FCC Chat Log – 4/19/11

(11:52:02 AM) kencourse: Howdy Early Birds! (11:54:03 AM) coachdon: alright!!! welcome to the call & ustream today. grab a pad & pen, we always want to be an active participant in our own education. lean into this conversation as it will serve you! (11:54:30 AM) coachdon: hey there Ken, Jacob (11:54:58 AM) coachdon: hello too to gloria & sandramc (11:55:43 AM) CoachJacob: Hello Ken! Hello Don! (11:56:04 AM) coachdon: hey brother! how you doing, Jacob? (11:56:08 AM) Mynders_Glover [[email protected]] entered the room. (11:56:18 AM) coachdon: welcome, Mynders! (11:56:32 AM) CoachJacob: Great Don! Ready as always to rock the chat out of the park! (11:56:57 AM) coachdon: you always show up! (11:56:59 AM) CoachJacob: Hey Ken, you survuved the weekend. Can we talk this afternoon? (11:57:08 AM) CoachJacob: survived (11:57:29 AM) CoachJacob: Zrii Rocks! (11:57:39 AM) coachdon: :) (11:58:43 AM) coachdon: i will see you back in the office next week Jacob, currently remote from kansas city (11:58:49 AM) GaryLoper [[email protected]] entered the room. (11:59:03 AM) kimkirmmsetoth [[email protected]] entered the room. (11:59:06 AM) GaryLoper: Greetings (11:59:14 AM) kimkirmmsetoth: Hi there (11:59:34 AM) coachdon: hey garyloper! welcome (12:00:04 PM) coachdon: kimkirmmsetoth, welcome! (12:00:14 PM) kimkirmmsetoth: thanks! (12:00:32 PM) CoachJacob: Are you singing Ken? "And I'm gonna get me some" (12:01:14 PM) CoachJacob: Hello, Harmen, Gary, Mynders, kim! (12:01:43 PM) kencourse: Yes Jacob, let's do that for sure! :) (12:01:48 PM) CoachJacob: Premature on Harmen I guess. (12:01:52 PM) kencourse: I'm recording most of the afternoon but available around 4 (12:01:58 PM) kencourse: WE'll be live in just a moment. (12:02:12 PM) kencourse: Our makeover is from New Zealand today, so we had to work out the connection. (12:02:16 PM) CoachJacob: call me if time allows Ken. If not we can catch up on email. (12:02:27 PM) kencourse: No problemo. (12:02:35 PM) GaryLoper: hey coachdon & coachjacob (12:02:39 PM) Mynders_Glover: Hi Coach Don. (12:02:50 PM) coachdon: GaryLoper... hope you are well, brother! (12:02:53 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, what are you doing to move forward this week? (12:03:09 PM) Mynders_Glover: Hi Coach jacob. Always good seeing you here every week. (12:03:17 PM) coachdon: Mynders_Glover, good to connect again! (12:03:28 PM) GaryLoper: doing well, picking up SM clients and projects are being completed - in a great flow on (12:03:34 PM) CoachJacob: Mynders what one tip could you share this week that would let people know what you do and share a nugget in the process? (12:04:03 PM) Michele [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:04:23 PM) CoachJacob: Hi Michelle! (12:04:26 PM) Mynders_Glover: CoachJacob. Great question. Let me put on my thinking cap. :) (12:04:35 PM) CoachJacob: Michele! (12:04:36 PM) kerbeare [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:04:47 PM) Michele: Hi Jacob (12:04:51 PM) theOngoingMind [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:05:01 PM) coachdon: Hey there, Michele, and kerbeare! (12:05:06 PM) CoachJacob: Kerbeare Welcome, what chat would help you move forward today? (12:05:10 PM) kerbeare: good morning from melbourne australia (12:05:25 PM) Michele: Hey Don! (12:05:27 PM) GaryLoper: moving forward -- finding new tools to better serve SM clients, continue revamping website, creating a co op marketing community, committed with master mind group to use Linked in more and post 30 comments or questions this week & will find time to create a blog or two (12:05:33 PM) CoachJacob: Hello Aden, tell me what you are offering this week? (12:05:40 PM) sandramc: the stream has yet to show the password box... (12:05:44 PM) coachdon left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com IRC ). (12:05:57 PM) david [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:06:01 PM) coachdon [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:06:05 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, what will your posts be on? (12:06:21 PM) coachdon: hmmm. lost connect there for a sec. (12:06:41 PM) CoachJacob: sandramc, welcome are you in the internet course yet? (12:07:11 PM) sandramc: Jacob I'm CS for FCC and auditing Loral's Call (12:07:13 PM) coachdon: once again, everyone, grab a pen & paper.... be an active learner... take notes. remember, the palest ink is stronger than the best memory. (12:07:28 PM) GaryLoper: have a couple working on , and a hot topic of ours - giving credit where credit is due - there are a lot of people in all SM plarergizing (12:07:30 PM) sandramc: :) (12:07:53 PM) CoachJacob: sandra, how about them cookies.... huh? (12:08:08 PM) coachdon: save me a cookie, ok Jacob? (12:08:25 PM) barbc [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:08:33 PM) Fernando [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:08:47 PM) coachdon: barbc, welcome to the chat and ustream (12:09:02 PM) theOngoingMind: I still see "off air", is it just me? (12:09:05 PM) CoachJacob: fernando, welcome back! (12:09:13 PM) kencourse: Not just you (12:09:16 PM) Fernando: thanks! (12:09:17 PM) kencourse: Just got our makeover connected. :) (12:09:19 PM) coachdon: theongoingmind, not just you (12:09:26 PM) sandramc: I'll make some next Friday the 29th! (12:09:32 PM) Fernando is now known as Guest47858 (12:09:33 PM) coachdon: fernando, welcome (12:09:37 PM) Guest47858: My name is apparently registered to somebody else, so it's going to change for me very soon (12:09:38 PM) sandramc: Nope I do not see the fed either Mind (12:09:43 PM) Guest47858: Rats... (12:09:45 PM) CoachJacob: theOngoingMind, what are you offering this week? (12:09:46 PM) Mynders_Glover: From Coach Jacob…” Mynders what one tip could you share this week that would let people know what you do and share a nugget in the process?” (12:09:46 PM) Guest47858: I lost the name 'Fernando' (12:09:52 PM) whosdat [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:09:53 PM) Mynders_Glover: Coach Jacob…here goes. Every business needs 2 websites. 1) A ‘landing page’ that exchanges a free report for name and email…so you can get new customers and begin a communication. (12:10:00 PM) Mynders_Glover: Coach Jacob…and a Blog site (website/blog combo) to get high Google rankings, showcase your services, and sell products. We set these up for people at http://OnlineLeadsWizard.com (12:10:08 PM) kencourse: Guest, you can log out and log back in. Might need to be "Fernando" and alast initial or number (12:10:20 PM) kerbeare: im working on getting clients and would like to know how to approach someone if they are flat out or busy and what can i offer them to get them to take action (12:10:23 PM) GaryLoper: also have another post in the works about business cards - going thru the collection of biz cards there is a lot of missed opportunities with a bad card, and will connect the readers to my wife graphic design services (12:10:38 PM) theOngoingMind: CoachJacob - I've gone static for the past week - no effort on the business (12:10:57 PM) CoachJacob: Mynders GREAT Share! How quickly can someone get this set up? (12:11:14 PM) Guest47858: Ok @kencourse I'll try that (12:11:18 PM) barbc: good to be here Coach Don! (12:11:22 PM) Guest47858 left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:11:22 PM) CoachJacob: theOngoingMind, did you post what we coached on? If not state it here! (12:11:26 PM) GaryLoper: password box appeared (12:11:36 PM) FernandoL [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:11:47 PM) FernandoL: KenCourse so what's the deal with the broadcast? (12:11:51 PM) kencourse: We are live now. (12:11:55 PM) kencourse: Just went live. :) (12:11:56 PM) coachdon: barbc, how was your week? where did you make the most progress? (12:12:07 PM) Mynders_Glover: CoachJacob Landing page system 1 week; Full website 2 weeks (12:12:54 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, what tools are you looking for to help your clients with? What specifically needs done to your site? (12:13:07 PM) theOngoingMind: CoachJacob - no, I'm taking inventory of the PLR that will be included. I prepared Ken, but not Jim, to expect it (12:13:10 PM) FernandoL: Yes, copying the FastCash business model is the way to go (12:13:12 PM) coachdon: yes welcome to the Chicago group!!! (12:13:20 PM) sandramc: the password is not sticking and the feed is not connecting once password is entered... (12:13:42 PM) CoachJacob: Everyone if you are looking or stuck in getting your site set up check out what Mynders told me a few minutes ago! (12:13:42 PM) coachdon: way to take action from the chicago group. had the honor of working with those who moved FAST!!! (12:14:08 PM) JessicaLOL [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:14:10 PM) coachdon: way to go Suzy! & Renee! Leah! yeah! (12:14:14 PM) Harmen [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:14:21 PM) GaryLoper: most of the formatting is done, need to create landing pages, monetize, add reports (12:14:21 PM) sandramc: OK in now YAY!!! (12:14:27 PM) Harmen: Hello all (12:14:54 PM) Mynders_Glover: Hi Harmen. Must be 9 PM in Belgium, right? (12:14:54 PM) GaryLoper: have a line on the tools I need to better serve and free up my time (12:14:58 PM) barbc: CoachDon - I'm still in the midst of researching affiliate marketing which I'm doing during my "transition year". It's a big learning curve for me, but I'm making progress daily. (12:14:59 PM) Harmen: Hi Kencourse, CoachJacob, GaryLoper, JessicaLOL, Mynders_Glover and everyone I forgot (12:15:08 PM) Harmen: Hey Mynders, why yes it is! (12:15:12 PM) CoachJacob: Aden, keep momentum moving forward. Let's get the ongoing mind moving and set up to be the site you want it to be! First get the stuff out of your way that is not serving you! (12:15:27 PM) CoachJacob: Harmen, there you are! (12:15:28 PM) Mynders_Glover: GaryLoper, you're lmost at the top of my list to call. :) (12:15:35 PM) Susan11 [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:15:46 PM) GaryLoper: greeting harmen (12:16:09 PM) FernandoL: have the old Forum posts disappeared with the new Forum? (12:16:19 PM) Harmen: Kencourse: is it possible to turn up the volume in the control room - I'm on full volume but sound isn't really loud, let's say medium loud (12:16:20 PM) coachdon: alright, barbc. keep it up. remember, your DMO (Daily Method of Operation) what we do on a daily basis determines our results. (12:16:25 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, when will you have the first landing page completed? (12:16:38 PM) GaryLoper: Mynders_glover drop me an email or message in forum to schedule time this week (12:16:40 PM) Mynders_Glover: Gotta say that the LiveOutLoud system really rocks, if you take advantage of it. Just got off our weekly Mastermind call with my Big table group. Awesome insights. (12:17:09 PM) CoachJacob: barbc, what part of affiliate marketing are you looking for answers to? (12:17:22 PM) GaryLoper: within the next week (12:17:51 PM) kencourse: Sure Harmen. Any better? (12:17:52 PM) coachdon: mynders_glover, the mastermind calls in the big table were my favorite piece! (12:17:59 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, how are you? (12:18:06 PM) Mynders_Glover: GaryLoper Will do. We can JV...your social marketing, my marketing websites (12:18:10 PM) Harmen: yes tnx (12:18:11 PM) barbc: CoachDon - Thanks for the reminder! Some days I fare better than others, but it's all in the right direction...forward! (12:18:15 PM) kerbeare: im going great thanks (12:18:24 PM) JessicaLOL: Hi Harmen (12:18:38 PM) kencourse: I just shifted to a different mixer which should sound a bit more clear. (12:18:40 PM) coachdon: stay engaged... be on this call... get to an acctblity call... and participate in the forum! (12:18:41 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, what is the main focus of your social marketing services? (12:18:46 PM) GaryLoper: mynders_glover certainly open to explore possiblites (12:19:00 PM) coachdon: that's the idea barbc! (12:19:09 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, anything you feel stuck on or share you can send us? (12:19:13 PM) Mynders_Glover: coachdon Right! Sometimes it's hard to make them, but once there, thry are awesome. (12:20:17 PM) GaryLoper: building connections, maintance, coaching - best in twitter will serve FB & linked in coaching as well (12:20:31 PM) FernandoL: kencourse my original forum post from last Tuesday I think is lost (12:20:33 PM) coachdon: if it's hard to make... consider shifting the time/day.... patricia - my wife and I never missed them. got too much out of them (12:20:36 PM) SallyBettenay [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:20:44 PM) kerbeare: probably when i am talking to people on the phone that ppl are busy before easter im offering a product at $150 but maybe I should offer something at the lower end of $20 to $50 ...any ideas where i shlf focus (12:20:51 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, share with everyone here how you help their businesses? (12:21:05 PM) kencourse: Unfortunately, our OLD forum did not come across. If it was last week or earlier, it will not be brought over. We're working on a way to create an archive (12:21:25 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, what are you providing to people? (12:21:26 PM) kencourse: But the old forum was bogging down big time (as some of you noticed). The new system will work out much better. If you can repost, that'd be the easiest! (12:21:31 PM) GaryLoper: appreciate the help coachjacob, (12:21:51 PM) FernandoL: kencourse ok (12:21:52 PM) kerbeare: getting small business online or google places (12:22:01 PM) coachdon: real estate, also remember it is almost always in investment mechanism.. few do as a cash machine (12:22:37 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, so the focus of the call is to introduce your system or is the problem after they have been contacted or networked? (12:22:46 PM) coachdon: but many, many are attracted to real estate, thinking it is quick, big money. it takes years to get educated and be successful in this area (12:23:16 PM) kerbeare: im cold calling from ads in my local area (12:23:23 PM) CindyH [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:24:05 PM) Mynders_Glover: kerbeare, Do you set up Google Places for people? (12:24:16 PM) Bear [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:24:16 PM) kerbeare: im getting appointments .... to meet and talk to them more (12:24:19 PM) kencourse: I'm going to discuss it in a lot more detail at the end of the call today. (12:24:22 PM) coachdon: if you have not read wealth cycle investing (listen to the cd's and do the workbook too!), get it done!!! (12:24:27 PM) kencourse: So stick around for the tech session. (12:24:32 PM) kerbeare: yet i set up google places (12:24:34 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, when you are approaching someone cold you must first establish a little bit of rapport before you pour your story over my head. What are the 2 biggest benefits or the two major problems you help businesses with? (12:24:39 PM) CindyH: Did the cash machine and I have completed more tasks in the 3 days after than I have in 6 months (12:24:41 PM) coachdon: kerbeare, what is your 'product?' (12:24:41 PM) GaryLoper: I help people and entrepreneur Build Better Relationships, as a Life, Business & Social Media Coach will teach how to create a network of endless referrals and tame their grmelins (12:24:48 PM) barrie [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:25:17 PM) coachdon: CindyH!!! way to go! (12:25:25 PM) CoachJacob: Everyone! Read GaryLopers message if you need this help it is here for the taking. (12:25:43 PM) FernandoL: CindyH wow...I need to accomplish 6 months worth of stuff in 3 days! (12:25:50 PM) kerbeare: make them aware the can get into the onlline market at low cost and start getting a presence witihout a website (12:25:51 PM) GaryLoper: cindyh congrats this is just the beginning (12:25:57 PM) coachdon: we do not get into investing issues or discussion except in Loral's Big Table. (12:26:09 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, what was your biggest take away from the cash machine workshop? (12:26:13 PM) SallyBettenay: CindyH - well done! Maintain the momentum as long as you can!! (12:26:18 PM) kerbeare: im intro google places so i can build a relationship to move them into a website later on (12:26:48 PM) CindyH: ty coach Don Gary & everyone!!! Also, am in WAC! (12:27:06 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, how does that benefit the business owner? What benefit do they get from that service? What problem does it help overcome? (12:27:22 PM) CindyH: That i need u for my coach! (12:27:27 PM) CindyH: Jacob! (12:27:37 PM) coachdon: way to go CindyH! (12:27:41 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, who is your coach right now? (12:27:57 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, what do you need most from your coach? (12:28:11 PM) CindyH: CJacob, that you need a great team, and to call 21 people a day and get outa the frickly house! (12:28:20 PM) kerbeare: benefts - reduce ads costs, get found by their customers and have a presence online (12:29:11 PM) coachdon: kerbeare, excellant, what is your biggest challenge right now in your business? (12:29:11 PM) CindyH: keeping me on track, and a few techy questions, so a geek might be good (12:29:14 PM) Naty [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:29:37 PM) CoachJacob: kerbeare, so if you called me and told me ...If I am looking to reduce my ad cost, use online marketing to be found by my local clients, save money and have a strong presence online would you want more information? I might listen further (12:29:44 PM) Susan11: I am starting a course called "How to Be a Really Nice Bitch" all about learning boundaries, how to ask for anything from anyone and developing your comfort zone. (12:29:44 PM) coachdon: welcome Naty! (12:29:56 PM) Naty: thx coachdon (12:30:05 PM) Bear: Sorry I'm late. Outage problems with Verizon internet. (12:30:05 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, who is your currrent coach? (12:30:09 PM) kencourse: LOL! Susan, that's amazing. (12:30:15 PM) Susan11: Starts Thursday you can see it on www.gettingwhatyouwant.com (12:30:23 PM) Naty: Did i miss something important¡? (12:30:30 PM) CindyH: I have not filed out the paper work yet, so i have not been assgnd (12:30:33 PM) SallyBettenay: Susan11 - I love it! (12:30:36 PM) Naty: well, everything is important, i guess (12:30:36 PM) CoachJacob: Susan11, You go Girl! (12:30:36 PM) Susan11: Thanks Ken (12:30:48 PM) BelkiT [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:31:07 PM) CindyH: CJacob, still need help with my funnel (12:31:21 PM) CoachJacob: SallyBettena, you should connect with Susan if it is something you have interest in! (12:31:23 PM) Bear: Coach Jacob and Coach Ken, I was finally able to publish my home inspection website yesterday. I know it needs some polishing but it's a start. (12:31:24 PM) CindyH: we are a handyman/improvement co (12:31:36 PM) kerbeare: not sure ... just making cold calls and trying to make apts (have some for next week after easter) (12:31:39 PM) Harmen: CindyH - if you want the chatroom is full of people who have been working/struggling with funnels - please do share (12:31:45 PM) CoachJacob: Bear, congrats! What is the site address? (12:31:52 PM) SallyBettenay: I just wish I'd done something like that when I was younger - would have saved me a lot of grief! (12:31:53 PM) Mynders_Glover: Hi Bear. Good to see you here. (12:32:17 PM) coachdon: sallybettenay, don't we all! (12:32:17 PM) Bear: www.kbkhomeimprovement.com (12:32:25 PM) SallyBettenay: lol! (12:32:47 PM) SallyBettenay: Susan11 - what is your target market? What ages? (12:32:49 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, strategic alliances with different businesses in relation to what you do is a great leverage source for leads and sets you apart from the rest of them! (12:32:52 PM) Bear: Nice to 'see' you too, Mynders (12:33:08 PM) CindyH: like landscapers, edt? (12:33:13 PM) CindyH: ect (12:33:16 PM) CoachJacob: Bear, what is it you do and what kind of business are you looking for? (12:33:42 PM) mib_lq4kax [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:33:47 PM) Susan11: Target market is single women up to age 40 others are welcome of course (12:34:42 PM) SallyBettenay: Why single? (12:34:50 PM) sandramc: what is the URL of the makeover client again? (12:34:50 PM) Naty: hi Coach and Ken. I was wondering if starting a "website" on wordpress for now is a good idea? or should I deal with HTML instead. Maybe wait until I can afford a professional work? (12:34:57 PM) sandramc: jb.concreate.com? (12:35:00 PM) CindyH: coach Jacob, can I request you, Anna said you were awesome! (12:35:08 PM) kerbeare: (does this guy speaking need google places lol) I serve local business like him (12:35:12 PM) Naty: CoachJacon and CoachKen I meant (12:35:19 PM) Naty: and Kencourse (12:35:21 PM) sandramc: concrete that is (12:35:26 PM) Naty: :P oopps (12:35:26 PM) coachdon: coach Jacob IS awesome. really. (12:35:29 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, that might be a good start, I mean from both sides those that provide you with leads and those you can partnerr with that will enhance your business. I have a painter who partners with a cleaning company that cleans his customers homes for FREE. Great added value for the client and she closes 1 out of 4 and did not have to find the lead. (12:35:31 PM) kerbeare: naty... wordpres definately (12:35:32 PM) Harmen: CoachJacob - good remark - my strategic partnership has already generated over 500 new leads in two e-mail blasts (12:35:35 PM) Susan11: Because they most need to learn boundaries but really its open (12:36:03 PM) coachdon: wow Harmen, that is a strong response. (12:36:05 PM) CindyH: sweet, nice numbers! (12:36:06 PM) CoachJacob: Thanks Harmen, I am all about leverage whenever possible (12:36:31 PM) Mynders_Glover: Bear, would you check that link of your website. Didn't come up for me. (12:36:45 PM) CindyH: Harmen, can we talk? (12:36:56 PM) Bear: I finished the home inspection course last week. I'll be doing home inspections for real estate sales, targeting not only buyers making sure they're not buying a money pit but also sellers looking to know what to expect from a buyer's inspector. (12:36:58 PM) Naty: thx kerbeare (12:36:59 PM) kencourse: Wordpress or any type of content system is the way to go. (12:37:00 PM) SallyBettenay: Cool. I'd think women in their 20's would really benefit, and probably more open to learning. (12:37:03 PM) Harmen: yeah - and the story is stronger - I have about 500.000 leads that get e-mail blasts on my book - so beating the numbers (12:37:03 PM) kencourse: Do not be crawling through code. (12:37:14 PM) GaryLoper: great Harmen, are there a long term results? is that type of results typical ? (12:37:16 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, it also set's the painter apart from everyone else who paints, he also incorporates a window cleaner for the same jobs (12:37:33 PM) Harmen: CindyH - yes of course - how would you like to do that? Chat? Phone call? other ways (12:37:35 PM) Susan11: Sally what do you do? (12:37:38 PM) coachdon: harmen, is that 500,000? (12:37:56 PM) SallyBettenay: I'm in early learning and development, working with parents of young kids. (12:38:01 PM) coachdon: harmen, what is your matriculation rate? (12:38:26 PM) CindyH: phone, is best email me at [email protected] (12:38:31 PM) Naty: what s the password to see Loral, please? (12:38:33 PM) Harmen: coachdon: yes - coachjacob: conversion happens through an invitation to an open workshop that explains more about warm calling - still waiting for those results (12:38:34 PM) Susan11: Working on a series of books for 10 year+ girls with the concepts from my book (12:38:47 PM) coachdon: fa$tcash is the password Naty (12:38:49 PM) CoachJacob: CindyH, yes you can if I have room for new clients they will assign you. There are other great coaches in the field and I do appreciate the appreciation. (12:38:59 PM) Naty: It doesn t work :( (12:38:59 PM) Bear: try http://www.kbkhomeinspection.com/index.html (12:39:03 PM) SallyBettenay: That's fantastic Susan11! (12:39:46 PM) coachdon: jacob, and i appreciate you appreciating the appreciation (12:39:57 PM) coachdon: :) (12:40:02 PM) Susan11: Thanks its a fine line and a challenge to actually teach them and not cross the politically correct sex line for kids (12:40:03 PM) david left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:40:06 PM) CoachJacob: Yeah, I know got too quick for my own good! (12:40:13 PM) Naty: OK, it finally worked (12:40:24 PM) Harmen: CoachDon - 2% conversion from reading to download of free newsletter (12:40:26 PM) Mynders_Glover: Naty, Wordpress is much easier in doing websites than straight HTML. Lots of content faster. It's the new standard. (12:40:26 PM) CoachJacob: Yeah Naty! (12:40:53 PM) CoachJacob: I agree mynders, much easier to change things too! (12:40:56 PM) Naty: Is it flexible enough though? (12:40:57 PM) SallyBettenay: Yeah, but if you get it right those kids would really benefit, before things go pear-shaped. (12:41:04 PM) mib_xa9b6d [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:41:19 PM) Naty: like to add thinks (12:41:22 PM) coachdon: remember all, keep monitoring your thoughts and words. many people focus on the action but sabotage their efforts with non-monitored, negative thinking and language. must be congruent. (12:41:30 PM) CiCi [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:41:39 PM) RegC [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:41:40 PM) BelkiT: Speaking of assigning a coach. What's the process for getting one assigned???? (12:41:45 PM) CoachJacob: Naty, it is the easiest way for me to put up a site and change things on my own without being a techy (12:41:49 PM) Susan11: I know using my grandkids as guinea pigs (12:41:50 PM) SallyBettenay: Great point coachdon (12:42:01 PM) Harmen: That is why we mastermind coachdon - improve conditioning is a very important point in our mastermind group (12:42:08 PM) CoachJacob: BelkiT, what program are you involved in now? (12:42:12 PM) coachdon: harmen. sounds fairly consistent for that kind of campaign (12:42:16 PM) GaryLoper: beikiT are you asking about FCC coaches ? (12:42:23 PM) Naty: Thx Mynders and CoachJacob! Wordpress it is! :) (12:43:04 PM) mib_xa9b6d left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:43:10 PM) GaryLoper: BelkiT go the the accountability groups and review the list of specialities and try out a couple coaches and see which fits you best (12:43:36 PM) BelkiT: Yes. I noticed that my contarct includes 6 months of coaching but am not sure how toget in assigned. I contacted the startegist but have not heard back. (12:43:40 PM) coachdon: SallyBettenay, thanks! cannot tell you how many times this comes up working with clients. (12:43:53 PM) CoachJacob: Gary, is she or he looking for a one on one coach or just a general coaching call? (12:44:06 PM) coachdon: nice Harmen. it helps having the constancy of accountability (12:44:21 PM) SallyBettenay: I can't believe how much my language changed just after doing Fast Cash Workshop. It's totally transformed my life! (12:44:25 PM) CoachJacob: BlkiT, are you in the big table? (12:44:43 PM) GaryLoper: coachjacob not sure yet, it sounds like they may be in another program in addition to FCC (12:44:45 PM) BelkiT: No. Fast Cash (12:44:47 PM) FernandoL: Golly...everybod's racing about Fast Cash (12:44:55 PM) FernandoL: sorry, everybody's raging about Fast Casah (12:45:02 PM) FernandoL: Fast Cash...can't type today (12:45:26 PM) Harmen: SallyBettenay - keep it going! - keep coming to the chatroom and continue developing the mindset of a millionaire ;-) (12:45:30 PM) coachdon: sallybettenay, so continue to ve vigilant... read the right books, and turn off the garbage television. especially the "news" (it's not news.) (12:45:30 PM) Mynders_Glover: Bear, it works without the . (12:45:57 PM) SallyBettenay: I am a millionaire. I just don't have the bank balance yet. (12:46:00 PM) kerbeare: what can i offer when i am finding that i have different contractors within my funnel now .. what can i offer. It would seem like im am a central hub too (12:46:06 PM) Naty: CoachJacob, I know this is my work, but would u give some hints to help me establish my Target Audience? I don´t know what questions ask myself in order to determinate "who wants Spanish lessons?", where should I focus my offline marketing efforts? (12:46:20 PM) coachdon: fernandol, what do you mean? (12:46:47 PM) Bear: Mynders, did it come up??? (12:46:51 PM) GaryLoper: sallybettenay surround yourself with smarter, richer and more generous people - it may be time to delete the dream stealers and upgrade your associations (12:46:54 PM) Naty: that s the attitude ay (12:47:04 PM) SallyBettenay: Already happened! (12:47:23 PM) coachdon: sallybettenay, how many times have you read napoleon hill's, "think and grow rich?" (12:47:32 PM) Mynders_Glover: Bear, Yes, if you put it in like this http://www.kbkhomeinspection.com/index/ (12:47:36 PM) SallyBettenay: 0, but about to be 1 (12:47:42 PM) FernandoL: GaryLoper but how do you convince the smarter, richer people to let you hang out with them? cc. sallybettenay (12:47:50 PM) GaryLoper: Salybettenay that statement is a good start, but it still sends a conflicting message - must focus on what you want (12:48:02 PM) coachdon: garyloper, "dreamstealers" love it! talk hard, brother. call it like it is. (12:48:25 PM) SallyBettenay: Yes, but I'm not going to fib. I haven't read it, but I'm going to go and get it today and read it. (12:48:28 PM) CoachJacob: Naty, when determining your ideal client or target it is really who is the nucleus of my buyers. Age, education, gender, household price, and anything else that can be as specific as possible. When I had my bathroom remodel biz I knew my clients were College grads, 2 cars per HH, $125,000 or higher income, 15 year old house, house values were 250,000.00 oto 1 (12:48:37 PM) kimkirmmsetoth left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:48:47 PM) coachdon: great sallybettenay. i know a very very successful man. he's read it 83 times (more than 2x/year for over 40 years) (12:48:47 PM) Harmen: CoachDon - give us another quote from Napoleon pleeaaase :-) (12:48:51 PM) Mynders_Glover: Bear, I've been thinking since our call last week. I'm going to gift you the do it yorself landing page system. (12:49:45 PM) GaryLoper: fernandol no conviencing needed, ask and expect to receive the help. in SM it is much easier to connect with many of this type of people, this community is an incredible resource, take the relationships off line and learn abut hem and how you can help them (12:49:48 PM) Harmen: GaryLoper: do RT some messages from LOL as well plz (12:50:21 PM) FernandoL: GaryLoper cool...thanks Gary! (12:50:49 PM) Naty: CoachJacob, where did you find that specific target? :$ (12:50:53 PM) GaryLoper: will do harmen (12:50:53 PM) Bear: Thanks Mynders (12:51:10 PM) coachdon: harmen, how about this from marianne williamson... "our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure and it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us... as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" (12:51:17 PM) Harmen: Cindy - I just sent you an e-mail - do give me some info so I can help you as effectively as possible (12:51:49 PM) Harmen: coachdon: You RULE man:D (12:52:00 PM) CoachJacob: naty, I did my own due dilligence and realized who would be my best customer. You need to start with a narrow group and expand from there. It is contrary to what our mind thinks but the more defined you get the better the results! (12:52:16 PM) coachdon: harmen, my experience is that people just are not used to showing up with their A-game. getting into the habit of A-game mentality with everything changes lives. remember, how we do ANYTHNG, is how we do EVERYTHING. (12:52:26 PM) coachdon: harmen, so really, it's about SHOWING UP. (12:52:40 PM) coachdon: Harmen, no, YOU do. :) (12:52:48 PM) whosdat left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:53:01 PM) RegC: Clicked on FCC Links for Forum (in a new window), but it brought up what looked like a home page, not forum. (12:53:03 PM) CoachJacob: who was dat? (12:53:32 PM) FernandoL left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:53:34 PM) CoachJacob: RegC, you will have to sign up for the forum with the new site. (12:53:42 PM) BruceB [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:53:55 PM) CoachJacob: BruceB, Gdday (12:53:56 PM) GaryLoper: you need to ask to join the FCC group again, once the office can verifiy you, access will be allowed (12:53:58 PM) RegC: My avatars piece (under links) don't show any pictures (12:54:14 PM) coachdon: Mynders_glover, way to contribute! love this community of contribution based players. (12:54:33 PM) CoachJacob: Mynders, that is a great goft to Bear (12:54:39 PM) RegC: I needed to sign in to get to this LOL discussion and could see my profile. I need to sign in differently? (12:54:40 PM) coachdon: coachjacob, what was your biggest learning in the last week??? (12:54:56 PM) esther [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:55:10 PM) Harmen: Mynders_Glover: we can all learn from your generosity - respect man (12:55:17 PM) Mynders_Glover: Thanks, Coaches Don and Jacob. We had a great call last week, and I want to assist him. He's got a great plan going, don't you Bear? (12:55:25 PM) BruceB: Hi. Had major issue trying to connect today. Video still not connecting. New design won't load properly in IE. Had to switch to . Looking forward to the replay. (12:55:26 PM) GaryLoper: regc the login info is the same, but you will have to request to join each group (12:56:03 PM) CoachJacob: My biggest take away from last week was to know what I want and get really clear with myself as I do with my clients! I love it when I catch myself and am able to overcome the very thing I guide others in! (12:56:07 PM) Bear: I'm trying hard!!!! (12:56:08 PM) Ed [[email protected]] entered the room. (12:56:15 PM) coachdon: great BruceB, way to just flow with the circumstances. most people tend to let circumstance rule their life, rather than their own vision. (12:56:39 PM) CiCi left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:56:45 PM) CoachJacob: Bear, you are DOING not trying anymore! (12:56:51 PM) coachdon: coachjacob,,, ahhh.. so taking some of your own medicine, huh? (12:56:56 PM) Naty: thx CoachJacob, (12:57:16 PM) CoachJacob: You are Welcome Naty (12:57:23 PM) Mynders_Glover: Harmen, I've seen you give much to others on this chat, as well. (12:57:38 PM) BruceB: WooHoo. Got the video to display. (12:57:38 PM) Ed: Harmen rocks! (12:57:42 PM) Ed: :) (12:57:56 PM) Harmen: thank you guys - always glad to help (12:57:59 PM) coachdon: Sandra ROCKS!!! she is very helpful and knows her stuff! (12:58:00 PM) CoachJacob: CoachDon, always! I need to walk this journey standing tall and being vulnerable. By exposing that I gain strength! (12:58:28 PM) coachdon: coachjacob, the only way to breathe oxygen. (12:58:31 PM) coachdon: :) (12:58:31 PM) CoachJacob: I have to bow out at 1pm. Any questions for me? (12:58:34 PM) Bear: Now that I have one website up, I'll be working on getting the site up for High Bridge Woodworks. (12:58:46 PM) BelkiT: Coach Jacob...maybe you missed my answer. No I am not part of the big table. I'm part of the Fast Cash Program. (12:58:53 PM) coachdon: coachjacob, did you save me a cookie? (12:58:59 PM) coachdon: that's my question (12:59:00 PM) CoachJacob: Bear, do not lose focus on what you are doing. That journey has just begun! (12:59:00 PM) Michele left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:59:15 PM) CoachJacob: CoachDon, I cannot hear you (12:59:19 PM) kerbeare: the avatar's are they going to show our names (12:59:21 PM) coachdon: belkit, were you in chicago cash machine workshop? (12:59:24 PM) Harmen: To try and to fail is at least to have tried. To fail to try is suffering the loss of what might have been. (12:59:40 PM) Ed left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (12:59:41 PM) coachdon: coachjacob, uh-huh. thought so. (12:59:46 PM) coachdon: later, brother. (12:59:58 PM) BelkiT: No I am getting ready to go next month. (1:00:00 PM) Harmen: kencourse: I noticed that my twitter feed showed up in the tweetbox - howcome? (1:00:15 PM) GaryLoper: belkit as part of FCC, you select your our coach, simply go to accountability groups for schedule and specialities, try out a couple coach/calls and see which fits you best (1:00:16 PM) SallyBettenay: Is the live out loud website very compatible with Mac? (1:00:19 PM) CoachJacob: BlkiT, the accountability calls are every day except Saturday. I would try at least two or three different ones to see which coach serves my immediate needs now and to know the differences. (1:00:22 PM) BruceB: Is FireFox (vs IE) the preferred browser for the Live Out Loud site? (1:00:27 PM) Harmen: I don't mind but I was just curious (1:00:32 PM) Bear: Coach Jacob, if you get a chance, could you look at my site http://www.kbkhomeinspection.com/index/ and give me any thoughts and/or suggestions? (1:00:36 PM) Linda [[email protected]] entered the room. (1:00:38 PM) CoachJacob: Thanks GaryLoper for the assist! (1:00:39 PM) coachdon: belkit, so you will be there next month? great, please introduce yourself to me... Don Duncan, i will be there with the team. (1:00:41 PM) esther: will you share what theme and widgets you are using on the new design of the site? (1:00:57 PM) CoachJacob: Bear I will go to it later and give you a shout out! (1:01:00 PM) GaryLoper: my pleasure (1:01:07 PM) mib_lr654s [[email protected]] entered the room. (1:01:14 PM) Bear: THANKS! (1:01:16 PM) BelkiT: I see. I was on your call last week. (1:01:33 PM) BruceB: Could not get the redesigned site to load properly in IE even after flushing all the temp files. Had to use FireFox to connect today. (1:01:35 PM) Linda is now known as Guest33090 (1:01:45 PM) CoachJacob: Got to run everyone, make it a week to remember, move forward and have a plan on at least 4 or 5 actions that will move you forward! (1:01:46 PM) coachdon: excellant. belkit, what is your cash machine? (1:02:07 PM) mib_lr654s left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (1:02:13 PM) kerbeare: my avatar doesent show (1:02:21 PM) SallyBettenay: Bye Jacob (1:02:29 PM) sandramc: I keep hearing that some ISP are not updating right away so thanks for mentioning that ken! (1:02:32 PM) Harmen: CoachJacob - learned a lot as always - make it a week with enough learning and loving (1:02:33 PM) CoachJacob: BlkiT, were you able to ask a question? (1:02:40 PM) kerbeare: i know but my name doesnt show .. is that just mine (1:02:41 PM) CoachJacob: Bye SallyB (1:02:45 PM) Bear: Take care, Coach Jacob (1:02:57 PM) coachdon: apologies to all who were able to get into the sunday call as i was not. tried for over half hour. just could not get in. see you all later today 4:30-5:30pm pst and again on Sunday, 6-7pm pst! (1:02:58 PM) Harmen: kencourse: Where would you like your Duvel beer to be sent? :-) (1:03:06 PM) sandramc: The place to go now for EVERYTHING is www.liveoutloud.com then sign in and navigate to your particular program as you already mentioned (1:03:20 PM) CoachJacob: Harmen, send it to my house! (1:03:32 PM) CoachJacob: I will make sure Ken hears about it! (1:03:40 PM) Harmen: sandramc: YOU ROCK (1:03:58 PM) BruceB: Sandra helped me and directed me to FireFox. Thank you Sandra. (1:04:02 PM) sandramc: If you have bookmarked the old Fast Cash site, please replace that with the www.liveoutloud.com in your favorites or bookmarks (1:04:05 PM) Bear: Never heard of Duvel. What's it like? (1:04:08 PM) Harmen: Come to LBT76 - I'll bring the beer ;-) (1:04:18 PM) BelkiT: I'm a life coach. The immediate problem is that I am not clear on a specific area ALTHOUGH I think today I gained some clarity on that but it is not what I am prepared to coach :( (1:04:22 PM) BruceB: How do you setup the Avatar picture? (1:04:25 PM) sandramc: Thanks Harmen! (1:04:25 PM) coachdon: ken, don't worry about me, i'll find a beer somewhere. (1:04:27 PM) Harmen: Belgium has great coaches too :P (1:04:36 PM) sandramc: Sure thing BruceB (1:04:41 PM) coachdon: yes Harmen, this is true (1:04:51 PM) RegC: ken/sandra -- tried to get info forum from links -- am already signed in -- linked to home page rather than forum page. (1:05:06 PM) Bear: Coach Ken, Newcastle Brown is the best (1:05:13 PM) Naty: since I don´t see any website quiestions, Can I ask, If I am only using 6% of my hard drive and the antivirus says my computer is clean, Any Idea why would my computer superrrrrrr slow? (1:05:22 PM) CoachJacob left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (1:05:24 PM) Harmen: and we have some knowledge of drinking too (1:05:26 PM) GaryLoper: belkiT it will be much easier to coach from your heart and can fill a need (1:05:28 PM) RegC: Also, what is Member Activity (Group) that needs a new Requst Membership (1:05:31 PM) SallyBettenay: How about some real beer from Australia??? (1:05:33 PM) coachdon: belkit, what was the learning today for you that yields clarity? (1:05:39 PM) BelkiT: I was going in one direction and today I have gotten brutally clear that that may not be it. (1:05:50 PM) mikeS [[email protected]] entered the room. (1:05:57 PM) coachdon: sallybettenay, now you're talking! (1:06:04 PM) Naty: ok, i ll check (1:06:06 PM) theOngoingMind: so there are no threads in the forum yet? (1:06:13 PM) coachdon: ausie, ausie, ausie!!!! (1:06:14 PM) sandramc: Bruce, you go to the black bar at the top of the screen once logged in, hover over Account - then Profile you'll see "Change Avatar" (1:06:23 PM) kerbeare: glass a wine over beer anyday (1:06:25 PM) SallyBettenay: Micro breweries are the best (1:06:27 PM) sandramc: THen you can browse on your computer for a nice pic and upload it (1:06:41 PM) RegC: ken/sandra -- tried to get info forum from links -- am already signed in -- linked to home page rather than forum page. (1:06:44 PM) SallyBettenay: oi oi oi! (1:06:46 PM) Bear: Coach Ken, could you look at http://www.kbkhomeinspection.com/index/ (1:07:01 PM) coachdon: ausie, ausie, ausie!!! (1:07:04 PM) sandramc: @bruceB when we spoke a few moments ago you did not have vision to that black bar so your ISP may need mre time to update... (1:07:05 PM) SallyBettenay: oi oi oi ! (1:07:08 PM) RegC: Also, what is Member Activity (Group) that needs a new Request Membership (1:07:15 PM) coachdon: :) (1:07:28 PM) coachdon: love it! sallybettenay! (1:07:34 PM) Harmen: this is one of the craziest chatsessions with Ken EVER - see him switching between beer, the internet and LOL website (1:07:45 PM) Mynders_Glover: SallyBettenay Went to land Down Under recently...and couldn't find any good beer. :) (1:07:46 PM) sandramc: @RegC I am not sure why that may be happening to you (1:07:47 PM) coachdon: only Ken can do that!!! (1:07:49 PM) BelkiT: I attended an event this morning entittled Enlightened Entrapenuer and there was a speaker there that was doing my presentation and the fear hurt my stomach which tells me that is it. (1:07:52 PM) Bear: CRAP:( (1:08:05 PM) coachdon: Ken is not, NOT add, he is just wired differently (1:08:07 PM) SallyBettenay: Mynders, that's cause you're talking to the wrong people. (1:08:23 PM) Mynders_Glover: SallyBettenay OK...I'm a beer snob. These days I only drink IPA's if I have the chance (1:08:53 PM) RegC: sandramc -- I guess I'll need to call later. Also, what is Member Activity (Group) link that needs a new Request Membership to be filled out (1:09:07 PM) Harmen: with his small notebook thingy (1:09:11 PM) Naty: RAM is 3G and I don t see anything that says speed (1:09:15 PM) SallyBettenay: I can give you some great beers to check out next time. There are heaps of great ones, and none of them are fosters. (1:09:30 PM) SallyBettenay: nobody (1:09:33 PM) coachdon: belkit, "doing my presentation..." ?? speaking on your topics? and why did that stimulate fear for you? (1:09:38 PM) Bear: It showed up when I copyrighted the pics (1:10:24 PM) Susan11: Coach Ken is my avatar up yet? I posted it Susan Sheppard (1:10:27 PM) sandramc: RegC, perhaps via email or real-time phone call we can go over your questions...Please write them down and we'll poke around (1:10:40 PM) sandramc: [email protected] (1:10:48 PM) SallyBettenay: there are low carb beers here. We can help you with that. (1:10:54 PM) BelkiT: Yeah, as in "This is what I am passionate about" " This is what I can talk about ALL DAY and never be tired" " This is it" (1:11:00 PM) sandramc: Drink Vodka (1:11:02 PM) RegC: kencourse -- per Sandra, I'll need to call later to get my forum link to work. Sep question, what is Member Activity (Group) link that needs a new Request Membership to be filled out (1:11:17 PM) BelkiT: She's already doing it so what do I do?????????????? (1:11:38 PM) coachdon: belkit, ok. got that part, but where does the 'fear' come into play? the stepping up piece? (1:11:39 PM) theOngoingMind: so there are no forum threads yet? (1:11:41 PM) Naty: Kencourse I don t see anything that says speed, but the RAM is 3G (1:11:41 PM) Mynders_Glover: SallyBettenay...You are now my Aussie beer consultant. (1:11:43 PM) sandramc: Lemon Vodka (1:11:56 PM) SallyBettenay: maybe that should be my cash machine (1:12:01 PM) GaryLoper: belkiT find a way to do it better (1:12:03 PM) coachdon: oh... i see. well, what is the subject? (1:12:04 PM) sandramc: hahahaha great idea (1:12:08 PM) Harmen: About 5 miles from here there's an old abbey that brews beer the old- fashioned way - Trappist from Westmalle (1:12:25 PM) Susan11: Oh thank you for being a friend! (1:12:28 PM) Bear: Coach Ken, when I'm not drinking Newcastle, it's Makers Mark Bourbon for me (1:12:34 PM) Naty: 3GB (1:12:37 PM) sandramc: I brought a ton of Meyers Lemons into the office this week. (1:12:43 PM) kerbeare: who can help me with reducing my header in my website ... when i tried it disappeared completely (1:12:59 PM) coachdon: oh my gosh!!! iLOVE meyers lemons!!! (1:13:01 PM) sandramc: Chimay Belgun trappist ale- the champagen of beer (1:13:03 PM) Harmen: we drink it from the keg - a buck a glass :-) (1:13:05 PM) mikeS: How can I get a hold of Rebekah I was at the cash machine this past weekend and Loral referred to her as VIPOE "vice president of everything" (1:13:06 PM) coachdon: save me a couple??? (1:13:16 PM) sandramc: yep (1:13:27 PM) coachdon: mikes, what do you need from rebekah? (1:13:42 PM) coachdon: and she is vpoe, for sure (1:13:43 PM) Harmen: are you saying you want me to bring over a keg in June? (1:13:46 PM) sandramc: You have to pour that beer right and have the correct glass-it needs a frothy head on it (1:14:19 PM) Harmen: Come to belgium in August - a full weekend of Trappist and wurst (1:14:25 PM) sandramc: I used to manage a restaurant and pouring beer is an art! (1:14:40 PM) coachdon: wow, you all know WAY too much about beer! signs of a mis-spent youth. (1:14:47 PM) coachdon: like agood poolgame (1:14:59 PM) sandramc: funny stuff Ken (1:15:01 PM) Harmen: yes - Kencourse - we should J.V. on getting good beer to the us (1:15:03 PM) mikeS: Well my companies wanted to do the print for the Cash machines and I talked to Loral she gave me the OK to get a bid to her but I need to go though rebekah (1:15:07 PM) mib_z56tsw [[email protected]] entered the room. (1:15:11 PM) Naty: kencourse, any ideas? :( (1:15:23 PM) BelkiT: A few places. One is I don't have materal of my own. Another is that she already has that market, at least in my community. Feel like a copy cat. Another where do I start if I have no material???? (1:15:26 PM) kencourse: CC Cleaner (1:15:30 PM) coachdon: oh.. got it GO BIG RED!!! THIS IS DON (1:15:40 PM) BruceB: How do you taste beer over the internet? Figure that out and you really have a product that will sell BIG time. (1:15:42 PM) kencourse: Disk Defragment (1:15:43 PM) coachdon: let me see what i can do... (1:15:50 PM) mikeS: Hey Don (1:15:51 PM) coachdon: mikes (1:15:51 PM) RegC: sandramc -- I'll call now so I can get my forum to work properly. Not interested in beer conversation. (1:15:55 PM) mikeS: Go big red (1:16:07 PM) BelkiT: I am so not a wimp... but I feel VERY WIMPY about this (1:16:13 PM) mikeS: I try calling the office and no one answered (1:16:14 PM) Naty: i did (1:16:15 PM) Harmen: Sorry Regc - we just got carried away a bit (1:16:16 PM) kerbeare: mmm... waiting (1:16:23 PM) Naty: but I am only using 6% of my disc (1:16:29 PM) Naty: noo, I ll do that one (1:16:34 PM) Naty: i just did defragment (1:16:34 PM) kencourse: soluto.com (1:16:39 PM) GaryLoper: belkiT create your content, it will be different from your experiences, competition is actually good for everyone, don't give up without trying (1:16:50 PM) coachdon: belkit, but WHAT is the 'material' (1:16:53 PM) coachdon: subject??? (1:16:59 PM) Naty: OK, I ll do that. Thx! (1:17:03 PM) Bear: Coach Ken, How do I make a better 'call to action'? (1:17:08 PM) theOngoingMind: so there is no forum content yet? (1:17:14 PM) Susan11: Hey Ken when you click for the forum what page shows uP? (1:17:35 PM) GaryLoper: the old forum content is not available -- it is a clean slate (1:17:59 PM) Susan11: I don't get that (1:18:22 PM) kerbeare: can someone help me with the css... to reduce the size of my header (1:18:46 PM) coachdon: mikes. let me see if i can facilitate that conversation for you. email me at [email protected]. ok? (1:18:51 PM) mikeS: Well it the folder, pads, pens, order forms all with the logo on them...... i need a ball park quantity to get a better idea and also I need a logo to use (1:18:58 PM) Susan11: It looks like it reverts to the main page. (1:19:06 PM) coachdon: belkit, you still with us? (1:19:16 PM) Bear: Mynders, could you PM your phone number to me? I can't find the post-it I wrote it on. (1:19:26 PM) BelkiT: Healing from the inside out. (1:19:30 PM) mikeS: sounds good I'll email you (1:19:33 PM) kerbeare: i mostly followed (1:20:03 PM) SallyBettenay: Susan11 - i get the same thing (1:20:04 PM) kerbeare: oka (1:20:18 PM) sandramc: I'm assisting someone on the phone and am not participating on chat at this point (1:20:45 PM) mib_z56tsw left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client). (1:20:55 PM) coachdon: belkit, this is a topic that has room for a few thousand voices. each with it's own slant. just anchor to YOUR experience and what YOU resonnate most with. i am constantly in conversation that others participate in as well. i just prefer my own thoughts, words, passion, talk tracks, etc... (1:21:08 PM) Harmen: take care Kencourse (1:21:14 PM) kencourse: Yessir Harmen (1:21:14 PM) kerbeare: bye (1:21:19 PM) SallyBettenay: Bye (1:21:19 PM) Harmen: Bye everyone (1:21:19 PM) Susan11: Thanks ken (1:21:22 PM) kencourse: And I can't believe you can get WEstmalle Trappist for $1 (1:21:26 PM) kencourse: :( (1:21:26 PM) Susan11: bye everyone (1:21:26 PM) coachdon: belkit... speak from your core and do not feel the subject is 'owned (1:21:32 PM) coachdon: by someone else. (1:21:34 PM) BelkiT: In a period of 2 years I ahve invested a good 10 thousand dollars and I am trained to coach on every day emotional fear but my conversations always wan to go deeper. (1:21:36 PM) coachdon: bye all!!! (1:21:37 PM) mikeS: Thanks for your help Don (1:21:37 PM) Mynders_Glover: Bear I'll do it. (1:22:00 PM) Harmen: I'll bring some over - you can buy it from me for 25 bucks (1:22:05 PM) coachdon: yes, mikes. GO BIG RED, baby! best to Craig! (1:22:06 PM) Harmen: rofl (1:22:19 PM) kencourse: Oh snap!!! (1:22:23 PM) mikeS: GO BIG RED (1:22:26 PM) kencourse: By the way, how's your government situation going over there? (1:22:35 PM) kencourse: Have you got it calmed down yet? (1:22:37 PM) coachdon: belkit, then take them deeper. (1:22:52 PM) Harmen: that's a major burn dude - everything is working apart from the politicians (1:23:06 PM) coachdon: bye for now, all (1:23:06 PM) coachdon: 1 (1:23:11 PM) coachdon: ! (1:23:14 PM) GaryLoper: belkitT go with your strength you will attract the client who want to go deep (1:23:29 PM) BelkiT: BYE! (1:23:30 PM) Harmen: cya - have a great week!