1974 to 25Th March, 1975
INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 7th August, 1974 to 25th March, 1975 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Some subjects are grouped under the following headings: ASSEMBLY (includes COUNCIL (includes RULINGS, etc.) RULINGS, etc.) PETITIONS BILLS / DIVISIONS Explanation of Abbreviations: Address, Address in Reply; adj., Motion for Adjournment; ad. rep., Adoption of Report; appn, Appropriation Bill; Com., Committee; cons. amdts, Consideration of Amendments; cons. mes., Consideration of Message; int., Introduction; loan appn, General Loan Account Appropriation Bill; m., Motion; mes., Message; min. stmt, Ministerial Statement; m.s.o., Motion for Suspension of Standing or Sessional Orders; pers. expl., Personal Explanation; p.o., Point of Order; g., Question; IR., 2~., 3~.,First, Second, Third Reading; recom., Kecommittal; recons. amdts, Reconsideration of Amendments; urgency, Motion of Urgency. Address in Reply: Aborigines (See also "Educationy', "Hous- ing", "Social and Welfare Services"): First Day's Debate, 47; Second Day's Debate, 122; Third Day's Debate, 174; Fourth Day's Advancement, loan appn, 2359. Debate, 250; Fifth Day's Debate, 332; Sixth Commonwealth Grants, appn, 1789. Day's Debate, 386; Seventh Day's Debate, 476; Presentation, 655. Housing Loans, g., 3326. COUNCIL: Abortion: First Day's Debate, 21; Second Day's Debate, Clinics, g., 116; address, 513, 516. 93; Third Day's Debate, 150; Fourth Day's Debate, 228; Fifth Day's Debate, 306; Sixth Government Policy, address, 265, 521. Day's Debate, 361; Seventh Day's Debate, Great Britain Report, address, 515. 451; Eighth Day's Debate, 533; Ninth Day's Debate, 603; Presentation, 692. Hippocratic Oath, address, 513. Illegal, g., 1008. Law, g., 42; address, 513; petition, 967, Advertising: 23 12.
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