4 THE CONCORDIAN theconcordian.org • February 20, 2020 Film review: “Birds of Prey” adds a fast-paced feminist film to the DC Extended Universe BY DOMINIC ERICKSON and written by Christina movie forward. McGregor graphed well, but the use the unadulterated sadism
[email protected] Hodson. is both frightening and of colored backgrounds of the villain and heinous “Birds of Prey” tells the striking as the ostenta- and slow-motion ampli- threats against a child are “Birds of Prey (And tale of Harley Quinn (Rob- tious Roman Sionis/Black fies scenes and makes dangerously close to the the Fantabulous Eman- bie) after her breakup with Mask. Most of the other them fun to watch. There tasteless territory. cipation of One Harley Joker, which leaves her performances fall flat, as were, however, a handful Although it is not per- Quinn),” is a confetti can- vulnerable to both sides of the majority of the good of noticeable continuity fect, “Birds of Prey” even- non of chaotic carnage. the law. In the search for a lines belong to those two. misplacements which for tually takes flight in its hu- It’s fanatical, fun and valuable diamond sought The writing doesn’t leave a brief moment takes the mor, direction and visual fiercely female. It serves after by crime boss Roman a lot of room for the sec- viewer out of the scene, style. While the stakes are as the follow-up to 2016’s Sionis (McGregor), Har- ondary actresses to shine. such as henchmen magi- much lower in this movie “Suicide Squad,” and has ley is chased throughout Visually, “Birds of Prey” cally appearing and unde- compared to other DCEU been critically favorable the city by Detective Re- hits all the right notes, niable body position con- films’ attempts to save the - a positive shift from the nee Montoya (Perez) and especially near the begin- tinuity errors.