Community Information Page - 8 August 2019_october 6.qxd 31/07/2019 10:36 AM Page 1

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Stay up to date with Council news by signing up to Council’s weekly e-newsletter at: Thursday, 8 August 2019 Temporary Load Limits Extended on Local Bridges Update: Progress on Kiamma Council wishes to advise that temporary load limits will come into effect when signs are installed Creek Bridge Replacement for the following 12 timber bridges. All load limits relate to the gross vehicle mass: Negotiations with the Roads and Maritime Services • Arthursleigh Road/Sandy Creek – limit up to 12 tonne; (RMS) are continuing on the $1,062,460 Kiamma • Bigga Road/Kangaroo Creek – limit up to 12 tonne; Creek Bridge Replacement Project. • Blue Hills Road/Monkey Creek – limit up to 2 tonne; • Cooksvale Road/Peelwood Creek – limit up to 6 tonne; The project will see the timber Kiamma Creek Bridge • Jeffreys Road/Bridgy Creek – limit up to 8 tonne; on Laggan Road replaced with a two-lane concrete • Julong Road 1/Crookwell River – limit up to 8 tonne; structure. • Julong Road 2/Crookwell River – limit up to 8 tonne; Council has requested that the RMS undertake an • Kangaloolah Road/Diamond Creek – limit up to 4 tonne; upgrade of the intersection of Goulburn Street and • Peelwood Road/Peelwood Creek – limit up to 10 tonne; Laggan Roads, in conjunction with the bridge • Peelwood Road/unnamed creek – limit up to 6 tonne; replacement, and are awaiting a resolution. • Reids Flat Road 2/Coates Creek – limit up to 6 tonne; and These negotiations are ongoing and Council hopes to • Willcox Road / Clifford’s Creek – limit up to 2 tonne. have an outcome shortly so construction can Signage is now being installed and Council advises the community of the temporary load limits along with key commence. stakeholders, including the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, the All the preliminary work, including the designs, Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association, local bus operators and emergency services. geotechnical reports and tender processes are Council announced in June 2019 that temporary load limits had been revised on three concrete bridges, as follows: complete. • MR248W Boorowa Road/ Creek – limit up to 7 tonne (single axle), 8 tonne (tandem axle), and 11 tonne (tri The project is being jointly funded with $531,230 under axle); Round 1 of the NSW Government’s Fixing Country • MR248W Boorowa Road/ Old Man Gunyah Creek – 7 tonne (single axle), 8 tonne (tandem axle), and 11 tonne (tri Roads program, $450,000 under the Federal axle); and Government’s Bridges Renewal Program Round 3 and • Reids Flat Road/ Lachlan River – 10 tonne (single axle), 13 tonne (tandem axle), and 14 tonne (tri axle). $81,230 from Upper Lachlan Shire Council. The temporary load limits have been installed based on advice from consulting firm Pitt & Sherry, which recently Enquiries: Council’s Infrastructure Department on undertook an assessment of select bridges in the Shire to determine safety and load capacity. The temporary load 4830 1000. limits are necessary based on the external consultant report findings. The temporary load limits will remain in place until repair or replacement work is completed and Council apologises for the inconvenience incurred by this measure. Council has engaged engineering consultants Xavier Knight and has sought the technical expertise of other agencies, including the RMS, to ensure repairs are carried out efficiently and effectively so the load limits can be lifted as soon as possible. Council has allocated funding for urgent repairs and maintenance and are working with Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman MP to secure additional funding for repair work and assistance with technical resources. Additionally, Council have allocated funding for the replacement of Bigga Road, Harley Road, Diamond Creek, Woodville and Kiamma Creek Bridges. To alleviate the impact on motorists prior to implementing permanent repairs and/or replacements, Council is considering a range of interim mitigation options where feasible, including constructing temporary bypass crossings and undertaking temporary strengthening of the existing bridges. These options require further engineering work, which is currently underway with the assistance of other agencies including the RMS. Motorists are asked to observe the temporary load limit restrictions until otherwise advised, and where necessary, allow for extra travel time. Council apologises to the community for any inconvenience caused, and understands the impact this has on local communities affected, however public safety must remain our number one priority. For further information, including locality maps of the affected bridges, and updates on the temporary load limits, please visit: or contact Council’s Infrastructure Department on 4830 1000.

Voting Now Open: My Community Project Voting has now opened to determine how funding under receive funding. the NSW Government’s My Community Project grant To vote, please visit: program will be allocated across the Goulburn electorate. There are four potential projects in the Upper Lachlan, Simply select ‘Goulburn’ from the electorate drop down which were submitted by Council and local community menu and follow the prompts. Make sure you have your applicants during the application period held in April and Medicare card and MyServiceNSW account details May. They include: handy. If you don’t have a MyServiceNSW account you • The Gunning Skate Park Lights project; can sign up for free online. • The Gunning Inclusive and Accessible Play Space; • The Greenwich Park and Bi-Centennial project; and You can also drop into a designated Service NSW Centre • The Crookwell Burial Vault Reconstruction. at Goulburn, Yass or Moss Vale where the friendly staff can help you cast your vote. Combined funding of up to $260,000 is available for each electorate, with between $20,000 and $200,000 available Voting closes on Thursday, 15 August 2019 with for each project, and the projects with the most votes will successful projects to be announced from September 2019.

All notices are authorised by Andrew Croke, Acting General Manager. Please send all correspondence to the General Manager, PO Box 42, Gunning NSW 2581

The next Council Meeting will be held at the Council Chambers Crookwell on Thursday, 15 August 2019 from 6.00pm or find us on Facebook Emergency after hours contact numbers: Crookwell / Bigga / / / / Laggan / and Big Hill areas: roads, bridges and rubbish tips, water and sewer: 0429 786 659 . Gunning / Dalton / Breadalbane / Collector / areas: roads, bridges and rubbish tips, water and sewer: 0427 454 206.

Crookwell offices, 44 Spring St, Crookwell, Gunning offices, 123 Yass St, Gunning, Taralga Community Service Centre, 29 Orchard PO Box 42 Gunning NSW 2581 PO Box 42 Gunning NSW 2581 St, Taralga NSW 2580 Ph: (02) 4830 1000 Fax: (02) 4832 2066 Ph: (02) 4845 4100 Fax: (02) 4845 1426 Ph: (02) 4840 2099 Fax: (02) 4840 2296 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]