Appendix F Vascular Flora Taxa Recorded Within the Study Area

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Appendix F Vascular Flora Taxa Recorded Within the Study Area UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment APPENDIX F VASCULAR FLORA TAXA RECORDED WITHIN THE STUDY AREA April 2017 75 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Conservation Family Taxon Status Introduced Amaranthaceae Ptilotus polystachyus Asparagaceae Lomandra hastilis Asparagaceae Lomandra sp. Asteraceae Cotula coronopifolia * Asteraceae Pithocarpa pulchella Asteraceae Podotheca gnaphalioides Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus * Asteraceae Ursinia anthemoides * Boraginaceae Halgania sp. Byblidaceae Byblis lamellata Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina acuaria Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina campestris Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina humilis Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina microstachya Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina thuyoides Celastraceae Stackhousia sp. Celastraceae Tripterococcus brunonis Chenopodiaceae Atriplex sp. Colchicaceae Burchardia congesta Cupressaceae Callitris acuminata Cupressaceae Callitris arenaria Cyperaceae Caustis dioica Cyperaceae Cyathochaeta sp. Cyperaceae Lepidosperma ?squamatum Cyperaceae Lepidosperma apricola Cyperaceae Lepidosperma costale Cyperaceae Mesomelaena pseudostygia Cyperaceae Mesomelaena stygia subsp. stygia Cyperaceae Mesomelaena tetragona Cyperaceae Schoenus curvifolius Cyperaceae Schoenus pedicellatus Cyperaceae Schoenus subfascicularis Dasypogonaceae Calectasia narragara Dasypogonaceae Dasypogon obliquifolius Dilleniaceae Hibbertia acerosa Dilleniaceae Hibbertia hypericoides subsp. septentrionalis Dilleniaceae Hibbertia leucocrossa Dilleniaceae Hibbertia sericosepala Dilleniaceae Hibbertia spicata subsp. spicata Dilleniaceae Hypocalymma xanthopetalum Ecdeiocoleaceae Ecdeiocolea monostachya Ericaceae Andersonia heterophylla Ericaceae Astroloma sp. Ericaceae Conostephium ?magnum (indet.) P4 Ericaceae Leucopogon ?conostephioides sens. lat. (indet.) Ericaceae Leucopogon simulans Ericaceae Lysinema pentapetalum April 2017 76 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Conservation Family Taxon Status Introduced Fabaceae Acacia alata var. tetrantha Fabaceae Acacia barbinervis Fabaceae Acacia blakelyi Fabaceae Acacia fagonioides Fabaceae Acacia lasiocarpa Fabaceae Acacia pulchella Fabaceae Acacia saligna Fabaceae Acacia sessilis Fabaceae Acacia stenoptera Fabaceae Bossiaea eriocarpa Fabaceae Daviesia angulata Fabaceae Daviesia epiphyllum Fabaceae Daviesia nudiflora subsp. nudiflora Fabaceae Daviesia podophylla Fabaceae Gastrolobium ?plicatum Fabaceae Gastrolobium polystachyum Fabaceae Gastrolobium spinosum Fabaceae Gompholobium confertum Fabaceae Gompholobium pungens Fabaceae Gompholobium tomentosum Fabaceae Jacksonia ?ramulosa Fabaceae Jacksonia ?sternbergiana Fabaceae Jacksonia anthoclada P3 Fabaceae Jacksonia floribunda Fabaceae Jacksonia lehmannii Fabaceae Jacksonia nutans Fabaceae Jacksonia ramulosa Gentianaceae Schenkia australis Goodeniaceae Lechenaultia hirsuta Goodeniaceae Verreauxia reinwardtii Haemodoraceae Blancoa canescens Haemodoraceae Conostylis ?aurea Haemodoraceae Conostylis androstemma Haemodoraceae Conostylis aurea Haemodoraceae Conostylis sp. Haemodoraceae Conostylis tomentosa Haemodoraceae Phlebocarya filifolia Haemodoraceae Phlebocarya pilosissima subsp. pilosissima P3 Haloragaceae Gonocarpus pithyoides Hemerocallidaceae Arnocrinum gracillimum P2 Hemerocallidaceae Arnocrinum preissii Hemerocallidaceae Hensmania stoniella P3 Iridaceae Patersonia occidentalis Lamiaceae Hemiandra aff. sp. Jurien (B.J. Conn & M.E. Tozer BJC 3885) Lamiaceae Hemiandra aff. sp. Eneabba (H. Demarz 3687) P3* Lamiaceae Hemiandra aff. sp. Kalbarri (D. Bellairs 1505) P2* Lamiaceae Hemiandra pungens Lamiaceae Microcorys sp. Coomallo (L. Haegi 2677) Lamiaceae Quoya verbascina April 2017 77 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Conservation Family Taxon Status Introduced Malvaceae Lasiopetalum drummondii Myrtaceae ?Scholtzia sp. (indet.) Myrtaceae Babingtonia erecta Myrtaceae Beaufortia bicolor P3 Myrtaceae Beaufortia bracteosa Myrtaceae Beaufortia elegans Myrtaceae Calothamnus longissimus Myrtaceae Calothamnus quadrifidus Myrtaceae Calothamnus sanguineus Myrtaceae Calytrix chrysantha P4 Myrtaceae Calytrix drummondii Myrtaceae Calytrix eneabbensis P4 Myrtaceae Calytrix flavescens Myrtaceae Calytrix fraseri Myrtaceae Calytrix sapphirina Myrtaceae Darwinia speciosa Myrtaceae Eremaea beaufortioides var. microphylla Myrtaceae Eremaea violacea Myrtaceae Eucalyptus ?rigidula Myrtaceae Eucalyptus accedens Myrtaceae Eucalyptus conveniens Myrtaceae Eucalyptus drummondii Myrtaceae Eucalyptus gittinsii subsp. illucida Myrtaceae Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. elachantha P4 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. macrocarpa Myrtaceae Eucalyptus rudis subsp. rudis Myrtaceae Eucalyptus todtiana Myrtaceae Eucalyptus drummondii Myrtaceae Leptospermum oligandrum Myrtaceae Leptospermum spinescens Myrtaceae Melaleuca ?trichophylla (white tomentose leaves) Myrtaceae Melaleuca leuropoma Myrtaceae Melaleuca rhaphiophylla Myrtaceae Melaleuca trichophylla Myrtaceae Melaleuca uncinata Myrtaceae Melaleuca viminea Myrtaceae Pileanthus filifolius Myrtaceae Scholtzia ?laxiflora Myrtaceae Scholtzia laxiflora Myrtaceae Scholtzia sp. Myrtaceae Verticordia aurea P4 Myrtaceae Verticordia densiflora var. cespitosa Myrtaceae Verticordia densiflora var. densiflora Myrtaceae Verticordia drummondii Myrtaceae Verticordia eriocephala Myrtaceae Verticordia grandis Myrtaceae Verticordia insignis subsp. eomagis P3 Myrtaceae Verticordia laciniata Myrtaceae Verticordia ovalifolia April 2017 78 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Conservation Family Taxon Status Introduced Myrtaceae Verticordia pennigera Myrtaceae Verticordia pholidophylla Myrtaceae Verticordia rutilastra P3 Olacaceae Olax scalariformis Pittosporaceae Billardiera ?venusta Poaceae Amphipogon turbinatus Poaceae Briza maxima * Poaceae Ehrharta calycina * Poaceae Lolium sp. * Poaceae Neurachne alopecuroidea Poaceae Polypogon monspeliensis * Polygalaceae Comesperma acerosum Proteaceae Adenanthos cygnorum Proteaceae Banksia ?micrantha Proteaceae Banksia ?sphaerocarpa Proteaceae Banksia attenuata Proteaceae Banksia bipinnatifida subsp. multifida Proteaceae Banksia candolleana Proteaceae Banksia carlinoides Proteaceae Banksia chamaephyton P4 Proteaceae Banksia dallanneyi Proteaceae Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi Proteaceae Banksia fraseri var. crebra P3 Proteaceae Banksia glaucifolia Proteaceae Banksia grossa Proteaceae Banksia incana Proteaceae Banksia kippistiana var. kippistiana Proteaceae Banksia lanata Proteaceae Banksia leptophylla Proteaceae Banksia menziesii Proteaceae Banksia sclerophylla Proteaceae Banksia shuttleworthiana Proteaceae Banksia tortifolia Proteaceae Banksia tridentata Proteaceae Conospermum canaliculatum Proteaceae Conospermum crassinervium Proteaceae Conospermum nervosum Proteaceae Grevillea amplexans subsp. adpressa P1 Proteaceae Grevillea eriostachya Proteaceae Grevillea synapheae subsp. pachyphylla Proteaceae Hakea ?lissocarpha Proteaceae Hakea auriculata Proteaceae Hakea conchifolia Proteaceae Hakea costata Proteaceae Hakea flabellifolia Proteaceae Hakea incrassata Proteaceae Hakea prostrata Proteaceae Hakea psilorrhyncha Proteaceae Hakea ruscifolia April 2017 79 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Conservation Family Taxon Status Introduced Proteaceae Hakea smilacifolia Proteaceae Hakea stenocarpa Proteaceae Hakea trifurcata Proteaceae Lambertia multiflora Proteaceae Persoonia ?angustiflora Proteaceae Persoonia comata Proteaceae Persoonia filiformis P2 Proteaceae Persoonia rudis P3 Proteaceae Petrophile ?macrostachya Proteaceae Petrophile brevifolia Proteaceae Petrophile chrysantha Proteaceae Petrophile macrostachya Proteaceae Petrophile scabriuscula Proteaceae Stirlingia latifolia Proteaceae Synaphea ?endothrix (indet.) P3 Proteaceae Synaphea aephynsa Proteaceae Xylomelum angustifolium Restionaceae ?Chordifex stenandrus Restionaceae Alexgeorgea nitens Restionaceae Alexgeorgea subterranea Restionaceae Desmocladus elongatus P4 Restionaceae Desmocladus parthenicus Restionaceae Desmocladus virgatus Restionaceae Lyginia barbata Restionaceae Lyginia imberbis Rutaceae Diplolaena eneabbensis Santalaceae Leptomeria empetriformis Stylidiaceae Stylidium ?hymenocraspedum (indet.) P3 Stylidiaceae Stylidium repens Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea sp. April 2017 80 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment APPENDIX G FLORA OF CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANCE RECORDED WITHIN THE STUDY AREA April 2017 81 UIL Energy Ocean Hill Lease Area Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment Est. Name Status Area Rec Zone Easting Northing Date Abund. Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 15 50 345381.5 6676609.9 14/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 10 50 345383.4 6676619 14/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 2 50 345455.9 6676695.1 15/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 6 50 345438.5 6676693 15/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 5 50 345423.4 6676694.3 15/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 4 50 345402.6 6676692.5 15/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 B AC 5 50 345357.7 6676692.3 15/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 I AC 5 50 343368.9 6694773.8 17/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 I AC 1 50 343368.7 6694768 17/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 I AC 6 50 343367 6694761.7 17/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 I AC 1 50 343367.8 6694732.3 17/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3 I AC 5 50 343367.6 6694719.3 17/12/16 Allocasuarina ramosissima P3
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