The newspaper of SRM University

For private circulation only Volume 7 Number 4 Srm University is really for research - Chancellor

Staff Reporter delegates attending the Regional Science Congress of the Indian Maintaining that education Science Congress Association starts from the first grade and jointly organized by the that research does not come Chapter of ISCA and SRM about in one day, the Founder University. The theme for the Chancellor of SRM Group of deliberations was “Innovations Educational Institutions, Dr. T. in Science and Technology for R. Pachamuthu, argued that the Inclusive Development”. governments at the Centre and The Founder Chancellor the State must be compelled to The Founder Chancellor, Dr. T.R.Pachamuthu, lighting the lamp remarked that it is of no use to spend more money on research. keep lamenting that no Indian come about in one day. Instead of “And even within the context of emphasis on quality improvement “Private Universities can University is listed in the top 200 channeling revenues to research the funds spent by governments, and promote research,” the only spend to some extent,” in the world. “It is in the hands of governments spend money on private universities are seeing Founder Chancellor said stressing the Chancellor told at a two the government. Research needs projects keeping the vote bank a step-motherly treatment,” he that those knowledgeable of day meeting of scientists and money and research does not in mind”, Dr. Pachamuthu said. added. “Governments must be SRM University’s facilities, compelled to spend more money infrastructure and vision are keen for research” the Chancellor said. on having the university’s imprint in their area. The Chancellor Mr. Narendra “Bright minds invest on pointed out that SRM University research. SRM University is Damodardas Modi, is now at Haryana and will be really for research,” the Founder fully functional soon at Sikkim. Chief Minister of Chancellor said going on to make the vibrant state of a point that SRM University “It is a great responsibility was the first to launch a satellite to maintain our name and Gujarat will be the and that several other projects expectations of other Chief Guest at the are under process. governments,” Dr. Pachamuthu said making the point that after “Would you please explain Ninth Convocation of hosting the 98th Indian Science as to how it is possible to set Congress in January 2011, “the SRM University to be up a role model university country started noticing us and held at the in ?,” is a question that started paying more attention is being continually asked Kattankulathur Campus to what we are all about.” And of the Founder Chancellor the feedback in the last three on Feb 9, 2014 when he travels outside Tamil years after hosting the major at 10.00 am Nadu. “The reason why we are able to do this is we place an Contd... Pg. 2

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27th February 2014 ATTENTION!!

Research Day will be celebrated at SRM University on Thursday, 27th February 2014. It is an excellent opportunity for all the students and Research Scholars to exhibit their aptitude for research on the Research Day. We call for research papers on innovative and application oriented topics from the students of all faculties of SRM University. Abstracts of the papers not exceeding 200 words may be submitted to Dean (Research), SRM University through e-mail [email protected] on or before 30th January 2014. You may please visit for template and other details for submission of abstracts. Towards a deafness... Pg.3 SRM Dentists Shine... Pg.5 Research Day.... Pg.8 The Secret to get... Pg.13

Last date for submission of abstracts: 30th January 2014 Date of communication to students: 10th February 2014 Paper presentation in the Research Day: 27th February 2014 2 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 for research ...

from... Pg. 1 international conference has been highly commendable. “Your hosting of the Indian Science Congress was the best. There is nothing comparable since then,” the Founder Chancellor has been told. Delivering the keynote address, Dr. V.Shanta, the Chair of the Cancer Institute in Adayar and The Chancellor at the book release along with other dignitaries a person who has passionately not able to get rid of it, you will called for a total ban on sports at home” theme. excluded from the benefits of devoted all her life to fighting not be able to get rid of cancer,” promotion by tobacco companies, Science and Technology. “This and preventing the spread of Today there are adequate and she said going on to make the a stricter monitoring of industries must be reversed,” he said. the dreaded disease, maintained sophisticated technology and point that passive smoking too and preference must be given that education is the key to personnel to treat and prevent The former President of ISCA advancing any issue or project. has to be focused on especially to non-smokers as teachers in cancers but the need of the and former Vice Chancellor of “The word cancer brings about as it pertained to children and colleges and schools. “Education hour is of all these to reach Sri Venkateswara University, panic and fear. It need not be so. pregnant women. In men 40 plays a pivotal role in preventing the rural areas. “Advances of Tirupati, Dr. Ramamurthi pointed Today 60 per cent of common per cent of cancer is tobacco cancer,” she said. research must reach the poor,” out the linkages in the last three related while in women it is cancer in India is preventable Dr. Shanta also spoke of the stressed Dr. Shanta adding that years leading up to the present 12 per cent. and highly curable,” she told “newer” cancers such as of the there must be a political will meeting. If the 98th Indian the gathering. “That cancer is Controlling cancer involves colon and stomach that are to achieve a target, “whatever Science Congress meeting at incurable is a myth,” she added. many steps that would include linked to the changing life style the target be.” SRM University focused on Governments have played a early detection, diagnosis, habits of people and of those Releasing a souvenir on education, the 99th ISC had as role in coming to terms with treatment planning, rehabilitation, preferring the “fast food” way of the occasion—the first copy its theme “Inclusive Technology cancer and steps have been taken evaluation of results, continuing life. Calling for a simple living of which was received by the and the Role of Women.” The to control tobacco products but care, education and research that has as its key ingredients Founder Chancellor—Dr. Ashok Centenary celebrations of that implementation is “totally and all of this having to be of rational habits,balanced Saxena, Executive Member of 2013 had the broad theme of inadequate,” Dr. Shanta said. done simultaneously, the top diet and personal hygiene, the ISCA, argued that a very large science for shaping the future “Get rid of tobacco. If you are oncologist said. Dr. Shanta specialist honed in on the “Eat population of India has been of India with the concept of the Regional Science Congress striking roots and taking shape at this meeting. Session II - Oral/Poster presentations “This year it is science The post lunch session Three Best oral presentations the session. Dr.Balakrishna Dr.P.Gunasekaran, Director, and technology for inclusive was held at Dr.T.P Ganesan and three best posters were Pisupati, Chairman, National King Institute of preventive development where the challenge Mini Hall. Faculty members, chosen for the best presentation. Biodiversity Authority of India medicine delivered a talk on is to incorporate large sections Research scholars and PG delivered special address. Challenges in the development of society in the development Day 2 Students from various colleges Prof.Dr.S.Rajarajan Vice of vaccines. Prof.S.Rajarajan, process. Innovation does not presented their original The second day of the regional Chancellor, SRM University, organising Chairman gave the have age or gender bias for it research papers under the rural science congress started Sonepat, Haryana gave a talk presidential address. Dr.G.J. cuts across specialisations,” following divisions as oral with Session III on Technology on “Microbial biodiversity Samathanam gave the overall Dr. Ramamurthi said. “The presentation: transfer. Council members of conservation and applications view of the conference. main objective is to be able to ISCA, Dr. Ashok Saxena and Dr. for human welfare” and carry the fruits of science to Animal, veterinary and Prof. R.Ramamurthi, Gangadhar chaired the sessions. emphasised for creation of the common man. Otherwise Fishery science, New Biology, Former Vice Chancellor, Sri Dr. G.J. Samathanam, Former National body – Microbial it is totally futile,” he added. Physical science, Plant Venkateshwara University, Advisor, Department of Science survey of India – for evaluation, sciences, Medical science, Tirupathi gave away the prizes The top scientist also spoke and technology & Director of promotion and conservation Chemical science, Earth for best oral presentations. of the difference between urban Research, SRM University, of microbes. Dr.V.A.Nambi, system science, Engineering Dr. Ashok Saxena, Former and rural innovation. “Urban Haryana gave a plenary lecture on MSSRF and Dr.Thompson, NBA science, Information and General secretary and council innovation is not knowledge “Innovative rural technologies were the other expert speakers member ISCA distributed the communication science and seeking but wealth generating for inclusive development of of the session. The session best poster awards. Dr.Vijay technology and Mathematical jobs whereas rural innovation India”. Dr.Y E A Raj, Deputy underlined the need for more Laxmi Saxena, Former General science is about livelihood generation,” Director General of Meteorology vigorous pursuit on enumeration Secretary ISCA distributed Dr. Ramamurthi remarked. Abou 58 delegates gave a lecture on “Benefits of of the unidentified microbes prizes to the best exhibits. presented their research “Agrometeorological services with a recommendation to the The valedictory ended with The inaugural function also work as oral presentations delivered by IMD to the Indian Government to form a separate the vote of thanks by the witnessed the welcome address by farming community.” National survey body (Microbial Deputy Dean (Medical), Dr. Raja Rajan, Vice Chancellor Other divisions were: Survey of India). In addition SRM University, Dr.Girish. of SRM University-Haryana Physical science, Engineering The Scientific session IV was conservation and promotion of and Convenor of the Regional science, Medical science, on ‘Rural Innovations And the existing animal and plant Science Congress and addresses New biology, Earth science, Biodiversity Conservation’ diversity were emphasised. The session by Prof. Arun Kumar, General Animal, veterinary and Fishery Past General President Secretary (Science) of ISCA science. Valedictory function : underlined the of ISCA and Former Vice need for more and Dr. Manik Sahani, Advisor About 36 delegates Chancellor of Sri Venkateshwara Prof.D.Narayana Rao, to the Founder Chancellor. Dr. presented their research University, Tirupathi, Organising secretary delivered vigorous pursuit .... Narayana Rao, Director of work as posters Prof.R.Ramamurthi chaired the welcome address. Research at SRM University proposed the vote of thanks. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 3

field staff while administering oral polio vaccine. Creating Towards a Deafness Free Tamil Nadu additional screening camps and greater Government-private A Staff Reporter partnerships would also help. Observing that consanguous Responding to Dr.Mohan’s marriages was one of the key suggestion that premier insti factors for hearing loss, eminent tutions should adopt Villages, ENT specialist and Madras Dr. Pachamuthu, who was ENT Research Foundation present on the occasion, said Managing Director, Dr. Mohan the SRM Group would adopt Kameswaran said six out 1000 the Kancheepuram district and children are born with profound conduct screening camps. Of all hearing loss in Tamil Nadu, types of sensory deprivation, which was six times higher hearing loss was the most tragic than the international average causing a double handicap, the of one out of 1000. Founder Chancellor of SRM In a study analyzing 50,000 University remarked. children in Tamil Nadu, 67 per “Until two decades ago there cent of deafness was due to were no tangible solutions consanguinity. All other factors for restoring hearing to the put together constituted only one-third of the cases. There profoundly deaf and sign language was highest prevalence of is the mode of communication, Dr. T.R.Pachamuthu, founder Chancellor with the Registrar and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical) congenital deafness (0.6 per creating a group of people who cent births suffer from profound The average age at intervention is today the only truly curable increasing facilities to provide are marginalised”, he noted. deafness) in the State and most was still three years and handicap”, he added. quality medical care would “In Tamil Nadu six out of 1000 of the deaf children were born habilitation was limited to make Tamil Nadu a deafness- children have profound hearing of consanguinity--a deep rooted Speaking on the topic “Dare to few elite centers mostly in free State. loss. This is six times the cultural practice peculiar to Chennai. He said advances in Dream - Towards deafness free international and three times Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra technology have resulted in Tamil Nadu”, Dr Mohan said Dr Mohan said simple medical of the national average”, he said, Pradesh. new and revolutionary means implementing an universal tests to ascertain if children adding, consanguinity was an Dr. Mohan said most of the of restoring hearing and has programme of screening children, were suffering from hearing etiological factor in two-thirds of children affected were from BPL made integration of deaf people creating an awareness against impairment could be performed cases with deep rooted cultural and lower socioeconomic strata. into society possible. “Deafness consanguous marriages and by village health nurses and other prejudices.

efforts to prevent strokes Reporting for Spectrum Staff writer defined as one of two types: Brain cells require a constant Dean (Medical), Director Health supply of oxygen to stay healthy Sciences, Medical Superintendent • Ischemic (caused by a • Contributing reports Strokes have been and continue and function properly. Therefore, and Deputy Dean, Dr. Kamakshi blockage in an artery) to be widespread condition blood needs to be supplied Shanbhag were the chairpersons. should be confined to worldwide, afflicting over 15 • Hemorrhagic (caused by continuously to the brain through a maximum of 250 About 200 delegates million people each year. Of a tear in the artery’s wall two main arterial systems. words and must be participated in the event. The those 15 million, almost six that produces bleeding Blockage of blood flow to the Deputy Dean said that mega written by students million die and a further five into or around the brain) brain for even a short period of health camps are being planned only. million are left permanently • The consequences of a time can be disastrous and cause to be organised in all surrounding disabled. A new person suffers • Accompanying pictures stroke, the type of functions brain damage or even death. villages of SRM Medical College a stroke every six seconds. must have captions. affected, and the severity, World Stroke Day is celebrated Hospital & Research Centre. A stroke is the sudden death depend on where in the every year on October 29th This is to create awareness and Pictures without of brain cells due to lack of brain it has occurred and to create awareness in the highlight the significance of caption will not be oxygen. A stroke is usually the extent of the damage. community. To commemorate bringing stroke patients within published the World Stroke day Dept 3 hours to a Hospital where one of Neurology organised two can give a thrombolytic drug • Request for coverage special guest lectures. for fast recovery. in Spectrum by its Prof Dr. Swatee Halbe, MD The most important preventive editorial team must be (Radiology), Chief of Radiology methods to be adopted to prevent made well in advance Services & Director of Institute stroke are as follows: with an accompanying • Control Blood Pressure – To of Interventional Radiology, note and the invitation SRM Institute of Medical be kept at 130/80 mm of Hg to sridhar.k@ktr. Sciences, , spoke on • Control Blood Sugar – Fasting Intervention in Acute Stroke. Sugar should be below 110 mg% Dr. V.Nagarajan, MD (Gen • Coverage of a certain Med), D.M (Neuro), MRCP • Control Cholesterol – To be (UK), Associate Professor kept below 200 mg% event or receipt of of Neurology, SRM Medical • Stop Smoking an article does not College Hospital & Research • Stop drinking alcohol guarantee publication. Centre, Kattankulathur, spoke on • Exercise every day Brain attack – ACT FAST. The • Eat a balanced diet with plenty -Editor Pro Vice Chancellor (Medical), of vegetables and fruits. 4 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 SRM Enters Joint Venture with TEJAS Networks Staff Reporter ubiquitous and available to all. In the above perspective of “SRM takes the lead among emerging trends of NG Networks, Indian Universities to set up a there arises a growing need state-of-the art Software Defined to inculcate these futuristic Communications Technology Telecom technology skill sets in or Research Testbed,” said Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, the Vice- Faculty and students in order to Chancellor of SRM University. groom them to migrate into next generation technology domains of An MoU was signed by Dr. Hardware and Software. Towards N. Sethuraman, Registrar, this objective SRM has taken SRM University and Mr. the lead to set up a Software Swapan Kumar Dutta, Vice Defined Communications President, Tejas Networks (SDC) Technology / Research Dignitaries at the Pharmacist Day Celebrations in the presence of Dr. M. Testbed to give students more Ponnavaikko, Vice Chancellor, Dr. technology orientation and C. Muthamizhchelvan, Director practical experience. (E&T) and Dr. V. Nagarajan, Simplifying use of Medicine Technology Consultant. Tejas Networks, a leading telecom company based in Staff Reporter to the audience about the several SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Over the last decade, there Bangalore recognized the noteworthy proceedings of his University and Dr. K. Ilango, has been an exponential growth endeavors of the University The SRM College of Pharmacy, department. The keynote speech Dean, ISISM, SRM University. of data-centric services with and came forward to join hands celebrated ‘Pharmacist Day’ by Mr. T. Elango, Registrar, Tamil Best pharmacist award was multimedia information-content with SRM in setting up the above recently. The SRM College of Nadu Pharmacy Council, was presented to Mr. S.Venugopal, that warrants continuous “Centre of Excellence.” An Pharmacy was the first to celebrate aimed to be an inspiration for Senior Pharmacist, SRM Hospital advancement of Transport/ MoU was signed between SRM the inaugural ‘Pharmacist Day’ the pharmacists in the healthcare and Research Centre. Prizes Routing Network Technologies, and Tejas on the prospect that in the whole of Tamil Nadu system. for academic proficiency in B. both in terms of hardware they as ‘Technology Training this year. The event was held Pharm, M. Pharm and Pharm. and software. Evolutionary & Research Partners’ will Felicitations on the occasion in collaboration with the Indian D programmes, and for winners applications based on High-speed collaborate on the Technology were delivered by Dr. N. Pharmaceutical Association, and of various competitive events, Data / High Resolution Image or Research Testbed. Chandraprabha, Director, Health Processing, Cloud Services was held in the mini hall of the Sciences, SRM University and Mr. organized in the days prior to based on Distributed Computer “Tejas and SRM find synergy in Dr. T. P. Ganesan auditorium. J. Jayaseelan, Secretary, Indian the Pharmacist Day celebration, such initiatives and plan to work were also distributed. Processing, Online Entertainment The event began with a Pharmaceutical Association. together for the development and other End User Services welcome address by Dr. K.S. Various awards were presented A voluntary blood donation of the Centre of Excellence in put greater demands on the Lakshmi, Dean, SRM College to eminent contributors to the camp was also organized by the optical technology by effective communication technologies for of Pharmacy, SRM University. pharmacy profession as part SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM deployment of Tejas Equipment matching the demands with speed The presidential address by of the event. University, in the SRM Hospital and performance. Additionally, and integration with software Dr.M.Ponnavaiko, Vice- Lifetime achievement and Research Centre, as part the Next Generation (NG) wire technologies being developed Chancellor, SRM University, awards were given to, Prof.Dr. of the day’s events. Medicinal line and wireless communication by SRM, one of the top ranking followed, based on this year’s K.Chinnaswamy, President, Tamil plant saplings were planted in networks are becoming more universities in India. This Centre theme for ‘Pharmacist Day’ Nadu Pharmacy Council and Mr. the medicinal garden adjacent dynamic based on “Intelligent will enable students to gain – “Pharmacists: Simplifying T.Elango, Registrar, Tamil Nadu to the College of Pharmacy on Network Architecture” mainly to experience and do further Medicine use, no matter how Pharmacy Council. Awards for the day. The programme ended enhance the user empowerment research in the areas of DWDM, complex it is.” The Chief Guest outstanding achievements in the with a vote of thanks by Dr. V. in exploiting the full potential of OTN, PTN and GPON. The for the day was Mr.S.Abdul Pharma field were presented to Chitra, Vice-Principal, SRM technologies. For ‘on demand’ products deployed in this Centre Khader, Director of Drugs Prof. C. Ramaswamy, Professor, College of Pharmacy, SRM and instantaneous services are already powering telecom Control, Tamil Nadu. He spoke Department of Pharmacy Practice, University. NG networks will allow truly networks in over 60 countries integrated services with the help and have been installed at over of Optical and High bandwidth 300,000 locations worldwide,” As the orthognathic Surgery Wireless through all-in one said Dr Kumar N. Sivarajan, CTO or the cosmetic jaw surgery is devices that will become of Tejas Networks, Banglore. Gnathos 2013 gaining more importance among the public, the theme of the symposium revolved around Participants in the programme Staff Reporter this topic. were Dr. B. Mohan, the associate Dean of SRMKDC, and Dr. Ravi, The Department of Oral and Dean of SRM Dental college, Maxillofacial surgery, SRM Ramapuram. Dr. Varghese Mani, University, Kattankulathur Dental was the special guest speaker, College and Hospital, organized and Dr. P.Suresh Kumar was a one day symposium on “A-Z in the organizing chairman and

orthognathic surgery planning”. Dr.C.Saravanan was the organizing About 250 post graduates and Secretary. delegates from various parts of Tamil Nadu attended the The panel of Speakers consisted programme. of Dr.Varghese Mani, Dr.Krishna Sharma Rao, Dr.Sherry Peter The program was inaugurated and Dr.Pramod, all of whom The Registrar, the Vice Chancellor, Director (E&T) by Dr.P.Thangaraju, the Pro Vice are experts in this particular Dr P.Thangaraju lighting the lamp at the signing of the Memorandum Chancellor, SRM University. speciality. at the start of the programme 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 5 A Biomedical meet SRM Dentists shine in quiz Staff Reporter to connect!!! The SRM Kattankulatur Dental College & Hospital students Priyankadevi Mohankumar Director(E&T) graced the won “Quess,” a Prosthodontic Gaurav Sarma occasion. Quiz Program. The Chief Guests and the “We are stunned and excited Dr. Jyotsna Rajan, Dr. B. faculties felt happy after getting by the progressive improvements Vasantha Dhara, Dr. Arun to know that most of the students in our department such as the Prasad. N. C who are interns were having successful careers up-to-date labs, fascinating of SRM Kattankulathur Dental working in core companies R&D work and mainly the College and Hospital won the and as entrepreneurs, while splendid and drastic changes first place in the Prosthodontic the rest were pursuing their to our Annexe Campus!” said Quiz, organized by Department higher education in reputed of Prosthodontics, Karpaga Sarthak, President and Founder, universities. Prometheus Healthcare, Alumini, Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences, Chengalpet recently. Biomedical Department. The Director (E&T), addressed the gathering and expressed A total of 24 teams participated The Department of Biomedical his desire for a sense of unity in the competition. Incidentally, Engineering held its first Alumni among the students and alumni SRM Kattankulathur Dental Meet with forty ex-students, Dr. Jyotsna Rajan, Dr.B. Vasantha Dhara, Dr. Arun of the department as well College and Hospital students won from the six batches that had Prasad.N.C(Interns) of SRM Kattankulathur Dental College as across other disciplines. the first place in the Prosthodontic and Hospital receiving their prize from The Principal, graduated, attending it. Dr. M The meet included cultural Quiz, “Quess” in 2012 also. Karapaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences. Anburaja, Head of the Department performances by 3rd year and and Mrs A Bhargavi Haripriya, 4th year students as well as an the Co-ordinator (bio-medical interactive session between the alumni) organised the meet alumni and the students. in coordination with Prof. A “SRM University is ready to Students told to live life N Parameshwaran, Dean of sponsor these types of Alumni Institute Industry Interaction meets inside our university Cell and the Alumni Office. and outside as well, including beyond the Rat-Race Prof. R Venkataramani, overseas, to acquire the Director of Campus Life and contribution of Alumni to Staff Reporter a well-received story about the wake-up-and-feel-the-life-force- C h a i r m a n o f A l u m n i O f fi c e a n d improve the University in all attitude one should have about flowing-through-your exercise, Dr.C Muthamizhchelvan, aspects”- Director said. A Guest lecture on “Life life and personal possessions. to convey to the students a beyond Engineering” was fundamental message – “True The Vice-Principal, Dr. organized by the ICI Student happiness, contentment and Anthony Michael Raj, addressed Chapter and Tech Club of SRM oneness with the Universe can the students about the prospects University, Ramapuram, at be achieved by finding one’s that await students after college, the TRP auditorium recently. life’s purpose and working and how one should prepare for The speaker was Dr. Devdas towards its fulfillment.” He them. A Power Point presentation Menon, a professor of Civil ended the lecture with a call enlisting the achievements of the Engineering from IIT – Madras. to the audience to leave behind guest, Dr. Menon, was shown The programme began with the rat-race and achieve self- which was followed by his an address by the Dean, Dr. realization. Abdul Ghani, who spoke about lecture. His talk aimed at helping the need for technological the audience realize that every The event was well received innovation in today’s world. Dr. person has unlimited potential with the members of the audience T. Ch. Madhavi, Head of the and the capacity to realize it. claiming that the talk had made Department of Civil Engineering He used funny anecdotes, day- a profound impact on how they The Registrar of SRM University at the signing of the Memorandum and Tech Club coordinator, to-day examples, introspective perceived the opportunities and then welcomed the guest with questions, and even a hilarious possibilities ahead of them. MOU for better research opportunities

Staff Reporter exchange of scientific and Technical information which The Department of Civil is in public domain. Engineering of SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, took a Conferences, Workshops fresh step by entering into a and Seminars of Social and Memorandum of Understanding Technical relevance will be (MoU) with the Structural organised jointly. Engineering Research Centre This MoU is expected to (SERC) of the Council of further boost the enthusiasm Scientific and Industrial Research. of Research Scholars, and the The MoU is aimed at imparting Faculty of Department of Civil special training and providing Engineering, SRM University, an opportunity to students to Rampuram, to work in current work on research projects of areas of research in association high value. This MoU facilitates with SERC. Dr. Devdas Menon lecturing on “Life Beyond Engineering” 6 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4

In his inaugural speech Prof. B. Viswanathan, Head, National Center for Catalysis Research (NCCR), IIT Madras, emphasized the need for synthesizing new materials through a thorough understanding of the property of the material. He added that “Nature sustains the society,” and that equi-energy distribution across the globe will pave way for a futuristic solution. Get rid of static models. “Design systems configuratively, innovate, do not re-engineer,” were his lessons for the participants. Prof. Jayati Datta, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, West Bengal also complimented the academic The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M.Ponnavaikko, lighting the lamp and research ambience at SRM University. She also said her views on “Challenge for pristine Transforming Ideas to Innovation power in the 21st century.” The participants of the workshop Staff Reporter batteries, fuel cells, photo voltaic disciplines on energy conversion in the institute; research in the were taken on an industrial visit to cells and organic LEDs. Over and storage devices. He also fields of dye sensitized solar NCCR, IIT-Madras, Sai Energy, SRM Research Institute 100 participants from different motivated the participants to cells, photo voltaic cells and , Chennai and to Prof. conducted a week long workshop on parts of the country were the gain a strong knowledge from lithium ion storage batteries are R. Jayavel’s nanotechnology-lab Sustainable Energy Conversion and beneficiaries. the workshop, and design and a few. “Storage devices are very at , Chennai for develop new products for the Storage Devices at SRM University. The workshop was inaugurated critical and crucial components a hands-on-experience. betterment of mankind. Scientists and academicians by Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, Vice and design of new materials will This workshop was sponsored from premier institutions shared Chancellor, SRM University. Prof. D. Narayana Rao, Director- continue to dominate research by DST, Indian National Science their perspectives on a wide He congratulated the Research Research, SRM University, spoke activities in the near future,” Academy (INSA), and SRM range of topics like lithium ion Institute for its work in various of the various research activities he added. University.

Bicycle expedition for a cause; Over 3000 KMs covered

• Appeal for voluntary blood Staff Reporter this syndrome but also lead to donation an influx of much-needed funds A group of few ordinary • Awareness of Palliative care for the boy. citizens of India, together as and Both the Director of Sports team RIBS, were up for a solo • Awareness of Hunter and the Registrar of SRM cycle expedition thorough some Syndrome (a rare genetic University were present at states of the country. The ride disorder), especially the SRM University’s main gate details are as follows: the starting case of a pre-teen boy named to flag off the event. point was Chennai and the end Arian. Their need is simple: To raise point was New . Through It’s been 7 long years since awareness about the above said the ride they covered a distance he was first diagnosed with causes. Their rider Mr. Rahul of more than 3000 kms. 2nd year Students of Civil Engineering at Fenesta Hunter Syndrome but is yet Kumawat was joined by many The ride was undertaken to receive treatment till date. people at various points of the to spread awareness about a By raising awareness about his route. They had registered number of social causes. These case, they not only hope that the themselves on Industrial visit to causes include - public will know more about HKlzgh. fenesta systems Dr. Shivansu Raj Goyal Postgraduate in A Gold Medal to Dr. Goyal Pulmonary Medicine Dept of Pulmonary Staff Reporter Medicine SRM MCH & RC received As many as, 101 second year students of Civil Engineering First Prize Prof CN Deivanayagam gold along with 4 faculty members of SRM University, Ramapuram medal award during the 15th National visited Fenesta Factory. Pulmonology conference - NAPCON Fenesta, Chennai –a factory established in 2007– produces 2013 held in Chennai from 27th to 30th Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride windows and doors. It is approved by British standards making it of European standards. November for his paper titled “Smoking During their visit, the students were explained about Unplasticized Scenario amongst medical and non Polyvinyl Chloride Windows, glasses used in UPVC windows and medical youth”, Fads, Facts and Figures. Manufacturing process of UPVC windows and doors at Fenesta. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 7

Why Study Electromagnetics?

Staff Reporter

To Enlighten the students with the knowledge of Electromagnetics, as a kick start programme of the new year, The Department of Telecommunication Engineering, SRM University organized a Guest Lecture, “Why Study Electromagnetics?” by Dr. Tapan Kumar Sarkar, President - IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society, Syracuse University, New York, USA. This was held in association with IEEE ComSoc Student Branch @ SRM and Telecommunication Engineers Association recently. Dr. Dr. N.Chandraprabha, Director, Health Sciences, Narayana Rao, Director Research presided over the function with the participants of the awareness walk and Dr. T. Rama Rao, Professor & Head, Department of Telecommunication Engineering introduced the Guest Speaker. In the beginning, Dr. Tapan Kumar Sarkar gave a brief information and the role of IEEE Antenna and SRM College of Physiotherapy Propagation Society. Further, in his lecture, he pointed out how electromagnetics is associated in our day to day life. His lecture created an awareness on the importance of Joins Walkathon for a cause studying electromagnetics. The Student community gained basic concepts on how electromagnetics play a major role Staff Reporter parents, Staff of Maithree and Srinivasan, Secretary, Hindu from antennas to microwave ovens from his lecture. Students from other Schools. Mission Hospital, . “Walk with me, I shall win,” The Walkathon in South Maithree is an association of this was the theme of Walkathon Chennai was from Valluvar Parents of Special Children. – 2013, an awareness walk Gurukulam School in Tambaram Since 1994 it has been committed organized by Maithree in to MEPZ and back to Valluvar to the welfare of parents with view of World Intellectual Gurukulam in which the children of Intellectual Disability, Disability Day both in North and Tambaram, , with a vision to “Integrate the simultaneously. Ullagaram, K.K Nagar, and persons with Mental Handicap SRM College of Physiotherapy Perungulathur Units of Maithree into the mainstream thereby participated in the event. participated. The pledge for the bringing dignity to their lives.” The Vice Principal, SRM welfare of people with intellectual They have 440 children in all College of Physiotherapy Mr. disability was administered the 21 centers located in and T. N. Suresh, Faculty Mrs. by Dr. N. Chandraprabha, around Chennai. Dr. Tapan Kumar Sarkar, President - IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society addressing students Bharathi, 80 Students of College Director - Health Sciences, SRM College of Physiotherapy of Physiotherapy and 20 students SRM University, Kattankulathur, has adopted Maithree School, from College of Nursing, SRM to a huge crowd of nearly a Tambaram and is rendering University participated in the thousand people. The Walkathon therapeutic services to this Walkathon, apart from Students, was flagged off by Mr. D. K School since October 2007. Exposure to Research

Staff Reporter the national laboratories under and facilities available for the Council of Scientific & analysis, design and testing The ICI Students Chapter of Industrial Research (CSIR), of structures, and structural SRM University arranged a visit India. components. The scientists for 3rd year civil engineering students to the Structural Students visited the SERC spoke of various projects which Engineering Research Centre- laboratories and had an exposure are of high value and social CSIR. CSIR-SERC is one of to the various latest equipment relevance. Dr. Jeffrey Pawlan, Pawlan Communications, San Jose, CA, USA, at the guest lecture

Understanding Software Defined Radio

Staff Reporter on Software Defined Radio including Cognitive Radio”. The Department of In his lecture he discussed the Telecommunication Engineering, evolution of SDR, giving detailed SRM University organized the technical explanations, design IEEE MTTS Distinguished details and our role in SDR with Lecture by Dr. Jeffrey Pawlan, several live demonstrations. Pawlan Communications, San Jose, CA, USA, recently. This Students and Staffs from was in association with IEEE related departments attended ComSoc Student Branch @ SRM his lecture and demonstrations. and Telecommunication Engineers He responded positively to the Association. Dr. Jeffrey Pawlan, doubts and queries raised by Students and Faculty at the Research Centre delivered a lecture on “ Tutorial the participants. 8 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 Alumni attribute success to SRM Staff Reporter Mr. Prabhu Shankar and Mr. Sai Prasad from the alumni side The alumni of the 1989-1993 and the Alumni Office of SRM batch of SRM Engineering College University were instrumental in celebrated their 20th year with organising the event. a reunion at SRM University. Many alumni attended the The Vice Chancellor of SRM reunion with their families. University Dr. Ponnavaikko, the They came from all over India Pro Vice Chancellor (P&D) Dr. and even abroad to meet and T. P. Ganesan, the Registrar of reminisce with their friends. SRM University, Dr. Sethuraman, The Director of Hotel Management, Dr.Antony Ashok Kumar and the Director (E&T) Dr. The alumni who are now in with the Chief Guest at the Cake mixing Ceremony. Muthamizhchelvan graced the prominent positions in industries, occasion. Donations to the academics and entrepreneurship scholarship fund were made all alike attributed their success to the foundations built at SRM. by the alumni on this occation. Of Cakes and Tradition The were very happy to meet Mr. Maheswaran, M r. their former professors. Some Staff Reporter followed the world over. It is The stirring ceremony is part Sivakumar, Mr. Viswanathan, of them even expressed a desire said to be a harbinger of love, of an age-old Christmas tradition Ms. Kavitha, Mr. Sureshkumar, to send their children to SRM. The SRM Institute of harmony and peace. one of making wishes for the Hotel Management, Kattan New Year. The ingredients of the kulathur, keeping up with the This year the Cake−Mixing festive fruit cake are mixed with No limitations on providing tradition of Cake−Mixing organised Ceremony was held in festive style wine and liquor in advance so a cake cermony for the same. at the Auditorium of the SRM that the ingredients can develop facilties to the visually Institute of Hotel Management. aroma and taste. Preparations began a month in advance for the traditional French Executive Pastry Chef Here too an interesting array challenged - Vice Chancellor Christmas cake. The first Guillaume Bonnety graced the of fruits, nuts and spices were step towards is the process, occasion as Chief guest and placed in a cauldron, while a Staff Reporter “Teachers are playing crucial formally called the ‘Cake Mixing inaugurated the Cake−Mixing number of people with gloved roles for the development of Ceremony’, a culinary tradition Ceremony. hands knead the concoction. Staying with tradition and his the national economy, hence commitment to do all that he there is no financial limit for can for those visually challenged providing all the facilities to these students at SRM University the students in SRM University,” he Founder Chancellor, Dr. T. R. maintained. The Vice Chancellor Pachamuthu, has given 54 such distributed the DVD sets. students free education at the Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, the School of Teacher Education Director of Faculty of Science 27th February 2014 and Research for those pursuing and Humanities assured that the B.Ed and M.Ed courses, besides Chancellor of SRM University providing them with free lunch is ready to provide Braille Kits at the campus. ATTENTION!! and other necessary learning the National Institute materials for the students. “The of Visually Handicapped, achievements of the visually , distributed DVD challenged are manifold,” the players to these students under Director said going on to point Research Day will be celebrated at SRM University on Thursday, 27th February 2014. It is an the scheme of ADIP. out that there are popular singers excellent opportunity for all the students and Research Scholars to exhibit their aptitude for research on the Research Day. We call for research papers on innovative and application oriented “Money, everybody has among the Visually Challenged topics from the students of all faculties of SRM University. Abstracts of the papers not exceeding but the Founder Chancellor people. He praised the faculties 200 words may be submitted to Dean (Research), SRM University through e-mail has the mind to offer services of Teacher Education Department [email protected] on or before 30th January 2014. You may please visit for educating the students from for template and other details for submission of abstracts. to the weaker sections of the society- particularly the visually across the world. challenged,” the Vice Chancellor Mr. K. Mani, the nodal officer said in his speech, going on to at NIVH Poonamallee said that stress that a “Virtual Eye” has the central and state governments been made to guide and help have certain percentage of those students without sight. reservation of jobs for the visually Last date for submission of abstracts: 30th January 2014 challenged. He also suggested Date of communication to students: 10th February 2014 Paper presentation in the Research Day: 27th February 2014 that “Voice Systems” are going Teachers are to be installed in call centers for giving employment to the playing crucial visually challenged students. roles for the The Director of SRMSTE & development R announced that a proposal would be sent to the V.C for of the national buying all the kits necessary for teaching the visually challenged economy... and that all these would be done in record time. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 9 Oral health and diseases

Staff Reporter

The department of Oral Medicine and Radiology organised a CDE programme for undergraduates, post-graduates, budding young dental graduates and Dental teachers recently. The inaugration was held in Hall 1 & 2 of the Dr. T. P. Ganesan Guests viewing exhibits at the world mental health day exhibition Auditorium in the presence of the Dr. N.Sethurman, Registrar Nursing students create of SRM University, Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Director The Registrar and Director (FSH) with other dignitaries on the dais mental health awareness of SRM University, The Dean of the department of Dental Veteran speaker Dr. of “Radiology to Imageology Staff Reporter The patients and their attenders, Science, The Associate Dean Gnanasundaram, former principal in Maxilofacial Diseases.” doctors, other clinical and and professor, Tamilnadu and the Head of the Department. Dr. S. C. Selvamuthukumar, In view of the World Mental nonclinical staff of SRM Hospital, The Programme was held on Government Dental College, professor and Head of the Health Day, an exhibition was students from various departments the theme- “The Academic spoke on “Oral Cavity in Systemic Department of Thaimoogambigai held to promote awareness of SRM University, Dr. N. Bridge between Dentistry and Diseases” and “Tooth for Truth” Dental College spoke on the topic on mental health by the Chandraprabha, the Director medicine.” The Programme - which was an eye opener for of “Stress in Oral Maxillofacial Department of Psychiatric of Health Sciences, the Dean aimed to reinforce that indepth the delegates. Diseases.” Nursing, SRM College of of the College of Nursing, the knowledge is required to diagnose Nursing. The programme was Dr. S. Sathasivasubramanian, The various topic discussed Vice Principal of the College held recently at the Out Patient systemic diseases from the oral Professor and Head of the enlightened the students about the of Nursing and the Nursing Department, SRM General cavity and vice versa. Department of Oral medicine importance of oral manifestations Superintendent of SRM Hospital Hospital, Kattankulathur. This programme saw the and Radiology, Sri Ramachandra of systemic diseases and how visited the venue. University spoke of “Systemic oral diseases aggravate systemic Posters regarding various participation of 400 delegates Nearly 450 people visited of 17 different colleges from all Diseases Due to Oral Foci of diseases. issues related to mental health Infection.” were prepared and displayed at the exhibition. They said that over the city. The programme Besides the lectures the Out Patient Department. The the information was depicted had eminent senior speakers, Dr.Ravidavid Austin, Dean, undergraduate and post graduate posters were then explained to in a simple and clear language, principals and Heads of the Professor, and Head of the students participated in e-poster the visitors by the Post Graduate and that it was very useful in departments of prestigious Department of Raja Muthiah and quiz programmes. Winners and Under Graduate students bringing awareness regarding institutions participating and Dental college, annamalai were awarded with certifitcates of Psychiatric Nursing. mental health and illnesses. motivating students. University spoke on the topic and cash prizes.

in addressing the gap between for asking tips for their project TCS & SRM join hands the approach of academicians work on Big Data. and the industry.” Ms. Akilandeswari believed Big Data Analysis to bridge industry - The four hour long programme it was a platform for teachers covers a vast set of was presided upon by the and students, to concentrate disciplines and is academia gap Placement Officer and HOD their theoretical prowess on the used to overcome of CSE. Mr. Jayadeep, Java applicative nature of challenges Architect - ABIM - Digital posted by the industries. By challenges like Enterprise at TCS, delivered knowing so, a greater perspective Satamitra Ghosh relating to Big Data. lecture on the various aspects capture, curation, was gained on what kind of Pallavi Gupta of Big Data. After the two hour storage, search, For those who aren’t familiar ideation is sprouting across with Big Data and its applications, long verbal demonstration, Perhaps the best definition of the industry. sharing, transfer, it is simply a term used to denote Mr. Jayadeep answered every progress would be the continuing and visualisation of a collection of data sets of large query that the students and “This is the kind of market- efforts of men and women magnitude that are difficult to professors had. driven approach to education that trends and relations to narrow the gap between process using traditional data is going to make our student’s the convenience of their own He also gave pointers and in a set of data processing applications. Big foot-holding in the future even prowess and the unwritten incisive information for those Data Analysis covers a vast charter of social diktat. Imbibing students who sought his counsel stronger,” she remarked. set of disciplines and is used along these lines, the Computer to overcome challenges like Science Department of SRM capture, curation, storage, University in association with search, sharing, transfer, and Tata Consultancy Services visualisation of trends and (TCS) conducted a development relations in a set of data. It is a programme for addressing the vast subject which has various gap between the theoretical applications in numerous fields. and industrial application specifications of “Big Data As Ms. Akilandeswari P, Analysis”. The programme held Assistant Professor, CSE puts at T.P. Ganesan Auditorium’s it, “there is a an ever present Mini Hall introduced professors gap between the knowledge and senior students of the imparted in a class and its Departments of CSE, IT, and practical application. This Software about implications programme as a whole was a trial Students and Staff of the Department of Computer Science at the Programme 10 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 A portal of Technical Symposium-VERSIO ’13-organised Information Staff Reporter Srmuniv 2.0 A National level Technical Symposium, VERSIO’13, was organized by the Department Rahul Jain of EEE, SRM University, Ramapuram Campus recently. If we don’t change, we The Inaugural of National don’t grow. If we don’t grow, Level Technical Symposium we aren’t really living, said saw Dr. C. Kamalakannan, Gail Sheehy. Professor/ EEE, Rajalakshmi And that seems to be the Engineering College, Chennai mantra SRM University has gracing the function as the decided to live by. Ranging from chief guest. a multitude of changes taking Welcoming the Chief Guest place in the curriculum, student and other dignitaries, Mrs. interaction and a number of B.Rampriya, Head of the Students receiving prizes from the guests at VERSIO’13 other fields, the official site of Department, EEE, presented SRM University has undergone the welcome address which Rajalakshmi Engineering College, round. 10 teams comprising of Around 7 teams comprising of a makeover. was followed by the inaugural and Dr. Nagarajan, Professor, 2 students per team participated 5 members per team registered The site is an important address by the chief guest. EIE, Eswari Engineering College in final circuit debugging round for this event. This event was source (portal) of information The felicitation address was respectively. Mr. S. Balaji, conducted by Mr. P. Srinivasan, coordinated by Mr. J. Dilli and events taking place in the given by our Vice Principal AP(OG) / EEE and Mr. D. AP(OG)/EEE. Srinivasan, AP(OG)/EEE. campus and the achievements Dr. L. Antony Michael Raj. Shiva Kumar, AP(OG)/ EEE Dumb C Gaming of the University. Also it is Various events were held on coordinated this event. Around 40 teams registered Around 6 teams for counter allows parents of to-be high- that day: Paper presentation, Technical Quiz for Dumb C. In the first round, strike, 7 teams for FIFA and school graduates to gain an Technical Quiz, Circuit Around 39 teams participated for 15 teams were selected to 21 teams for NFS team were idea of the options available debugging, Dumb C, Super the preliminary round (Aptitude participate in the next round. registered. This event was for their children. over, Photography, and test). From 39 teams, 4 teams This event was coordinated by coordinated by Mr. Ajay Daniel, It has drawn comparisons Gaming. were shortlisted for Quiz Mr. V.Bharathidasan, AP(OG)/ AP (OG)/EEE. to the official site of Harvard Paper Presentation competition based on the aptitude EEE. The Valedictory Function University and rightly so. test performance. The quiz was Photography held was chaired by the Vice Out of 35 papers, 29 papers Principal Dr. L. Antony Michael The new look of the website conducted by Mr. Arulvendan, There were 15 registrations were selected to be presented Raj. He distributed the prizes seems to be inspired from the Assistant Professor, EEE. in the photography event in the symposium in two and certificates for the winners Windows Phone tiles and the Circuit debugging which was coordinated by Mr. parallel sessions which were of the various events. Mr. S. Android Widgets, using chunky Surendhira Babu, AP(OG)/EEE. conducted in Hi-Tech hall- I Around 42 students registered Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, clear cut blocks to portray The best photo was chosen by and II. They were chaired for circuit debugging. Based on EEE gave the vote of thanks. information. Mrs. B.Rampriya. by Dr. C. Kamala Kannan, Circuit aptitude test, 20 members The function ended with the The blast of colour and the Professor and Head, EEE, were shortlisted for the final Super Over National Anthem. scroll feed have offered much- needed freshness to the home- There are reports of some spoke of the way to approach page while the links seem to broken links in the website Understanding and customers in detail; such as how be more visible thanks to the and a few glitches, but like to face rejections, the polite thought given to contrast of any work in progress, they will way of approaching customers, text to the background. be rectified shortly. Students Retaining Customers booking appointments with have stated that they would them, interacting personally, The new site is still a Staff Reporter preferences of each customer like to have a mobile version and maintaing good attitude. reminiscent of the old one; vary and how to approach them of the website as well as most keeping some of the format The School of Management, accordingly. Marketing industry is one of them open the site on their same, such as the page and SRM University, Ramapuram industry where personality cellphones. It was more of an interactive text format of the previous site. had arranged a guest lecture on and attire play a major role. He session rather than speech. “Customer Retention” recently. explained how tough personal Students asked questions The Guest Lecturer was Mr. selling is and how to tackle regarding the current trends Sekar from Talk Media and he tough situations. The key to in marketing, varied risks in the Showcasing talents has had 8 years of experience convince customers into buying insurance field, and how to attract Staff Reporter In Poster Presentation Ms. in the field of marketing. He one’s product lies in the way of customers. Mr. Sekar explained Shahnaz Kadar & Ms. Noorul enlightened the students about explaining about the product, patiently about the changing The 31st Tamil Nadu State Rizana won the 2nd place, the importance of consumer presentation, pitch delivery, and trends, the effective methods Dental Conference (VILCON and Ms. Jagrathi .S and Ms. behavior in the field of marketing. constant approach to the customer. to approach the customers. He 2013) was held at Villupuram. Jennie.E.Thomas won the He explained how the tastes and Mr.Sekar had demonstrated personal selling in the class, Many students of SRM 3rd place. Kattankulathur Dental College and made the session more participated in this state level In Culturals Ms. Surabhi engaging. Halder bagged awards. conference and won prizes in He concluded the session scientific, culturals and sports In Sports SRM was runners with his views on pursuing events. up in Throw Ball. Ms. Jyotsna marketing as one’s career and In Paper Presentation Ms. Rajan, Ms. Dhara, Ms. Jennie. advised the students to expect Deepti. J won the 2nd place, E. Thomas, Ms.Shruthy. R, more rejections than acceptance Ms. Cynthia Scott won the 3rd Ms. Nandhini .S, Ms. Surya.N, and to take every “No” as a place, and Ms. Aneesh Ganguly Ms.Angelin, Ms. Jeni and Ms. positive motivation to get to also won the 3rd place. Reena were the team members. Mr. Sekar from Talk Media addressing students more “Yes”. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 11

Where Every Book Counts…

Srihari Sridhar the right direction. Sanju Varughese Mathew Collection boxes have been set up at various points within Knowledge is undoubtedly the greatest gift that can be the campus. Plans to identify bestowed upon a child and each and engage other Chennai based book dedicated to this cause private schools and colleges can make a palpable difference. are also in the works. While monetary donations may A chat with Vineet Sharma, procure a meal, it is education a fourth year IT Student and that can ultimately secure a Executive Director of the initiative future. Initiating Fusion (IF), revealed that difficulties faced SRM’s latest and arguably most by NGOs in procuring academic ambitious social venture to date, material served as inspiration drives this notion forward by for the social drive. A large collecting used books, notebooks scale donation such as this, he and stationery for subsequent felt, would have a much greater (Left to Right) Dr. Jafer, Dr. Nagarajan, Dr. Arijit, Dr. James Pandian, distribution to beneficiaries impact than isolated efforts. Dr. Kazi Atiqur Rahaman, Dr. Thanga Raju, Dr. Sumitha, Dr. Alexzander and Dr. Ranjeeth identified in and around the city. “It is difficult to start something The largely student-driven like this from scratch”, he initiative currently involves says when asked about the award for excellence around 300 active members split University’s role in the project. across domains ranging from “The funding, transport facilities Staff Reporter (UK) Exam conducted in Course. He scored 170 publicity to documentation. With and unwavering support have 2012 in Chennai. marks out of 172. constant support and guidance The Pro. Vice Chancellor all been vital to our cause.” from the University, IF hopes to of SRM Prof. Dr. Thangaraju Dr. Kazi Atiqur Rahaman The function was presided amass at least one lakh books He firmly believes that awarded a gold medal had training in SRM Medical over by the Dean of SRM by the end of February this year. education is every child’s and merit certificate to Dr. College Hospital & Research Medical college Hospital Having amassed over 20,000 birthright and articulates that Kazi Atiqur Rahman for his Centre in the “PASS THE & Research Centre, Prof. Dr. books so far, the organization even the smallest sacrifice could performance in the MRCP PACES” MRCP (UK) Training James Pandian. is definitely taking strides in make a huge difference. Be your own boss Bridging the gap Ashwin R. district. This Government of Tamil theory and practical sessions between Industry Harish Kumar Nadu sponsored programme, including site visits to established was conducted between 11th enterprises. The Entrepreneurship and 24th of December 2013. Officers of State government, and Academics Development Institute (EDI) Candidates for the programme Central government and various in collaboration with SRM were mobilized through various banks were invited to talk Satamitra. D. Ghosh the acquisition of foundation University conducted a 12 day sources such as data bases to the participants about the Pallavi Gupta skills in process, tools and Entrepreneurial Development from District Industry Center government schemes, policies techniques of the Integrated Program titled “You can be an (DIC), Tamil Nadu Industrial and subsidiaries available Not the one to be left behind, Product Development zone of Entrepreneur” for the residents Investment Corporation, EDI and to Entrepreneurs. Business SRM University has been chosen the engineering industry. It also of . EDI, Facebook. About 45 registered consultants and entrepreneurs to be a part of a select group strives to transform requisite Chennai is a government members were then interviewed also shared their experiences of institutions taking part in an understanding and application organization which promotes by Mrs. Lakshmi Narayanan, regarding ‘Startup Companies’ initiative spearheaded by Sector of academic topics from various education, entrepreneurship Deputy Director of DIC and with the participants. Upon Skills Council NASSCOM (SSC engineering disciplines into real and self-employment. It was consequently 25 candidates the completion of the 12 day NASSCOM) in collaboration world engineering projects. established by the Government were shortlisted to attend the programme, certificates were of Tamil Nadu in 2001. The programme. The sessions were distributed to the participants by with NASSCOM member The curriculum outlines the programme was aimed at handled by 20 faculty members Mr. Subramanian, Coordinator, companies in the Engineering methodology for courseware encouraging and expanding from the School of Management. Entrepreneurial Development and Research & Development developed by member companies the horizons of potential future The classes were conducted at Institute, in the presence (ERD) space. Companies such and aims to empower students entrepreneurs and was open to the SRM University, Kattankulathur of Dr. Jayshree Suresh, Dean as TCS, Infosys, HCL, WIPRO, to achieve this objective. The public members of Kanchipuram campus and were divided into (MBA), SRM University. EMC, Alcatel Lucent, KPIT Outcomes-Based-Format (OBF) and iGate have played a crucial used in the development of the role in the development of the program helps one focus on ‘Foundation Skills in Integrated the key skills and knowledge Product Development’ (FSIPD) required to perform a given program which seeks to introduce job role in an effective manner. a new industry-centric elective for students. NASSCOM is confident of the initiative being mutually The FSIPD program has beneficial to both the engineering been introduced to increase the industry as well as students from industry readiness of students participating institutions, helping who wish to pursue a career in to identify and bridge the gap the field of engineering. The between industry standards and Residents of Kanchipuram with representives of SRM University course focuses on facilitating the academic study. 12 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 SAPGenetics ’13 - Where Borders Have No Meaning

Shaswath Sekar notable personalities such as Dr.T.V.Gopal, Dean, International With the student population Relations; Dr.M.Vairamani, Dean, out in full force, the Biotech Bioengineering and Dr.M.Parani, Auditorium bustled with activity HOD of Genetic Engineering on Christmas Eve. A peek into Students at deCode’13 - a programme by the Department of Genetic Engineering the auditorium revealed the lit up the evening. The Chief source of excitement - a huge Guest Dr.C.Muthamizhchelvan, banner presenting ‘SAPGenetics - Director (E&T) spoke about 2013’, hosted by the Department SRM’s plan to develop the deCode ’13 - Where the of Genetic Engineering with School of Bioengineering, SRM the assistance of the SRM into a Centre of Excellence. He student becomes the Master Management. also released the SAPGenetics The event sought to highlight booklet. Shaswath Sekar DNA on gel and cytological the theoretical concepts and the importance of the Semester techniques to view chromosomes helped the School students Abroad Program (SAP), one of Dr.M.Vairamani and The 5th edition of “deCode”, at cellular level. perform the different experiments Dr.T.V.Gopal congratulated a brain wave of Department hands-on! The experiments SRM’s most significant USPs! More than 120 students from of Genetic Engineering, SRM were conducted in four different The SAP program enables the SAP students and expressed sixteen different schools around students to take up courses their appreciation towards University, was successfully labs, - Bioseparation, Genetic organised recently by the students, the city like Amrita Vidyalaya, and/or a major project in a Dr.M.Parani and the faculty Engineering, M.Tech Scholars with the guidance of the faculty Devi Academy, Sivaswamy reputed foreign university for and Genomics lab. of the Department of Genetic of the Department. The seeds Kalalaya, etc., participated in one semester. Engineering. for decode was first sown in the this workshop. The school students who Till date, 71 B.Tech and M.Tech participated were completely Former SAP students of year 2008 by the Department The Proceedings were initiated awestruck when they were able Genetic Engineering students of Genetic engineering and by Dr.M.Parani, Head of the the department shared their to see the DNA they isolated have been a part of SAP. About is now steadily spreading its Department, Genetic Engineering, experiences and urged students from neem leaves as long, sleek 37 students from the UG and PG roots amongst the young school SRM University Kattankulathur, to apply for the program. The threads in solution! courses have completed their going minds. who gave a brief introduction SAP in various countries across current SAP students made it “deCode” focuses on enriching about Genetic Engineering to The event concluded with the globe. This year as many a point to thank Dr.M.Parani, the practical knowledge of the assembled students. It was a valedictory function where as 34 students are participating Dr.N.S.Raja, Project Co-ordinator school students through hands a great sight to watch as the the staff of the Department in SAP, further emphasizing its and Mr.N.Manoj Kumar, Class- on training in basic molecular students took the roles of their of Genetic Engineering gave growing significance. In charge for their backing and techniques like DNA isolation, professors for a brief few hours away the certificates to the The presence of several commitment. DNA quantification, Visualising as they meticulously explained participants. Reborn To Discover-Josh’13 The widening scope Arjun. B. Narayan “Reborn to Discover”. Over elocution event was held and the of Periodontics 10 events were held, covering topics addressed various social Josh’13, an inter department music, literature, creativity and issues. The Variety Show was Staff Reporter welcomed the gathering. The cultural event, held exclusively dance. The participation was judged by RJ Ophelia while programme had lectures delivered for the staff of SRM University. restricted to 2 participants per Ms. Akshaya judged the dance The Department of by eminent Heads of Institutions department. The music events events. The other events included Periodontics, SRM Kattankulathur such as Dr. N. D. Jayakumar, It saw the exchange of roles were judged by Ms. Maria Adaptune and a Fashion show. Dental College, Chennai, Dr. D. Arunachalam and Dr. B. between students and teachers. Manohar, a music director The judges for the fashion show launched its yearly CDE Mohan on areas pertaining to The theme for the event was and Mr. Naveen Samson. An were Ms. Sarah and programme – PERIOBYTES. The periodontal and peri-implant Ms. Sonali. first edition of Periobytes was aesthetics. titled “Expanding Horizons –the SRM Nursing The organizing team also Aesthetic Way”, focusing on the felicitated Dr. P. Theagarayan Department took way periodontal procedures has and Dr. A. Jawad Hussain, the away the prize, expanded to include aesthetics two senior most professors whilst the spirit of in its domain. competition was kept in Periodontics as a token of alive throughout The event was formally appreciation for their contribution the competition. inaugurated by Dr. P. Thangaraju, in the field of Periodontics. The Raji Memorial Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical) PERIOBYTES 2013 witnessed Award for the best of SRM University, and the an overwhelming response of performer was won Organizing Chairman and around 250 delegates from by Ms. K N Purnima Dean, Dr. K. H. Pani Shankar various colleges in Tamil Nadu. of the Physiology Department. The Edited and Published by : The Department of Journalism and Mass sponsor for the Communication, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu. Ph : 044-27452270. event was PdotG Printed at : Green Pearl Publications Private Limted, 211/2, Constructions. East Potheri Village St., Kattankulathur-603 203. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 13

Bringing global exposure to classrooms

Arushi Dutt Mr. Mallik also elaborated on the ELS language centres Recently SRM University at SRM, which would attract collaborated with ELS, one non-English speaking students of the leading international from neighboring countries to educational counseling services. provide global exposure within The one-hour ceremony began classrooms. English would be with a welcome speech, a brief taught in both the academic and Students attending the Symposium with the Guest Speaker at the event synopsis about ELS, the Vice job ready standards. The Job Chancellor’s speech, and ended ready program has been tailored with the vote of thanks. to accommodate students at SRM. Students would also be Festival of Architecture and The Dean of the International provided with ELS certificates, Relations office, Dr. T.V. Gopal, which are recognized throughout welcomed the chief guests, which institutions worldwide. Built Environment- FAB 2014 included the director of ELS, Mr. Mallik Sundharam, and Vice Vice Chancellor Mr. Staff Reporter Tamil Nadu. First Mr.Murali, showed his works of hotel, Chancellor, Dr. M. Ponnavaiko. Ponnavaiko then briefly (M.Arch McGill,Canada) from residences, hospitals, etc. Mr FAB 2014 was conducted Dr. Gopal began by commending commended this initiative, by Chennai talked on the innovative S.Vijay Kumar from Trichy, by school of architecture and the Vice Chancellor for taking expressing the importance of design practices and presented chairman ARCHTRUST talked interior design (SAID) at SRM such an initiative to create ELS the English language. some innovative and inspiring about Laurie Baker works and University, Kattankulathur. The residences, institutional and also on lightning and innovative On Campus Counseling and He said, “English has become theme of the symposium was hospital projects. Mr Sujatha usage of building materials. The Language Center at SRM. He an international business “Impact Of Globalization On Shankar, M.Arch (U.S.A), last speaker Mr Bhuvanasundar briefly mentioned how the ELS language.” Indian Architectural Scenario”. services will incorporate an on- President INTACH foundation, showcased use of exposed bricks. Although this language is About 200 students from various campus counseling program, Chennai talked about both Student competitions were also spoken worldwide, there are architecture schools all over along with English language architecture and interior held and students from various multiple dialects, which should services. Tamil Nadu participated in design projects. Mr Siddarth colleges participated and won be kept in mind. FAB 2014. FAB 2014 was Shankar, M.Arch (U.S.A) from prizes. Ar J.Manoharan (Past Then, Mr. Mallik Sundharam He concluded by expressing inaugurated by chief guest Ramani Shankar associates, Chairman IIA, T.N Chapter) gave took to the stage and recognized the importance of communication Ar.C.R.Raju, Chairman IIA, Coimbatore showcased his works away the prizes and delivered the various dignitaries present, stating, “By birth, we are all T.N.Chapter. There were guest on commercial, educational the valedictory speech. The including US Consulate human beings. We are all one.” lectures and presentations and industrial projects. Mr program concluded with cultural representative Ms. Mala Venkat, by eminent architects from P.G.Sivakumar from Trichy events by students. and General Manager of ELS, The ceremony ended with a Mr. Swaminathan. Mr. Mallik vote of thanks by the HOD of briefed about the ELS service, English and Foreign Languages, The secret to get ahead is to which is present in 93 countries Dr. K. Anbazhagan. He praised serving over 1.25 million students. the Vice Chancellor’s enthusiastic The standard policy of ELS is attitude towards this collaboration. get started-Schneider Electric to provide quality counseling He also gave a special thanks to to all students intending to the ELS Director and team to Harsha Rajeev pursue studies abroad. Other initiate such a program at SRM. Arjun. B. Narayan services also include guidance For further inquiries about in the application process, this collaboration, Mr. Pavan Schneider Electric has visa procedures, and training Adhepalli can be contacted announced its fourth annual Go from internationally educated at 1-800-102-4272 or Green in the City 2014 global advisors. [email protected]. business case challenge. The participants are required to come up with intelligent & efficient energy management ideas. As of now, students from over 80 countries worldwide have pre- registered for the event. Winners of the competition get an opportunity like none other. The competition is open to image: all students who are pursuing of efficient energy management studying in the same country for a bachelor’s (2nd year and to a panel of judges. The top the duration of the competition above), master’s or an MBA 100 teams selected on the basis and at least 1 member being a degree. The competition has of their presentation will be female. Completion of each been divided into five phases. assigned a mentor to help them mission is rewarded by points, It will begin with the formation create a synopsis and a business with the aim being to top the of teams post registration. Once case for their idea. The final scoreboard. the students have formed teams 12 teams will then be invited of two, they will be subjected to Paris to present their idea The deadline to submit ideas to various challenges, which in front of an expert panel of is 15th February 2014 and the include individual and team judges. The winners will get final will be held in the month tasks, timed game quizzes and a trip around the world and a of June 2014. Students can missions. Following the quiz, the career opportunity at Schneider register online at the SRM Dr. T.V. Gopal, Dean, International Relation remaining teams will be given Electric. Participants must form University website or at www. presenting a memento to the Chief Guest a chance to present their ideas a team of 2, with both members 14 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 Lifting LitFest Trophy s a part of The Hindu Literary AFestival, students of the Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication of the Faculty of Science and Humanities performed a play - an adaption of the novel ‘Foreign’ by Sonora Jha (One of the shortlisted books) at the LitFest. The forty minute performance won high praise from the audience with the author of the book, Ms Jha, witnessing the show and later on saying, “This is a theatrical performance of ‘Foreign’ by the drama program of SRM University, Chennai, on Day 2 of The Hindu Lit For Life literary festival. Watching them bring to life the characters of Bajirao, Gayatribai, Kabir, Ammar and Katya - chills down my spine” The JMC Team won the First prize for their performance. Here in this picture the student team with the Director of the Faculty of Science and Humanities, Dr. R. Balasubramanian

SRM College of Nursing Celebrates 22nd Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Staff Reporter – Health Sciences. After In his address of the gathering, congratulating the freshers, she Dr.R. Balasubramanian inspired The 22nd lamp lighting highlighted the symbolism of the students to be approachable ceremony of SRM College lighting the lamp during this and noble saviours of the society. Dignitaries at the interactive session of Nursing was celebrated on ceremony. She challenged them He encouraged the students 10-01-2014 at the Medical to inculcate the top 10 qualities to fulfill the SRM University College Auditorium. Dr. of a Best Nurse and to develop Chancellor’s wish - “To be Prospects of a new Latha Venkatesan, Principal, as smiling, sympathetic, sincere happy and make others happy.” Apollo College Of Nursing and skillful nurses. The freshers were felicitated was the Chief Guest and Dr. After the ritual of lamp by, Dr.K Gireesh, Deputy Dean, course... Pharm.D R. Balasubramanian, Director lighting by the freshers, the SRM Medical College and Staff Reporter which fully deals with the role of (Science &Humanities), SRM Florence Nightingale pledge Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, clinical pharmacist in hospitals University was the Guest of was administered by Dr.A.Judie, Medical Superintendent, SRM It was a day to remember for and in the community. With Honour. Dean, College of Nursing . the students and staff of SRM General Hospital sharing the introduction of the course, The programme started with the Dr. Latha Venkatesan in her College of Pharmacy, when their experiences and telling the realm of the pharmacy procession of freshers, followed Chief Guest Speech congratulated they were presented with an interesting anecdotes. profession has extended to by invocation. Mrs.Akila Devi, the students for choosing the opportunity to interact with Dr. patient care in addition to Associate Professor, SRM dynamic profession of nursing The ceremony came to an B. Suresh, President, Pharmacy their role as manufacturers in College of Nursing welcomed and for choosing this Institution. end with the proposing of vote Council of India. Professor pharma industries and as drug the gathering. Following the She motivated the students to of thanks by Prof. Selvakani K.Chinnaswamy, President, developers in the research areas. lighting of lamp by dignitaries, follow the role models and to Pandian, HOD, Medical Surgical Tamilnadu Pharmacy Council Presidential address was delivered be as a coffee bean, adding Nursing, SRM College of accompanied Dr.B.Suresh. Dr. Suresh actively interacted with the audience for more than by Dr.N.Chandraprabha, Director flavor wherever they are. Nursing. Dr. B. Suresh and Prof. one hour when he clarified the Chinnaswamy were welcomed doubts and answered the queries. by Dr. K.S. Lakshmi, Dean, College of Pharmacy, after His answers were motivating which Dr. Suresh took the to the students and at the same centre- stage and gave a talk time informative and educative. on “Prospects of Pharm.D The session ended with Dr. program”. He enlightened the N. Chandraprabha, Director, audience on the various new Health Sciences, speaking vistas available for Pharm.D about pharmacy education. Dr. professionals gobally. V. Chitra, Vice-Principal, and The Pharm.D or Doctor of Dr. Christine Birnie, Fulbright Scholar, College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy is a recently introduced Students of SRM College of Nursing along with dignitaries course, approved by the PCI, were also present on the occasion. 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4 15 SRM gain wings at Red Bull campus cricket Staff Reporter 108 for 2 wickets in 18.2 overs clinching the semi final by 8 The Red Bull Campus Cricket wickets making their way to was held in Chennai at Spic the finals. YMCA grounds recently. In the Chennai region, 4 teams took Srm University beat Loyola part: SRM University, Loyola College in the finals by scoring College, GuruNanak College 109 for 9 wickets in 20 overs and Vivekananda College. SRM University thus became SRM registered a comfortable the winners of the Chennai victory against Vivekananda region and qualified for the college in the first semi final. South Zone. This will be in Aashish Kumar claimed 5 of league format between wickets for 27 runs. Bharath other winners from Kerala, Shankar, Mukunth and S. Dinesh Bangalore and Hyderabad as batted well. The Ball Badminton team with the trophy with the Founder Chancellor well. Two teams will qualify Vivekananda was 107 all for the Nationals which is to out in 19.1 overs and SRM be held at Chandigarh. Srm lifts “Charminor Trophy” Staff writer

The SRM University Ball Badminton Team won the “Charminor Trophy” Men Championship at the All India Inter University Ball Badminton men Tournament which was held at Algappa University, Karaikudi recently.

The winning team from SRM Women’s Incumbency in the Field of Volleyball Khushboo Agarwal well. They Juggled positions Nandita Adityan amongt themselves, and were in the same league from the start. The Inter University Women’s Speaking to Spectrum, the Volleyball Tournament for the Director of Sports said, “In the year 2013-2014 was held in SRM Nationals the team’s luck on University Kattankulathur. It the day of the match decides saw the participation of a large the game. All the teams have number of teams. The Zonal invested a lot of hard work and matches were held between are very well trained.” This 3rd and 7th December while tournament ,saw the usage of both the National matches were the indoor and outdoor courts held between 9th and 13th in the same championship for December. SRM University the first time. The South Zone won first place among the 57 Tournament was inaugurated teams that participated in the by the Vice Chancellor of SRM The Men’s Volleyball team with the Chairman, SRM Group South Zone, followed by MG University and the valedictory University. In the National ceremony was graced by the tournament, SRM University Pro- Vice Chancellor (P&D), SRM becomes first university stood 4th while the team from SRM University. Ms. Elizabeth bagged Paul, an MBA student was to win state championship the first place. The top four selected to represent the State in teams in the Zonals played the Nationals and won bronze Staff Reporter The bankmen, boasting of the Aided by the llanky Vaishnav, first fiddle in the Nationals as medals in the same. India trio of Vaishnav, Naveen IOB blocked off the smashes SRM University overcame Raj and Ukkara Pandian, were from SRM. From IOB, Naveen’s defending champion IOB, quickly off the blocks taking performance was noteworthy. Chennai in five entertaining the first set by 25-21. sets to bag the men’s title at In the decider, SRM raced to the senior State volleyball But R.Vignesh and Jerome a 11-6 lead and never looked championship recently. helped SRM level matters by back. A winning smash from winning the second set by an Jerome Vinith delivered a Jerome sealed the title in its easy 25-13 margin. standout performance to lead favour as it became the first his team to a 21-25, 25-13, 27- In the fourth round IOB university team to win the State 25, 20-25, and 15-10 victory managed well as it won 25-20. senior championsip. The winning team from SRM 16 2014 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 4

Remembering Greatness: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Gaurav Sinha A global symbol of democracy He led the nation’s path Sanju Varughese Mathew and social equality amongst to recovery and served as races, Mandela’s unflinching will a guide to other nations “I have cherished the ideal power was key to dismantling during disputes, attempting of a democratic and free the legacy of apartheid that to defuse tensions globally. society in which all persons had maintained a stranglehold His life demonstrated live together in harmony and on the South African people. the power of forgiveness with equal opportunities. It is Despite spending nearly three as well as the ability to an ideal which I hope to live decades behind bars, he move forward to build a for and to achieve. But if needs established himself as South better tomorrow, regardless be, it is an ideal for which I Africa’s first black president in of the past. Like Gandhi am prepared to die.” 1994, four years subsequent before him, Mandela taught to his release. Nelson Mandela’s famous the value of struggling for words, delivered shortly A firm believer in equal legal beliefs against all odds. As before his sentencing to life and human rights for all people, the great man himself so imprisonment in the 1964 irrespective of caste, creed eloquently put it, “I learned Rivonia trials are testimony to and background, Mandela, that courage was not the a leader who was prepared known affectionately by his absence of fear, but the to walk side by side with his traditional Xhosa clan name triumph over it. The brave people, guiding them on an ‘Madiba’, fostered relations man is not he who does uncertain journey towards between the people of South not feel afraid, but he who justice. Africa and former colonialists. conquers that fear.”

he rides along with any random Waste of a Wish biker from any place. Ride on So is it all fun being a biker? Of course not. There are hard Rahul Jain But then another thought Harish Kumar K O to set an example. Moreover comes to mind- what if we had times when you need fix the the biker rides with safety puncture by yourself. There are “No, no, the angle’s wrong.” a real life restart button? A motorcycle is a vehicle gears for his/her own safety. times you need to keep riding “shut up, i know what i am Each and every single member with two wheels that is powered And that is because the biker doing.” by a motor and that can carry for hours. There are times you of the human race has done knows dynamics of the road have a bad fall. But biking is like “and you missed 3 of the pigs, something that bothers them at one or two people. That’s how and the value of life. A biker Webster dictionary describes a life. There are ups and downs. told you its wrong! Now listen night, right at the verge of sleep; understands the role of safety Life goes on; so does biking. motorcycle. Not just that, but to me and take it a bit low.” the incident comes to your mind, gears and believes in propagating If you need to know whether it is also generally regarded “doesn’t matter, i want the filling you with embarrassment the same to all riders. So is that you are a rider or a biker, ride the same way by the common 3 stars, let’s restart the level.” and the question- WHY? all? Is a biker only another on a bike continuously for 3 rider who uses it to go from law abiding being? No. The “what is it with you and 3 And in order to work, your hours. At the end of the ride, point A to point B. Why do I biker has an adventurous trait stars?” memory would have to remain if you feel tired you are a rider. say common rider? Because, which pushes him/her to keep intact; otherwise you are just If you feel tired and happy at To those who haven’t deduced there is one more kind. A rider riding. The biker learns from the getting slapped twice. But then the same time, then probably it yet, this is the general case who craves to extend point B. experiences of visiting different what is preventing you from you are a biker. One last thing of an Angry Birds addict, the A rider who accepts the world locations. The biker converses stealing intellectual property this biker would like to convey search of 3 stars. However as home. A rider is who is with all kinds of people and and coming with an invention to you all. Ride with a helmet playing the game one thing not “common”. A rider better experiences all kinds of foods. that wasn’t developed back and ride consciously. Ride hard, does come in mind, what if known as “Biker”. To a biker a The biker values friendship as ride safe. the game developers removed then? Other than some time motorcycle is more than the option to restart or re- anomalies and the need of time just a machine. The spawn? How different those police, it seems like something biker personifies the childhood years would have we would kill for- A chance to motorcycle, gives it a been which we spent pressing Restart. soul and lives by it (her/ the restart or reset button or But the greatest irony of it all him) like the motorcycle our ‘Video Games’ before the is that we have what we wish has a life. I understand era of Playstation when Mario for, the restart button. It works this might sound absurd was the real deal and Islander every time and without fail to the common rider but was the closest thing to Tony and it allows you to keep your to a biker the motorcycle Hawk’s Pro Skater? memory, but we don’t use it. is an important entity in his/her life. Let us not From the Desk of The misunderstand the rider who makes noise and Chairman, Srm Group rides around the city like The Chairman of the SRM Group of Educational Valentino Rossi to be the biker. The biker would Institutions, Mr. Ravi Pachamoothoo, has asked the never harass his/her bike. SRM Community to send in their complaints, concerns The biker knows how, and suggestions to him at [email protected] when and where to ride. or through sms to 99400 88414 (text messages only) The biker abides by the rules because he/she is To a biker a motorcycle is more than just a machine