www.iaard.net IAARD Journals eISSN:2456-009X International Journal of Agriculture And Veterinary Sciences IAARD-International Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 2018, 4(1),1-6 Study on the quality parameters and the knowledge of producers on honey adulteration in selected districts of Arsi Zone Mulualem Ambaw1 and Teklemedhin Teklehaimanot1 Corresponding author’s Email address:
[email protected] Co-author’s Email:
[email protected] 1Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Abstract: The study was carried out selected districts of Arsi zone to characterize honey quality parameters and to assess the perception and knowledge of honey producers. From seven randomly selected districts a total of 52 respondents were interviewed with structured questionnaire on adulteration of honey and ways of identification of adulterated honey in the study areas. In addition a total of 48 honey samples each weighing 0.5 kg (10.5kg) from different beekeepers and 13.5 kg of honey from local market was collected randomly for physicochemical evaluation. Intentional adulteration of pure honey by different adulterant material like ripened banana, sugar, coca cola, were done in the laboratory as reference frame for the collected samples. According to the respondents response 95.5% of actors on adulteration of honey were retailers. Adulterated honey was locally detected by, visual inspection, testing by tongue, viscosity, and finger test methods. Adulterant materials most frequently used in the study area were sugar, ripened banana, wheat flower, potato, maize flower, pollen, empty combs, melted candy, molasses and hot water according respondents replied. Regarding the laboratory test result, the mean water content, water insoluble solid and PH value of the collected honey samples were 19.98%, 3.6 and 3.9 respectively.