman . fessional in assisting the patient and trans- preciation Well done keep it up ported him to hospital .

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4


Ladysmith Sub Base

Ladysmith sub-district is their refresher courses to sharpen their knowledge and • Shortage of ALS quali- composed of ladysmith skills. fied staff Base as the main base, Ezakheni and Rockcliff as our satellite bases. Challenges Achievements Its covers a wide area under • Shortage of staff and ESV’s • 2 ECT Qualified staff two municipalities namely Ladysmith and Indaka Mu- • High number of BLS qualified staff • 10 ILS qualified staff nicipality. We have a train- between November and ing centre in Ladysmith August 2010 base where staff are doing • FIFA world cup was a successful event here in ladysmith sub-district, we had 1pva at Ezakheni College stadium and one satellite vehicle at N3, the FIFA World cup contract work- ers were used in combi- nation with EMRS staff in both satellite points, its was a great success Mr. ET Kubheka Sub District Manager 2010 Contracts (job creation for 2010 world Cup ) Ladysmith


On the 8th of June 2010 The FIFA World Cup contract workers were present to observe across border exercise how things are done in real situation. The whole exercise was a which was organized by great success. N3tc was conducted in Van Reenen old N3 road. EMRS and EMS Free State On the 27th of October 2010 EMRS Uthukela participated in a staff were crewed together mock exercise organized by Transnet whereby a goods train where vehicle extrication carrying dangerous /hazardous substances collided with a mini and rope rescue exercise bus taxi with passengers in a lever crossing in Danskraal area was done, the aim was for Ladysmith. the two provinces to share The aim of the exercise was to emphasize and encourage safety their knowledge and skills, and good working relationship amongst RTI, SAPS, Transnet create a better understand- Commanders, Fire Department and EMRS the exercise was a ing and good working rela- great success tionship in case of a real Derailed train situation.

Removing the acid from a Medical Post Officials at the FCP (forward control patients point)

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4



Isiqophimithi Primary School

from Ezakheni Township. The leaner's were taught on safety, how and when to call for an ambulance, they were taught how EMRS operates, they were made aware of how the hoax calls are depriving the people who are really in need of an ambulance. They were taught of the career path, as to how to become a paramedic. They were also shown how the ambulance looks like in the inside and some equipments like primary response, transfers and rescue equipment were demonstrated to them.

Children are been showed on the basic life saving equipment Paramedics are showing the children how the incubator works

Children seem to be paying extra attention to the paramedics It’s the teachers turn to see what is happening

Paramedics are showing the children how to use the rescue Teachers taking a photo with our paramedics equipment

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4



On the 18th September 2010 EMRS uthukela soccer team were invited to play with EMS Free State in Harrismith, the Free staters were given a free soccer lesson by both OLD CROC’S and Junior team. In October 30th the EMRS team was the runners up in the soccer nock out inter departmental games at Wembezi stadium in Estcourt and they won R8000.00 HALALA Uthukela HALALA


Uthukela EMRS Soccer Team Uthukela EMRS Soccer Team OLD Croc’s

EMS Harrismith Soccer Team People are having fun after the game

Shisanyama time They seem to be really enjoying the food

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4


Bergville Sub—District

Bergville sub– district is ager and 3 shift leaders Bergville and its satellites composed of Bergville base as a main base and Em- bases have its referral sytem maus as well as Olivier- made by hospital, patients are shoek as satellite bases. It referred to Emmaus hospital, Challenges covers a wide area under Ladysmith Provincial hospital, the municipalities namely Greys Hospital, EdendaleHos- • shortage of staff and Okhahlamba and the pital, Inkosi albert luthuli and ESV’s Drankensberg mountains. the rest of kwazulu Natal. Bergville EMRS consist of 32 • High number of bls quali- employees, 1 sub district man- fied staff There are five • Shortage of ALS qualified clinics under this sub— • Shortage of ILS qualified district that we render service to Achievements which are • 2 staff qualified as ALS in Busingatha, December 2010 Mazizini , Oliviershoek, • 1 staff qualified as an ILS Dukuza and in November 2010 Bergville • Received a letter of ap- clinic. preciation from the Ok- EMRS Mr. PR Parthab Acting Sub– District Manager Bergville hahlamba department of

OUR INTERNS FOR 2010/2011 “We hope that they come out full of knowledge once their term is done “

Ms. TR Zikalala & MS. BH Chonco—interns

Mr. KE Phakathi—in-service training

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4



Everyone is hopping that kungahlezi kunje emsebenzi just sit and relax

Iyoyo joe Ijimaphi le weight

KWAZE KWAMUNANDI UKUDLA say the gentleman in the yellow t-shirt

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer JAN—DEC 2010 ISSUE VOLUME ISSUE 4


Lilili kwakuhle



Mr. SJ Mvelase got married to Ms T Dlamini both of them working under operations on the 4th of September 2010

Sibafisela Ms. LN Mbanjwa working at HR got married on the 18th of December Inhlanhla Em- shandweni yabo Unkulunkulu abe nabo njalo

Mr. SE Moloi working under operation also got married on the 4th of December 2010

Compiled by: Ms NP Hlengwa Information Officer