Botanica Marina Vol. 46,2003, pp. 215-242 © 2003 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin ■ New York Subscriptions Botanica Marina is published bimonthly. Annual subscription rate (Volume 46,2003) Checklist of Mediterranean Free-living Dinoflagellates Institutional rate: € 938,-/approx. SFr1 50 1 in the US and Canada US $ 938,-. Individual rate: € 118,-/approx. SFr 189,-; in the US and Canada US $ 118,-. Personal rates apply only when copies are sent to F. Gómez a private address and payment is made by a personal check or credit card. Personal subscriptions must not be donated to a library. Single issues: € 178,-/approx. SFr 285,-. All prices exclude postage. Department of Aquatic Biosciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan,
[email protected] Orders Institutional subscription orders should be addressed to the publishers orto your usual subscription agent. Individual subscrip tion orders must be sent directly to one of the addresses indicated below. The Americas: An annotated checklist of the free-living dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) of the Mediterranean Sea, based on Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 200 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, N.Y. 10532, USA, Tel. 914-747-0110, Fax 914-747-1326, literature records, is given. The distribution of 673 species in 9 Mediterranean sub-basins is reported. The e-mail:
[email protected]. number of taxa among the sub-basins was as follows: Ligurian (496 species), Balear-Provençal (360), Adri Australia and New Zealand: atic (322), Tyrrhenian (284), Ionian (283), Levantine (268), Aegean (182), Alborán (179) and Algerian Seas D. A. Information Services, 648 Whitehorse Road, P.O.