Social Issues in Ballads and Songs, Edited by Matilda Burden
SOCIAL ISSUES IN BALLADS AND SONGS Edited by MATILDA BURDEN Kommission für Volksdichtung Special Publications SOCIAL ISSUES IN BALLADS AND SONGS Social Issues in Ballads and Songs Edited by MATILDA BURDEN STELLENBOSCH KOMMISSION FÜR VOLKSDICHTUNG 2020 Kommission für Volksdichtung Special Publications Copyright © Matilda Burden and contributors, 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Peer-review statement All papers have been subject to double-blind review by two referees. Editorial Board for this volume Ingrid Åkesson (Sweden) David Atkinson (England) Cozette Griffin-Kremer (France) Éva Guillorel (France) Sabina Ispas (Romania) Christine James (Wales) Thomas A. McKean (Scotland) Gerald Porter (Finland) Andy Rouse (Hungary) Evelyn Birge Vitz (USA) Online citations accessed and verified 25 September 2020. Contents xxx Introduction 1 Matilda Burden Beaten or Burned at the Stake: Structural, Gendered, and 4 Honour-Related Violence in Ballads Ingrid Åkesson The Social Dilemmas of ‘Daantjie Okso’: Texture, Text, and 21 Context Matilda Burden ‘Tlačanova voliča’ (‘The Peasant’s Oxen’): A Social and 34 Speciesist Ballad Marjetka Golež Kaučič From Textual to Cultural Meaning: ‘Tjanne’/‘Barbel’ in 51 Contextual Perspective Isabelle Peere Sin, Slaughter, and Sexuality: Clamour against Women Child- 87 Murderers by Irish Singers of ‘The Cruel Mother’ Gerald Porter Separation and Loss: An Attachment Theory Approach to 100 Emotions in Three Traditional French Chansons Evelyn Birge Vitz ‘Nobody loves me but my mother, and she could be jivin’ too’: 116 The Blues-Like Sentiment of Hip Hop Ballads Salim Washington Introduction Matilda Burden As the 43rd International Ballad Conference of the Kommission für Volksdichtung was the very first one ever to be held in the Southern Hemisphere, an opportunity arose to play with the letter ‘S’ in the conference theme.
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