SCHEDULE President – Phil Williams

Monday 26th August Chairman - Sam Marshall Admission: Adults £4.50 & Children £1.00 Show starts at 11am see us at

Organised by Llanfechain Show Committee and aided by Llanfechain Council Page 1 Page 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING LLANFECHAIN SHOW

1. The committee formed to organise the event is called the Llanfechain Show Committee and is referred to in this schedule as the Committee. 2. All entries in the Horticultural Section must be grown by the Exhibitor. The Committee reserves the right to inspect the garden or allotment of the Exhibitor by Non-Exhibitors at any time following the receipt of an entry by the Secretaries. Should it be proved that any exhibit is not grown by the Exhibitor, then that and all other exhibits of the offender will be disqualified, and entry fees shall be forfeited. 3. All entries in other Sections must be the work of the Exhibitor. Should it be proved that any exhibit is not the work of the Exhibitor, then that and all other exhibits of the offender will be disqualified, and entry fees shall be forfeited. 4. Art, Photography and Craft entries must not have won a prize previously in Llanfechain Show. 5. Local Classes are restricted to exhibitors that reside within the Parish of Llanfechain. 6. Novice Classes are restricted to exhibitors that have never won a 1st prize in Open classes of that section, e.g. Horticulture or Floral Art. 7. Senior Citizens classes are restricted to exhibitors over 60 years of age. 8. The highest points only in a Class will count towards Special Awards, 1st – 3 points, 2nd – 2 points, 3rd – 1 point. 9. Should there be an objection to any exhibit, prize or award, notice must be given to the Secretaries of the dispute, in writing, before 4.00pm on the day of the show. Each and every objection must be accompanied by a deposit of £5.00 which will be refunded if the objection is upheld. 10. The Judges have the power to withhold any prize or award if they are of the opinion that there is insufficient merit in the exhibit. 11. The decision of the Judges, or in case of dispute, the Secretaries to the Committee, will be final. 12. The hall and marquee will be open for staging on the morning of the show from 8.00am until 11.00am by which time the hall and marquee must be cleared for judging. 13. Exhibits must not be removed from the hall or marquee before 5.30pm without the written authority of a Secretary. 14. Prizes and awards not claimed by 5.30pm on the day of the Show will be forfeited. 15. The safekeeping and insurance of cups and other trophies are the responsibility of the recipients while in their possession. 16. The Committee will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any exhibit, exhibitor, competitor, visitor or their property before, on or after the day of the Show. 17. All entry fees must accompany entry forms and must be made to the Secretaries. 18. Entries may be made by post or handed to the Secretaries who will be present in the Memorial Hall, Llanfechain on Wednesday 21st August 2019 from 7.00pm to 9.00pm when entries close with the exception of the Companion Dog show. Page 3 Page 4 LLANFECHAIN SHOW 2019 JUDGES

Horticulture—Fruit & Vegetables David Gethin Horticulture—Flowers Nigel Moody At Home Competitions Gillian Roberts Floral Art Rowena Morris Art Josh Bowe Photography Ray and Jules Craft Sarah Moody Woodwork Chris Cheetham Cookery—Adults Pam Morris Cookery—Children’s Lynne Walters Jams and Chutneys Jane Davies Craft—Children’s Sarah Kendrick-Jones Dog Show John Lemon Classic Cars Roy Holder Classic Bikes Martin Shaw

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the participation of all the Judges.


CHAIRMAN Sam Marshall

SECRETARIES Mrs June Row Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright Mrs. Angela Reilly

SCHEDULE COORDINATORS Mrs. Nita Duff Mrs. Gwyneth Watkin

TREASURER Rick Warburton

FIELD MANAGER Mr. Richard Ellis


DOG SHOW ORGANISERS & SECRETARIES Mrs. Elizabeth Yorke and Miss Caroline Yorke

Page 5


General Haulage Contractors

Waterloo, Llanfechain, SY22 6UE

 01691 828224 01691 828465 Fax 01691 828104 Page 6 HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION A—OPEN Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00 (unless otherwise stated)

FLOWER CLASSES Class 1 Three Roses— any variety 2 Rose – one bloom 3 Vase of Five Asters – any variety 4 Basket of Outdoor Cut Flowers, not less than three varieties, staging not to exceed 2’ 6”

5 Dahlias, Pom-Pom – vase of five blooms 6 Dahlias, Ball – vase of five blooms 7 Dahlias, Decorative – vase of three blooms 8 Dahlias, Cactus – vase of three blooms 9 Three Vases of Dahlias – three blooms in each vase – each vase a distinct variety Special Prizes 1st £5.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00.

10 Five African Marigolds 11 Sweet Peas – vase of nine blooms – one colour or a variety of colours 12 Three Spray Chrysanthemums— in one vase 13 Three Spikes of Gladioli – any variety 14 One Single Gladiolus – any variety 15 House Plant – flowering 16 House Plant – foliage 17 Fuchsia Plant in a Pot

SPECIAL FLOWER CLASSES 18 Llanfechain Top Vase Competition. (see next page for entry and prize details)

FRUIT & VEGETABLE CLASSES 19 Five Kidney Potatoes 20 Five Round Potatoes 21 Five Coloured Potatoes 22 Three Potatoes on two plates, two distinct varieties Special Prizes 1st £5.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00. 23 Six Pods of Peas 24 Six Runner Beans 25 Longest Runner Bean 26 Six Dwarf Beans 27 Nine Large Eschallots – excluding Hative de Niort type 28 Nine Small Eschallots – excluding Hative de Niort type 29 Nine Eschallots – Hative de Niort type Page 7 LLANFECHAIN TOP VASE 2019—Competition rules 1. The Llanfechain Top Vase class is for a vase of mixed flowering stems containing a total of between 5 and 10 stems, taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants. Note that it is 2 different kinds of plants, 2 varieties of the same plant are not 2 kinds. 2. The display will be judged out of a total of 35 points, split into 25 points for the colour, form, condition, quality and freshness of the flowers on display, and 10 marks for the overall presentation and effect of the flowers in the vase. The vase will be viewed from all directions, judging of the flowers should be to the normal rules used for other classes. 3. Stems displayed must be showing flowers only; no seed heads or berries will be allowed. 4. The vase can be any shape and size and made from any material, but must be in proportion to the display. No marks are awarded for the vase itself. 5. No accessories whatsoever such as bows and additional foliage will be allowed. Foliage which is growing naturally from the flowering stem, and still attached to that stem, is allowed. Packing material, including Oasis, to keep the stems in place is allowed. 6. The winner of the Llanfechain Top Vase class will receive a Llanfechain Certificate plus prizes to the value of £10, the runner-up £5, third place £3.

Notes for exhibitors and judges in Llanfechain Top Vase class • Flowering stems can be taken from any flowering plant • The different kinds of plants need to be taken from different genera. For instance, pinks, carnations and sweet william – which are all dianthus – would not be classed as different. • Only fresh, home-grown flowers can be used. No dried or silk flowers are allowed. • A vase, by definition, is any vessel that can be used to hold cut flowers and which is taller than it is wide at its widest point. LLANFECHAIN TOP TRAY 2019—Competition rules 1. The Llanfechain Top Tray class is for a collection of three types of vegetables taken from this list of eight. The quantity of each vegetable required is given in brackets: carrots (3), cauliflowers (2), onions (3), parsnips (3), peas (6 pods), potatoes (3), runner beans (6 pods), tomatoes (6). Each type of vegetable will be judged out of a total of 20 points. This is split into three sections: 7 points for size, shape and colour; 7 points for condition; 6 points for uniformity. The overall mark will therefore be out of a total of 60. 2. All vegetables are to be displayed for effect within an area measuring 45cm x 60cm (18 x 24in), without bending any part of them. No part of any exhibit may exceed the size of the tray. A tray or board measuring 45cm x 60cm can be used to display the vegetables, or the area can simply be marked on the staging. Where a tray has a lip or edge. it is the internal measurements that must not exceed 45cm x 60cm. 3. A black cloth is permitted, and the tray may be painted. Parsley is allowed for garnishing, but no other foliage or accessories, such as plates, sand, rings etc., will be allowed. Onion tops may be tied or whipped using raffia or string.

Notes for exhibitors and judges in Llanfechain Top Tray class • Carrots and parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to 7.5cm (3in). • Peas and beans must be displayed with some stalk attached • Tomatoes must be displayed with calyces (the green flower bud case). • Judges may handle exhibits, open pods etc to check for quality. • The tray, board or staging must not be cut or mutilated in any way at all – such as cutting holes for standing onions in.

General Notes for exhibitors and judges in Llanfechain Top Vase and Top Tray class • Judges should use their discretion, remembering that entries may come from inexperienced exhibitors. • Points awarded should be clearly marked by the judges on the exhibitor’s cards. • Any queries that arise regarding anything other than the above rules, should be referred to, and decided by, the show officials Page 8 HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION A—OPEN (continued) Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00 (unless otherwise stated) FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CLASSES (continued) Class 30 Five Onions grown from sets 31 Five Onions grown from seed 32 Six Flat Onions 33 Three Onions grown from seed, Three Onions grown from sets, Six Eschallots. On one tray. Special Prizes: - 1st £5.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00. 34 Three Leeks 35 Three Round Beetroot 36 Three Long Carrots 37 Three Stump Carrots 38 Three Parsnips 39 Three Courgettes 40 Two Marrows 41 Two Cucumbers 42 Four Sticks of Rhubarb 43 Five Tomatoes 44 Whole Truss of Tomatoes 45 Five Dessert Apples 46 Five Cooking Apples 47 Three other Fruits or Vegetables of One Variety 48 Llanfechain Top Tray Competition (see previous page for entry and prize details) SPECIAL FRUIT & VEGETABLE CLASSES EXHIBITED OUTSIDE 49 Potato Bucket – the most weight in a 3 gallon bucket, presented undisturbed to be weighed on the day. Special Prizes: - 1st £5.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00. 50 Under 12 years Potato Bucket – the most weight in a 3 gallon bucket, presented undisturbed to be weighed on the day. Special Prizes: - 1st £5.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00. 51 Heaviest Marrow – to be weighed on the day 52 Heaviest Beetroot – to be weighed on the day 53 Tallest Nettle (from my home) - to be measured on the day 54 Largest Rhubarb Leaf

Potato classes in the Open Horticulture Section have been kindly sponsored by Jonathon & Sally Owen.

SPECIAL AWARDS IN SECTION A – OPEN (to be competed for annually)

A cup for the most points in section A class 1—18 given by Mr. & Mrs. S Roberts A Perpetual Cup for the best exhibit in Classes 1 – 17 given by Mr. & Mrs. Fane of Sgwennant. The E. T. Davies Perpetual Cup for the best exhibit in Class 5. The D. C. Williams Perpetual Cup for best exhibit in Class 11. The Open Perpetual Cup for most points gained in Section A classes 19—48 A Silver Salver given by Mr. R. B. Jones-Perrott for best exhibit in Classes 19 – 48.

Page 9

WATERLOO HOUSE LLANSANTFFRAID, POWYS TELEPHONE (01691) 828152 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK INCLUDING THE HOLIDAYS MONDAY TO SUNDAY 5.00PM—11.30PM Telephone Orders Welcome To Avoid You Waiting and Delay Page 10 HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION B—LOCAL SENIOR CITIZENS Restricted to exhibitors over the age of 60 and resident in the Parish of Llanfechain Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class FLOWER CLASSES Class VEGETABLE CLASSES 55 Three Roses 60 Three Potatoes—any variety 56 Six Sweet Peas 61 Three Onions 57 Vase of Dahlias 62 Three Beetroot 58 Vase of Cut Flowers 63 Three Carrots 59 Pot Plant—any variety 64 Six Runner Beans

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION B – LOCAL SENIOR CITIZENS (to be competed for annually) The Llanfechain Local Perpetual Cup for most points in Classes 55 - 64 A trophy for best exhibit in section B kindly given in memory of Mr & Mrs R. W. Vaughan The senior citizens section B has been kindly sponsored by Lanyon Bowdler

HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION C—NOVICE Exhibitors never to have won a 1st prize in the Open Horticultural Section Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class FLOWER CLASSES Class VEGETABLE CLASSES 65 Vase of Three Dahlias—any variety 70 Five Runner Beans 66 A Single Rose 71 Three Potatoes 67 Collection of Sweet Peas in a 72 Three Onions container of your own choice 73 A Lettuce 68 Vase of Cut Flowers 74 Four Tomatoes 69 Pot Plant—any variety 75 Three Beetroot 76 Three Carrots 77 A Cucumber 78 An Odd Shaped Vegetable 79 A Marrow SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION C NOVICE (to be competed for annually)

The Bodynfoel Hall Perpetual Cup for most points in Classes 65 – 79 Page 11 Call us On 01691 829 333 Mobile 07814 322545 Email [email protected]

Come and see us for... • Market Stalls • Accessories

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Why choose Apex Market Stalls? We Have Over 20 Years Experience The Highest Quality Canopies at the Best Possible Prices Un-matched Service and Warranty Support Page 12 HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION D—AT HOME COMPETITIONS Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

The classes on this page will all be judged “At Home” by a visiting judging panel, see below for details Class 80 Planted Container or Patio Pot 81 Hanging Basket 82 Herb Planter 83 Tallest Sunflower (Open) 84 Tallest Sunflower (Children’s under 16 Novice) HORTICULTURAL SECTION SECTION E— SPECIAL AT HOME COMPETITIONS Entry fee 50p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £10.00. 2nd £5.00. 3rd £2.50

Class 85 FLOWER BED or BORDER COMPETITION - OPEN The entry can be in the back or front garden and of any shape or size

Class 86 VEGETABLE PATCH - OPEN Any size

Class 87 SCARECROW COMPETITION - OPEN The scarecrow must be exhibited in the parish of Llanfechain in grounds or a garden open to view by the public from a road or footpath. All entries must be in place continuously from 9.00am Thursday August 22nd until the day of the show and will be judged during this time for originality and construction. There is no restriction on the size, subject or the materials used. Entries may be by individuals, families, groups or businesses. Prize winners must be relocated to the show field on the day of the show to qualify. Normal staging and removal arrangements apply and are as found at the front of this schedule.

Class 88 PATIO COMPETITION - OPEN There is no maximum or minimum size for entries. The judging panel will take into consideration :-

Relationship of the Patio to the house and garden. Hard landscaping. Condition and cultivation. Choice of plants. Pots and containers.

Judging for all the above classes will take place by arrangement between Thursday 22nd and Sunday 25th August inclusive, so it is particularly important to include your telephone number on your entry form. Winners should be prepared to allow a photograph to be displayed at the Show.

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION D and E (to be competed for annually)

The Primor Freight Perpetual Cup given for most points in Classes 80—88 By Mr. & Mrs. Mel Price Page 13

28a High Street SY22 5AQ

Our well equipped practice offers friendly and caring services For Small animals, alpacas and horses Telephone 01691 648226

PENSIONERS LUNCH TUESDAYS 12—2.00PM Open: Tuesday 5 - 11, Closed Monday and Wednesday Thursday to Saturday 12 - 11, Sunday 12 - 3

Email: [email protected]

Tyres, Exhausts, Batteries & MOT’s

Unit S5, Severn Farm Industrial Estate, , Powys SY21 7DF Page 14 FLORAL ART SECTION SECTION F Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £4.00. 2nd £3.00. 3rd £2.00

All sizes refer to width only Novice Class 89 Arrangement in a cupcake case, not to exceed 9” Open Classes 90 A Posy with a Doily, not to exceed 12” 91 Arrangement on a piece of Slate, not to exceed 18” 92 All is Green, not to exceed 24” 93 Bees, Honey and Flowers, not to exceed 24” 94 ‘Totally Tropical’, cocktail inspired, not to exceed 24” 95 My Favourite Container, not to exceed 24” 96 A Summer Door Wreath (can include dried flowers), not to exceed 24” 97 Arrangement in a Hat – ‘Mother of the Bride’, not to exceed 30” 98 Fruit, Foliage & Flowers, not to exceed 30” 99 A Vase of Silk Flowers, not to exceed 18” SPECIAL AWARDS IN SECTION F OPEN CLASSES 90 - 99 (to be competed for annually) A cup for most points gained in Section F Open Classes A cup for best entry in the Open Classes given by Mrs. G. Davies & family ART SECTION SECTION G—OPEN Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00 Any medium, maximum size 36” x 48” overall, including mounting or frame to be hung by the exhibitor Class 100 Still life—Tropical 101 Blue is Calm—Red is Hot 102 Seasonal Landscape 103 Mythical Beast 104 Decorated Initials of your Name—(any medium, i.e. collage, illuminated, inks, paints etc) 105 Old SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION G (to be competed for annually) A cup for most points gained in this section presented by Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hatt Kindly sponsored by Lord and Lady Gowrie. ART SECTION SECTION H— 16 YEARS AND UNDER Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Any medium, maximum size 36” x 48” overall, including mounting or frame to be hung by the exhibitor Class 106 Super Hero 107 Decorated Initials of your Name—(any medium, i.e. collage, illuminated, inks, paints etc) 108 A Leaf Collage A prize for the most points gained in section H Kindly sponsored by Richard and Flavia Murton Page 15 PAUL JONES

No job too large or too small

• Extensions • Renovations • Alterations • Roofing • Landscaping • Groundwork

10 Maes-Mechain Llanfechain Powys

01691 829168 / 07989670423

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GARETH JONES Building and Landscaping Contractor

17 Maes Mechain Llanfechain Powys SY22 6UH

Tel: 01691 829 306 Mob: 07973 525 792 Page 16 PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION SECTION I—OPEN Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

In colour or black & white, maximum size 8.3” x 11.7” (A4) except class 109. No computer enhanced or manipulated images unless stated

Class 109 Mechanical Objects (a set of 4 themed photographs, mounted) 110 Sunrise/Sunset 111 Rusty 112 Farm Life 113 Seasonal Landscape 114 Crowds 115 Water 116 A Computer Enhanced or Manipulated Image of One of the Above.

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION I (to be competed for annually)

A Perpetual Shield for most points gained in this section

PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION SECTION J — 16 YEARS AND UNDER Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

In colour or black & white, any photographic process Maximum size maximum size 8.3” x 11.7” (A4)

Class 117 Clouds 118 Flowers 119 Farm Life 120 Puddles 121 Sport Event 122 My Favourite Drink 123 Flight 124 Graffiti

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION J (to be competed for annually)

The Gwern Trophy for most points gained in this section

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTIONS G, H, I & J – ART & PHOTOGRAPHY (to be competed for annually)

The Pentre Perpetual Cup for best exhibit in the Art & Photography classes Page 17



01691 649142 Page 18 CRAFT SECTION SECTION K—OPEN CRAFT Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class 125 ‘Touch or Hear’ any sensory item for a child or adult 126 An Embroidered Item 127 A Decorated Stone 128 A Crocheted Item 129 A Hand Knitted Item 130 Make a Wedding Invitation 131 Padded Pot Holder—any medium 132 Any Item in any Craft not already included in other Classes

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION K (to be competed for annually)

The Marjorie Price Memorial cup for the most points gained in this section

Trophy for the Best exhibit in section K given by Llanfechain WI

CRAFT SECTION SECTION L — OPEN WOODCRAFT Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class 133 A Candle Holder 134 A Jewellery or Treasure Box 135 A Bread or Cheese Board 136 An Item made from Driftwood 137 Any Stick 138 Any Item made from Wood

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION L – OPEN WOODCRAFT (to be competed for annually) The Phil Davies Memorial Cup for most points gained in this section

JOHN KENDRICK-JONES & CO BROOKSIDE GARAGE HENGOED OSWESTRY Cars & Motorcycles Moto-X & Enduro Bikes MOT & Serviced 01691 659777 Prepared Page 19 Elemental Stained Glass

Hand crafted glass

By local craftsman

Steve Bradley

Commissions undertaken

LLANSANTFFRAID . SY22 6AR • Glassware, Gifts and CDs

• Inspirational Cards

• Angels, Fairies and Dragons

• Jewellery and Gemstones

• Herbal Remedies

• Essential Oils and Incense TEL: 01691 828899 ALL DAY BREAKFAST AND SNACKS Pam Wood Waterloo House, High Street, Monday to Friday 8.30AM—2.30PM Llanfyllin, Powys, SY22 5AQ Saturday 8.30AM—2.00PM T: 01691 648648 Page 20 COOKERY SECTION SECTION M—OPEN Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class 139 Rich Fruit Cake 140 Six Meringues 141 A Tray Bake 142 Six Black Bean and Peanut Butter Brownies, see recipe on page 21 143 Six Ginger Snaps, see recipe page 22 144 An Apple Pie 145 Something made incorporating Pear 146 A Savoury Loaf 147 Six Breakfast Muffins 148 Six Savoury Palmiers 149 A Nut Roast 150 A Flask of Home-made Soup 151 A Bottle of Home-made Wine 152 A Bottle of Fruit Liqueur (e.g. Sloe Gin) 153 Cookery Disasters – Bring along your mishaps for judging SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION M—OPEN (To be completed for annually) The Ellis, Pentre Isa cup for most points gained in this section A cup for best exhibit in M (excluding Rich Fruit Cake) The Mrs. E. C. Lloyd Memorial Cup for the best Rich Fruit Cake. COOKERY SECTION SECTION N — NOVICE Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class 154 A Victoria Sandwich 155 Six Bread Rolls 156 A Quiche COOKERY SECTION SECTION O — OPEN PRESERVES Entry fee 30p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

Class 157 Jar of Jam 158 Jar of Lemon Curd 159 Jar of Marmalade 160 Jar of Jelly 161 Jar of Chutney 162 Jar of Pickle

TROPHY FOR MOST POINTS IN THIS SECTION (To be competed for annually) The Trebor Jones and Sons Trophy for most points given by Mr. and Mrs. Trebor Jones for Classes 157—162 Page 21 COOKERY SECTION SECTION M—OPEN GIVEN SET RECIPE—CLASS 142

Black Bean and Peanut Butter Brownies Ingredients • 60ml rapeseed or other veg. oil ¼ tsp salt

3 lge eggs, plus 1 lge egg yolk • 400g tin black beans, drained • 130g caster sugar 75g dark choc, chopped • 1 tsp vanilla essence 70g crunchy peanut butter • 30g cocoa powder 10g icing sugar • ¼ tsp baking powder

1. Preheat oven to gas 4, 180c, fan 160c. Grease a 22cm square tin with oil and line base with paper. 2. Rinse beans very well and drain on kitchen paper. Blitz beans, sugar, oil and vanilla extract in food processor until very smooth. 3. Sift in the cocoa powder, baking powder and salt, then pulse until thoroughly combined. Add eggs and yolk, one at a time, pulsing until just combined. Stir through the chopped chocolate. Scrape mixture into prepared tin and gently smooth the top. 4. Mix the peanut butter with the icing sugar in a small bowl. If too thick to swirl loosen with 1-2 tsp oil. Dollop spoonfuls of the mixture and swirl with a cocktail stick or knife. 5. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for approx 20-25mins until the top is set and the mixture no longer wobbles when the tin is shaken but is still quite soft in the centre. Cool for 20 mins in the tin, then transfer to a wire rack to cool com- pletely. Slice into 16 squares. The brownies will keep in an airtight container for up to 5 days


Llanfyllin Open April to October Llanfechain Village Hall Open October to March New Members Welcome Monday nights New Members 6.30pm Welcome Phone: 01691 828980 Wednesday evenings 7.30pm bowling.llanfyllin/ Phone: 01691 828648 Page 22 COOKERY SECTION SECTION M—OPEN GIVEN SET RECIPE—CLASS 143

Ginger Snaps

Ingredients • 85g Margarine • 225g S.R. Flour • 110g Syrup • Pinch salt • 1 Egg (beaten) • 1 tsp. Ground Ginger • 110g Caster Sugar

1. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly.

2. 2. Warm the margarine and syrup, beat together

3. 3. Add the dry ingredients and beaten egg alternately, a little at a time to the margarine and syrup. Mix well.

4. 4. Place single teaspoonfuls, in rounds, on a greased baking sheet. 5. Bake for approximately 15 minutes in a moderate oven 160-175°C /Gas mark 3-4.


Vegan Lemon Cake Ingredients

• 100 ml vegetable oil • 1 tsp baking powder • 275g self-raising flour • 1 lemon zested, ½ juiced • 200g golden caster sugar • Icing – ½ lemon juiced, 150g icing sugar

1. Heat oven to 200c/180fan/gas 6. Oil a 1lb loaf tin and line with paper. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and lemon zest in a bowl. Add the oil, lemon juice and 170ml cold water, then mix until smooth. 2. Pour the mixture into the tin. Bake for 45mins or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then re- move and transfer to wire rack to cool fully. 3. For the icing, sieve the icing sugar into a bowl. Mix in just enough lemon juice to make an icing thick enough to pour over the loaf (if you make icing too thin it will just run off the cake).

ALAN & KEVIN General Home Maintenance

Windows, Doors, Conservatories, Facia, Soffit & Guttering Alan Jones 07972382139 Kevin Miner 07944857830 Page 23

No job too large or small Competitive rates Free quotes

LLANFECHAIN POST OFFICE THE VILLAGE HALL, LLANFECHAIN, SY22 6UQ TELEPHONE 01691 828955 “not just a first class stamp” OPEN EVERY THURSDAY 9am to 5pm Best wishes to Llanfechain Show

Proprietors: Trebor, Carol and Gareth Jones AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS/PEIRIANWYR AMAETHYDDOL THE MOUNT LLANFYLLIN POWYS SY22 5LE Tel/Ffon: 01691 648411 Mob: 07866 537836 Steel Frame Buildings New & second hand Zetor tractors & agricultural machinery Good selection of spare parts, oil etc. In stock Full range of Husqvarna Lawn Tractors, Mowers, Brush Cutters, Strimmers, Blowers, Wood Shredders, Chainsaws and HSE Approved Safety Clothing and Footware Agents for most leading makes of Agricultural Machinery Page 24 CHILDREN’S COOKERY SECTION SECTION P—16 YEARS AND UNDER Entry fee 20p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £2.00. 2nd £1.50. 3rd £1.00

Class 163 Four Decorated Cup Cakes 164 Vegan Lemon Cake, see recipe on page 22 165 Something made incorporating Pear 166 Make a Graze Box 167 Four Sausage Rolls 168 Four Bread Rolls

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION P—16 years and under (to be competed for annually) A Perpetual Cup for most points gained in this section.

CHILDREN’S COOKERY SECTION SECTION Q—11 YEARS AND UNDER Entry fee 20p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £2.00. 2nd £1.50. 3rd £1.00

Class 169 Four Decorated Cup Cakes 170 A Chocolate Cake 171 Something made incorporating Pear 172 My Favourite Pudding 173 Make a Graze Box 174 Four Bread Rolls

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION Q – 11 years and under (to be competed for annually)

The Shillito Perpetual Cup for most points gained in this section.

CHILDREN’S COOKERY SECTION SECTION R— 7 YEARS AND UNDER Entry fee 20p for all classes Prizes:- 1st £2.00. 2nd £1.50. 3rd £1.00

Class 175 Four Decorated Cup Cakes 176 Four Rice Krispie Animals 177 My Favourite Pudding 178 A Star Bar, see recipe on page 26 (or choose your own) 179 Six Cheesy Rice Balls, see recipe on page 26 180 An Edible Snake

SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION R – 7 years and under (to be competed for annually)

The Glanbrogan Perpetual Cup for most points gained in this section. Page 25 CHILDREN’S ART AND CRAFT SECTION Entry free for all classes Prizes:- 1st £1.00. 2nd 80p. 3rd 50p


Class 181 Painting – ‘Year of the Pig’ 182 Handwriting – An Illustrated Acrostic Poem (copy “Courage” by Amy on page 27 or write your own) 183 A Decorated Stone 184 Make a Birthday Card 185 Make a Bag – any medium 186 Create a Flower – any medium SPECIAL AWARDS IN CHILDREN’S SECTION S (to be competed for annually)

The Mrs. M. E. G. Bonner-Maurice Cup for most points in this section


Class 187 A Super Hero—any medium 188 Handwriting – An Illustrated Acrostic Poem (copy “Earth” on page 27 or write your own) 189 A Decorated Stone 190 Make a Mini Broomstick, 60cm maximum 191 Flower Arrangement in a Sports Shoe 192 Make a Mythical Beast using vegetables and fruit SPECIAL AWARD IN CHILDREN’S SECTION T (to be competed for annually)

The Handicraft Perpetual Cup for most points gained in this section


Class 193 A Super Hero – any medium 194 Handwriting – An Illustrated Acrostic Poem (copy “Cats” on page 27 or write your own) 195 A Decorated Stone 196 Painting of a Rainbow 197 Flower Arrangement in a Sports Shoe 198 Make a Mythical Beast using vegetables and fruit

SPECIAL AWARD IN CHILDREN’S SECTION U (to be competed for annually)

The St. Garmon’s Perpetual Cup for most points gained in this section Children’s Art and Craft kindly sponsored by Steve Oliver

Please use Special Entry Form on page 49 all classes on this page Page 26 CHILDREN’S ART AND CRAFT SECTION Enty free for all classes Prizes:- 1st £1.00. 2nd 80p. 3rd 50p


Class 199 Hand Prints 200 A Splatter Picture using Bright Colours 201 A Glitter Picture

Children’s Art and Craft kindly sponsored by Steve Oliver

Please use Special Entry Form on page 49 all classes on this page


Star Bars (No-bake Fruit ‘n’ Nut bars) Ingredients

• 400g dark chocolate, roughly chopped • 60g Mixed Dried Berries or Fruit • 40g unsalted butter • 40g Pistachios & 40g flaked almonds, or nuts of your choice • 1 tbsp honey • 40g dried apricots, diced

1. In a heatproof bowl set over a pan of just simmering water melt the chocolate, butter and honey stirring occasionally until smooth. 2. Meanwhile in a separate bowl mix together the remaining ingredients. 3. Remove the chocolate mixture from the heat and stir in two-thirds of the fruit and nut mix. 4. Spread the mix over the base of an 18cm square tin. Sprinkle over the remaining fruit and nuts and press into the chocolate. Chill for at least 1 hour. 5. Cut into bars and keep chilled in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Cheesy Rice Balls Ingredients

• ¼ cup of breadcrumbs • 6 small mozzarella cubes • 1 egg • ½ tsp salt • 2 cups of cooked rice (we used basmati) • ½ cup of finely grated Parmesan

1. Line a baking tray with paper and brush with olive oil. 2. Mix the rice with Parmesan and salt in a bowl. 3. Take a small portion of the rice mixture and tuck a mozzarella cube in the centre. Shape the mix into a ball. 4. Now coat the rice balls with egg and breadcrumbs. 5. Bake in the oven at 180c/160c fan/gas 4 until golden brown in colour. Page 27 CHILDREN’S ART AND CRAFT ACROSTIC POEMS


Control your destiny

Overcome your fears

Understand your weakness

Rage against your inner voice.

Agoraphobia is not the way of life!

Get out of the house now!

Enjoy the unknown


Earth is beautiful A lot of plants here

Recycling helps

Tell a friend to clean up

Help out





Softly purring


Pleased to support Llanfechain Show 2019

Eagles Chippy - your friendly Chip Shop Proud to support onLlanfechain the High Show Street 2019

Open Tuesday - Saturday from 4.30pm

Serving twice-cooked Chips, freshly battered Cod and home-made Burgers

... and entertaining us this August in the Bistro Saturday 10 August - 80s & 90s Disco and Karaoke! Friday 23 August - Dai Robs!!

Facebook & Instagram @EaglesBistro

Hoping the sun shines for Llanfechain Show & wishing everyone a lovely day! Page 31

Sun Hotel Llansantffraid-ym-Mechain SY22 6AR

Beautiful Food in a Tastefully Renovated Coaching Inn revealing many original features.

10% discount from our extensive freshly cooked Menu with this advert.

Telephone 01691 828804 – [email protected]

Page 32

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Page 33 COMPANION DOG SHOW The organisers of this show are required by the Kennel Club to include the following information in our schedule

Dogs in cars on Hot Days

1. When travelling to a show please consider if the route to the show is on a busy holiday route and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams. 2. If your car is not air conditioned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all 3. The vehicle should be as fully ventilated as possible and plenty of stops should be taken with lots of water available to drink

4. Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight. There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog.

5. When at the show never leave your dog in the vehicle. 6. Keep your dog in the shade - take your own shade for example a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated.

7. Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exertion or from standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of time. Remember, if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel much hotter and dehydrated and this could lead to dire results. Please look after your dog's welfare.

If your dog is found to be at risk, forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.

Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met and should not put a dog's health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Regulations

Right to refuse entries: Exhibitors/competitors are reminded that show societies have the right to refuse entry should they feel the need to do so.

A dog docked on or after the 28th March 2007 may not be entered for exhibition at this show

LLANFECHAIN SHOW August 2019 – ONE HUNDRED CLUB – July 2020 Promoter – Rick Warburton

Support the Show by joining our 100 Club.

From each of the 100 members who will participate, a subscription of £12 will be collected, making a total of £1,200. Of this sum £600 will go to Llanfechain Show and the same figure will be paid back in prize money. A monthly draw of three prizes of £25, £15 and £10 will be made, the first on Show day and thereafter at the Village Quiz every third Friday of the month. Numbers available from Llanfechain Community Shop or ring Gwyneth 01691 828394, June 828077 or Rick 828869 Page 34 COMPANION DOG SHOW Entry fee for each class £1.00 Prizes:- 1st £3.00. 2nd £2.00. 3rd £1.00

(Held under Welsh Kennel Club Rules & Regulations) Classes 1 – 4 open to Pedigree Dogs

1 Any Variety Puppy 6 – 12 Months Old 2 Any Variety Sporting – Gun Dog, Hound, Terrier 3 Any Variety Non-sporting – Utility, Toy, Working, Pastoral 4 Any Variety Open

Best Pedigree Dog in Show will now be judged

Classes 5 – 15 open to All Dogs 5 Most Attractive Junior 6 - 18 Months Old 6 Best Conditioned and Groomed Dog 7 Best Veteran – 7 Years and Over 8 Most Handsome Dog 9 Prettiest Bitch 10 Best Rescue Dog 11 Best Child Handler Under 11 Years 12 Best Child Handler 12 – 16 Years 13 No Class 13 14 Best Local Dog – within 4 Miles of Llanfechain 15 Best Fancy Dress – Dog & Handler

Best Dog in Novelty Classes will now be judged Rosettes to 3rd place Perpetual cups for Best Sporting, Non-Sporting, Novelty & Local Dog The Gellisown Cup for Best Puppy The Dylan Thomas Shield for Best in Show The Dylan Thomas Cup for the Reserve Best in Show The Dylan Thomas Cup for Best Springer Spaniel in Show Dog Show classes kindly sponsored by Mr.James Pickstock.

Dog Show Organiser and Secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Yorke and Miss. Caroline Yorke 14 Maes Derw, Llanfechain, Powys SY22 6XN Telephone 01691 828614

Entries will be accepted between 11.00am and 12.30pm on the day of the show. No entries will be accepted after this time. Judging will commence at 1.00pm Please note that no CC winners, RCC or JW winners are allowed. Entry form on page 35 All exhibitors are expected to pay normal show admission fees. Page 35 LLANFECHAIN SHOW Monday 26th August 2019

ENTRY FORM COMPANION DOG SHOW (Held under Welsh Kennel Club Rules & Regulations) ENTRY FEE FOR EACH CLASS: £1.00 Prizes: 1st £3.00 2nd £2.00 3rd £1.00 Judging to commence at 1PM I wish to enter the following for which I enclose entrance fees of No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fee £

Name of Dog Breed if in Pedigree Class Classes Entry Fee



Name of owner Signature

Address Telephone No

A dog docked on or after the 28th March 2007 may not be entered for exhibition at this show

I hereby give notice that I intend to exhibit in the above classes and agree to conform to the rules and regulations of the Show Committee.

Please post or hand to: Mrs Elizabeth Yorke, 14 Maes Derw, Llanfechain, Powys SY22 6XN T: 01691 828614 or to the Show Secretaries.

Entries will also be accepted from 11.00am to 12.30pm on the day of the show.

Please note that no CC Winners, RCC or JW winners are allowed.

All exhibitors are expected to pay normal show admission fees. Page 36 DAVID THOMAS AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER 07817434459


Class 199 Best Turned Out Classic Vehicle SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION W OPEN

(To be competed for annually) The James Pickstock cup

CLASSIC MOTOR BIKES SECTION X— OPEN Entry free Cup for best turned out motor bike

Class 200 Best Turned Out Classic Motor Bike SPECIAL AWARD IN SECTION X OPEN

(To be competed for annually) The John Kendrick-Jones and Company trophy for the best turned out motor bike Trophy given by John Kendrick-Jones and Co. Brookside Garage, Hengoed

CHILDREN’S FANCY DRESS Entry free Prizes:- Rosette and prize

All children entering receive a prize

Children entering will be called forward on the field immediately after the opening of the exhibition areas at approximately 2-00pm and be judged by the President of the Show.

CHILDREN’S SPORT Entry free Money prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places

The children’s sports will take place on the Showfield during the afternoon. Events will be announced at time of start. All entrants go to the sport stewards on the field, entry is free.

Llanfechain Show gratefully acknowledges the help of those involved with organising the sports events.

Thanks to everyone who has supported and helped to make Llanfechain 2019 show possible. From the Chairman and committee Page 38 Page 39 LLANFECHAIN SHOW PRESIDENTS 1966 - 2019

1966 Major N. E. Lea 1993 Mrs. L. Bonnor-Maurice

1967 Dr. James, Llanfyllin 1994 Miss. Sheila Lloyd

1968 Mr. Edwards, Maesteg 1995 Rev. Ll. Rogers

1969 J. R. Jones, 1996 Miss. Judith Jones

1970 Mr. N. Thompson 1997 Dr. Adrian Weston

1971 Mrs. M. E. G. Bonnor-Maurice 1998 Lord Gowrie

1972 Mr. Norman Morris 1999 Mrs. Pam Morris

1973 Mr. Trevor Morris 2000 Mr. David Roberts

1974 Mr. J. H. Pritchard 2001 No show – foot & mouth

1975 Mr. O. P. Edwards 2002 Mr. Ken Price

1976 Major E. A. T. Bonnor-Maurice 2003 Ms. Nicky Samuel

1977 M. L. Jones 2004 Mr. Roy Wilde

1978 Cannon Hopkin-Evans 2005 Mrs. M. Hopkin Evans

1979 Mr. Elwyn Evans 2006 Mr. Bob Hatt

1980 Mr. Frank Roberts 2007 Mr. Clem Ellis

1981 Mrs. Rees-Jones 2008 Mr. Alun Morris

1982 Mr. Roy Evans 2009 Mr. Neville Williams

1983 Mr. Robert Jones-Perrott 2010 Dr. Richard Griffiths

1984 Mr. H. Whittingham 2011 Mr. Gwynne Owen

1985 Mr. S. H. Stokes 2012 Mr. James Pickstock

1986 Mrs. T. O. Lewis 2013 Mr. Trebor Jones

1987 Mr. David Gray 2014 Mr. Steve Roberts

1988 Mrs. Ann Edwards 2015 Mr. Brian Ellis

1989 Mr. G. O. Richards 2016 Mr. Alan Jukes

1990 Dr. Jane Rees 2017 Mr. Jason Kendrick-Jones

1991 Mr. Arwyn Roberts 2018 Iwan and Meinir Jones

1992 Mrs. Jean Wallington 2019 Mr. Phil Williams Page 40

PRESIDENTS EVENING Saturday 24th August — 7.00pm for 7.30pm

This year’s President, Phil Williams, is to host an evening with entertainment and food in the marquee on the recreation field.

Tickets available from LLanfechain Community Shop

All proceeds in aid of Llanfechain Show Page 41

• Saw milling of any timber Oil Boiler & Aga Rayburn • Fencing Servicing & Repairs • Firewood processing **** • Sawdust Oil Tank Replacement Service • Oak beams • Cladding **** • Locally sourced timber South View • Wood fuels—logs and woodchip Godor (BSL) Llansantffraid Powys Plas Onn SY22 6XS Llansantffraid Powys 01691 828346 0797 4549712 Page 42 LLANFECHAIN SHOW Monday 26th August 2019 APPLICATION FORM FOR TRADE OR CHARITY STAND AND TABLE TOP




Number of tables required


Telephone No.

Email address

Food and Refreshment stands by prior arrangement only with the Committee

Charges per stand by agreement All stalls and stands to be paid for when booked


Mrs. Angela Reilly, 4 Mount View, Llanfechain, Powys, SY22 6XJ Telephone 01691 828648

Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright, Stryt, Llanfechain, SY22 6XH Telephone 01691 828687 Email [email protected]

Mrs. J. Row, Wern Oleu, Llanfechain, Powys SY22 6UY Telephone 01691 828077 Email [email protected] Page 43

NEXT TO THE SUN HOTEL LLANSANTFFRAID Monday 4:30pm to 8:30pm (Bank Holiday Mondays Only) Tuesday to Saturday 11:30am—2:00pm and 4:30pm—9:00pm Sunday—Closed

Daisy Blue Boutique Denbigh House 28a High Street Llanfyllin SY22 5AQ

01691 648600

Clothing, Accessories and Gifts Welsh Greetings Cards [email protected]

Wishing Llanfechain a Very Successful Show Page 44

I. Jackson & Sons FUNERAL DIRECTORS We always provide the highest level of care, compassion and professionalism. Available 24 hours a day Pre-paid funeral plans available 01691 648243 THE OLD CHAPEL, NARROW STREET, LLANFYLLIN, POWYS. SY22 5BU





Number of tables required


Telephone No.

Email address

Will you be demonstrating? Yes No

Charges per stall: £10 for 1 table, additional table/s £5 each All tables must be paid for at the time of booking £5 refund for demonstrators on the day.



Mrs. Angela Reilly, 4 Mount View, Llanfechain, Powys, SY22 6XJ Telephone 01691 828648 Email [email protected]

Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright, Stryt, Llanfechain, SY22 6XH Telephone 01691 828687 Email [email protected]

Mrs. J. Row, Wern Oleu, Llanfechain, Powys SY22 6UY Telephone 01691 828077 Email [email protected] Page 48 Page 49 LLANFECHAIN SHOW Monday 26th August 2019



The entries above are my own and unaided. My parent or teacher has talked about the need for rules in Llanfechain Show

Exhibitors name ...... Date of birth ......

Address ......

...... Telephone ......

Exhibitor’s school ......


Mrs. June Row, Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright Mrs. Angela Reilly Wern Oleu, Stryt, 4 Mount View Llanfechain. Llanfechain, Llanfechain Powys SY22 6XH Powys SY22 6UY SY22 6XJ Telephone 01691 828687 Telephone 01691 828077 Telephone 01691 828648

Email bec.durston- Email [email protected] Email [email protected] [email protected]

Teachers please note that group entries and/or exhibits may be lodged with the Secretaries prior to the Summer Holidays by arrangement Page 50

MOTs, Tyres & Servicing, Diagnostics, Batteries, Exhaust, Car Sales

Air Conditioning on all makes & Models

Chadd’s are experts in automotive repair including MoT testing, tyres, car servicing, exhausts, diagnostics, and air-con.

We’re open 6 days a week, from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 1pm on Saturday.

Porth-Y-Waen, Oswestry, SY10 8LX Telephone: 01691 831633 Pant, The Rocklands, Pant, SY10 9QE Telephone: 01691 839555 [email protected]

Mobile: 07779710986 Page 51 LLANFECHAIN COMMUNITY SHOP LTD 01691 828466

Get your...

• Fresh Bread and cakes

• Milk and dairy products Use Pay Zone to:

• Meat • Top up mobile phones and E • Fruit and Vegetables Vouchers

• Pay by credit • Sandwiches card

• Play the • hot & Cold drinks Health Lottery

• Newspapers • Grocery

• Local produce

• Stationery

• Cards

• Ice cream

• Photocopying & LAMINATING

• Coal, logs & kindling

• PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS Shop Opening Times Monday to Friday 8am till 5pm Saturday and Sunday 8am till 12.30pm Page 52

car and van hire

Mile Oak Industrial Estate Maesbury Road Oswestry, Shropshire. SY10 8GA [email protected] Telephone 01691 688688 AMANDA’S Hair by Design Family Hairdressers Appointment Days Tuesday 9-5 Wednesday 9-6 Friday 9-5 Saturday 8.30-4.30

Walk in days Wednesday 1-6 Thursday 9-5 Saturday 8.30-12.00 Lush Beauty on Wednesday’s Llanfyllin 01691 649010 Amanda and her team wish the show every success

Page 53 LLANFECHAIN SHOW Monday 26th August 2019


No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fee.


I agree to abide by the rules and regulations as found in the schedule.

I enclose entry fees of £ for the above exhibits. Please make cheques payable to Llanfechain Show.

Exhibitors name ...... Telephone No ......

Address ......

...... Postcode ......


Mrs. June Row, Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright Mrs. Angela Reilly Wern Oleu, Stryt, 4 Mount View Llanfechain. Llanfechain, Llanfechain Powys SY22 6XH Powys SY22 6UY Telephone 01691 828687 SY22 6XJ

Telephone 01691 828077 Telephone 01691 828648 Email bec.durston- Email [email protected] [email protected] Email [email protected]

Page 54 Page 55 LLANFECHAIN SHOW Monday 26th August 2019


No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fee.


I agree to abide by the rules and regulations as found in the schedule.

I enclose entry fees of £ for the above exhibits. Please make cheques payable to Llanfechain Show.

Exhibitors name ...... Telephone No ......

Address ......

...... Postcode ......


Mrs. June Row, Mrs. Rebecca Durston-Wright Mrs. Angela Reilly Wern Oleu, Stryt, 4 Mount View Llanfechain. Llanfechain, Llanfechain Powys SY22 6XH Powys SY22 6UY Telephone 01691 828687 SY22 6XJ

Telephone 01691 828077 Telephone 01691 828648 Email bec.durston- Email [email protected] [email protected] Email [email protected]

Page 56

W. Jones & Son Pendref, Llanfyllin Timber & Builders’ Merchants Joiners For all your building requirements


TEL 01691 648286 Page 57 Page 58 HUW MORRIS Car repairs & servicing

Diagnostic work Mot preparation All makes

Ty Du, Llanfechain 079722 59585 01691 648635

PHILIP PAUL Car Centre Quality used car specialists


01691 655556