Ffi\ Bevclopr+'Rent Acabela.V. of the Philippines - Bros & Aweros Commrrree (So No.2018-119 & So-2019-074A)

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Ffi\ Bevclopr+'Rent Acabela.V. of the Philippines - Bros & Aweros Commrrree (So No.2018-119 & So-2019-074A) I ! t ffi\ bevclopr+'rent acabela.v. of the philippines - Bros & AweRos CoMMrrrEE (So No.2018-119 & So-2019-074A) 8AC MEET,NG NO: DAIEoF MEETING: PnT.BID CONFERENCE 2019-O5 22 November 2O19 (Fri) EIDD,NG No.: r,rElDEscR,piloN: [atesorypertlAual: [ ]GOODS [XIINFRA/WORKS [ ]CONSULTING rB19-3928s2-O7 "oNE (1) LOT REPAIR/REHABILITATION/RENOVATION OF APPR)VED BUDGEI CEIUNG IABCJ: Fii,+g6,ooo.oa THE 7FlA OF THE DAP BUILDING IN PASIG CIry AS PART OF BUDGET U|LtzAtoN Sr/P No.: THE IDEA GENERATION HUB INCLUDING ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF DESIGN FIT-OUTS, FURNISHINGS, AND PP19090109 FIXTURES" PURCHASE REouEsr No.: END-USER REPRESENIATVE: OFFtcE, CENIERIGR,UP: 392852 ERMARIE A. MONDEJAR DAP Conference Center, Services PRocEssrNG CoNrRoL No.: EARrv SIARI-r,ME: IME ADJOURNED: VENUE or MEEI/NG: NP190902075 O 1:54PM O4:18PM L.S. Virata Hal!, DAP Bldg., Pasig City Highlights of the Pre-Bid Conference ot. Clu. ro Onoen & UlllolrtoN oF Quonuu: 01.1. The Pre-Bid Conference for the abovestated Project started at exactly 01:54 PM and was presided by the BAC Chairperson SVP Bernardo A. Dizon; 01.2. The Program was called to order when the BAC Secretariat Director confirmed the quorum for both BAC and TWG, as asked by the Presiding Officer; 01.3. The BAC Chairperson recognized the presence of the BAC, End-User, TWG, Prospective Bidders, the Observers, and the other guests to the PBC; 01.4. BAC Chairperson to introduce the members of ... Bids and Awards Committee Designation P/A BAC Alternate Members P/A so-201 8-1 19 & SO-2019-07 Chai rson BERNARDO A DIZON P Vice-Ch MONINA A,R. DE ARMAS P lVember 1 MONICA D. SALIENDRES A RICHA S. TIBO P Member 2 GILBERT E. LUMANTAO P DANILO C, FILARCA lt/ember 3 GERALD Y. CRUZ P ALVIN P. PRINCIPE Provs'nl Member - ERIVARIE A. IVONDEJAR P End User Acting Director, RODEL DV. CASTILLO P istics Division* BAC Documenter* MARIET RIZ M. BRADECINA P JESSERIE ANN P, TAGLE P BAC Sec, Staff* ERMILANDO V. MORATALLA JR. P APRIL P. ESPINO Observer 1* COA Re resentative $ Observer 2* OGCC pnmary member shall be NOTE: Alternate member automatically assumes posf when the pimary member is not available. The it is the duty of the latter responsib/e to update his/ her alternate member if the latter is unable to attend a scheduled meeting. Likewise, to do the sarne to the former. POSITION TWG Members P/A 01. TWG Chairperson Glonrn B. Llut A oz. TWG Vice-ChairPerson ENen. MnRloRte M. Wrue P 03 TWG Member L Gennno Pnul J. CnLnNIsRo A 04. TWG Member 2 AoRtnu A. Rnrutnez A l i,raeC ioiciiCHru 20l9\Meetins\PBc l22Nov20l9l\FINALMoM-PBC l22Nov20l9l'docx p.z/rr Itt${- B,DDTNG No. BAC MEET,NG Noj DAIE oF MEETING: PRE.BID CoNFERENCE rB19-392852-(J7 2019-05 22Nov2019 (Fri) POStTtON TWG Members P/A os. TWG Member 3 Erucn. VerueR V. MnoEnn.re P oo TWG Member 4 JerururreR Gnvlr G. Flones P oz. TWG Member 5 Mnnx Rrx JnYsoN T. ATOLE P 08 TWG Member 6 Arucrucn N. Fnnrucrsco P og. TWG End User Rep VrnorurcR V. Fennen P 02. OpENrNc Rrulnxl: 02.1. Observers who were invited: 02.1.1. MS. ROSALIE D. SARMIENTO, DAP Auditor, Commission on Audit (coA); 02.1.2. JUDGE BEL D. DERAYUNAN, Assistant Government Corporate Counsel, Office of the Govt. Corp. Counsel (OGCC); 02l.3. USEC. ROWEL S. BARBA, Undersecretary for Competitiveness & Ease of Doing Business Group (CEODBG), Construction lndustry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP); 02.1.4. ATTY. HERBERT DG. MATIENZO, Executive Director lll, Philippine Contractors Accredited Board (PCAB); 02.1.s, MR. AMADOR F. ESTUDILLO, Procurement Watch, lnc. (PWl); and 02.1.0. MR. DELFIN J. WENCESLAO, JR., President, Philippine Constructors Association, lnc. (PCAI). 02.2. From the above invited Observers, none attended the Pre Bid Conference; 02.3. Participating Bidders as of 22Nov2019 (Fri): (self-intro : company represented * name + position in the company) 02.3.1. KERGIE ENTERPRISES represented by Engr. Erik Anthony Libranda, Project lt/anager; 02.3.2. SPECSERV, lNC. represented by (a) Mr. Al Gargaritano, Project Manager, and (b) Mr. Manny Macavinta, Business Development Manager; 02.3.3. CAPERNAUM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION represented by (a) Mr. Antonio M. Carolino, President, (b) Ms. Brigida Aurora C. Perez, General Manager, and (c) Ardie G. Mariano, Architect; 02.3.4. JIRUAMO CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION represented by Mr. Nuli Galuden, Business Development; \ 02.3.s. MULTI-B CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION represented by (a) Mr. Michael G. Duncil, Planning Officer, (b) Mr. Jenesis Dan Carifro, Quantity Surveyor Engineer; 02.3.6. NEW CARINA'S GARDEN represented by Ms. Rosalie V. Cruz, Admin Supervisor; 02.3.7. SAFARI BUILDERS represented by tMr. Roman Roque, Project-in- Charge; 02.3.8. R.A. NOLIDO CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION represented by (a) Mr. Kairon Reyes, Project Engineer, and (b) Mr. William Magbago, PDO; 2 H:\BAC 20l9\lGHub 20l9\Meeting\PBc l22Nov2ol9l\tlNAL-MoM-PBb l22Nov2ol9) docx #,i\v p.3ht B/DDING No. 8AC MEEflNG No; DAIE oF MEEIING: PnT.BIo CONFERENCE rB19-392852-07 2019-05 22Nov2019 (Fri) 02.3.s. DUMDUMA CONSTRUCTION & TRADING CORPORATION represented by I\Is. Clarisse Viernes, Liaison Officer; 02.3.10. MZR BUILDERS represented by Ms. Marilou R. Quiroz, Marketing Officer; and 02.3.11.GEJOMEDS CONSTRUCTION represented by Mr. Robert Bufrales, Project lvlanager. 03. Fon hronmmox: 03.1. Activities conducted by the BAC as of date: 03.1.1. 1't Pre-Procurement Conference on 10Sept2019 (Tue); 01.1.2. znd Pre-Procurement Conference on 30Sept2019 (Mon); 03.1.3. 3'd Pre-Procurement Conference on O7Oct2019 (Mon); 03.1.4. 4th Pre-Procurement Conference on 13Nov2019 (Wed); 03.1.s. Posted Ads (lnvitation to Bid w/ OBD) on 15Nov2019 (Fri) at: (ol) DAP Website; (02) PhiIGEPS Website; and (03) DAP-Pasig designated areas. 03.1.6. Prospective Bidders who were directly invited thru email: (01) Advanced Foundation Construction Systems; (02) R.A. Nolido Construction, lnc.; (03) M.E. Sicat Construction, lnc.; (04) D.lt/. Consunji, lnc.; (0s) Multi-B Construction Corporation; (06) Jits Construction Corporation; (07) Arktek Systems Builders lnc.; (0s) Millenium Erectors Corporation; (oe) MGS Construction; (10) DDT Konstrakt, lnc.; (11) Capernaum Development Corporation; N (12) Acquisition Service lmplementation Construction, lnc.; (13) All Asia Structures, lnc.; (14) E.C. De Luna Construction Corporation; (15) E.M. Cuerpo, lnc.; (16) F.F. Cruz & Company, lnc.; (17) First Balfour, lnc.; (18) First Orient Development & Construction Corporation; 3 Hi\BAC 20i9\lGHub 2019\Meeting\PBC {22Nov20l9l\FINAL-MoM-P8C l22Nov20l9l.docx @\ n.+7u EIDDJNG NO. 8AC MEET,NG NO: DATE oF MEEIING: Pnr.BIo COITIFERENCE rB19-392852-07 2019-05 22Nov2019 (Fri) (1e) Frey-Fil Corporation; (20) Hilmarc's Construction Corporation; (21) IPM Construction & Development Corporation; (221 Makati Development Corporation ; (23) Monocrete Construction Philippines, !nc.; (24) S.C. Megaworld Construction and Development Corporation; (25) Sta. Clara lnternational Corporation; and (26) Tri-Ex Tower Company, lnc. 03.i.7. Prospective Bidders who inquired and sent their Letter of lntent thru email: (0i) R.A. Nolido Construction Corporationl; and (02) ttlulti-B Construction Corporation2. 03.1.8. Pre Bid Conference on 22Nov2019 (Fri); 03.1.9. Prospective Bidders who requested3 the Bidding Documents on Ph|IGEPS website as of 21Nov2019 (Thu): (01) MZR Unica, lnc. doing business under the name and style of MZR Builders; (02) Alps Maintaineering Services, lnc.; and (03) Kergie Enterprises. 03.1.10. Contractors who Bought OBD as of 22Nov2019 (Fri): Contractor / Supplier OR No. Date Amount ot. Kergie Enterprises 0023829 11t2012019 Fg,o0o.CIe oz. Specserv, lnc. 0023831 11t20t2019 Fg,0o0.aq os. Gapernaum Development 0023846 11t22t2019 Fg,oo0.0e Gorporation oa. Multi-B Gonstruction 0023847 11t22t2019 Pg,o0o.0a Gorporation N 03.1.11. Submission & Opening of Bids on 03Dec2019 (Tue). 04. PRE Bro Corr=RENcE Pnop:n: 04.i. BAC Chairperson introduced the following: 0+.t.1. The Procuring Entity (DAP video); 04.1.2. The Bidding Process as per GPPB (video); ' Annex "A" - Letter of lntent from R.A. Nolido Construction Corporation Annex "B" Letter of lntent from Multi-B Construction Corporation t' - Annex "C" - Document Request List from Ph|IGEPS Website 4 H:\8AC 2019\lGHub 2019\Meeting\PBc (22Nov2019)\FINAL-MoM-PBC l22Nov20l9l docx p.s/, @\.- BIDDJNG No. 8AC MEEflNG NO; DATE oF MEETING: PnT.BID CoNFERENCE rB19-392852-07 2019-05 22Nov2019 (Fri) 04.2. BAC Chairperson discussed the following: 04.2.1. Requested Order / Decorum; 04.2.2. Reminders to the Prospective Bidders; 04.2.3. lnformation for the Bidders; 04.2.4. Packaging and Markings of the Bids to be submitted; 04.2.5. Two Stage Bidding Process; 04.2.6. Ranking of Preliminary Evaluated Bids; 04.2.7. Establishing the Lowest Calculated Bid (LCB) 04.2,8. Establishing the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB); and 04.2.9. Simulation of the Bill of Quantities (BOO). 05. lttuE , Cotcenxs, Acne=uerr: 05.1. Clarifications from Prospective Bidders <Bidder must introduce himself/herself and the juridical entity he/she represenfs>: 0s.1.1. ltem No. 01 from Mr. Manny Macavinta (Mr. Macavinta), Business Development Manager of Specserv, lnc., re: DAP's Qualifier as to the Design. Query: [Vlr. Macavinta asked what will the qualifier be of DAP when it comes to the design to be proposed by the Winning Bidder? Since the Official Bidding Documents (OBD) only states what should be included for the space and in the construction industry, there are different approaches as to how to come up with a proper design. BAC's response: The BAC answered that since one of the outputs of the Winning Bidder would be the Master Plan for the whole area (Buildings A & B), there would be phases of consultation between the Winning Bidding and the DAP, and approval of such a plan would be made before the implementation for Building A.
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