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Iersonal Com Uter clair ZX8L iersonal com uter Science of Cambridge Ltd, of the UK, has really come up with a world -first with the Sinclair ZX80. It is easily the smallest and least expensive computer available which will interface to a TV set and by JOHN CLARKE cassette recorder. It features full BASIC operation with powerful editing and single keystroke functions. 2114L RAMs. Incidently, the The Sinclair ZX80 computer would earpiece. An RCA socket is provided for sists of two RF for the Australian version have to be one of the most inexpensive the RF modulator. Also a 46 -way edge modulator on the market today, especially con- connector pad is brought out carrying operates at VHF channel 1. 600mA/9V DC plug pack, sidering that it has programming features the Address Bus and Data Bus, along We used the as to which would normally be found on only with the Z80 control lines. This bus can which is available an accessory, the the more expensive systems. To have provide for extra memory expansion power up the computer. Connecting TV set, we were rewarded the machine up and running, a DC boards. Leads are supplied for the coax to our a square power supply and television set is all that cassette interface and RF modulator. with a reassuring curser, black a white letter K in it, at the bottom is required. A domestic cassette recorder Opening the top cover to the com- with of the screen. The screen can also be used to store programs. puter case reveals a double -sided PCB, left hand side on a steady display in Measuring 175 x 35 x 218mm (W x H filling the whole area of the case. The characters appear reverse video (black letters on a x D) and weighing only 340g, the ZX80 touch sensitive keyboard is allocated the field The full screen con- with its own integral keyboard is very first 70mm of PCB depth. The two major white background). tains 32 columns by 24 rows of compact. Housed in a white plastic case ICs on the PCB, the NEC Z80 MPU and held together with plastic rivets it gives the Sinclair Research "Super ROM", are characters. difficulty with using the ZX80 impression of lightweight mounted in IC sockets while the remain- One the general immediately obvious. The construction. However, the fibreglass ing ICs, mainly 74LS TTL, are soldered becomes keyboard lacks tactile feedback, pre- printed circuit board fortunately gives directly to the board. A small heatsink is venting the user from touch typing. structural strength to the case. provided for the 5V regulator. With flat of plastic as a keyboard At the rear of the computer case are A crystal oscillator provides the a sheet it is necessary to continually watch the three 3.5mm sockets for the DC power 3.25MHz clock for the microprocessor keys as they are pressed. supply, tape recorder microphone and and the 1K of read/write memory con- A further problem occurs when a key is pressed and accepted by the computer: the screen will lose synchronisation for a short duration, producing severe flicker. (This could perhaps be regarded as an - advantage for some, in that this flicker in- dicates that the key just pressed was detected by the computer!) Operating the cassette interface is straightforward, just press SAVE to store on tape and LOAD to 11-111s zs -rrt the program It was necessary to ÑÍCRNK:I-FOCJf]rQl7'rrIR retrieve the program. IN RC 101,4 experiment with the volume settings of the cassette recorder before the SAVE/LOAD operation was completely reliable and we suggest that you experi- ment with the storing of short programs to perfect these settings before any serious storage of programs is done. Writing programs with the ZX80 can be very quick, since the keyboard has what Sinclair describes as "Key Word" entry. tOrTIOI`` LIT, RUN, tw This means that words such as Left: the Sinclair ZX80 in action. The ZX80 is easily held in one hand, yet features full BASIC operation and single keystroke functions. ELECTRONICS Australia, December, 1980 127 .
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