Engineering the Future of Loudspeaker Design Graphical Solution of Electrical Filters Increasing Sensitivity of Fm Tuners Multip
DECEMBER, 1956 50¢ ENGINEERING MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION The problem of building stable transistor amplifiers hinges on the stabilization of the individual stages. See page 47 for the details. Build this concrete.block speaker enclosure which is put to- gether like building blocks and which may be taken apart and reassembled easily in another location. See page 21. THE FUTURE OF LOUDSPEAKER DESIGN GRAPHICAL SOLUTION OF ELECTRICAL FILTERS INCREASING SENSITIVITY OF FM TUNERS MULTIPLE TAPE COPYING SKITCH ...on his Presto Turntable "MY CUSTOM HI -FI OUTFIT is as important to me as my Visit the Hi -Ft Sowed .Salon nearest you to verify Mr. Mercedes -Benz sports car," says Skitch Henderson, Henderson's comments. Whether you currently own a con- pianist, TV musical director and audiophile. "That's ventional "one- piece" phonograph -or custom components- we be with the difference you'll hear why I chose a PRESTO turntable to spin my records. In think you'll gratified you records through custom hi -fi components my many years working with radio and recording when play your teamed with a PRESTO turntable. Write for free brochure, studios I've never seen engineers play back records on "Skitch, on Pitch," to Dept. AX, Presto Recording Corpora- anything but a turntable -and it's usually a PRESTO tion, P.O. Box 500, Paramus, N. J. turntable. MODEL T -2 12" "Promenade" turntable "My own experience backs up the conclusion of the en- (33'h and 45) four pole motor, $49.50 MODEL T-18 12" "'Pirouette" turntable gineers: for absolutely constant turntable speed with no 031/4,45 and 78) four pole motor, annoying 'Wow' and 'Flutter,' especially at critical with Hysteresis motor (Model T-18H), ,131.00 33'%s and 45 rpm speeds, for complete elimination of MODEL T -68 16" "Pirouette" turntable motor noise and 'rumble,' I've found nothing equals a (33%, 45 and 78) four pole motor, i.
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