SAHJJournalournal IISSUESSUE 272272 JJANUARYANUARY / FEBRUARYFEBRUARY 20152015 SAH Journal • January / February 2015 $$5.005.00 UUSS1 Contents 2 BBILLBOARDILLBOARD SAHJJournalournal 3 PPRESIDENT’SRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVEPERSPECTIVE 4 A CCENTURYENTURY OOFF SPEEDSPEED BYBY LOUISELOUISE ANNANN NOETHNOETH ((EPISODEEPISODE THREE)THREE) ISSSUESUE 227272 • JAANUARYNUARY//FFEEBRUARYBRUARY 22015015 1111 BBOOKOOK REVIEWSREVIEWS 1166 SSAHAH MMINUTESINUTES ((OCTOBEROCTOBER 2014)2014) THE SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE HISTORIANS, INC. An Affi liate of the American Historical Association 1188 IINN MEMORIAMMEMORIAM | SAHSAH FISCALFISCAL YEARYEAR SUMMARYSUMMARY 1199 UUPGRADEDPGRADED SSAHAH WWEBSITEEBSITE BBillboardillboard SAHB: The autumn edition (No. 78) of Offi cers John Heitmann President the SAHB Times arrived just after SAHJ 271 Andrew Beckman Vice President was completed and the winter edition (No. Robert R. Ebert Secretary 79) arrived before the completion of this Patrick D. Bisson Treasurer issue, so we’re going to double-up. Board of Directors J. Douglas Leighton (ex-offi cio) † H. Donald Capps # Robert Casey † Louis F. Fourie # Ed Garten ∆ Thomas S. Jakups † Paul N. Lashbrook ∆ John A. Marino # Christopher A. Ritter ∆ Vince Wright † Terms through October (†) 2015, (∆) 2016, and (#) 2017 Editor Rubén L. Verdés 7491 N. Federal Hwy., Ste C5337 Boca Raton, FL 33487-1625 USA
[email protected] [email protected] No. 78 featured an article called Back to tel: +1.561.866.5010 the Future on the subject of a certain electric Publications Committee continued on page 3 Thomas S. Jakups, Chair Pat Chappell Christopher G. Foster Submission Deadlines: Donald J. Keefe Deadline: 12/1 2/1 4/1 6/1 8/1 10/1 Allan Meyer Issue: Jan/Feb Mar/Apr May/Jun Jul/Aug Sep/Oct Nov/Dec Mark Patrick Mailed: 1/31 3/31 5/31 7/31 9/30 11/30 Rubén L.