AASP Mission, Goals, Measures, & Classifications
Mission, Goals, Measures and Classifications A COMPONENT OF THE November 2011 Prepared for With a Grant from Alaska Department Federal Aviation of Transportation and Administration Public Facilities Prepared by: As subconsultants to: WHPACIFIC, Inc. DOWL HKM 300 W. 31st Avenue 4041 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 www.AlaskaASP.com Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-339-6500 907-562-2000 A message from the Desk of Steven D. Hatter, Deputy Commissioner – Aviation I am pleased to present this report on the Mission, Goals, Performance Measures and Classifications of Alaska’s Airports. The goals, objectives, performance measures, and airport classifications presented herein establish a framework to set priorities and guide our work in aviation. They also provide mechanisms to help implement the aviation-related goals and priorities identified in the Alaska Statewide Transportation Policy Plan (“Let’s Get Moving 2030”) and the Department’s 2011 Strategic Agenda. The development of a relevant and integrated system of goals, objectives, and performance measures provides the Department with a powerful tool for communicating with the public and legislators, managing resources, and motivating employees. Our goals are general guidelines that explain what is to be achieved by the Department’s aviation programs. Our objectives define the specific strategies or implementation steps we will take to attain the goals – the “who, what, when, where, and how” of reaching the goals. Our performance measures provide statistical evidence to indicate whether progress is being made towards our objectives. Performance measures are an essential tool in public administration, used to direct resources and ensure that programs are producing intended results. Alaska has over 700 registered airports and these airports vary widely in size, use, and the amount of infrastructure and facility development.
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