Bulgarian National Radio Senior editor Morning programs

I work with : BNR's most listened-to channel, with round- the-clock news, comment, and music (with the emphasis on modern popular music genres). The Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) is the state-owned national radio network of Bulgaria, founded in 1930 by a group of intellectuals. BNR has two radio stations in Bulgarian, Horizon and Hristo Botev, as well as a world service called broadcasting in 11 languages. Horizon broadcasts news bulletins on top of the hour. The bulk of the interviews and comments come in mornings and evenings, so that almost everyone in the country tunes in first thing in the morning for the latest news. The programme also offers sports news.

Irina Nedeva is a journalist with academic background - MA in Philosophy from University.She hase an extensive experience as a journalist at leading political commentary programs with the National Bulgarian Radio (1993-2000 and since 2006 till now) and the National Bulgarian Television, Channel One (2000-2006) and many published article in the Bulgarian press. She is also responsible for programmes linked to political debates at the independent Center for Art and debate “The Red House” in Sofia ( Some of her documentary films are: “A Cold Coke in the Days of the Cold War”, 2005, “Goch”, 2010, Return ticket for free”, 2002)= She is an author of the book: “Mission Paris”, 2007. She is also involved in different projects like Fame Lab/Beautiful Science (British Council) project, European Social documentary project of Zelig School in Bolzano, Italy, Women and science etc. Her main professional interests are in Human rights, Art, Media and Freedom of speech.

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