Technobureaucratic Capitalism
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira TECHNOBUREAUCRATIC CAPITALISM São Paulo, 1990 2004 Introductory Note This book began with the translation, by Marcia Van Dyke, of my book A Sociedade Estatal e a Tecnoburocracia (São Paulo, Editora Brasiliense, 1981). A first version of it was submitted in 1983 to Cambridge University Press. After several months, the editor showed interest in the publication of the book, provided that I introduced major changes. Yet, in the meantime, I was called to political life, and was unable to make the required changes. In December 1987 I returned to academic life, and, after some time, reworked the originals, introducing the initial discussion of the state, and revising several parts, so as to become an integrated book instead of a collection of essays. This 1990 version was sent back to Cambridge University Press, but at that time they had lost the interest. This version was completed in mid 1990, when the collapse of Soviet Union was under way. It already acknowledged the breakdown of communism, but the disinterest of the publishing house let clear to me that more changes were required if I really wanted to publish the book in English. For years the ‘manuscript’ remained in my archives in digital form. Finally, in 2004, when I returned to the theme of this book by writing the paper “The Strategic Factor of Production in Technicians’ Capitalism” to be presented to the ‘John Kenneth Galbraith International Symposium’, to be held in Paris, September 23-25, I ‘rediscovered’ Technobureaucratic Capitalism. Since I have no short term plan of reworking the book¸ I decided to publish it in my web page in the original form.
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