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Calibrating and constraining molecular clocks

Michael J. Bentona,*, Philip C. J. Donoghuea, and molecules (e.g., 1, 2). It is no longer a question of which Robert J. Asherb is better than the other, or how far one can go with one aDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, or the other source of data. It is evident that both UK; bDepartment of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing and molecules have great strengths, but in recognizing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK the weaknesses of each source of data, a realistic plan *To whom correspondence should be addressed (Mike.Benton@ for collaboration between paleontologists and molecular bristol.ac.uk) biologists can be proposed (3, 4). In this chapter we review the key qualities of the Abstract record in a semi-historical account that provides explana- tions and key references. We then outline a framework In dating phylogenetic trees, it is important to work to the for collaboration in dating the tree of life. Finally, we pre- strengths of paleontology and molecular phylogeny esti- sent further, documented, evidence of key fossil-based mation. Minimum constraints on calibrations (i.e., oldest data for dating. fossils in a crown ) may be calculated with some pre- cision and may be treated as hard bounds, while maximum constraints are soft bounds that may be represented most The key attributes of the fossil record honestly by probability distributions that refl ect the distri- Fossils occur in temporal bution of fossiliferous rocks around the time in question, It seems self-evident that older rocks lie at the bottom of but allow a small probability of truly ancient dates as well. the pile, and younger rocks in successive layers on top. We present detailed documentation of 63 key calibration And yet, it was only when Nicholas Steno (1638–1686) in dates, with thorough evidence and error expressions, for a 1669 enunciated this as the law of superposition of strata wide range of organisms. (5) that observers took the point. Fossils were known in Steno’s day, but they were seen as rather random in occur- For well over 200 years, natural scientists have used fos- rence and not linked to any pattern reP ecting the history of sils with varying degrees of conA dence to date the evo- life. By the 1790s, when scientists had A nally accepted the lution of life. 7 e A eld has advanced dramatically in the idea of , Georges Cuvier (1769–1832) in France last few years, and it would be useful now to review some and William Smith (1769–1839) in England showed that of the key issues and to suggest an outline of a modus assemblages of fossils occur in successive rock strata and operandi for the future. that the sequence of rocks and of fossils reP ects some In explaining the role of fossils in establishing times- aspects of the history of the Earth and of life. In more cales, it is useful to review the historical sequence in recent times, this conclusion has been conA rmed by the which key observations were made. Much of this early observation that temporally older fossils tend history predates the 1960s concept of the molecular to occupy cladistically more basal nodes (cf. 6). clock; but the way in which fossils should be used today depends crucially on those earlier geological and paleon- tological observations. In presenting these observations Fossils and fossil assemblages are characteristic in a logical sequence, we highlight what can and cannot of units of past time be done with fossils, and link this to the relative strengths Cuvier and Smith also noted the predictability of some and weaknesses of molecular data. 7 e value of carrying aspects of the fossil record, in particular the totality of out this survey now is that it is not framed in the old and fossils that had been collected. SpeciA cally, they noted rather worn narrative of a “conP ict” between fossils and that particular fossils, or assemblages of fossils, appeared

M. Benton, P. C. J. Donoghue, and R. J. Asher. Calibrating and constraining molecular clocks. Pp. 35–86 in e Timetree of Life, S. B. Hedges and S. Kumar, Eds. (Oxford University Press, 2009).

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to characterize particular rock units and to occur in the Australia about 1840 showed he was right. Since 1840, same order every time they were seen. 7 is observation the international geologic timescale has not been sub- was used practically by geologists to correlate rock units stantially revised, but some major time units have been from place to place, to name them (e.g., “,” added, most notably the Ediacaran in 2004 (9). “Lias,” “Old Red ”) and to match stratigraphic units on the A rst geological maps. 7 e principle is fun- damental to modern biostratigraphy and lies behind The order of fossils matches the pattern of the the practical search for new sources of oil and gas today. evolution of life However, the practices of biostratigraphy and correl- Although faintly discerned by Smith, Cuvier, and others, ation have evolved substantially, in particular with the the link between deep time and the phylogeny of life development of graphic correlation which facilitates the could not be made without an understanding that life integration of stratigraphic phenomena, including iso- had evolved. Cuvier’s great rival at the Muséum Nationale tope anomalies and geochronologically dated ash layers d’Histoire Naturelle in the 1790s, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (7), to derive a global composite standard stratigraphy (1744–1829), was the A rst serious proponent of evolution, against which local sections may be compared and the idea that species change through time. His model of correlated (8). evolution was more an escalator than a tree, the great scala naturae, where every species is arrayed along one or more moving walkways from rocks to angels: the Fossils may be included in phylogenies of humans of today were once apes, and the apes of today modern organisms may some day be humans. Many people in the 1830s Cuvier had no sympathy with then-current ideas of evo- accepted the idea of progress, or directionality, in the lution, but he gave the world the science of comparative order of fossils in the rocks, but others, notably Charles anatomy. Whatever the causes, he recognized the preva- Lyell (1797–1875), saw time as a series of cycles rather lence of anatomical similarities in oJ en widely diB erent than a unidirectional arrow, and so sought to deny the organisms, and he realized these indicated closeness of idea of progress from simple to complex through the suc- relationship in some sense. He famously demonstrated cession of fossils in the rocks. his skills in public demonstrations in Paris in the early nineteenth century, by taking a single fossil bone, and reconstructing the whole and its biology and There is a tree of life habits in some detail, before an assistant revealed the Charles Darwin (1809–1882) was the A rst to understand whole skeleton. Cuvier never plotted an evolutionary that the evolution of life was not an escalator, nor any tree, but key concepts such as homology arose from his other kind of linear progression, but a branching tree pre-Darwinian comparative anatomy. that links all living and fossil species, and the lines unite backwards in time to the single common ancestor of all life. His A rst branching tree appeared in manuscript There is a single geological timescale that may be notes in 1838; and the sole illustration in the Origin of used as a yardstick of time Species was a branching tree (10). William Smith around 1800 mapped his correlat- able geological units across England, and guessed they extended over Europe. Roderick Murchison (1792–1871) The fossil record is incomplete and others in the 1830s drove these ideas forward, nam- Charles Darwin also spent some time in the Origin of ing the major divisions of geological time, the Paleozoic, Species discussing the “imperfection of the geological , and Cenozoic eras, and the various geological record.” He pointed out that many living organisms periods (, , , etc.). Murchison have only soJ parts, and so are unlikely to be preserved. hurtled across Europe and Russia in his coach and Others live in environments such as mountainsides or mapped his British units across the Ural Mountains. beaches, where erosion dominates, and sediment does He declared that the new geological eras and periods, not accumulate. He noted the patchiness of geological established in Western Europe (mainly in England and strata, and the fact that intermediate fossil forms are Wales), provided a yardstick of deep time that would work rare. Darwin did, however, predict that intense eB orts worldwide. Initial studies in Africa, North America, and by paleontologists would A ll many of the gaps in the

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record and allow the deeper parts of the tree of life to Deep time may be dated be disentangled. In many cases (e.g., basal , 7 roughout the nineteenth century, most scientists , and ) his prediction has been fantas- accepted that the Earth was very ancient, but there was no tically conA rmed, whereas others remain more di1 cult meaningful way to determine exact dates for any rocks. to document paleontologically. Raup (11) summarized Calculations based on estimates of the rate of cooling of the issue clearly, arguing that there are biases in the fos- the Earth from an initial supposedly molten state gave sil record; for example, the quality of the record must rise to rather short histories of the Earth, measured in diminish as one goes further back in time. It has been tens or at best hundreds of millions of years, whereas esti- shown, however, that although there is a diminution in mates based on rates of sedimentation or the rate of solu- quality back in time, this does not erase large-scale evo- tion of salts in the , yielded rather higher estimates, in lutionary patterns (12). the hundreds to thousands of millions of years. 7 e dis- 7 e fossil record can only be as complete as the rock covery and application of radiometric dating by Arthur record in which it is preserved; and since attempts have Holmes (1890–1965) and others in the early years of the been made to compile large-scale databases of organismal twentieth century, showed that the Earth was some 4.5 diversity though geological time, there has been a worry billion years old, and that the fossiliferous Phanerozoic that it is biased by inconsistencies in the rock record (11). represented the past 0.5 billion years or so (18). Further 7 ese include the consequence of plate tectonics, like the details of radiometric dating are given in 7 e Geologic fact that open sediments are invariably destroyed Time Scale. Radiometric dating has evolved substan- at destructive plate margins, along with the oceanic crust tially and, although the geologic timescale is in constant on which they rest. 7 us, the only open ocean sediments revision, there is an ever-diminishing error, and the from which we may sample past diversity are of calibration of geologic time is being extended into the age or younger; older sediments from these environ- (19). ments are very rare and are represented only by tecton- ically and thermally abused mélanges scraped from the surface of oceanic crust as it subducted into the Earth’s A dated phylogenetic tree offers valuable mantle. Continental interiors are invariably regions of information on evolution net erosion, rather than sedimentation, and so it is only In the early to mid-twentieth century, various paleon- at the continental margins that we can hope to main- tologists used trees of one sort or another to calculate tain a record of relatively continuous sedimentation, in rates of evolution, whether rates of change of individual which fossil remains may be preserved over long geo- characters, of all the characters of a group of organisms logical timescales. However, because environments shiJ (the transformational approach), or rates of appearance in position with respect to the rise and fall of sea level and turnover of species or genera (the taxic approach). over geological timescales, there are concomitant secu- Even with uncertain timescales, such rates could be lar variations in the environments—and their hosted established in a relative way, as shown by George Gaylord organisms—that are preserved (13). Simpson (1902–1984) in his classic work, Tempo and Most worrying of all, variance in the availability of Mode in Evolution (20). Since the 1940s, there has been rock for sampling and the numbers of species found in a renaissance in paleobiology, with extensive work on those rocks are closely correlated (14–16). 7 is may indi- rates and patterns of evolution, origination and extinc- cate either that biases in the rock record dominate the tion. EB ective molecular clock methodologies aB ord a paleontological diversity signal, or that the rise and fall new opportunity for both molecular and morphological in sea level controls rock volume and species diversity. evolution, allowing us to approach fundamental ques- 7 ese alternative hypotheses are di1 cult to reconcile tions such as the relationship between morphological (17). However, the general congruence between phylo- and molecular evolution (21, 22). genetic branching order and the temporal sequence in which fossils are found (6, 12) indicates that even if the rock record is heterogeneous, the primary paleontologi- Phylogenies are cladistic cal signal is not overwhelmed. 7 us, we may place some Until the 1960s, phylogenies were put together in a some- faith in the fossil record, our only direct record of evo- what impressionistic way, whereby systematists used their lutionary history, but it must nevertheless be interpreted judgment to determine propinquity of relationship. 7 ere with considerable care. was a concept of phylogenetically useful morphological

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characters, as opposed to less useful characters, but there With an understanding of the strengths and limita- were no clear rules or protocols that allowed analyses to tions of fossils, it will now be possible to consider current be repeated or challenged. Hennig (23) famously distin- assumptions about how fossils may be used to contribute guished plesiomorphic (“ancestral”) from apomorphic to the grand enterprise of dating the tree of life. (“derived”) characters, but it is well known also that his message was not widely appreciated until his book was translated into English in 1966 (24). Strategies for using fossils to date trees 7 ere are many practitioners of tree dating, and each has a more-or-less unique approach to the problem. Fossils may belong to stems or crowns 7 e emphasis on fossils as useful (or not), the number 7 ere has been much confusion in discussions about of calibration points recommended, the ways in which the tree of life because of sloppy use of taxic terms. fossil-based dates should be determined and cited, the Hennig (24, 25) and JeB eries (26) distinguished crowns ways in which such calibration dates should be assessed and stems: a crown clade consists of all living members for congruence or not, and how they should be combined of a group, their common ancestor, and everything in with molecular trees, are all under active debate. We between, regardless of whether it is living or extinct. A consider these points in turn, and seek to make broadly stem is paraphyletic and composed of all those extinct defensible recommendations that may contribute to the lineages more closely related to the crown group in development of a new protocol that will be generally question, than to another (Fig. 1). So is a acceptable. We are optimistic that a fair number of pre- stem but not a crown bird. 7 is confusion between viously debated points may now be resolved, and that stems and crowns led to some di1 culty in the early methods now exist that play to the strengths of paleonto- debates about the timing of origin of major (27, logical data on the one hand, and molecular data on the 28) but while clariA cation of these issues has led to the other (3, 4). resolution of dispute in some debates ( 29), it has actu- ally increased confusion in others ( 30, 31). Fossil taxa need not exhibit all derived characters of the crown One calibration date or many? clade in question because, invariably, we seek a date It was commonplace through the 1960s to 1990s to use a to constrain divergence between one crown group and single calibration point in molecular clock analyses, gen- another. 7 us, it is the fossils assigned to the stem that, erally because data sets were small and algorithms sim- by deA nition, lack the full complement of crown-group pler. Most analysts of phylogeny, for example, characters, in which we have most interest. However, used the –bird date of 305–315 Mya (32) as fossils may be fragmentary and it may be di1 cult to their sole reference point. 7 is stance has been criticized distinguish whether the absence of characters in a fossil (33–37) because of the risk that the whole enterprise will taxon reP ects an aspect of evolution or simply incom- be skewed by possible errors in the sole calibration point. plete preservation. Others (e.g., 35, 38–40) have argued forcefully that mul- tiple calibration dates should be used, suggesting that greater numbers will reduce uncertainty and improve statistical robustness. It is perhaps generally correct that Present day several dates are better than one, but it would be facile to argue that more is always better. 7 ere is no beneA t in simply increasing the number of paleontological dates used in a calibration exercise without thought about their Crown group quality: numerous erroneous dates will give a meaning- less result (41–43). Total group Time

Cross validation of potential calibration points Stem group One problem with using multiple fossil calibration dates Fig. 1 Stem, crown and total-group defi nitions, following is that there is a risk of mixing useful and erroneous cali- Hennig (25) and Jefferies (26). brations. Near and Sanderson (42) and Near et al. (41)

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have suggested that it is better to cross validate diB er- It is possible that cross validating paleontological ent potential calibration points across a single phylogeny minima may make the resulting estimates “too young.” and determine which are consistent with each other, Such minimum estimates from the fossil record are, aJ er and which are inconsistent. 7 e consistent calibration all, “minimum” and, barring misidentiA cation, they will dates, which all point to the same solutions for unknown underestimate actual divergence times. However, when dates are assumed to be a more-or-less correct set of several such calibrations are mutually compatible (which fossil dates, close to their relevant nodes. 7 e inconsist- is distinct from biasing dates in a single direction), this ent dates may be too young or too old, indicating either indicates either accurate identiA cation of a genuine diver- unusually poorly sampled lineages (too young) or incor- gence date or systematic error aB ecting all calibrations, rectly assigned fossils (too old). Although it is likely that as may be the case when preservational factors aB ect this method will indeed identify a consistent set of dates multiple fossil lineages. Such factors usually act in lim- in most cases, and these dates will presumably be close to ited geographic areas, and fossil A nds from other regions the relevant nodes, this need not be the case. We note that can plug gaps. Some geologic events, such as major sea- cross validation methods may not always work: Hugallet level changes, can create a global-scale hiatus, such as the al. (44) note a case where two calibration points can be nonpreservation of coastal habitats. Such global hiatuses correct but appear incongruent because rate smoothing are generally brief, geologically speaking, and the habitat failed to give the correct relative branch lengths. and its fossil record reappear, and so can be identiA ed In an instructive application of cross validation of pale- and measured. In any event, all such cases must be evalu- ontological calibration dates, Douzery et al. (45) applied ated individually and on their own merits. In general, we seven minimum divergence estimates from the mamma- regard cross validation as a valuable tool to help improve lian fossil record to their molecular clock study focusing the accuracy of fossil calibrations as applied in molecular on . Four were within crown Rodentia, one based clock studies. on a close relative of crown , one from crown Cetartiodactyla, and one based on a 1996 report of a “” proboscidean taxon (Phosphatherium) Choice of dates and the quality of the fossil record from Morocco (46). When analyzed alone, each of these Fossil date estimates for divergence events have errors calibrations predicted at least one of the six other dates associated with them that arise because of all the vari- within a 95% conA dence interval except for one: their ous imperfections of the fossil record, as well as the Paleocene calibration for . Importantly, it oJ en tortuous means by which a numerical date can was exactly this date that had been geologically misin- be assigned. However, these errors are rarely if ever terpreted in its original publication (46). According to acknowledged—an astonishing fact given that cali- more recent analyses of the Moroccan Ouled Abdoun bration is, by deA nition, the rate-determining step in Basin localities from which Phosphatherium is known molecular clock analyses. Reisz and Müller (37, 53–55) (47), the original report of a Paleocene age was in error; have argued that this may be overcome by quoting errors these fossils are not Paleocene but , ca. 5–7 Ma on the dates, where the errors are indicated by the age younger than the 60 Ma value given in Douzery et al. of more and less derived relatives of the fossil organ- (45). 7 e early Eocene remains of proboscideans from ism that provides the main calibration date. 7 us, an age Morocco remain among the oldest known fossils of span, rather than a point date can be used to calibrate a crown . Although somewhat by accident, clock, faithfully reP ecting the error associated with the Douzery et al. (45) recognized this very instructive error paleontological estimate. by identifying their 60 Ma paenungulate date as incom- However, Reisz and Müller go further and argue patible with any of their other six calibration points. that some paleontological estimates have much broader Importantly, the resulting clock estimates from Douzery errors than others, providing a measure of their relative et al. (45) for placental yielded dates within quality. In particular, they single out the bird–mammal the Tertiary for intraordinal divergences, and did not split, which is the most widely adopted of all fossil cali- exceed 80 Ma for the common ancestor of . brations, as a less-than-ideal example of paleontological 7 ese values are generally consistent with estimates calibration. 7 is is because of a dearth of more primitive based on the mammalian fossil record (48) and with relatives that are close in age; indeed, there is a dearth of some other, independent molecular clock estimates (49), sites from which such fossils might be found. 7 us, the but not others (e.g., 50–52). errors on the paleontological estimate, particularly for its

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maximum bound, are very broad indeed. Many alterna- maximum to minimum constraint for that branching tive calibrations are available with much smaller attend- point (421.75–416 myr). ant errors associated with them. For some questions, it 7 e debate about error bars on fossil dates, whether may still be desirable to use the bird–mammal split as to use them or not, how to calculate them, and whether a calibration, because of its applicability to a breadth of they are symmetrical or not, is circumvented, we sug- sequence data in public databases and relevance to cer- gest, by a recognition of the use of fossils to determine tain high-proA le scientiA c questions. Nevertheless, Reisz minimum and soJ maximum constraints. and Müller have made a valid point with which we funda- mentally agree: not all calibrations are of the same qual- ity and when possible, those with more paleontological Fossil dates as estimates of origin or as data pertinent to constraining a soJ maximum estimate minimum constraints (as when fossil-bearing strata older than the minimum Until recently, paleontologists and molecular clock prac- estimate are well sampled) should be preferred. titioners have been perhaps a little unclear about just 7 e debate about accuracy of paleontological calibra- what the fossil dates represent. 7 e tenor of many of the tion dates conP ates two issues: the relative accuracy of to-and-fro debates between defenders and opponents of minimum and maximum constraints. For the minimum the merits of the fossil record in dating the tree of life constraint, the dating error on a securely identiA ed fossil (e.g., 1, 2) suggested that both sides were treating their is simply the error in dating the rock formation in which dates as pointing at the same thing, namely the actual it is contained. For a maximum constraint, the error time of origin of a clade. It is clear, however, that the two encompasses this error but, much more signiA cantly, dates are diB erent. Paleontologists are limited in recog- it is also a measure of uncertainty that the oldest pos- nizing the origin of a clade because clades may start as sible age estimate really lies below the branching point rare, founding taxa, located in only one small part of in question. In the next sections, we argue A rst that error the world and, by deA nition, they will lack many or all on a fossil calibration cannot be symmetrical and cannot diagnostic crown-group characters. So, the oldest fos- be generalized about a single fossil point. We then show sil X will always be younger than the origin of clade X, that fossils can act as relatively secure “hard” minimum whether by a few thousand years (geologically negligible) constraints on a particular branching point, and a soJ or many million. Molecular clocks, of course, attempt to maximum constraint can also be estimated. date clade divergence. Once it is accepted that molecular dates are dates of origin, and that paleontological dates always post- Magnitude and symmetry of error on date them, then the arguments about error bars and fossil calibration dates “acceptable” and “unacceptable” dates become less acute. Error bars on paleontological calibration points, if used Paleontologists estimate minimum constraints on the at all, have generally been assumed to be symmetrical. ages of clades (37, 57, 58). Providing the fossil is cor- 7 is seems logical, because uncertainties about dating rectly assigned to a clade, and providing its provenance rock layers and uncertainties about the identity of the is known, the date reP ects simply current best knowledge fossil might be assumed to be equal in both directions, on the age of the that contains the up and down. However, errors were usually not indicated oldest phylogenetically secure fossil. We emphasize this on fossil calibration dates because there has not been an point because compendia of fossil dates for the inception obvious or reasonable way to calculate them (3). and demise of clades (e.g., 59) are littered with records One “quick A x” for this problem was proposed by that are optimistically interpreted. 7 e oldest fossil Douzery et al. (40), who used the whole span of the geo- records of a clade will always be phylogenetically uncer- logical period in which the calibration fossil was found tain because, by deA nition, they will exhibit the fewest as their error range. So, for example, they used the span of all characters to justify membership. 7 is problem is of the Devonian period (354–417 myr) as the error on further exacerbated by the fact that the oldest possible timing of the split of mammals and actinopterygian records are also very oJ en extremely poorly preserved A shes (i.e., the base of clade Osteichthyes). As Hedges et fragmentary fossils; indeed, they may be little more al. (56) pointed out, this is a far wider age range than is than a fragment (28). For instance, the oldest records of necessary when compared to either the date of the old- the shark lineage are a series of isolated scales (60), not est osteichthyan (418.7 ± 2.6 myr), or the range from soJ the complete articulated skeleton that we might prefer.

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In such circumstances, it can be di1 cult to distinguish as noted elsewhere (65), this does not provide a maximum between fossils that fail to exhibit diagnostic characters constraint, merely a minimum constraint on that nearest because they are primitive, and fossils that preserve few relative’s lineage. Probability densities may be estimated characters at all for reasons of fossil preservation (25). using models of diversiA cation and preservation prob- 7 us, it is important that molecular clocks are calibrated ability below the oldest known fossil in a clade (66, 67) using phylogenetically secure fossil records, demonstrat- and/or informed by older, more tenuous records of the ing the primitive absence of a number of crown-group existence of clades, otherwise rejected because they are diagnostic characters, even at the expense of alternative phylogenetically less secure (Fig. 2). Crucially, it is now dates, based on poorer data, that are maybe tens of mil- possible to implement such constraints without preclud- lions of years older. ing the possibility that the timing of divergence predates If fossil dates are accepted as minimum constraints the “soJ ” maximum constraint, but with the assumption (3, 4), their attendant errors must still be considered; that it is increasingly improbable with increasing depart- but it is the youngest limit of the resulting age span that ure from this constraint (62). should be adopted as the minimum age constraint for a lineage split. As such, no fossil date provides a poor minimum constraint—unless it is actually older than the Tree making and the molecular clock lineage divergence that it purports to date. Returning to the infamous mammal–bird split, cor- Variable rates responding to the origin of the clade Amniota, the In the early years of dating trees, the molecular clock minimum constraint is the minimum age of the Joggins was assumed to be constant (68, 69). It soon became Formation (in which occurs the oldest and syn- clear, however, that the clock ran at diB erent rates both apsid, respectively, and Protoclepsydrops). within and between lineages (70, 71) and this at A rst led 7 e age span of this geological formation is 314.5–313.4 some to doubt the possibility of using the molecular Ma ± 1.1 myr, a date based on biostratigraphy (palynol- clock to calibrate dates on a tree. However, estimating ogy) and exact dating from elsewhere, resulting in a divergence times need not depend on a constant clock, minimum constraint of 312.3 Ma (3). Again this does and techniques were developed to test for variable rates not mean that the divergence could not have happened (72–74). 7 ese techniques allowed analysts to determine earlier, only that it could not have happened later. typical rates within the clade of interest, and to elimin- ate those that deviated from the norm. Unusually fast- evolving genes in particular could give anomalously Calculating soft maximum constraints and codifying ancient divergence dates if they were not recognized, and probability densities so it was oJ en recommended that such genes should be A consequence of accepting that fossils provide only eliminated (e.g., 75, 76). minimum constraints, rather than direct calibrations on 7 e clock tests, however, lack power for shorter molecular clock analyses, is that it is desirable to some- sequences and for genes with low rates of change, and how capture a soJ maximum constraint on the calibra- they detect only a small proportion of cases of rate tion of the clock. Various authors have suggested that this variations in the kinds of genes commonly used for can be achieved by codifying an arbitrarily diminishing molecular clock studies (77–79). For this reason, cur- probability density extending back in time from the rent tree reconstruction and dating techniques are minimum constraint (57, 61–64). 7 e manner in which “relaxed” in that they allow analysts to assume any these constraints are established and the nature of the number of local molecular clocks within a phylogeny variance in probability density can be better informed by (80). Some of these techniques assume that evolution- paleontological data. ary rates among closely related lineages are similar, or Benton and Donoghue (3, 4) have suggested that soJ “autocorrelated” (81, 82), but this assumption has been maximum constraints can be established broadly in the rejected by others (e.g., 63) who recommend methods manner that Reisz and Müller (37) suggested to estab- that allow independent rates as a A rst pass, and then lish the older error on calibrations. Note, however, that evaluate whether the reconstructed rates are autocor- one of the recommendations by these authors was to use related (49, 63, 83). the date of the oldest fossil belonging to the nearest rela- Further advances in methods of tree reconstruction tive (sister group) as a guide to the maximum constraint; and dating that allow for the vagaries of evolution and

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Young (A) (B)

Minimum constraint Oldest certain

Oldest possible Probability density Probability Probability density Probability Maximum 5% constraint 5% Maximum constraint

0 0

Old Fig. 2 Two hypothesized patterns for the distribution of diversifi cation and an equilibrium at “normal” diversity, when probabilities between the soft maximum and minimum fossils become abundant. In (B) an assumption is added that constraints on the date of origin of a clade. In (A) the curve is there might be some older possible fossils, corresponding to a logistic, corresponding to a standard birth–death model of an expansion of the probability distribution.

multiple uncertainties include explicit modeling of the such as here, might be a guide to the quality of the result, evolution of the rate of evolution using Bayesian meth- but need not be of course. ods (82–84), the use of nonparametric or semiparamet- ric models of rate evolution ( 81, 85), and methods that allow for phylogenetic uncertainty as well as rate uncer- Finding the correct answer tainty (63, 86). 7 ese methods oJ en lead to better con- How are we to judge the current state of tree making and cordance overall between molecular and paleontological tree dating? One view is that the new methods, notably dates (e.g., 40, 87, 88), but this is not always uniformly Bayesian approaches and relaxed clocks, must be superior the case. For example, Hedges and Kumar ( 89) argue to other techniques because they generate better concord- that the majority of dates in vertebrate evolution agree ance between paleontological and molecular evidence well between their molecular analyses and the fossils, (e.g., 90, 91), an assumption that the traditional evidence is but certain dates, such as those for the origin of modern a yardstick against which new methods and new evidence mammals and , are more ancient than the oldest may be assessed. Of course, in tree making and tree dating fossils. On the other hand, Kitazoe et al. (49) argue that there can only be a single answer, a single correct tree, and when abrupt changes in mutation rate and convergent a single date for any branching point. Others argue that evolution are taken into account in models of molecu- the new methods are so accommodating, one might even lar evolution over time, divergence estimates for mam- claim that they are so relaxed as to be laid back, that they mals correspond more closely to the fossil record than can produce any desired outcome (e.g., 92). A key point previously reported. For example, Kitazoe et al. (49) about relaxed clock methods is that although there are estimate the common ancestor of placental mammals at more inherent assumptions, they are statistically weaker, ca. 84 Ma, slightly older than the molecular clock esti- but in assuming so much about the evolutionary process mate reported by Douzery et al. (45), and much younger when the diversity of competing models betrays how little than other clock estimates of 105 Ma (51) or 129 Ma (50). we understand of it, the concern is that our multifarious Concordance between largely independent data sets, assumptions will preclude us from better knowing it (93).

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Counterintuitively perhaps, relaxation of assump- so eliminated. Certain genes, like certain morphological tions need not produce answers that are so broad as to characters, can be shown to contain no phylogenetic sig- be meaningless. For example, theoretical and empiri- nal, and so should be omitted on the basis of such aux- cal studies into the use of wide conA dence intervals on iliary evidence. Ornithologists have realized for decades multiple calibration dates by Yang and Rannala (62, 94) that certain kinds of characters, such as plumage color, have shown that these have self-correcting properties. are generally not helpful in determining deep phylogen- 7 ey show that hard calibration dates may conP ict and etic relationships, and these are rarely included in mor- produce unsatisfactory results, but dates expressed with phological phylogenetic analyses. Certain individual at least one soJ bound (the soJ maximum constraint) genes, or even classes of genes, may similarly be accepted interact so as to correct poor calibrations. Poor calibra- as phylogenetically uninformative at particular levels, tion data expressed with unjustiA able hard conA dence and so can only confound a statistical analysis. intervals may, on the other hand, produce results with We have argued, as have others (e.g., 3, 36–38, 41, 57) misleadingly high precision. 7 ese results are encour- that more calibration dates are generally better than few. aging because they show that P exible calibration data, But the quality of those dates, or the data they are based expressed in line with paleontological reality, can inter- on, is critical (37). Quality of calibration constraints may act to cancel out a great deal of the uncertainty. 7 is can be assessed subjectively, based on accuracy of identiA ca- then feed back information to the paleontologists that tion of fossils, distinction of crown clades from stems, certain calibration dates appear to work better than oth- cross-checking of geological dates, and evaluation of the ers, and that the poor dates require closer study to see extent of a well-documented underlying fossil record. why they do not work so well. 7 e example of cross vali- We do not believe there is an objective way to deter- dation of calibrations from Douzery et al. (45) illustrates mine that one constraint is good, and another is bad; the this point nicely. only bad constraint predates (in the case of a minimum 7 e search for the single answer must also apply tree- constraint) or postdates (in the case of a soJ maximum testing techniques with equal rigor to both morpho- constraint) the evolutionary event in question. 7 e use logical/paleontological and molecular trees and dating of hard minimum constraints and soJ maximum con- evidence. 7 ere are issues of quality and quantity of straints, as recommended here, is a more meaningful data. Statistically speaking, the best data matrix is the representation of the nature of paleontological evidence largest—more data can lead to better statistical measures. than the attempt to present single fossil-based dates as In particular, estimates of divergence times are improved the holy grail, whether with or without error bars. by dense packing of calibration points around the node At present, tree making and tree dating is oJ en a of interest. But, are more genes and more species always two-step process, where a single model tree is generated, best? Yes: but more progress may be made through the and dates are then calculated against that tree. Better addition of further paleontological constraints, or by approaches for the future will probably be to combine further constraining established constraints (94). the two steps, to allow uncertainty in the tree topology and in the calibrations and calculated dates (63, 97). 7 e best solution must maximize the A t of topology and Quantity and quality dates against external evidence. Fixing the tree A rst, and 7 e focus of future work must pursue quantity and qual- the dates second could well mean that we miss an even ity of data equally. It is self-evident that data sets must better resolution of the data. increase in size, with the inclusion of ever more spe- 7 e reasons for the two-step process are (a) tractabil- cies and genes, and larger numbers of calibration dates. ity and (b) distinguishing rates from time. Typically, But, data quality ought to be determined based on bio- analysts use one program, or set of programs, to calcu- logical and geological criteria, not on statistical expe- late the tree that best A ts their data, and then a separ- diency. On the whole, taxa should not be deleted from ate program or programs to apply calibration dates and analyses unless there are serious doubts about the accur- calculate unknown divergence times. 7 ere is no funda- acy of data, for example from an incomplete or damaged mental reason, however, that the two steps could not run fossil specimen. A statistically “rogue” taxon that has in parallel within a single process of calculation, except an unusually bad eB ect on a cladistic analysis (e.g., 95, when the class of data from which rates of evolution are 96) is worthy of attention: it must A t in the tree some- typically calculated (i.e., DNA sequences) are missing where, and cannot simply be regarded as awkward and entirely for elements of the tree to be built (i.e., fossils).

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Distinguishing rates from time is harder. A long branch 7 ese have been corrected, revised, and updated in light in a tree could represent an ancient divergence time or of new data, and augmented by 25 further calibration a fast-evolving genome. 7 ese alternatives can be tested dates required because of genome sequencing projects against diB erent genes: if the branch is always long, then that are approaching maturity, giving a current total of an ancient divergence time is the more likely explan- 65 dating arguments (Fig. 3A and B). Further revisions ation. Fossil dates can also help to distinguish rates from will be provided at http://www.fossilrecord.net. time in some cases. 7 eoretical studies (62, 94) suggest It is striking that in the short time since the publi- that, with an inA nite amount of sequence data, uncer- cation of Benton and Donoghue ( 3), revisions have had tainties in time estimates usually reP ect uncertainties in to be made to some of their paleontological date esti- fossil calibrations rather than in branch lengths. mates. 7 ese revisions arise more from clariA cations of previously incompletely determined materials rather than from outright errors. In particular, two groups of Key calibration dates for molecular clock early mammals, the zhelestids and zalambdalestids, had practitioner been attributed to many locations in the tree of basal Benton and Donoghue (3) presented a set of 30 calibra- placental mammals; in some analyses they have been tion dates for key genomic , from nematode to interpreted as evidence for an early date of the min- human, increased to 40 by Donoghue and Benton (4). imum constraint on several fundamental branching

A Dolphin

Sheep Armadillo

Cow Pig Elephant Horse



18 Tenrec Kangaroo Shrew 52.4 62.5 39.68 Hedgehog Opossum 52.4 62.5 48.4 62.5 61.5 55.6 62.5 62.5 33.7

Zebrafinch 61.5 124 Squirrel 61.5

55.6 Guinea Pig 61.5 Chicken 162.9

52.5 Rat


Emu 10.4 Mouse 61.5 66 312.3 Tree Shrew

Lizard 239 225.9 330.4 Bushbaby 61.5 33.7 416.0 Toad 460.6 149.85 421.75 Zebra Fish Marmoset 55.6

96.9 Macaque Medaka 33.7 96.9 Gibbon Stickleback 23.5

32.25 1.2 Orangutan 1 Tetraodon 1.2 1 Chimp Takifugu 6.5 Neanderthal

0.2 Human

Elephant Shark Lamprey

Invertebrates Fig. 3 Continues

HHedges.indbedges.indb 4444 11/28/2009/28/2009 11:24:52:24:52 PPMM Calibrating the Molecular Clocks 45

points within . Zhelestids and zalambdalestids Dates for calibrating and constraining are each represented by several species from mid- to molecular clocks late localities in central Asia, with an old- 7 e paleontological constraints provided here were est occurrence around 95.3 Ma. Archibald (98) and selected because they represent the divergence events Archibald et al. (99) associated these taxa with crown- between metazoans whose genomes have been placental lineages, speciA cally zhelestids with “ungulato- sequenced. 7 e reasoning underpinning this is that morphs,” a grade that includes hoofed artiodactyls and molecular clock analyses are usually codiA ed on the perissodactyls, and zalambdalestids with (i.e., basis of available data and, thus, these constraints will rodents and lagomorphs). 7 e latter hypothesis dates to be of the greatest utility to the greatest number of the 1960s (100, 101). However, some older assessments analysts. of Cretaceous mammal a1 nities (e.g., 102 on zalamb- 7 e constraints do not attempt to date the individual dalestids) as well as more recent phylogenetic analyses fossil on which they are based. Rather, they establish A rm sampling an adequate number of both recent and fossil minimum and soJ maximum constraints on the timing clades (e.g., 48, 103–106) have indicated instead that no of the component divergence events. 7 us, in contrast to Cretaceous taxon has an exclusive, sister taxon relation- common practice, minimum constraints are not estab- ship to any single crown-placental clade. lished on the precise age, or the maximum possible age 7 e revised interpretation of zhelestid a1 nities of the oldest phylogenetically secure member of the two reduces four of the hard minimum age estimates pre- lineages that result from the divergence event that is to sented in Benton and Donoghue (Table 1 in ref. 3), be constrained. Rather, we attempt to derive the min- namely for “cow–dog,” “human–cow,” and “human– imum possible date of this fossil. If the only stratigraphic armadillo,” from to Paleocene, and for constraint available for a fossil is for instance , “human–tenrec” from Late Cretaceous to early Eocene. the minimum constraint would be provided by the geo- Zalambdalestids had not been used as minimum chronological age of the top of the Danian Stage. 7 is is constraints in Benton and Donoghue (3, 4). 61.70 Ma ± 0.2 myr (107) and, thus, the quoted minimum


Mosquito Fruit

ey bee Rhodnius Beetle





Aphid Sea

Biomphalaria Louse Capitella Daphnia 152 Leech Nematod 168.6 238.5 Sea Urchin e Anemone 199.0 238.5 Amphioxus

307.2 Tunicates Hydra 283.7 307.2 305.5 Sponge 470.2


Vertebrates 520.5 531.5 520.5 634.97 518.5

Fig. 3 Summary of paleontological constraints (in myr) on metazoan phylogeny. A. . B. Invertebrates. The dates are minimum constraints, and soft maximum constraints are given in the text, and at http://www.fossilrecord.net/.

HHedges.indbedges.indb 4545 11/28/2009/28/2009 11:24:53:24:53 PPMM 46 THE TIMETREE OF LIFE

constraint is 61.5 Ma. 7 is principle is explained graph- 7 e oldest neanderthal fossils date to just under 0.2 Ma ically in Fig. 4. SoJ maximum constraints are estab- from France (Biache St. Vaast) and Germany (Ehringsdorf ) lished on the basis of well-preserved assemblages of more (112). 7 e oldest anatomically modern members of our plesiomorphic (ancestral) relatives of the clade that lack own subspecies are probably remains from the Levant, members of the clade itself. 7 e maximum possible age from the Skhul cave in Israel, dating to ca. 0.100–0.135 Ma of that assemblage would be quoted. 7 us, if the only (113). Because these ages postdate the stratigraphic constraint on the age of such an assem- 2004 (GTS2004) marine timescale (114), we tentatively rely blage was again Danian, the soJ maximum constraint on the radiometric and faunal dates provided in the pri- would be would be provided by the geochronological age mary literature. Hence, the paleontologically minimum of the base of the Danian Stage. 7 is is 65.5 Ma ± 0.3 myr date for this split may be estimated based on the older, (107) and, thus, the quoted soJ maximum constraint is undisputed neanderthal sites in Europe at 0.2 Ma. 65.8 Ma. For the soJ maximum split within H. sapiens, we It should, but oJ en does not, go without saying that the would suggest the widespread occurrences of H. erec- trees on which paleontological constraints were deter- tus outside Africa over 1 Ma (112). In the case of cen- mined should be compatible with the molecular phylog- tral Asia, there appear to have been populations of H. enies in which they are employed. In the paleontological erectus nearly 1.8 Ma (115). Despite occurrences of the constraints presented below, most were established within Homo throughout Asia and Africa by around 1 an uncontroversial phylogenetic framework. However, Ma, no evidence for neanderthals or anatomically mod- certain nodes have recently undergone revision and so ern humans from this time is yet known (112). we emphasize here the phylogenetic schemes followed in deriving a constraint in such instances. Hominoidea: chimp–human, neanderthal (minimum = 7 e high-level mammalian clades identiA ed herein are 5.7 Ma; soft maximum = 10 Ma) based on the topology A gured by Springer and Murphy 7 e dating of the chimp–human split has been discussed (108; Fig. 1); interrelationships of and for nearly a century. Early paleontological estimates, jawless vertebrates follow Bourlat et al. (109); other clade up to the 1970s, placed the branching point deep in the relations are not contentious. Terminology for high-level , at perhaps 20–15 Ma, but this was revised dra- mammalian clades is based on Simpson (110), Waddell matically upward to about 5 Ma by early molecular stud- et al. (111), and Springer and Murphy ( 108). Note that ies (116), and estimates as low as 2.7 Ma have been quoted there is no convention for the conversion of traditional (117). Paleontological evidence for the branching point taxonomic concepts, based on the classiA cation of living was distinctly one-sided until recently, since the only constituents alone, to crown or total-group-based deA ni- fossils fell on the human line, and so the question of the tions with the inclusion of fossil taxa, especially stem- date of divergence of humans and chimps became syn- taxa. Hennig (25) argued that traditional taxa should be onymous, for paleontologists, with the date of the oldest converted to total-group deA nitions but, in practice, dif- certain hominin (species on the human, not chimp, line). ferent approaches have been adopted, without justiA ca- 7 e oldest chimpanzee fossils are, at ca. 0.5 Ma, com- tion, in diB erent scions in the Tree of Life. For instance, paratively young (118). among tetrapods and plants, traditional taxa have gen- 7 e date of the oldest hominin has extended backward erally been converted to crown-based deA nitions while, rapidly in the last 25 years. Until 1980, the oldest fossils elsewhere, total-group deA nitions have been adopted were gracile and robust australopithecines from 3 Ma. (28). In what follows, we have followed convention and 7 e discovery of “Lucy,” now termed Praeanthropus afa- there is no consistency with regard to the adoption of rensis in Ethiopia (119) extended the age back to 3.2 Ma total or crown-based deA nitions of taxa. However, in at most. 7 en, two further hominin species pushed the each instance we are explicit with regard to the compos- age back to over 4 myr: Ardipithecus ramidus from rocks ition of the clades for which we provide constraints on dated as 4.4 Ma from Ethiopia (120) and Praeanthropus divergence timing. anamensis from rocks dated as 4.1–3.9 Ma from Kenya (121). More recent A nds, remarkably, have pushed the Homo sapiens: human–neanderthal (minimum = 0.2 Ma; dates back to 6 myr: A. ramidus kadabba from Ethiopia soft maximum = 1 Ma) (5.8–5.2 Ma; 122), Ororrin tugenenis from Kenya (c. 6 Ma; H. sapiens neanderthalensis represents an anatomically 123), and Sahelanthropus tchadensis from Chad (6–7 distinctive European, antedating the European arrival of Ma; 124). 7 e last two taxa have proved highly contro- anatomically modern humans by many thousands of years. versial, with claims that one or other, or both, are not

HHedges.indbedges.indb 4646 11/28/2009/28/2009 11:24:53:24:53 PPMM 1. Oldest certain fossil in lineage 2. Lithostratigraphy of formation

MšrnsheimMMörnsheimšrnsheim BedsBBedseds Zebrafish Medaka SticklebackTakifugo Tetraodon ti3

T. L., O.

ti2b FFishish fossilsfossils

Ostariophysi Euteleostei

Clupeocephala ti2a LowerLower SSolnhofenolnhofen PlattenkalkPlattenkalk

ti1 RšglingRRöglingšgling BedsBBedseds


3. Biostratigraphy 4. Chronostratigraphy

Ammonite zones AGE Stage Polarity (Ma) Chron Sub-Mediterranean CRETACEOUS M18 145 (Berriasian) 145.5 ± 4.0 M19


Tithonian M21 S. semiforme 149.9 ± 0.05 M22 S. darwini 150 Hybonoticeras hybonotum 150.8 ± 4.0 M22 A Hybonoticeras M23 beckeri

Kimmeridgian M24 Gravesia Gravesia M24 A hybonotum

Hybonoticeras Hybonoticeras M24B M25 Glochiceras Glochiceras 154.55 ± 4.0 Taramelliceras Taramelliceras lithographicum lithographicum 155 M25 A prolithographicum prolithographicum

Fig. 4 Graphical summary of the process by which a time can be obtained from the base of the succeeding S. darwini constraint on lineage divergence is derived, using the split ammonite biozone since the Solnholfen fall fully between zebrafi sh and euteleost models as an example. 1. The within the H. hybonotum Biozone. 4. The minimum age for oldest phylogenetically secure fossil is identifi ed that falls within the oldest record of Tischlingerichthys is established using the the overall clade circumscribed by the lineage divergence. 2004 Geologic Timescale in which the base of the S. darwini In this instance it is Tischlingerichthys, among others; there Biozone has been determined to correlate to the base of is equivocation over its membership of any component of the M22n magnetostratigraphic polarity chron, which has the crown euteleost lineage, but it is clearly a member of the itself been dated at 149.9 Ma ± 0.05 myr. Thus, the minimum euteleost total-group. 2. The stratigraphic age of the fossil constraint on the divergence of Ostariophysi and Euteleostei taxon is established: Tischlingerichthys has been recovered is the minimum age interpretation of the errors on this date,

from zone ti2b of the Solnholfen Limestones. 3. A means of equating to 149.85 Ma. As tortuous as this argumentation correlating the stratigraphic age of the fossil is established: appears, the majority of splits require many more steps of the strata bearing Tischlingerichthys also bear the ammonite lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic, and/or Hybonoticeras hybonotum, which is a diagnostic zone fossil magnetostratigraphic correlation before they can be tied to a for the lower . A minimum age for Tischlingerichthys geochronological age (4).

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hominin, but ape-like (125). Recently, evidence has been northern Kenya (133). 7 e oldest deA nitive occurrence presented to bolster the case that Orrorin, at least, is in of an orangutan relative is Sivapithecus from the Chinji fact a hominin (126). Formation of Pakistan, corresponding to magnetic polar- Dating of the Sahelanthropus beds in Chad is not direct. ity chron 5Ar, estimated to be ca. 12.5 Ma before present Biostratigraphic evidence from mammals in particular, (134). 7 is correlates to the Serravallian stage, the top of but with cross-checking from A sh and specimens, which is at 11.2 Ma, our minimum estimate for the diver- indicates that the unit is deA nitely late Miocene (i.e., gence of the orangutan from other great apes. older than 5.33 Ma), and that it may be older than the As a soJ maximum we suggest the A rst diverse occur- Lukeino Formation of Kenya, the source of Orrorin rence of anthropoids from the earliest of the (dated at 6.56–5.73 Ma from Ar/Ar dates on volcanic lay- Fayûm, Egypt. 7 ese comprise a diverse radi- ers; 127), equivalent to the lower fossiliferous units of the ation just on the Oligocene side of the Eocene–Oligocene Nawata Formation at Lothagam (dated as 7.4–6.5 Ma; boundary at 33.7 Ma (135), and lack derived features of 128). 7 is would suggest a date for the sediments con- the extant great ape lineages. taining Sahelanthropus of 7.5–6.5 Ma, based on biostra- tigraphy and external dating. However, since the status Hylobatidae: gibbon–orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, of Sahelanthropus remains contentious, we based our human (minimum = 11.2 Ma; soft maximum = 33.7 Ma) minimum constraint on Orrorin, which has minimally Numerous taxa of Miocene apes may share a close relation an age of 5.73 Ma (129). 7 us, we determine a 5.7 Ma age with extant gibbons to the exclusion of other hominoids. for the minimum constraint on the human–chimp split. European taxa such as Dryopithecus and Oreopithecus, Kumar et al. (130) have recently calculated a range of with a record dating to the middle Miocene, have over ages for the human–chimp divergence of 4.98–7.02 Ma; the years occasionally been linked to hylobatids (132). their minimum constraint (4.98 Ma) is younger than the However, recent cladistic analyses do not place any oldest fossils (Orrorin, Sahelanthropus). of these taxa with hylobatids to the exclusion of other 7 e report by Suwa et al. (131) on a late Miocene fossil catarrhines (136). Hence, gibbons cannot be said to have gorilla hints at a similar age for the gorilla and orang- a deA nitive fossil record before occurrences utan lineages. Some late Miocene ape fossils, such as of the extant genus in east Asia; and previously named Gigantopithecus and Sivapithecus may be stem-orangs. Miocene species of Pongo are now recognized under Nonetheless, a range of such apes, Ankarapithecus from other Miocene hominoid genera (137). 7 e cladistic Turkey (10 Ma), Gigantopithecus from China (8–0.3 Ma), divergence of hylobatids from other catarrhines is there- Lufengopithecus from China (10 Ma), Ouranopithecus fore constrained by the record of great apes from South from Greece (10–9 Ma), and Sivapithecus from Pakistan Asia (see Sivapithecus discussed earlier), minimally dated (10–7 Ma) give maximum ages of 10 Ma, early in the at the top of the Serravallian at 11.2 Ma. Divergences late Miocene, and these deposits have yielded no fossils within hylobatids themselves would of course be much attributable to either chimps or humans. 7 is is taken younger. as the soJ maximum constraint on the human–chimp As a soJ maximum we would again suggest the A rst divergence. diverse occurrence of anthropoids from the earliest Oligocene of the Fayûm, Egypt. 7 ese primates com- Pongidae: orangutan–chimp, human, neanderthal prise a diverse radiation just on the Oligocene side of the (minimum = 11.2 Ma; soft maximum = 33.7 Ma) Eocene–Oligocene boundary at 33.7 Ma (135), and lack While there are numerous taxa of fossil hominoids from derived features of extant hominoids. Africa and Eurasia, few can be unambiguously attrib- uted to an extant ape lineage; and most of these are hom- Catarrhini: macaque–gibbon, orangutan, chimp, inids. Numerous fossils attributable to Pongo are known neanderthal, human (minimum = 23.5 Ma; soft from Pleistocene sites in east Asia; and another fossil maximum = 34.0 Ma) orangutan relative, Gigantopithecus, is known from the 7 e human–macaque split is equivalent to the branch- late Miocene and (132). Sivapithecus from the ing of Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) and apes Miocene of southern Asia is the oldest ape fossil inter- (Hominoidea), which together form the clade Catarrhini. preted with some conA dence as a close relative to orang- 7 e oldest cercopithecoids are Victoriapithecus mac- utans (132). 7 ere is a possible, but tentative, record of a innesi from Kenya, and two species of Prohylobates from fossil orangutan relative dating to the late Oligocene in Libya and Egypt. Miller (138) surveyed all fossils of these

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two genera, and compared ages of their respective depos- (132). 7 e middle Miocene locality of La Venta, Columbia, its. 7 e oldest cercopithecoid fossil is a tooth identiA ed has produced the oldest remains of essentially modern as Victoriapithecus sp. from Napak V, Uganda (c. 19 Ma), platyrrhines, including the possible marmosets Micodon, followed by Prohylobates tandyi from Moghara, Egypt Patasola, and Lagonimico (148). 7 e oldest crown anthro- (18–17 Ma) and Prohylobates sp. from Buluk, Kenya poid, that is, the oldest reconstructed within the (>17.2 Ma), Prohylobates simonsi from Gebel Zelten, Libya clade of living New and Old World monkeys, consists of (c. 17–15 Ma), and V. macinnesi from Maboko, Kenya (ca. the Fayûm taxon Catopithecus from the Fayûm Quarry 16–14.7 Ma). MacLatchy et al. (139) report an even older L-41, now dated at the end of the (135) with cercopithecoid, a fragment of a maxilla from the Moroto an upper bound of 33.7 Ma. Older taxa such as African II locality in Uganda, which has been radiometrically Altiatlasius and Biretia, and Asian eosimiids and dated to be older than 20.6 Ma ± 0.05 myr (140). amphipithecids, may in fact be anthropoids, but appear 7 e oldest hominoids include Morotopithecus, also to fall outside crown Anthropoidea (147). from the Moroto II locality in Uganda (140). Young and Given the fact that the oldest known euprimate MacLatchy (141) determined that this taxon is a hom- (Altiatlasius) has been regarded tentatively as an anthro- inoid, located in the cladogram above the gibbons, and poid sister taxon (147), the soJ maximum for anthro- so not the most basal member of the group. Because poids must predate this occurrence in the late Paleocene. of incompleteness of the material, Finarelli and Clyde Early Paleocene strata have yielded fossils of several (142) are less certain of its phylogenetic position, but groups (plesiadapids, paromomyids, carpolestids) recon- Morotopithecus is certainly a catarrhine. Even older structed closer to crown primates than to Scandentia or is the A rst record of the long-ranging hominoid genus Dermoptera, but have not yielded any deA nitive crown Proconsul from Meswa Bridge in Kenya, biostratigraphi- primates. Hence, the paleontological soJ maximum can cally constrained to ~23.5 Ma (143, 144). Even older still be deA ned by the base of the Paleocene, at 65.8 Ma. is the purported hominoid Kamoyapithecus from the Eragaliet Beds of the Lothidok Formation of Kenya, dated Primates: bushbaby, lemur–marmoset, macaque, gibbon, at 24.3–27.5 Ma (145), but the material is insu1 cient to orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, human (minimum = determine whether it is a hominoid or a catarrhine, pos- 55.6 Ma; soft maximum = 65.8 Ma) sibly lying below the human–macaque split (142). Crown-group Primates, or Euprimates, encompass liv- So, the minimum constraint on the human–macaque ing forms plus the extinct adapoids and omomyoids, as split is 23.5 Ma, based on the oldest record of Proconsul, the latter are more closely related to extant lemuriforms biostratigraphy and external dating. 7 e soJ max- than to anthropoids (149, 150). 7 e oldest fossil oJ en imum constraint is based on members of the stem of attributed to primates is Purgatorius known from the Catarrhini, namely the Families Propliopithecidae basal Paleocene (64 Ma ± 1 Ma), reputed from time to (Propliopithecus, Aegyptopithecus) and Oligopithecidae time to have been latest Cretaceous in age. However, the (Oligopithecus, Catopithecus) that are basal to the cer- latest Cretaceous specimen is an unidentiA able tooth copithecoid–hominoid split (146). 7 ese are represented (150). 7 e oldest euprimate is Altiatlasius from the late in particular from the rich Fayûm beds in Egypt, which Paleocene of Morocco (151), and is recognized as the most possess a diverse anthropoid primate fauna, includ- basal stem anthropoid (147, 152) or, alternatively, as the ing stem platyrrhines and catarrhines (147) during the most basal euprimate (150). Broadly speaking, this speci- early Oligocene ((135); 33.9–28.4 Ma ± 0.1 myr). Hence, men is currently regarded as the oldest euprimate fossil. at the base of the Oligocene at 33.9 Ma ± 0.1 myr, the Altiatlasius comes from the Adrar Mgorn 1 locality in Fayûm shows a diversity of primates and other mam- the Ouarzazate Basin of Morocco, dated generally as late mals, but no members of crown-group hominoids or Paleocene (7 anetian stage). Magnetostratigraphic study cercopithecoids. (153) narrows the age range of the locality to “late or lat- est 7 anetian,” and so the age of the top of the 7 anetian Anthropoidea: marmoset–macaque, gibbon, orangutan, Stage provides the minimum constraint. 7 is is 55.80 chimp, neanderthal, human (minimum = 33.7 Ma; soft Ma ± 0.2 myr (107), and so the minimum constraint is maximum = 65.8 Ma) 55.6 Ma. 7 e oldest South American primate is Branisella from 7 e soJ maximum constraint may be marked by older the late Oligocene of Bolivia; this taxon cannot be more possible primate fossils. McKenna and Bell (154) implied explicitly linked to any of the modern platyrrhine groups in their classiA cation that carpolestids, with a record in

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the Danian (early Paleocene) are euprimates, but this Scandentia (tree shrews) and Dermoptera (P ying has not been substantiated elsewhere. 7 ey also attribute ) are small, non-speciose orders of mammals, the basal Paleocene Decoredon from China to Primates, with sparse fossil records. 7 e oldest scandentian is although this has been regarded as a hyopsodontid by Eodendrogale from the middle Miocene of China (149), others (e.g., 155). In general, early Paleocene strata have and the oldest dermopteran is a single specimen from the yielded fossils of several groups (plesiadapids, paromo- late Eocene of 7 ailand, Dermotherium (149). 7 e oldest myids, carpolestids) reconstructed closer to crown pri- Primates are more diverse, and clearly extend the date of mates than to Scandentia or Dermoptera (150), but have origin of the order to the beginning of the Paleocene, as not yielded any deA nitive crown primates. Hence, the already discussed. Hence, the minimum constraint on the paleontological soJ maximum constraint can be deA ned Scandentia–Primates split (i.e., origin of Archonta) is set by the base of the Paleocene, at 65.8 Ma. in the early Paleocene based on Torrejonian occurrences of extinct primate sister taxa such as carpolestids and Strepsirhini: mouse lemur–bushbaby (minimum = plesiadapids (150). 7 e upper bound of the Torrejonian 33.7 Ma; soft maximum = 55.6 Ma) North American Land Mammal Age (NALMA) corre- Malagasy primates are extraordinarily diverse, but never- lates to the top of the Danian, 61.5 Ma. theless comprise an extant radiation that shares a single 7 e soJ maximum constraint could correspond to common ancestor to the exclusion of other primates such the date of origin of Archontoglires, the larger clade as galagos, lorises, and monkeys. 7 ere is an extraordin- including Archonta (primates + P ying lemurs + tree ary diversity of subfossil primates from Madagascar, but shrews) and Glires (rodents + ). However, the neither these nor other lemuriforms have a fossil record problem is that no deA nitive records of Archontoglires, demonstrably older than the (152). In contrast, or any other crown-group placental mammal, exist the lorisiform sister-radiation of Malagasy lemurids before the K-T boundary. A tenuous link between ca. (including galagos and bushbabies) shows a less ambigu- 95 Ma zalambdalestids and lagomorphs and/or rodents ous fossil record through the late Eocene, including the has been suggested on several occasions (e.g., 99, 101, oldest known records of the toothcombed prosimians 157); but this link has been disputed (e.g., 158) and from the Birket Quarun Formation of the Fayûm, Egypt is not supported by well-sampled phylogenetic stud- [e.g., Karanisia, SeiB ert et al. (156)]. Following SeiB ert ies (48, 104–106). As there is a relatively good fossil (135, 152) this unit corresponds to the Priabonian with record that documents numerous mammalian groups an upper bound of 33.7 Myr before present. during the Cretaceous, including the stem- Fossil primates are relatively common mammalian and Eutheria, but lacking any crown placental, using fossils at many localities in North America and Eurasia the criteria outlined earlier we are leJ with a similar throughout the Eocene; yet toothcombed prosimians value for both the paleontological minimum and soJ remain conspicuously absent before the end of the mid- maximum in the early Paleocene. Because we do not dle Eocene. Hence, we suggest the A rst appearance of want to rule out a priori the possibility suggested by euprimates, represented by Altiatlasius from the late some molecular clock analyses of an older radiation of Paleocene of Morocco at 55.80 Myr ± 0.2 myr (102) (or crown placental groups deep in the Cretaceous, we have 55.6 Myr) as the soJ maximum for Strepsirhini. relaxed the criteria for identifying a paleontological soJ maximum for supraordinal placental mammal clades. Archonta: tree shrew–bushbaby, lemur, marmoset, Hence, the next, best-documented therian node lower macaque, gibbon, orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, than Archontoglires that is paleontologically well doc- human (minimum = 61.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) umented is the divergence between Metatheria and Tree shrews are members of Scandentia, an order within Eutheria, in the , represented by the Archonta (= Euarchonta) that has long been seen as a Liaoning fossils of (159) and Sinodelphys (160). close relative of Primates. Current trees (e.g., 51, 150) place Liaoning fossils of the Jehol biota have been estimated Scandentia as sister group of Dermoptera, and those two to be between Barremian and Aptian. Importantly, the as sister group of Primates. 7 e minimum constraint on association of Jehol fossils and dated horizons is not dating the split between tree shrews and any of the pri- without ambiguity (161); hence we conservatively use mates is set then by determination of the oldest member the age of the Barremian to deA ne the ages of Jehol of Orders Scandentia, Dermoptera, or Primates or their specimens (162), which indicates a lower bound of 130 respective stem relatives. Ma ± 1.5 myr, or 131.5 Ma.

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Archontoglires: rabbit, pika, squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, placental mammal radiation aJ er the extinction of the rat–tree shrew, bushbaby, lemur, marmoset, macaque, (see earlier under Archontoglires). gibbon, orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, human 7 e oldest crown lagomorphs are somewhat youn- (minimum = 61.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) ger. Stucky and McKenna (101) indicate several Eocene 7 e human–mouse split is synonymous with the latest rabbits from the : Lushilagus from China, branching point between the mammalian Orders Primates Procoprolagus from Canada, and Mytonolagus from the and Rodentia. Both orders are members of the clade . Meng and Wyss (167) note an older pos- Archontoglires, sometimes called . sible stem lagomorph, Mimotona, from the early to late Archontoglires is composed of two clades, the Archonta Paleocene (Doumu Formation, Nonshangian, Qianshan and the Glires, and Primates belongs to the former, Basin, China), the same unit that yielded the putative Rodentia to the latter. 7 us, the human–mouse split earliest stem Heomys. becomes synonymous with the origin of Archontoglires. 7 e minimum constraint on the age of clade Glires, As stated earlier, fossil evidence for this branching and so for the rabbit–mouse split, based on Heomys, is point does not exceed 65.2 Ma, the beginning of the the same as that for Archontoglires, described earlier at (base of Cenozoic, base of Tertiary), and cor- 61.5 Ma. Again we suggest a paleontological soJ maxi- responding to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the mum of 131.5 Ma. beginning of the radiation of placental mammal orders. Several molecular analyses have suggested that crown- Lagomorpha: pika–rabbit (minimum = 48.6 Ma; placental orders might have their origin at some point soft maximum = 65.8 Ma) much deeper in the Cretaceous, ranging from over 125 7 e modern order Lagomorpha consists of two groups: Ma (74, 163) to much younger dates that are in line with leporids (rabbits and ) and ochotonids (). 7 ere fossil evidence (45, 49). are just under a dozen species of pikas (Ochotonidae, As stated earlier, the oldest conA rmed primates are Ochotona), the oldest relative of which (to the exclusion from the Paleocene–Eocene transition, 55.5 Ma (164). of leporids) has been reported to be the late Eocene Asian 7 e oldest “plesiadapiform”-grade mammals include form Desmatolagus (154). A yet older taxon, Decipomys early Paleocene Palaechthon and carpolestids. 7 e old- from the early Eocene of central Asia, shows a pattern est undisputed fossil rodents are known with conA dence of enamel microstructure that could be a “structural from the 7 anetian (late Paleocene, 58.7–55.8 Ma), predecessor” to that of modern ochotonids (168). 7 e including members of the Family Ischyromidae from status of Decipomys as an ochotonid, or of Eocene pal- North America and Europe (101). Some or all eurymy- aeolagids as close relatives of rabbits and hares, would loids from Asia may fall on the stem to Rodentia and/ indicate a divergence within crown Lagomorpha by the or Lagomorpha (48, 165), which would provide a min- early or middle Eocene, respectively. A recent analysis of imum record for Glires in the early Paleocene, corre- isolated hindlimb elements from China and India (169) sponding to the record of Heomys from the Shanghuan also indicates that leporids and ochotonids were dis- Asian Land Mammal Age (166). 7 e upper bound for tinct by the early Eocene. Although fragmentary, these the Shanghuan ALMA, as for the Torrejonian NALMA, elements are surprisingly diagnostic for the . is the top of the Danian, 61.5 Ma. As stated earlier for 7 ese identiA cations are consistent with the interpret- the common ancestor of Scandentia, Dermoptera, and ation of the early Eocene Strenulagus and Gobiolagus Primates, given the lack of crown placental fossils during from central Asia as leporids (170), although Lopatin and the Cretaceous, we suggest a soJ maximum paleonto- Averianov (171) have more cautiously assigned them to logical estimate for Archontoglires at 131.5 Ma, based “Lagomorpha, Family Strengulidae” without specifying on the record of Eomaia and Sinodelphys from China a crown a1 liation. Hence, our minimum estimate for (see Archonta). crown Lagomorpha is based on the Indian leporid fos- sils described by Rose and colleagues (169) from the mid- Glires: pika, rabbit–squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, rat dle -equivalent Cambay in West-Central (minimum = 61.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) India. 7 e top of the Ypresian is dated at 48.6 Ma. 7 e rabbit–mouse split is synonymous with the clade 7 ere are many fossil Glires on t he stem to Lagomorpha Glires, comprising Orders Rodentia plus Lagomorpha). that long predate the A rst unambiguous occurrence of a 7 e date would have been assumed traditionally to lie leporid or ochotonid (48, 172). For the soJ maximum at 65 Ma, or younger, marking the time of purported divergence of crown lagomorphs we choose the K-T

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boundary at 65.8 Ma, based on the occurrence of basal IUGS constants) measured from extrusive volcanic rocks Glires such as Mimotona and Heomys, reconstructed near that underlie the Toruaygyr mammalian Assemblage, the base of modern Rodentia and Lagomorpha. None of also Idinmanhan in age, in Kirgyzstan. We take the these Paleocene Glires can be defended as a member of upper end of this range, 52.5 Ma, as our minimum con- Leporidae or Ochotonidae. straint on the guinea pig–mouse split date. 7 e soJ maximum constraint might be taken as equiv- Rodentia: squirrel–guinea pig, mouse, rat alent to the age of the ischyromyids and other entirely (minimum = 55.6 Ma; soft maximum = 65.8 Ma) extinct rodent groups from the late Paleocene (7 anetian) Recent phylogenies place squirrels (sciuromorphs) exter- of North America and Europe (154), 58.9 Ma. nal to guinea pigs and murid rodents (i.e., Caviomorpha + Myomorpha) (48, 173, 174). Ischyromyids dating to the Muridae: mouse–rat (minimum = 10.4 Ma; late Paleocene from North America and Europe have soft maximum = 14.0 Ma) been linked to modern sciurids (154), which would give 7 e mouse (Mus musculus) and rat (Rattus norvegicus) a minimum constraint for crown Rodentia of 55.6 Ma. are both members of the Subfamily Murinae within the Recent phylogenies do not consistently place ischyromy- Family Muridae, members of the larger clade of muroid ids such as Paramys and extant sciurids in the same clade, rodents. 7 e Old World rats and mice are hugely diverse, but they generally do fall within crown-group Rodentia with over 500 species, and they appear to have radiated (48, 103). relatively rapidly in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Early Paleocene eurymylids may not be rodents proper, 7 e phylogeny of all genera within Murinae has not but members of a larger clade including Simplicidentata, been determined, so the location of the split between or they may fall outside Simplicidentata, but within Mus and Rattus is somewhat speculative at present. Glires, as outgroup to rodents and rabbits (48). 7 erefore, However, all current morphological and molecular phyl- a reasonable soJ maximum constraint on the base of ogenies (178–181), indicate that Mus and Rattus diverged crown Rodentia could be set by these early rodents at the early in the evolution of Murinae, but not at the base of base of the Paleocene at 65.8 Ma. the divergence of that clade. A lower limit to the mouse– rat divergence is indicated by the oldest known murine Rodentia (minus sciurids): guinea pig–mouse, rat f o s s i l , Antemus chinjiensis from the middle Miocene (minimum = 52.5 Ma; soft maximum = 58.9 Ma) Chinji Formation of Pakistan, dated at about 14.0–12.7 7 e guinea pig ( Cavia), a member of Caviomorpha Ma on the basis of magnetostratigraphy and radiometric and Ctenohystrica (173, 175), is the closest relative to dating (182). the Muridae, the family containing mouse ( Mus) and 7 e oldest fossil example of Mus dates from 7.3 Ma, a rat (Rattus). Caviomorpha is a member of the larger specimen of Mus sp. from locality Y457 in the Siwaliks clade Hystricognatha, and Muridae is a part of the lar- (182). Fossils of Rattus are not known until the latest ger clade Myomorpha, which in turn falls in the major Pliocene and the Pleistocene of 7 ailand (183) and China clade Sciurognatha, according to traditional classiA ca- (184), no more than 3 Ma. 7 e divergence of the two lin- tions. If so, this puts the guinea pig–mouse divergence eages leading to Mus and Rattus was stated to be 14–8 Ma as equivalent to the origin of crown-group Rodentia. A by Jacobs and Pilbeam (185), in a A rst review of the fos- newer molecular phylogeny makes Myomorpha closest sil evidence. 7 is range was narrowed down at its older to Hystricognatha, and Sciuromorpha closest to those end to 12 Ma in subsequent studies (186, 187), based on two (173). the A rst appearance of the fossil genus Progonomys, early 7 e oldest member of the Caviomorpha stem group members of which were assumed to include the common is Tsaganomys from the mid-Oligocene Hsanda Gol ancestor of Mus and Rattus. 7 e 12 Ma A gure has most Formation of Mongolia (154, 167), while the oldest mem- commonly been selected as the mouse–rat calibration bers of the Myomorpha stem group are early Eocene point, but dates in the range from 16–8.8 Ma have been dipodids such as Ulkenulastomys, Blentosomys, and used in recent molecular studies. Aksyiromys from the Obayla Svita of the Zaysan Basin, In a thorough review of the fossil evidence, Jacobs Kazakhstan (176). Lucas (177) assigns an Irdinmanhan and Flynn (182) show that records of Progonomys in the age to this site, based on comparisons of the contained Siwalik succession extend from 12.3 to 8.1 Ma, with the mammals, moving it from early Eocene to the base of the later forms (10.4–8.1 Ma) assumed to lie on the Mus lin- middle Eocene, and with a soJ maximum age of K/Ar eage. 7 e extinct genus Karnimata (11.1–6.4 Ma) is inter- age of 55–56 Ma (= 52.5–54.7 Ma when corrected to new preted as a member of the lineage leading to Rattus. 7 e

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oldest record (11.1 Ma) is uncertain, but the next (at 10.4 bat, on the other, is equivalent to the base of the clade Ma) is unquestionable. 7 e early species, Progonomys . hussaini (11.5–11.1 Ma) is interpreted as an undiB eren- Arguably, the crown-placental order most commonly tiated basal murine antedating the common ancestor of regarded among paleontologists to have representa- Mus and Rattus by Jacobs and Flynn (182), and so they tives in the Cretaceous is Lipotyphla. McKenna and Bell place the Progonomys–Karnimata split (equivalent to the (154) reported the oldest lipotyphlan as Otlestes from Mus–Rattus split) at not much beyond 11 Ma, “although the Cenomanian (99.6–93.5 Ma) of , but it may be younger.” 7 e dating is based on detailed Archibald (190) regarded it as a basal eutherian, lacking A eld stratigraphic study of the long Siwaliks sediment- derived characters of Lipotyphla, or any other modern ary sequence, with dating from magnetostratigraphy order. More recently, Averianov and Archibald (191) syn- and radiometric dating (188, 189). 7 e soJ maximum onymized it with Bobolestes (from the same local fauna) constraint on this date is taken as the oldest record of and regarded it as a questionable zalambdalestoid. Next Antemurus at 14.0 Ma. in time is Paranyctoides from the (93.4–89.3 Ma) of Asia and the Campanian (83.5–70.6 Ma) of North : hedgehog, European shrew, bat, cow, America, and Batodon from the Maastrichtian (70.6–65.5 sheep, dolphin, pig, horse, dog, cat–rabbit, pika, Ma) of North America, both regarded as lipotyphlans by squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, rat, tree shrew, bushbaby, McKenna and Bell (154). Archibald (190) is uncertain, lemur, marmoset, macaque, gibbon, orangutan, but retains these records pending discovery of further chimp, neanderthal, human (minimum = 61.5 Ma; specimens. soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) 7 e oldest, relatively uncontroversial records of 7 e human–cow divergence is synonymous with the Laurasiatheria are Paleocene carnivorans (cf. Protictis). origin of Boreoeutheria. 7 is clade is composed of the As above for , we tentatively assign an early clades Archontoglires (human) and Laurasiatheria Paleocene minimum age constraint to this node, corre- (cow). A number of Late Cretaceous putative laurasia- sponding to To1 at 62.5 Ma. 7 e soJ maximum constraint therians have been cited. 7 e oldest supposed laurasia- is, as for the other supraordinal divergences, 131.5 Ma. therians have been said to be the zhelestids, from the Bissekty Formation of Dzharakuduk, , Lipotyphla: European shrew–hedgehog Uzbekistan, and the even older Khodzhakul Formation (minimum = 61.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) at Sheikhdzhili, which would provide a very ancient min- 7 e shrew and hedgehog are members of clade imum age constraint on the clade (early Cenomanian, Lipotyphla/Insectivora. 7 ey represent, respectively, the 95.3 Ma) if the assignment is correct. Some authors (99, larger clades Soricomorpha and Erinaceomorpha. 7 e 190, 191) place the zhelestids in Laurasiatheria, basal to oldest erinaceomorphs include Adunator from the early the hoofed artiodactyls and perissodactyls. 7 is has been and late Paleocene of North America (154). 7 e fossil challenged, however, and more comprehensive cladistic record of the other extant lipotyphlans (or “eulipotyph- analyses of basal Eutheria (104, 105) place zhelestids out- lans”), Talpidae and Solenodontidae, is much younger. side of the crown clade of extant orders. McKenna and Bell (154) noted a number of putative As for the other superordinal placental clades indi- Late Cretaceous soricomorphs: Otlestes, Paranyctoides, cated earlier, the minimum paleontological constraint for and Batodon, but these have all been reinterpreted (see Boreoeutheria is again the early Paleocene, constrained above) as basal Lipotyphla, or as basal to extant orders. here by the To1 record of Protictis (61.5 Ma; see later). Archibald (190) interpreted Otlestes as a basal euther- 7 e paleontological soJ maximum cannot be better con- ian, lacking derived characters of Lipotyphla, or any strained than the Early Cretaceous records of Eomaia other modern order. Later, Averianov and Archibald and Sinodelphys from the Liaoning beds of China (131.5 (191) synonymized it with Bobolestes (from the same Ma; see Archonta). local fauna) and regarded it as a questionable zal- ambdalestoid. Archibald (190) was uncertain about Laurasiatheria: shrew, hedgehog–cow, sheep, dolphin, Paranyctoides and Batodon, but retained these records pig, horse, cat, dog, bat (minimum = 62.5 Ma; soft as putative lipotyphlans pending discovery of further maximum = 131.5 Ma) specimens, but we cannot conA dently assert they are 7 e split between the lipotyphlans (shrew, hedge- soricomorphs. Micropternodontids such as Carnilestes hog, mole, and Solenodon), on the one hand, and the and Prosarcodon from the early Paleocene of Asia may cow, sheep, whale, pig, horse, cat, dog, , and be soricid relatives (154), but this has not been rigorously

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tested. We tentatively regard Paleocene erinaceomorphs the clade Ferungulata, a clade within Laurasiatheria (192; see below) as the minimum constraint for a soricid– [as noted below this also includes Pholidota, following erinaceid clade. With records from the North American Waddell et al. (111)]. Torrejonian, the minimum estimate of Adunator can be 7 e oldest artiodactyl is Diacodexis from the early tied to the top of the Danian at 61.5 Ma. For the soJ max- Eocene of North America (c. 55 Ma). Artiodactyls are imum paleontological bound we suggest 131.5 Ma (see part of the larger clade Cetartiodactyla, with the , Archonta). whales and relatives, and these date back to the early Eocene as well, at about 53.5 Ma (197). Laurasiatheria (minus Lipotyphla): bat–cow, sheep, may be extinct relatives of cetartiodactyls, as they show dolphin, pig, horse, dog, cat (minimum = 62.5 Ma; conspicuous craniodental similarities with the latter, but soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) lack the crucial pedal derived characters of cetartiodac- 7 e split between Chiroptera () and its sister clade tyls (198). Mesonychids are known A rst from the Danian/ Ferungulata (Cetartiodactyla + Perissodactyla + Car- 7 anetian, some 62 Ma (101). 7 e oldest carnivoramor- nivora) depends on the oldest members of these included phan is the miacoid Ravenictis from the Danian (Puercan, clades. 7 e oldest artiodactyl is Diacodexis from the early Paleocene) of North America, and several carnivo- early Eocene of North America (c. 55 Ma). Artiodactyls ran families radiated in the mid- to late Paleocene of that are part of the larger clade Cetartiodactyla, with the continent (194). Cetacea, whales and relatives, and these date back to the 7 e clade Ferungulata includes also the Orders early Eocene as well, at about 53.5 Ma (193). 7 e clade Perissodactyla and Pholidota, but neither of these dates may also include the extinct mesonychids, which are back before the early Eocene. 7 e oldest ferungulates are known A rst from the Danian/7 anetian, some 62 Ma then Danian (Torrejonian, early Paleocene) in age, so (101). 7 e oldest carnivoramorphans are Protictis (above) the minimum age constraint for this clade is under 62.5 and the miacoid Ravenictis from the Danian (Puercan, Ma. 7 e soJ maximum constraint is conservatively set at early Paleocene) of North America. Several carnivoran 131.5 Ma (see Archonta). families radiated in the mid to late Paleocene of that con- tinent (194). Undisputed perissodactyls do not appear Zooamata: horse–cat, dog (minimum = 62.5 Ma; soft until the early Eocene. maximum = 131.5 Ma) 7 e oldest bats are Archaeonycteris, , 7 e dog–horse split is equivalent to the branching point and (101, 195). Icaronycteris is reported between the Orders Carnivora and Perissodactyla [a clade A rst from the late Paleocene Clarkforkian Mammal that also encompasses in the Order Pholidota Age, substage 3 (CF3), the Phenacodus/Ectocion acme and was named Zooamata by Waddell and colleagues zone, dated at 55.8–55.0 Ma (196). Archaeonycteris and (111)]. 7 e minimum age is determined from the oldest Palaeochiropteryx, are marginally younger, coming from members of the carnivoran and perissodactyl lineages, the MP7 level at Dormaal in Belgium and Rians, and pos- as they predate records of Eocene pangolins (cf. 199). sibly Meudon, in France. 7 e European land mammal Flynn et al. (200) and others have modiA ed the mean- age MP7 is dated on the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, so ing of Carnivora so that it is restricted by them to the 55.8 Ma ± 0.2 myr (107). Hence, neither bats nor cetarti- crown clade consisting of Caniformia + Feliformia. 7 e odactyls have as old a fossil record as Carnivora, which wider clade traditionally called Carnivora, they term dates to the early Torrejonian occurrence of Protictis Carnivoramorpha. 7 e oldest carnivoramorphans are (discussed earlier), for which we use the date 62.5 Ma. the viverravids. 7 e oldest generally accepted viver- 7 e soJ maximum constraint is again set at 131.5 Ma ravid is Protictis from the Fort Union/Polecat Bench (see Archonta), given the lack of undisputed crown Formation, assigned to the basal Torrejonian (To1) placentals throughout the Cretaceous. NALMA, and dated as 63.6–62.5 Ma (196). If Ravenictis from Canada is also a carnivoramorphan (201), and that Ferungulata: cow, sheep, dolphin, pig–horse, dog, cat is debated (202), it extends this date back to at least the (minimum = 62.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) Puercan (Pu2), 65.4–64.3 Ma ± 0.3 myr. Most authors 7 e cow–dog split is equivalent to the branching point also agree that the extinct group Creodonta is the closest between the clades containing the Orders Cetartiodactyla relative to Carnivoramorpha (202), and these date back (even-toed and whales) and Carnivora (P esh- to the 7 anetian, 58.7–55.8 Ma ± 0.2 myr, younger than eating placental mammals). 7 is is synonymous with the oldest carnivormorphans.

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7 e oldest perissodactyl is represented by fragmentary “Suiformes,” containing the controversial, but now fairly teeth that resemble the brontotheriid Lambdotherium well-established hippo-whale clade (208, 209). 7 e oldest from the late Paleocene site of Bayan Ulan in China terrestrial artiodactyls (e.g., Diacodexis) fall outside this (203), but the perissodacyl lineage may be extended fur- clade. However, the oldest cetaceans, for example, early ther back in time. 7 is places the dog–horse split mini- Eocene Himalayacetus, are not much younger. Because mally at the basal Torrejonian (62.5 Ma). As for the other cetaceans comprise closer relatives to ruminant artio- supraordinal clades for which no fossil evidence exists up dactyls than do either suids or camels (108), their fos- until the Paleocene, a paleontological soJ maximum of sil record constrains the minimum divergence of crown 131.5 Ma (see Archonta) is tentatively suggested. artiodactyls. Hence, the cow–pig division is dated minimally by the Carnivora: dog–cat (minimum = 39.68 Ma; soft record of Himalayacetus from the base of the Subathu maximum = 65.8 Ma) Formation in Pakistan (210) where it co-occurs with 7 e dog–cat split is equivalent to the branching point Nummulites atacicus, whose range correlates with between the clades Caniformia (dogs, bears, raccoons, nannoplankton zones 11–12, providing a minimum age seals) and Feliformia (cats, mongooses, hyaenas), the of 52.4 Ma (211). 7 e absence of any crown cetartiodac- major subdivisions of the Order Carnivora (202). tyls during the Paleocene may point to the soJ maximum 7 e oldest carnivorans are members of the Families constraint at 65.8 Ma. “” (paraphyletic) and Viverravidae, known from the early Paleocene onwards (101). However, these have Whippomorpha–Ruminantia: dolphin–cow, sheep recently been reconstructed outside the Caniformia– (minimum = 52.4 Ma; soft maximum = 65.8 Ma) Feliformia clade (202), and so cannot provide a min- Within extant Cetartiodactyla, suiforms and camelids imum date for the dog–cat split. fall outside the whippomorph + ruminant clade [(209); 7 e oldest caniforms are amphicyonids such as Daphoe- “whippomorph” for cetaceans + hippopotamids was nus and canids such as Hesperocyon, known A rst from the coined by Waddell et al. (111) and this name unfortu- earliest Duchesnean North American Land Mammal Age nately appeared before more palatable alternatives such (NALMA), which corresponds to magnetochron 18N, and as Cetancodonta of Arnason et al. (212)]. However, the is dated as 39.74 Ma ± 0.07 myr, based on radiometric dat- fossil cetacean Himalayacetus is both the oldest known ing of the LaPoint TuB (204). Tapocyon may be an even whippomorph and crown cetartiodactyl, as older ter- older caniform; it comes from the middle Eocene, Uintan, restrial artiodactyls (Diacodexis) cannot be unam- dated as 46–43 Ma (205), although Flynn and Wesley- biguously reconstructed within the crown clade (208). Hunt (202) place this taxon outside the Carnivora. Hence, the minimum and soJ maximum estimates for 7 e oldest feliforms may be the nimravids, also the last common ancestor of whippomorphs plus rumi- known A rst from the White River carnivore fauna of the nants are the same as those for Cetartiodactyla already Chadronian NALMA, with uncertain records extending described. to the base of that unit (206). 7 e earliest Chadronian corresponds to the top of magnetochron 17N, and an age Bovidae: cow–sheep (minimum = 18 Ma; soft of 37.2–36.7 Ma (206, 207). maximum = 28.55 Ma) Flynn et al. (200) suggest a caniform–feliform split 7 e branching between the cow (Bos) and sheep (Ovis) around 50 Ma. Based strictly on the undisputed occur- is an intrafamilial split within the Family Bovidae. Bos rence of caniforms from the Duchesnean, the minimum is a member of the Tribe Bovini, and Ovis is a member constraint from this event is at 39.68 Ma. 7 e soJ max- of the Tribe Caprini, which belong respectively to the imum constraint is based on the occurrence of the oldest Subfamilies Bovinae and Antilopinae (213), although stem carnivorans (miacids, viverravids) in the Torrejonian the monophyly of Antilopinae is questioned (214). 7 ese NALMA of the early Paleocene (see dog–horse), rounded two subfamilies comprise the Family Bovidae, so the down to the base of the Paleocene at 65.8 Ma. cow–sheep split corresponds to the point of origin of the crown Bovidae. Cetartiodactyla: pig–dolphin, cow, sheep Fernandez and Vrba (214) point to a series of splits (minimum = 52.4 Ma; soft maximum = 65.8 Ma) within Bovidae that gave rise to the major subfamilies 7 e cow–pig split is equivalent to the major division 25.4–22.3 Ma, and they link this to a climatic change at in Artiodactyla between Ruminantia–Tylopoda, and the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. 7 is date is, however,

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not based directly on fossil evidence, but on a number Atlantogenata: armadillo–tenrec, elephant of best-A tting dates from published morphological and (minimum = 55.6 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) molecular phylogenies. As indicated later, the oldest undisputed afrothe- A number of putative late Oligocene bovids (101) rians are Ypresian (basal Eocene) proboscideans from have since been rejected. 7 e oldest putative bovid Morocco. 7 e oldest xenarthrans (armadillos, anteaters, was Palaeohypsodontus zinensis from the Oligocene of sloths) are slightly more ancient, known from the late the Bugti Hills, Balochistan, Pakistan, and the early Paleocene locality of Itaboraí in Brazil (220). Hence, the Oligocene of Mongolia and China. 7 is is a rumi- paleontological minimum divergence for this clade is in nant, but it lacks unequivocal anatomical features of the mid- to upper Paleocene, corresponding to the upper Bovidae, and is currently excluded from that family 7 anetian, 55.6 Ma. 7 e soJ maximum is provided on (215, 216). the same basis as for Archonta, hence 131.5 Ma. Fossil bovids may be identiA ed in the fossil record by the presence of horn cores. 7 e oldest such records, Afrotheria: tenrec–elephant (minimum = 48.4 Ma; ascribed to Eotragus, come from the early Miocene of soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) Western Europe and Pakistan. For example, Eotragus 7 e tenrec–elephant split represents a deep division noyi from the base of the terrestrial sequence on the within Afrotheria. According to current phylogenies, the Potwar Plateau is dated at ~18.3 Ma (217). tenrec, golden moles (Chrysochloridae), elephant shrews Eotragus is attributed to Boselaphini, a tribe within (Macroscelidea), and aardvark (Tubulidentata) may form the Subfamily Bovinae consisting of the nilgai and one clade within Afrotheria, and the elephants, hyraxes other four-horned antelopes. 7 e oldest members of and sirenians form the other, termed Paenungulata. Antilopinae appear to come from the middle Miocene Paenungulata is widely accepted as a valid clade, having of three continents: Caprotragoides from Asia (India and been established on morphological characters, and now Pakistan), Tethytragus from Europe (Spain and Turkey), conA rmed by molecular analyses. In any case, the last and Gentrytragus from Africa (Kenya and Saudi Arabia), common ancestor of tenrec and elephant corresponds to all dated at ~14 Ma (218). 7 e oldest A rmly dated bovid the base of crown-clade Afrotheria. then places the minimum constraint on the origin of 7 e oldest fossil aardvarks, tenrecs, golden moles, and the family at 18.3 Ma, and we set the soJ maximum elephant shrews are generally stated to be Miocene (154), constraint at the base of the late Oligocene (28.45 Ma ± with a possible older , Metoldobotes from 0.1 myr), encompassing the many equivocal stem bovids the late Eocene Jebel Qatrani Formation of Egypt. Tabuce (101), so 28.55 Ma. et al. (221) report a much older golden mole, Chambius, from the Chambi locality in Tunisia (Ypresian). SeiB ert Placentalia: tenrec, elephant, armadillo–hedgehog, and Simons (222) tentatively suggested that Widanelfarasia European shrew, bat, cow, sheep, dolphin, pig, horse, dog, from near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Egypt may cat, rabbit, pika, squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, rat, tree be the closest relative to a tenrec–golden moles clade. shrew, bushbaby, lemur, marmoset, macaque, gibbon, 7 ese records are equaled or predated by the oldest pae- orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, human (minimum = nungulates. Zack et al. (223) argue that Paleocene aphe- 62.5 Ma; soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) liscines from North America share a close evolutionary 7 e human–tenrec split is equivalent to the origin of relationship with elephant shrews. 7 e oldest hyraxes are the clade comprising Boreoeutheria, , and known from the Eocene of North Africa (219, 221). 7 e Afrotheria. 7 e oldest boreoeutherians are, as already oldest sirenians are Prorastomus and Pezosiren from the noted (see, e.g., Zooamata), early Paleocene carnivo- early middle Eocene of Jamaica (219). 7 e oldest pro- rans, glires, or carpolestids, with the carnivorans at boscidean fossils are Phosphatherium and Daouitherium least 62.5 Ma. 7 e oldest reported afrotherians are from Ypresian (lower Eocene) phosphorites of the Ouled much younger, dating from the Eocene. 7 e oldest are Abdoun Basin of Morocco (219). 7 is basal age is con- Phosphatherium and Daouitherium from Ypresian A rmed by reports of early Eocene (Ypresian) hyrax and (lower Eocene) phosphorites of the Ouled Abdoun Basin proboscidean fossils from the Tamaguélelt Formation of of Morocco (219). Mali (224). Extinct putative outgroups of crown-group 7 e minimum constraint for the Boreoeutheria/ Paenungulata, such as Desmostylia and Embrithopoda Xenarthra–Afrotheria split is then 62.5 Ma, and the soJ (Arsinoitherium) are younger, being Oligocene in age, maximum constraint is 131.5 Ma (see Archonta). while the Anthracobunidae date back to the early Eocene.

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At present, no extant clade within Afrotheria, were all topped by the spectacular A nd of Eomaia scan- nor any conA rmed extinct afrothere clade (with the soria in the Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, apheliscine/“” possibility deserving further China (159), a complete skeleton with hair and soJ parts scrutiny), predates the Ypresian (early Eocene), dated at preserved. Dating of the Jehol Group of China has been ca. 54 Ma, with a minimal age corresponding to the upper contentious, with early suggestions of a Late age limit of the Ypresian at 48.4 Ma. Further study might for some or all of the fossiliferous beds. Biostratigraphic reveal that certain Paleocene groups belong within one evidence now conA rms an Early Cretaceous (Barremian) or other afrothere branch, and that could increase the age, with several radiometric dates, using diB erent tech- minimum age constraint. 7 e soJ maximum constraint niques, on three tuB layers that occur among the fos- is 131.5 Ma (see Archonta). sil beds of 124.6 Ma ± 0.01 myr, 125.06 Ma ± 0.18 myr, 125.2 Ma ± 0.9 myr (162). 7 is gives an encompassing : opossum, kangaroo–tenrec, elephant, armadillo, age designation of 125.0 Ma ± 0.4 myr for the span of hedgehog, European shrew, bat, cow, sheep, dolphin, pig, the three tuB layers, and for the fossiliferous beds of horse, dog, cat, rabbit, pika, squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, the Yixian Formation, based on direct dating. 7 us,we rat, tree shrew, bushbaby, lemur, marmoset, macaque, conclude a minimum constraint of ca. 124.6 Ma for the gibbon, orangutan, chimp, neanderthal, human divergence of and placental mammals. An (minimum = 124 Ma; soft maximum = 171.2 Ma) alternative view (230) places southern tribosphenic taxa 7 e human–opossum branching point is of course syn- (see later) on the stem to 7 eria, pushing the minimum onymous with the split of and placentals. 7 e age for 7 eria to the Jurassic in order to include such earliest alleged “marsupial” dental fossils come from the taxa as Ambondro. mid-Cretaceous of North America, including Kokopellia Given the proposal of Woodburne et al. (230) that juddi reported (225) from the Mussentuchit Member, in southern, tribosphenic mammals such as Ambondro are the upper part of the , , therian (even eutherian), we would set the soJ maximum which is dated as middle to late Albian on the basis of age constraint for 7 eria within the Jurassic () bivalves and palynomorphs. A date of 98.37 Ma ± 0.07 at 167.7 Ma ± 3.5 myr, so 171.2 Ma. myr was obtained from radiometric dating of zircons in a bentonitic clay layer. However Kokopellia has not Marsupialia: opossum–kangaroo (minimum = 61.5 Ma; been demonstrably placed within crown Marsupialia by soft maximum = 131.5 Ma) any phylogenetic analysis, and indeed lies outside the 7 e opossum–kangaroo split is equivalent to the marsupial crown (but still on its stem) in the few cases divergence of the two main crown marsupial clades: in which it has been tested (e.g., 226). Even older is the Ameridelphia and . 7 ere are older boreosphenidan Sinodelphys szalayi from the Yixian metatherians from the Cretaceous, such as Kokopellia Formation, Liaoning Province, China, which is placed and Sinodelphys, but these fall phylogenetically outside phylogenetically closer to marsupials than to placentals of the marsupial crown radiation (e.g., 226). Indeed, non- by Luo et al. (160). 7 is then has taken the stem of the marsupial metatherians persist well into the Tertiary and, marsupial clade back to the Barremian with an age of at despite close dental similarities with crown didelphids least 124 Ma. (e.g., Herpetotherium), they fall outside Marsupialia 7 e oldest eutherians (on the stem to Placentalia) when their full anatomical diversity is examined in a were also, until recently, restricted to the mid- and late cladistic context (231). Hence, the oldest marsupials are Cretaceous (101), but subsequent A nds have pushed the from the Tiupampa fauna of Bolivia (232), dated close age back step-by-step deeper into the Early Cretaceous. to 63 Ma and minimally corresponding to the top of the First were Prokennalestes troA movi and Prokennalestes Danian at 61.7 Ma (107). SpeciA cally, the Tiupampan minor, from the Höövör beds of Mongolia (227), dated genus Khasia has been reconstructed as having a par- as either Aptian or Albian. 7 en came Montanalestes ticularly close relationship to microbiotheres (233), a keeblerorum (228) from the Cloverly Formation (late radiation for which the only living representatives are Aptian–early Albian, ~100 Ma). 7 en, Murtoilestes two species of Dromiciops. Importantly, microbiotheres a b r a m o v i was named (229) from the Murtoi Svita, have been phylogenetically linked not with other South Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Russia, being dated as late American marsupials, but with the Australidelphia, Barremian to middle Aptian (say, 128–120 Ma). 7 ese based on both morphological and molecular data (e.g., three taxa were based on isolated jaws and teeth. 7 ese 231, 234). 7 e oldest australidelphians from Australia

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include possible bandicoots and/or microbiotheres from dryolestoid appears to be , also from the the early Eocene locality of Murgon (235). Other elem- StonesA eld Slate. ents of the Tiupampa fauna, including the skeletally 7 e oldest are Steropodon a nd Kollikodon well-known and , are not demon- from the Griman Creek Formation, Lightning Ridge, strably part of crown Marsupialia (231), nor is the early South Australia, and dated as middle to late Albian, Paleocene taxon Cocatherium from Chubut province, 1 0 9 – 1 0 0 M a . Teinolophos is from the Wonthaggi Argentina (233). Hence, the paleontological minimum Formation, Flat Rocks, Victoria, and is dated as early constraint for Marsupialia is late Paleocene, 61.5 Ma. Aptian, 125–121 Ma. In the new cladistic view (160, 226, As noted earlier, numerous metatherian remains are 237, 238), the Ausktribosphenida from Gondwana are known from the Cretaceous of both North America the closest relatives of Monotremata, forming together (Kokopellia; cf. 225, 228) and Mongolia (Asiatherium; the . Oldest are from cf. 236), with the Early Cretaceous S. szalayi being the the late (Callovian) Cañadon Asfalto oldest undisputed metatherian (160). Hence, we place the Formation of Cerro Condor, Argentina (242) and soJ maximum constraint for Marsupialia at the Liaoning Ambondro from the upper part of the Isalo “Group” beds that produced Sinodelphys, at 131.5 Ma. (Middle Jurassic, Bathonian) of Madagascar (243). 7 e position of the Madagascar A nd in the Bathonian is Mammalia: platypus–opossum, kangaroo, tenrec, uncertain, so the age range is 167.7 Ma ± 3.5 myr–164.6 elephant, armadillo, hedgehog, European shrew, bat, Ma ± 4.0 myr. 7 e human–platypus split is then dated cow, sheep, dolphin, pig, horse, dog, cat, rabbit, pika, on the oldest theriimorph from 166.9–166.5 Ma ± 4.0 squirrel, guinea pig, mouse, rat, tree shrew, bushbaby, myr, similar in age to the less well-dated oldest austra- lemur, marmoset, macaque, gibbon, orangutan, losphenidan. On the basis of the available evidence, we chimp, neanderthal, human (minimum = 162.9 Ma; follow Luo and colleagues and accept a minimum con- soft maximum = 191.1 Ma) straint of 162.9 Ma. 7 e base of the crown clade of modern mammals, mark- 7 e closest relative of Australosphenida + 7 eriimor- ing the split between Monotremata, represented by the pha is Docodonta, and the oldest docodonts are from platypus, and 7 eria, represented by the human, might the Bathonian of Europe, with a possible earlier form have a number of positions, depending on how many of from the Kota Formation of India. Further outgroups, the extinct Mesozoic mammal groups are included in Morganucodontidae, Sinoconodon, and Adelobasileus, the clade. are known from the and . 7 e As noted earlier, the oldest marsupial, Sinodelphys, Kota Formation, and several other units from other parts and the oldest placental, Eomaia, take the age of 7 eria of the world that have yielded fossil mammals, but noth- back to about 125 Ma. Vincelestes from the La Amarga ing assignable to the Australosphenida or 7 eriimorpha, Formation of Argentina is dated as Hauterivian, and date to the later half of the Early Jurassic, equivalent to shows the existence of stem 7 eria at least ca. 136 Ma. the Pliensbachian and stages (189.6 Ma ± 1.5 According to a widely accepted cladogram of Mesozoic myr–175.6 Ma ± 2.0 myr), and so 191.1 Ma should be mammals (160, 237, 238), the 7 eria are part of a larger used as a soJ maximum constraint. clade 7 eriimorpha that includes further extinct clades: Triconodonta, , , and Amniota: bird–mammal (minimum = 312.3 Ma; Dryolestoidea. Most of these originated in the Late soft maximum = 330.4 Ma) Jurassic, but triconodonts and dryolestoids began earl- 7 e ultimate divergence date between birds and mam- ier, in the Middle Jurassic. Basal triconodonts include mals has been quoted many times as 310 Ma, generally Amphilestes and from the StonesA eld tracing back to Benton (32). Van Tuinen and Hadly Slate, referred to the Procerites progracilis Zone of the (244) trace the history of the use of this date in molecu- lower part of the middle Bathonian stage on the basis lar analyses, and they quote a range of estimates from of ammonites (239), and so dated as 166.9–166.5 Ma ± 338 to 247 Ma, with a preference for the 310 Ma date 4.0 myr (240). Tooth-based mammal taxa from the on the basis of reassessment of the Late Carboniferous Early Jurassic of India (Kotatherium, Nakundon) and timescale. North America (Amphidon) that have been ascribed to 7 is estimate has been criticized for being used without Symmetrodonta (238), are not convincingly members error bars (36, 244), for being based on uncertain fossils of the clade (241), and so are ignored here. 7 e oldest and hence too old (34), for being misdated (37, 244), and

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for being poorly bracketed by outgroups above and below (Moscovian, Myachkovskian; 306.5 Ma ± 1 myr) of the (37). Reisz and Müller (37, 54) indeed argue that this cali- Czech Republic (256). 7 is is not, however, the oldest sau- bration point should no longer be used largely because its ropsid. Basal sauropsids include a number of genera for- soJ maximum bound is so poorly constrained. merly assigned to the paraphyletic “Protorothyrididae,” 7 e ultimate ancestor of birds and mammals has outgroups to Diapsida, and the oldest of these in to be tracked back to the base of the Synapsida and , also from the Joggins Formation at Joggins, , the larger clades that include mammals and (257–259). Within Sauropsida, the sister birds, respectively. 7 ese two clades together make up clade to Diapsida + “Protorothyrididae” is the clade Amniota, the clade containing all tetrapods other than , but the oldest captorhinid is younger— , and the relationships of major groups is Romeria primus from the Moran Formation of agreed by most (e.g., 244–247). 7 e question of the ultim- (Early , , ~294–284 Ma; 260). Lee (34) ate bird–mammal split becomes synonymous then with cast doubt on the assignment on Hylonomus to the sau- dating the origin of the clade Amniota. ropsid clade, and preferred to redate that branch also to 7 e oldest identiA ed is Protoclepsydrops some 288 Ma. from the Joggins Formation of Joggins, Nova Scotia. 7 e Lee’s (34) proposal would move the mammal–bird age of the Joggins Formation has been much debated, split date from somewhere around 310 to 290 Ma, and A gures in the range from 320 to 305 Ma have been whereas Van Tuinen and Hadly (244) settled for 305 Ma cited recently. Reisz and Müller (37) indicate an age of as a minimal date. However, Reisz and Müller (37) and 316–313 Ma, while Van Tuinen and Hadly 244( ) settle for Van Tuinen and Hadly ( 244) suggested that Lee was 310.7 Ma ± 8.5 myr. Detailed A eld logging and biostra- wrong to cast doubt on nearly all the Carboniferous tigraphy (248–250) conA rm that the Joggins Formation synapsids and sauropsids—many are diagnostic of one falls entirely within the Langsettian European time unit, or other group. More importantly though, Reisz and equivalent to the Westphalian A, and roughly match- Müller (37) pointed out that the question of dating ing the Russian Cheremshanian, in the later part of the ultimate bird–mammal split is synonymous with the Bashkirian Stage. Earlier dates for these units were dating the origin of Amniota. So, it may be uncertain equivocal (251), but the Langsettian is given as 314.5– whether Protoclepsydrops is a synapsid, and Hylonomus 313.4 Ma ± 1.1 myr in GTS2004 (252). is not a diapsid, and the “Protorothyrididae” are clearly Protoclepsydrops has been classed as an ophiacodon- paraphyletic (256), but all these taxa are diagnostically tid, not a member of the basalmost synapsid families— members of Amniota, so the origin of Amniota hap- Eothyrididae, , or Varanopseidae—whose basal pened before the age of the Joggins Formation of Nova members, if ever found, might be of the same age or older. Scotia. Protoclepsydrops haplous is known from one incomplete Older evidence of has been reported by partial skeleton and skull ( 253), but the remains are Falcon-Lang et al. (261), footprints with a number of fragmentary; even the identiA cation of these remains as derived characters (pentadactyl manus and a synapsid has been questioned (254, 255). Lee (34) used pes, slender digits whose relative lengths approximate a this uncertainty to reject Protoclepsydrops as informative phalangeal formula of 23453 (manus) and 23454 (pes), in this discussion, and to look at the next oldest synap- narrow digit splay (40–63°), putative transverse scale sids, such as Echinerpeton and Archaeothyris from the impressions on digit pads, and straight tail drag) that Morien Group of Florence, Nova Scotia (Myachkovian, come from the Grand Anse Formation of Nova Scotia. upper Moscovian, 307.2–306.5 Ma). Because each 7 is unit lies 1 km below the Joggins Formation, and retained only one derived character of Synapsida, Lee is dated at ~1 myr older than the Joggins. However, (34) rejected them, and moved up to more complete although we are convinced the footprint evidence rep- material of basal synapsids from some 288 Ma. Van resents amniotes, such a fossil is less reliable than a skel- Tuinen and Hadly (244) rejected Protoclepsydrops as a etal body fossil, and can be taken as an indication of a useful marker of the bird–mammal split, but accepted future increase in the minimum constraint on the bird– Archeothyris as reasonable, with a date of 306.1 Ma ± mammal split. 8.5 myr. 7 e minimum constraint on the mammal–bird split, Phylogenetically, the basalmost member of the amni- equivalent to the minimum age of the origin of clade ote branch, the Sauropsida (sometimes called , Amniota corresponds to the age of the Joggins Formation. or Reptilia) is Coelostegus from the Upper Carboniferous 7 is is 314.5–313.4 Ma ± 1.1 myr, a date based on

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biostratigraphy (palynology) and exact dating from else- evidence, than the date of 259.7 Ma given by Benton and where, conferring a minimum constraint of 312.3 Ma. Donoghue (3). 7 e soJ maximum constraint on the bird–mammal 7 e most ancient lepidosauromorph is debated— split is based on the next richly fossiliferous units lying Benton (260, p. 688) indicated that Saurosternon bainii, below these horizons. 7 e A rst is the East Kirkton local- sole representative of the Saurosternidae, may be the ity, source of a diverse fauna of batrachomorphs and oldest, but he was uncertain. Other authors (246, 257, reptiliomorphs (see human–toad split later), but that 269) were more convinced that this is a true lepidosau- has hitherto not yielded anything that could be called romorph. 7 e doubt arises because the taxon is based on either a diapsid or a synapsid. Further fossiliferous sites a single partial skeleton lacking the skull. Saurosternon of similar facies lie below the East Kirkton level, and they is from the Cistecephalus or Dicynodon Assemblage have not yielded reptile remains. We take the age of the Zone of South Africa ( 270) equivalent to the uppermost fossiliferous Little CliB Shale of the East Kirkton locality or , respectively, perhaps (Brigantian; 328.8–326.4 Ma ± 1.6 myr) as the basis for some 257–251 Ma. However, numerical cladistic analyses the soJ maximum age constraint of 330.4 Ma. (271, 272) have shown unequivocally that Saurosternon and other supposed Permo-Triassic “” are not lepi- dosauromor phs or even neodiapsids. IfSaurosternon is not Diapsida: –crocodile, emu, chicken, zebrafi nch a lepidosauromorph, the next possibility would be a sau- (minimum = 255.9 Ma; soft maximum = 299.8 Ma) ropterygian. 7 e uncertainty here is whether sauroptery- 7 e clades Crocodylia (modern crocodilians and extinct gians are lepidosauromorphs—the group was unplaced relatives) and (modern lizards and phylogenetically for some time, but deBraga and Rieppel and their extinct relatives) are members, respectively, (245) and others have made a strong case that these mar- of the larger clades and Lepido- ine are unequivocal lepidosauromorphs. Benton sauromorpha. 7 e ultimate split between crocodilians (260, p. 70) listed two Lower Triassic (Scythian) saurop- and lizards then is marked by the split between those terygians, and , but the dating of both two, and they, together with a number of basal out- is uncertain. Corosaurus is from the Alcova groups, form the major clade Diapsida. 7 rough a series Member of the Chugwater Formation in , for- of cladistic analyses (245, 257, 258, 262–265), the top- merly assigned to the Middle or Upper Triassic, but noted ology of the basal region of the cladogram around the as Lower Triassic by Storrs (273). 7 e precise age is hard split of Archosauromorpha and has to pin down. 7 e Lower Triassic Placodus is from the been agreed (although some higher parts of the clado- Obere Buntsandstein of Pfalz, Germany, a unit dated as gram are still much debated, especially the placement of spanning the boundary, and ranging and Ichthyosauria). in age from 246–244 Ma ± 1.5 myr. 7 e most ancient archosauromorph is the “prolacerti- Based on the oldest neodiapsid, , the form” Protorosaurus speneri from the of minimum constraint on the divergence of crocodilians Germany and the Marl Slate of NE England (266). Both and lizards is 255.9 Ma. geological units are correlated with each other on inde- In order to establish the soJ maximum constraint on pendent geological evidence, and deA ned as the basal unit t his divergence, outgroups to are considered. of the Zechstein 1 (EZ1; Werra Folge) depositional cycle. Ichthyosauria are known A rst in the , youn- 7 e two units were generally assigned to the Kazanian ger than the minimum age constraint. , (e.g., 260, p. 695), but subsequent stratigraphic revisions Weigeltisauridae (), and have shown that the Zechstein falls above the Illawarra are of similar age to Protorosaurus, or younger. Next Reversal, which is at the –Capitanian bound- oldest is Apsisaurus from the Archer City Formation of ary, and the Zechstein I contains fossils characteristic Texas, dated as (299–294.6 Ma ± 0.8 myr) (260), of the Capitanian (267). It is unclear how much of the and so 299.8 Ma, although its diapsid a1 nities have been Capitanian is represented by the Zechstein, but it prob- questioned (274). 7 is is a long way below the minimum ably represents the upper part, so 263.8–260.4 Ma ± 0.7 age constraint, but there is a well-known “gap” in suit- myr. Roscher and Schneider (268) estimate a minimum able fossiliferous formations through the mid-Permian, age for the Kupferschiefer as 255.9 Ma, so we accept and we retain this possibly exaggerated soJ maximum that here, as a younger estimate, based on new dating constraint.

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Archosauria: crocodile–emu, chicken, zebrafi nch Parris and Hope (279) from the New Jersey greensands. (minimum = 239 Ma; soft maximum = 250.4 Ma) 7 e age of these deposits has been much debated ( 280), 7 e most recent common ancestor of crocodilians and and they fall either below or above the K-T boundary birds was an that lay at the deep junction of the (65.5 Ma ± 0.3 myr). An older specimen might be mis- two major clades within Archosauria: Avemetatarsalia/ takenly assigned here: the pelvis of a large P ightless bird, Ornithodira, the “bird” line and Crurotarsi, the “croco- Gargantuavis philoinos, reported (281) from the base of dile” line (275–277). 7 ese two clades together form the the Marnes de la Maurines Formation, in association Avesuchia (= “crown-group Archosauria”). with dinosaurs of late Campanian to early Maastrichtian 7 e basal crurotarsans are the poposaurid aspect. 7 ese authors were clear that Gargantuavis was Bromsgroveia from the Bromsgrove Sandstone For- not a palaeognath, and suggested it might be related to mation of England, and the “rauisuchians” Wangisuchus the non-neornithine Patagopteryx. and Fenhosuchus from the Er-Ma-Ying Series of China, 7 e oldest conA rmed neognath fossil is the anseriform Vjushkovisaurus from the Donguz Svita of Russia, Vegavis from 66 Ma, and this has to be the minimum the ctenosauriscid Arizonasaurus from the Moenkopi constraint on the divergence date for palaeognaths and Formation, and Stagonosuchus and “Mandasuchus” neognaths. 7 e soJ maximum constraint is currently the from the Manda Formation of Tanzania (260). All these same as for the chicken–zebraA nch split below, namely records are dated as Anisian, but most cannot be dated the clades Ichthyornithiformes and Hesperornithiformes more precisely; Arizonasaurus though can be assigned to of the Niobrara Chalk Formation, dated as Santonian the lower Anisian (278). 7 is gives an age range of 245 (85.8–83.5 Ma ± 0.7 myr), and so 86.5 Ma. Ma ± 1.5 myr–241 Ma ± 2.0 myr. 7 e basal avemetatarsalian is Scleromochlus from the Neognathae: chicken–zebrafi nch (minimum = 66 Ma; Carnian of Scotland, but older relatives are Marasuchus, soft maximum = 86.5 Ma) Lagerpeton, and Pseudolagosuchus from the Chañares 7 e phylogeny of major groups of modern P ying birds Formation of Argentina, dated as , so 237 Ma ± (clade Neognathae) has been hard to resolve. Recent 2.0 myr–228.0 Ma ± 2.0 myr. morphological and molecular analyses now agree on a 7 e minimum constraint on the divergence date for deep divergence between the clade Galloanserae, com- birds and then falls at the top of the lower prising Galliformes (chickens and game birds) and Anisian (245 Ma ± 1.5 myr–241 Ma ± 2.0 myr), and Anseriformes (ducks) on the one hand, and Neoaves (all so 239 Ma, an increase of 4 myr over the date given by other P ying birds) on the other (280, 282). Benton and Donoghue (3) as a result of the closer dating 7 e oldest purported galloanserine is Teviornis gobi- of Arizonasaurus. ensis, a presbyornithid anseriform from the Gurilyn Tsav 7 e soJ maximum constraint may be assessed from the locality of Mongolia (283). Sediments here come from the age distribution of immediate outgroups to Avesuchia, lower portion of the Nemegt Horizon, at the base of the the Proterochampsidae, Euparkeriidae, Erythrosuchidae, Nemegt Formation. 7 e Nemegt Formation is assigned and Proterosuchidae (275–277). Numerous fossil sites to the early Maastrichtian (284), dated as 70.6 Ma ± from around the world in the Olenekian, the stage below 0.6 myr to 69.6 Ma ± 0.6 myr. Doubt has been cast, how- the Anisian, have produced representatives of these out- ever (285), on whether Teviornis is a neognath, let alone a groups, but not of avesuchians, and so the Olenekian galloanserine, so the next youngest purported neognath (249.7 Ma ± 0.7 myr–245 Ma ± 1.5 myr) marks the soJ should be selected until this issue is clariA ed. A further maximum age constraint, and so 250.4 Ma. latest Cretaceous anseriform is Vegavis iaai from lithos- tratigraphic unit K3 of Vega Island, Antarctica, dated as Neornithes: emu–chicken, zebrafi nch (minimum = 66 Ma; mid- to late Maastrichtian, ~68–66 Ma (286). 7 e oldest soft maximum = 86.5 Ma) galliform fossil that can be identiA ed with conA dence is 7 e divergence of emu and chicken is synonymous with much younger, early Eocene (282). the deep divergence between the Palaeognathae (ratites, 7 e oldest neoavian is debated, with dozens of records or P ightless birds) and the Neognathae (all other, P ying, of gaviiforms, pelecaniforms, charadriiforms, procel- birds). lariiforms, and psittaciforms from the latest Cretaceous 7 e oldest palaeognaths are the lithornithids, a family (most are close to the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, known from the Paleocene and Eocene of North America. 65.5 Ma; 287, 288). 7 e most complete fossil is Polarornis A putative latest Cretaceous lithornithid was reported by gregorii, described as a loon (gaviiform) from the Lopez

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de Bertodano Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctica stocki (292). Westlothiana and Lethiscus are both from (289). 7 is stratigraphic unit is dated as mid- to late the Viséan. Westlothiana comes from the East Kirkton Maastrichtian on the basis of microplankton (290), so locality, and is dated at 327.6 Ma ± 2.8 myr (see earlier). 69.6–65.5 Ma ± 0.3 myr. Dyke and Van Tuinen ( 280) L. stocki is from the Wardie , part of the Lower indicate some doubt about the taxonomic assignment of Oil Shale Group, near Edinburgh, and dated as older the specimen and about its geological provenance. than the East Kirkton locality (293). 7 e Wardie Shales Even if the various neoavian specimens fall close to are assigned to the Holkerian regional stage on the the Maastrichtian–Danian boundary, and if there is basis of fossil A shes and palynomorphs (294), dated as some doubt about Polarornis and Teviornis, the galloan- 339.2–332.4 Ma ± 2.0 myr. serine record of Vegavis is older, and dates the minimum Van Tuinen and Hadly ( 244) reviewed the amphib- constraint on chicken–zebraA nch divergence at 66 Ma, ian–amniote divergence date in detail, but assigned on the basis of biostratigraphy and indirect dating. the Wardie Shales to the Asbian, the stage above the 7 e soJ maximum constraint is based on older bird- Holkerian, and so came to an age of 332.3 Ma. Further, bearing deposits that match some at least of the facies they used radiometric dates from Menning et al. (251) represented in the late Maastrichtian, which are broadly which have been revised in GTS2004 (267). Our min- from the shallow marine to coastal belt. Fossil birds, imum constraint on the human–toad divergence is 330.4 most notably, hundreds of specimens of Hesperornis, Ma, based on Lethiscus, and biostratigraphic placement Baptornis, and (members of the clades of the Wardie Shales Formation, with radiometric dating Ichthyornithiformes and Hesperornithiformes, both of the Holkerian from elsewhere. outgroups to Neornithes), but no Neornithes have been 7 e soJ maximum constraint is harder to deter- found in abundance from the Niobrara Chalk Formation mine because most of the close outgroups to the batra- of and neighboring states, dated as Santonian chomorph–reptiliomorph clade are known only from (85.8–83.5 Ma ± 0.7 myr), and so 86.5 Ma. younger deposits: the oldest baphetids and crassigyrinids are from the Brigantian (260), the oldest colosteids from Tetrapoda: toad–bird, mammal (minimum = 330.4 Ma; the Asbian (260). 7 e whatcheeriids Whatcheeria and soft maximum = 350.1 Ma) Pederpes, from North America and Europe, respect- 7 e African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) is a representa- ively, are older, however, and dated to the Ivorean tive of modern Amphibia (the clade Lissamphibia, includ- regional North American stage, and so 348–345.3 Ma ± ing and toads, , and caecilians), and 2.1 myr. 7 ese horizons are underlain by further units the human–toad split is equivalent to the deep branching of age, dated as 374.5 Ma ± 2.6 myr–359.2 point between Amphibia and Amniota. Within crown Ma ± 2.5 myr, with basal tetrapods known from several Tetrapoda, this is the split of Batrachomorpha (extant lis- continents, but no batrachomorphs or reptiliomorphs. samphibians and extinct relatives) and Reptiliomorpha We choose the whatcheeriids as marking the soJ max- (extant amniotes and their extinct relatives). imum constraint, even though they are phylogenetically 7 e oldest batrachomorph is Balanerpeton woodi, more distant from crown Tetrapoda than baphetids and a basal temnospondyl from the East Kirkton local- colosteids—but the latter two are younger thanLethiscus . ity in Scotland. Another putative basal batrachomorph 7 us, we propose a date of 350.1 Ma as a soJ maximum is Eucritta melanolimnetes, from the same location, constraint. described as a possible baphetid (291), but possibly a bat- rachomorph (292). 7 e fossils come from the Little CliB Osteichthyes: zebrafi sh, Medaka, stickleback, Takifugu, Shale, a unit within the East Kirkton Limestone, a subdiv- Tetraodon–toad, bird, mammal (minimum = 416.0 Ma; ision of the upper Oilshale Group of the Midland Valley soft maximum = 421.75 Ma) of Scotland. 7 e fossil beds are ascribed to the Brigantian 7 is divergence event represents the origin of crown (D2; lower portion) of the Viséan stage, based on bio- Osteichthyes and the splitting of and stratigraphic comparisons of the fossil plants, pollen, and . 7 us, the minimum constraint depends bivalves with the rich records of Lower Carboniferous on determining the oldest member of either clade. sites throughout Europe (293). 7 e Brigantian regional 7 e earliest representative of total-group Actinoptery- stage is dated 328.8–326.4 Ma ± 1.6 myr. gii may be Andreolepis hedei, known from microfrag- 7 e oldest reptiliomorphs are the basal lepospon- ments from Gotland, Sweden (295–298), and elsewhere dyl Westlothiana lizziae, and the aïstopod Lethiscus (299). It has been assigned to total-group Actinopterygii

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on the following derived characters: rhomboid scale has been dated as 418.7 Ma ± 2.7 myr (316). In the type shape, ganoine-covered scales. 7 e oldest occurrence that Ludlow Series the upper range limit on O. crispa is just a is readily constrained is from the lower part of division few meters below its lower limit (315) (the latest Ludlow C of the Hemse Marl at Västlaus, Gotland, Sweden 296( ). and earliest Pridoli are probably unrepresented in the Although there are no direct radiometric dates from the Ludlow type area; 317). Although it is di1 cult to provide Ludlow of Gotland, these sections have been incorpo- a direct date on this horizon, zircons from a bentonite rated into a graphic correlation composite standard that 12 m deeper in the Ludlow type section have provided includes radiometric dates (300, 301). 7 us, a date for a U-Pb Zircon age of 420.2 Ma ± 3.9 myr (318). 7 ere this occurrence can be established from the composite is a report of O. crispa as low as “middle Ludlow” (319), standard through the line of correlation, which equates although this is just one of a number of possible interpret- to 421.75 Ma. ations of the conP icting biostratigraphic data. Attempts 7 e certainty with which A. hedei is assigned to to directly date the Quijing succession biostratigraphi- Actinopterygii is obviously less than it might be were cally have yielded the conodont Oulodus elegans detorta it known from articulated remains. It is known from a from the upper part of the Yulongsi Member ( 320). 7 e number of skeletal elements (295, 302–304), rather than stratigraphic range of O. elegans detorta is conA ned to its mere scales, as are the other, slightly younger, early zone, which is the ultimate conodont zone of the Silurian records of Actinopterygii (305, 306), but these have led (321). 7 us, direct and indirect biostratigraphic dating is some researchers to conclude a stem-Osteichthyes, rather in agreement concerning the age of the middle and upper than a stem-Actinopterygii a1 nity (304). parts of the Yulongsi Member, indicating that the earli- Naxilepis, although known only from scales (306), est record of Psarolepis is no younger than latest Ludlow possesses a further derived character of total-group (418.7 Ma ± 2.7 myr) and possibly older than 420.2 Ma ± Actinopterygii, in addition to those exhibited by A. hedei, 3.9 myr. namely a narrow-based dorsal peg and discrete rows of Although originally described as a sarcopterygian ganoine. 7 e earliest occurrence is from the Miaogao (311, 312), Psarolepis has also been interpreted as stem- Member of the Cuifengshan Formation of Quijing Osteichthyes (322, 323). However, more recent and uni- District, Yunnan, China, where it co-occurs with the versal analyses have conA rmed its assignment to the conodont Ozarkodina crispa (306, 307), although this has sarcopterygian stem-lineage (313, 324). not been substantiated. As later, this constrains the age AJ er Psarolepis, the next oldest representatives of of the A rst occurrence of Naxilepis between the middle total-group Sarcopterygii, Diabolepis, Youngolepis, and Ludlow and the Ludlow–Pridoli boundary (418.7 Ma). Achoania are approximately coeval. 7 ey come from the 7 e earliest macroremains assignable to total group Xishancun Member of the Cuifengshan Formation of Actinopterygii are of Dialipina markae from the Qujing District. 7 e Xishancun Member is clearly youn- Lochkovian of Siberia (308), which is also known from ger than the underlying Yulongsi Formation, the upper fully articulated remains from the Lower Devonian part of which is dated as latest Silurian age on the occur- (Emsian) of the Canadian Arctic (309). JustiA cation for rence of O. elegans detorta (see earlier), and it has been the Lochkovian age assignment is not clear (310). directly dated as Lochkovian on the basis of ostracode 7 e earliest record of the sarcopterygian total group biostratigraphy (325). is Psarolepis romeri, known (in stratigraphic order) Outgroups of the Actinopterygii + Sarcopterygii from the Yulongsi ( 311), Xishancun (311), and Xitun clade may provide evidence for a soJ maximum age (312) members of the Cuifengshan Formation, Quijing constraint. Lophosteus superbus, described on the basis District, eastern Yunnan, China (the recently described of a wide variety of microremains (326, 327) has been Meemania eos is apparently a more basal member of the considered stem-Osteichthyes (328), although this is sarcopterygian stem but it is known only from the Xitun poorly substantiated (299, 304, 329). 7 e earliest occur- Member; 313). 7 e dating of these occurrences relies rence of L. superbus from the Pridoli of Gotland (326, primarily upon biostratigraphic dating of a lithostrati- 327), Estonia (298), and Latvia (298) is later than the A rst graphic correlation of the Yulongsi Member in neigh- record of A. hedei which, despite concerns over assign- boring Guangxi, where the conodont O. crispa has been ment to Actinopterygii (329), has not been disputed found in the middle of the Yulongsi Member (314). 7 e membership of total-group Osteichthyes. Indeed, some lower limit of the stratigraphic range of O. crispa is con- of the evidence on which Andreolepis has been assigned strained by the Ludlow–Pridoli Boundary (315), which to Actinopterygii can be called into question on the basis

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of the discovery and phylogenetic position of Meemania, Orthogonikleithrus) that qualify as the earliest record in which a ganoine-like tissue appears to be present of the euteleost lineage. 7 ese were assigned to (313). 7 us, it is possible that Andreolepis presents only Salmoniformes. 7 e security of their assignments to osteichthyan ancestral characters and that, on the basis these higher-level clades within Euteleostei is question- of the available evidence, it is better assigned to stem- able, although their assignment to the euteleost total- Osteichthyes (304). group is not, based not least on the presence of enlarged Dating the earliest record of successive sister taxa is neural arches/spines. complicated by long-standing debate over the relative 7 us, earliest representatives of both lineages are in phylogenetic position and monophyly of the various precise agreement. However, this should come as no groups. Acanthodii is generally considered the sister surprise given that they were found in the same deposit. group of Osteichthyes and its earliest record is from the 7 erefore, the fossil date is likely to be a considerable Ashgill of Siberia (330). is generally underestimate, subject to lagerstätten eB ect. 7 ere are no accepted as the succeeding sister taxon, the oldest record earlier records. for which is Caradoc (60), although precious few charac- 7e dating of the upper Limestone ters bind these remains to the stem of Chondrichthyes Formation has been based on ammonite zonation and

(331). 7 e oldest placoderms are undescribed forms from the Formation is assigned to the ti2 division of the mid- the Wenlock of China (329) and Vietnam (332). dle Tithonian, . 7 e Tithonian is dated as Conservative assessments of the age of the earliest 150.8 Ma ± 4.0 myr–145.5 Ma ± 4.0 myr (240), but the remains readily assignable to the actinopterygian and upper Solnhofen Limestone Formation represents just sarcopterygian total groups are in close approximation the middle biohorizon of the lowest ammonite zone (421.75 Ma ± 0 myr vs. 418.7 Ma ± 2.6 myr, respectively). of the Tithonian (334), its base intercalated by the A rst However, phylogenetic assignment of these microre- (local) appearances of the ammonites H. hybonotum mains rests on one or two equivocal derived characters, (and Gravesia) and Glochiceras lithographicum (335). In and this is insu1 cient evidence on which to justify con- proposed stratotype sections, the base of the Tithonian straining molecular clock analyses. 7 us, we argue that is represented by the simultaneous A rst appearance of it is best to rely on the evidence of better known and these two taxa plus the immediately subsequent appear- better phylogenetically constrained Psarolepis to pro- ance of Gravesia species (240). 7 e base of the H. hybono- vide a minimum constraint on the divergence of sar- tum Zone coincides with the base of the normal polarity copterygian and actinopterygian lineages. 7 e A rmest Chron M22An which is dated at 150.8 Ma ± 0.1 myr age dating on the earliest record of Psarolepis (based on (240). Given that the Solnhofen Formation falls fully biostratigraphic correlation) is 418.7 Ma ± 2.7 myr. 7 us, within the H. hybonotum Zone, it is possible to derive a minimum constraint on the divergence of crown Oste- a lower bound on its age from the base of the succeed- ichthyes should be quoted as 416.0 Ma. A soJ maximum ing, S. darwini ammonite zone which coincides approxi- constraint could be provided by the age of the earliest mately with the M22n Chronozone, dated at 149.9 Ma ± record of A. hedei, dated at 421.75 Ma. 0.05 myr (240). 7 us, the earliest paleontological evidence and, there- Clupeocephala: zebrafi sh–Medaka, stickleback, Takifugu, fore, a lower bound on the split of Danio rerio–Takifugu Tetraodon (minimum = 149.85 Ma; soft maximum = rubripes, Tetraodon nigris can be considered to be 150.8 165.2 Ma) Ma ± 0.1 myr–149.9 Ma ± 0.05 myr, giving a minimum 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of the date of 149.85 Ma. However, note should be taken of ostariophysean and euteleost lineages. 7 e earliest ostar- the fact that the co-occurrence of the earliest records of iophysean is Tischlingerichthys viohli from the Tithonian these two lineages is an artefact of their presence in a upper Solnholfen Limestone Formation of southern Konservat-lagerstatten. A soJ maximum constraint on Germany (333). It is recognized on the basis of derived the divergence of the ostariophysean and euteleost lin- characters including the absence of a basisphenoid, eages is provided by the census of teleost–total group and dorsomedial portions of the anterior neural arches diversity provided by the assemblages found in the many expanding and abutting against each other and the pos- Oxfordian localities in the Cordillera de Domeyko (336). terior margin of the exoccipital. Many species are known in conditions of exceptional From the same deposit, Arratia (333) also preservation and these are stem teleosts; no otophysans described a number of additional taxa (Leptolepides, or euteleosts are known from here or from older deposits.

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7 e base of the Oxfordian (161.2 Ma ± 4.0 myr; 240) can known member of the tetraodontiform lineage, P. clarae, be taken as the soJ maximum constraint: 165.2 Ma. the earliest stem-tetraodontiform, from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Hakel, Lebanon (339, 340). 7 e age Medaka–stickleback, Takifugu, Tetraodon of the lithographic limestones at Hakel is derived from (minimum = 96.9 Ma; soft maximum = 150.9 Ma) the occurrence of M. mantelli and the benthic foraminifer 7 is divergence event represents the split between O. concava (341). 7 e stratigraphic range of O. concava is Atherinomorpha and Percomorpha within Acanthop- late Albian to early Cenomanian (342), while M. mantelli terygii. 7 e oldest member of Atherinomorpha, based on is more restricted temporally, and falls fully within the otoliths of “Atherinidarum,” from Argile de Gan, Gan, range of M. mantelli, deA ning the basal ammonite zone Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, has been assigned an early of the Cenomanian. 7 e base of the M. mantelli Zone is Eocene (Ypresian) age (337). 7 e earliest skeletal records well dated on the basis of Ar–Ar and cycle stratigraphy are late Eocene (Priabonian) (338). 7 e oldest percomorph at 99.1 Ma ± 0.4 Ma (343). Ogg et al. (344) provide a date is the stem-tetraodontoform Plectocretacicus clarae, from of 97.8 Ma for the top of the M. mantelli Zone; errors the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Hakel, Lebanon on the timescale on surrounding zonal boundaries are (339, 340). 7 e age of the lithographic limestones at 0.9 myr. 7 us, the minimum age of the divergence of Hakel is derived from the occurrence of Mantelliceras Atherinomorpha and Percomorpha can be based on the mantelli and the benthic foraminifer Orbitulina concava age on the minimum age of the lithographic limestones (341). 7 e stratigraphic range of O. concava is late Albian of Hakel, which would be 96.9 Ma. to early Cenomanian (342), while M. mantelli deA nes the Given that P. clarae is also the oldest known perco- basal ammonite zone of the Cenomanian. 7 e base of the morph (338), the most appropriate soJ maximum bound M. mantelli Zone is well dated on the basis of Ar–Ar and on the divergence of Gasterosteiformes and Tetraodon- cyclostratigraphy at 99.1 Ma ± 0.4 Ma (343). Ogg et al. tiformes would be the earliest euteleost records, provided (344) provide a date of 97.8 Ma for the top of the M. man- by taxa such as T. viohli and associated crown euteleosts telli Zone; errors on the timescale on surrounding zonal from the Tithonian of Solnholfen (333). Acanthoptery- boundaries are 0.9 myr. 7 us, the minimum age of the gians (as are convincing members of any elopocepha- divergence of Atherinomorpha and Percomorpha can lan superorders or orders) are entirely absent. 7 e soJ be based on the minimum age of the lithographic lime- maximum age of the Solnholfen lithographic limestones stones of Hakel, which would be 96.9 Ma. (justiA ed above in connection with the ostariophysean– 7 e most appropriate soJ maximum bound on the euteleost split) is 150.8 Ma ± 0.1 myr. 7 us a soJ max- divergence of Gasterosteiformes and Tetraodontiformes imum constraint for divergence of the gasterosteiform would be the earliest euteleost records, provided by taxa and tetraodontiform lineages is 150.9 Ma. such as T. viohli and associated crown euteleosts from the Tithonian of Solnhofen (333). Acanthopterygians (as are Tetraodontidae: Takifugu–Tetraodon (minimum = 32.25 convincing members of any elopocephalan superorders Ma; soft maximum = 56.0 Ma) or orders) are entirely absent. 7 e soJ maximum age of Following the phylogenetic scheme of HolcroJ (346) this the Solnholfen lithographic limestones (justiA ed above divergence event represents the origin of crown-group in connection with the ostariophysean–euteleost split) is Tetraodontidae. Archaeotetraodon winterbottomi has 150.8 Ma ± 0.1 myr. 7 us a soJ maximum constraint for been identiA ed as a member of this clade on the presence divergence of the gasterosteiform and tetraodontiform of numerous tetraodontid derived characters, includ- lineages is 150.9 Ma. ing 11 caudal A n rays, 18 vertebrae, broadened neural and haemal spines and an absence of ribs (347). It has Stickleback–Takifugu, Tetraodon (minimum = 96.9 Ma; been recorded from the Pshekhsky Horizon, in the lower soft maximum = 150.9 Ma) part of the Maikop Formation of the north Caucasus, 7 is divergence event represents the split between Russia (348), making it the earliest known member Gasterosteiformes and Tetraodontiformes within of Tetraodontidae (347). 7 e lower part of the Maikop Percomorpha. 7 e oldest member of Gasterosteiformes Formation has been widely quoted as lower Oligocene is Gasterorhamphosus zuppichinii from the Calcare di (348, 349), although evidence is rarely presented in Mellissano, near Nardò, Lecce, Apulia, southeastern support of this. Italy (345), which is believed to be Campanian (Late Leonov et al. (350) provide evidence on the age of the Cretaceous) in age (338). 7 is is younger than the oldest Pshekhsky Horizon on the basis of planktic and benthic

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foram, nannoplankton and dinocyst biostratigraphy. 7 e regard, the earliest records that provide adequate evi- base of the Pshekhsky Horizon coincides with the base dence of chondrichthyan a1 nity are of Early to Middle of the range of Globigerina tapuriensis, which belongs Devonian age: Doliodus problematicus from the Emsian to Zone P18 of the Paleogene planktic foram zonation of Canada (357), and Pucapampella from the Emsian of scheme (351). 7 e base of P18 equates to the base of South Africa (358, 359). 7 ese records are considerably the Oligocene, which has been dated at 33.90 Ma ± 0.1 younger than the oldest record of stem-Osteichthyes. myr (107). 7 e top of the Pshekhsky Horizon coincides 7 e oldest possible record of Osteichthyes is based approximately with the A rst appearance of the nanno- on isolated scales, attributed to acanthodians, from the plankton species Sphenolithus predistentus, and the base Late of Siberia (330). Further records of iso- of NP23, a paleogene nannoplankton zone (350). 7 e lat- lated acanthodian scales and spines are known from ter has been dated at 32.25 Ma (107), the errors on which the Wenlock onwards but, given that the oldest articu- are negligible, though there will be an inherent uncal- lated acanthodians are of Devonian age and younger, the culated error on the biostratigraphic correlation to the degree to which acanthodian-like scales correlate with Caucasus. what is otherwise known of acanthodian anatomy is 7 us, paleontological evidence on the divergence extremely uncertain. of the lineages leading to T. rubripes and Tetraodon 7 us, the oldest phylogenetically secure record of the nigroviridis provides a minimum constraint of 32.25 divergence of crown gnathostomes is established on Ma. Relationships within Tetraodontiformes have been the basis of Andreolepis hedei, which is at least a stem- approached from anatomy and molecular , Osteichthyan, if not a stem-Actinopterygian (see crown but remain poorly constrained. Nonetheless, the oldest Osteichthyes). 7 e oldest record of A. hedei is established records for the potential sister clades are all of Eocene on the basis of a graphic correlation composite standard, age and among them, the oldest record is provided by at 421.75 Ma (see crown Osteichthyes). the balistid Moclaybalistes danekrus, known from the A soJ maximum constraint can be established on lower Eocene Mo-Clay (Fur/Ølst) Formation, which has the basis of the oldest phylogenetically secure stem- been dated using magnetostratigraphy and biostratig- g n a t h o s t o m e , Sacabambaspis janvieri, dated at 462.5 Ma raphy using nannoplankton, dinoP agellate and pollen (see crown Vertebrata). zones (352). 7 e base of the Ølst Formation coincides with base of DinoP agellate Zone 6 and the base of the Vertebrata: lamprey–shark, fi sh, tetrapod Apectodinium augustum Zone, which coincides with (minimum = 460.6 Ma; soft maximum = 581 Ma) the base of the Eocene. A soJ maximum constraint on Establishing a date on this divergence is complicated by the split of T. rubripes and T. nigroviridus can thus be debate over the interrelationships of hagA shes, lampreys, obtained from the age of the base of the Eocene which and gnathostomes. HagA shes and lampreys were long has been dated at 55.8 Ma ± 0.2 myr (107), thus 56.0 Ma. united as cyclostomes to the exclusion of gnathostomes (360) until in the 1970s a number of authors independ- Gnathostomata: shark–fi sh, tetrapod (minimum = 421.75 ently recognized that lampreys and gnathostomes shared Ma; soft maximum = 462.5 Ma) a number of morphological characters lacking in hag- 7 is divergence represents the origin of crown Gna- A shes (361–363). Morphology-based cladistic analyses thostomata and the splitting of Chondrichthyes and continue to recognize a long and convincing inventory of Osteichthyes. features supporting this hypothesis of relationships even 7 e oldest possible record of Chondrichthyes is based in the face of universal support for cyclostome mono- on isolated scales from the Late Ordovician Harding phyly from molecular datasets (364–366). In our view, Sandstone of (60). 7 ese scales exhibit a sin- the evidence from molecular data is now so compelling gle chondrichthyan derived character, the presence of a that we accept cyclostome monophyly and the likeli- neck canal. 7 ere is a sequence of younger records, all hood that many characters hitherto considered derived based on isolated or fragmentary material and attrib- features of lampreys + gnathostomes are more appropri- uted to Chondrichthyes on one or, at most, a couple of ately interpreted as ancestral vertebrate characters. derived characters (353–356). None of these is su1 cient Given the above, the divergence of lampreys and gna- to establish the existence of total-group Chondrichthyes, thostomes equates to the origin of crown vertebrates. at least to the degree of certainty necessary to calibrate A number of truly ancient fossil vertebrates have been or even constrain a molecular clock analysis. In this recognized, extending establishment of crown vertebrates

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into the Cambrian. 7 ese include numerous soJ -bodied serve as a minimum constraint on the divergence of organisms from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, tunicates and vertebrates. including Yunnanozoon and Haikouella, thought 7 us, the minimum age of divergence of tunicates and by some to represent early craniates (367, 368), and vertebrates can be derived from the minimum age of the Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, and Haikouichthys, Yu’anshan Member of the Heilinpu Formation, in which which exhibit convincing vertebrate derived charac- the Chengjiang biota has been found. Unfortunately, ters (369–372). However, the evidence supporting their this is equivocal because although its local stratigraphic crown rather than stem-vertebrate a1 nity is not su1 - assignment to the Eoredlichia wutingaspis Biozone is ciently convincing to justify their use in calibrating or well constrained and long established (382), how this constraining a molecular clock analysis. Similarly, cono- correlates to better-dated sections is not clear, not least donts have been widely touted as crown vertebrates, even because the fauna is largely endemic. 7 e Heilinpu stem-gnathostomes (373) but, while debate over the a1 n- Formation belongs to the Qiongzhu Stage, which is ity of this group continues with its characteristic vigor, considered to be Atdabanian in age. 7 us, a minimum it would be inappropriate to use conodonts as evidence constraint may be provided by the age of the top of the for calibrating or constraining the date of divergence of Atdabanian, for which a date of 518.5 Ma is provided in crown vertebrates. the latest timescale (383). It should be noted, however, Although there are a number of records of armored that this estimate is stratigraphically relatively remote stem-gnathostomes from the Early Ordovician (374– from the nearest geochronological-derived date, and 376), the earliest phylogenetically secure records are contingent upon the questionable conclusion that the Arandaspis prionotolepis (376) and S. janvieri (377), Qiongzhu and Atdabanian are time equivalent. the oldest records of which are of Darriwilian age (375, To provide a soJ maximum bound on the timing 378). 7 e best constraint on these earliest records is pro- of the crown divergence, we follow the soJ vided by Albanesi et al. (378), who identify co-occurring maximum bound on divergence of (see crown conodonts as indicative of the Pygodus anserinus Zone. Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ maximum constraint on the diver- Cooper and Sadler (379) interpolate a date of 462.2 Ma gence of the echinoderm and lineages may be for the top of this zone; errors on the adjacent boundar- taken as 581 Ma. ies (top of the Darriwilian) are in the order of ±1.6 myr. 7 us, this minimum constraint on the divergence of Chordata: –tunicate, lamprey, crown vertebrates is 460.6 Ma. shark, fi sh, tetrapod (minimum = 518.5 Ma; soft Providing soJ maximum bounds on the timing of maximum = 581 Ma) crown-vertebrate divergence is contentious because of the Given the recent recognition that are possibility that some of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang the closest relatives to tunicates plus vertebrates, the split vertebrates can be attributed to the vertebrate crown. between cephalochordates, tunicates, and vertebrates 7 us, we use as a soJ maximum constraint the same equates to the origin of crown . evidence we use to constrain the divergence of bilat- 7 ere are a number of putative fossil cephalochordates erian phyla (see crown Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ maximum from the Cambrian including Pikaia graciliens from the constraint on the divergence of the echinoderm and Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale (384) and Cathaymyrus chordate lineages may be taken as 581 Ma. diadexus from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna (385). At best, however, these fossils exhibit only chord- Olfactores: tunicate–lamprey, shark, fi sh, tetrapod ate ancestral characters and, therefore, they provide no (minimum = 518.5 Ma; soft maximum = 581 Ma) constraint over the timing of divergence of crown chor- 7 is represents the origin of crown Olfactores, the clade dates. However, Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, and comprised of tunicates and vertebrates (366). Haikouichthys (369–372) are from the same deposit and 7 ere are two putative fossil tunicates from the Early are attributable to the vertebrate total group at the very Cambrian Chengjiang biota (380, 381), though neither is least. su1 ciently convincing to justify its use in calibrating or 7 e minimum age of the Yu’anshan Member of the constraining a molecular clock analysis. Nevertheless, Heilinpu Formation, from which the Chengjiang biota Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, and Haikouichthys has been found, is equivocal. 7 is is because, although (369–372), which are from the same deposit and can be its local stratigraphic assignment to the E. wutingaspis attributed to the vertebrate total group at the very least, Biozone is well constrained and long established (382),

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how this correlates to better-dated sections is not clear, and chordates. 7 ere are contemporaneous records of not least because the fauna is largely endemic. 7 e more primitive deuterostomes, with the identiA cation of Heilinpu Formation belongs to the Qiongzhu Stage, vetulicystids as stem-echinoderms (389) and vetulicol- which is considered to be Atdabanian in age. 7 us, a ians as stem-deuterostomes (371, 389, 391), although the minimum constraint may be provided by the age of the veracity of the phylogenetic assignments of these taxa is top of the Atdabanian, for which a date of 518.5 Ma is a matter of some controversy (395–397). Earlier records provided in the latest timescale (383). It should be noted, of possible deuterostomes include Arkarua from among however that this estimate is stratigraphically, relatively the enigmatic ediaracan biota (398). Although support remote from the nearest geochronological-derived date, for the identiA cation of Arkarua as an echinoderm has and contingent upon the questionable conclusion that found support from embryological homologies (399), all the Qiongzhu and Atdabanian are time equivalent. rests ultimately upon the presence of pentameral sym- For the soJ maximum bound on the timing of crown metry, which is not enough to rest an extension of tens chordate divergence, we follow the constraints on the of millions of years to a minimum date for divergence of divergence of Bilateria (see crown Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ deuterostomes and Bilateria upon. 7 us, the vertebrates maximum constraint on the divergence of the echino- Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, and Haikouichthys derm and chordate lineages may be taken as 581 Ma. (369–372) provide the best evidence for the minimum date of divergence of deuterostomes. Deuterostomia: sea urchin–cephalochordate, tunicate, 7 us, a minimum constraint on the divergence lamprey, shark, fi sh, tetrapod (minimum = 518.5 Ma; of crown deuterostomes is based on the vertebrates soft maximum = 581 Ma) Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, and Haikouichthys 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of crown and the minimum age of the Yu’anshan Member of the deuterostomes into the chordate and ambulacrarian lin- Heilinpu Formation, from which the Chengjiang biota eages, the latter clade composed of echinoderms and has been found. 7 e age of the Chengjiang biota remains hemichordates. equivocal because, although its local stratigraphic assign- 7 e oldest possible record of chordates dates from the ment to the E. wutingaspis Biozone is well constrained Lower Cambrian Yu’anshan Member of the Heilinpu and long established (382), how this correlates to better- Formation (Chengjiang Biota) of Yunnan Province, dated sections is not clear, not least because the fauna is South China, from which the remains of putative tuni- largely endemic. 7 e Heilinpu Formation belongs to the cates (380, 381), cephalochordates (385, 386), and even Qiongzhu Stage, which is considered to be Atdabanian in vertebrates (367–372) have been described. 7 e problem age. 7 us, a minimum constraint may be provided by the with many of these records is that the characters deA n- age of the top of the Atdabanian, for which a 518.5 Ma is ing clades at this deep level within phylogeny are largely provided in the latest timescale (383). It should be noted, cytological or embryological—not the kinds of charac- however that this estimate is stratigraphically, relatively ters that are preserved under even the most exceptional remote from the nearest geochronological-derived date, circumstances (387). Furthermore, both the living and and contingent upon the questionable conclusion that fossil organisms are entirely soJ -bodied and so precious the Qiongzhu and Atdabanian are time equivalent. few characters are preserved. And of these, many have 7 e soJ maximum bound on the timing of crown deu- been resolved to be ancestral characters, terostome divergence is based on the constraints on the rather than chordate or vertebrate-derived characters, divergence of bilaterians (see crown Bilateria). 7 us, a with the recognition that echinoderms and hemichor- soJ maximum constraint on the divergence of the echi- dates are sister taxa (387, 388). 7 us, Yunnanozoon and noderm and chordate lineages may be taken as 581 Ma. Haikouella, thought by some to represent early craniates (367, 368), are interpreted by others as basal (perhaps Bilateria/Nephrozoa: , nematode, annelid, even stem-) deuterostomes (331, 371, 389–393). Records mollusc–echinoderm, chordate (minimum = 531.5 Ma; of early tunicates (380, 381) have been questioned and the soft maximum = 581 Ma) earliest unequivocal remains are Triassic in age 394( ). 7 e 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of crown putative vertebrates Zhongjianichthys, Myllokunmingia, Bilateria, and the divergence of deuterostome and proto- and Haikouichthys (369–372) exhibit convincing verte- stome lineages. brate-derived characters, and these provide the best con- 7 e are numerous convincing chordates, among straint on the minimum date of divergence of vertebrates other putative deuterostomes, from the Lower Cambrian

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Yu’anshan Member of the Heilinpu Formation provided by the phosphates that occur early within the (Chengjiang Biota) of Yunnan Province, South China (see sequence and include exquisitely preserved embryos and Deuterostomia, Chordata, Olfactores, and Vertebrata, hatchlings of metazoan a1 nity (416–418) and adults of above), providing a minimum constraint of 518.5 Ma. possible cnidarians (412). No uncontested bilaterians are 7 e earliest evidence for the origin of are present (417). Condon et al. (419) indicate that the phos- Rusophycus-like trace fossils from the upper Nemakit- phorites are younger than the tillites of Gaskiers glacio- Daldynian (early Tommotian) of Mongolia (400, 401) genic event which has been dated at 580 Ma ± 1 myr. 7 is (520.5 Ma; see Arthropoda–Nematoda). However, there date is older than all Ediacarans that have been proposed are still older representatives of the protostome line- as bilaterians (420, 421). 7 e date provided diB ers from age, further constraining the time of divergence of the Benton and Donoghue (3) [but not Donoghue and Benton human and fruitP y genomes, as well as the genomes of all (4)], who provided the minimum not the soJ maximum integral taxa. 7 e oldest of these is probably the mollusc age on the embryo-bearing horizons in the Doushantuo Latouchella from the middle Purella Biozone, Nemakit- Formation. Daldynian, of Siberia (401, 402). 7 ere are a number of candidate crown bilaterians among the , Protostomia: arthropod, nematode–annelid, mollusk among which a molluscan a1 nity for Kimberella has (minimum = 531.5 Ma; soft maximum = 581 Ma) been most cogently argued (403). However, the evidence 7 e constraints on the divergence of Bilateria/Nephrozoa has not withstood scrutiny (393) and it is certainly insuf- apply as equally to the internal split within Protostomia, A cient to justify its use as a calibration for, or constraint between Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa. 7 e principal on molecular clock analyses of metazoan evolution. record prov id i ng m i n i mum const r a i nt on t he d ivergenc e of 7 e boundary between the Nemakit-Daldynian and these lineages is that of the mollusk Latouchella (401, 402), the succeeding Tommotian Stage remains equivocal providing a date of 531.5 Ma (see Bilateria/Nephrozoa). and so a more reliable minimum constraint might be For the soJ maximum bound we use evidence presented provided by the current best estimate for the base of for the soJ maximum bound on divergence of Bilateria the Tommotian, which is 531.5 Ma (383). 7 us, on the (see crown Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ maximum constraint on basis of the available paleontological, stratigraphic, and the divergence of the ecdysozoan and lophotrochozoan chronological data, the best minimum constraint for the lineages may be taken as 581 Ma. divergence of crown Bilateria is 531.5 Ma. Providing soJ maximum bounds on the timing of Annelida–: leech, polychaete–limpet, crown bilaterian divergence is extremely contentious. sea hare, Biomphalaria (minimum = 531.5 Ma; soft Nevertheless, following the same criteria used to pro- maximum = 581 Ma) vide constraints on other divergence events, it is pos- 7 e evidence marshaled to constrain the divergence of sible to constrain the timing of divergence of bilaterian Bilateria/Nephrozoa applies equally to the divergence of phyla on the occurrence of older lagerstätten that pre- annelida and mollusca because it is based on the earliest serve records of earlier branching lineages. Inevitably, mollusk. 7 e principal record is Latouchella (401, 402), these records are represented by the Ediacaran fau- providing a date of 531.5 Ma (see Bilateria/Nephrozoa); nas, the interpretation of which is extremely conten- as discussed with regard to Bilateria, we do not con- tious, though there is increasing agreement that crown sider the evidence supporting a molluscan a1 nity of the bilaterians are not represented among them (393, 404). edicaran organism Kimberella as su1 cient to justify its 7 us, the youngest, most completely sampled Ediacaran use as a minimum constraint on the establishment of assemblage may be used to provide the soJ maximum the molluscan phylum. For the soJ maximum bound constraint on the divergence of bilaterian phyla includ- we evidence presented for the soJ maximum bound on ing the chordate and echinoderm lineages. 7 is is the divergence of Bilateria (see crown Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ Doushantuo Formation, which provides a sampling of maximum constraint on the divergence of the annelida– Ediacaran diversity in a number of facies and through mollusca may be taken as 581 Ma. a number of modes of exceptional preservation (405, 406); although a number of candidate bilaterians have Gastropoda: limpet–Biomphalaria, sea hare been described from this deposit (407–411), these have (minimum = 470.2 Ma; soft maximum = 531.5 Ma) not withstood scrutiny (412–415). 7 e most exacting test 7 e d ivergence of t he l i mpet Lottia from the euthyneurans of the existence of bilaterians such as deuterostomes is Biomphalaria and Aplysia represents the divergence

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of the two major living subclasses of Gastropoda, synteny, pulmonates have been identiA ed as paraphyletic Eogastropoda, and Orthogastropoda, respectively, as with respect to a monophyletic Opisthobranchia and well as the base of crown Gastropoda. 7 ere are many among the pulmonates considered, Biomphalaria has candidates for the earliest crown gastropod but the pre- been identiA ed as more closely related to opisthobranchs cise a1 nity of these early mollusks remains questionable. than to the other pulmonates included in the analysis 7 e earliest secure record of crown Gastropoda may be (429). 7 is indicates that the split between Biomphalaria sought in the oldest vetigastropods, which are conven- and Aplysia does not coincide with the base of crown tionally accepted as members of the living gastropod Euthyneura. clade. 7 us, a minimum constraint would rest on the 7 e oldest records of Euthyneura, both opisthobranchs sinuopeid Sinuopea sweeti from the Jordan Sandstone and pulmonates are (59) but, because of of Wisconsin, and the raphistomatid Schizopea typical the uncertainty concerning the interrelationships of from the Eminence Dolomite of Missouri (59). Both the Euthyneura it would be safer to rely upon the earliest Eminence Dolomite and Jordan Sandstone are generally records of lower rank taxa to which Biomphalaria and quoted to be Trempealeauan in age, but the basis of this Aplysia have been assigned. 7 e oldest record of the age justiA cation is unclear for the Eminence Dolomite Order Aplysiomorpha to which Aplysia has been assigned (422), while the Jordan Sandstone has been assigned to is Tertiary. 7 e earliest record of Basommatophora, the Sunwaptan on the basis of its trilobite fauna (423). the order to which Biomphalaria is assigned, is also 7 us, using S. sweeti, the minimum constraint on the Tournaisian, but the monophyly of Basommatophora divergence of crown gastropods would be 490 Ma (383). remains to be established and, thus, a more reliable min- However, Wagner has questioned the reliability with imum constraint may instead be provided by the old- which any early Palaeozoic gastropods may be assigned est record of the Superfamily Planorboidea and Family to each of the three main extant lineages of gastropods, Planorbidae to which Biomphalaria is assigned. 7 is with the exception of the eotomarioids, which he iden- earliest record is Anisopsis calculus from Cajac, France, tiA es as candidates for the ancestry of extant vetigas- which is reported to be of Aalenian (Jurassic) age (59). tropods (424). 7 e oldest member of Eotomarioidea is Without further constraint, the age of the Aalenian– Turritoma acrea from the Catoche Formation of Western Bajocian boundary may be used which, following the Newfoundland (425). 7 e Catoche Formation falls fully 2004 Geologic Timescale is 171.6 Ma ± 3.0 myr (240). within the Oepikodus communis conodont biozone (425) 7 us, the minimum constraint on the divergence of the top of which, in the sense that it is employed, coin- Aplysia and Biomphalaria is 168.6 Ma. cides with the Ibexian/Whiterockian boundary; this A soJ maximum constraint on the divergence of these would be the O. communis and Reutterodus andinus heterobranch orthogastropods may be provided by evi- Biozones of Ross and colleagues ( 426). 7 is coincides dence for the establishment of Orthogastropoda, dated with the Early/Middle Ordovician Boundary in the 2004 at 471.8 Ma ± 1.6 myr (see earlier) and, thus, 473.4 Ma. Geologic Timescale, and a date of 471.8 Ma ± 1.6 myr (379). 7 us, on this conservative view which we follow, Capitellid polychaete–leech (minimum = 305.5 Ma; the minimum constraint on the divergence of crown soft maximum = 581 Ma) Gastropoda is 470.2 Ma. 7 e intrarelationships of annelids are in a state of P ux, A soJ maximum constraint may be provided by with the phylogenetic signal from competing molecular the oldest mollusk, Latouchella, dated at 531.5 Ma (see data sets conP icting with one another, and with mor- earlier). phology-based data sets. Some general conclusions are that clitellates, the clade to which leeches are assigned, Euthyneura: sea hare–Biomphalaria (minimum = 168.6 are monophyletic, but nest within polychaetes, which are Ma; soft maximum = 473.4 Ma) grossly paraphyletic (430, 431). 7 e divergence of the sea hare Aplysia and the air- 7 e oldest possible clitellate is a putative leech described breathing freshwater snail Biomphalaria reP ects the from the Middle Silurian of Wisconsin (432, 433), and divergence of Pulmonata and Opisthobranchia, and the a much younger form from the Jurassic of Solnholfen base of crown Euthyneura. Molecular phylogenetic ana- (434). However, the evidence presented in support of lyses indicate that although pulmonates and opistho- their assignment to the clitellates amounts to little more branchs are each other’s closest relatives, their monophyly than their vaguely leech-like round mouth and seg- is questionable (427, 428). On evidence of mitochondrial mented body. Pronaidites carbonarius was described as a

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Carboniferous oligochaete, but this record requires care- 7 e most appropriate date for constraining the age ful redescription and reconsideration (435). of these trace fossils is the top of the Tommotian, the 7 e gross paraphyly of polychaetes renders the sig- Tommotian–Atdabanian boundary. 7 e best available niA cance of Cambrian polychaetes moot; they have been date for this is 522.5 Ma, provided by Shergold and assigned to the extant clade Phyllodocida (436) but their Cooper (383), though it is an estimate based on youn- assignment to any extant clade within Annelida has ger and older geochronological dates, errors on which recently been challenged (437). Polychaetes are well rep- are reported in the order of 2 myr. 7 us, the minimum resented by their jaw elements in the fossil record, from constraint on the divergence of arthropod and nema- the Early Ordovician onward (438), but although they are tode lineages is 520.5 Ma. oJ en considered eunicids, there is no real evidence to 7 ere are older representatives of mollusks, and we support this. 7 is is unfortunate because although the may consider these in establishing soJ maximum bounds precise a1 nity of eunicids is unclear in recent molecu- on the timing of arthropod–nematode divergence. 7 e lar phylogenies, in one manner or another, eunicids, oldest mollusk is Latouchella, from the middle Purella along with amphinomid and P abelligerid polychaetes, Biozone, Nemakit-Daldynian, of Siberia (401, 402). 7 is intercalate the clade circumscribed by clitellates and indicates the existence of the ecdysozoan total group to capitellid polychaetes (430, 431). 7 us, we may derive which nematodes and arthropods belong, but this iso- a minimum constraint from the oldest securely iden- lated record provides no conA dence on which to judge tiA ed fossil eunicid, amphinomid, or P abelligerid, all whether or not the arthropods and nematode lineages of which (e.g., Esconites zelus, Rhaphidiophorus hys- had yet diverged. 7 ere are a number of candidate crown trix, and Flabelligeridae sp., respectively) are from the bilaterians among the Ediacaran biota, among which a Mazon Creek fauna of Illinois (439, 440). molluscan a1 nity for Kimberella has been most cogently 7 e Mazon Creek fauna is derived from the Francis argued (403). However, the evidence has not withstood Creek Member of the Carbondale Formation in NE scrutiny (393) and it is certainly insu1 cient to justify Illinois. 7 e Francis Creek Shale Member has been dated its use as a constraint on molecular clock analyses of as middle Desmoinesian and middle Westphalian D metazoan evolution. 7 us, we follow the soJ maximum age on the basis of both palynological and paleobotan- constraint on the date of divergence of crown Bilateria, ical data (441–443). 7 is equates to the upper part of 581 Ma. the Moscovian Stage, the top of which has been dated at 306.5 Ma ± 1.0 myr on the basis of a graphically cor- Mandibulata: Daphnia–louse, Rhodnius, aphid, beetle, related composite standard calibrated using radiometric wasp, honeybee, mosquito, fruitfl y (minimum = 510 Ma; dates (252). 7 e top of the Westphalian D is slightly older soft maximum = 543 Ma) at 307.2 Ma. (252). 7 us, the minimum constraint on the 7 is represents the establishment of crown Mandibulata divergence of Capitella from Helobdella is 305.5 Ma. and the divergence of Crustaceomorpha from Atelocerata. To provide a soJ maximum bound on the timing of 7 e fossil record of crustaceans is by far the more exten- capitellid polychaete–leech divergence, we follow the soJ sive of the two lineages comprising Atelocerata. 7 e maximum bound on divergence of Bilateria (see crown earliest possible crustaceans have been reported from the Bilateria). 7 us, a soJ maximum constraint on the diver- Mount Cap Formation of northwestern Canada ( 444). gence of the capitellid polychaete and clitellate lineages However, these remains are fragmentary and their inter- may be taken as 581 Ma. pretation as crustaceans is based on the special similar- ity between individual fragments and the A lter-feeding Nematode–arthropod (minimum = 520.5 Ma; soft apparatus of modern branchiopod crustaceans, rather maximum = 581 Ma) than on the basis of a suite of mutually corroborative 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of the phylogenetically informative characters. nematode and arthropod lineages. 7 e earliest convincing evidence for the divergence of 7 e earliest evidence for the origin of arthropods are Atelocerata and Crustaceamorpha is the phosphatocopid Rusophycus-like trace fossils from the upper Nemakit- Klausmuelleria salopiensis from the Lower Cambrian Daldynian (early Tommotian) of Mongolia (400, 401). Comley Limestones of Shropshire, UK (445–447). Siveter Dating of the Early Cambrian is not well advanced, not et al. (447) indicate that the lower Comley Limestones least because a global scheme of stratigraphic zona- can be assigned to the Protolenid-Strenuellid Biozone tion for the Early Cambrian has yet to be established. which correlates to the Botomian-Toyonian age within the

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Siberian stratigraphic framework (447). Within the 2004 : louse–Rhodnius, aphid (minimum = 283.7 Geologic Timescale, this provides a minimum constraint Ma; soft maximum = 414 Ma) of 510 Ma (383). 7 ough the assignment of Archescytinidae to the hemi- A soJ maximum constraint may be provided by the pteran crown group may be questioned, there is no ques- earliest evidence of arthropods, based upon Rusophycus- tion of its membership of Paraneoptera. 7 ere are older like trace fossils (see “Nematoda–Arthropoda” later) from records of Paraneoptera, including Permopsocidae, but the Nemakit-Daldynian (early Tommotian) of Mongolia these are likely stem-Paraneoptera (25, 448). 7 us , t he best (400, 401). A soJ maximum constraint may therefore be minimum constraint on the divergence of Paraneoptera derived from the base of the Nemakit-Daldynian which is provided by an undescribed archescytinid from the equates to the base of the Cambrian and, thus, 542 Ma ± middle Bacov Beds of Boscovice Furrow, Obora Czech 1.0 myr (383). Our soJ maximum constraint is therefore Republic (453, 454). 7 ese rocks were described as 543 Ma. by Kukalová-Peck and Willmann (454), with- out justiA cation, but they have subsequently been attrib- : louse, Rhodnius, aphid–beetle, wasp, uted to the Sakmarian using vertebrate microremains for honeybee, mosquito, fruitfl y (minimum = 307.2 Ma; biostratigraphic correlation (455, 456). On this basis we soft maximum = 414 Ma) may use the top of the Sakmarian as our basis for a min- 7 e divergence of Paraneoptera from Holometabola. Pro- imum constraint on the divergence of Paraneoptera and viding a minimum constraint on the divergence of crown Holometabola which is as given as 284.4 ± 0.7 myr (457), Eumetabola is complicated by the lack of resolution con- providing the minimum constraint of 283.7 Ma. cerning the a1 nity of Palaeodictyopterida, which has 7 e most approximate soJ maximum constraint on been variably considered a member of the clade. Gri- the divergence of Paraneoptera is provided by the earliest maldi and Engel exclude palaeodictyopterids from the records of Neoptera, which are a paraphyletic assemblage clade, leaving as the oldest members of of Late Carboniferous roach-like dictyopterans, some- Eumetabola (448). 7 ese authors discuss the various times grouped as the grade Blattodea or Blatoptera. 7 e possible a1 nities of Mimptera among Paraneoptera or oldest such record is probably Ctenopilus elongatus (pre- Holometabola, but there appears no equivocation of their viously Eoblattina complexa) from the Stephanian B-C of membership of Eumetabola. 7 e oldest known record of the Commentary Basin, France (458). 7 e Stephanian B Miomoptera is an undescribed specimen (Field Museum of western Europe correlates to the upper of PE 293590 from the Pennsylvanian Mazon Creek Lager- the 2004 Geologic Timescale, the base of which has been statte (449)). 7 e Mazon Creek fauna is derived from the dated at 306.5 Ma ± 1.0 myr (252) and, thus, a soJ max- Francis Creek Member of the Carbondale Formation in imum constraint of 307.5 Ma. However, given the reli- NE Illinois. 7 e Francis Creek Shale Member has been ance on temporally isolated lagerstatten for constraining dated as middle Desmoinesian and middle Westpha- the temporal diversiA cation of , this envelope is lian D age on the basis of both palynological and paleo- perhaps too strict. Instead, a more appropriate soJ max- botanical data (441–443). 7 is equates to the upper part imum constraint may be provided by the oldest member of the Moscovian Stage, the top of which has been dated of , the oldest possible record of which is also at 306.5 Ma ± 1.0 myr on the basis of a graphically cor- the oldest known , Rhyniognatha hirsti (450), pro- related composite standard calibrated using radiometric viding a constraint of 414 Ma (see Eumetabola earlier). dates (252). 7 e top of the Westphalian D is slightly older at 307.2 Ma. (252). 7 us, the minimum constraint on the : Rhodnius–aphids (minimum = 199.0 Ma; divergence of crown Eumetabola is 305.5 Ma. soft maximum = 307.5 Ma) A soJ maximum constraint may be provided by the 7 e oldest known hemipterans are members of the age of the oldest insect Rhyniognatha hirtsi from the Early Archescytinidae, the oldest record of which remains Devonian Rhynie Chert of northeast Scotland (450). 7 e undescribed but has been recorded from the early age of the Rhynie Chert has been best established on the Artinskian locality of Obora (453). Archescytinidae is basis of the composition of its spore assemblages which identiA ed by Shcherbakov and Popov as more closely indicate an early Pragian to the earliest Emsian age span related to aphids than to Cimicina and, hence, provid- (451). 7 us, we may establish a soJ maximum constraint ing a minimum constraint on the split between Rhodnius on the base of the Pragian which is 411.2 Ma ± 2.8 myr and aphids (453). However, Engel and Grimaldi question (452), equating to 414 Ma. this interpretation of the a1 nity of Archescytinidae

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within Hemiptera because the necessary characters are panorpoideans) and are known from records as early as not preserved. Engel and Grimaldi (p. 321) describe three the Permian, the very oldest of which are members of unnamed heteropterans from the Triassic of Virginia Kaltanidae, interpreted as stem-panorpoideans (460). (USA), but the oldest described taxon is the Lufengnacta 7 e earliest recognized are from the (Corixidae, Nepomorpha, Panheteroptera, Heteroptera) of Central Asia (461, 462), and the from the Yipinglang Coal Series of Yunnan Province, Upper Triassic of Australia (463) and Africa (464), all of China. 7 e age of the Yipinglang Coal Series is widely which are referred to the Archexyelinae within Xyelidae. agreed to be of Late Triassic age and has been used to 7 is diB erence in A rst records of Hymenoptera and justify the correlation of overlying units across South Panorpoidea has led to the suggestion that putative stem- China. Its precise age may be constrained by the palyno- panorpoideans from the Permian are uniA ed on shared P ora (459) which provides a Rhaetian- age. 7 us, ancestral characters of Panorpoidea + Hymenoptera the minimum constraint on the divergence of crown (448). 7 us, the minimum date for the divergence of Hemiptera is provided by the date for the end Rhaetian Hymenoptera and Panorpoidea would be based on (end Triassic), which is 199.6 Ma ± 0.6 myr (267) and, the earliest records from the Middle Triassic Madygen thus, 199.0 Ma. Formation of Central Asia (461, 462), which is dated as A suitable soJ maximum constraint may be provided Ladinian and/or Carnian on the basis of palynological by the earliest Neopteran, which is C. elongatus (458), data (465, 466). In the absence of greater biostratigraphic providing a date of 307.5 Ma (see Paraneoptera earlier). control it is possible only to derive a minimum date from the base of the Norian (base Norian 216.5 Ma ± 2.0 myr; Holometabola: beetle–wasp, honeybee, mosquito, 267). 7 us, a minimum constraining date would be fruitfl y (minimum = 307.2 Ma; soft maximum = 414 Ma) 214.5 Ma. Divergence of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera–, However, this inconsistency is predicated upon and the establishment of crown Holometabola. 7 e the assumption that Hymenoptera and Panorpoidea oldest recorded member of this clade appears to be an are sister taxa, a view that is not universally accepted. undescribed member of Coleopteroidea from the mid- Rasnitsyn (467), for instance, maintains that Hymen- dle Carboniferous Mazon Creek fauna of Illinois, USA optera and Panorpoidea are more remotely related, the (449). 7 e Mazon Creek fauna is derived from the closest relatives of Panorpoidea being Neuropteroidea Francis Creek Member of the Carbondale Formation in and Coleopteroidea (united on modiA ed oviposi- NE Illinois. 7 e Francis Creek Shale Member has been tor (gonapophyses 9 (= dorsal valvula) lost, and the dated as middle Desmoinesian and middle Westphalian intromittantfunction transferred to gonocoxa 9 + D age on the basis of both palynological and paleobotan- gonostylus 9 (= valvula 3). In this view, Panorpoidea + ical data (441–443). 7 is equates to the upper part of Neuropteroidea + Coleopteroidea diverged from the the Moscovian Stage, the top of which has been dated lineage leading to Hymenoptera within the paraphy- at 306.5 Ma ± 1.0 myr on the basis of a graphically cor- letic Order Palaeomanteida, at a time approximating to related composite standard calibrated using radiometric the Carboniferous/Permian boundary. Unfortunately, dates (252). 7 e top of the Westphalian D is slightly older the systematics of this group are poorly resolved and at 307.2 Ma. (252) 7 us, the minimum date on the diver- it is unclear which represent the earliest members of gence of these two clades is 307.2 Ma. the lineages ultimately leading to Panorpiodea and A suitable soJ maximum constraint may be provided Hymenoptera. 7 e best estimate must be provided by the earliest member of Pterygota, which is R. hirsti by the earliest member of the clade Panorpoidea + (450), providing a constraint of 414 Ma (see Eumetabola Neuropteroidea + Coleopteroidea, but note should be earlier). taken of the fact that this date is likely to be extended in light of systematic revision of Palaeomanteida. 7 e old- Hymenoptera–Panorpida: wasp, honeybee–fruitfl y, est known member of Coleoptera is Pseudomerope gal- mosquito (minimum = 238.5 Ma; soft maximum = lei, from the Asselian (299–294.6 Ma ± 0.8 myr) (Lower 307.2 Ma) Permian) of Rícany, Czech Republic (454), though the 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of the basis of this age assignment is not clear. Hymenoptera and Panorpoidea lineages. 7 e oldest recorded member of this clade appears to 7 e earliest recognized Panorpoidea are the mecop- be an undescribed member of Coleopteroidea from the teroids that are interpreted as stem-Panorpoidea (or middle Carboniferous Mazon Creek fauna of Illinois,

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USA (449), providing a date of 307.2 Ma (see Eumetabola, of Culicomorpha is Aenne triassica from the Late Trias- earlier). 7 us, within the phylogenetic milieu which pos- sic (Rhaetic) Cotham Member of the Lilstock Forma- its that Hymenoptera are not immediate sister taxa (467), tion, Penarth Group at Aust CliB , near Bristol, UK (472). the minimum date on the divergence of these two clades Although this displays chironomid derived characters, is 307.2 Ma. only the distal half of a wing is preserved. 7 e base of In conclusion, however, it must be emphasized that the Cotham Member coincides with the base of SA5n.3r Hymenoptera and Panorpoidea are conventionally which equates to the E23r reverse polarity magnetozone viewed as sister taxa. Nevertheless, a minimum date for of the Newark Supergroup (473), the base of which is divergence of 214.5 Ma postdates the minimum date of estimated at 202 Ma ± 1 myr on the basis of volcanics is 238.5 Ma for the divergence of the lineages leading to in the upper part of the underlying E23 normal polar- Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae. Apis ity magnetozone (267). Hounslow et al. (473) argue that mellifera falls outside this clade and so in the absence of the whole of the Cotham Member equates to the E23r better constraint over the interrelationships of Diptera magnetozone, the duration of which is beyond strati- and Hymenoptera, a minimum date for their diver- graphic resolution in the current timescale (267). 7 us, gence can be taken as 238.5 Ma. A soJ maximum con- we conclude the age of the A rst possible representative of straint can be provided by the less likely hypothesis that Culicomorpha to be 202 Ma ± 1 myr. Panorpoidea are more closely related to Neuropteroidea 7 e next oldest record is Aenne liasina from the lower and Coleopteroidea, using the oldest record of this clade, Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of Grimmen, NE Germany described earlier as 307.2 Ma. (474), followed by an abundance of other Culicomorpha records in the Lower and Middle Jurassic (448). Apocrita: honeybee–wasp (minimum = 152 Ma; 7 e oldest documented representatives of Brachycera soft maximum = 243 Ma) are from the Upper Triassic Dan River Group of Virginia 7 e divergence of the honeybee Apis from the para- (475, 476), although their assignment rests upon pre- sitic wasp Nasonia corresponds to the crown-group cious few and largely inconsistent venation characters concept of the hymenopteran suborder Apocrita, and (448). 7 ere remains an older record of Brachycera, the divergence of Proctotrupoidea and Chalcidoidea, Gallia alsatica, from the Grès-à-Voltzia Formation of respectively. 7 e oldest records of both lineages are at Arzviller, northeast France (recognized on the basis minimum, Late Jurassic in age, but the earliest records of the following derived characters: cell m3 narrowed

of Proctotrupoidea are the best dated. 7 ese records distally and Cu and A 1 terminating in one point at belong to Mesoserphidae, such as Mesoserphus and the wing margin) (476, 477). 7 e Grès à Meules facies Karatoserphus, from the Early Jurassic Daohugou Beds of the Grès-a-Voltzia Formation, from which these of Inner Mongolia, China (468, 469). 7 e age of these remains are derived, has been dated as lower Anisian beds has been constrained radiometrically using U-Pb (478, 479), although the evidence on which this is based series dating to the interval 168–152 Ma (470, 471) and, was not presented. 7 e top of the lower Anisian is dated thus, we take 152 Ma as the minimum constraint on the as 240.5 Ma, based on proportional scaling of major divergence of honeybee and wasp. conodont zones (267) from a graphic correlation glo- A soJ maximum constraint can be provided by the bal composite standard (480), from which an error of earliest record of Hymentoptera, the earliest recognized ±2.0 myr is derived. Otherwise, there are convincing members of which are from the Middle Triassic Madygen records from the Early Jurassic, including the Black Ven Formation of Central Asia (461, 462), that is dated as Marls (Sinemurian) at the cliB of Stonebarrow Hill near Ladinian and/or Carnian on the basis of palynological Charmouth, Dorest, UK (turneri-obtusum Zone) 194.1– data (465, 466). 7 us, the constraint may be derived from 192.0 Ma (481), and the lower Toarcian (Harpoceras the base of the Ladinian, which may be as much as 241 falciferum Zone) of Dobbertin, Mecklenburg, Germany Ma ± 2.0 myr (267), equating to a soJ maximum con- 182.7–181.2 Ma (482). straint of 243 Ma. 7 e oldest representatives of the clade comprising Culicomorpha and Brachycera are members of grauvo- Diptera: fruitfl y–mosquito (minimum = 238.5 Ma; geliid Psychodomorpha, speciA cally, Grauvogelia arzvill- soft maximum = 295.4 Ma) eriana f rom t he Midd le Triassic Grès-a-Volt zia Format ion 7 is divergence event represents the splitting of Brachyc- of France (483). Crucially, this is neither the most primi- era and Culicomorpha lineages. 7 e oldest representative tive crown dipteran, nor the oldest known total-group

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dipteran, but the oldest record that falls within the clade record from the Nama Group of northern Namibia (488, circumscribed by Anopheles and Drosophila, following 489) and, although it exhibits colonial organization and, the phylogenetic scheme presented in (448). therefore has drawn comparison to cnidarians, its a1 ni- 7 us, on the record of G. arzvilleriana (483), its coinci- ties are speculative nevertheless. Namacalathus herman- dence with the earliest (albeit undocumented) record of astes is also known from the Nama Group of central and Brachycera (476, 477), and the phylogenetic hypothesis southern Namibia (490); it has also drawn comparison to of Grimaldi and Engel (448), the minimum date for the cnidarians and this comparison is equally equivocal. divergence of the lineages leading to D. melanogaster and Less equivocal records of cnidarians are to be found A. gambiae is 238.5 Ma. among Tommotian-age small shelly faunas, represented A soJ maximum constraint is provided by the insect by anabaritids (491) and, later, the tentaculitids. 7 e a1 n- fauna of Boskovice Furrow, Oboro, Moravia, Czech ity of both has been the subject of debate but, on the basis Republic. A huge diversity of insects has been described of the available evidence, their assignment to the cnidar- from this deposit which is the single most important ian total group is compelling. An almost complete life Paleozoic insect locality in the world (448). No mem- series from embryo to adult of the putative scyphozoan bers of the clade circumscribed by Brachycera and cnidarian Olivooides is known to co-occur with elements Culicomorpha have been described from here or from of the small shelly fauna (492, 493), although its a1 nities older deposits. 7 e Oboro fauna has been dated at early are equivocal. 7 e earliest phylogenetically secure cni- Artinskian (454) and Sakmarian (456), although only the darians are corals, based on slightly older Early Cambrian latter has been substantiated. 7 e base of the Sakmarian records from North America, Australia, and Siberia 494,( has been dated at 294.6 Ma ± 0.8 myr (457). 7 us, the soJ 495). 7 e oldest coral is probably Cysticyathus tunicatus maximum constraint on the divergence of Brachycera from the Tommotian of Siberia (496) and, thus, a numer- and Culicomorpha can be taken as 295.4 Ma. ical constraint on the oldest secure record of a cnidarian can be derived from the age of the top of the Tommotian, Eumetazoa: Cnidaria–Bilateria (minimum = 531.5 Ma; the Tommotian–Atdabanian boundary. 7 e best avail- soft maximum = 581 Ma) able date for this is 522.5 Ma, provided by Shergold and 7 e split between Cnidaria and Bilateria represents the Cooper (383), though it is an estimate based on younger origin of crown Eumetazoa. 7 e oldest unequivocal and older geochronological dates, errors on which are record of Bilateria is the mollusc Latouchella from the reported in the order of 2 myr. 7 is date is signiA cantly middle Purella Biozone, Nemakit-Daldynian, of Siberia younger than the oldest bilaterian record which, at 531.5 (401, 402). In the absence of better constraint, a numer- Ma, we adopt as the minimum constraint on the diver- ical date may be derived from the boundary between gence of Eumetazoa. the Nemakit-Daldynian and the succeeding Tommotian A soJ maximum bound could be codiA ed on the basis Stage. However, this remains equivocal and so a more of the more equivocal cnidarian records outlined earlier. reliable minimum constraint might be provided by the All of these, including the Ediacaran records, are younger current best estimate for the base of the Tommotian, than the soJ maximum bound established for Bilateria which is 531.5 Ma (383). 7 us, on the basis of the avail- (581 Ma), which also encompasses the Doushantuo record able paleontological, stratigraphic, and chronological of S. guizhouensis (412). 7 us, we adopt the maximum data, the oldest record of Bilateria is 531.5 Ma. date on the embryo-bearing horizons in the Doushantuo 7 e oldest possible record of a cnidarian is provided Formation as our soJ maximum constraint on the diver- by Sinocylcocyclicus guizhouensis from the Ediacaran gence of crown Eumetazoa, at 581 Ma. Doushantuo phosphorites (412), although the evidence in favor of a cnidarian a1 nity does not amount to Cnidaria: Hydra–sea anemone (minimum = 520.5 Ma; more than its structural resemblance to tabulate cor- soft maximum = 581 Ma) als. Innumerable putative medusoid cnidarians have 7 is divergence represents the divergence of Anthozoa been described among the Ediacaran biota, but these (sea anemones—including Nematostella, and corals) and have been reinterpreted as microbial communities Medusozoa (Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, Hydrozoa—including (484) or trace fossils (485). Frond-like Ediacarans such Hydra and Staurozoa) and the establishment of crown as Charnia, have traditionally been interpreted as sea Cnidaria (497). As discussed earlier in connection with pens, but this comparison is unconvincing (486, 487). Eumetazoa, the oldest records of crown cnidarians Namapoikia rietoogensis is a slightly younger Ediacaran are represented by anabaritids (491) and the putative

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scyphozoan cnidarian Olivooides (492, 493), although its poriferan a1 nity are just as readily interpreted as fabric a1 nities are equivocal. However, the earliest phylogenet- of diagenetic mineralization (414). Other problematica ically secure cnidarians are meduzoans from the Middle that have been attributed to Porifera include the archaeo- Cambrian of Utah (498) and anthozoans (corals) from cyaths (507), stromatoporoids (495), and chancelloriids the Early Cambrian of North America, Australia, and (508, 509), but their earliest records are younger than Siberia (494, 495). 7 e oldest coral is probably C. tuni- Paleophragmodictya (510), which is from the Ediacaran catus from the Tommotian of Siberia (496) and, thus, of southern Australia and, as such, it is the oldest con- a numerical constraint on the oldest secure record of a vincing record of a sponge (495). Its precise taxonomic cnidarian can be derived from the age of the top of the a1 liation is of little consequence so long as it falls within Tommotian, the Tommotian–Atdabanian boundary. the clade circumscribed by demosponges and all other 7 e best available date for this is 522.5 Ma, provided by metazoans which, as a hexactinellid, it does. Shergold and Cooper (383), though it is an estimate based All of these records are, however, eclipsed by a on younger and older geochronological dates, errors on biochemical record of demosponges, the precise dat- which are reported in the order of 2 myr, yielding a min- ing of which is unclear, but which extends between imum constraint of 520.5 Ma. sedimentary deposits representative of the Sturtian and A soJ maximum bound could be codiA ed on the basis Marinoan glaciations (511). On this basis, the age of the of the more equivocal cnidarian records outlined earlier Marinoan glaciation can provide a minimum constraint (see Eumetazoa). All of these, including the Ediacaran on the divergence of demosponges from other metazoans, records, are younger than the soJ maximum bound dated at 635.51 Ma ± 0.54 myr (419); as dating improves established for Bilateria (581 Ma), which also encom- for the Oman sequence from which the biomarker passes the Doushantuo record of S. guizhouensis (412). record occurs, this date will be revised upward by tens 7 us, we adopt the maximum date on the embryo- of millions of years. bearing horizons in the Doushantuo Formation as our A soJ maximum constraint can be provided by soJ maximum constraint on the divergence of crown lagerstatten, such as the Bitter Springs Cnidaria, at 581 Ma. Formation of central Australia (512) and the Svan- bergt ellet Formation of Spitsbergen (513), that exhibit Metazoa: Porifera–Eumetazoa (minimum = 634.97 Ma; cellular-level preservation of a diversity of organisms soft maximum = 836 Ma) including prokaryotes, sphearomorphic acritarchs, 7 is divergence event coincides with the origin of crown multicellular algae, and various problematica, but no Metazoa. Dating the divergence of sponges from the evidence of metazoans, or anything that could even lineage leading to cnidarians and bilaterians is compli- be interpreted as a stem-metazoan. 7 e Bitter Springs cated by molecular phylogenies which, in contrast to and Svanbergt ellet P oras have been determined to be morphology-based analyses (499, 500), have resolved of comparable middle Neoproterozoic age on the basis Porifera as paraphyletic, composed of as many as three of a global carbon isotope excursion ( 514, 515). 7 ere distinct clades of phylum status, with the homosclero- is no direct dating on either formation but the Bitter morphs, calcisponges, and demosponges as successive Springs Formation has been correlated with the volcanic sister taxa to Eumetazoa (91, 501–505). In what follows, sequence in the upper Loves Creek Formation which has we speciA cally aim to constrain the date of divergence itself been allied with the Gairdner Dyke Swarm (516, of demosponges from the lineage leading to calcis- 517), dated at 827 Ma ± 6 Ma (518). Halverson et al. (515) ponges, homoscleromorphs, and eumetazoans (cnidar- argue for a younger date, but this is not well substanti- ians, aceols, and triploblast bilaterians). 7 is is because ated. 7 us, we take 836 Ma as the soJ maximum con- our focus is to constrain the divergence of Renieria, straint on the divergence of the crown Metazoa. a demosponge which has been targeted for genome sequencing. Many of the more ancient and speculative records Conclusions of cnidarians have also been attributed to the sponges, We are on the verge of a new age of dating the tree of including Namacalathus (488) and Namapoikia (490), life. 7 e decades up to now have been characterized by but none is entirely convincing. 7 is includes putative many improvements in methods and assumptions, but sponges from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation also by tension and squabbling between paleontolo- (506), where the structures interpreted as evidence of gists and molecular clock practitioners, and within the

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