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Waking Up the Nation, One Reader at a Time... PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT Biological Warfare Experiment on American Citizens Results in Spreading Pandemic CDC-Created Epidemic Now Spreading Down East Coast of U.S. Doctors Prevented from Treating Patients by Biowarfare Arm of the CDC (Epidemic Intelligence Service) Working with the IDSA in Phase II of the CDC's Infamous Tuskegee Experiment irony if an agency estab- an affliction that the unin- researchers to call it a "pleo- lished to control and find formed may believe is noth- morphic stealth pathogen." cures for diseases caused ing more than arthritis And with the exception of instead their proliferation." caused by a tick bite. But the American Northeast, according to the CDC, this ground-zero for the out- Comment on Plum Island's "multisystem, multistage" ill- break, a crippling national BiologicalWarfare Research, ness is capable of inducing (and worldwide) epidemic quoted in Lab 257 disorders2 including "chronic has largely spread "under inflammatory arthritis, the radar9." "A much more discreet, dia- chronic muscle pain, heart In this article I bolical and effective method disease and/or neurological describe exactly how and of disabling a country would (brain and peripheral nerves) why the CDC has allowed be to employ a moderately disorders." So many dis- this catastrophic epidemic infectious organism, or com- abling afflictions are caused to spread on behalf of the bination of organisms by Lyme that it has earned pharmaceuticals industry (Russian Doll Cocktail), the disease the nickname using an orchestrated disin- by Jerry Leonard which would pass slowly "The Great Imitator.3" formation campaign led by through the population The highly complex CDC-manufactured unnoticed." bacterium that causes Lyme "thought-leaders". This "Who could imagine the - Marjorie Tietjen, Lyme disease4 has the ability to criminal program has government, all the way up researcher infect nearly every organ in enabled large-scale human to the Surgeon General of the body, often in spite of experimentation (the the United States, deliber- Americans are under antibiotic administration, by Tuskegee Experiment, Phase ately allowing a group of its attack from an insidious bio- changing into various self- II) under the cover of citizens to die from a terri- logical warfare agent perpe- protective forms5. This often biowarfare research to ble disease for the sake of trated by agencies within our happens without initially implement a step-by-step an ill-conceived experi- own government. This attack being detected by the vic- vaccine marketing agenda ment?" is centered on the American tims themselves or by the outlined in a cold-blooded --Commentary on the East Coast, but nobody woefully inadequate, CDC marketing strategy pub- Tuskegee Experiment should feel safe. indirect6 diagnostic tests7,8. lished in 1999. Shockingly, I am These attributes of "How tragic would be the talking about Lyme disease1, Lyme disease have inspired Public Health Alert www.publichealthalert.org Page 1 PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT "…we are dealing here with treat it. In outrageous cases, and now directs his own -Wikipedia.org (Unethical a formidable 'smart stealth' knowledgeable doctors real- biowarfare lab. The defense- human experimentation in type of bacteria that is hard ize that the patient has contractor researcher who the United States16) to eradicate-one that does Lyme, but they aren't "discovered" the Ixodid tick extreme damage to psyche allowed to treat it or they vector that causes Lyme dis- and soma if not treated are punished if they do. ease, and led the early The Tuskegee Experiment aggressively over the long efforts to deny victims treat- Continues term when missed in the What is behind this ment for it (under numer- My research into the first days following inocula- travesty10? ous, fraudulent pretexts), horrific politics behind Lyme tion by the vector..." was then a recent graduate disease have led me to -- Dr. Virginia Scherr "It seems everywhere I go, of the CDC's biowarfare believe that the Lyme someone comes up to me to defense program. The Epidemic is the result of Lyme disease is talk about how Lyme dis- researcher whose publica- Phase II of the CDC's infa- spreading rapidly up and ease has severely impacted tion is universally used to mous Tuskegee Experiment, down the East Coast of the their lives or someone they institutionalize this treat- only this time conducted US. In fact, it is the most know." ment-denial philosophy for under the protection of common tick-borne disease --Congressman Chris Smith Lyme disease was also a biowarfare research. (This is in the Northern Hemisphere (R-NJ), 2011 graduate of this CDC biode- covered in my July 2011 arti- accounting for more than fense program and now also cle in the Public Health 95% of all vector-borne dis- directs his own biowarfare Alert17. ) eases reported in the United The Curious Lyme- lab. The original States. Even worse, the very Biowarfare Connections Moreover, the lead Tuskegee Experiment was same Centers for Disease In a previous article, author of the highly contro- designed to monitor the Control and Prevention that I related that Lyme disease is versial treatment guidelines destruction that syphilis investigated the disease and named for the unfortunate for Lyme disease, which use would cause over the long its myriad induced disorders town in Connecticut where it this publication as a justifica- term in untreated controls so is home to a secretive first broke out, just 20 miles tion13, travels around the that treatments and preven- biowarfare defense infra- from the nation's top-level country lecturing on biologi- tive strategies could be test- structure that prevents peo- biowarfare test facility (Plum cal warfare treatments14. ed. Thus, in Phase I of this ple not only from under- Island Animal Disease Press releases prepared in experiment, geographically standing the devastating Research Center) that con- 2005 to announce the open- isolated black men and their nature of the disease (due to ducted outdoor tick experi- ing of a government-funded families were systematically its complexity and often ments and has a history of biowarfare lab at the denied treatment against nonspecific symptoms), but pathogen-leaks from its University of Texas admitted syphilis for decades, so that also from getting treatment internal labs. Lyme disease was one of the the "natural course" of the for it. The connections numerous bioweapons to be disease and its spread could Many thousands of between Lyme disease studied at the facility, then be monitored through the Lyme patients who are des- research and biowarfare are were mysteriously edited to patients' deaths and subse- perately ill cannot get a doc- stunning11. A quick review: scrub only the references to quent dissections in carefully tor to diagnose them proper- The bacterium that Lyme disease15. arranged post-mortem ly, let alone treat them-even causes the disease is named examinations18. Even though in admitted endemic areas. after a biowarfare researcher Are you getting the picture? the experiment was proving In some cases this is because who, decades previous in a fatal almost immediately19, of pure ignorance, where a biowarfare lab, injected "As of 2007, not a single the deadly experiment doctor diagnoses arthritis or Ixodid ticks-the same type of U.S. government researcher would go on for decades20. heart trouble without discov- ticks that spread Lyme, with had been prosecuted for I believe Phase II of ering that the underlying Borrelia bacteria-the same human experimentation, this deadly experiment is cause is really Lyme, which type of bacteria that causes and many of the victims of being conducted by the CDC then goes untreated. In egre- Lyme disease12. The first U.S. government experi- with a weaponized variant of gious cases, knowledgeable researcher to overcome the ments have not received a Borrelia spirochete-a bac- doctors won't admit that the difficult process of culturing compensation, or in many terium of the same phylum patient has Lyme despite all the Lyme bacterium worked cases, acknowledgment of as the syphilis spirochete the signs, and they refuse to in this same biowarfare lab what was done to them." that was the subject of the Page 2 www.publichealthalert.org Public Health Alert PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT first Tuskegee Experiment. politically perpetuated exposed their subjects Francis Collins, the NIH direc- (The Lyme spirochete is actu- through the denial of the through the use of infectious tor, tried to allay fears on ally much more complex severity and geographical prostitutes or directly ongoing experimentation: than the syphilis spirochete extent of the disease by the through inoculums made "I want to empha- and the infection more dead- CDC and associated govern- from tissue from human and size that today, the regula- ly and less understood21.) ment agencies. This has animal syphilitic gummas tions that govern research You need to arm resulted in many thousands and chancres, or pus of gon- funded by the United States yourself with information to of desperately ill patients orrhea or chancroid filled Government, whether con- protect yourself and your being cruelly and systemati- sores." ducted domestically or inter- family. As will be shown cally denied medical atten- Dr. John C. Cutler, an nationally, would absolutely below, the CDC clearly isn't tion as they fall victim to the assistant surgeon general in prohibit this type of study31." going to do it22. numerous symptoms of the the Public Health Service While such state- "Lyme disease patients fre- disease. who conducted these experi- ments may offer comfort to quently endure extensive ments in Guatemala with the the uninformed, I believe the delays in obtaining an initial syphilis spirochete, ultimate- NIH and the CDC are in fact diagnosis, have poor access The Tuskegee Experiment ly returned to the U.S.