CURRICULUM VITAE KATHERINE ANN BOWIE Revised 9-7-20 Anthropology Department 1-608-262-2866 (office) 5462 Social Sciences Building 1-608-238-8150 (home) University of Wisconsin-Madison Fax: 1-608-265-4216 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Email:
[email protected] I. PERSONAL Birth: May 21, 1950, London, England. Citizenship: U.S. II. RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION. •Theoretical Interests: political anthropology, including political economy, nation-state formation, peasant political movements, rural electoral politics, agrarian class formation, social change; historical anthropology, including oral histories; Theravada Buddhism; gender and Buddhism; gender and politics. •Geographic Area: Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. •Languages: Central Thai, Northern Thai; Swiss-German, German (some Latin, French). III. FORMAL EDUCATION •1988. Ph.D. University of Chicago (Anthropology). •1981. M.A. University of Chicago (Anthropology). •1974. Thai Language School, Bangkok, Thailand. •1972. B.A. with Distinction. Stanford University (Major in Anthropology; Minor in Religious Studies). •Title of Theses: PhD: "Peasant Perspectives on the Political Economy of the Northern Thai Kingdom of Chiang Mai in the Nineteenth Century: Implications for the Understanding of Peasant Political Expression." (450 pp). [Dissertation Committee: Ralph Nicholas (chair), Theda Skocpol, Valerio Valeri, Frank Reynolds]. MA: "In the Wake of the Lords: A Historical Perspective on the Role of Irrigation in the Political Economy of Northern Thailand." (271 pp). IV. POSITIONS HELD •2017–. Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Department of Anthropology and Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin. •2001–. Professor, Department of Anthropology and Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin. •2011-14. Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison.