Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, April 20, 19d7, Vo1.73, No. 136, 20 Pages Sunshine blesses service at cross By Bill Ruminski StaffWnte< Easter, supposedly a day of rest, is anything but a slow, melodic morcin:,: on Bald Knob Monntain. People sleeping in motor homes at the foot of Bald Knob Cross are roo.sted before 5 a.m. as cars drive up the gravel road leading to the cross.

Pope, Reagan celebrate Easter _. Page 7

As cars drive past, people marvel ~l many of the license plates: Virgmia. North Carolina, Oklahoma and Canada. The heguming of the Easter Sunrise Service is more than one hour Off. but alreadv hundreds of people wander about the mountain top. ChIldren, barely awake, stand at the basp of the cross. which glows in the light of a oO!en or so spoUights. While rubbing the sleep from their eyes the children peer up, in amazement, at the llJ·foot·tall monument. Parents. grandparents. reporters and photograpbers. on the other band. are fmding their ways to the small restaurant. A 3().cenl cup 01 cofree. a glazed douglmut and shelves of souvenirs help to pass the time The Sunnse Bell rings about 5:30 a.m The restaurant is deserted: the children are collected And so hegJns \:te search for seats among the SLiff Photo by Bill West

See CROSS, Pogo 5 Spotlights bathe Bald Knob Cross as tha Easter Morning sun begins to make ils appearance on the aastern horizon. $10,402 state grant, alley to top City Council meeting Poshard lambasts Reagan By JoDa Rlmar The request for vacating was StaffWnter made by Palsy Lorenz, a for education budget cuts The Carbondale City Council property owner, who owns By Da.id Sheets will make its final stand land north and south 01. the Staff wnt... other programs - Centers of tonight before newly elected alley. Sbe says that once the Educational Opportunity, Mayor Neil DIllard and council alley is vacated, the land will Sta te Sen. Glenn Posbard, Special Support Services and members Richard Morris and be more feasible to develop. D-Carterville, said he thinks Talent Search - all geared John Mills take their oaths of If the request is approved, public pressure is needed to to belp people already out 01 office. the city would relinquisb rights stamp out President high school get a college The council is expected to to the portion of the alley and Reagan", .,Ian to either cut degree, also face similar give the OK for City Manager the owner would assume or reduce federally funded cuts or elimination. Bill Dixon to apply for a $10,402 responsibilitY. for the property. education pr

Daily E'gy¢an !USPS Ui92201 Pubhsbed da.;)' in lhe Journallsrn and Egyptian Laboral"" Monday U.rough Friday during regular se'oeslers and Tuesda)' lh...,g., Fnday IT du~ng summer term by Southf'm JJhnOls Um\'er'Stly. Commun.r..a lJons TICKET SALES OFFICE AT PHI ~dlng. Carbondale. IL 62111>:. s.cond class poslage paId al Carbondale, 7!5 s. University Ave. X,~~l~~~ ';,~~~~II~~-~al=~~~ (~~~{~~f=hons BUilctlflg, On the 1.land, Upper level 529-1862 Subscription rates ar.. S40 pt"r ,"ear flf S25 far SIX mnnths ,",lthm the Mon_-Thurs. llam-5pm, Fri. l00m-5pm Vn,t!'d Slate-. and t:l05 p.."r ) ("Af' or S65 for . IX monl m all (O~lgn cQUnlncs. PtlStmaMcr SCnd ('han~t or addr~s I.. nail) Jo':g,.\plian. SouU1l"rn II ffiii!t ~loJ r.ar4)OC')8o{ .... R~ ., ...... • •••• New hours set for Rec Center Fitness enthusiasts wili have fewer bours during the week to which to be energetic at the Recreation Center. For the remainder of the semester the Roc Center will be closing earlier. and sometimes, opening later. The cilange is in response to user patterns determined by the turnstile system, Brian Lukes, Recreation Center coordinator, said. Fewer people are using the facility late at night on weekdays and eatly in the morning on the weekends, he said, and the changes coincide with trying to make the best use of the student funds. Although signs have been posted around the center for a month, many students still aren't aware of the time changes, he said, because sometimes all people think about is getting in, working out, and leaving. The changes began April 6 and will continue until May 17. Chopper stop New hours will be: -Monday through Thur­ Membe", of the campus ROTC unit make a run for a waiting chopper and a Cobra gunship. The aircr.e~I , from Fort sday, 6a.m. t09 p.m. Army UH60A Blackhawk helicopter next to Abe Martin Field Campbeli, Ky., were on display at the in.itation of the -Friday, 6 a.m. toB p.m -Saturday, 10:30 a .m. to 8 Saturday. The Blackhawk wa. joined by an Army observation campus Reserve Officer Training Cc. ps. pm -Sunday, I-lIp.m. Experts,: Keep U.S. missiles out of Alaska WASHINGTON (UP!) - Soviet and medium-range missiles from Europe Also appearing on "Meet the Press" agree in Reykjavik ::hat they wouldn't American arms control experts said and that be is optimistic about an arms were House Speaker Jim Wright of be in Alaska and we didn't agree in Sunday the placement of U.S. missiles pact this year and hopeful for a Texas al,d Assislant Defense Moscow that they wouldn't be in in Alaska could be a bone of contention summit. Secretary Ricltard Perle. Alaska." in what is believed to be the best Aspin appeared Sunday on ABC's One proposal would allow the Soviets Aspin said the agreement being chance yet of a superpower arms "This Week with David Brinkley" to mainlllin 100 medium · ra~ge missiles worked out "worries me a very, very agreement. along with Soviet _~mbassador Yiktor in Asia and the Americans to keep 100 great deal. I think that this business of Rep. Les Aspin, l).Wis., chairman of Karpov, director of the Soviet Foreign in the United St:,les. gradually eliminating sections of the House Armed Services Committee, Ministry, and presidential adviser Asked if the Soviets would object to nuclear weapons is not a very smarl also said he was worried by the Paul Nitze. the United States placil.g its 100 idea given the fact that as long as proposals. Aspin was part of a On NBC's "Meet the Press," Georgi missiles in Alaska, Karpov said, "Yes. there's a convenljonal imbalance in congressional delegation that met with Arbatov, director of U.S.A. and Sure. The situation now is that no Europe we're going to need nuclear Soviet leader MIkhail Gorbacbev last Canada Institute of the U.S.S.R., and a medium·range mis.iles of the Soviet weapons. week. member 0( the Supreme Soviet, said, Union are deployed in a way to reach President Reagan said Saturday that " It looks more possible, but ['m United Stales territory, even Alaska." ~v said, '" think there is a asa result of Secretary of State George tremendously cautious .... [ will say Nitze said: "It's important for us n ,t possibility now to reach an agreement Shultz's three days of ta1ks in Moscow, there was never such a chance given to to give up the right to !lave them in if there is a real willingness to do so the two superpowers have "narrowed any president of the United Stales as Alaska and we have not and we have without raising any artificial 0b­ the gaps a little more" on eliminating now." insisted upon tha t and we never did stacles." ~~~~ - . ~~~~~ Come see the OLD MAIN Controversial Film. , ROOM SILENT SCR·EAM DAiLY LUNCH SPECIALS MONDAY 4120187 Chopped SWISS Steak wlvegetable gravy. Wh,pped Potatoes. Soup & Salad Bar '3,95

TUESDAY 4121187 Ham a fa King With biSCUit, "3.95 Wh,pped POLatoes, Soup & Salad Bar WEDNESDA Y 4122187 Roast Beef, Baked POt.lto. Soup & Salad Bar '3.95 THURSDAY 4123187 rned Ch,cken, Corn on the Cob. SNJP & Salad Bar '3,95 FR.lDA Y 4124187 Fned CatfISh, Hush PUPPIes Soup & Salap Bar '4.95 We JIUllraDtee your meal will be served within 20 minUtes of the time you order or it's on UI! The Old Main Room il located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center and welcomeoltudwtl, faculty and staff Monday throuCh Friday from llam·I:30pm Continuous Showings Save 10% when you order lwu:b between I I a .... 120000. Thooe with reservations will be _ted fint, walk-ins will Monday, April 20th - Student Center l!iinois Room be ocated on a fint corne fint oerve t.oiL ~ wiD 9:00am to 3:30pm be held for 15 minutes. For reservatioru, ca114S3·S277 sponsored by the Student Bible Fellowship and Vineyard Student Fellowship lJBily &nPtian Opinion & Commentary

StucM>nf &M«-."-Ch... . am Rumimkl: Edltorlol Po~ Editor, Toby khrt: Anodal. EctitotiotPoge Editor. Mary WI.nlewakl: Managing editor Gordon 1IIIIngilcy, Pickings for usa election were slim THERE WAS THE USUAL dismal turnout for last week'S Under~ra duate Student Orga,ization elections. Don·t worry - this is not a righteous editorial castigating the student body for apathy. With such scant information about the candidates and what the USO can do for the school. most students showed what they reaUy thought of the election by not voting. Only 808 students voted for a USO president Wednesday. compared to 1.581 votes cast during last year's election. Since there has been no radical change in the undergraduate population in the past year. the low tum-out must be tied to both n lack of publicity and a lack of exciting campaigns.

The first ignoble prize goes to the Daily Egyptian. wbich failed to give any exposure to the senatorial candidates. IT the DE had supplied some idE'a rA who was running or even commented on the problem that too few candidates were on the baUot. potential student leaders C'.>uld have responded with write-in campaigns to Letters fill in the gap. As it was. students who went to the polls on Wednesday faced a list of unknown candidates and blank spaces for write-ins. A few too many votes for Donald Duck or the Bayer Aspirin man could have caused an interesting dilemma for the USO. BAS helps defuse racial tensions

FAULT ALSO LIES with the senatorial candidates. who failed I used to respect the Daily example. why do some white As I look at the list of BAS to raise visible campaigns. Candidates for the Access Party. one Egyptian. but now I am students go into a state of courses offered in the faU . I see of the only alternatives to the dominant Phoenix Party. began disappointed. Mter submitting panic when they get an Mro­ that Dr. Mootry will not be one campaigning for write-in votes on election day at the north end of two letters and not having American roommate? Or wh> of the professors teaching. Can the Student Center. It is hard to take such an e1eventh-bour them printed it makes me is the drop-out rate so high for the University afford to lose a campaign seriously. wonder if the policies are being Afro-American students? As a good professor? What eruorceO Are some letters not matter o( fael. the University messages are Afro-American As for the presidential candidates. John Attard certainly won printed because they make a should be thankful for the BAS students receiving from the on both his experience and his more practical vision of the USO. bold statement? classes. for if they were not University? Yet his race against Access Party candidate Vince KeUy was a offered racial tension would be hattle between Tweedledee and TweedieduU. KeUy had in­ I have learned that several out of hand. IT the University cares about novative ideas with practicaUy no plan on how to implement of my fellow students have its minority students. then why them and only flippant remarks wben he ran out of answers. submitted letter concerning The pressure is put on Mro­ don·t they grant our request to Attard ran a mild. status quo campaign that agreed with past the Black American Studies American students ~ learn aU keep and extend the BAS USO decisions on SPC funding and day care. Neither candidate program. However. only a few there is to know about white program? Is this too mucb to had a strong platform on student fee and tuition increases an:! of the letters appeared in the Am.erica. while white America ask? Time wiU teU if SlU-C both gave vague answers to the parking problem. nE. can and does go through life wants to eliminate racial without learning a thing about tensioD . THE USO CAN BE " ~"OWerfui group. It has the power to One good way students can us. except what they learned distribute funds amoug .!.udent groups. It can be a gadfly for let other students and from TV and miseducated Finally. I feel that U-.., BAS both the University administration and the cIty in campaigning University administrators history teachers. Learning has courses that were dropped for student rights. It can invent new programs for students like know bow we feel about the to take place on behalf of both sbould be reinstated and that the book co-op or voter registra tion. BAS program is through the parties. PersonaUy. I am BAS courses should be put into DE. but for some reason the bored with learning about the core curriculum. - Sharon Leaders in the usa must remember that the orgarization is staff refused to print our let­ "America the BeautifuL" Meeks. junior. physiology. not merely a business entity for distributing Registered Student ters. So once again I am Organization a Uowances or a rubber stamp for new RSOs or pecking away at my Recently. the BAS classes administration policy. This year's USO forgot these ideas with typewriter in hopes of getting did a survey to find out how its easy approval of the proP'?""1 toseU the University Book Store my letter printed. Mro-Ameri. '8n students feel Editor's note: Because of the and its fee increase for RalObow's End without a plan on how to about race relations here at sheer number of submissions, improve the center. The Mro-American courses SlU-C. Bra, o! It·s about time the DE cannot possibly print No one has reason to be apathetic about the USO. unless the are some of t/" , best courses at the adminislTation has come all of the letters it receives. USO gives them a reason to be apathetic. This year's election SlU-C. The B .s program has directly to us instead of in­ LeUers that are redundant or should encourage students who care about SlU-C to support their belped me am 'thers deal with terpreting wha t we feel. I hope that restate arguments COD· own campaigns next year. IT you can get your best friend and and understand some of t/"J(! the University's findings on tained in previously published your dorm Ooor to vote for you . you may have a pretty good critical issues we face as the survey will be shared with letters generally are not chance. minority students. For the students. orinted. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Foreign groups are open to Americans

This letter is written in respo= to Ernest Brown's letter of April 6 aDd in support of Sberry Hsiegb's response letter that stated that Mr. Brown should learn more about the international culture by attending events sponsored by the various nationality groups atSlU-C.

At this pomt. I would like to take the op­ Jl<'rtunity of inform you. Mr. Brown. U'at there are international student associatio!l$ that accept Americans as members. The Chinese Students Association, for one. opens its door to Americans in the hope of in­ /lfUO, TN/51S troducing Oriental culture and cultivating 1R1l/lItXJm, YES, understanding and friendship across Il/iNNY~' £J8oINY. cultures. /IOW/MYI /57J/li HE/.PYOU' ()()c1fJRIN' The CSA consists of members from TI//5/51115 8ROTHCI'. . Malaysia. Taiwan. Singapore. Hong Kong. ,.- the People's Republic of China. La 00. In­ donesia. Trinidad and the United States. So. Mr Brown. please do not make such over­ ~~nera)jzations about international sludent~ in the future. Please accept the, Im·ltallon lor membership 10 ~nable you In bd by the Rev. Dean disgruntled because of the Tbe crowd grows to about Stevenson OJ Marion. dancing headlight beams of 1,500 before trumpeters Laura cars being driven in the Sweazy and Sarah George Before the sermon, a young parking lot. from the Cobden Unit School girl looked to her mothc.r and Tbe yellow-corange sun rises sound the call to worship. asked, "Are we going to be in above thehori2'on about6a.m .. The Rev. William H. Lirely church?" taking away some of the early­ of Makanda, who witb "Yes honey, we're in church, morning chill. Wayman Presley began but it is an outside church," Worke-s scamper about the delivering East£r sunrise the women answered. ~tar setting up microphones services on the mountain in The service ends, and coffee and adjusting chairs for the 1937, greets the large and doughnuts are given to Union CQunty Community congregation with praise for those in attendance. I EDUCATION, from Page 1-- Otis Williams, association the phrase 'minority people not able!o participate director at the University of assistance.' The focus i& on in the prOill'A m. -. Posharrl Illinois in Urbana, said that the economically dis •.d­ said. people who think the vantal;led, not iust If the cuts and reductions programs cater only to minorities." go through , "what minorities are misinformed. People participating in responsibility can the state "Between 35 and 40 per­ these programs "stt.nd a assume to pick up the ceut of the peol'le in Upward four-times-greater success slack?"heasked. "The state Bound are white," he said. rate in completinf their will have a difficult time "That's why we like to avoid degree requiremen<.s than picking up lha !lost money."

Daily E~-ptian, AprlI'20. 1987. Page 5 Anthology celebrates women's Uves By Mary Caudle women" face in society. Other point from which each in­ S1affWnter A Review pieces dealt with the loves, dividual would start Nancy Brooks left the dreams and insecurities of discovering ber own cll'.ativt; audience Frida), night with a Brooks performed with a women, as well as tbe energy' - both alone and with gift - a gift of shared minimum of costumes and "matrilineage" that women others. memories and common ex­ props and transformed into a don't often find in their history books. "Women's Word," first periences, of validation and new character in seconds by performed in 1m, has gOlJe support. putting on an apron or picking Presented in a personal, through "many. many in­ Brooks, who performs for up a book. Her charac­ rather than a proftsSional, car!"~'\ons" in the last ten Womanshine Theater in terizations, which ran the manner, Brook.~ often spoke to years, Brooks said, as she Bloomington, Ind., presented gamut from Steil. to Sigmund the audience as "herselI" often finds new mateliaJ and is her dramatic antbology, Freud to a frog, added during the performance, constantly changing the an­ IIWoman!s Word tI at Davies strength and humor to the adding acd expanding on the thology. She also performs in Auditorium F~iday. Her performance, as well as material. More an em­ two other one-woman per performance. sponsored by proving Brooks to be a ver­ powering experience than a formances, "Scars" and Wild Pony Productions: satileactress in berownright. performance, what Brooks "Eleanor, Woman of Piece." celebrated th.e cycles ana In tbe performance of sometimes lacked in stylistic Womansbine Theater was renewals in women's lives. Griffin's "I Like to Think of ability she made up in en­ founded in 1m to nurture the The anthology included the Harriet Tubman," and thusiasm. talents of women in theater­ works of poets Marge Piercy, Piercy ' s "For Strong Speaking after the per­ related arts and to present Susan Griffin and Adrienne Women," both highlights of the formance, Brooks stressed professional theatrical works Rich, as well as the writing of anthology, Brooks emphasized that she hoped "Woman's and educational opportunities Brooks, Virginia WoolI and the growlDg strenght of women Word" would not be an end in to celebrate and strengthen the Gertrude Stc:n. and the obstacles that "strong itselI. but an inspirational lives of women, Brooks said.

Storybooks rule couple's roost ~~ooo AT KERASOTES THEATRES STORRS, Conn. (UP!) - A Heilweil is primarily the same, however, and the drama professor and hi. responsible for the "Black variety of illustrations and lIDEI\TY 684-6022 playwright wife have collected Beauty" collection, begun 24 other aspects is strilting. Murphysboro A! s,.,ou S1 more than 800 copies of "Black years ago when the family "I have two versions (of AnAm~riun T"il ,c; 7';00 Beauty" and " Goldilocks and lived in Los Angeles. "Black Beauty") in Braille. the Three Bears," including Our daughter loved hor­ And here's a Russian version versions in Gaelic, Italian sehack riding and one day with an English translation," 549·5622 phonetics and Braille. while cleaning her room we HeilweiJ said. Workinl Girls r".} With 350 copies of found five editions of "Black The foreword of the English­ TM: Se:cfrl of " Goldilocks" and 476 versions Beauty," Heilweil said. "We teaching Russian version notes My SucceutK;fJ, of "Black Beauty," Eva Wolas planned to keep one aad get rid the author's dislike of the and David HeilweiJ boast an of the rest." "capitalist exploitation" of FOX Eost9

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Pogo 6, Daily EgypIlan, April 10,11187 Hu~an rights appeal tops Pope's Easter ceremony VATICAN CITY (UP!) - Pope John Paul n, may not reduce himself to a mere object, but celebrating Christianity's holiest day at an may respect. from its very oeginning, the outdoor Easter mass for some 200.000 people in unrenounceable dignity that is propP.r to him." St. Pew's <;quare, appealed for human rights The traditional papal E&st~r mess!lge also Sunday and told the world "lvve is more echoed one of the mEjn !.hemes of his rece~! trip powerful than death." to Chile, where for t!le first time since he The pontiff also proclaimed Easl

it. OLD MAIN 'l\.OOM SANDW!CjJ'5f'"""ECiALS~----~ MONDIIY 4120187 Country Gentleman, Chips, '3.65 Soup & Salad Bar TU~DIIY 4121187 Polish SaU5age, French Fries, Soup 0. Salad Bar '3.65 One of the most successful mUJJicaJ ac\li !-O ever WeONODIIY 41Z~/87 emerge £10101 southern Illinois will be returning Italian Beef, ChIps, to their roots for a very specl... "homecomlng' Soup & Salad Bar '3.65 concert. The &udienoe will be pTeBent for lhe fllmingof two music-videos by WSIU-TV which TNUI\5DI\Y 412~/87 8 PM, TUESDAY $9.00 .W 8\lpport the band'. oev aJbum. Uve From ~ :1adame, french fries, Chicago - BIgger tban.£ver· OJg 'l'wjst and the 50up & Salad Bar '3.65 APRIL 28 ALL SEATS Mellow Fellows, to be releued 10 May on AlJi­ getor ltecords. " If you C&Ie aDy\bing about &be 4/24187 Reserved seating tickets. a $9.00. are Bjues or funky. uneut. Sou) Musk. you owe it to Shrimp Salad on Cr.:>l55ant, yourself to see 8ic Twt~ ... The IIeUow fresh fruit, 5oup& 5.~ OW '3.95 00 sale at the Shryock AuditorinDl PeU ...... HOUSTON POST Box Office Mood: y through Friday. ~4e ~ ycrI meI/I ... be 5e"I.~ ...,.., 20 "*Ue 10:30 a.m. to (\:00 p.m. Mail and Visal Shryock ~11~~~crc::leror"'~onU51 7 ,"te0ld'''''''~e MasterCaIYJ phone orders are accepted ~ _ontlleZnd_~tIIe~C..,..,._-.,.".. Auditorium ~ at 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CaB 453-3378 ~=:,..:r~.:::,r:= I or write 10 Shryock Auditorium. SIUC. SouIbenlIlllDollJ u_ey • ~ i~~iY,.j~j=~I>o_-- . __"'I>o_J\r1!l- CarbooOAle. lL 62901. at CutoooIdaIe 4!t3-3277 Bootleggers turn to drug running The tolerence of the community also 'Good 01' boys' "Obviously, there's more money:n drugs than bootlegging. changes. While residents accepted You could make millions of dollars from drugs and that bootlegging as a way of life, they jirew frustrated with drug trafficking and getting greedy, would take quiie a few years in bootlegging. " violence. "The people in this county were law officials say -James Arehart, assistant U.S . attorney helpless for a long time," said Keeton, wbo appealed l) federal officials for WEST LmERTY, Ky. (UPI) - The of business for one reason or another of bootlegging tha t was protecting help because local law enforcement "good 01' boys" in the hills and hollows are going to look for other income, and them." o{ficials were in coUusion with the of Appalachia are gelting greedy and drugs are obviously one possibility," Litterals. aba~doning bootlegging for the high­ Arehart said. WITlflN A few years, Lilleral's drug slakes crime of drug trafficking. "On the other hand, not all empire stretched from Florida and 'filE FBI arrested one of Litteral's " I think it is an epidemic throughout bootleggers are going to do it because Arizona to Ohio. But as his in­ partners on drug charges and per­ our mountains that bootleggers are the personalities are so different. I'm volvement grew, so did competition. suaded him to set up Litteral in a turning to drugs," said Assistant U.S. sure tbere are some decent Litteral set up his house like a for­ reverse drug buy. Litteral was Attorney Joe Savage of Huntington, bootleggers, but I haven't met any tress, with steel-covered turrets on the arrested for buying two kilos of W.Va. decent drug dealers." windows and a submacbine gun at his cocaine from undercover agents, and Federal, state and local law en­ side at aU times. The violence finaU y is serving a IO-year prison sentence for forcement officials say it is a natural FORMER MORGAN County Judge­ erupted in a shootout with a rival drug a guilty plea. A SO", Danny, is serving switch for many bootleggers. Often Executive Gene Allen, who was con­ faction on a rural road and Litteral's a five-year term. protected oy corrupt o(fjcials and victed with a former sheriff in a 1!1-year-old son VIas kill.ed. "Probably the l~ing that brought commuru:'es that accepted illegal massive federal investigation of his "With drugs, it led into violence," them down was greed," said Keeton. liid Assistant U.S. Attorney Japes Morgan County. For years, Litteral's Arehart said the progression to stumbled onto L'le corruption. Arehart. "You could make millions .'f network of corrupt officials kept him violence w~s natural. doUars from drugs and llu>t would tak·! insulated from prosecution as hIS drug F

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Dail,· ~n, April 20, 11181 , !>ag. AIRLlN~ Group warns of population disaster TRAINING WASHINGTON (uP}) - World worldwide in the most humanitarian and spend $3 for every $1 donated. He said the popula tion will reach 11 billion by the year farsighted programs is an investment in amount or U.S. foreign aid would be an INT~RVIEWS 2050 and could result in a crisIS leaving the quality or life for our children and additional $750 million in fiscal year 1989. " the entire Third World ... wracked b~ ' their children," said Fornos. The report said 20 countries account for w.lJ.-... _ ..... WBTfWIf AAf6. The Agency for International ""'/1D AJIIU6. TWA" NOMOHT. 00frm. vast poverty and mist'.ry," the PopulatiM fully 6lI per cent of present wor ld JernAl_IICWAY " ....." n-_ ..,. Institute predicted Sunday. Development is scheduled to stop population growtl;. Besides the United ...... IQt .... ,..~- ...... P....",ident Werner FormlS released " financing Planned P,lrenthood's work States, they are B..~ngladesh, Brazil, .... If,...... ,..~ ...... , Mwot ...... ICICJO-.....-...... Aif overseas on Jan. I, HI88, because of a 1973 Burma, China, Egypt. India, Indonesia, report, " A Blueprint for World PopulatiOIi ~ ...... -....".....,.... Stabilization," that said world populatior4 law that prohibits federal money being Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, ,...... , ...... ,..,,_-*'...... ~ __ ...... t7 ...... ~ currently 5 billion, is growing at the un­ used for aOor'.ons. In a speech criticizing Philippines, South Korea, Tanzania, Nt~"...... , 'iM ...... , ~ precedented rate or 87 million people per the Reagan administration, Planned Thailand, Turkey. Vietnam and Zaire. tt...,..cW, ___ __..... year. Parenthood President Faye WatUeton By 2020, the report estimates the The population could be stabilized at sa id the current level of financing is $20 combined populations of Asia and Africa ..-y, ApriIH about 8 billion by the middle of the next million. will be between 6 billion and 8 billion. oww.,. ­ ''The cost not taking action now on Tbe report projects that contraceptives _ L"'. century if the United States adopts or ~,II recommended policy and spending the population crisis would be enormous," needed to expand voluntary family 2:OO ...M . recommendations, the reportsaid. said Fornos. "If Americans felt anguish planning in the Third World from 1989 to A key and potentially controversial over the recent human suffering and 1998 will include nearly 8 billion sets of suggestion in the repcrt is that the United needless deaths in Ethiopia, just imagine oral contraceptives, 112 million sterilized States spend about $32 billion over the a world in which virtually the entire Third IUD kits and more than 51 billi· n con­ next 10 years, from 1989 to 1998, to extend World will be wracked by vast poverty doms. family planning services to all Third and human ntisery." Fornos said the costs or supplying the world couples who need them - estimated Fornos said t"': !'"Qney must come from countries would average 50 cents for Ollt. at 400 million. both wealthier nations and Third World month 's supply or " pro!!'Ction against INTfRNATlONAJ AIR ACADEMY " We feel that a $32 billion expenditure governments, many of which already unwante d pregnancies." . . Robber)' victims: Half get injured AILABLE WASlilNGTON ( UPJ) - An victims a year - a rate of required medical care. _ average of 1.2 million almost seven robberies fur Women and people over 65 Americans face a robber each every 1,000 people 12 years or were more likely to be victims. year and more than baH of older. The study said an Attackers used weapons in them are pbysically attacked, average n5,200 thefts were almost one-half of the rob­ . Gospeland Bookstore said a Justice Department completed each year. beries, and cLances were one survey released Sunday. In Murdale Shopping Center While the study showed a IS in five the weapon was gun, the · PIaza Records - Record Bar Based on estimates from a pereent decline in robbery study sbowded. Tbere was also 606 S. U1inois in Ihe mall 12-year period ended in 1984, ra tes during the perind, more than one t~~ef in about 50 the department's Bureau or largely due to a 29 percent percent of the cuses. New Release in Album & Cassette Justice Statistics said about drop In attempted robberies, "Robbery victims were one in 12 or the ro"bery victims the rate for completed r0b­ much more likely than rape or are ·seriously injured, either beries remained the same. assault victims to face two or raped, knifed, shot or knocked Two-thirds of the victims more offenders," the study unconscious by their at­ each year lost money or said, and "generally did not ~Seniors&Grads... tackers. pl'Op\!rty, one-third were in­ know tbeir assailants." The bureau's National jured and tbeir attackers were About one-half of the rob­ Crime Survey estimated that male 90 percent of the time, beries happened at night, wben atmost 14.7 million ~Ie the reportfound. it was more likely that the were robbed, or were VICtims More than one-half of the victim was injured. or attempted robberies, in the victims were attacked, the dozen years from 1973 through study said, either sbot at, About .one-half or all com­ GIVE 1984. knifed, or grabbed. Victims pleted robberies involved The 12-y!'ar average was were injured in 33 percent or losses of $82 or less, with the about 1,223,400 million robbery all cases, and in 15 percent average loss set at $447. Vocalist set t*********************************"It SOME CREDIT ! : The IslaD,d : to perform ~• MOVie· L i brary ;• grC!d recital = 10-10 II-Sat = Soprano Patricia Bedford < 12-S Sunday ~ will perform a graduate recital Q Rekucfng. I nexpensive Entertainment today at 8 p.m. in the Old = ~~t Foundation Recital ! Cvrea(BoCrftl,. ~ < 5<; ... .IIan, Tit. "y.B lue V.,Wet, Captive, Sbe will perform fiv~ works, iii True Stories, Legal Eagles, ClocJcuJl5e, = including "Et incamatus est" ~ T op Gun. Bcac~ T o SchooL t" Il:y Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and "Quatre chansons de III .------l"J jeunesse" by Claude Debussy. '" I KO DBPOSIT ] :. Bedford will be ac­ ~ : KO IIB_B.SHIP FBE I III companied by pianist Tim Meier and celLsts Arnold r:1: Island Movie Library : = Barton, John Basden, Allan Bennett, John Hooker, Daniel ~! VCR II: 2 MOVIES- ! lti~l1arlo, Cathy Paull, Pat 7115 8 1 . Ellterllezt to I Piec·.ka and Sarah Smith. =I UDl...... ity $7• 95 1UDlt... I Admission is free. I 1 per penon ezp, 4126 /8 7 : • Just bring a copy of Graduate pianist L _____ ~ ~~~~~~~:~~! ~~ ____ ~ your schooI •• D. performance set Pianist Sung-Sook Kang • No cosigner required Yoon will perform a graduate recital at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Shryock Auditorium. Yoon will perform Bach's "Toccata in E minor," Bar­ IADDIV NOW ON CAMPUS tok's "Improvisations, opus 20," Chopin's "SQnata in B minor, ~ 58" and Mozart's "SooatamDMajor." FREIGIFTI Admission is free. Date: April 20. 21," 22

Time: 9:00 am-4:OO pm Place: Man., faner .....zeway Tu.... Neck...... Zltway WH ., Student Center Cl77BA1K.

Pag.12, Dilly Egyptian, April 20, 1917 It" DATSUN JIO. hb'c 4' lpd. olr I/979 SC:JOCCO fN~NE " , . """ DAN'S USED AUJ<..o 1'0,15 (FO'.111"1 IVII.FM con.'''. JS mpg ••f" eend ',Nt ortd 0.-""'" good condll1Ot1. and DonI •• fic tocoled 'hr•• ct~ •.,. 0 mil. N 0' Ccrrlll'n'lll,. StoSAcrlU 54'·5305 ml"S!f;0IJ1 I! !:,~,S19..4697 !!,~?,O CcMp Irood HIwn tom Spon I 915 It'4 N'SSAN SENTlrA. S. • peed. 1.dr 1967 'UfO( SPfOAL Good eoncfillCHI 25')J ANo .HI! very deern rd·.o_ ortd dependobl. IIJOO Dr best 5. 13.11 S4JJAblSJ \ of'. -r I *n SJ9SO 54'·IJt. oil., 451· 79fO t'\.fD T/II'ES AND low prien on - ond ,lItCop' 101t1H"''' S19 9S GCJ'OI' Cla'ssified ~;~. • ~ CHEV£m, !!,~=:~ I ~;:" ~ESTOIED vw ...~:A~':! 76. 519·2301 eood tondlHon, """ t"Odlol. "SO ' englIM , ",..... boHery. .'e Mull S.l'" 5~7Abl"9 451.104' I"" S2100 Co" S4'· IS4 1. leove 4 MAG WHEW. K..,-IOIM DoStie 4. 27.11 5920Ao141 men0g9 type wflh " , •• UOO 010 54'·6014 \ 76 FOlD PINTO Auto AC • • unroo', 4-20-11 sa35AcrlJ6 4. ,.,..,7 Sl66AblJ6 •• cellen,condlllon. SlOSOOIO Coli 1911 TOYOTA TElfCEl Good con· Directory 4)1. 7J6S ml.,. pm dillon. IVII·FM rodlo. ,)J.J9 "'PSI. "'4-17 59OIAo,40 S16'5010 S19·)l55 M n'·1119 rN""'/M~'0"_" ""N' '''1 o;.,T$~IN 200SX. ·n . Hbk. oulo. rum 4·"-17 . •. S147Ao14 1 i.~.u m~~~!or~~~:., ..... ,.:~ .. ~ gf«JIf GtodUCII • • mUll • ." S600 1~7' VW RAIIIT Air. AM·FM I 010 4S7-4a16 ('O$h" • • ••cell."' amc;/II0t1. $1500 "16 HONDA SPREE 1M .01. low 4. 21·17 5919Aol,)' 010. >49-1744. mllecrge. flOOd condmon. 1500 Dr For Sale For Rent 1910 IrENAULT leCOI'" Only 5. .... 4·17·" • •.. SIJOAol41 bIt"off., Ccrll S19·5174 mil.. be condlllon MUll 1. 11 TII'IUAtI'H GT6 Crcr,lIe 1910 or 4· " ·17 5100Ad41 5936Ao142 1975 HONDA CIT 360 Good cond.. Auto ! !l:'.-:'~· 4Sl . ~ . ~,;:~tya:':::~ ~:'::~ :r::. wlfh lo/rlrtg. 1.500 ml," S400 010 1971 VW Mu,' ••11 . Phon. 687·J695 6 pm. Apartmenta lervl ... OH.r'" .£EHf ot,., 549·0I.S Part. &. Se",le.. S4 • . m.. 4·"-17 . .. .."" 5n2AolJ1 Hou... Want... 4.14." .. 5932Ao l4(l 19SO HONDA ACCOID. 4-dr. s·.pd. 4.""" .. S697Acl36 Motoreyel .. 1976 7.50 TlrIUMPH. Ionn..,"' •. Mobll.Horn•• Loot 1916 PONTIAC SUNII/IrD «u"n,ng olr, ~S . AM·FAA coo... . 57K ml .. J6 H_ greerl 16SO 0' b.., off., Coli 457· I"lpt• •• e. In' .• S240'. S49.oS60 ;',.,d~:~:;~U,~g~",;: ~: MobIl.H_ Found 6SJt&.~Spmortd1pm 4·"-17 ... . . senAol" ,,., t .. /910 TOYOTA TElrCEl SI7SO. I9IJ IfIO ' UIO( SKYtAlrK. 2-dr. 4-cvl. 30 4·1/·'1 n 44Ae137 .-.oom .... Entertainment Tt'YOlo SIorl., $25SO 5J6·SSIJ• •• , "'pt. 69• • u mil • • New tlr~. Slaoo 1911 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 450 E.e. MleceUaneoua Dupl.... 212. doys.. 010. 519· IJ69. 549·225l'. cond. SlOSO 010. 'NO YOI'n(IIho Ilectronl .. Announcement. SoIl." .. . . SJ72AoIS,J 4· 21·11 ...... Sl79Aol31 Wanted to '.nt 19" 10YOTA crUCA GT . AC. AM. 1f,2 TOYOTA STA'!lET. hb'l. S·spd. ~~~ .~'1 be. CORd.. S700 010 Pat. &. Suppll.. Auctlono &. Sal .. HI! II~ . a&K O'lg. ml," V.,.,. 1-dt'. IVII.fM .,.,"" . 36 "'PSI. mInI IwI_Pr_ty 4."." .. SlJ6AC"IJ1 Ileyd.. Antlq_ ~b l • • $ 14SO 54' .6"4. cond .• 510SO. 529· 16;7. 1911 fAMAHA 7SO s.co Shaft Mobil. _ Lot. 4-20-17 . . ••••• 5I74Ao 1J6 4-20-17 .. . •• S14IAol36 drl .... n.w IIr .. CJnd boH..-y. loolu _I..... 15.000 mIl ... . . TOYOTA 4.spd. n.nn Come,.. I .... FI90 SE. e. INO COIO'.LA ond "".,1 veer'. SI400 010 54'· Help Want... cond.. 0 11 opl/onl . OulO . blodc. ..e. AC. ANo ·FM COI,.If• • JS mpg. m'. Sporting GocMI. Fr_ ,,,,","00/. S6OOO. 519.1OS6 S1OSO 010. Co" 549.0079 4·21 ·'1 ..• 5J02Ad31 ("'polyment "'''''' . ..•. 5174Ao l36 4·19·11 ...... ••.. S9J'AoI4J HONDA AEIfO SCOOTEIr JO. I9IJ lIecr_tlonal .I.... N...... 1976 CHftYSlElf CO«OOIA. good 1979 HONDA PffEtUOE, S.spd. 01,. ~~~6 COM . low m"., Jenny 01 451· V.hld.. Want... .I..... N...... cond/llon, I'tO I'\l101 . Mony """ pot"fI .1ItVOOI. "ew IIr ••• •• C" condlllon deon. S700. S49.22S,J. 51200010. 519·1192 . 4·21 ·17 •• SlS6AclJ7 Furniture • _I&tat. 4. " ." ... . Sl1'Ao IJ6 4· " ·17 • 1914 HONDA GYIfO $cool.r. good Mualcal PlY WAGON. 6-cr. "n" , ... 11. SJlS ""'==""''''''==== cond • • om. new port. crr.ol SJCJ' mll~ IrftJdy lor SprIng At.king ~hU~· 6~40/'''5JOpm5900AOI1l r" ~;;=;:;;';~~ ..~ S400 451 7909 ._nl"VI. ' 91' TOYOTA COfOttA SI·5 C~ . .:-'I'-l"..:w:~n:-:-:.:---:o:~,-...-, -"~? 4·'1·17 .. Sl5SOAdJ7 5.¥d. AC. AM ·FAA con, S' •• u m l. MOTOlrCYOES /NSUlrANC'"..t lOW _II molnlolned', •• e cond . mUll EAST SIDE GA RAGE. Ferr.'g" crlld oulO repow 60S III/nols. ra''' . rflCJrty d/lcovn', Bl.IdIIlck· ,.11. Sl4SO. 519· I 795. dom."k N HCJven. 'n...,ronc. 519·211• • L~~·~::J H , J: ,,' 451· 7631 4-20-11 . Sl99AoIJ6 4·24·17 s.!9Joc/40 19" TOYOTA crUeA GT. ll/Ibocli. 5· ...7 .' .• 5U4AbiSO AUTOMATIC U ANSMISSIONS RED HONDA Xl 100. 1979. lUI' S·.pd. a ir, AM·FM con . PS. P• • r.or r.bulll. "'". grlltCJl. S2S0 OBO Ccrll YourS~Eh ClfiLlmpOr If <' ·"' A:;=t~;~% ·'ll wfndowwfp«. lovver. 36 mpg. Onl,. PlrOFfSSIONAU Y r.bullt, $n5 oft., S pm 54.·S090 In.toll.d mosl mok.1 F1-_ 10<"01 t SllOO. 519..4691 4-20·B7 • S492Acl36 Mig t Be Here .h'~' '" '~'~"""·w<,«,, ;,'.'n ;. ItIO ' UIOC' SKYLAII'K 2·d,., 4.cyl . lowing. EOII SN1. Gof~ . 60S N YAMAHA 6SO HERITAGE SIIII urtd... "" HONDA ovrc. 2-dr. 5-JPd. 30 mpt. 69•• •• mil•• • New 1/ ..... IIIln~ •• 457· 7611 wo,ronty• •• trOI. 1/400080 1·' 41· 11100 010. 519· 136', 549·225J. 5·1l ..17 . 5141Abl53 1980 Volvo GLE Wagon ;;~~;;'of:;t~ $1600 080. "'4· 2....,1 .. Sl9IAcl40 "·13-11 . . • 594SAo I19 OWON '86 HONDA SCOOTU ISO fl". t DATSUN_X. "" "" . , . .".. 1'$. ..~ . ..cellenl cond/lkwl. Automatic, Air o.,u.. Carbondale's Radiator Specialists low mf'" Sl2SO Dr &..1 off.r 536- 55850.00 ~":~~~;c-OC:~i . ::~M5;;~I: ' 14J4 Dr 617·1971 S.'.'7 .. .5'lOAo145 4-'4.. 7 59OtAd40 10%oH 1976 HONDA "500. run. greerl. 1983 Mazda 626 LX new bi-ok.. SlSO Dr &'1/ S, ..... t t Part. & Labor S49·6191 Ali Pow er, AM/ FM Cassette INSURANCE 4.20-., • SJ34Acll6 (Excluding air conditioning units. ItI1 YAMAHA 6SO Mo.I"., '.h. t m,Iet. rUIII UC SllOO Phon. 457· $6750.00 low Motorcycle Roles Not good with any other coupon) 5601. k.ep Irylrtgl 1977 Datsun 810 Wagon Also 4· 24·B7 . 5'41Acl40 t Aula.Home. Mobile Home Fully Equipped, One Owner t {!J!]Bj r:::=1 ~: ~ .~~v~:~E::~h~:]l $1995.00 ~. 529-1711 Open Satunlayo .... AVALAINSU.ANCE Expires 5/ 1/ 87· ...... 1 MAKANDA 4 BflMOOMS. 2 bothl. 1978 Toyota Land Cruiser 457-4123 city wotlH" U:1 lty Polnl n • •5OO Coli S49·7526 t . 4. 20-17 •• . 511OAdll6 Only 65,000 Miles ! . •. .I,ht Down To $2150.00 ,Hop 9'~ ~ 8'1-""4< !Yo< \y_ 1978 Honda Civic ,no. Dally lIYPtlen c.ompIete Wah &. Wax SpedAI t --'~f----- t# 14.51. ' 71. NEWlY PO,",td· 3 Door, Stick Shift, A ir 95 It~ . I""", $6000, unl",., -...... ""O- I- ~ .,,'2.f. 11000 Comw 101 MUI' _ , S4~ $950.00 . , ~ ...,- 'A@ ~ . I'" . ••• 594I A.145 CLASSIC CAR CARE 10dO VUY NICE. 1 b.df"OClom In WALLACI, .NC. , Cars Only ~';".::-£ S2100 CoIl 4S1· 303 E. Main. Carbondale . Vans &. Trucks sllsht additional charse t 10 ~ . WoUhlnaton ."., tit,. S. I'" ...... S937A.145 teed 10.SO WOOOIUlfNEIf. No " . 549.2255 457.531~A "I topl_. 519·3814 = 3: ..zs-., PllItOIon' Hl/J. ' 1200. phone 'r_ 01 ~~~ D.I.a.A'S1flID S1t..JSJJoI~ . "2,)·'7 . •• •• 552OA.IJ9 ~ FOIf SAlE 12.60 MobIl. Hom.. 2 8drtrt , 'umlshed. .lIce'''''' con· ' ~"Ion tocat.d CJI lo.onn. Tri. Ct. No " . CO" S4,..4731 M l· n4-4D6.J. Don't Know Which Way To Tum? 4·1 ..... 1 .. •• . •• S522A.I40 VOGLER MOTOR CO .• Inc. 11.60 UHDU~'H H ED . Two 301,... 1111_'...... t.dt-oom. roN. tIHf'" pool. ~ . See .. knMdry. S21SO 010 . S4 • ..0J.45. P.O. I .. 1fU. 4-14-17 . .... S94IIA. 140 CA IitIONDA U. ILLIHot' .:1-901 r... ..t>-l6l1 l . n~l» Daily Egyptian Sal.. R-.w-ntatlve RENTAL Today UNIT Our ColI~ Craduates. OWNERS VOller Motor Co 15 happy to announce the Collece Graduate Purc ha~ Program

Whit does thiS rne.an to youl It means a new Ford or Mercury With no down .,.yment. pre-.pproved tlnanclna. ANO S4OO.00 cash ! I J

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v::;slet Motor ~ .• ....J !or.4 Motor CO. N Y' you N rned It. eo.. tfI Mel Me '" If., N. IIIenois Aw.. CONTACt MICHELLE ;nc;d~~, Call 536-a111 VOCLER MOTOR CO THE FORD STORE s-.aa11 Daily &fyptian UT.211 ONE IED«OClM A'AJTMEHrS, Ib:t· 2LAaGi I Idrm Aph , ~ «Jmpu. WHY 'AY R(NT NI~ 11.~5 MOOII. ",VACODA GiffEN SCUlPJUIfCO NEW AND OI.OlR ApI •. holll.S ond Corpel Appoll ".15 SlOO viti')' ~::'=:nd8~n~'~:'0 S::,'~ ~~ Iro.,.... clos. 10 SIU. I. ,. orKl 3 52... It.", Includ.. _I." troth fllmllh.d ',1 qul.t r.,ldenl/ol or.-c Hom.s fully fumhh.d .,.,Ith AC I pldlup ___ Avol'QbI. lumm.r reody for FoI' ,,,,,,.srw 3 10 moos. good cor.dlllon "57... 771 Idrml fvrn coif 11'1. on._lng Sll5 S usaF I ydeos. 457·nl1 I ! .'J~~ 1182 5111Am1J6 OM ,., 11 Suprlree Aporlm.ntl, 5. 13.'7 514'80/53 from. noM high« rftc" IJ.SOO 529· • 21 -87 51b1 ... fl37 ry"em 01 457·2661 2" how" 1 cloys 13204 ~ILO CAR SEAT crIb, flreploce ,.'. 0 ...... " fOt Iocvl'on orKl pt"ICft Ot 1195E WO',",1 579·0 11 TWO FEMALE suetEASOS rte.ded JENNY S ANTIQUES AND U.ed 4·19·11 .5J0480'43 4 '19." 5361 A.'''3 drv~ . r.frl~or , .,.,... bor.looII r...,,..,,_ 8vy ortd Sell Old ttl 13 coli I~ oHIc. 01 529·UIl 01' 579· 191.. r1d5 AU .'4tdt'"lc. n;c. coW"., ~ , gvHor 54' 8 1ll II,. NEW31£DfrOOM.512S WoI l. lum , ',e; ~=~t ~:r. ~~7~'::.tug _t, lum 11)11'1'1 ot M ~lond I"" dol. to ttlK. UlO Summer, UOO F--5 4." ." 594010142 lorollotl ~ 101 r..,'. me"" ."rot ' ·20'" 550IA1/36 To",". go3mtl.. S4,"'971 4· 22·87 .512180 13' NEW' IOIlMS 516 S ,oplor. 2« 3 )"OU poy lilt! CoIf ,,,. Of'Is ...... ,flSJ 5'" 0104 5fll1 S21 ....ml53 .,.Iem 01 451·266114 houri. 7 dcryI :.!~=.:,::tt:~N':'.I:o:..;: ..... 10-., 5243A.I .... KING WA rUlED, 6 sin tk_ « ~I ,he Conlee of 529,U, ' or 519· 52' S 1111I'l0l. Ave 529·5020 or 5-4,. NICE 17d5. 3 bdrm new """VI"-' Electronic. pedntol Good coMmoro S79·3118 r7! . ~n~r:'~otr=:~,!:::,:O .y.tem 01 4S7·2661 , 24 fr., 7 doyJ or 1110 0547 :':oll l«oppl ot"f«Jocff ct,.,..,. ond tar~'...... -Md pew'" w rtl _ coli Ih. offIce ot 579·3511 or 579· 4· 22·81 . 512910131 4.11-17 SlSlIoIJl '.,s J,«OO 54' "10 lENITH COM'UTUS SIU 11"0., 4·11 ·81 EFFlOEHCY. AU UTIlITIES poid MEADOWttlOGE 3 IEOIfDOM ' ·30·11 52S6A.1 .... IlKn., recenlly remodeled. deon cmd Fa« SAJ.E IOd5 MotH,. HerMs. _ Icome OofoComm Sys lem •• "" '''0 512180131 U,..fvrnf.hed 12 monlh leo•• "51· W Srcomor-. 579·2563 "'''·11 moder,... ocrOlJ .I(_t from co""P"! ~ . tar".' In Corbonc:tol. STAtt"NG AUG ~ May. clo•• 10 all. 5·13"" "29OA,,1.53 grodvol. pnnerred 701 W MfJI! 4 24." 59J.80 140 ... I. fN ottd $7100 1·'63""" APPlE IIPWS -UK. 2 Db" Orlves, ~ comp"' . • "'0 ""ew, 2 :I 4 S20' 5O·S2"Sme 529· 1101 COAtE, SPAaotIS Q£AN, 3ldrm 4-70"" 5"'A.136 HEC 5525 Prinlec' .,.,.K.yboord. bdrm . furn . I,...ul No pet. 54'· 5· 1l·'7 . 570710153 '"5 TWO BEDROOM Mobil. Hom. 6 ml, S.E . Ivxvry "","" AC Softwore ~ I .ed 01 51640. FIfEE MAG ... Z/NE WJTH .... et)' p4ff' •• oa. I laRM APT. fvrn or unfum. AC, A'IO"obl. Mo, $l1O, ulllm.. I,..· Ctob OrdIord 10h Fvrnll h.d wi" 4." .'7 5':610142 '01"" 1.11 fM SISOO 010 See 0' O" •••n cho•• 0"'" Sl W. no_ oHw on • Mer or AIIQ 451· n'2. eluded Di.COI.IfII lor I yr leo•• Coli "'vollobl. June " 19" Coli 451· Horrw• • 549 07"3 MidI Studio wllh (.tar. 5· ll·'1 ~SIoI54 51.5 Mobil. chon,...' S49·S575 lor OpPel,..,,...,,, ' -21,'7 . 5510Agl41 frode , C_ ,,.. fM 0 demo orod ~? I'::,~:"o.::.,~o'bf:;=-;'';, SWA.,36 fN AIIQ 617· 193' VERY NEAll CAMP US . flH'nl.hed. 5.1 .• ' 5934801 .. 5 '·10·" ttAOIO SHACK IfTSIO Compul.r ch«" ou' our n.w o,..d u • .d Iv_\fry' .fflclency fM gt'OdllOI. low COALE TOWNHOUSE, 1 Idrm , " .51. 1911 NA T ONAl . , Includ.. prln'" one d.I" u,../I '.'edlon OllCo'. 5· " .. 7 ,. 561.f101S1 bedrooms. cenlro/ olr. lorg. dedi:, 5" , ".,-boc:wd bod< , .ORM UNFUIfN IS HEO. qul." AC. ond medIco' studenl. onl, . '"' pel •. 'UndK", AC , 6 "', S E Avolloble Moy 52'0 vlllm.. Includ.d wo.het, nIce. Sl 400 ~Sl · 6" 4 '519 ond _ '". gol 11'1. s~I.m. fM "fOVr WOIH, gol orKl lro. h IrKI .. Mot' 1.5, coli 614·4 145. "·24·11 i'JJAg 11(1 porI'.' o,>d bonq~,. Sovnd CMe O,.lOUn' for I leo.. Coli 5-49· 4-'4," 5'21A.I4O SI.5mo 54' · 13ISor ' ·193·2l16 5· 1l·'7 581'_lol5l yr ~ Mu.lc, 715S U,../".Nlt,'. .. S7.56.f1 12.S5 EXCElleNT COND • , bedrm. 4·2.. ·17 55 11 8014{) 5515 lor oppo'nlm.nl 5. 1.'7 59JS~1 45. oppIIO~J~ .hed, •• co.II.." lof 'n0 OUP1£X APr . 1 yn old. 2 bdrm, ~ ,~~y P:cf ~""I:J:.;; , ':,yb, rI ' c. por" S5 .S00 5" · 361' 1 ~~:~:.. ~;'E:'~ .d.. ~~!F ~~I~ ~: " _~ 1 ~;j~7If ' lESSONS·SIU ,:~:;;~~ cenlroi "'-I orKl olr. oppItonc ••. frotl' lown 1 block, from SIU. AYOI' • ~Irtg. ~. _ _ - . .... 'slonlflnowregls'wlngl ...... ts wo.hH·dryw, mlcrowo.... . fvlly AIIQ 451· n.2 Of 5-4' ," "5. "2"" 5441 .... 131 FttU ' U,.,.'ES, 1 wk. old. bootdM for pr/vot. I.nottl, All ,.".1• • og

457-4422 FOR RENT SUMMERRAlES Carbondale ..Iukl A",....,:)()6lh WMt Mt:l . $310 .00 for the sum m e r . e me. te r. ASK ABOUT FRE[ BREAKS. '19-3U3 ..Iukl "'II-Edge of compu •• S330.oo fo r tM .ummer ~.... . A'if( AIOUT ~ PEAKS. '19_ St_'- T.,. Aph.-AII u'iI ' ies homiohod •• ,. S. Wmhinglon. It'. TI •• For A Y.rd S.I. SI9S.00 per mo. Adverti ~e in the Daily Egyptia!"! ,,.·':.20 Che',_" Apt. ·lorge efti· car,.:y. WorNn Rood, $160:.00 , II... for 2 ...y ••• ~.. t .,. w:th pet/ SISO.oo w j,hout. ;,29·2.20 Advertise in the Daily Egyptian Thu.sd<)v and Friday of any ...... St. Aph ••2 bedroom, week and receive a special rote plus __ _ .tu mished CH unfurn. 601 E.

r:'19-2620m . ~ 'mo. 3 FREE Yar~ Sale Slgnl ...... "'--... 'C, unfurnished, 12'2S W ..t Your ad will oppeor under a 'peciol "cUp & .ov."column In the claliitied t,~ , $305.00 pet' month . • ectlon . Thl. column will be clipped by ...ger bargain hunters In ....rch ~19 - 262O of thot .peclal tr.... uNl . Mobile Homes ' nm your d auified ad in .... apace provided. Mall along with your chec::k to the '1"" .... c...tc.-lorve Dolly Emotion CI.. ..H Ied Dept •• eommunkatlonslldg .• stU. eo.bondoIe. 1162901 I 5hocIodlot. 2_.'es I per month. AND HAVE A GIlfAT YNiD SAUl I .29-_._... ___ 1_ I I '150.-_"'_.-_.3_2_ Ii 11111111111 111111111 1 11 ! 1111 I I S275.-_. I I I -- I I __ - I D1 ...... ~ ______~~J fo, _CaH . _ lI. ~Dept . AII .. _ ....,,-, I -=Qiila T dda•• Pace 14. Dally Egyptian, Apri1:1O . 1~ ., ".' lUXUlT 5- IO«M 1 bon. I,," AC colO( TV hordwtood floon po'/o do.. ' 10 SIU A_" A"" 457 nt.1 ' · !J·,1 S046NJ ISJ .. 'OIM HOtISE, fIlM AC. color TV "",,"h-dry. dose to SIU 451 nl1 M 549·4165- S· !J·,T . SOdab's] COALE OISCOUNT I4OUSlHG, , bdr,." J bdnn, ond .. bdrm fllfTtf.Md :" ' =h~~'~ .,.,WII.," C'dol. htrtodo Inn, co" 614- S-JJ" . S0471blSJ fer COAtE LOCATIONS. , bdrm, J bc:rm, .. bdtm ottd 5 bdrm 'urn/~ hews.. , 0 " , obfoJute". roo pen. fro-. knom mowi"Sl. coff W-4J4S. $-13·'7 •• , . . 5(W91b1SJ LUX'UfY J .0ItM Fvm.. '-I ,tid: Iious., '*""", ow, wol/·fo...off cot"pefl"S'. corport. no ~ •. , ml "",",01 C'do" 'omodo ,,..,. co" 6I-f.. .s..'4'IJ .jl . .• • S05IJbf5J (A'SONDAU HOUSE. 5.",/· COI,t"'''' .. bel"", both ortd helf, 5600 mo J cor srorov- 457-4023 4. ;0." . . SI:1tIb136 fU"NISHED, UaUENT COHO. J 0( .. b.droom. no peh . • tude"" 01'1 /". I.a;. r.qvlrflfl plvs dornope depot" 451·107 4· 11 -" . 52321bIJ7 ENGLAND HTS HOMfS , bdrm COU" 'ry I. mrtg 2 m" n from ;:'Cf sm.;C;, ond lip Corpt'lfId. "·21·" '" ,!7.&b11l , AND 1 .rkm .som.".or ''::->':011 Pel. ot.- '" 'otI'Ie .5"·1101. 4.57·6956 CIt 5" · 1135 4·23·'1 • i4t11b1J9 8EAUnfUl. HOUSl RENT. Room mo' eos "....c..d 10 .ttor. f..".tt . 3 bdrf"l •. 1 Idlc" • 1 born. 1 m/O-O. C. Air. scr.e"ed potdl. I otre yard. leu tho" I ml from compu.. I yr 1ecr5. requIred AII'OI/ Moy IS Sf" mo 519·S68C) O1k 1M OMn', M 519· 4-23""· " 5.7I8bl39 EXCEPTIO NAL A BEDROOM. ;::::::~:e ' l l ~~':~ "/l~:;: . brltOkfDl' t--. large klldten No ~II .549·3913 One,-.or Jeose A·14.a7 5nsabl40 1 rH'U S .edroom HOU le, A .. o rloble 'n AuguSI ConvenIent locolJOftI ond r«l'501"1O"'e renl. 5049 · 3114 A· 17·' 1 . . S17Qtb' AI A .OffM HOUSE. Corpered, IIOY'e and. 'ridge, 4 bfocb from C'Ompul UOO me) lummet'. SSOOmo '01/ Co1/ 4S1· 4QJOof,.,.5pm 4·11·'1 S1nlb, .. r STARTI NG AUG CNr Moy. dOle 10 compul. e",o n ice, I. 1. 3 M 4 beI,m . Ivrn . 'nsul No pet. s.c,. -' · 28·17 Sl18Ib I.. , ir: M;b~; ~ H~~ ., I TOI' ("DALE lOCA rtON. 1 bdrm furn,.hed 'roll... , o lr. no pets. coli 684· A' A5 S· I3-,1 SOS1Ic '53 FOSTU RENT,uS IENnNG 1M 5ummH ottd Foil Furni.n.d. ('Or. peted. ond deon Urtd«pi~ ottd ondwNed. dose fo co"'pvI. no ~t • • 519·5505 "orlf Str,. ~, 5· 13.a1 502J1clSJ 18DRM WITH Den Smell qui'" pork. dose to compus. noo 0 mo AII'OII Imtnedlo,efr. n9·2W 4-20-891 •• .. . S02.le1J6 SUIlCT fOIt SUMMER New 1 belr,., , 1l,1l'1I . dose 10 comput CoIl Julie 536·216'. ofl« 4.JO 51'·3:141 4·20-'7 .,.. Sl151c1.J6 NICE , IDIM. W J U~ 'blk Iro", compus. Furn . rec-e""Y ,mr~ed SIOOmo. CoII Mlfrre, s.o'· A· 2A.,7 .• 59.cJIcJ40 :O~~M . ,oc'!~! ~O ':"Ti.o.~ o -'OI/oble Coli I'oul Ityonl ' '''''01. 457·,5664 "·24·11 SJ2.IcI40 Vail Apartments••• The change you've needed. II '····N..... SPECIAL Co_pletely Re.odeled 2 Bcdroocio rMOllU* 'SO/Month ,C> with aU Dew: - Furniture - Appliances *HOMES r- -Carpet -Windows SUMMER RATES U:;.. , ~ SALES With ~~~~ Fall/ Spring Contract. I~ c;;lfa!-: Rates Starting at /' L $145.00 per month Discover VaU-Corner ofWaU & CoU"l!e Free Use ot Pool CAR80NDALf MOBILE HOYtES MAKE 2 miles north of SlU on Hwy 51 NEXT TERM THE BEST TERM PH: 549·3000 OF YOUR LIFE. We've got qUAlity hou.lng for olngJes, Laundromat doubles, IUJd mall groups. We'n got washers, dryers, micro.ave•. WE'VE CabI..,lllon GOT GREAT NEW TOWNHOUSES FOR YOU. Box \ VI CltySewer~::~c!: i U1J Meadow T/'GIh Pick UP ~) , , Ridge Lawn Service , ~ v" ,,- CATCH THE EXCITEMENT 4S7-3321 ~---CALL NOW

DalIy~.n. Api120.I• • Paae 15 Dear Boo & captain, How ' bout them undies .. . I HATE It when that happer15!1

Von Vor. Sistef5

~ . 51 0-S. H. An n

Congratulatlltns to".w our "onorary TKE DOli Pa lg. W,,'r. mltr. tllan happy tl'l haw. you b. on. of us. LOST

l o n PUppy- ALACK Fem lob. 4 m. You' re M''''ok~1y loken 10 Cdc,. lIwlt« on.ofa Adopl.Q Mot. 26 WIIf repay odop ,~ plus 150. T..rrlbly m,"eeI KInd. eonfoe': 529·3606. StolL 4·20-17 S617G136 Th. broth_n of Tau Kappa Epsilon

TH E f AITH TfM~LE Infon! Doy Cot. WIlDWOOD AUCTION lAIN. f:.:::t:,ili:~7:6 . ~ =f':j5;:: Con.Jgnmen' Auction. J mil... outh I 04 Un"-Sity Moll on G/om CIty 5-'1-17 . . ••. .. YStfl51 lIodctop. E...... FrkJoy night 0' 6.JO. eom'pnmetlh now Mlng O«epled. HOUSING :~ ~';: ~!,'::'::;::: : C~u lon .,ond frw your C'OI'I­ $1. 75 " ngl.. ,pcxed . S4'·12st. ....,. , ~ . 529·SlJI or 529·5171. Now Avallablifl 6-"47 .• ••... . 591 7f lS4 .. _21 ...7 • ••••••••• •• ••• S47OK IJ7 _ _ .....n .. '" SUMMEIt IN W JrOPf from S329 l~f .chfldll'lId for" to oil of 1 • 2 Bedroom Anc:hor.d ..F~ ,. eoll (100) l2S-2221 Mp" • Nicety Fuml,hed & Corpeted • 5S11C1 .fD 4,,2047 . •• ""JEI36 Co&.gratulations _ Saving & Underpinned to the • New. loundromot Foelll'," • Natural Gas Advertiling Dllpatch Clerk New Active • Nice Quie t & d!Mln Settll)l Members of • NeorCompu. .f'ool.1on _ showing_ising"""," 100£ _ ;1«> Sony No ' eb AccAtpted -ftoaltlon begins summer MfMt,ler Fot __ ~Of" _ -Aft.moon~o must . 1 2-:00-3:OOpm TAU -MUtl hove ACT on tn. Ph.·457.5266 ...cor nec:euary. will relmbut'M mileage KAPPA Unh,enlty HeI,hf1l .Advwtlalng mofor't prwf.,..d. will conak»r other motors MoIoIIe_bt. EPSILON Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 1()'2 Daily Egyptian Warren Rd . Tim Theil (Just df E. Pork St.) Application Deadline: Wed., April 22, 1987 AlMs.-...... /4fI'I ·· Jeff Mulligan GIANT STEt' UP I ChuckKom MOBILE HOME L1V tl'lG 2 Bedroom Brandt Gessner 1 and 3 Bedroom at 910 E. Park ToWDhoaaes Daily Egyptian J .C. Barr You'lI lov(" - GrCill new loealion ~ STUDENl WORK Brian Adrian - Sun d«1c. BSO L CoUecc -Stonl e bolldin, 843OOW____ . 1Illl • POSITION AVAILABLE Arvis Nantz eUchred parkin. a-ified ~ Sales RepresentatM 2 and) Bedroom -Journal i5m majors preferred, Will consider other at 7 14 E. Collel e Ipcladca: YOUJPLL • Washcrt. Dryc.n .-' majors . - Natural p. economy ...--.r ...... -Typing minimum 30 wpm and spelling tesl given Call Michelle BE THE - Cablc T.V . .~ -Must have current ACT on file · C.mpulclOK -Position to start summer semes-ter 53&-3311. at. &18 EADERS - Central Ai r lU9C ...... ·Train ing begins immediatelv P.s. lA:.Kt lUI" A="·· ..... DlADLINQ OF OUR Summc.r or f aU APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE NOW. Sorry. no peu Retum applications to the Daily Esypl1an oI'fice. 2:00PM Fu'l'uREf c.n ~· ...... eot Swt. or Aurs. ...'l1li ., HI II. IIeIa Communicabons Bldg Room 1259 by Thursday, 2 bwinesa daya prior Ap,iI n ., 4:30. to pub li~tion ;~I21 • ~ ".7-2184 pageI6 . D,!?,~n:"~jIO , 11Iiri . Group seeks to wipe out ACR OSS 1 Salmi 5 Queen s-, woodchuck nose bounty horse race Today's I I leisser 10 Put away HOPKINTON. R.I. (UPIl - COl r uptive effect upon 14 Effective ~EYECARE An a nimal rights group' Hopkinton youngstel'S," said 15 FIsherman planned to ask the t~"i' I; oounc,l Steve Ruggeri. spokesman of 16 Bo!veragf! Monday to rep.!~l a 200-year­ the Rhode Island Animal 17 Quebec Puzzle 20 Meine unit old bounty on woodchuck Rights Coalition. 21 BPOE noses. "It has the potential to members The town pays 15 cents for desensitize impressionable 22 Felt every woodchuck nose youths to the pain and suf­ 23 Anll VOles Puzzle answers collected - a bounty some say fering of animals by promoting 2-4 Fight area relieves gardeners of the the .. notion that non-human 25 lowest are on Page 12. burrowing pests. Hopkinton 28 Loggers animals a re not worthy of any 32 Emanate budgets $25 a year for the moral consideration." 33 College VIPs noses. Rather than the bounty. 34 Strong brew Residents point out that Ruggeri suggested the town 35 Sacrifice hI1 collecting the bounty is a rite offer children money to collect 36 Back country DOWN 26 Antilles Island NOW-1,.t Time Ever of passage to adulthood for 37 Flelublhly 27 Mu5Cle litter or recyclable aluminium , Casa room 28 - F~rgo town children, a ritual a kin to 38 Honest - TURN BROWN cans. He said his group also 39 Descends 2 Skllifl 29 Cereal getting a first pocketknife or ",ill help a ny property owner 40 looked 3 German nver 30 Young eel fishmgrod. whose garden is ha rmed by the 41 Lumber 4 Mintature 31 Deftciencies EVES BLUE But an animal rights activist tiny, furry creature. manu­ 5 Small bullet 33 - dally or Green or Aqua said the council should facturers 6 Vegetables 36 Hou se h ~d 43 Ovens 7 ElI.opean vault abandon the bounty because it Hopkinton, a rural town is 20 37 AcqUIMlon teaches children the wrong 44 Supporter range miles s outhwest of 45 Existed 8 Three pre' 39 Din lesson. Providence, is the only town in 46 HOCkey and 9 Weather­ 40 Untutored DuraSoJtCOlors. "The wood c huc k nose Rhode Island that still offers lacrosse worn land 42 SwallOW by Wesley lessen bounty can only have a the bounty. 49 Window pari masses 43 Withholds 50 Next 10 Ga to Park 45 Cargo vessel Have Brown eyes tOday' Blue eyes 53 Comanche or Installations 46 Fastener tOOlQhl • with the rage of the eye C,ee 11 ContainerS 47 European fashIOn world New opaque contacts 48 Algeria pori 56 Jai - 12 Bygone thai WTII actually change the color of Briefs 57 SmIthy 13 Use a hoe 49 Forward your eyes Continuous Care Program SB Singer 18 Charter 50 Hand tool necessary at addilional Charge ROBERT STICKNEY , MINORITY ASSOCIATIO ' 59 Ivy League 19 Sells 51 BehInd time for Excellence will meet a t 7 50hl 23 Aetle 52 Shortly director of the University of 54 Pithy saying You Buy The 1st Color tonigbt in Lawson 20) . 60 (';roups sull 24 BOUlevard s Wash i n gton School of 61 Hc.

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Wednesday, · It was the second scrim­ · mage of the year for Dorr and April 22 at · squad, and the head man · thinks it was a big success in 7:00 pm, Ballroom A · more w('Iys than c,ne. · "ObvilJUSJy 1 we m~de some · mist:>J.es to<'.ay," Dorr told th~ · t':;am . " ThHt's why we're out · here practicing - there a re no @ · sllort cuts_" · Among the scrimmage P_R. Committee ·°: highlights was the per­ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 formance by quarterback Pat Salukl running back Malcolm Liggen. (wllh ball) I. tackled by King, who was nursing a Joel Dickerson i,l scrimmage acllon at Pinckneyville Salurday_ tender ankle. King completed 9 of 20 passes with one in­ Among the defensive players serious injuries occurred, but terceptIon. Reserve quar­ mentioned by DOlT for their safety Dennis Bea n decked terback Kevin Brown threw fine play were line})ackers tight end Yogi Henderson after flASH FOTO for one touchdown and one Mike Carbonaro and Ezell a head-on collision. \ interception to finish 5 of 10 Sbelton and defensive ends Sru.anon Ferbracbe 2nd Ron 100 W. Walnut .... Conwpt Hcllrshop t.,,·rbondale. IL Jl3;~~il.fo~~~a;';ell around Kirk. oUnsurpaued Quality the pock. t, both kept their Tbe hitting at Saturday's "mil E"STEIl ~ 49 - 3t100 composure" Dorr said " And scrimmag~ was once again BE"UTIFIC"nO" SflLE anywhere we haven't ru.d one f~mbled intense, a trademark of spring oflash foto I. a snap in two scrimmages, and practices so far this .eason. No Perm Sale 03V.,,5'/. GlollY member of that's something we knew we *27.50 Print. from 35mm Kodak'. had to improve on. I think we'll (includes haircut) colorwatch be able to produce more from 81_00 off on any !be quarterback position this oOnly photo flnl.her In t em year." retail item available Iv. the area to u .. Kodak Dorr praised sever:>! players Image & for outstanding scrimmage Nexus chemistry In accordance .. ,,_:" performances. Running backs Top line Nail Polish with Kodak's .peclflcatlons Palll Patterson and Chuck Harmke stood out a t their other PUI :hase n.<:essarv). e spots, while linemen Pete 1------· - -r- iN8.;1;=00Ti;-~:- - Jansens and BGh Grammer 457·1111 continued to impress Saluki (Ciosed on Mon.) f Reprint Special : Film Oeveloping coaches with their blocking. 3OOE. Main I I Special oa' .... ON'" Reciever W~Slf. y Yates I 5 for 95 e I " .... sru.gged four passe!:, including from your 135. 110, 126 112 ••p .2..so ,,..... r.,F,e lor ;I touchdowD, while ordiK~~ ~.~ :" ••,01. ",15 "O. '2I, DUe Nate McG!)ee and Bob Derricott.e hac' three recep­ ~:.~=.7;== I:::: :::: ~= tions apiece. l)erricotte now 607 S_ Illinois Ave. COUf'ONMlISTN:.COMtANfOlO<'III I Caupon_I~"" . NoIimltCltl has had two Impressive ___--:.~~~~ ____ .l~:.~=.:::"'~:r.:.-.:'!'!! \ scrimmages in a row, Dorr \ said. RECRUITS, 4C: COPIES from Page 20 - 8Ih Xl'-Whlle-$elf Service COPIes Illinois State, Eastern illinois HOURS: M-F 8am.-modmle. Sal IOa.m.-6pm" Sun. I pm.- 9p.m. and Seton Hall. FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU MAKE ,(OUR COPIES USED CAR RENTAL SYSTEM. 'NC. Hillcrest coach Tom Chapel said, " I think SIU-e got II JI USED CAR RENTALS somebody that DO one else was aware of. He's a hard worker, Carefully Reconditioned a good student and a good For Dependable Daily Rental sbooter - SIU-e can't go wrong with this one." Now our Biggest Advantage is Twice the Advantage Offering New Car Rentals SAL UK I I SSISTANT football coacb Jim BentivogJio with comp&rable low prices_ signed running back Mike Dopud, a 6-0, 200-;>oUnder Crom *Ask about our custom van rentals Pierre Fonds, a suburb of r--~------~ Montreal, Canad?. I Get acquainted coupon I Dopud rushed for over 3,000 Chambray Shirts r 1.0' orr 0 ... a e'!'!' e&r reatal. I ya.ds in tI>~ last two years and averaged 7.g yards per carry I 50 Free lIUl_ for 0'" aeed..... : playing in !be 'j:mior major I at812.95perday-_lOpermlle I football league i!~r to 22-year­ ~~~~~5.!~~~~ J oldsJ, where be was narn'ld !be '-______.__ offo!llSive player of the year. Uopud became interested in $12-$1 I---O_"D OPE"I"O SflLE----I SIU-C wbeb he beard about the Minimum trade allowance of 81200 on any school's athletics training 1984 newer car or truck this week program, and sent a video tape Size 5-XL, 100% Cotton to theSIU-e coaching staff. 4/18/87 -4/18/87 The SIU-e co.~chintt ~taff did Solid, Pa5Iey, StriPed Sign up for free giveaways - Sat. not have tl &chola."Sbip to offer­ DopM at the time. lllil did offer biro a 5cholanltip wbeb ~onI.~~Z ODe tJc,came ,­ Rosanne Vmcent and Lisa g . HAVE previous record of 13.98 which tathlon and eighth in the high Judiscak ran the distance in sbe set at last year's Kansas jump with a five feet, six inch ·):07.64 for an eighth-pia\:!! the win to make her record AN Relays. jump. fL1ish. against conference leams 1Hl. 10 the nightcap Peterson 1 EXTRA Although the NCAA Long -di~ta nce su,,,dout Solid perfonoaoces were ,!,13lifying mark for the event Vivian Sinou, who was seeded sbown by Amy Marker and wasn't as lucky, losing to the KEY is 13.65, DeNoon said Raske's 10th prior to the r. elays, Cathy Brown in the 10,000- Braves~. ~ time is a " good early-season crossed the line si;:th in the meter run, DeNoon said. Bradley scored two rullS ;0 for the first and secof.\d , 2 1 mark." 3,OOO-meter .un with a time of Marl

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c ' . ( Speedrails '0 ( WWESr PRICE IN TO~W! ';,s'I (don't be fooled by percentage off coupons) __ Sta '5C \lOP\ES & MORE ~"5'- %!i~ 9'f.lI.m·s \() 607 S. ILLINOIS AVENUE SPECIAL OF THE MONTH ~~ '5 C 529-5679 OPEN. Mc:w,.Fn 8 • •m .-MKtnlfe. Sat 10 a.m,-t; p.m .• Sun 1 p.m ·9 p.m. 1 ~~~:.~ 1Af1R~ ~ 5 /2¢ 'Pi 1 ..:~ ~ , $1.0S~ THESIS COPIES neapp eQL Graduate School Approved 25% Rag-2Q lb. Bond Ailto Fd-Caab WItb tIu. C Ira 519 7 " Saluki men's teams bolstered by new recruits By Steve Merri" SlaHWm", record·setting times came at the inking of two recruits help the Salukis as an aU· signing perind. an altitude of 7,000 feet, Friday. arounder. Geoff Hawkins, a 6-5, 17$­ sru·C men's swimming meaning Bradac's times coold Greg Zeiders, of Bar· With the inking of Magliocca pound guard from Hillcrest coach Doug Ingram has an­ improve at lower altitudes. tlesville, Okla., and Dean and Zeiders, Meade likes the Hi~h School in suburban nounced the signing c~ a new Bradac's two state racords Magliocca of Staten Island, crop of recrui ts signed this Chicago, will bring a 15 point recruit. broke those of George DiCarlo, N.Y., signed with sru..c year. and 7.2 rebound per game Eric Brallac, ~ 6-1 , 180- a 1984 Olympic gold medalist. Frida . ''This is looking like the best average to campus next fall. pounder from Denver, Col., "Eric IS obviously one of the Zeiders, a $-10, 160 pounder recruiting class I've had in ten Hawkins suffered a broken has signed a national letter of finest distance freestylers in who intends to major in pre­ years," Meade said. "I'm stiU leg shortly before the season, intent and will be a swimming the country," Ingram said. medicine, is a two-year looking to sign more, but so far which kept him out of action at Saluki next fall. "We're excited to have him, member of the U.S. Gymnastic this is the best talent I've Hillcrest for most of the past A distance freestyler, and I think he'U contribute Federation junior team and signed in some time. " year. He averaged ~ points Bradac owns Colorado state immediately to our program." excels on the pommel borse per game in his last five recol1ls in the 200 and 500-yard and still rings. SALUKI BASKETBALL outings, and was recruited by freestyles with times of 1 :40.50 MEN'S GYMNASTICS Magliocca, also a member of coach Rich Herrin inked his and 4:31..40, respectively. The coach Bill Meade announced the USGF junior team, should second recruit of the spring See RECRUITS, Pave18 Sports Wichita State bats shock Salukis By Sco" Freeman staHWril", Game two Friday, nd game one Saturday saw two ex· After splitting a four·game ceUent perior:nances from set with Wichita State over the Saluki hurlers Todd Niehel and weekend, the Salukis were tied Geof1(e Goich. Neibel ($-O for second with the Shockers in threw an eight·hitter Friday as the Missouri Valley Con· sru..c won $-1, while Gnich (4· ference basebaU standings, 0) to!'sed a masterful six·hitter pending Sunday's results. without giving up an earned sru..c and Wichita State run Saturday as the Salukis (each 7·5 in the MVe) trailed nippe.:t the Shockers 3·2. Indiana Stale ( 6-4) Saturday Slick fielding coupled with by a half game after the timely hitting by Saluki Sycamores split two with desigdated hiller Brad Bradley. Indiana State can HoUencamp (hol,'e ..111 , two solidify its bold on first Sunday RBI) kept NeibeJ on top in when they play two more with game two Friday, with more the Braves. good defense on tap in Wichita State laid the heavy Saturday's game one win. metal to the Salukis in game Right fielder Charlie Hilleman one Friday, scoring eight runs got the game winning hit late in the game to thrash sru· Saturday in game one. C 12-l1. The heavy Shocker bats Saluki ace Dale Kisten had a again unloaded OD Saluki 7-3 lead in the top of the pitching in game twl) as the seventh iooiog, only to be Shockers broke open a close rocked, along with three CODtest with a Dan Raley relievers, for four runs in grand slam in the top of the seventh and three more in the sixth, putting Wichita Slate eighth. ahead tH. The Shockers went Included in the four·run on to win 1:Hi. Raley also hit a seventb, Sbocker t hird solo shot in the second, and baseman Dan Raley blasted a drove in eight RBI for the tbree-run homer. Raley game. finisbed the series with three Shane Gooden ( H ) took the homers and 11 RBI on six bits. loss in relief of Saluki starter Tim HoUmann, while Jeff Wichita State added four Newlin ( 4-2) picked up the win more runs in the Unal two for Wichita State. innings to seal the win. Wichil.a State came out of Reliever Rich Campbell (1-4) the weekend series 35·15 took the loss for the Salukis, overall and 1-5 in llic MVC, while Pat Cedeno (4-() got the while the Saiu\ri.$ arc 27·11 and win. 7-5 in t..h,! ciJnference. Baseballers ~Iay Louisville today By M.J. Starshak S1aHWriter Tbe Division I Cardinals recently lost a pair to MVC sru..c's 27·11 basebaU team, leader Indiana State, 9-1 and 7· which is tied for second in 1. The Salukis will meet In· Missouri VaUey Conference diana State May 2·3 at Terre play with Wichita State pen. Haute, Ind., in their last MVC ding Sunday's results, will series of the regular season. entertain the "hiU gang" today Louisville coach John Mason Stiff Photo by 8U1 Wa' with a single game against the Salukl shortstop Oa.e Wrona (8) acorN the State in ' the fItst gem. of Saturday's 9-23 Louisville Cardinals. See LOUISVIUE, Page 19 winning run in StlJ~ 's :>-2 ylctcxy DYer Wichita doublehMder. Softballer's split two doubleheaders By Wa!!,. Foreman w);en Wissmil!er scored from Stsff Wmer when wru's Brenda Heyl Schmitt helped bee own cause threw a wild pitch. secood 00 a single RBI by with a RBI d!!:.;ble to tie the The wemen's softball !.eam In the lop of the fourth iooiog Gibbs. score 2·2. split a pair of doubleheaders at Lisa Perterson walked In the bottom of the six th t],e '!be Westerwinds came back (Mol AIrll8, home against Western lllinois Western leadoff hitler Krista Westerwinds scored two runs in the bottom of the seve:lth r® and Bradley tbis past Grochowski, wbo tater SC(\red off two bits. InninC and scored one run to TEAll II¥C from third on sbortstop Jeuny Kara McGaw led off with a winH. ." ~ weekend. I 'l'bP. Salukis, 18-15 overaJl Sbupryt's throwing to wallt and a s\oleo base to put I _s. :~ and 9-5 in the Gateway Con· home. her at second. LuanI18 Harris ONSATURDAY,theS~ukis _81. H ference played Western The Salukis ftnisbed the then hit a bunt sacrifice to beat Bradley 2.(/ in the fU'St I CrofDI*>n 6-& Jllinois las t Friday and split scoring in the first game with move McGaw to third and lJlme. SlU-C scored the _81. 2-1 the doublebeader 3-1, M. two nms in the bottom of the Krista GroclJowski followed ,,",.. ;;\-g~ . . the fifth iooiog. In the second cl the sixth inning on three bits and with a single to ct!llter allmog Tbe ;!ti pitches', Peter· !Ia,J.I;~._"2·'. opening game aplnat the one error. Lisa Pelenan lot McGaw to scole. Lisa SOD, gave '" Salukis and --'.-er.....,W._Ss.? Westenrinds, SbI!1Iy Gibbs tile win for theSalukis. DaRocha CCIil'!!Cted the other herse.if the nnJy nlO they would _.,0-2._.,'-1 .wted tbinp on with a double In the niabt.:t.1I loBs to RBI for the InninC to put need to win witha IlBl single. SontIIr_ aver thecenlerfielder's '-d. Wstem, neitf.er Ieam scored Western lIliIIuU u-d 2·1. ~ tInw • 3-hitler In the I!lP 0.1 the seveni:ll with three slrllteouts'to pidt up ~ CiDd7 EspeIII)Id bit a bunt until the sIstb iIInIlII. ~ .... _8L.I -...... saertfICe to _e Gibbs to TIle SalaIda scored one run 11lJlin.g the Sal!m tied the third. bMe. GIID.later.lClll'Od. in the lop.of1be,.:)blb inniDII, ~ w,ben PItcher Betb "'PTIALL, P_ t.