Page 2 THE ROGERS-FOST April 33, 1956


Capt. L. P. Warren, 0,0. - A. C. Altvater, Proj. Snpt.

M. A. Boudet - Adviser

H. L. Cheshire - Acting Editor C. C. Scanlin - Ass’t. Editor

Associate s: White - Sni liman ~ Smart


Own and operate an automobile around this camp if you want a quick and painless discharge . This bold statement covers the subject effectively and with very little else to say. For the benefit of those concerned the following authority is herewith quoted: Paragraph 39, d, War Department CCC, Regulations dated May 15, 1935 provides: "The operation of automobiles, privately o^med by members of the CCC, is inconsistent with the basic condition upon which enrollment in the CCC is premised and is forbidden . Violations of this regulation ^'dll subject members to discharge as provided in paragraph 38b(l)(f)

Tifar Department CCC Regulations (administrative Discharge )i' In ray opinion it is impossible for an enrollec to operate an automobile on the pay which he receives each month therefore he must get money elsewhere and that means either from home or through the • sale of property that does not belong to him; both of Yfhich are a- gainst regulations and thereby subjects him to a TJossible Dishonorable Discharge. If you now have an automobile or motorcycle, got rid of it imm- ediately before i_t gets rid of you . L. S. M. are exempt from the above Provisions.

Leonard P. Vifarron

Capt. , 348th Inf. Commanding Officer, CCC Co. 453


In every phase of human life there are individuals known as "the forgotten man", "unsung hero" and various other names befitting their rank. For examples we have: the Vice President, the guards and block- ing backs in football, lifegu.ards and numerous other persons without 7;hom it v^/ould pretty hard to survive. They are the ones who pave the way to glory for others., Co. 453’ s unsung hero is the First Aid who is always on the job and deserves much credit for his performance. P

April 83. 1956 THE ROGERS- OST

TRANSFERS NILYSPAPER COLUMN BOOKKEEPING CUSS BEGINS Many ne’iv men are The bookkeeping expected to be trans- Every Saturday class of the camp owes ferred to Co. 453 in beginning with the A- a great deal to Miss the near future. If pril 25, issue there Anna Schroeder for her the total expected arr- will be a seekly col- work in conducting the ive the company streng- uiiin in the Sebring A- class after funds- had th will rise to 178, merican "of the CCC, run out and continuat- New blood certainly by the CCC, and for ion seemed uncertain. would help this company the CCC". Miss Schroeder is giv- very much. Men are • This column will ing two nights a week needed badly to work on consist of important towards this work and the Rogers-Post, a car- happenings throughout is receiving no remun- toonist especially is the week in Co. 453. eration at all for her needed. More material In this way the peo- services. ’ for the baseball team ple of Sebring will It is expected that could be used. be able to get an i- WPA funds will soon be dea of what is going available again. In on in the camp and of that case there will be the .various visitors a reorganization of ON BLO'.?ING HORNS that come through the classes. Perhaps a mm camp. ber of new classes may It is hoped that Mr. Boudet has be added. jsome room can be built charge of this colimn A total of 15 men for those who like to and will welcome any enrolled for the pre- practice on a horn. news of interest from vious classes. Of that ! As this is being anyone in the company. tota.l five continued 'typed the sound of the and are still going on, |horn is about to drive the rest fell by the the writer of this col- ROW BOAT TO BE IN I CAMP SATURDAY wayside. You new men jumn to a state which who are intending to 'demands medical attent- join Our long awaited should realize be- ion. fore joining that noth- row boat is practically Wouldn't it be ing can completed and will be achieved cheaper in the long run without a docent amount surely be here and rea- to build a house about of work, success vary- dy to go by Saturday. five miles from camp ing according to v/hat The old row boat is to and let the horn blow- a person believes is a be repaired and form a ers practice there? decent amount of work. mate to the new one. Easy come, easy go With the two boats is i\ motto usually all fishermen of the applied to money, but i can as company will have a BIBLE CLASS easily be applied to chance to show their our learning here fish catching wares. in The Bible Class camp. conducted by Mrs. Kelly It is hoped that is still being held' on .all the members will Wed. night and you can take as good care as [do lots of things worse possible of the boats Fishing still cont-

than attending it. ... when they are here. inues to hold interest. Page 4 THE ROGERS- POST Apri l 3 5, 1936


Fill in the following quest- iofe, tear out and turn in to Ches- hire in the library. Answers will be tabulated and published in next week's issue.


p/. WHO IS THE WITTIEST MAN IN CAMP? Last week saw the he ginning of the Algebra class with one pu-

- This week the total has in- pil. 3. WHO IS THE LOUDEST MAN IN creased to three. Class meets at CAMP? 6:30 on Monday nights. Be there.

4. WHO IS THE QUIETEST MAN IN CAMP? GEOGRAPHY 5. WHO IS THE GREATEST LADI ES MAN CAMP? Beginning next Tuesday at IN the geography class one- thirty, WHO IS THE BEST FIGHTER IN The text 6. will swing into action. CAMP? followed will be Collier's Aglas your mind and Gazetteer. Broaden WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? geographically speaking. 7, Many facts of importance may minutes be learned just by a few WHO IS THE BIGGEST PEST IN 8.13. of study. Did you know that the CAMP? city of Detroit has a poisulation just greater than the 100,000 8.' mo IS THE BIGGEST LIAR IN whole. state of Florida? CAMP? 14. 10. mo IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTRESS? CONS TRUCTION 15. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTOR? Due to the fact that Mr. 11. Altvater felt a little under the weather after a hard day in the WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINE? field, the construction class did not take place Monday night. It is hoped that Mr. Altvater will Il3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF better by next Monday and feel IWCMSN? -1-1 - ————— I r . n n i that the class may go on again. ^ WHO IS THE NEATEST BOY IN CAMP? SPELLING "iTHC IS THE MOST ATHLETIC BOY IN CAMP? The soelling class will meet Thursday nights at 6:30 and will Be sure and your vote in members to make end in time for by Monday night. the trucks to town. - THE ROGERS- POST 33 , . 3 936.

',; ,'' j '§ir|lP i

Horaer L. Cheshire

c: P z:>-H \e dcici V_.0 J ^ Jefe a 5 -jd I

IN A GAME MARKED BY NUMEROUS ERRORS AND DIAMOND BALL TEAM WILDNESS ON THE PARTS OF BOTH TEAMS, CO. 453 'S IN STIFF PRACTICE BASEBALL AGGREGATION MET AND DEFEATED THE TO"JN TEAM OF LAKE PLACID BY THE SCORE OF 9-7 LAST As Coach "Senator" SUNDAY AFTERNOON, ON FIREMAN’S FIELD IN SS- Norris is a firm belie- ‘ BRING. ver in the age old ad- age, "practice makes After getting off to' a slow start, the perfect", Thesday night Company team came from behind in the 7th inn- the Co. 453 Diamond ing to score 5 runs and take the th:j.rd gome Ball team engaged in a- played between the two teams. The first game nother strenuous prac- ^ played at ‘Lake Placid was won^by the 453 'ers tice. 4-3 and the second, also played in Pla- Believing that a cid was won by the Lake Placiders 9-8. By league championship virtue of their win Sunday afternoon, the camp jlies only through dint aggregation is one up on their down-state op-^ of hard practice, Mr. ponents, Norris has worked his Bell started the charges relentlessly hurling for 453 and in an effort to improve outside of being a lit- CCC LEAGU] their batting and fiel- tle wild, pitched a ding possibilities. steady game until the After engaging in eighth inning when he Information, from a little infield, out- weakened and wa,s relie- a Visible source, has field and batting prac- ved by Quilling 'who fi- just been received tice Tuesday night, two nished the game. Britt that beginning on or sides were chosen and CCC catcher, together about May 5, a CCC lean a_ lively s c r imrn a ge he 1 d with collecting a trip- gue will be formed com-|Al'thougl'i it v;as only a le, single and a walk posed of the Sulphur practice game it served | out of four times at Springs camp, the Vet-jto bring out the weak-

bat caught a nice game erans camp at Mulberry j ness os of the players. for the winners. thejHowove Coach and COc 453. After , Norris Pope, Mihalko and reouired number of (firmly believes that Isenhour with a homer game s nave been played jby t?ie time the league and a double were the iooens. _ he v/ill the league winner will _ , have I other big'gu.ns of the be selected and will the so v;eak spots ironed j 453 attack. play a series of gcames out and have the team I Childers, Lyons with the Miami camp. jready to "shoot the and Danilowics with two The winner of iwoiks". In an inter- hits a’pi'ece led their this series will then •view with Mr. Norris team in batting. advance to the Dist- 'just recently he infor- The game Sunday rict tournament, the med the writer that "if afternoon was witnessed location of which has it is a 16 game sched- by a large attendance not been named yet, ule, wo will win 17 of of fans and your corres- and will play for the- them and lot the other pondent sat with two of District championship. teams have.- the rest", the most attractive thai; A true championship, at: ^ the game has produced. statement. )

P agce 6 THE ROGSRS-POST April 23, 1936

' >'6 6- o h ade ! U U s e V V e V Love is everywhere KNOWS MOTHING - SAYS NOTHING It’s music fills the air All nature seems to hum All these sick people are caus- from the sky. A melody ing a lot of promotions. Burney and Melvin are now chief understud- Over on the hill ies for Bradley, They both have I see a whipporwill been putting out and may soon be I hear his song become promoted again. The melody from the sky.

And there's a blue bird singing to his lady love, above Battling Kirsey is still hard the A love song taken from whisper- at it. Wonder if he can't be ing breeze, in the trees matched in Avon Park some night. Love is everywhere’ It's music fills the air All nature seems to hum We understand that somebody melody from the sky. A sxT/iped "Curly" Bell's five frout. *>!<************* What could an'yone v/ant with a half a pound of fish? t _

Sleepless nights and restless days Lieut. Morrow is still griev- toss in my bed I ing about his poor departed 'gator. •Til I'm out of my head over you — Why did ypu dp it Cheshire? Worthless schemes and hopeless dreams I'm going insane "There's music in the And I'm putting the blame— on you air" Jack Truitt is back from Georgia. Morning, noon and night I pray You'll come back and drive my blues away Bulger: "How about a big juicy piece of beef steak, Mr. Norris"? Oh sleepless nights and restless Mr. Norris: "Grrrr " days (For the benefit of those who I'm paying the price don't know - our eminent foreman fool's paradise with you. For a — has had to eat nothing but brains and soup for over a week. contributed- by Frank Pippin

Captain Warren vows that he Rock-a~bye baby will break 100 before he leaves In the tree top the Sebring golf links. Dont fall out It's a helluva drop, — contributed by John Russel Cobb . , . jjj

April 25, 1936 THE ROGERS-POST


Fla. Phone 190 Sebring, Fla. ....Everybody probably Avon Park , l^nows about the femin- CCC admitted for \5(j: Program by request ine visitor that paid us a call Sunday last. ...she created ouite a Friday & Saturday

stir of excitement. . . Friday & Saturday "Sweetheart", I under- Tim McCoy "THE VOICE stand, became very in- in timate. ... Rogers the OF , BUGLE ANN" "Deacon" and my friend "THE OUTLAW DEPUTY" Brown were doing a Chapter # 5 with swell job of Romeoing "THE FIGHTING MARINES" and Juliteeing it at the ball game last Lionel Barrymore & Sunday & Monday ^ Maureen O'Sullivan Sunday pe em.-. ..Need I remind you that yours "STORY OF LOUIS PASTE'UR" truly . wasn't doing so awful bad himself Sunday & Monday Several of our broth- with ers completely forgot Harold Lloyd that a fellow named- ' | Volstead ever existed in in the o-f course , their merry-making one night Tuesday only "THE MILKY WAY" last week. ... however hone of them went so "THE WIDOW FROM with far as to forget their MONTE CARLO" Adolphe Menjou Civilian Conservation i Verreo Teasdale Corps mamiers. . . with Seen and heard last week. .... two of our Dolores del Rio

Tues. , Wed. , & Thurs. members disagreeing on some subject last Wed. Louise Fazenda "THE PRISONER and settling the de- ^100 given away OF bate by falling out SHARK ISLAND" and "throwing a few"., Wednesday & Thursday the encounter ended in with the 25th round via the knockout route. . . the Pat O'Brien . Warner Baxter 'Lieutenant, first Sgt. June Travis' Gloria Stuart 'night watclrnan and j supply Sgt. paying one in of the "jook joints" | a call one night last j "" Get your haircut week. ..our CEA pitch- j jing in’n- I a couple of at jings in a ball game... [Complaining of a few CLINE'S BARBER SHOP sore spots... too much Patronize the

I of that 3.2 clos-i I

I AVON BARBER SHOP ing may I remind you I that Lake Placid poss-i i Sebring Florida esses some very charm- CCC Boys Welconie ing baseball fans -•Avon Park, Florida April 1936 Page 8 THE ROGERS-POST 'T LAKELAND CREAMERY INC. ABRAMS Ice creain - SherPerts.- Moonkist - Novelties | Sport Shoes SePring, Fla. Tel. 100 Sport Pants SEBRING PHAH/iAGY' Sport Shirts C. C. 0. MeraPers always welcome Will treat you right Ask your Puddy Avon Park - Florida

SePring MIELKE SWEET SHOP * Florida The busiest place in town ELI WITT CIGAR CO. Gandies - Magazines - Ice Cream - Cold Drinks Candies Novelties HIGHLANDS HARDWARE AND PAINT COMPANY INC.

, Tools Paints Sporting Goods . Cigars Cigarettes SePring, Fla. Tel. 218

SEBRING POOL ROOM Compliments of When in Avon Park CCG meraPers always call at " GASH GROCERY " WELCOME B & B JACARANDA DFiUG STORE Stop in while Quality goods waiting for the trucks For quality and service Avon Park , Fla. Learn to "Shoot Pool" Phone 3 15 I

C. C. COBB Compliments of PAN DANDY BAKERY

" " Mens ’ Wear Bread Rolls All Latest Styles at KAHN'S DEP'MENT STORE " Always fresh" reasonable rates SePring, Fla. Best ingredients used SePring, Florida Fla, _ SePring,

All kinds of Compliments of Compliments of

Good Eats & Cold Beer MANDIS DAIRY SEBRING CLEANERS Served here Pure Jersey Milk

AVON PARK CAFE Quality Service " Best by Tost " | 19 N. Ridgewood Drive 16 W. Main St. SePring, Fla. j|