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Participants should read the prospectus prepared by the Company and approved by the generally accepted accounting principles, and may not be comparable to similarly titled Within the United Kingdom, the Information is intended for distribution only to persons who Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”) under number 21-177 on 26 May 2021, which information published by other companies. 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These statements are made relates is available only to relevant persons and will be engaged in only with relevant persons. prospectus approved by the AMF. on the basis of current knowledge and assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties. The Information is an advertisement and is not a prospectus for the purposes of the All material contained in the Information presented is for information purposes only and must Various factors could cause actual future results, performance or events to differ materially Prospectus Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) and the Information has not not be relied upon for any purpose, and does not purport to be a full or complete description from those described in these statements, and none of the Company, the Banks, their been approved by the FCA. of the Group. 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No obligation is assumed to update any forward-looking statements that may to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements basis of or be relied upon in connection with or act as any inducement or recommendation to be presented in this document to reflect new information, future events or for any other thereof and in compliance with the relevant state securities law. The securities of the enter into any contract or commitment or investment decision or other transaction reason and any opinion expressed in this presentation is subject to change without notice. Company have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act and the whatsoever. The Information does not constitute a recommendation regarding the Proposed Transaction Company does not intend to make a pulic offer of its securities in the United States. Neither No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made by any Company, the and does not purport to contain all information that may be required to evaluate the this document nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into, directly or indirectly, into Banks, their affiliates or any of their officers, directors, employees, agents or advisers as to, Proposed Transaction. The merit and suitability of an investment in the Company should be the United States as that term is defined in the U.S. Securities Act. and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of independently evaluated and any person considering such an investment in the Company is Neither this document nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into Australia, Canada the Information contained herein, for any purpose whatsoever. No responsibility, obligation advised to obtain independent advice as to the legal, tax, accounting, financial, credit and or Japan or to any person in any of those jurisdictions. or liability is or will be accepted by the Company, the Banks, their affiliates or any of their other related advice prior to making an investment. Investors should not subscribe for or officers, directors, employees, agents or advisers, in relation to any Information provided in purchase any securities of the Company except on the basis of information in the final form this document or in connection with the document. All Information is subject to verification, prospectus published by the Company and approved by the AMF. In accepting the correction, completion, updating and change without notice. None of the Company, the Information the recipient acknowledges that it makes all trading and investment decisions in Banks, their affiliates or any of their officers, directors, employees, agents or advisers reliance on its own judgment and not in reliance on any of the Company, the Banks, their undertake any obligation to update the Information or to correct any inaccuracies in any such affiliates, shareholders, directors, officers, advisers, employees or representatives. Information. The Banks are acting solely for the Company in connection with the Proposed Transaction Information contained in this document may be based on estimates or expectations of the and no one else. It will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of the 2 Group, and there can be no assurance that these estimates or expectations are or will prove Information) as a client in relation to the Proposed Transaction and, accordingly, will not be to be accurate. Where any information and statistics are quoted from any external source, responsible to any other person for providing the protections afforded to their respective Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical INTRODUCTION Management team

Michel Finance Jérôme Geoffroy CEO CFO

Selected previous experience Selected previous experience


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical INTRODUCTION Affluent Medical at glance

2011 ~50

Founded Employees

ARTUS First moderate to severe incontinence device with remote control Q4 2023 Urology €10bn 31 EPYGON Next generation mitral valve replicating the human physiology H2 2025 Addressable markets Patent families by 2027(1) Only mitral ring that can be adjusted multiple times KALIOS Q4 2022 Structural heart €65m 2023

Invested to date First revenue(2)

Notes: (1) Addressable markets calculated as the sum of the markets addressed by ARTUS (in 2027), EPYGON and KALIOS (in 2027) and KARDIOZIS (in 2023) (2) Subject to the impact of COVID pandemic and regulatory developments and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) 4

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical INTRODUCTION Our mission: save and improve patients’ lives with a range of disruptive prostheses

Urology Structural heart


Large unmet medical needs

Improving patient Physiological design Minimally invasive care and surgeon usage

Source(s): (1) Irwin DE, Milsom I, Hunskaar S, et al. Population-based survey of urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and other lower urinary tract symptoms in five countries: results of the EPIC study; (2) World Health Organization 5

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical INTRODUCTION Key strengths

1 Addressing large and fast growing markets with critical unmet needs

2 Unique disruptive prostheses to improve patients’ lives and surgeon care

3 Solid IP portfolio endorsed by respected leaders in the medical community

4 Fully engaged in clinical studies and clear market access strategy to drive growth

Well-respected management team, world-class board of 5 Directors and Scientific board and a historical cornerstone shareholder


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical DISRUPTIVE PROSTHESES ADDRESSING UNMET NEEDS


ARTUS First moderate to severe incontinence device with remote control UROLOGY ARTUS Urinary incontinence at a glance

If urinary incontinence was a country, it would be the 3rd largest in the world Prevalence of urinary incontinence

Age 40 - 70 Age 70+ 5% - 15% of population >15% of population (2) affected by daily UI(2) ~423m affected by daily UI

Increasing risk of UI

• Mobility • Age • Parity and pregnancy • Menopausal replacement • Obesity • Ethnicity and race therapy • Diabetes • Hysterectomy • Infections • Dementia • Comorbidities

Not correctly treated because of…

Misinterpretation Misbelieves Unawareness Shame China India UI(1) United Indonesia Nigeria Brazil of symptoms States

Source(s): (1) Irwin et al. Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction; (2) Milsom I. « How big is the 8 problem? Incontinence in numbers », Gothenburg Continence Research Center

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY Endorsement from Professor Véronique Phé, Urologist




Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY ARTUS Fast growing urinary incontinence market with unmet needs

Global urinary incontinence device market(5)

Over 423m people(1) suffers from urinary incontinence(2) $4.3bn 11% CAGR We focus on moderate to severe urinary 1.4m incontinence, which affects 107m people(3) / 25% of the population suffering from UI $2.2bn Only one main artificial sphincter device available (launched in 1987) provides opportunity for unique competitive positioning 0.7m

Strong M&A activity since 2015(4) 2019 2027

Number of urinary incontinence procedures(6)

Sources: (1) Irwin et al. Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction (2) Milsom I. « How big is the problem? Incontinence in numbers », Gothenburg Continence Research Center; (3) Company estimates based on New Artificial Urinary Sphincter Devices in the Treatment of Male Iatrogenic Incontinence, and Severity of Urinary Incontinence and Effect on Quality of Life in Women, by Incontinence Type in the world; (4) Urinary incontinence related deals based on publicly available information on MergerMarket; (5 transactions in US and Europe) (5) Urinary Incontinence(UI) Devices (Optima Insights, September 2020); (6) ISS AG, 2020; Allied Market Research. Global Urinary 10 Incontinence Devices Market, Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2017-2023, 201

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY ARTUS First moderate to severe incontinence device with remote control

✓ ✓ Easy to Improved patient implant life

✓ ✓ Electro-mechanical Contains Device for artificial sphincter Invisible software, battery women and men and engine D-shape Asymmetric Better clinical results ✓ Can be activated Adapted pressure: ! ! Surgeries can be Require patient by patients less stenosis complex dexterity to and lengthy activate Better outcome

! ! Leads to High pressure hydraulic on tissues Remote controlSeamless Monoleaflet Various leakage and remoteimplantation software modes adapting upgrade to patient’s activities ! 30% of ! Unsuitable procedures for women require redo (80%+ of patients)

Unmet needs with existing products(1)

Source(s): (1) Based on X. Biardeau, S. Aharony, The AUS Consensus Group, L. Campeau and J. Corcos (Department of Urology, Jewish General Hospital, McGill Univerty, Montreal, Québec, Canada) - Artificial Urinary Sphincter : Report of the 2015 Consensus Conference – Neurourology and Urodynamics 35:S8-S24 (2016) 11

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY ARTUS Procedure overview


Minimally invasive prosthesis The adjustable cuff is positioned around and procedure known by the bladder neck and locked surgeons

Reduction of hospitalisation time 2

The cuff is connected to the remotely-controlled Easy to implant by surgeons actuator which drives opening and closing of the cuff

3 The cuff is customized for each patient Voiding is achieved by pressing a button 30 min. on the remote control procedure Customised 3 modes Emergency

Link to video : 12

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY Endorsement from Professor Nicolas Barry Delongchamps, Urologist




Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical UROLOGY ARTUS Competition landscape

Electronic artificial AMS 800™ Product offering urinary sphincter ZSI 375 ARTUS™

CE Approval  ✓ ✓ Q4 2023(1)

FDA Approval   ✓ Q4 2024(1)

Launch date - - 1987 2024(1)

User friendly ✓   ✓✓✓

Efficiency - - ✓ ✓✓✓

Targets men and women ✓   ✓

Surgery type - ✓ ✓ ✓✓

Remote control -   ✓

Price: €8,000 - €10,000(2)

Notes: Based on management assessment and on publicly available information; Excludes Implantica (Uricontrol) due to a lack of publicly available information on clinical progress or technical characteristics (1) Expected date - subject to the impact of COVID pandemic and regulatory developments and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) (2) Average sale price 14

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical DISRUPTIVE PROSTHESES ADDRESSING UNMET NEEDS


KALIOS Mitral valve repair

EPYGON Mitral valve replacement KALIOS STRUCTURAL Two ways of treating mitral insufficiency HEART EPYGON

Mitral regurgitation occurs Anatomy of the heart and heart valves when the mitral valve no longer closes properly

Normal Regurgitation

Pulmonary valve Mitral valve

Tricuspid valve Aortic valve

~2% of whole population Age 75+ affected by mitral >12% of population affected These valves can be damaged in several ways: regurgitation(3) by mitral regurgitation(4) • do not open sufficiently and prevent blood flow (stenosis): 46% of cases(1) • do not close properly (regurgitation): >12% of cases (2) • both types of dysfunction: 42% of cases 2 OPTIONS TO TREAT MITRAL REGURGITATION (MR)

Insufficiency of the left ventricle leads to heart failure 1 Repair 2 Replacement

Sources: (1) Institut Mutualiste Montsouris – Pr François Laborde; (2) World Heath Organization – Health topics – Cardiovascular diseases – Overview; (3) S. Douedi – H. Douedi – Août 2020 « Mitral Regurgitation » (Global data) ; (4) Vuyisile T Nkomo, Julius M Gardin, Thomas N Skelton, John S Gottdiener, Christopher G Scott, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano : Burden of valvular heart diseases: a population-based study (Global data) 16

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical KALIOS STRUCTURAL Addressing the mitral valve market with complementary solutions HEART EPYGON

Global Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair and Implantation(5) market Global TAVI(6) market Cardiovascular diseases are the number one Transcatheter Mitral Valve Transcatheter Aortic Valve cause of death globally, taking an estimated implantation market implantation market 17.9 million lives each year(1)

Mitral regurgitation affects over 2% of the total population and has a prevalence that increases with age(2) Size of Mitral Valve market expected to exceed size of $8bn TAVI market at maturity 14% $4.7bn Unmet needs as only 4% of the 4 million CAGR patients who suffer from severe mitral regurgitation undergo surgery(3)

$1.8bn Strong M&A activity with more than €2bn invested since 2015(4)

2019 2027 2025

Sources: (1) World Health Organization; (2) Steven Douedi, Hani Douedi (August 2020); (3) Company estimates; (4) Mitral valve related deals based on publicly available information on MergerMarket (10 transactions in US, Canada, Israel and Europe); (5) Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation Market Size (Emergen Research, September 2020) (Global data); (6) Global Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Market (Allied Market Research, June 2018) (Global data) 17

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART KALIOS Only mitral valve ring that can be adjusted multiple times post surgery

✓ ✓ Better Transcatheter immediate adjustment on Mitral valve repair surgical results beating heart ✓ ✓ Adjustable Minimally Adjustable Adaptable to the shape through invasive multiple times evolution of 3-ballon catheter D-shape Asymmetric after surgery patient’s Better clinical ✓ regurgitation results Improved long ! ! term patient’s Rarely Non-adjustable adjustable post surgery life during surgery Better outcome

! Result in ! Lengthy surgical invasive redo procedure Seamless Post-operative surgery Widely performedimplantation transcatheter surgical procedure adjustment ! Residual and recurrent regurgitation in 40% of repairs

Unmet needs with existing products(1)

Note(s): (1) Based on management assessment and publicly available information 18

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART KALIOS Procedure overview

1 Implanted as a conventional ‘Carpentier’ ring to perform a normal annuloplasty procedure Minimally invasive procedure Easy to implant for surgeons


During implantation, the end of the connection line is routed to a subclavian position to facilitate post Mitral implantation adjustments valve

3 The device can be selectively adjusted multiple times post surgery Adjustment is performed by inserting a three-balloon catheter which can be inflated in up to three predefined zones Adjustment under echography on beating heart

Link to video : 19

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART EPYGON Next generation mitral valve replicating the human physiology

✓ ✓ Mitral valve replacement Easy Adapting valve to implantation the physiology

D-shape Asymmetric (native) ✓ ✓ Decreases D-shape Asymmetric Restoring native- Better clinical left ventricle results like blood flow ! ! workload Force human Based on heart to adjust aortic design to valve Better outcome

! Unable to ! Leads to left restore natural ventricle Seamless blood flow overload Physiological implantation Monoleaflet design ! Often leads to complex implantation

Unmet needs with existing products(1)

Note(s): (1) Based on management assessment and publicly available information 20

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART Endorsement from Professor Christian Latremouille, Cardiac Surgeon




Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART EPYGON Physiological blood vortex is key to improving left ventricle recovery

EPYGON vs. tri-leaflet mitral valve - Total Normal EPYGON Others energy loss (% ventricular work) in pre-clinical test At 3.5 l/min and 100 mmHg mean aortic pressure

34% reduction

3.5 l/min

1 2 3 Physiological valve restores natural blood EPYGON reduces left ventricle efforts by up EPYGON enables the recovery of ventricular flow vortex to 34% vs. tri-leaflet valves function to avoid further cardiac insufficiency

Potential for best-in-class mitral valve performance


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART EPYGON Procedure overview


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART EPYGON Procedure overview

Transapical& transseptal(1) access 1

The delivery system is advanced to ensure optimal central placing inside the native mitral valve

2 The atrial portion of the device is gradually released; petals Mitral are deployed to obtain the desired D-shaped position valve

3 The valve is gently pulled toward the mitral annulus while two engagement arms capture the posterior and anterior leaflets

4 <10 min. Able to restore the physiological blood flow in the deployment ventricle and keep the native leaflets under traction

Link to video :

Notes(s): (1) R&D and preclinical stage 24

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical STRUCTURAL HEART EPYGON Competition landscape

Product offering Highlife Saturn INTREPID CARDIAQ TIARA TENDYNE™ EPYGON™

CE Approval      ✓ H2 2025(1)

FDA Approval     Early feasibility Clinical study Q4 2025(1)

Few patients Finished 50 patient Ongoing pilot CE-marked InitiatingFirst-in- Status implanted no - pilot, starting pivot - trial since 2020 Human trial result published yet trial

Design Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical D-shape Symmetrical D-shape

Transapical / Transapical & Transapical & Transapical Transapical& Transapical Transapical Transapical Transseptalaccess Transseptal Transseptal or Transseptal Transseptal(2)

Monoleaflet pericardiumvalve       ✓

Positive remodeling of leftventricle ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓✓

Part numbers 2 2 Mono Mono Mono Mono Mono

Price: ~€35,000 - €50,000(3)

Notes: Based on management assessment and on publicly available information; (1) Expected date subject to the impact of COVID pandemic and regulatory developments and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) 25 (2) Preclinical stage (3) Average sale price - Source(s): Circulation Research

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical PATENTED TECHNOLOGIES BACKED BY KEY OPINION LEADERS P A T E N T E D TECHNOLOGIES BACKED BY KEY Secured IP protection to create value OPINION LEADERS

Annuloplasty ring AMLL paddle

KALIOS Actuator for annuloplasty ring Stent with enhanced grip EPYGON

Ring with changeable element Delivery system

Cage Elastic chain

Valve leaflet with variable Flow sensor thickness

Transcatheter Pericardial tissue treatment annuloplasty ring u

KARDIOZIS 7 patent families Inclined leaflet

Artificial contractile structure Heart valve prothesis

Actuator with lead screw Crimping device

Percutaneous Contractile element triangular resection 31 patent families(1) Actuator with wet Cuff with transversal reinforce protected until 2041 for the latest zone 2x Patentfor KALIOS 2.0 Stent cuff and medical Contractile cuff contractile ARTUS Patentfor potentialnew device

Note(s): (1) Includes patent families for Kardiozis 27

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical P A T E N T E D TECHNOLOGIES BACKED BY KEY Disruptive technology to treat abdominal aortic aneurysm with licensing opportunity OPINION LEADERS

Current issues with aortic aneurysm

2 million people suffer from AAA Type II endoleaks occur in 10-47% Patients exposed with high mortality risk, but only of cases after standard EVAR(1) to further surgery 20% are diagnosed

Kardiozis Thrombogenic fibers $1.7bn market(2) offering reducing the whole licensing opportunity aneurysm sac

Prevents endoleaks of the Offering better technology aneurysm sac (already to major players off the shelf tested)

Known technology - Proven concept manufacturability in in-vitro testing and scalability ensured Endovascular prosthesis to treat and better reduce abdominal aortic aneurysm

Source(s): (1) Powell JT. Et al ( Br. J. Surg. 2017 Feb) ; (2) Global Aortic Aneurysm Market – Drivers, Opportunities, Trends and Forecasts 2017-2023 (Infoholic Research 2017) 28

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical P A T E N T E D TECHNOLOGIES BACKED BY KEY A top tier scientific board OPINION LEADERS

Prof. Christian Prof. Alain Berrebi Prof. Alain Carpentier Prof. Theodor Fischlein MD MD, PhD MD Latremouille MD, PhD

Interventional Head of Echo-Lab of Prof. of Cardiac Surgery Co-founder of Prof. of Cardiac Surgery, Nuremberg Chief Surgical Officer, Carmat Echocardiographer Department of Cardio Former Prof. of Cardiac Surgery, Vascular Surgery at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou, Paris Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Paris

Prof. Günther Laufer Prof. Martin Misfeld Prof. Piergiorgio Tozzi Prof. Daniel Hayoz MD MD, PhD MD MD

Prof. of Cardiac Surgery Prof. and Senior Consultant for Cardiac Surgery, Prof. of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prof. of Internal Medicine and Angiology, Head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Heart Center Leipzig Lausanne HFR Fribourg - Cantonal Hospital, Fribourg Vienna Medical University, Vienna

Prof. Nicolas Barry Delongchamps Prof. Roger Dmochowski Prof. Dominique Fabre Prof. Stephan Haulon MD MD, MMHC MD MD

Prof. of Urology, Cochin Hospital, Paris Prof. of Urologic Surgery Associate Surgeon-in- Prof. of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Prof. of Vascular Surgery, President of the Chief Vanderbilt and Cardiopulmonary Transplantation University of Paris Sud, Paris European Society University Medical at Marie Lannelongue Hospital of Vascular Surgery Center

Note(s): Scientific board to be completed 29

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical KEY MILESTONES AND STRATEGY K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Important milestones have been achieved so far

Preclinical studies First-in-human study Pilot and pivotal trial Other

15 patients implanted Of whom 3 patients had their valve ring adjusted Partnership with local partners to accelerate clinical studies 9 centers and commercialisation

KALIOS (Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany) 5 patients

Submission done in 3 centers Design freeze Aiming 7 centers for pivotal trial Partnership with Spanish player to accelerate clinical and future

ARTUS commercialisation 3 patients

Approved in 3 centers (Austria, Spain and Italy) Preclinical trial study results presented Selection of first patient started at the AATS in New York in April 2020 Waiting for approval in 4th center in Spain Partnership with Spanish partner to accelerate clinical studies

EPYGON and commercialisation


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Roadmap ensures products coming to market every 12 months

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 KALIOS



Note(s): Timeline subject to evolution of the COVID pandemic and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) 32

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Next steps and roadmap for future growth

Next steps 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

KALIOS • ~62 patients Interim results for pivotal trial • Implantations until S2 2021 Pilot / Pivotal trial 15 patients Reimbursement recruited Commercialisation discussions

Interim results ARTUS • ~70 patients for pivotal trial Pilot / Pivotal trial • Start Reimbursement Commercialisation implantations discussions in Q2/Q3 2021 Potential corporate Pivotal study partnership


• ~15 patients First in-human trial Interim results EPYGON for FIH trial • Implantations Pilot / Pivotal trial until Q3 2021 Reimbursement Commercialisation discussions

Pivotal study


Note(s): Timeline subject to evolution of the COVID pandemic and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) 33

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Detailed newsflow expected over the next 18 months

S2 2021 S1 2022 S2 2022

KALIOS • Interim results for first 15 patients • Pharma-economy study and pricing • CE Mark • End of inclusion of all patients in pivotal discussion with direct sales countries • Sales & Marketing team in place for launch study • Selection and signature with distributors for of Kalios in S1 2023 Northern and Eastern Europe

ARTUS • Approval of pilot/pivotal study in Czech • Inclusion of all patients in the pivotal study • Recruit patients in the US study Republic and Spain • Filing for Pivotal study and potentially 510K • 6 months interim results for pivotal study in • Announcement of first 10 patients in the US Europe • Preclinical study performed for US FDA • Opening of 4 more clinical centers and one more country for pivotal study

• Announcement of first patient included in • Meeting with FDA and file in the US for • Publication of FIM clinical results in Europe EPYGON FIM EFS • File in Europe for pivotal study in 4 • Inclusion of 10-15 patients in the FIM study • Interim results for the 10/15 patients of countries • Launch of preclinical study for US FIM requirements

Note(s): Timeline subject to evolution of the COVID pandemic and obtaining financing (IPO and additional financing if necessary) 34

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Highly specialised production capabilities with clear path to expansion

Production Seamless expansion with low capex needs

Mainly outsourced Lean and agile outsourced design KALIOS

Enough capacity for commercial launch, which Mixed, with in-house cleanroom assembly

can easily be expanded ARTUS

Enough to produce until 2023/2024, with Mainly in-house production in our cleanroom ability to produce significantly higher volumes

by CE marking with limited capex EPYGON

Kalios, Epygon and Artus all hold ISO 13485 certification


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical K E Y MILESTONES A N D STRATEGY Commercialisation strategy built around three building blocks

Partnerships Direct and indirect sales Pricing / reimbursement

Potential partnerships Launch in Europe via Premium pricing offering A A A with key US players direct1 and indirect sales vs. competing products

Established best-in-class Health-economics studies Fully funded joint venture B B sales force and therapy B proving cost-effective in China with Gaoze specialists treatments Relationships with Partnerships for Kardiozis Indirect sales strategy in C C C managed care in the US in phase of negotiation selected countries with partners

(1) Targeted countries: Germany, France, Italy, United-Kingdom


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical TEAM OF EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP EXPERTS IN MEDTECH GOVERNANCE Experienced MedTech leadership team

Michel Finance Olivier Pierron Jérôme Geoffroy Prof. François Laborde, MD Chairman & Chief Chief Operating Chief Financial Chief Medical Executive Officer Officer Officer Officer

Extensive experience with several management Deputy Sales General CEO CEO Senior VP positions, including CFO - Poland and CFO of R&D CEO >15k operations Proctor for CEO Director Manager activities in Asia Pacific as a cardiac TAVI clinical surgeon studies

Wenzel Hurtak Pascale Lagrange Eric Jague VP Operations Epygon Quality Director Regulatory Affairs Director


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical OVERVIEW OF FINANCIALS FINANCIALS Profit & Loss snapshot

R&D spend as % of 2020 op. expenses

Profit & Loss snapshot (in €k) 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 Sales - - Other operating income 824 1,429

Operating expenses (13,418) (15,269) Operating Income (12,594) (13,841)

Share of income from equity affiliates (398) (1,190) Operating income after equity affiliates (12,992) (15,031)

Financial result (1,536) (1,769) 83% Income tax expense 209 210 Net income (14,319) (16,589)

R&D Other


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical FINANCIALS Cash flow snapshot

Cash flow snapshot (in €k) 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019

Net income/loss (14,319) (16,589)

P&L non cash items 5,383 5,177

Cash flow from operating activities (8,936) (11,412)

Cash flow from investing activities (304) (185)

Cash flow from financing activities 12,762 10,386

Free cash flow 3,522 (1,211)


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical FINANCIALS Use of proceeds

Clinical - Clinical development plan in the EU for the completion of Kalios / Artus pivotal studies and initiation of Debt repayment large pivotal studies for Epygon

15% R&D - Continuous improvement of Affluent Medical Clinical product portfolio: new version, optimisation, simplification 45% to better fit patient and surgeon needs Market access 20%

Market access - Set up medical salesforce and therapy specialist. Implementation of lean manufacturing 25%

R&D Debt repayment - Reimbursable of loans, convertible bonds and non-dilutive funding from BPI


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical WHY INVEST IN AFFLUENT MEDICAL? CONCLUSION Why invest in Affluent Medical?

>€10bn Market opportunity by 2027, growing fast First sales in 2023 31 Patent families protected until 2041 for the Disruptive latest solutions improving patients’ lives


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical TRANSACTION TERMS TRANSACTION TERMS Key terms of the transaction

Issuer  Affluent Medical SA – ISIN code: FR0013333077 - Ticker : AFME

Listing  Euronext Paris Regulated Market

 A public offering in France in the form of an Open Price Offering intended mainly for retail investors (“OPO”) Offering structure  A global placement in France and certain countries, with the notable exception of the United States of America, intended primarily for institutional investors (“Global Placement“)

Price range  €7.40 - €9.80 per share (mid-price: €8.60)

 Initial size of the offering: a capital increase of approximately €33.0 million(1) (3,837,210 new shares) Offering amount  After extension clause: approximately €38.0 million(1) (4,412,791 new shares)  After over-allotment option: approximately €43.6 million(1) (5,074,709 new shares)

 €164.2 million(1), up to maximum of €174.9 million(1) in the event of the exercise of the extension clause and over Post-IPO capitalisation allotment option

 Up to €20.0 million from Truffle Capital, Ginko Invest, Kreos Capital, Friedland Gestion, Aurore Invest, Marsac Subscription undertaking Advisors and 7 individual investors

 Company: 180 days hard lock up Lock-up  Current Shareholders: 180 days hard lock up  Management and employees: 180 days hard lock up followed by 180 days soft lock up

Syndicate  Global Coordinators, Lead Managers and Bookrunners: Swiss Life Banque Privée, Invest Securities

(1)Based on the mid-price 46

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical TRANSACTION TERMS Indicative timeline

26 May 2021  AMF approval on the Prospectus

27 May 2021  Opening of the French Public Offer and the Global Placement

 Closing of the French Public Offering at 5:00 p.m. (Paris time) for subscriptions over the counter and at 8:00 p.m. (Paris time) for 8 June 2021 internet subscriptions

 Closing of the Global Placement 9 June 2021  Issuance of the press release announcing the result of the offering

11 June 2021  Settlement-Delivery

 Start of trading on the regulated Euronext Paris market 14 June 2021  Start of any stabilisation period

 Deadline for exercise of the over allotment option 8 July 2021  End of the stabilization period


Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical TRANSACTION TERMS Shareholder structure

1 Pre-IPO1 Post-IPO1 Post-IPO Fully diluted basis Fully diluted basis Fully diluted basis Based on a capital composed of 22,702,297 Based on a capital composed of 23,939,796 Based on a capital composed of shares 18,865,087 shares shares Before the exercise of extension clause After the exercise of extension and over-allotment option clause and over-allotment option

6.8% 8.7% 13.4% 5.6% 15.4% 5.3% 13.9%

13.2% 54.2% 51.4% 56.7% 21.1% 17.6% 16.7%

Funds and companies Other financial Founders, Officers, Board Employees Public managed by Truffle Capital investors and Committee members

(1) at the mid point of the range 48

Confidential - do not duplicate or distribute without permission from Affluent Medical TRANSACTION TERMS Partners of the operation

Global Coordinators, Lead Managers and Bookrunners

Legal advisor Auditors Auditors

IFRS support Financial communication Corporate communication advisory advisory


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