Otis College of Art and Design Ben Maltz Gallery 9045 Lincoln Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045 www.otis.edu/benmaltzgallery;
[email protected]; (310) 665-6905 ©2014, Binding Desire: Unfolding Artists Books Otis College of Art and Design, Ben Maltz Gallery ISBN: 0-930209-34-6 This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition Binding Desire: Unfolding Artists Books, January 25-March 30, 2014, organized by the Ben Maltz Gallery at Otis College of Art and Design. The project is funded in part by The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or me- chanical means (including photography, recording, or information stor- age and retrieval) without permission in writing from publisher. Publisher: Otis College of Art and Design, Ben Maltz Gallery Editors: Cathy Chambers, Meg Linton, Sue Maberry Designer: Sheldon Forbes Publication Format: iBook Images: Unless noted otherwise, photography and videography by Kathleen Forrest, Derek McMullen, Sarah Morton, and Chris Warner i Contents • Introduction – Meg Linton • L.A. Bound – Kathleen Walkup • Plates of Works in the Exhibition • Curricular Connections • Public Programming • Biographies • Acknowledgements ii Introduction by Meg Linton Binding Desire: Unfolding Artists Books presents a sampling of works from the Otis Millard Sheets Library’s Spe- cial Collection of artists’ books dating from the 1960s to the present. This teaching collection is one of the larg- est in Southern California with over 2,100 objects and it includes work by such luminaries as Vito Acconci, Joseph Beuys, and Ed Ruscha as well as significant work from major pro- duction centers like Beau Geste Press, Paradise Press, Printed Matter, Red Fox Press, and Women’s Studio Workshop.