Annie’s List 2018 Impact This year’s election was of historic importance, and Annie’s List candidates surged to critical victories that will help direct the future trajectory of government.

With your support we elected 31 of our record-breaking 37 Annie's List endorsed candidates. This includes 8 new women who will represent in the , flipping 7 seats from red to blue.

Senator-elect Beverly Powell Rep-elect Rep-elect Rep-elect Ana-Maria Ramos SD 10 HD 46 HD 47 HD 102

Rep-elect Rep-elect Rep-elect Julie Johnson Rep-elect Gina Calanni HD 105 HD 113 HD 115 HD 132

WE Elected the first Latina as Harris County

Judge: Judge-elect Judge-elect Lina Hidalgo Lina Hidalgo Harris County

In Tarrant County, we helped end the all-male streak on the Commissioners Court:

Commissioner-elect Commissioner-elect Devan Allen Devan Allen

ToTo putput thesethese effortsefforts intointo numbersnumbers ☞ $802,143 spent in support of their campaigns Annie’s List supported our ☞ 11,440 endorsed hours of political staff candidates this & campaign fellow time cycle with: ☞ 16,504 miles driven across Texas

An Annie’s List endorsement is not just a seal of approval

It signals our commitment to provide women up and down the ballot the best possible resources to run a successful campaign. They are an integral part of our team, and when they succeed, all of Texas benefits. Beyond our financial support this cycle, we provided:

DIRECT ANNIE’S LIST THROUGH OUR STAFF SUPPORT CAMPAIGN SCHOOL For all areas of our candidates’ PROGRAM campaigns along with we provided our endorsed research, polling, voter candidates support from five targeting, and data analysis. Campaign School Fellows and trained staff that worked on successful campaigns throughout the state.

Texas must hold the 1212 seatsseats flipped in the state House this cycle and pick up an additional 99 seatsseats to seize a majority in the House for the critical 20212021 legislative session on redistricting. An integral part of this will be recruiting an unprecedented number of political operatives and staff to support our champions.

We will partner with our Democratic allies to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place to make Texas a viable Presidential battleground state in 2020.

This cycle, Annie’s List trained 1,004 women. As we head into 2019, we will 1,004 continue to be the leader in the state to identify, recruit, and train the next slate of women to run for women legislative and county races. trained

Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, we are able to train, support and elect the women dedicated to changing the face of power in Texas.

Thank you for supporting our mission as we head into 2019. DONATE

Get involved with Annie's List on social and honor the women in your life with a #WomenWinningMoment shoutout! We want to celebrate not just the women who won major victories on Election Day, but all the women whose achievements made Texas a better place this year.