Lincoln Lore

6u11Mm ... r t~ l..oui:l A wamn Uncoln Llbrary and ,)luseum Mark £. Net>ly. Jr., £d1tor. Ruth t> Cook. E:d11orial ~n1 P\lbltshed each month by 1he Number 1810 Na.liONI Ute IMur&n« Comp1my, Port Wt,.)·nt-, lndl.a11a 4680J December, 1989 Copyri,g,ht C1 1989 l..c:MJi, A. w..,.,..n Lincoln lil.>rary nnd M~um.,


January 1989 through December 1989 Numbers 1799-1810 Titles of Bulletins...... I Index to SubjeciS ...... • . .• .. • II Jndcx to Persons • .. • .. • .. • . .. .. • .. . .. • ...... Ill

Linooln·lnuglas Deoaws, 1806 I Abmlta1lt Litu:ob1l Speeches and w,·it i1fgs, 185!).1865, No. 1799 - January- SIJ(!e(;hes, Leuers, ami MlsceUane()ttS Writings, Presidential The Lilly L-ibrary's Collection of Lincolniana Messages and Proclt· A 1'ragedyQ{thePownW£, 1804 A Chronology of the Trent A ffair(Partlr) Aml>rotype Mamtal, The, 1807 No. 1802-April- Anecdotes. Lincoln, 1804 Eric FOI\Cr's Rcetm.. ~truction : Anterica's Utifinfshed Revol?k Anglo· American relations, 1800, 1801 tion 1863·1877 Antietam, 1803 No. 1803-May- Arre.,ofConfedcraws, 1800, 1801 Stephen W. Scars' George 8. McClellan: 1'1w Young ASSASSINATION: N(tJ)Ol(!(JU McClellan's reaction, 1804 Cumulative Bibliogrophy, 1987, 1988, 1989 Qu<.>en Isabella's official expression of sympathy, 1809 No. 1804-June- Atheism, 1809 Conredcratc Lincolniana Atl.anticMonthly, 1807,J808 A New Collection of McClellan's Correspondence No. 1805-July- 8 Photographing Lincoln: The Transformation of American ··&ham(l Channel'' (now theSLrait.sof F'Jorida), 1800 l'hotography 1846· 1860(Partl) Barnum's American Musc~!!J...1805 Civil Wt•r lnstitl.lte ~\L Geuysburg College, 1990 .. Battles Lost and Won, ·• ltsw: N'o. 1800-August- "Big ~lve" Lincoln collectors, 1799 Photographing Lincoln (Part ll) Black Rooonstnu;li<>n, 1802 Cumulative Bibliography, 1988· 1989 Blacks, 1802 No. 1807-September- Blockade runners (ships), 1809 Photographing Lincoln (Part Ul) BOOKS: No. JSOS - Octobcr­ Bookplates, 1799 Photographing Uneoln (Part IV) Book reviews, 1802, 1803, 1804 $50,000 Lincoln Priw at Gettysburg College ConJederate Lincolniana, 1804 No. 1809- November- Cumulative Bibliography, 1803, 1800 Lincoln's World: Spain Foreign language, 1809 No.l810 - l)eccmber- ~llnlaturo, 1806 Judex- for I9S9 Spanish, 1809 ··Brady's Establishment,'' 1808 II British cabinet, 1800, 1801 Broadsides, 1861, 1799 A Brown University, 1799 AbolitioniSLS, 1802 Al)r(llwm. Lincoln (Metzger), 1803 c Abraham.Lincolnan.dtlw Washington 1'erriun·y, l803 Cabinet, British, 1800, 1801 Abmhant Lincolr• Assass.inatiOI\1 l806 Cabinet meetings, Lincoln's, 1801 , Speeches (11UI1Vritings. 1832· I 858, Campaign buuons, 1807 Speeches. Letters. and Miscellaneous Writings, The Canada, 1801 2 LfNCOL.N LORE

Caricatures, 1806 ofDiscontent .; The 1hmt A.ffoir and F'reed(;m of the Carl$$ de Visite 'irtNineteer1th Century Pholhgraphy, 1807, Seas, 1801 1808 Fourteenth Amendment, 1802 Cartoons(contempomry), 1801, 1809 France, 1800, 1801 CHARACTERISfiCS: Pur Uter A rchcaological Investigations at Li11C()ln HomeN"" Personal trails, McClellan's, 1803 tiO>•aJ llit;toricSite, Springfwld, Jl!inoit;. The 1987 Reswra­ Personal trailS, Uncoln's, 1804, 1806, 1808 timl Projec~ 1806 Physicala.ppearance, Lincoln's, 1805, 1806, 1808 Chicago, 1799 G Christmas, 1861, 1801 G<>orge 8. McCk!Uan: 17~ 1803 Chro11Qlogy0/11te T'renti\[fair, A. Part I and II, 1800, 1801 God, 1804, 1809 Civil Rights movemem. 1802 Great. Britain, 1800, 1801 , 1807, 1809 CIVIL WAR: Great Emat~cipator, 77UJ, 1803 Atrocities, 180-1 ''Great Fremont Basirl" (now the: states of Nevada and Utah), Battle or Antietam, 1803, 1804 1800 Battle or Bull R\Ul, 1804 Great. Lakes, 1801 Blockade, 1800, 1809 Greenfield Village, 1799 Jetrerson Davis's criticism of U.S. pracl.ices, 1804 Peninsula campaign, 1803 H Seven Days' Battle, 1803 Habeas Corpus, Writ.of.1804 She:mtan'smarchtoLhesea, 1804 Havana, 1800, 1809 Spain and the American Civil Wnr, 1809 llistorian.'s Lincoln: Rebuttals, JYJtat 1716 University Press Civil War 1/is/JJry, 1803 IVouldNotPrint, 17.lne ror photographers), 1808 Colle

George IJ. McClellan, 1804 IVeeJrend In8elAir1 Maryland, 1806 John G. Nicolay, 1806 Journal ofAmericanflistory, 1802 i.,etters, Lincoln, 1799 JountaJ.ofll~.q Abraham Lil'ltoln A$$0Cialion, 1806 McCleUan's lnsulting remarks about Uncoln , 1804 1\tcCiellan's remarks after Lincoln 3SS35Sinatcd, 1804 K Cm·resporuhm.ce bel100C'I~ llut Cmnm·t'ssioners ofllzo Stale ofSo. , 1802 Cn1raCt.S, Southern, 1802 Currier& lves prints, 1799, 1802 Laborers, 1808 Laws, Indiana, 1802 D Laws, Northern and Southern, 1802 Dagu«rf'OOtype: A SGsquicenunmial ~lebralion, 'llte, 1805 Leuers(see Corrc~mo nd ence) Dagu..e rreol.ypeinAnw,·ioo, The. 1806 Letters woln And. The South In 1860. 1806 Democratic Party, 1804. 1809 Li•wo!n,· A Pho/JJbiography~ l803 Depression of 1870s, 1Sb2 U11coln8ibliogmphy(t"ish}, l799 Desk, Lincoln's, 1799 Linco!nBibliography(Monaghan), 1804 Oevi!'s Visit to "Old ", Tlte, 1804 J..i11coln D

Dr. A l'lSOn G. Hen.ry: Persmw.l Physician to the Lincolns1 1803 Lincoln /mage: Abro.lwm Linroln.and Ih e PopuWr Prinl) The, Drama, Confederate, l804 1806 Dukedom Lorge Enough. 1799 Lirwoln in Ptwtograplu;: An Allmm.ofE oory Kl'WW'n Po.l)l!, 1799, 1805 E U11co!11ia11a Bibliography (Oakleaf), 1799 Economic conditions. 1802 lA>WOI1l Legiu:;y, Tlw, 1803 Emar)Cif)ation Proclamation, 1802 Lincoln Memorial University, 1803 811cyc/JJ1>edia ofPholhgraplly, 1805 Lincoln National Life lnsu.ra.nce Company, 1799 England, 1800, 1801, 1807, 1809 Lincoln Prize, Octtysburg College, 1808 Brie F01UJr'S "Reconstruction: America's lhifinf.slted Rewlu· Lincoln sightseeing in , 1808 tion1863·1877," 1802 Li•u;ob~ Tlw Constilutwn, ·esidllntiat l.eader$hip, 1803 Europa(British mail steamer), 1801 Uncoln's World: Spai•~ 1809 Europe, 1800, 1808, 1809 LiquorandLincolnJ 1804 8 t>n Lincoln, The, 1808 LOUIS A. WARREN LINCOLN LIBRARY AND ~fUSE:IJM: .twtittwn

Foreign relations, 1804, l809 McCieUan'smemoirs1 1803 UNCOLN L.ORE 3

McClellan'sOWnStory, 1804 Emancipation Proclamation (blacks paying lribute to Medallions, 1799 Lincoln), 1802 Memorabilia, 1799 Engravings, 1807 Messageqf!lw President, July 20, 1861 (Davis), 1804 George llancroft, 1808 Mexican War veterans' expedition LoCuba, 1809 George B. and Mary Ellen (Marcy) McClellan, 1804 Misu;r Lincoln'sArmy, 1803 George B. McClellan, 1803 Mitchell home (Stone's River Battle field), 1802 J.B. Oakleaf, 1799 Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1802 , 1800 Jefferson Oav~1 }804 N , I !SOU Nati~coln For The Ages. Colkctors, Collectio>r.s, And Oregon, 1800 Our Si:r:teenlJt Pr'csidmu., 1800 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES: p Annual, 1861, 1801 Pan>don del Grande lighthouse, 1800 Annual Message, 1863, 1809 Painted miniatures, 1806, 1807 First Inaugural, 1799 Partisanshjp, t803 PrinlS, 1799 PersonalFinancesofAbralwm .Lincoln, The, 1805 JTisoners, civilian, 1800, 1801 Philadelphia, 1800 Prisoners of war. 1804 Pilotogn•phManual, T11e, 1807 Prize court, 1800, 1801 Photographers, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 l'roslraleState, ?;,'!,el 1802 Photographic ArtJo-u.nwl, 77te, 1807 Public opinion, lHOU PhOIO!Jrophic C<>llec4»', 11ut, 1807 Puerto Rico, 1809 Photographing Lincoln·11te Trcm#ormatUm of Amerioon Pilotographyl846·1860, Part 1, 11 , Ill, IV, 1$05, 1806, 1807, Q, R 1808 Race relations, 1802 PHOTOGRAPHS: Reconstruction, 1802 Ambrotypes, 1806, 1807, 1808 ReconstnJ.ction: Am.erico 's UrifinLsh.ed Rqoolul imt /863·1877, Cartc-Daguerreotypes, 1805, 1800, 1807, 1808 RivalAdmitlistratimrs: Riclnnorutand.Washi11Ql011 in Galleries, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 December, 1863, 11w, 1804 Lincoln's first photograph, 1805 Royol Ape, Tile, 1804 Mass production, 1860s 1807 1808 Mathew IJrady, 1805, 1!107, IS08 s N.H. Shepherd, 1805, 1800, 1808 San Jacinto (Steamer), 1800 Silversmith's mark, 1805 S3nto Domingo, l809 Stereoeards, 1807 Secession, 1809 Tlntyl)wob~ Tlw, 1803 I'HOTOGRAPHY: SharecrOI)pers, 1802 Chemicals, processing of, 1805, 1800, 1807, 1808 Ships, 1800, 1801 Gun OOLLOI\, use of, 1806 Si:J:Monthsatthc White HousewilltAbrahatnLi ncoln, 1808 Inventions and inventOrs, 1805, 1808 Slavery, 1799 Paper used, 1808 Soldiers, brutality of, 1804 Patents, American, 1807 Southern social classes, L802 Plumbe daguerreotype camera, 1806 South Pacific, 1800 Processing photographs, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 "Southworth and Hawes: The Artksts,'' 1807 Technology of photogro.phjc reproduction, 1807, l808 SI>Oin, 1809 PICTURES: Spain's foreign policy, 1809 "Saute of Antietam," 1803 Spain's public opinion on Civil War, 1809 Bcnj3mbl Franklin ··Beust." Butler, 1802 Spanish culture, 1809 Black veteran, 1802 Spanish government, 1809 Cartoon, ",Jonathan on the Mason and Slidell Affair,'' Springfield, 1805 1801 Steplum W. &Iars' "George B. McCiella>~ 1'he Young CartoOn, ''Oh , ain't we sorry!!!,'" 1809 Napowon, ·•, 1803 Charles•TancisAdams, 1801 Stock market, 180 I , 1802 Charles Wilkes, 1800 Stmwwall {steamer), 1809 Cooper Union photograph, 1807 "Strange Can>,. Critics," 1802 1860 campaign button, 1807 Suffragists, 180'2 LISCOI..'I LORE

T K 11Hrt('('nth Am('ndment, 1799 Kllpatnck, Judson. 1805· Klncaid, Arthur, 1806; Koerner, Tr.ans·AIIonll~ telegrnpl\iccable. 1800, 1801 Gu."a•oe, 1809. 'lh'nt (Unll>h matl steamer), 1800, 1801 'lh'ntl\{fair· A Diplomalie Crms.. 17te. 1801 L Lamben, William H., 1700; Langenhelm, \\'tlloam, 1807; Lee, u Raben E.(Gen.), 1800, 1800; Le\\t>, A.O.(black NorthCaroUruan), Unitt'd Stou~~ J:o:xploring Expedition, 1800 1802; Ully, Joolah K., 1700; Uneoln, Abraham, see Titles of Bulletins(l)and Index toSuilJccL•(II); l.hocoloo, Mary Todd, 180-1, v, w 1806, 1808; l..ineoln, Robert Todd, 1806, 1807, 1808; Logan, Wornfll;f! Sout11 Vimlirou.'ez, Narciso, 1800; l..yoo11!, Lord, 1800, Coml(m; u(l(/; A OiSCQursc PrwclwlL .. and t.lJicoln Uslt'r(Jh 1801. t iou, '/71(', 1804 wr.,t lndit•'>, 1800 M Wlug pr(•-,ldrn1i:lltnm)xtign of 1852, 1809 Marx, Karl, 1802; M3SOn, Jnmt•.sM., 1800, 1801 : Mayol, Manuel, Whil<' lloo..e, 1801, 1804 1800; McClellan, George R. (Gen.), 1803, ISO-I; McClellan, John Women·... mo\'{•ment, 1802 II.B.(Gen. McCiellan'sbrother), I~ ; McClellan, Maria Eldredge World Warll, 1802 (John McCiellan"swife), I~ ; McClellan, Mory(Gen. McCiellon's sister). I~ ; McClellan, Mary Ellen (Marcy) (Gen. McClellan's X, Y,Z wife), 1800, I~;McConniek , R.C.. I800; McLellan,CharlesW., (Nott': TitiM ll'-tC'd 1n the Cumulative Bibliography art' ualicb.· 1799,Mcmer,Henri, 1800, 1801,)1ellon,JarnesR.. UI, 1806; Met· ed In the Sub)<'d Index.) :qj('r. Larry, 1800; M..,.., Earl Schenck, 18().1, MIIJer, S:, Gen., 1800; t"eely Mark E., l'rince, 181Kl, 1801, Archer, t'rederick Scou, 1806. Jr., l804, 1806, 1809;Ncwhall, Beaumont, 1806, New-man, Ralph Gcorrrey, 1800, 1806; Nicolay, ll<'len, 1&06: Nicolay, Jotm G .• B 1801 , 1806; Noble, Vergil E., 1806. IJ:•ker, Edward D., 1801: Bancrort, George, 1808; B.'lfl!l'r, M S.t'!rul, 180Fi, 1\orker, II E., 1799: B0;,ler, Roy P., 1801; B."es, Edwnrd, 0 ISO I : llalf'S, ·nwr(•ma, 1806; Bcnnell, James Gordon, 1801: lk-rgt•r, Oakleaf, Joseph &1\iaonin, 1799: Oakleaf, ,J.L. (son of J .B. Anthony, 1800; lk'rntard, Kenneth A., 1803, 1806; Borin, GniJor Oaklellt), 1799;0stendorf, Lloyd, 1803, 1805, 1806. S., 1700, 180r,, 1806, 1808; Brady, Mathew, 1805, 1807, 1808; Jlrlght, .John, 1801 ; Umokie, J., 1805; Brougham, Henry, 1801 ; p l\n:nYn, John llt•nty, 1806; Browne, Francis F., 1808; llrownin~ . 1-.almerston, Lord, 1800; J>crmnn, ~tlcha('l, 1802: P('rry, llora.tio, 1809; i'ike, JamesShepan:t,l802; Pollard. f::h mino..terialdeputy), 1800; Clay, fle nry, ISOS;Cook, lluth E., ISO:J,ISOO;('onada.JamesW., 1800;Cox, Jaoob, 1800;Cur· R Randall, Dand A., 1700; Raymond, llonry J .. 1808: Read,JohnM. n'nt, Richard N ., 1800. C'utTK'rand h·es(publbltcr..), 1802; CU>ler, (Judge), 1806; Rosenthal, Max, 1803, ~II. Sat han B. (M'Ij.). G•<>f'll" Arm.,.rong. I~ I~; Russell, Lord John, 1800, 1801 p Daguer'f'(", l.ou,!tJacquesMande.I80S; 03rrah, \\'llham C.,1807, s Schun, Carl. 1802, 1800; Schwon~l. F'ted (lion.), 1800, 1806; 11!01!, l)a•b,Jeffe,.,n. I~; DK:ke, I.. 1799; llo,Siephen E.. Scors. Stephen II'., 1800, 180-1; Sc" ard, Feden"""•S. (G•n .). 1803; Griffith, Albert H .. 1799. u,v H l'o;,meoer,SaraloMcNair,l799, 1800, 1801.1802, 1803.1~. 1805, Hale,JuhnP. (S..n.),l800; flail, Anhurfleteher. 1799: Hall, Tom, 1806. 1807. 1808. 11>00; ltamllton. CharW>. 1799. 1805; Harsh, Joseph L , 180.1, Hatch, O.oa_•M , 1800: lta\\e.,Josiai\Johnson, 1807, Ita) ,John, w 11101, 18113,Ha>"'· Rutherford B. (Pres.), 180'l; ltennann, llerr Walker. Lewis£.• 1807; Waltc-r, A 8 .• 1800; \\'81T('J\, Gordon H .. (m>g~ctan). 18().1. lhckey, Jame. T ., 1800. 1806.1hll, L L., U!Oli; 1801;Warren, LouisA., 1799; ll'eathe",Su>ann:th . 1700: Welles. llolmM. Olt\'('rWtndctl, 1807, 1808; Holmes~ Olh·er W~nd<'ll , Jr., G1deon, 1800; ll'erge, John, 1807, 11108; \\'Ilk..,, Charles (Com· 1808; lloiU'r, Harold. 1806; llubbell. JohnT.. 1800: lluntmgton. modore), 1800. 1801; 1\'olliams, t'rnnkJ .. 1800, 1806: Wood, John. Oanool, 1306 1805; Woodward, C. Vann, ISCY.!~ Wonnle)', Imogene (grand· daughLertoJames Worml