Mr Darren Hendley Our Ref: APP/B3030/A/12/2183042 Arcus Renewable Energy Consulting Ltd 1C Swinegate Court East Your Ref: 309Hawton 3 Swinegate York YO1 8AJ 29 September 2014 Dear Sir, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – SECTION 78 APPEAL BY BOLSTERSTONE INNOVATIVE ENERGY (HAWTON) LTD THE ERECTION OF THREE no. WIND TURBINES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND TO THE EAST OF HAWTON, NEWARK-ON-TRENT - (APPLICATION REF: 11/01588/FULM) 1. I am directed by the Secretary of State to say that consideration has been given to the report of the Inspector, Zoe Hill BA (Hons) DIpBldgCons (RICS) MRTPI IHBC, who held an inquiry on 26-28 February 2103 into your client’s appeal against Newark and Sherwood District Council’s (‘the Council’) refusal to grant planning permission for the erection of three no. wind turbines of height between 105 metres and 126.5 metres to tip and associated infrastructure including access tracks, one switchgear and control building with transformers and grid connection infrastructure, underground cabling, turbine foundations, crane hardstandings, one new access point and one meteorogical mast (application ref 11/01588/FULM). 2. On 11 October 2013 the appeal was recovered for the Secretary of State's determination, in pursuance of section 79 of, and paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on the grounds that it involves a renewable energy development. Department for Communities and Local Government Tel: 030344 42853 Philip Barber, Decision Officer Email:
[email protected] Planning Casework Third Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Inspector’s recommendation and summary of the decision 3.