The BG News August 31, 2004
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-31-2004 The BG News August 31, 2004 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 31, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7305. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. m W Bowling Green State University TUESDAY August 31, 2004 Americans bring home ^^L • 1/ ■/ i SUNNY IP Ui -ipws 111(11179 LOW 55 VOLUME 99 ISSUE 7 New group connects NYC, BGSU Students can have others. The presentation is called wonderful technology that we RNC Redux, have" their thoughts on the Beginning at 8:00 tonight One of the most important RNC seen all over the anyone can participate. The pro- factors, Uillerbrand said, is jection will be on buildings in all that none of the text-messages, world. five of New York City's boroughs: e-mails, and IMs are edited. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens. "That is what it is about — free- By Carrie Whrtaker dom of speech," I lillerbrand said. fDI'OR IN CHItl The Bronx and Statcn Island. The projection will also be seen "It is up a second or two so its not Tonight, Bowling Green students in some art galleries, Amsterdam like I am forcing anyone to watch and community members can something forever. It is gone — make their voices heard in New and Bowling Green State University. within a few seconds it is gone. York City and Amsterdam — The way it works is using a new technology to share Stephen 1 lillerbrand, an assis- tant professor of visual com- simple — anyone can cither: ten) their thoughts on the Republican message 347-418-254; e-mail National Convention. munication technology and member of The .Screensavers or A new collective called The instant message updsny through Group, is responsible for bringing Screensaver. (iroup. made up of AOL Instant Messanger. Then as artists, technology professionals this presentation to campus. I le lici|H's students w ill use this soon as you call, e-mail or IM and community activists from your message appears on the New York City, has created a tech- opportunity to make their voices presentation, automatically. nological free speech forum for heard; the group did a similar A two-hour presentation with virtually anyone. presentation for the Democratic everyone's messages will be B) usinga new software called National Convention in Boston. shown on the side of the Bower] Keyworx, the group can lake '"It's really a performance — a Thompson Student Union from Photo Provided e-mails, phone text messages and way for you to be in New Yoik 8-10 p.m. tonight, tomorrow and PROJECTION: Stephan Hillerbrand, an assistant professor in the technology department tested out a instant messages, mesh them in a symbolic way.'' I lillerbrand projection like the one that will be on display for the next three nights on the union. The projection will be all together and use a projectOI said. "[The Screensavers Groupl SCREEN SAVERS, PAGE 3 a free speech presentation students can participate in concerning the Republican National Convention. to share the collaboration with decided to lake advantage of this Delegates arrive to angry protestors iiy CM* H* less-tlian-welcoming 1KI ASSOCIATED PRESS WHITER Missouri delegate lohn \IU yrjRK Some Ohioans Winston, 58, of suburban St were told lo nun their GOP I ouis.. said he had been cursed I shins inside but and hide at and told to go home —or else convention credentials to be where — by protesters, more low-key about their party lor the most part, he was passion understanding, Other delegates said anti- "Most of them are young, Bush protesters made obscene Winston said. "All of us, when gestures and yelled profanitiesat you're voiing. go through a stage them. In neighborhoods and bor- when you want lo rebel. oughs far from Madison Square While there was plenty ot Garden, NewVbrk residents taped grumbling. New York police said anti-Republican signs to their Monday no official complaints apartment windows. had bean filed. As the Republican convention George Art/, a New York politi began not everyone in New York cal consultant who has worked was lolling out the welcome mat with former Mayor Ed Koch, said Florida delegate Sid Dincrstcin most ciu residents are friendly to was walking the few blocks tourists, regardless of their politi between his sixth Avenue hotel cal party. He added that many Bill Garlow APPtoto and a restaurant on Sunday of the people in town for protest BUTTONS: Stephan Hillerbrand. an assistant professor in the technology department, tested out a projection like the one that will be on display evening when he said a protester marches were not from the city. tor the next three nights on the union. The projection will be a free speech presentaion students ca/i participate in concerning the Republican pushed his way in front of him, "New Yorkers may be five to one National Convention. blew a whistle in his face and I )emocrat but they know what it yelled "Go 1 lome!" is to be congenial Ariz said. Dincrstcin. who grew up Maybe so. but the reception in Brooklyn, said he was unaf- for delegates was not all friendly. Ohio's Tigereye Design supplies fected and didn't plan to change screaming and yelling in my any of his plans to accom- modate those who mav be CONVENTION, PAGE 3 political buttons for convention By 8en Sutherfy with a rusted roof and more I lo to the Web site through from small slickers placed on I HE ASSOCIAT E D PRESS WRITER than a ton of buttons in the which the company sells the back of each button that FRF.NCHTOWN. Ohio — back. items promoting Republicans advertise the companyS Web Politicians may rouse delegates Tigereye doesn't deal exclu- — sile and its phone number, with their words this week at sively in Republican promotions; — and you'll find buttons [wast- While the business keeps a die 2004 Republican National it produced at least 160,000 but- ing over Bush and belittling low profile, its customers often Convention, but nobody will tons for last month's Democratic Kerry. One button reads Kerry's weai their political views on push their buttons quite like a National Convention in Boston, Policy Maker" and shows the their sleeves. Many want to handful of folks from this Darke where lohn Kerry accepted his Democrat holding an 8 Ball. share those views when they County crossroads. party's nomination. What you won't find on the place orders. Tucked in a.fortner restaurant The 'most popular but- Republican Web site is any men- "Il isn't enough lo lake an along Ohio 185 where diey say iiii? "Beer Drinkers for Kerry; tion of the company's name. I )n oider,'' Baltes said. "You have you can smell cattle, hogs or Edwards," Baltes said. the company's other Web site, to be a psychologist vviih these chickens depending on which Baltes said there's more you'll people way the wind blows. Tigereye demand for buttons sporting see why. In 2000, he said, the compa- Design has supplied 50,000 a "new product" like Kerry and There, you'll see Democratic ny inadvertently shipped Bush political buttons to vendors at Democratic vice presidential buttons supporting Kerry and buttons in a woman who had the convention. candidate lohn Edwards than bashing Bush. One shows ordered ion buttons supporting Fight employees are in New for incumbent President Bush Bush staring blankly and reads. Democratic challenger Al Gore. York City this week, churning and Vice President Dick Cheney, "PutthVthe'Duh'inW." After calling l'igeroye to report out up to 20,000 more buttons hence far fewer buttons for the This Web site is more forth- the mistake, the woman refused to meet demand for more pop- Republican convention. coining about tigereye Design. to touch the Bush buttons when ular designs — and to capitalize Making buttons for both explaining that it's a union shop she was asked to return them. on any pithy political remarks major parties can be delicate and that its employees are mem A neighboi had to pack up that catch on at the convention. business hers of United Steelworkers the buttons,'' said Italics, add- "If Mrs. Bush shows up Most buttons advertised on l-ocal 3210. The company's ing that the predicament hasn't Brian Mc Roberts 8G News wearing a certain kind of but- the company's two Web sites primary business is providing repealed ilsell ihisyeai PARTY TIME: Students play in the Founders Quadrangle courtyard yes- ton, cverybody'll want it," said are benign — many sport state- services to union locals nation- Business began picking up terday evening. Today's weather is projected as mik). Tigereye owner Tony Baltes, who specific political expressions wide. at Tigereye Design in October, left I renchtown on Thursday for such as "Buck,eyes Support Besides the Internet. Baltes New York in a 1988 Ford van Hush." But not all. saidmuch of his business comes BUTTONS, PAGE 2 FOUR DAY FORECAST TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Sunny High: 79 Sunny High: 80' Sunny High: 81" The four-day forecast is taken - Sunrn i ugh 82 from Low: 55' low: (SO Low.