NEW RELEASE JAN 2006! proswell & wwcarpen CD [kfat016cd]

You may already know Proswell's "wicked and nostalgic 8-bit" albums on the American label Merck, or you may have heard his music featured during Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" bumps. He founded both the free mp3 label and, a production technique/tutorials wiki. wwcarpen is a man whose brain has systematic yet mythical processes running, and his imaginative music and artwork reflects this. He designed and printed the artwork for this release at his gallery, Goodview. He has been very involved with kracfive and inpuj and goes also by the name of aghost. The pair met through discussions of "pure data" and teamed up to build this refreshing collaborative album. Through nearly pure electronic means, they play with form and chaos in familiar & unfamiliar ways. Somehow they each present us with honest, thorough, synthesized imagination. Thanks guys, it is really good! They have something akin to each other's music. From the lovingly designed artwork to the immaculately sculpted audio .wavs, this album is symbolic not only of the friendship between Proswell & wwcarpen, but the friendship between Proswell & wwcarpen & Kracfive.

Kracfive is an international music collective with representatives in LA, NY, Pittsburgh, New Hampshire, Finland, Baltimore, , The Netherlands and Japan. Kracfive has been told to be unique for having a mind-foldingly specific sound; this sound, however, is indescribable. Kracfive artists have appeared in Grooves, the Los Angeles Times, CMJ Monthly, XLR8R, Vice Magazine, and many more. We've appeared on compilations with Marumari, Autechre, Freeform, Atom Heart, , , Hrvatski, Blitter and performed at the Blue Dog in Toronto, Starpine Cafe in Tokyo, The Knitting Factory in NYC, The Mattress Factory [email protected] in Pittsburgh, AS220 in Providence, Eurosonic 2003 festival in Holland, and many others.