Runs Start 8pm Tuesdays – Visitors Always Welcome *** Grand Master : Doner Joint Masters : Top Man & Kung Foo Panda Hare Raiser : Naked Chef YPO : Spanish Mistress Hash Cash : Sausage Horn : Tequil’Over On Sec : Megabit Scribe : Ding a Ling

[email protected]

Run : 1775 1st May 2018 Hare : Tight Git WESTCOTT Start : The Prince of Wales, Guildford Road, RH4 3QE Dir’ns :

On-On : The Prince of Wales

Run : 1776 8th May 2018 Hare : Kebab PEASLAKE Start : The Hurtwood Inn, Walking Bottom, Peaslake GU5 9RR Dir’ns :

On-On : The Hurtwood Inn

Run : 1777 15th May 2018 Hare : Pig Pen WEST HORSLEY Start : Sheepleas Car Park Shere Road West Horsley KT24 6EP Dir’ns : A246 from Leatherhead heading towards Guildford. Just after Cranmore School on right, at the Bell & Colvill garage roundabout, turn left into Shere Road. Car park on left. On-On : The William the 4th 83 The Street West Horsley KT24 6BG

Run : 1778 22nd May 2018 Hare : The Great Bear MICKLEHAM Start : The King William IV, Byttom Hill, RH5 6EL Dir’ns : Parking in front of Frascati Restaurant or on School Lane

On-On : Pub up lane by the side of Frascati

Run : 1779 29th May 2018 Hare : Ard 'on Procatur ASHTEAD Start : Edmund Tylney, High Street, Leatherhead KT22 8AW Dir’ns : High Street is strictly one way. Access is only from the lower end. From roundabout at junct. A24/A243 take B2122 towards Leatherhead. At lights bear left. At next lights turn right. After 100 metres enter pedestrian zone [open to cars after 16.30 hrs.] then turn right into High Street. Parking free after 16.30 hrs. Alternatively multi-storey is free after 18.00 On-On : The Edmund Tylney

[email protected] 1770 Master Bates @ The Pelican, Addlestone 27/03/2018

Our Hare, Master Bates welcomed us as we all arrived in some numbers for this Run, we set off away from the river, and then disappeared into all parts of Addlestone and fun it was, the rain held off, after threatening at the beginning. Visitors tonight were Jo again, now becoming a regular ! Also Colonel Knob Cheese aka Stuart Happily settled in his new home….yehaa ! Also Private Parts, aka Andrew back from his latest trip round the World, always a pleasure Sir. GM Doner brought Jack her 4 legged friend and another 2 legged one, called Jonathan, so welcome All ! Kung Foo Panda was in town too. Lots of our other Weybridge runners, have not yet come of hibernation, come on, you are missing out bigtime. Back on the stroke of 9pm, we had been given a large part of this friendly pub, reserved for Runners…..yes that means us and that is what we are, Megabit calls us fairly ‘A local run for local people’ which Kebab questioned. Good luck to him on his latest Race this weekend ! Anyway, the real truth of what happened in the pub is that, week by week, we are being seduced by chocolate, our Chefess, and Grand Mistress Doner, keeps cooking, this week, delicious mouth watering chocolate brownies with hidden little Easter eggs inside………oh yummy woo and a BIG thankyou Ruth ! Remember the movie…..Chocolat with Juliette Binoche from 2000, opening a chocolate shop in a French village, and lacing her chocolates, with an uplifting substance…wey hey ! Ruth is following in her footsteps we think. Thankyou xx. Also Kebab was stirring it up tonight, trying to get Dingaling in trouble with The Wise Men, being Lord Tosser, Master Bates and Wasser, but he survived somehow. Our evening was over by eleven, and all went home satisfied, sleep well, and HAPPY Easter to you All ! The daffodils are out, and so should you be……on a Tuesday night.

[email protected] 1771 Private Parts & Pocket @ The Sands at Bleak House, Woking 03/04/2018 Rocket

Good venue this, nice big car park, for this pub restaurant, situated opposite the woods. Hopefully not’ The Cabin in The Woods’ or we are going to have a pretty scary night. A good gang turned up for this April Run, torches still needed though. Private Parts & Pocket Rocket indicated some new Hash signage for us, particularly the ‘Fishhook’ which means the Front runners have to run back to where we are, and then turn round ! Yes, really. We seemed to go here, there and everywhere, and boy, we had some shiggy, my trainers nearly got sucked off, they felt like Mississippi mud pie shoes. Slipping and sliding was the norm, but we got used to it, we did not take out any of the trees. Great to see Mrs Robinson, back with us, recovering from cracked ribs, poor thing. Xx Also, Pussy Galore was back after quite an absence, nice to see you both again ! But where were, Worzel, Leg’over, The Pro, Dishy Dave and other good friends too ? The flour was plentiful, even with the mud, so well done Hares, we somehow clumped through Horsell Common, and made it back to the pub, without any Silver Birches coming down. Hares kindly laid on lashings of chips, well about 10 bowls actually, most generous !! Pigs we are, and scoff we did into hungry mouths. Nice to see Hash Cash, in the pub, and Ard’on Provocateur, and their ribald humour. Colonel Knob Cheese, Tight Git, Pig Pen, Great Bear, and quite a few others enjoyed themselves, Yet another jolly night, as we nearly get to ………..Springtime…….so see you All next week, your fitness is at stake, so let us help you get ready for the beach. On On

1772 Pussy Galore & Mrs @ Mayford Arms, Working 10/04/2018 Robinson

A great buzz of excitement seemed to be growing in the carpark before this run so that’s a good start eh ! Two of our favourite ladies were the Hares, that must be the reason. Pussy Galore told Dingaling there was lots of mud, so honesty aplenty here. Mrs Robinson was smiling as always, bless her. Off we jolly well, in this nicely hidden area of South Woking, we were treated to a very enterprising trail, somehow retaining the flour amidst the glorious mud everywhere. We ran through Westfield Common, where the habitat is being cultivated by Woking Council to provide a good wetland area for the rare Great Crested Newt, indeed! Tiny little fella……I thought that was Megabit on a Saturday night after 10 pints….oh sorry, I digress. We had Silver Birch trees everywhere en route, hidden footpaths which our clever Hares did find on their bicycles, when doing their recce, excellent. We followed the Hoe river as it snaked its way round Woking, and water and mud was our night, no one took an early bath though, so good eh ? Tonight a visitor who has been before, Machinist, fresh from his latest trip to Manila, and rightlydecided to join us again. Also great to see Legover, back at last to support the Girls for this one, some more runs for you Kerry, not seen you for ages, busy Family and all that, we know. Mayford Meadows, another Local Nature Reserve, was part of our route tonight so, we have done well, our run mainly in these wetland areas, and slip sliding all the way back to the pub, just 7.38 kilometres for this run, that’s 4.58 miles to you and me, would you Adam and Eve it ! After removing all clothing, I mean muddy clothing, we dived into the pub, oh bliss, pints, and fat chips, mayonnaise, ketchup….oh. Bowls flying from table to table. We send our very best wishes to Calamity who ran with us again tonight, who had been ill, but now recovering mightily, came along with Worzel, great to see you both! No excuses for staying in on a Tuesday night now, you NEED to be out having fun with Weybridge Hash, so go to our Facebook page, or our website… and you will find us. See ya very soon !

[email protected]

1773 Spanish Mistress & @ The Rose of York, Richmond 17/04/2018 Sodden Assets

What a setting eh, overlooking the regal River Thames, once the lifeblood of London still is of course, but even more of a perennial Tourist attraction, Worldwide. Great crowd of 20 or so for this run tonight, some all the way from Australia, no less ! Our cheeky Hares took us off up the hill, round into the gardens, and back, right back within 10 yards of the otherside of the Hotel !! Then shepherded us off to the right, cause the in trail was 5 yards away, little Monkeys they are! A hot steamy night was in store, as we entered Richmond Park, off up the hillside, racing across countless molehills in the dark, not easy, no deer to fall over tonight though. Our Naughty Hares, Spanish Mistress & Sodden Assets, led us a merry dance nowhere near where we thought we might go, a cracking route, which cleverly came out of Cambrian Gate, up the hill and back right next to the out trail, they sail close to the wind these guys, boy were we sweating ! Into the pub, after a right rubdown, and deodorant, we had before us, a goodly range of Samuel Smith’s Old Brewery, Yorkshire’s oldest, founded in 1758, my oh my ! A fabulous range of beers and lagers were on draught. Tons of chips, kept coming, until the goose got fat! Visitor’s tonight, were Quentin, a South African from Sydney, Natalie and John from Alice Springs,4 years since their last trip to Pommieland. Karen from Melbourne, and of course, dear Mum too !! Top Man, Naked chef, Kung Foo Panda, Great Bear, Jo, and Stuart, all loving it. Much mumbling about cricket from Q, but we moved on, Wasser, Lord Tosser, and Machinist was even back again, advising Dingaling on trips to The Philippines, when he has money spare again. A marvellous night’s gasbagging, and Tosser put it well, as usual, ‘You know the price of the beer here is very good ! It jolly well is, we are all coming back again, any excuse. Excellent staff, with a genuine smile, made us feel so welcome.

[email protected]

1774 MegaBit @ The Three Mariners, 24/04/2018

A small matter of 13 miles from our Weybridge home, we drove almost to the outskirts of Berkshire for this MegaBit special run. A cold night, we covered up and set off, for quite an adventure, we seemed to run for miles In every direction, up hills, through forests, across countless roads, and still we could not find The Golden Egg, with all that money in !! Hey, it was a great run, and that hill was in a very popular Trail area for mountain biking on The Crown Estate, as we went into Berkshire and then back into for the finish. Lovely gang of runners this week, including Wally from 5 years ago, the famous Arboretum Run, which has 22,000 mature and rare trees !! Welcome back with his American friend Cameron, and Mother Brown returning from Oz. Legover, great to see you again, becoming a regular once more, along with Pussy Galore ! Pig Pen, Naked Chef, Kebab and Kung Foo Panda, were all out to enjoy themselves tonight. Worzel was entertaining too. Jo, is now a regular ! We had some fun, a bit of rain here and there, but lots of flour, some washed away of course, but a good run from MegaBit, who now calls himself handsome, and confidently practically perfect, in every way. Hmmmmm, has he been hypnotised this week ? Chips, and more chips kept coming ! Jolly Jonathan was here again with Doner, and Master Bates, recovered from a foot injury. Polish barmaid, put up with us all evening, as we filled this

[email protected] atmospheric 16th century pub. Another fun Weybridge Hash night out….On On to next week. More surprises await

[email protected]