Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, April 20, 19D7, Vo1.73, No
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Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, April 20, 19d7, Vo1.73, No. 136, 20 Pages Sunshine blesses service at cross By Bill Ruminski StaffWnte< Easter, supposedly a day of rest, is anything but a slow, melodic morcin:,: on Bald Knob Monntain. People sleeping in motor homes at the foot of Bald Knob Cross are roo.sted before 5 a.m. as cars drive up the gravel road leading to the cross. Pope, Reagan celebrate Easter _. Page 7 As cars drive past, people marvel ~l many of the license plates: Virgmia. North Carolina, Oklahoma and Canada. The heguming of the Easter Sunrise Service is more than one hour Off. but alreadv hundreds of people wander about the mountain top. ChIldren, barely awake, stand at the basp of the cross. which glows in the light of a oO!en or so spoUights. While rubbing the sleep from their eyes the children peer up, in amazement, at the llJ·foot·tall monument. Parents. grandparents. reporters and photograpbers. on the other band. are fmding their ways to the small restaurant. A 3().cenl cup 01 cofree. a glazed douglmut and shelves of souvenirs help to pass the time The Sunnse Bell rings about 5:30 a.m The restaurant is deserted: the children are collected And so hegJns \:te search for seats among the SLiff Photo by Bill West See CROSS, Pogo 5 Spotlights bathe Bald Knob Cross as tha Easter Morning sun begins to make ils appearance on the aastern horizon. $10,402 state grant, alley to top City Council meeting Poshard lambasts Reagan By JoDa Rlmar The request for vacating was StaffWnter made by Palsy Lorenz, a for education budget cuts The Carbondale City Council property owner, who owns By Da.id Sheets will make its final stand land north and south 01. the Staff wnt... other programs - Centers of tonight before newly elected alley. Sbe says that once the Educational Opportunity, Mayor Neil DIllard and council alley is vacated, the land will Sta te Sen. Glenn Posbard, Special Support Services and members Richard Morris and be more feasible to develop. D-Carterville, said he thinks Talent Search - all geared John Mills take their oaths of If the request is approved, public pressure is needed to to belp people already out 01 office. the city would relinquisb rights stamp out President high school get a college The council is expected to to the portion of the alley and Reagan", .,Ian to either cut degree, also face similar give the OK for City Manager the owner would assume or reduce federally funded cuts or elimination. Bill Dixon to apply for a $10,402 responsibilitY. for the property. education pr<JgramS for the "When you rmally bave state grant from the Illinois The council also is expected economically dlsad· programs that do work" for Fanners Union· Training, Inc., to act on: vantaged. economically disadvantaged for Carbondale's Division of -Awarding contracts for "Our money is better individuals, "the)' get the Human Resources. water treatment chemicals. invested in educational axe " Posba.. d said The council also is expected -Awarding contracts for opportunities which keep Wilson said the programs to conduct an oPl'" hearing on fiscal year 1988 weed mowing. low·income students in the were created out of lite 19F':; Educational Opportunity the proposed va~.a ting of a Tbe new council members state educational system," portion of an alley that runs will take their oaths at 7 hesaiel. Act, an extension of the 1964 from Washington Street to tonight in the City Council Posbard made his pies Glenn Posherd Civil Rigbts Act. Marion Streel Cbambers, 607 W. College SI. Thursday prior to an Illinois Association 01. E<lucational One program, Upward See EDUCATION, Page t Opportunity Progra m Bound, is a college Personnel banqool a t the preparatory program run by Gus Bode This Moming Holiday Inn in C.. rbondale. tbe University for iow· The baD<jUCt was part 01. the income hilJh scbool students Reading spotlights women au1flor~ association's spring con· About 50 students par· ference held Thursday and ticiP!'te in the program, .- Page 6 Friday at the Student which has a 1987 rlScal year Center. budget of $156,145, said BootleggerS tum to drug trade "We bave to bave people Donnell Wilson, acting -Paget! recognize the value 01 these director of Carbondale's programs and bring Upward Bound. Nationwide, Salukls split 4 against Shockers pressure to bear on their about 60 to 70 percent 01 the Gu... y. It'll uke a lot of legislators." be said, who in participants a \lend college. preuure to get RMgon to -sports 20 turn ",ould keep Reagan However, Reagan wants to gift more then. drop In tna apprised of the need for the pare Upward Bound by 43 programs. percent, Wilson said. Three buclcet for education. ewswrap world/nation Rebel Argentine officers surrender, president says BUENOS AIRES, A!Jentina (UP!) - President Raul Aifonsin said Sunday that rebellious officers who had bee:! holding out for three days at a military base have agreed to surrender and "will be art'este:l and taken before justice." Aifonsin, who new Sunday to tbe Campo de Mayo military hase near Buenos Aires to negotiate personal!.y with tbe 50 to 150 rebels, returned to tbe capital BOO told a delirioo-"l rally estimated at 400,000 people that tbe rebels "have surrendered tbeir position." First woman named to top U.N. agency post UNITED NATIONS (UP!) - A l!akistani expert on family planning is to be named tbe first woman to head a United Nations agency, U.N. officials said Sunday. The appoinbnent of Dr. Nafis Sadik, 58, to head tbe U.N. Fund for Populatioo Activities will be announced by Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar on Monday, tbe officials said. Sadik is currently tbe third-highest ranking orficial at the agency, whose U.S. funding Will: cut orr COLLOQUIUM last year because or its policy toward ahortion. Vietnam elections seen as key to economy WOltlEA~ AND BANGKOK, Thailand (UP!) - Voters went to tbe polls Sunday across Vietnam in elections seen as part or a campaign to COLLECTIVE revitalize tbe economy and to replace the aged hardliners who IIOI.IMTI5/NC'S \ presided over five decades of war and revolution. The elections /MllO/! Of' WOMI!N for tbe 4!J6.seat National Assembly and local peopll!'s councils BARG.I!INING T'hb 11m eq:Aore how women are were expected to be tbe most democratic in 12 years of com ---_.. by"'" munist rule, following a shakeup in electoral rules and a purge of mecIB. Jar. our dbcu55Ion on the tbeCommunist Party. effects of thee Image.. SHIILA RUTH MOMDIIY, APRIL 20 Department of Philosophy 7-9PM Reagan, Nakasone exchange trade envoys OnIo!loom. _ C..,.... TOKYO (UPI) - Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and Southern IIlInoll University President Reagan exchanged envoys Sunday for a week or high at Edwardlville level talks on hoth sides or tbe Pacific amid heigbtened trade tensions between tbe economic superpowers. Former Japanese Profauor Ruth II Chair of the Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe, carrying a personal letter (rom IEA/NEA Faculty Organizing Nakasone to Reagan, left for Washington hours before U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter arrived at a U.S. military Commltt.. at SIU·E base outside Tokyo. DATE: Today.ApriJ20.1987 Report: Air Force vulnerable to espionage TIllE: 4:00pm WASHINGTON (UP!) - Top-secret Air Force com munications have proven increasingly vulnerable to espionage PLACE: Stadent Center over the last decade because or lax controls over classified K_ka.1da Room TUESDAY. APR"_21 telephone, radio and computer messages, newly relEl?.s<'.<I data. 7-0,1 PM The most recent data shows that tbe number or episod('S in which MissisIRppI Rm. Stu . emIR!" sensitive Air Force communications were improperly exposed WIlY SIIOULD 1VO.lll..~N SUPPORT more than doubled between urn and 1986, a spokesman said. Hundreds or classified messages stored at Air Force facilities CO£L£CTIVE BAROJUNlNG? across the country have been lost, stolen, tampered with or viewed by unauthorized people, auditors found in a July 1986 JOIN US TO FIND OUT. report. Meese didn't question Casey, Post reports WASHINGTON (UPI) - Attorney General Edwin Meese did not ask CIA Director William Casey in a Nov. 22 meeting about tbe Iran arms-Contra cash connection even though be had read a memo describing tbe scheme, it was reported Sunday. The AI'Cone! .. W--. £qulped. lodlnlng_. Washington Post reported that Meese said in an interview last E 5..,.. ......... ~ CIIlaovo & .......n.. week be felt it would have heen "inappropriate" to question Casey about the diversion of arms sales profits from Iran to tbe S UDENT COMFORTABLE Nicaraguan Contra rebels. liRANSIT VeLUXe COACHES Infant stabbing victim's condition improves EXPRESS BUS SIRVICE CLEVELAND (UPI) - ''Baby Doe," an hours-old hoy stabbed nine times and left to die in a trash dumpster behind a tavern, was reported in satisfactory condition and recovering well Sunday. The infant, said to be full-term but less than 12 hours ToCHICAGO & SUBURBS old, underwent surgery at Sl Luke's Hospital before being ALSO KANKAKEE .. OfAMPAIGN transferred to Rainbow Babies' and Children's Hospital. Last wild California condor is captured BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (UPI) - The last California condor known to be living 10 the wild was captured Sunday in good condition at a wildlife refuJ(e and shipped to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, where it will be bred with .. female, authorities DDAIITUIU, said. Known as AC9, the condor was trapped in a net while feeding on a calfs carcass set out as hait at tbe Bitter Creek lbu..