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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov. u.s. Department of Justice Office ofJustice Program~ Bureau of Justice Statistics <' '> . • I, .. < • • ~ • ... " ," '.' I Bureau of Justice Statistics Female victims of violent crime, Law enforcement management Drugs & crime data: NCJ·127187, 1/91 reports BJS bulletins and special reports: State drug resources: A national directory, Redesign of the National Crime Survey, Police departments In large cities, 1967, NCJ·122582, 5/90 (Revised April 1991) NCJ·111457, 3/89 NCJ·119220, 8/89 Federat drug data lor nail anal policy, NCJ· The seasonality of crime vlctimlxation, Profile of state and local law enforcement 122715, 4/90 NCJ·ll1033,6188 Call toll·free 800·732·3277 (local 301· Drugs and crime facts, 1989, NCJ·121022, Crime and older Americans Information agencies, NCJ·113949, 3189 251·5500) 10 order BJS reporls, 10 be 1190 package, NCJ·104569, $10, 5/87 added 10 one of the BJS mailing Iisis, Teenage victims, NCJ·103138, 12186 Expenditure and employment or to speak to a reference specialist In Victimization and fear of crime: World Computer crime statistics at the Justice statistics BJS bulletins: perspectives, NCJ·93872, 1185, $9.15 Justice expenditure and employment: BJS spec/al reporls: Clearinghouse, National Criminal The National Crime Survey: Working papers, 1988, NCJ·123132, 7190 Electronic fund transler fraud, NCJ·96666, Justice Reference Service, Box 6000, vol. I: Current and historical perspectives, 3185 Anti·drug abuse formula grants: Justice Rockville, MD 20850. NCJ·75374, 8182 Electronic fund transfer and crime, NCJ· variable pass·through data, 1958 (BJS vol.
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