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First Summer Ball acts announced

By Isabelle Wynne Wednesday 11 May 2011

The first two acts for the Summer Ball this year have been announced as Dionne Bromfield and Darwin Deez.

Dionne Bromfield, a 15 year-old rising star, is Winehouse’s goddaughter and signed to her record label Lioness. Bromfield appeared as a singer on Radio One and last year’s Strictly Come Dancing, releasing her first album in 2009 which went to number 33 in the charts.

Her most recent single, Yeah Right, features and will be the headline for her next album Good for the Soul set to be released just after the Summer Ball.

Also due to appear at this year’s Summer Ball is indie group Darwin Deez. The American group have released several singles in the United Kingdom, as well a self-entitled album that reached number three in the UK Indie Charts. They are currently on tour in Australia.

Before the Graduation Dinner there will be a champagne reception on campus, followed by a three-course meal at the Racecourse, a Caleigh dance, and early access to the funfair and casino. The Dinner will cost £65.

Student response to these acts has been mixed. Louis Stott, a first-year History student who plans to attend, said that she “didn’t really know who they were.”

Lois Admas, another first year stated that “it would have been nice to have got someone more people have heard of,” but that “it’s difficult to get the good bands.”

The Ball and Graduation Dinner will take place on the 22 June at the York Racecourse. A limited number of Early Bird tickets are on sale now via the YUSU website at £30, five pounds cheaper than last year’s price.

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7 comments Archived 11 Dec 2018 01:51:13 Nouse Web Archives First Summer Ball acts announced Page 2 of 3 the joker 11 May ’11 at 9:16 pm

No offence, but could this news BE any more later? Vision have really been on it recently – buck up Nouse

 Report

Suspicious? 12 May ’11 at 9:18 am

Is there any reason why the Big D article has pretty much been removed from the Nouse site?

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Suspicious 15 May ’11 at 4:54 pm

Sounds like Derwent Vice-Chair talk to me. Nouse is not your billboard.

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Suspicious? 16 May ’11 at 10:13 am

No, Nouse is a billboard for news. Your job is to report on current events on campus that people care about.. and judging by the fact that the story on Big D was one of the most read stories on this site prior to being taken down, I’m gonna put it out there and say it’s something people care about. On top of this it’s a charitable event, and by taking it down you’re only hurting the charities which we support. I have no idea why you did it, but it seems like someone at Nouse has a bit of a chip on their shoulder.

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Not at all suspicious 16 May ’11 at 12:58 pm

It’s not been taken down, it’s just not on the front page.


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Suspicious? 16 May ’11 at 6:29 pm

It’s been taken down from the News section and can only be found in the “archive”. Idiot? How low can you go, Nouse?

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Chris Northwood 16 May ’11 at 8:58 pm

I wonder if ‘Suspicious?’ realises that articles on the site are organised by date. And it is in the News section, just not on the first page of it…

 Report

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