PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book FEBRUARY 2008 Most FCS centric definition is always given first. Please find other acronyms at Submit new or missing FCS program specific acronyms to
[email protected]. Produced by Strategic Plans, Programs, Policies and Operations (SP3O) The “G Staff” G1 - HUMAN RESOURCES G2 - SECURITY G3 - OPS (ILSC) G6 - CIO G5/7 - STRATEGIC PLANNINNG AND TRANSFORMATION G8 - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - 1 - # # 3CE Cross Command Collaborative Environment A A A Analysis (verification type) A&V Agility and Versatility A/C Aircraft A/DACG Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group A/SPOD Air/Seaport of Debarkation A2C2 Army Airspace Command & Control A2C2S Army Airborne Command and Control System AA Affordability Statement; Attribute Authority; Avenue of Attack AAA Army Audit Agency AADC Army Air Defense Commander AAE Army Acquisition Executive AAEF Army Advanced Experimental Force AAF Army Airfield; Army Availability Factor AAFARS Advanced Aviation Forward Refueling System; Army Aviation Forward Area System AAGS Army Air Ground System AAIC Army Architecture Integration Cell AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System AAN Army After Next AAP Army Apprenticeship Program; Army Acquisition Process; Assessment Anchor Point AAR After Action Review; After Action Report; Association of American Railroads AARMS Army Architecture Repository Management System AASLT Air Assault AATF Air Assault Task Force AATFC Air Assault Task Force Commander AAV Autonomous Armored Vehicle ABC Army Battle Command ABCS Army Battle Command