High River 1986 Sept O to Z

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High River 1986 Sept O to Z 54 NANTON A TO Z RENTAL CENTRE Anchor D Guiding & Outfitting Bass William B 42SuntreeL3ne 938-3554 2905 Richmond Rd SW .... Calgary 249-7722 Box656BlkDmd 938-2867 Bastian Nelson O RRl 938-7709 AAA FENCING & CONTRACTING Anderson Allan R IdlWoodbumCr 938-7595 Bastian Paul 938-3017 Box959 938-2139 Anderson Doug S lOKnowlesPlace 938-2617 BAT SHEBA IMPDRTS LTD Wolstenholme GK 2310 l6St 646-2337 AADAC —See Aberta Alcohol& Drug Abuse Anderson HE DeWmton 938-7958 110 3AvW High River 652-3944 Woodstone Artwork Ltd 2117 isst . 646-2879 Commission Anderson Jack 207HodsonPlace 938-3071 Batchdor I 938-4266 Wouda Ian I9ll 26Av 646-5557 Anderson James Jr RRl 938-4471 Batek V DeWinton 938-4507 Wright George 2309 isst 646-2421 ACT Transport Co Ltd Calgary - Call '0' Anderson Kent 170WoodbumCr 938-2576 Bates Kenneth G RRlOeWlnton 938-7326 Operator(NoCharge) &AskFor Zenith 66150 Wright James A 2512 22St 646-2651 Anderson Wayne RRlDeWinton 938-7357 Bates Tim 208HuntersPlace 938-3647 Wright Ruth 2406 2ist 646-2026 AFM Engineering Ltd 938-2158 Andree Erwin Box285 938-7502 Bauman Jerry 203CarrPlace 938-6100 Wright T Laine 2213 21St 646-2044 Andree's Grooming Parlour ieMcRaeSt938-2461 Bauman Terry i26HodsonCr 938-6695 Wright Terry 35 2406 22Av 646-2924 AGT Andrews L RRlDewlnton 938-7329 Baynham J 14lWoodbendWy 938-5615 Yates S 646-2975 A Member Of Telecom Canada Andrews P S RRlDeWinton 938-3268 Bazlan Richard 25ArdielDr 938-4637 Yonda Steve 2409 l9St 646-2712 For Detailed Listing See Page 1 Anglican Church St Peter's 938-4261 Beach Bruce RRiDewinton 938-5588 Yorgason D G 2609 23aAv 646-3024 Business Office Calgary231-7111 Anweiler S RR2 938-4686 Young Bruce 2313 24St 646-2557 Appollo Power Wash 938-4190 BEAM BUILT IN Young M F 214SJadeOr 646-3047 AGT BUSINESS SYSTEMS (ALTEL AQUARIUS BUILDING SUPPLIES Young Maud Mrs Box451 646-2334 DATA) SRalwaySiOakAv 938-2135 VACUUM CENTRE Young RI 2407 24St 646-2418 6204 3StSECalgary(NoChargeOlaOl-800 342-0384 Aradi Steve 938-2877 2DowneyBay .938-4126 Younggren R F 2514 20St 646-2019 A&M PIZZA 8i RESTAURANT Arany Sandor 938-5153 Zampa B 2306 15St 646-2493 lOOMilganDr 938-5757 Beames C BoxloSitellRRlOeWinton ... 938-7164 Beardsley R Box575 938-2003 Zebedee EF Mrs 240l 20Av 646-2015 AARON DRILUNG Box411 938-4961 ARDIEL AGENCIES Zebedee M 2310 25St 646-2909 Beaton Annie 938-5451 Abbis George RRl 938-7718 Beaton Art 938-2406 Zebedee RJ 230l 23St 646-2339 Abemethy A 36NorthRalwaySt 938-4618 (1978) LTD llMcRaeSt. 938-4277 Zebedee Robert W 2518 22Av 646-2806 Beaton Jerry i73Wc«dbumCr 938-2066 Ackermann B sSElmaSt 938-2413 Ardid M 8 50McRaeSt 938-4034 Zimmerman CG 2310 26St 646-2893 Beatt James G 29SuntreeLane 938-2640 Ackermann C 45EimaStw 938-2899 Armitage Herb BowvlewEstatesDeWlnton 938-7350 Seattle David M igRobinsonOr 938-2533 Armstrong Jody iKnightst 938-2397 Seattle Keith H 171W(xxjhavenDr 938-5870 NIGHTINGALE— S— ACTION PARTS Armstrong Terry l3-OkotoksDr 938-4655 Seattle Michael l26W(x>dbuma 938-3464 Strathmore OKOTOKS LTD Amdt Arthur 938-7275 Seattle R Gordon 938-2551 Arthur K 324BannlsterDr 938-2920 BEAVER DAM NURSERY BOX489 938-4394 87BgabethSt 938-7157 Ashmore Derrick aoEknaSt 938-2161 Bedard Dennis M ll7HodsonWy 938-4070 NUM-TI-JAH LODGE— Toll Adams Dan G 167HodsonCr 938-2035 Ashmore Gary l28WoodbumCr 938-5042 Bednarik JS rri 938-7277 Station Adams George l25WoodhavenOr 938-2367 Associated Clinical Laboratories Ltd Seder LA Bxl2RR2Ste4 938-4901 40ElaabethSt 938-4515 For connection "0" zero & ask Adams Gordon Boxssi 938-4792 Beeston Daryl 142ThorsonCr 938-2073 Atchison Mechanical Services Ltd for Adams Gordon Children's Phone ... 938-6167 Beet Gary E 127HodsonCr 938-2848 206StocktonAv 938-5005 the Calgary Mobile Operator Adams Pat 938-7964 Befus Glenn RRlDeWinton 938-2988 Atkinson 8 134NRaawaySt 938-4178 Effective Spring 87— AlsoSee Adams Wayne JW 44MountalnSt 938-4745 Befus Richard 146HodsonCr 938-4557 Saskatchewan RWer Crossing Aesie Leonard Midnapore 938-7969 Atkinson D 162ElmaSt 938-2221 Beggs Michael l42EimaStw 938-7433 Agama Canada 34TowneyRd 938-4554 Atkinson RA Boxl7SltellRRl 938-5475 Bdl Stables T Setl RRlDeWinton 938-7544 Atrebia Craft Supplies Ltd Seller K 23SuntreeLane 938-5518 OKOTOKS AGAWARE THE AGRICULTURE 7 87Elnat>ethSt 938-2363 AWARENESS INSTITUTE 938-2750 Bdlward R C 44LockeCr 938-2428 8«« pIm BlacklP - High Rlvpr - ATULA INTERNATIONAL INC Bender Elaine 125WoodbendWy 938-5707 Agra Farms RR2 938-7741 Longvipw i 127FlshefSt 938-8129 Benedik Warren olSuntreeLane 938-3046 Turnpr Valwy for othor Alkens C J 103McRaeSt 938-4167 Aube Phil 206SuntreePlace 938-2703 Benher Dairy Farms RRl 938-7702 Alrth J R RRlOeWlnton 938-7543 Cuttomoro Auchterlonie T 103WaidronPlace 938-7194 Benner Gene 321BanisterDr 938-2490 Alrth Robert 938-4790 Austerman Conrad 938-5198 Bensted Farms Ltd 938-7852 locatod In this aroa. Akins Gary Miarvie 938-8148 Autocal Edmonton - Call '0' Operator(No 1^ datoHed AQT LMtaga: Berger Brian gskotokoPlace 938-2943 Pan* -1" Akins L 938-4364 Charge) & Ask For Zenith 22249 Berglund Wayne RRiDewinton 938-3076 SERVICE CALLS AKRILON INTERIOR/E)(TERIOR Backs William 938-7316 Berdund William A RRiDewinton 938-6294 OaiECT DISTANCE DIALING 1 BUILDING PRDDUCTS INC Baer Danid Dewlnton 938-2111 Bergner Hugh l54WaldronAv 938-4664 LONGDISTANCE DIALING 0 1 184l«tallwaySt 938-3579 Bailey Mary Mrs eiEimaStw 938-4450 Bergos Barry 143CarrCr 938-5528 Bailie Stephen lllSuntreePlace 938-5484 DfftECTORY ASSISTANT FOR ALANCD 80x23 938-4058 Bernard Maynard 131WoodgtenPlace .. 938-3480 Local Numbers & caWng Alberta Alcohol & Drug Abuse Bain Brett 163WoodbendWy 938-5492 Bems T 9PopiarAve 938-4161 Bain V 163WoodbendWy 938-2276 areas listed below If- 411 Commission information Bems Ted H llLockCr 938-70® Bakaluk J 29PoplarAv 938-5089 Numbers In other Alberta 1177 llAvSW Calgary 244-2727 Berrien Robert A RRl 938-3185 Bake Bob 6 126McRaeSt 938-2178 Locations ALBERTA EQUESTRIAN Bertds Frank RR2 938-7741 Baker R iSAIcockSt 938-4362 BesantDM 938-2489 (No Tol Charge) . .1 + 555-1212 FEDERATION Numbers outside Alberta Balderson AW rr2 938-7504 Bessdink Peter Box276 938-4516 105 6007 laStSWCalgary(NoCharge (No TomChergc) Balderson Blain 4lGlorondPlace 938-7071 Bessdink Roy 21MapieSt 938-6602 DiaO 1-800 352-8244 1+Area Codef 555-1212 Baldwin F T Aldersyde 938-7300 Best RW SArdielDr 938-2370 REPAR SERVICE BaUance Sheldon T 82LockCr 938-3146 Bester K R RRlDeWinton 938-3004 Phone 265-3311 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT Ballard C IBMapleSt 938-2395 Setts Ken A RRlDeWinton 938-7239 ASSISTANCE 0 BaHard Cindy 3 l96ElmaSt 938-4826 Bevans May 104 21ElmaStE 938-5476 BURIED CABLE LOCATION TELEPHONES Ballard Clive 0 IMountalnStE 938-4238 Sews Lawrence N Box356 938-4950 Phone 1-800-242-3447 A Member Of Telecom Canada Ballard R 8 34CrescentRd 938-4534 BICE GRAVEL Box667 High River 652-4661 For Detaled Listings See Page 1 BUSINESS OFFKX BANK DF NOVA SCOTIA Bickford Laurie 2HuntersCr 938-4650 Phone 231-7111 Business Office ••• Calgary231-7111 1 SEIizabethSt 938-4712 Bielert Marvin 938-7167 (Hours 8 AMto 430 PM Alberta Grain Commission - Grain Prices Banks D 327WoodsldeP1ace 938-2257 Bietz Harvey 938-5582 (NoChargeDM) 1-800 222-6414 Banks L J RR2 938-7698 BIG ROCK ANIMAL CLINIC LTD Alberta Uquor Control Board Bannerman Roiiert E SKnowlesAv 938-2403 Dr D A Mullaney Banzet Dennis RRl 938-7029 lOSEUabathSt 938-4100 Dr G K dim Alberta Wheat Pool 938-4088 SNorthRaihvaySt 938-4171 POLICE— RCiu» Alcock LyaHW liaeimaSt 938-4578 BANZET SADDLERY AfterMrs Calgary 263-6161 Snwrgency/Complalnts Aldan A 8ox823 938-7578 115Elizat)ethSt 938-5406 ^ 24 Hr 938-4202 Aldan J 28HuntarsGate 938-5480 Bar Pipe Farms BIG ROCK CAR WASH Detachment 938-7046 1103NorthRailwaySt 938-4055 ambulance ALDERSYDE GULF Farm No 1 (938-7726 ..High River 1-652-3111 (938-6141 Big Rock Inn lOlElizabethSt 938-6611 hospital Farm No 3 938-7641 SERVICE 80x1139 938-4114 Cottage 938-7851 BIG RDCK MINI MAU 17McRaeSt 938-5469 High River 1-652-2321 Cafe 80x43 938-3009 BIG RDCK SCHOOL 33Hunter'sGate 938-6666 Calgary Direct Line ... 263-4275 Bara 8 L IBRoblnsonOr 938-5201 Black AldridgeWlWam G 8oxl7lMldnapore .. 938-4889 Baradoy Hans 938-4881 Diamond Alger Alan E 938-5006 Baranyay Joseph R 938-4335 BIG ROCK TRUCKING Turner Valey 1-933-2222 Alger Harry E rr2 938-7744 Barber A 122WcodbumCr 938-5265 Alger Har^ MLAHk^wood Barber 8 309 280Bannlsteipr 938-3624 LTD BoxieSBIackDiamond .. ...938-7948 POISONCENTRE 270-1414 Shop Turner Valley 933-5580 (No ToM Charge) .1-800-332-1414 Constituency Ofc 208StodrtonAv... 938-7774 Barby C eiSouthRaUvwiyStE 938-8139 LOCAL CALLIN6 AREA If Busy Cal 938-5108 Barclay Jim l7Atco(d(St 938-4294 BlgneN irvin 160WaldronAv 938-3048 Alger Stephen R rr2 938-7926 Barge Brian ISLockCr 938-2233 BH Jack llSkotokoPlace 938-8198 You can caH without toM Allan J C 17WelshCr 938-5856 Bariey Tom SOZSuntreePlace 938-5185 BllRoy lAlcockSt 938-29® charges from ANcn GM es^otoksOr 938-4002 Barnes Donald l63WoodhavanOr 938-4739 BlUing^y G RRlDeWinton 938-5272 Okotoks to the following ANerdings George J 22MountainSt .... 938-3281 Barnes Milton E BoxlsitelRR2 938-4095 Binksma Jack lllVissefPlace 938-2513 place ANonby Frank 27ArdWDr 938-2080 Baron John J rri 938-7673 BioNo Peter R RR2 938-7495 ANwardan Tafry_RR2 938-7759 Barrett Brian 938-2801 Birkett Uoyd SVSRailwayStE 938-4286 SffSi "seven" dtgH AUWEST AUTOMATIC ODOR Barrett D W 24CrescentRdE 938-7618 Blmey Fred 938-7094 number Barrle John G 305SuntreePtace 938-4890 Bimey M 49SouthRaihyayStE 938-4563 931 prefix (Priddisarea) SYSTEMS LTD 127CirrPlaca .... 938-2115 BarstadErrol 47WilsonSt 938-3499 Just dM the "seven" dIgH ALTEL DATA A DIVISION OF A G T Blmey R J 304 21ElmStE 938-5369 Bartd Biake OunbowRd 938-2688 BlrreU Douglas 83EiizabethSt 938-2076 number —Sea Page 1 For Businass Systems Data BarthJohn 127WoodglenP(ace 938-2825 Bishton Edward L soMountainStE 938-4446 Aeoounta Maw Be Paid At: AHnk kid Ltd lllONorthRalvny 938-2448 BartonNR idAlcockSt 938-2391 Biswanger Harold L RRlOeWmton ...
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