Parasites, Diet and Stable Isotopes of Shorthorn Sculpin \(Myoxocephalus

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Parasites, Diet and Stable Isotopes of Shorthorn Sculpin \(Myoxocephalus Article available at or PARASITES, DIET AND STABLE ISOTOPES OF SHORTHORN SCULPIN (MYOXOCEPHALUS SCORPIUS) FROM FROBISHER BAY, CANADA DICK T.*, CHAMBERS C.* & GALLAGHER C.P.*,** Summary: Résumé : PARASITISME, RÉGIME ALIMENTAIRE ET ISOTOPES STABLES DU CHABOISSEAU À ÉPINES COURTES (MYOXOCEPHALUS SCORPIUS) DE LA BAIE Shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from Frobisher Bay, DE FROBISHER, CANADA Baffin Island, is a slow growing long-lived species. A wide range of diet items were present in the stomachs of the shorthorn sculpins Le chaboisseau à épines courtes (Myoxocephalus scorpius) de la sampled but 2-3 diet items (amphipod species) comprised 99.5 % Baie de Frobisher, Terre de Baffin, est un poisson à croissance lente of total food consumed. These amphipods were present in the et de grande longévité. Une grande variété de proies alimentaires a stomachs in similar proportions among all age classes of shorthorn été retrouvée dans l’estomac de nos échantillons mais 2 à 3 d’entre- sculpin. Several new host records for parasites were reported and elles (des amphipodes) représentent 99,5 % des aliments mean numbers of parasite species increased with shorthorn sculpin consommés. Ces crustacés sont présents dans les mêmes proportions age. The increased diversity of parasite species and higher δ15N dans les estomacs des différentes classes d’âge de chaboisseau. values in older/larger individuals suggest that their diets were Plusieurs espèces de parasites sont nouvellement rapportées chez more diverse and the prey items consumed had higher δ15N ces poissons chez qui le nombre moyen des espèces de parasites values. By contrast, the value of δ13C in dominant diet items augmente avec l’âge. La plus grande diversité d’espèces de δ15 masked the δ13C values of minor diet items. We conclude that parasites et des valeurs N plus élevées observées chez les parasites and stable isotope values provide complementary data individus plus vieux/plus grands suggère que leur régime alimentaire on feeding patterns of the shorthorn sculpin. The ubiquitous marine est soit plus diversifié et que les proies consommées ont des valeurs δ15 δ13 acanthocephalan, Echinorhynchus gadi, was found at high N plus élevées. De façon contrastée, les valeurs C des proies δ13 prevalences (87-100 %) and mean intensities (28-35), and were dominantes du régime masquent les valeurs C des proies localized in the midgut. In contrast to other studies on secondaires. Nous concluons que le parasitisme et les valeurs acanthocephalans, E. gadi did not influence fish condition as d’isotopes stables apportent des données complémentaires sur measured by condition factor, liver somatic and gonado-somatic l’alimentation de ce chaboisseau. Echinorhynchus gadi, indices. acanthocéphale marin omniprésent, a été retrouvé à une fréquence élevée (87-100 %) et des intensités moyennes (28-35), et a été KEY WORDS : shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius, parasites, diet, stable localisé dans l’intestin moyen. Contrairement à d’autres études sur isotopes. les acanthocéphales, E. gadi n’a pas d’influence sur la condition et les indices gonado- et hépato-somatiques des poissons MOTS CLÉS : chaboisseau à épines courtes, Myoxocephalus scorpius, parasitisme, régime alimentaire, isotopes stables. INTRODUCTION Scott, 1988; Sulgostowska et al., 1990). From the limited information on shorthorn sculpin food habits, its diet he shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius L. is fairly broad (Moore & Moore, 1974) and Norderhaug 1758) is a benthic fish species associated with et al. (2005) described them as generalist, feeding on Tcool shoal marine waters and it is distributed on a wide range of kelp-associated invertebrates. Scott & both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic where Scott (1988) listed some of the earliest records of para- it ranges from Alaska to Hudson Bay and Baffin Island, sites infecting sculpin in North America & Sulgostow- and from Svalbard and the Kara Sea (Scott & Scott, ska et al. (1990) listed parasites from shorthorn sculpin 1988). Scott & Scott (1988) described the general bio- collected in the Baltic Sea. Macdonald & Margolis (1995) logy of this species and other reports deal with the provided an extensive list of parasites from shorthorn food of sculpin (Moore & Moore, 1974), growth and sculpin but most were reported from the Atlantic sexual maturity (Ennis, 1970) and parasites (Scott & region and most were protozoa and myxozoa. The metazoan parasite species listed included five non-host specific trematode species, one larval nematode, one * Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Win- larval tapeworm and the Mongenea, Gryodactylus groen- nipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2. landicus Levisen 1881. Recently there has been an inte- ** Current address: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Winnipeg, Mani- toba, Canada. 501 University Crescent, R3T-2N6. rest in the shorthorn sculpin as an intermediate host Correspondence: Terry Dick. E-mail: [email protected] for the transmission of the seal worm, Pseudoterranova Parasite, 2009, 16, 297-304 Mémoire 297 DICK T., CHAMBERS C. & GALLAGHER C.P. decipiens (Krabbe, 1878), (Jensen & Andersen, 1992; about 10 km east, was close to Iqaluit at the Sylvia Grin- Jensen, 1997; Midtgaard et al., 2003). There are no stu- nell River estuary (63° 43’ N, 68° 46’ W). dies that focused on the Canadian Arctic or the rela- tionship of diet, parasites transmitted through the diet SAMPLE COLLECTION and stable isotopes in fish muscle. Shorthorn sculpin were collected in early July 2002 Sculpin species may be a good indicator for changes from the Sylvia Grinnell estuary (n = 21) and mid Sep- in the Arctic environment since they lack a swim tember 2005 from Peterhead Inlet (n = 80). Specimens bladder which limits their movements. Inshore popu- were collected in the intertidal zone (approximate lations of shorthorn sculpin likely feed on invertebrates maximum intertidal range of 11.2 m) from intertidal that transmit common non-host specific marine para- pools (typically along concave depressions at the base sites but little has been published on this relationship. of a glacial erratic). Experimental gillnets (38, 64, 89, Historical records of food consumed over time are com- 114 and 139 mm stretched mesh) set and lifted at low monly studied using stable isotopes ratios (Michener & Kaufman, 2007) and it has become an important tide (approximately 12 hours) were used. research tool to describe trophic relationships within All specimens were frozen shortly after capture for later freshwater (Johnson et al., 2004) and marine environ- examination. Fish were thawed, measured, weighed ments (Davenport & Bax, 2002). Data from stable iso- and eviscerated. The sex was recorded from each tope analysis provides a measure of the assimilated sample. Otoliths were collected and subsequently fish diet, in the long term (Thomas & Cahoon, 1993; Wain- ages were determined by the “crack-and-burn” method right et al., 1993; Post, 2002). The two most frequently described in CARE (2006). studied natural isotopes are carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and these isotopes are useful in the construc- PARASITES tion of food webs as animals are similar in isotopic The following organs were examined for parasites: eso- composition to their diets (Kline et al., 1998; Monteiro phagus, stomach, intestine divided into fore-, mid- and et al., 1991; Post, 2002; Sholto-Douglas et al., 1991). hind-gut, liver, spleen and body cavity. Parasite pre- The level of nitrogen is usually enriched over the prey valence, mean intensity and abundance for parasites 14 (diet item) because lighter N is excreted during trans- were calculated according to Margolis et al. (1982). amination and deamination (Macko et al., 1982). By 13 contrast, the fractionation of C is usually less than DIET nitrogen but it is useful to reveal the origin of the carbon source in the diet. (Minagawa & Wada, 1984). Food items from the stomach and the intestine were Similar to stable isotopes, parasites provide an impor- identified and counted. Diet data was analyzed as fol- tant proxy for diet as endohelminthes are transmitted lows: percent frequency (number of a specific diet item in the diet. Stable isotopes of adult fish can reveal diet divided by the total number of all diet items) and fre- information for > 1 year while parasites reveal diet (the quency of occurrence (% individuals with a specific intermediate host) for at least one year. Both types of diet item) (Cortés, 1997). data complement diet analysis which is limited by empty stomachs or variation in food availability across STABLE ISOTOPES size ranges and life stages (Pinnegar & Polunin 2000). δ13C and δ15N isotopic analyses on the muscle (pro- The purpose of this study was to investigate diet, tein) were accomplished by continuous flow ion ratio parasite infections, and δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) using a GV-Instruments® among age classes of shorthorn sculpin from Frobisher IsoPrime attached to a peripheral temperature control- Bay, Canada. These data would be used to provide led EuroVector® elemental analyzer (EA) (University of additional information on the diet of short horn sculpin, Winnipeg Isotope Laboratory, UWIL). One mg samples using short-term (parasites transmitted by food) and of freeze dried fish muscle were loaded into tin cap- long-term (stable isotopes of δ13C and δ15N) indicators. sules and placed in the EA auto-sampler in
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