Public Document Pack Portfolio Holder for Highways, Recycling and Assets County Hall For further information please contact Llandrindod Wells Powys LD1 5LG 7 February 2019 Stephen Boyd
[email protected] 01597 826374 NOTICE OF INTENDED PORTFOLIO HOLDER DELEGATED DECISION The Portfolio Holder has received the following report for a decision to be taken under delegated authority. The decision will be taken on 13 February 2019 (i.e. 3 clear days after the date of this note). The decision will be published on the Council’s website but will not be implemented until 5 clear days after the date of publication of the decision) to comply with the call-in process set out in Rule 7.36 of the Constitution. 1. CO-LOCATION OF LIBRARY AND MUSEUM, WELSHPOOL (Pages 3 - 62) 1 This page is intentionally left blank 1 CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL PORTFOLIO HOLDER DELEGATED DECISION by COUNTY COUNCILLOR PHYL DAVIES (PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR HIGHWAYS, ASSETS & RECYCLING) AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR RACHEL POWELL (PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR YOUNG PEOPLE & CULTURE) February 2019 REPORT AUTHOR: Principal Librarian and Principal Lead, Museums, Archives & Information Management SUBJECT: Co-location of library and museum, Welshpool REPORT FOR: Decision 1. Summary 1.1 Further to a Cabinet report of 18 December 2018, the purpose of this report is to review responses submitted through the public and staff consultations on the proposed colocation and integration of library and museum services within the current Powysland museum building in Welshpool, in order to make an informed decision on the future of the proposal. 1.2 The Cabinet report of 18 December 2018 approved the recommendation that delegated authority is given to the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Assets and Recycling and the Director of Environment to make this decision.