Theoretical Computer Science ELSEVIER Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223

Shortest paths in digraphs of small . Part II: Optimal parallel algorithms’

Shiva Chaudhuri, Christos D. Zaroliagis* Max-Planek Institut fiir Informatik, Im Stadtwaid, D-66123 Saarbriicken. Germany


We consider the problem of preprocessing an n- digraph with real edge weights so that subsequent queries for the shortest path or between any two vertices can be efficiently answered. We give parallel algorithms for the EREW PRAM model of computation that de- pend on the treewidth of the input graph. When the treewidth is a constant, our algorithms can answer distance queries in O(a(n)) time using a single processor, after a preprocessing of O(log*n) time and O(n) work, where cc(n) is the inverse of Ackermann’s function. The class of constant treewidth graphs contains outerplanar graphs and series-parallel graphs, among others. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first parallel algorithms which achieve these bounds for any class of graphs except trees. We also give a dynamic algorithm which, after a change in an edge weight, updates our data structures in O(logn) time using O(nB) work, for any con- stant 0

Keywords: Shortest path; ; Treewidth; Parallel computing; PRAM; Dynamic algorithm

1. Introduction

Finding shortest paths in digraphs is a fundamental problem in network optimiza- tion [2]. Given an n-vertex, m-edge digraph G with real edge weights, the shortest paths problem asks for paths of minimum weight between vertices in G. In the single- source problem we seek such paths from a specific vertex to all other vertices and in the all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) problem we seek such paths between every pair [2].

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. ’ This work was partially supported by the EU ESPRIT Basic Research Action No. 7141 (ALCOM II). A preliminary version appeared as: “Optimal parallel shortest paths in small treewidth digraphs”, in Algorithms - ESA’95, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 979 (Springer, Berlin, 1995) 31-45.

0304-3975198619.00 @ 1998-Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PZZ SO304-3975(98)00021-S 206 S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223

For general digraphs the best parallel algorithm for the APSP problem takes O(log2n) time using O(n3) work2 on an EREW PRAM [ll]. In the case of planar digraphs there is an O(log4 n)-time, 0(n2)-work EREW PRAM algorithm [9]. An APSP algorithm must output paths between s2(n2) vertex pairs and thus requires this much work and space. For sparse digraphs (i.e. m =0(n)) a more efficient approach is to preprocess the digraph so that subsequently, queries can be efficiently answered. A query specifies two vertices and a shortest puth query asks for a minimum weight path between them, while a distance query only asks for the weight of such a path. For example, for outer- planar digraphs, it was shown in [lo] that after preprocessing requiring O(log n) time and O(n log n) work on a CREW PRAM, a distance query is answered in O(log n) time using a single processor and a shortest path query in O(log n) time using O(L + log n) work (where L is the number of edges of the reported path). In [lo] it is also shown how distance queries in planar digraphs can be answered in O(log n + log2 q) time using O(log n + q) work, after polylog-time and O(n log n log* IZ+ qi.‘)-work prepro- cessing on a CREW PRAM. These latter bounds are given in terms of a minimum number of faces q that collectively cover all vertices of the planar digraph. Note that q varies from 1 (outerplanar digraph) up to O(n). The study of graphs using the treewidth as a parameter was pioneered by Robertson and Seymour [ 15, 161 and continued by many others (see e.g. [4,6]). Infor- mally, the treewidth is a measure of how close the structure of the graph is to a tree (see Section 2 for a formal definition). Graphs of treewidth at most t are also known as par- tial t-trees. These graphs have at most tn edges. Classifying graphs based on treewidth is useful because diverse properties of graphs can be captured by a single parameter. For instance, the class of graphs of bounded treewidth includes outerplanar graphs, series-parallel graphs, graphs with bounded bandwidth and cutwidth and many other classes [4,6]. Thus, giving efficient algorithms parameterized by treewidth is an im- portant step in the development of better algorithms for many natural classes of sparse graphs. In this paper we consider the problem of preprocessing a digraph of small treewidth in parallel, so that afterwards, queries can be efficiently answered. We also consider the dynamic version of the problem, where edge weights may change. In [8] sequential algorithms are given that, for digraphs of constant treewidth, after O(n) time pre- processing answer a distance (resp. shortest path) query in O(a(n)) (resp. O(Lcc(n))) time. 3 After a change in an edge weight, the algorithm updates the data structure in O(nP) time, for any constant O

* Work = time x number of processors, or alternatively the total number of operations. 3 cr(n) is the inverse of Ackermann’s function [l] and is a very slowly growing function S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 i 1998) 205-223 207 time using O(L + a(n) logn) work. Updates can be performed in O(log n) time using O(np) work for any constant O

2. Preliminaries

In this paper, we will be concerned with finding shortest paths or distances between vertices of a directed graph. Thus, we assume that we are given an n-vertex weighted digraph G, i.e. a digraph G = (V(G), E(G)) and a weight function wt : E(G) + R. We call wt(u, v) the weight of the edge (u,v). The weight of a path in G is the sum of the weights of the edges on the path. For U, v E V(G), a shortest path in G from u to v is a path whose weight is minimum among all paths from u to u. The distance from u to v, written as 6(u,v) or &(u,u), is the weight of a shortest path from u to v in G. A cycle in G is a (simple) path starting and ending at the same vertex. If the weight of a cycle in G is less than zero, then we will say that G contains a negative cycle. It is well-known [2] that shortest paths exist in G, iff G does not contain a negative cycle. For a subgraph H of G, and vertices X, y E V(H), we shall denote by C?H(X,y) the distance of a shortest path from x to y in H. A shortest path tree rooted at v E V(G), is a spanning tree such that VW E V(G), the tree path from v to w is a shortest path in G from v to w. Let G be a (directed or undirected) graph and let W C V(G). Then by G[ W] we shall denote the subgraph of G induced by W. Let Vi, V2 and S be disjoint subsets of V(G). We say that S is a separator for VI and V2, or that S separates VI from V2, iff every path from a vertex in VI (resp. VI) to a vertex in V2 (resp. VI) passes through a vertex in S. Let H be a subgraph of G. A cut-set for H is a set of vertices C(H) C V(H), whose removal separates H from the rest of the graph. Often, we will want to focus on a subgraph induced by a subset of the vertices of a graph, however, we would like the distances between vertices in this subgraph to be the same as in the original graph. Let H be a digraph, with VI, V2 and U a partition of V(H) such that U is a separator for VI and V2. Let HI and HZ be subgraphs of H such that V(Hl) = VI U U, V(H2) = V2 U U and E(Hl) UE(H2) =E(H). We say that H{ is a graph obtained by absorbing H2 into HI, if H{ is obtained from HI by adding edges (u, v), with weight 6~,(u, v) or ~H(u,zI), for each pair U,V E U. (In case of multiple edges, retain the one with minimum weight.) The following lemma, proved in [8], shows that absorbing a subgraph into another preserves distances. S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223 209

Lemma 2.1. Let HI and Hz be subgraphs of H and let H: be obtained by absorbing Hz into HI. Then, for all x, y E V(Hi), on;(x, y) = Sn(x, y).

A tree-decomposition of a (directed or undirected) graph G is a pair (X, T) where T = ( V( T),E(T)) is a tree and X is a family {Xi 1i E V(T)} of subsets of V(G), such that UiGV(T) Xi = V(G) and also the following conditions hold: l (edge mapping) V(u, w) E E(G), there exists an i E V(T) with v E Xi and w E X,.

l (continuity) Vi, j, k E V(T), if j lies on the path from i to k in T, then Xi nx, C Xj, or equivalently: Vu E V(G), the nodes {i E V(T) 1u E X;} induce a connected subtree of T. The treewidth of a tree-decomposition is maxiEV(r) IXil - 1. The treewidth of G is the minimum treewidth over all possible tree-decompositions of G.

Fact 2.1 (Bodlaender and Hager-up [7]). Given a constant t E N and an n-vertex graph G, there exists an EREW PRAM algorithm, running in 0(log2n) time us- ing O(n) work, which tests whether G has treewidth at most t and if so, outputs a tree-decomposition (X, T) of G with treewidth at most t.

Fact 2.2 (Bodlaender [5] and Bodlaender and Hagerup [7]). Giuen a constant t E N and a tree-decomposition of treewidth at most t of an n-vertex graph G, we can compute a rooted, binary tree-decomposition of G with depth O(logn) and treewidth at most 3t + 2, in O(logn) time using O(n) work on an EREW PRAM.

We shall call the tree-decomposition found in Fact 2.2 balanced. Given a tree- decomposition of G, we can easily find separators in G, as the following proposition shows.

Proposition 2.1 (Robertson and Seymour [16]). Let G be a graph, (X, T), its tree- decomposition, e = (i, j) E E( T) and TI and TX the two subtrees obtained by removing e from T. Then XinXj separates U,~yCr,IX, from Um~VCTzIXm.

3. The static data structures

For a function f let f (‘j(n)= f(n); f (“(n)= f(f (‘-‘j(n)), i> 1. Define lo(n)= [n/21 and Ik(n) = min{ j 1Z,(!),(n) d l}, k 3 1. The functions Ik(n) decrease rapidly as k increases, in particular, 11 behaves like log n and 12 like log* n. Define a(n) = min{ j I Zj(n)< 1). The following was proved in [3].

Fact 3.1 (Alon and Schieber [3]). Let l be an associative operator deJined on a set S, such that for x, y E S, x l y can be computed in O(m) time and O(w) work. Let T be a tree with n nodes such that each node is labelled with an element from S. Then: (i) for each k> 1, after O(mlogn)-time and O(wnZk(n))-work preprocessing on an EREW PRAM, the composition of labels along any path in the tree can be computed 210 S. Chaudhuri, C.D. Zaroliagisl Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223 in O(wk) time by a single processor; and (ii) after O(m logn)-time and O(wn)-work preprocessing on an EREW PRAM, the composition of’ labels along any path in the tree can be computed in O(wa(n)) time by a single processor.

The main idea of our algorithm is, as in [S], to reduce shortest path computations to the above problem. This reduction is done by first defining a certain value for each node of the tree-decomposition of G, as well as an associative operator on these values, and then showing that shortest path computation reduces to computing products of those values along paths in the tree-decomposition. Then, the rest follows by Fact 3.1. A brief description of the reduction follows. A tuple (a, b,c) is called a distance tuple if a, b are arbitrary symbols and c E R. Let (al, bl, cl ) and (az, bz, CZ) be two distance tuples. Then, their product is defined as (al,bl,cl)~(az,b*,c2)=(al,b2,~1 +Q) if bl =a2 and as nonexistent otherwise. Let M be a set of distance tuples and define minmap(M) = {(a, b,c): (a, b,c) EM and V(a’, b’, c’) E A4 if a’ = a, b’ = b, then c d c’}. In other words, minmap retains, among all tuples with the same first and second components, the one with the smallest third component. For two sets Mi and I& of distance tuples define the operator o by A41 o M2 = min- map(M), where A4 = {x @ y: x E Mi, y E MI}. It can be easily verified that o is an associative operator. Consider now a digraph G with real edge weights. The above definition actually says that, if MI and A42 have tuples of the form (a, b,x), where II, b E V(G) and x is the weight of a path from a to b, then Ml o M2 computes tuples (a, b, y) where y is the (shortest) distance from a to b using only the paths represented in Ml and A42. Finally, define P(X, Y) = {(a, b, &(a, b)): UEX, bEY}, whereX,YCV(G) andX,Y are not necessarily distinct. (By definition, P(X,X) includes tuples (x,x,0), Vx EX.) The following lemma, proved in [8], establishes the desired connection between computing shortest paths and products along tree paths of the operator o defined above.

Lemma 3.1. Let G be a weighted digraph and (X, T) its tree decomposition. For iE V(T), define y(i)=P(Xi,Xi). Let VI,...,V~ be apath in T. Then y(v~)o~~.oy(vp) = P(&, 2&, 1.

Therefore, it only remains to show how the y values can be efficiently computed in parallel for each node of a tree-decomposition. This is shown in the next lemma. The following algorithm first converts the given tree-decomposition into a balanced one, and then repeatedly shrinks the tree. The shrinking is accomplished by processing the tree bottom-up and absorbing, in every stage, the subgraphs corresponding to leaves. When the tree is reduced to a single node, the algorithm computes y using any known method, for this node. Since distances are preserved during absorption, the distances computed for this single node are the distances in the original graph. Finally, the shrinking process is reversed and the tree is expanded. The y values of the newly expanded nodes can be computed using the y values of the nodes computed so far. S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223 211

Lemma 3.2. Let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph and let (X, T) be the tree- decomposition of G, of treewidth at most t. For each pair u, v such that u,v EX, for some i E V(T), let Dist(u, v) = 6(u, v). Then, in O(log n log2 t) time using O(t3n) work on an EREW PRAM, we can either find a negative cycle in G, or compute the values Dist(u, v) for each such pair u, v.

Proof. Initially, Dist(u, v) = wt(u, v), if (u, v) E E(G), and Dist(u, v) = CO, otherwise. We give an inductive algorithm. First, convert (X, T) into a balanced tree-decomposition of G using Fact 2.2. Then, for each vertex of T, we compute its level number, which is one more than the level of its parent, with the root having level number 1. This computation can be done in O(logn) time and O(n) work [12, Theorem 3.41. We use induction on the number of levels of T. Let d be the depth of T and Nd be the set of tree nodes at level d. For all nodes z E Nd, run the algorithm of [ 1 l] to solve the APSP problem in G[X,]. This will take O(log* t) time and o(l&jt3) work. If there is a negative cycle in some G[X,], it will be found by the algorithm of [ 111. If this is the case, then stop and report the cycle. Otherwise, assume henceforth that there is no G[X,] containing a negative cycle. For all u, v E X, and Qz E Nd, update the values Dist(u,v) as follows: if the weight of the shortest path found is less than the current value of Dist(u, v), then set Dist(u, v) to the new value. If d = 1 (which implies that 1V(T)/ = 1), we are done. Otherwise, remove all nodes z E Nd from T and call the resulting tree T’. Let V’ = lJiEV(r,) Xi and construct G’ by absorbing every G[X,] into G[V’], where the weight of each added edge (u,v) is Gol,~l(u, v). (The absorption is done in two steps: first all G[X,] are absorbed, where z is a left child, and then all G[X,] for which z is a right child.) After the absorptions, we have, by Lemma 2.1, that for any vertices u, v E V’, 6~’ (u, v) = &(u, v). Moreover, if G contains a negative cycle, so does G’. Let Y = lJzENd X,. Then, note that (X - Y, T’) is a tree-decomposition for G’. Inductively run the algorithm on G’. If a negative cycle is found in G’, then a negative cycle in G can be found by replacing any edges added during the ab- sorption by their corresponding paths in the subgraphs G[X,], z E Nd, and the algo- rithm stops. Otherwise, we assume that G’ does not contain a negative cycle and for a, b E V’, Dist(a, b) = &,(a, b) = &(a, b), as desired. Construct a digraph G” by absorbing G[V’] into G[X,], for every z E Nd, with each added edge (u, v) having weight Bo(u, v). By Lemma 2.1, &f/(x, y) = &(x, y), Qx, y E X,. Run the algorithm of [l l] on G” to recompute all pairs shortest paths. Update the values Dist(a, 6) for a, b E X, as before. Now for each z E Nd and Qa, b E X,, Dist(a, b) = &/((a, b) = &(a, b) as desired. Thus, the values computed are correct for all pairs a, b which completes the induction and the description of the algorithm. Concerning the resource bounds, it suffices to notice that the algorithm performs a bottom-up and a top-down traversal of T by processing the tree level-by-level and vis- iting every tree node at most twice. (Either of the traversals can be done in O(log ITI) time with O(lTi) work on an EREW PRAM using standard techniques, see e.g., [12, Section 2.11.) At each level, the algorithm takes 0(log2 t) time using 0(t3) work 212 S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223 per node. Hence, in total it takes O(logn log2 t) time and 0(t3n) work on an EREW PRAM. 0

We are now ready to give our static algorithms. The preprocessing algorithm con- sists of three steps. First, compute a tree-decomposition (X, T) of the input weighted digraph G, using Fact 2.1. Second, use Lemma 3.2 to either find a negative cycle (and in such a case stop), or compute values Dist(u, u) for u, v such that u, v E X; for some i E V(T). Having these values, compute y(i), Vi E V(T). Third, use Fact 3.1 to preprocess T so that product queries on y can be answered. The distance query algo- rithm is as follows. Let u, v E V(G) be the query vertices and let u EX~ and v EX,. Then, simply ask for the product of the y values on the path in T between i and j. By Lemma 3.1, the answer to this product contains the information about 6(u,v). The next theorem follows easily by the description of the algorithms, the bounds in Fact 3.1 and Lemma 3.2, and by the fact that the composition of any two y values can be computed in O(log2 t) time using O(t3) work.

Theorem 3.1. For any integer t and any k 3 1, let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph of treewidth at most t, whose tree-decomposition can be found in T(n, t) parallel time using W(n, t) work on an EREW PRAM. Then, the following hold on an EREW PRAM: (i) After 0( T(n, t) + log n log2 t) time and 0( W(n, t) + t3r&(n)) work and space preprocessing, distance queries in G can be answered in 0(t3k) time using a single processor. (ii) After 0( T(n, t) + log n log2 t) time and 0( W(n, t) + t3n) work and space preprocessing, distance queries in G can be answered in O(t3a(n)) time using a single processor.

In [8] it is shown how a distance query of time Q yields a shortest path query of time O(LQ), where L is the number of edges of the reported path. That approach, while simple, is not parallelizable. For this reason, a different approach is followed here which is described in the next theorem.

Theorem 3.2. For any integer t and any k > 1, let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph of treewidth at most t, whose tree-decomposition can be found in T(n, t) parallel time using W(n, t) work on an EREW PRAM. Then, the following hold on an EREW PRAM: (i) After O(T(n, t) + logn log2 t) time and 0( W(n, t) + t3nZk(n)) work and space preprocessing, shortest path queries in G can be answered in 0(t4k logn) time using O(t4(L + k log n)) work, where L is the number of edges of the reported path. (ii) After O(T(n, t) + logn log2 t) time and 0( W(n, t) + t3n) work and space preprocessing, shortest path queries in G can be answered in in 0(t4u(n)logn) time using 0(t4(L + a(n)logn)) work, where L is the number of edges of the reported path.

Proof. Let (X, T) be the tree-decomposition of G. Make T balanced using Fact 2.2. The preprocessing phase consists of the following steps. Use Lemma 3.2 to compute S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223 213 the values Dist(u, o) for all pairs u, u E&, for some i E V(T) and consequently the y(i) values, for all iE V(T). Use Theorem 3.1 to compute a parallel data structure so that distance queries between any two vertices in G can be answered in O(t3cc(n)) (or 0(t3k)) time by a single processor. Use the algorithm of [17] to preprocess T so that lowest common ancestor (LCA) queries can be answered in 0( 1) time. For each v E V(G) define h(u) to be the tree node i such that v E Xi and i is the closest such node to the root. The values h(v), Vu E V(G), can be found by a top-down, level-by- level traversal of T, where the processor associated with a node i E V(T) forks two other processors and associates them with the children of i. It is easy to see that the resource bounds for the preprocessing are dominated by those of Theorem 3.1. Let p E V(T). Denote by Tp the subtree of T rooted at p and by G[ Tp] the subgraph of G induced on UIEV(r,) Xi. As usual, T - T, denotes the subtree resulting after the removal of T, from T, and G[T - T,] denotes the subgraph of G induced on UiE,,(r_r,jXi. Consider a set X,, after the above preprocessing. Each edge (a,b) eXI, is either a real edge (i.e. (a, b) E E(G)), or it is an edge added during some absorption (Lemma 3.2). For each node p E V(T) and V(a,b) cXp, define R,(a,b) as follows:

P if aG(u, b) = ~G[x~](%b), &(a,b)= Y if &(a,b)=6 G[r,l(a,b) and r is a child of p, q if &(u, b) = &[r_r,](u, b)and q is the parent of p.

The value of all R,(u,b) can be easily computed during the preprocessing phase. In particular, during the execution of the algorithm implied by Lemma 3.2: when we retain, during some absorption, among multiple edges the one with minimum weight (or similarly when we add a new edge), it is easy to keep a pointer denoting where this minimum weight edge comes from. Hence, the computation of the R,(u,b) values can be done within the resource bounds of Lemma 3.2. Let the query be for the shortest path from u to z’ in G, denoted as SP(u, a). (W.1.o.g. we assume that there is a path from u to u in G.) As in [8], it suffices to consider the case where h(u) is a descendant of h(u), or vice versa. If h(u) and h(v) are not descendants of each other, then by Proposition 2.1 ,SP(u, v) passes through some vertex z # u, z’ in Xj, where j = LCA(h(u),h(v)), and 6(u, u) = 6(u,z) + 6(z, v). This vertex z can be found by O(t) distance queries. Hence, to find SP(u, D) it suffices to find SP(u,z) and SP(z,v), and both h(u) and h(v) are descendants of h(z). We will consider the case where h(u) is a descendant of h(v). (The other case is simi- lar.) Let puth(i,j) denote the path in T between nodes i and j and X,,, = lJ,~path(h(uj,h(,,jj X,. Define EP(u, v) to be the shortest path from u to v in G[X,,,.]. (Note that G[X,. ,] is the digraph resulted by absorbing G[X - X,,o] into it.)

The rest of the proof is based on the following three claims.

Claim 1. EP(u, v) is an encoded version of SP(u,u) and cun be found in 0(t4cc(n) logn) (or 0(t4klogn)) time by a single processor. 214 S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliayis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223

Proof of Claim. The existence of EP(u, v) is guaranteed by Proposition 2.1. The ver- tices of EP(u,v) can be found as follows. Associate one processor with h(u). If h(u) and h(v) coincide, then the required vertices belong to &cU) and EP(u,v) is available by the preprocessing phase. Otherwise (h(u) # h(v)), let p be the parent of h(u) in T. Then, by O(t) distance queries we can find the vertices x E& that belong to EP(u, u). To find the rest of the vertices in EP(u, u), repeat the process with every node in path( p, h(v)). The claimed time bound follows easily. It remains to show that EP(u,u) is a sequence of real edges and/or edges added during some absorption. Let EP(u, V) = (U = al, a2,. . . , ak = v). Assume that (Ui,ui+l ), for some 1

Let (x, y) be an edge of EP(u, v) added during some absorption and let also (x, y) E Xi,, 1

Claim 2. Let (x, y) be as above. Then, g(x, y) is the subtree of T containing SP(x, y).

Proof of Claim. Assume that SP(x,y) is not totally contained in g(x,y). Then, there must be at least one vertex b EX;:, (or in Xi, ,Xi,, resp.) such that SP(x, y) passes through b. (Such a vertex exists by the continuity condition.) But this implies that (x, y) is not a shortest path itself in Xik (or in Xi,,Xi,, resp.), a contradiction since (x, y) is an edge of EP(u, 0). 0

The values g(x, y), V(x, y) E EP(u, u) added during some absorption, can be found in O(t logn) time by a single processor performing a bottom-up traversal of path(h(u), h(v)): at each node of the path, the processor checks which case of the definition of g(x, y) applies and assigns a value to g(x, y) accordingly.

Claim 3. Let (x, y) E EP(u, u) and (x, y) has been added during some absorption. Let also L(x, y) be the number of edges of SP(x, y). Then, in O(t logn) time and O(tL(x, y)) work on an ERE W PRAM, we can output SP(x, y). S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 ( 1998) 205-223 215

Proof of Claim. By Claim 2, it suffices to consider only the subtree y(x, y). Let r be the attachment node of g(x,y). If SP(x,y) consists of a single edge, then we visit the neighbor z of r, such that R,.(x, y) = z. Otherwise, we may have to visit both neighbors of Y, depending on the R,.( ) values of the edges in the shortest path from x to y in G[&]. In this case, the processor associated with Y forks two other processors and associates them with the neighbors of Y. Repeat the above process inductively at the neighbors of r. Since we have to output a path of L(x, y) edges, we have to visit (in the worst case) L(x,y) nodes of g(x,y) and hence the total work is O(tL(x, y)). At each node j of g(x, y) its associated processor takes O(t) time. (This is needed to avoid concurrent accesses.) Since the depth of g(x, y) can be O(log n) in the worst-case, the total time complexity is O(t log n). 0

Hence, to output SP(u, u), it suffices (by Claim 1) to find EP(u, u) and then to output the real shortest paths in G which correspond to the edges of EP(u, v) added during some absorptions. Claims 2 and 3 imply that we can do this in work proportional to the size of the real shortest paths. Therefore, SP(u, v) can be output in O(t4a(n) log n) (or 0(t4klogn)) time using 0(t4(L + a(n)logn)) (or O(t4(L + klogn))) work on an EREW PRAM, where L is the number of the edges in SP(u,u). This ends the proof of the theorem. 0

Corollary 3.1. Let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph of constant treewidth and let k > 1 be any constant integer. Then, the following hold on an EREW PRAM: (i) After O(log2n) time and 0(&(n)) work and space preprocessing, distance queries in G can be answered in O(k) time using a single processor and shortest path queries in O(k logn) time using O(L + k logn) work, where L is the number of edges of the reported path. (ii) After O(log2n) time and O(n) work and space preprocessing, distance queries in G can be answered in O(cc(n)) time using a single processor and shortest path queries in O(a(n) log n) time using O(L + ‘z(n) logn) work, where L is the number of edges of the reported path.

In [8] it is shown how the values provided by Lemma 3.2 can be used in the computation of a shortest path tree rooted at a given vertex s E I’(G). But the approach in [8] cannot be efficiently parallelized in a trivial way, because it is based on a depth- first search of T followed by a (kind of) breadth-first search of G starting at s. Hence, a different method has to be followed which is given in the next theorem.

Theorem 3.3. For any integer t, let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph of treewidth at most t, whose tree-decomposition can be found in T(n, t) parallel time using W(n, t) work on an EREW PRAM. Also let s E V(G). Then, in O(t log n + T(n, t)) time using 0(t3n + W(n, t)) work on an EREW PRAM, we can either compute a shortest path tree rooted at s, or find a negative cycle in G (tf’ exists).

Proof. Let (X, T) be the tree-decomposition of G. Using Lemma 3.2, we either compute Dist(u, u), for u, 21 such that u, v EX~, for some i E V(T), or find a negative cycle 216 S. Chaudhuri. C. D. Zaroliagisl Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223 in G. If there is no negative cycle, we can easily compute >(i), vi E V(T). Let i E V(T) such that s EX~. Root T at node i and make it balanced, using Fact 2.2. Starting at i, perform a top-down traversal of T by visiting all nodes of T level-by-level. (This can be done by letting each processor associated with some node z of T to fork two other processors and to associate them with the children of z.) At each node j E V(T) visited, store the product of the y values on the path from i to j. Since the composition of two y values can be computed in 0(log2t) time using 0(t3) work on an EREW PRAM and each node of T is visited exactly once, the whole process takes O(log n log* t) time using 0(t3n) work. For an edge (u, U) of G, define h(u, U) to be the node z of T such that v, u E X, and z is the closest such node to the root. (By the continuity condition, h(v,u) is unique.) It is easy to see that during the above top-down traversal of T, we can found such nodes h(u,u) for each edge (u,u) in G. We also assume that for each u E V(G), we have the value 6(s, u). This is true, since by Lemma 3.1 the value stored at node j E V(T), j # i and u EX~, during the above mentioned top-down traversal, is P(Xi,Xj) which contains the tuple (s, U, 6(s, u)). To construct the shortest path tree Y, we do the following. Starting at the root node i, we perform a second, level-by-level, top-down traversal of T. For a node j E V(T) at level 83 1, we check (sequentially) edges (u, u), where u, u E&(~+) and v belongs to the shortest path tree .Y* constructed so far, while u $! Y*. (Initially, j = i and u = s.) If 6(s, u) = 6(s, v) + wt(v, u), then make v the parent of u in 3. If v, u belong also to any child of Xh(u,U), then mark the edge (v, U) as being “examined” in the local memory of the processor associated with this child. Note that this last operation is needed in order to avoid concurrent access conflicts in the shared memory, in the case where there is another node k E V(T) at the same level with j for which 0, u E &. It can be easily verified (by induction) that the above procedure creates a shortest path tree rooted at s. It is also easy to see that each tree node is visited exactly once and that we need O(t) time (using a single processor) in such a node. Hence, in total, Y can be constructed in O(tlogn) time using 0(t3n) work. 0

Corollary 3.2. Let G be an n-vertex weighted digraph of constant treewidth und let SE V(G). Then, in O(log*n) time using O(n) work on un EREW PRAM, we can either compute a shortest path tree rooted ut s, or find a negative cycle in G (if exists). If the tree-decomposition of G is also provided with the input, then the computation takes O(log n) time.

4. The dynamic algorithm

In this section we shall give our dynamic data structures and algorithms. The ap- proach follows the one in [8], but the parallel implementation is rather different. The main idea is as follows. We divide the digraph into subgraphs with disjoint edge sets and small cut-sets, and construct another (smaller) digraph - the reduced digraph - by S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zuroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223 217 absorbing each subgraph. The sizes of the subgraphs are chosen so that the subgraphs and the reduced digraph have size O($i). We then construct a query data structure for each subgraph and for the reduced digraph. Queries can be efficiently answered by querying these data structures. Since the edge sets are disjoint, a change in the weight of an edge affects the data structure for only one subgraph. Then we update the data structure of this subgraph. This may result in new distances between vertices in its cut-set, which appear in the reduced digraph as changes in the weights of edges between these cut-set vertices. Since the cut-set is small, the weights of only a few edges in the reduced digraph change. The data structure for the reduced digraph is up- dated to reflect these changes. Thus an update in the original digraph is accomplished by a constant number of updates in subgraphs of size O(&), which yields O(&) update work. By recursively applying this idea, we get an update work of O(nb), for any constant O

4.1. Graph equipartitions

Lemma 4.1. Let T be a rooted binary tree on n nodes and let 1

Proof. We give an algorithm which is a variant of the well-known parallel tree con- traction algorithm (see e.g., [12, Section 3.31). Assign a weight of 1 to each node in the tree. By adding a leaf (with weight 0) as a child to each node that has one child, we obtain a tree in which each node is a leaf or has two children. Number the leaves of the tree from left to right using the Euler tour technique, see e.g., [12, Section 3.21. From now on assume that we have a tree with weights on the nodes adding up to n, in which each internal node has two children, and in which some of the leaves are numbered from left to right. Our algorithm for obtaining the desired partition performs a number of rounds. Each round (consisting of three steps) forms groups of nodes which, at the end, will give the components. The algorithm is as follows: Repeat the following steps (round) [log,,, n1 times. 1. In parallel, for each odd numbered leaf that is a left child do: (a) If the sum of the weights of the leaf, its parent and its sibling exceeds m, then delete the numbers (if they exist) from the leaf and the sibling. 218 S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223

(b) Otherwise, if the sum of the weights is at most m, then shrink the edges con- necting the leaf and its sibling to their parent. Assign the parent a weight equal to the sum of the weights of the three nodes. If the sibling is a leaf, it is even numbered. Assign this number to the parent (which is now a leaf in the modified tree). 2. Repeat step 1 for each odd numbered leaf that is a right child. 3. After these two steps, all the numbered leaves in the tree have an even number. Divide each of these numbers by 2. It is not hard to see that after the ith iteration, at most l/2’ leaves have numbers, where 1 is the initial number of leaves. Thus, at the end, there are no numbered leaves. Throughout, the following invariant is maintained: if a leaf does not have a number, then the weights of the leaf, its parent and sibling add up to more than m. (Note that such a leaf will not participate in any subsequent iteration.) Call such a triple of leaf, parent and sibling an overweight group. Each non-numbered leaf is contained in some overweight group, and no node can belong to more than two overweight groups. Thus, the sum of the weights of all the overweight groups is at most 2n, hence the number of overweight groups is at most 2nlm. Since each overweight group contains at most two non-numbered nodes, the total number of non-numbered leaves at the end is 4nlm. Since each internal node has two children, the total number of nodes remaining in the tree is at most &z/m. Each node v in the remaining tree is associated with the connected subtree induced by the nodes that were shrunk into zi in the above process. These are the required groups. It is easy to see that v has a weight equal to the number of nodes in the associated subtree. Since this weight is at most m, there are at least n/m such connected subtrees. Also, as shown above, there are no more than 8n/m connected subtrees. It follows from the construction that each subtree is connected to the rest of the tree through at most 3 edges which are incident on at most 2 nodes of the subtree. 0

In order to implement the above algorithm - as well as the subsequent ones - on an EREW PRAM, we make the following conventions for the input-output representation. Input-Output conventions: We assume that the above algorithm has its input tree specified as a linked structure in n contiguous memory cells. The output it produces is in O(n) contiguous memory cells, divided into contiguous blocks, each block containing one of the connected components in the same linked format, and one final block containing the compressed tree (i.e. the tree at the end of the shrinking process) in a linked format. This can be accomplished using standard EREW PRAM methods in O(logn) time and O(n) work (see e.g., [12, Ch. 2]), which we now describe briefly. By assigning the preorder number to each node in the compressed tree, we can assign a unique number between 1 and q (where q is the number of nodes in the compressed tree) to each connected subtree. Then, by solving a prefix summation problem on q elements, where the ith element is the number of nodes in subtree i, we can allocate contiguous memory blocks for the various subtrees. It remains to copy the subtrees into the appropriate blocks. S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223 219

Since each node in the compressed tree knows the memory addresses allocated for its subtree, reversing the shrinking process, we can assign a unique memory address in the appropriate block to each node in a subtree. Now it is a simple matter for each node to copy itself into this address, and duplicate its link structure.

Definition 4.1. Let il,6 be positive integer constants and let 1 bm dn. Then, given an n-vertex digraph G as well as its balanced tree-decomposition of treewidth at most t, we define an (A, 6, m)-equipartition of G to be a partition of G into q subgraphs HI,. . . , H4, where n/m

The following lemma shows that an (3,8, m)-equipartition can be efficiently com- puted.

Lemma 4.2. Given an n-vertex digraph G along with its balanced tree-decomposition of treewidth at most t, we can compute an (3,8, m)-equipartition of G in O(log n) time using 0(t2n) work on an EREW PRAM, where 1

Proof. Let (1, T) be the balanced tree decomposition of G. By Fact 2.2, T has at most 2n nodes. Partition the nodes of T into n/m dq < 8n/m connected components using Lemma 4.1. For each component Ti, 1 d i dq, create a subgraph Hi which is the induced subgraph of G on the vertices in lJzEr,(T,JXr. Note that the number of vertices in Hi is at most tI V( Ti)l = tm and Ti is a tree decomposition of Hi. Let zt ,z2 and z3 be the nodes through which Ti is connected to the other components. Then, C(Hi) =X,, UX,, UX,, , and C(Hi) has at most 3t vertices. Construct H’ by creating a clique on C(Hi), for each 1

4.2. Data structures and algorithms

Let PD(G, {Pw, PT}, { UW, UT}, Q) denote a parallel dynamic data structure for a di- graph G, where O(Pw) (resp. O(Pr)) is the preprocessing work and space (resp. time) to be set up, O(Q) is the time to answer a distance query using a single processor and O(Uw) (resp. O(Ur)) is the work (resp. time) to update it after the modification of an edge-weight.

Theorem 4.1. Assume that we are given an n-vertex weighted digraph G and its balanced tree decomposition of treewidth at most t. Then, for r >Q, we can con- 220 S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagisl Theoretical Computer Science 203 (I 998) 205-223 strut, on un EREW PRAM, the following (with A = 5t3 1 13’): (i) PD(G, {A’n, 2’ log n}, {A’n(‘/2)r-1,A’ logn},A’a(n)); and (ii) PD(G, {A’nZ~(n),2’logn}, {A’n(‘/2)‘m’,Ar logn}, A’k), for k3 1.

Proof. We shall prove part (i). Part (ii) can be proved similarly. We use induction on r. If r = 1, then, the work and time allowed for updates exceeds the preprocessing, and the static data structure of Theorem 3.1 suffices, with updates implemented by simply recomputing the whole data structure. We use the notation D(G, n, r, t) for PD(G, {A’n, 2’ log n}, {A’n(‘/2)‘-’ ,A’ log n}, A’&(n)). Assume the theorem holds for r’ cr. We show how to construct D(G, n, r, t). First construct an (3,8, &)-equipartition of G using Lemma 4.2, yielding H’ and HI ,..., H4, fi

JGf(Q, b). The update algorithm is as follows. First observe that (by construction) E(Gi) n E(Gj) = 0, i fj, and E(Gj) n&G’) = 0, i.e. each edge of G belongs to exactly one of the Gi’s or to G’. There are two cases to consider. (i) The weight of an edge belonging to Gi is changed. Then, update the data structure for Gi. This may result in new values for &,(x, y), x, y E C(Gi). Query the updated data structure for &,(x, y), x, y E C(Gi) and change the weights of the corresponding edges of G’, updating the data structure for G’ after each change. That the procedure is correct follows from the fact that changing the weight of an edge in Gi does not change &,(x, y), x, y E C(Gj), for j # i. Thus, after we change, in G’, the weight of edges (x, y), x, y E C(Gi), we have &!(u, v) = &(u, v), U, v E V(G’), again, S. Chaudhuri, C. D. Zaroliagis I Theoretical Computer Science 203 (1998) 205-223 221 by repeated applications of Lemma 2.1. After the last update, the data structure for G’ yields correct distances in G, between vertices in V(G’). (ii) The weight of an edge belonging to G’ is changed. Then the distances 6,(x, y) do not change. Thus, in this case, simply update the data structure for G’. This completes the description of the preprocessing, query and update algorithms. The time and work required to set up this data structure is the time and work required to construct (1) the equipartitions of G;‘s and G’, and (2) the data structures of G,‘s and G’ inductively. By Lemma 4.2, (1) requires O(logn) time and O(t’n) work. Then, writing PW(r, t)n and PT(r, t) log n for the preprocessing work and time, respectively, we have

PU/(r,t)n~i’n+~PW(r-1,5t)ni+PW(r-l,llt)n’, i=l

PT(r,t)logn< logn + max{PT(r - l,llt)logn’,PT(r - l,St)logN}, where N=max{nt,...,n,}. Querying involves taking the minimum of the results of the sub-queries specified in the query algorithm previously. Writing Q(r,t)u(n) for the query time, we have

Q(r,t>cc(n)6(5t)2[2Q(r - l,St)a(N) + Q(r - l,llt)a(n’)l

During updates, in the worst case there is one update in a graph Gi and then, at most (5t)2 queries in Gj and updates in graph G’. Thus, with UW(r,t)n(1i2)r-’ and UT(r, t) log n representing the work and time respectively, we have

UW(r, t)n(“2)‘+ < UW(r - 1, 5t)N”‘2”-*

+ (5t)2[Q(r - l,St)a(N) + UW(r - 1,1 lt)(n’)‘1’2’~2],


+ UT(r - l,llt)logn’].

It is easy to show that n’ < 88tn’12, EYE, ni < 5tn and N = 5tn’i2. Using these facts and easy estimates, we obtain the following recurrences.

PW(r,t)<2t2PW(r - l,llt),

PT(r,t)<2PT(r - l,llt),

Q(r,t)<(5t)3Q(r - 1,l It),

UW(r,t)<(5t)3UW(r - 1, llt),

UT(r,t)<(5t)3UT(r - 1, llt) from which the claimed bounds follow. Thus, we can construct D(G, n, r, t), completing the induction. 0

The following theorem shows how to obtain an update work of O(d), for any constant 0

Theorem 4.2. Let k> 1 be any constant integer and let O

Proof. Using Facts 2.1 and 2.2, we can compute a balanced tree-decomposition of G in O(log*n) time and O(n) work on an EREW PRAM. The rest of the proof follows now by Theorem 4.1, if we set Y= 1 - logp. 0

The algorithms described above give answers to distance queries only. They can be modified to answer path queries as well, in a way similar to that described in [8]. (The shortest path can be output in the same resource bounds as those stated in Corollary 3.1.) Also, before running our update procedure after a change in the weight of an edge, we have to ensure that this change does not create a negative cycle in the input digraph G. This can be easily tested in time proportional to that of finding a distance query (see [S] ).


We are grateful to the anonymous referees for carefully reading the paper and making several useful comments.


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