Gastronomy Trend Report for Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá

Eco Edible Smart Shelving Gen Z Appetite Luxe Leftover

Apr 30, 2019 - Copyright © Trend Hunter Inc. This report is for internal use within your company. Please do not distribute, publish or present outside your team. Brought to you by Trend Hunter, the world's most popular, largest trend network, fueled by more than 100,000 contributors and 2 billion views of data. We help creative innovators like you Find Better Ideas, Faster™ CASOS DE USO Estas son cinco razones por las que los principales innovadores confían en nosotros:

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Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. Características especiales y definiciones Estas son algunas sugerencias útiles para comprender nuestros Consumer Insights. No olvide que cada imagen está enlazada a un artículo completo, estadísticas y artículos adicionales en línea.

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Diseño Puntuación Tipos de contenido Implicaciones: Puntuación general: Consumer Insights: Nos esforzamos por descubrir ideas que tengan Todas las puntuaciones son percentiles (6,9 = percentil 69) y en general son el promedio de Clústeres de oportunidad implicaciones en múltiples industrias. Quizá se la popularidad, actividad e innovación. de alto nivel. encuentre observando un calzado hecho a la medida, Listas en clúster: pero ¿en qué forma esa personalización impacta su Popularidad: Recopilaciones completas de mundo? El atractivo general, determinado por la elección de un artículo por parte de las personas, ideas relacionadas, con el Ejemplos con hipervínculos: entre otras opciones en la misma categoría y clústeres, normalizado por la fecha de fin de hacerle seguimiento Si está viendo este archivo en modo de presentación, publicación. a las ideas innovadoras. puede hacer clic en cualquier ejemplo para abrir un Actividad: Ejemplos específicos: artículo completo con más conceptos relacionados. La cantidad de personas que interactúan con un artículo, incluso si se desplazan por las Microtendencias Enlace abierto: imágenes. Por ejemplo, algo como un cupcake de tocino tal vez no sea popular, pero cuidadosamente El enlace principal de cada página lo llevará al podría ser lo suficientemente llamativo para compartirlo en las redes. seleccionadas, de modo que no artículo completo. Si no ha iniciado sesión, será tenga que invertir demasiado dirigido al sitio web sin costo; si inició sesión, será Innovación: tiempo buscando. dirigido a su PRO dashboard. La novedad relativa de un artículo, que tiene más relevancia en categorías como Tecnología, a diferencia de Estilo de vida. Demografía: La audiencia objetivo de acuerdo con el investigador y no con las estadísticas del sitio.

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. CONTEXTO > EQUIPO > EVALUACIÓN Y NECESIDADES > PRESENTACIONES Y TALLERES > FUTURE FESTIVAL > INVESTIGACIÓN PERSONALIZADA > HERRAMIENTAS Todas las tendencias tienen una puntuación en tiempo real basada en las elecciones de nuestro grupo focal de 130.000.000 personas

Estadísticas del mobiliario de comercio electrónico dirigido a millennials Puntuación Tendencia: Esta semana, y viral Concepto: Amazon Rivet Conjunto de comparación: 33 artículos similares, incluidos: Investigación: 2.000 clics en 5 días Relacionados: 90 ejemplos / 69 fotos sillas apilables multifuncionales, mobiliario urbano para 9,9 Interés: 3,9 minutos Segmento: Neutro, 0-0 ahorrar espacio, y mobiliario multifuncional para millennials.

Informes relacionados: Informe sobre millennials, Informe sobre decoración, Informe sobre bebés, Informe sobre alcobas, Informe sobre la generación Y


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150.000.000 Personas=Grupo focal gigante

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. CONTEXTO > EQUIPO > EVALUACIÓN Y NECESIDADES > PRESENTACIONES Y TALLERES > FUTURE FESTIVAL > INVESTIGACIÓN PERSONALIZADA > HERRAMIENTAS Cada idea publicada se clasifica en las categorías usando tres criterios demográficos

Desglose demográfico de Trend Hunter


De izquierda a derecha: Esta es una medida de los mercados a los El anterior desglose representa una Entre 0 y 2 años que está dirigida una tendencia específica. tendencia de género neutro, pero se Entre 3 y 12 años Son seleccionados por el editor de un inclina ligeramente hacia los Entre 12 y 18 años artículo, y no se generan con base en la consumidores hombres. Algunas Entre 18 y 35 años ubicación de los lectores de tendencias pueden indicar un gran Entre 35 y 55 años Las regiones disponibles interés de hombres o de mujeres, 55 años en adelante son: América del Norte, Europa, Asia, África pero muchas se encuentran dentro y América del Sur. de este rango medio.

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. MARCO DE MEGATENDENCIAS Todo está relacionado con nuestro marco de megatendencias, lo que le permite comprender mejor las variaciones importantes y cómo proponer nuevas ideas

ACELERACIÓN Prosumerismo CICLICIDAD Nostalgia 1. Perfeccionar una sola cosa En la actualidad, los consumidores 1. Retro + Nostalgia Los buenos recuerdos alimentan el 2. Ícono prospectivo esperan herramientas y servicios 2. Generacional deseo de revivir el pasado, 3. Característica exagerada profesionales, desde la generación 3. Económico + Por temporada especialmente si se trata de los años de 4. Solución reinventada por parte de los usuarios hasta la 4. Ciclos repetitivos formación. cultura maker.

Catalización Inteligencia artificial Naturalidad Juventud Las marcas asumieron la Estamos entrando en una nueva era El deseo de contar con productos Detrás de la jovialidad se esconde el función de acelerar el transformadora, marcada por un sostenibles y que contengan hecho de que las generaciones no están desarrollo personal de los crecimiento exponencial de los datos, la ingredientes locales, orgánicos, listas para crecer, entre ellos los consumidores. robótica y la inteligencia. reciclables y conocidos. Boomers que desean una vida más activa y enriquecida.

REDUCCIÓN Emprendimiento REDIRECCIÓN Tribalismo 1. Especialización 1. Reenfocar Es más fácil que se formen 2. Menos capas + Eficiencia instantáneo 2. Revertir grupos leales en torno a 3. Crowdsourcing Los nuevos servicios hacen que 3. Sorprender intereses, causas e incluso 4. Suscripción conceptualizar, financiar, lanzar y 4. Gamificar marcas específicas. comercializar nuevas empresas sea más fácil que nunca.

Depuración Simplicidad Gamificación Experiencia Ofertas, servicios, suscripciones En un mundo acelerado y La aplicación de las dinámicas En un mundo lleno de “cosas”, la y recomendaciones atiborrado sobresale la simplicidad; de los juegos a los problemas experiencia se convierte en una hiperseleccionadas que el resultado son negocios del mundo real crea un mundo prioridad de la vida y un bien más simplifican la vida con cosas enfocados y diseño simple. más competitivo e interesante. importante que el dinero. mejores.

CONVERGENCIA Multisensaciones DIVERGENCIA Autenticidad 1. Combinación + Estratificación Las experiencias interactivas, 1. Personalizar + Adaptar Las redes sociales y la resistencia 2. Agregar valor tecnológicas, de realidad aumentada y 2. Status + Pertenencia ante la publicidad tradicional han 3. Alianza de marcas + Alineación realidad virtual aumentan nuestras 3. Estilo + Convertir en tendencia creado un deseo de autenticidad y 4. Físico + Digital expectativas en los campos del 4. Rebelión generacional realidad. entretenimiento, la comercialización e incluso la alimentación.

Cocreación Hibridación Personalización Muchos a muchos Las marcas, productos, servicios y Las fronteras se vuelven cada vez Las tecnologías de producción en La proliferación en masa de vendedores clientes crean en conjunto cada más borrosas a medida que los pequeñas cantidades y los medios de y creadores de medios de comunicación vez más un mundo modelos de negocios, productos y comunicación más personalizados ha reorientado el mundo hacia una interdependiente. servicios se combinan para crear crean expectativas de economía de muchos a muchos. conceptos y experiencias únicas. personalización.

“Trend Hunter es un gran recurso porque permite simplificar el caos. En este mundo, hay muchas cosas y oímos hablar mucho sobre tendencias; pero Trend Hunter nos ayuda a hacerlo más simple y tangible.” - Gerente de mercadeo y percepción del consumidor Custom Report Briefing Custom Topic: Gastronomy

Prepared for: Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá Team

Prepared by: Ady & Courtney

Briefing: This report is designed to look into... - The importance of local products and how are other countries positioning them ? - How technology (IA, IOT, Blockchain, VR, AR,MR) is affecting and reshaping the gastronomy industry in terms of: User experience, sales, real time information, accessibility, data, understanding user’s needs, habits and interactions, information delivery, efficiency etc. - New restaurants and food concepts - Sustainability

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Advisor's Top Picks

Accessible Gastronomy Molecular gastronomy becomes accessible to the average consumer

Gastronomic Veganism Fine dining classics are reinterpreted for vegan eaters

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. i. Consumer Insights

High-Level Patterns & Examples

Consumer Insights are the crown jewel of Trend Hunter. They are premium, subscriber-only articles based on clusters of specific examples. Each insight is identified using our crowdsourced, crowd-filtered methodology. We use a combination of algorithms, consumer data and editorial curation to identify patterns of ideas that score highly among our audience. Consumer Insights are intended to teach you about creativity in other industries, so that you can bring unique, high-level creativity to your own brand. Competitive advantage comes not from closely benchmarking yourself to the developments of your competitor, but by looking for inspiration that can revolutionize your industry.

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. CulinaRetail Retailers offer special culinary events for their customers

Implications - Retail brands looking to engage with consumers on a more intimate level offer specialty dining options inside their stores. Various retail groups are looking to the culinary industry to curate cross-category collaborations that will surprise and delight customers on special occasions such as Mother’s Day. These shopping and dining opportunities shed light on how new strategies can allow brands to bond with their customers over food and drink, while simultaneously showcasing their own product lines.

Furniture Store Easter Brunches Book Store Brunch Menus IKEA is Hosting Its Easter Påskbord with an All- Barnes & Noble is Serving Up a Three-Course You-Can-Eat Buffet Mother’s Day Brunch

Furniture Retailer Tea Events Cosmetic Cafe Pop-Ups IKEA is Sharing the Tradition of the Swedish Glossier at Rhea’s Cafe Offers a Place to Shop, Socialize and Eat Fika or Afternoon Tea

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.2 86,824 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. CulinaRetail Retailers offer special culinary events for their customers

How can your brand create a new experience for your consumers by incorporating adjacent industries into your offering?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #1 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Smart Shelving Retailers adopt connected shelving systems to ease customer experience

Implications - Retailers, particularly those in the food and beverage industry, are turning to technology to transform once-traditional shelving systems. Whether allowing for greater information on the products being sold or enhancing the convenience of shopping in general, such systems are adapting to consumers’ expectation for informed yet fast purchase journeys.

Digital Grocery Stores Voice-Activated Shopping Assistants Kroger and Microsoft are Transforming the In- In BevMo! Stores, 'Smart Aisle' Offers Product Store Shopping Experience Recommendations

On-Shelf Feedback Systems Net-Gen Shopping Showcases PowerShelf Lets Consumers Share the NXP's 'Smart Market' Exhibits Retail Solutions for Today and Tomorrow Performance of Packaging on a Shelf

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.1 45,232 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Smart Shelving Retailers adopt connected shelving systems to ease customer experience

Consider where your brand could adopt intelligent systems at its retail locations.

CONSUMER INSIGHT #2 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Gen Z Appetite Brands target Gen Z's for their passion for food

Implications -The culinary world continues to boom as a result of a passion for food by generations like Gen Z. Social media channels enhance their knowledge about local and bucket-list destinations. Brands are revamping their products to appeal to Gen Z's as their interest in this space continues to grow. This shift caters to Gen Z's prioritization of social media-friendly experiences.

Gen Z Foodie Blogs Youthfully Co-Branded Seasonings Zoë Bridge's Recipes and Tips Make It Easier to McCormick is Launching Gen Z-Targeted Tasty Follow a Healthy Lifestyle Seasonings

Food Truck-Finding Apps Charcoal Pasta Restaurants Roaming Hunger Makes It Easy for Foodies to Toronto's SÔS Restaurant Will Serve Up Instagrammable Dishes Find Mobile Dining Options

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.7 36,149 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Gen Z Appetite Brands target Gen Z's for their passion for food

Can your product/service shift to target emerging demographics like Gen Z?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #3 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Sous Vide On-Demand Sous vide foods are delivered for evolved heat-and-eat convenience

Implications - Stepping beyond the convenience of meal kit delivery services, an increasing number of brands are offering pre-cooked sous vide meals for people and pets. These services allow the consumer to simply warm up the food (most often in a hot water bath) and serve. This shift speaks to the progression of sous vide as a cooking technique into mainstream consumer consciousness, as well as a heightened expectation of quality for the foodie consumer that is also looking to satisfy their desire for convenience.

Sous Vide Home Deliveries Sous Vide Food Deliveries Nomiku Meals Works with Expert Chefs on a ChefSteps Launches a Food Delivery Service Frozen Meal Delivery Service with Joule Ready Packages

Sous Vide Delivery Services Sous-Vide Dog Food FirstChop Delivers Premium Dinner Dishes 'Grocery Pup' Connects Pet Owners to Fresh-Prepared, Human-Grade Dog Right to the Doorstep Food

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.0 22,802 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Sous Vide On-Demand Sous vide foods are delivered for evolved heat-and-eat convenience

Consider an emerging trend within your space. How might that evolve over time and is there a way for your company to anticipate this shift?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #4 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Eco Edible 3D-printed foods come in vegan and eco-friendly forms

Implications - The potential within 3D-printing is vast, and the technology is now being adopted into the world of eco-consumption, with brands creating vegan and upcycled 3D-printed foods. These technologies and products come with the rise in demand for food products that align with consumers' personal principles.

3D-Printed Plant-Based Steaks Upcycled 3D-Printed Food Researchers are Developing Cruelty-Free 3D- Elzelinde Van Doleweerd Makes Use of Food Printed Meat Waste for Future Meals

3D-Printed Cauliflower Crusts Veggie Burger Printers BeeHex and Cali'Flour Created a 3D-Printed The Chef-It Machine Simultaneously Prints and Cooks Burgers On Demand Vegan Pizza Crust

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 34 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.3 73,054 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Eco Edible 3D-printed foods come in vegan and eco-friendly forms

How could your brand incorporate 3D-printing into its production processes?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #5 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Advanced Package The culinary industry adopts progressive technology for transparency

Implications - Consumers are more concerned than ever about where their food comes from – with considerations like whether it’s fresh and what ecological footprint it’s already made. To educate consumers and help them feel good about their purchases, brands are calling on technology like blockchain to communicate exclusive details about their products. With leading technology becoming more comforting than confronting, brands can begin implementing high-tech strategies to share product information with consumers in a way that establishes trust.

Transparency-Focused Chicken Traceable Packaging Tags Products Applied DNA Sciences' Molecular Ink Tags Carrefour is Encouraging Transparency with Boost Trust with Transparency Blockchain

Expiration-Monitoring Meat Packs Blockchain Produce Packaging Sainsbury's Smart Ham Packaging Includes a Walmart and IBM are Fighting for Transparency in the Food Industry Color-Changing Label

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 33 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.3 132,488 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Advanced Package The culinary industry adopts progressive technology for transparency

How can your brand leverage technology to build trust among your consumers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #6 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Voiced Delivery Fresh food delivery services are activated by voice assistants

Implications - restaurants are taking advantage of the prevalence of smart home systems by allowing consumers to use voice assistants to order food for delivery. The collaboration between such brands and voice assistant technologies showcases unique opportunities for typically excursion-based business models to seamlessly enter more private consumer spaces.

Voice-Ordering Delivery Features Integrated Pizza Delivery Systems foodora Makes Its Convenient Food Delivery Domino's AnyWare Lets Consumers Order Even More Innovative Though Any IoT Device

Voice Assistant Donut Orders Phone-Answering Pizza Bots DD Perks Rewards Members Can Order Donuts Domino's AI Pizza Bot Can Now Answer Phone Calls Using Alexa

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 45 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.1 41,460 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Voiced Delivery Fresh food delivery services are activated by voice assistants

How could your brand better collaborate with voice assistant technologies?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #7 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Dining Automation Restaurants are opting for fully automated dining and cooking experiences

Implications - Restaurants are opting to become entirely, or almost entirely, automated and employee-free in order to enhance the speed and efficiency in which consumers' food is served. Though unlikely to actually replace chefs and servers in the restaurant industry as a whole, this shift reveals the appeal of tech-enhanced dining experiences for novelty minded consumers, while allowing brands to cut costs in the long run.

Fully Automated Sushi Restaurants Funding Food Service Robots Japan's Muten Kura is Run Entirely by Robots Miso Robotics Recently Acquired Large Funding From Multiple Investors

Gourmet Restaurant Robot Waiters Mechanized Casual Restaurants 'Robot' Employs a Fleet of Robotic Waiters Spyce Food Utilizes a Giant Robot to Cook Bowl-Based Meals

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 35 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.8 44,458 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Dining Automation Restaurants are opting for fully automated dining and cooking experiences

Conceptualize an automated customer experience within your brand's area of expertise.

CONSUMER INSIGHT #8 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Truffled Condiment Truffle-infused condiments add an element of luxury to the everyday

Implications - The advent of foodie culture has shifted dining habits to be a reflection of status for many social media obsessed Millennials, which for some has resulted in an appetite for fine foods on a shoestring budget. In an effort to satiate these luxury consumption habits, sauce and condiment makers have begun infusing their products with truffle flavoring. Doing so allows consumers to engage in a moment of everyday escapism without compromising on affordability and without resigning flavor preferences.

Truffle-Infused Artisan Mustards Truffle-Infused Maple Syrups The Maille Black Truffle and Chablis Mustard is Sabatino Tartufi Combines Sweet Amber Elegantly Upscale Maple Syrup and Earthy Truffles

Truffle Mayo Sachets Truffle-Infused Soy Sauces daRosario Organics Now Makes Single-Use Sabatino Tartufi's 'Truffle Soy Sauce' Adds an Upscale Twist to Dishes Truffle Mayo Packets

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 3.5 29,901 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Truffled Condiment Truffle-infused condiments add an element of luxury to the everyday

How does your brand work to elevate everyday experiences for your consumers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #9 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Epicurean Syrup Maple syrup is elevated for the refined palate with upscale infusions

Implications - Gourmet maple syrups transformed with upscale flavor infusions are elevating the nostalgic breakfast staple into a grownup experience ripe for culinary experimentation. This shift suggests that in a time when consumers are embracing an influx of gourmandized condiments, there is still room to reimagine the basics in favor of the heightened everyday dining experience.

Tea-Infused Maple Syrups Honey-Based Maple Syrups Runamok's Jasmine Tea-Infused Maple Syrup Nature Nate's Honey Maple Syrup Blend is Boasts Delicate Floral Notes 100% Naturally Sweetened

Aged Artisan Breakfast Syrups

Chili-Infused Maple Syrups

Lime-Infused Maple Syrups Coffee-Infused Maple Syrups Runamok Maple's Syrup Blends Vermont The Trees Knees Coffee Maple Syrup is Suitable for Food and Drinks Maple Syrup and Thai Lime Leaves

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 6 FEATURED, 47 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.0 19,117 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Epicurean Syrup Maple syrup is elevated for the refined palate with upscale infusions

How can you reimagine a staple product in order to infuse it with a sense of indulgence?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #10 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Franken-Flower Flavor The addition of butterfly pea flower elevates everyday indulgence

Implications - As experiential dining continues to influence the food and beverage space, many consumers are mesmerized by the transformative properties of Butterfly Pea Flower. Originally hailing from Southeast Asia, butterfly pea flower has been wowing North American foodies and luxury diners with its color-changing abilities for some time now. Today, the addition of this ingredient into everyday food and beverages offers consumers an experiential and Instagrammable moment.

Color-Changing Berry Teas Artistic Beverage Collections DAVIDsTEA's Magic Potion Tea Changes Color Starbucks Singapore's Artistry Collection is with a Squeeze of Lemon Aesthetically Pleasing

Blue Mermaid Lattes Color-Changing Gins Blue-Hued Chocolates Nutra Organic' Mermaid Latte Mix is Healthy The Old Curiosity Distillery Launched a Trio of Village Vanguard Created Pigmented Blue Chocolate with a Colored Jam and Instagram Worthy Transformative Spirits

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 43 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.9 42,908 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Franken-Flower Flavor The addition of butterfly pea flower elevates everyday indulgence

What aspect of experientialism could you bring into the everyday lives of your consumer to elevate their day and increase engagement?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #11 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Dessert Destruction Interactive dessert items get consumers involved for a grand reveal

Implications - Over-the-top dessert items are inviting participation from individuals of all ages in a way that allow consumers to indulge in both sweet cravings and a desire to playfully "destroy." This progression speaks to the continued desire to incorporate elements of play into the dining experience, something that is seeing renewed interest in the age of social media dining specifically.

Edible Emoji Fragrance Promos Garden-Inspired Matcha Parfaits The KKW Emoji Fragrance Press Kits Came in a The Sabou Parfait is Decorated to Look Like a Giant Chocolate Heart Japanese Zen Garden

Chocolate Pinata-Inspired Desserts Smashing Chocolate Dessert Eggs Uncle Julio's Chocolate Pinata is an Over-The- The Disco Egg by CXBO is Destroyed to Reveal Inner Sweet Treats Top Table Dessert

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 29 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.2 50,525 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Dessert Destruction Interactive dessert items get consumers involved for a grand reveal

How can you invite participation into the experience of your product in order to leverage the element of carefree play?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #12 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Luxe Leftover Artisan and high-end foods are being created with leftovers

Implications - Brands that offer artisan packaged foods, as well as higher-end dishes, are incorporating leftover ingredients into their products in order to reduce the amount of waste in the food industry. This shift caters to eco-conscious consumers, and offers an easily identifiable selling point for brands to leverage when marketing such products.

Double-Filtered Coffees Repurposed Stadium Food For #FeedingTheFuture, The Economist Shared Hellmann's Diverted Grocery Store Food Coffee Made with Used Grounds Waste to Feed an Entire Stadium

Upcycled Pulp Burgers Food Waste Cookies Lettuce-Infused Beverages Pressed Juicery and Mendocino Farms Make Renewal Mill's Chocolate Chip Cookies Use Packaged Salad Producer Organicgirl's Drinks Include Leftover Lettuce Vegetable Patties from Juice Pulp Okara Flour Made with Soybean Pulp

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 62 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.6 61,142 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Luxe Leftover Artisan and high-end foods are being created with leftovers

How could your brand better appeal to eco-conscious consumers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #13 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Alternative Barrel-Aging Barrel-aging is no longer exclusive to the alcohol industry

Implications - The barrel-aging process is no longer exclusive to the alcohol industry, and is more often being incorporated into a variety of edible or non-alcohol drinkable items to enhance their quality. These products come as the rise of artisanal production, or the perception of such, is increasingly prioritized by consumers.

Barrel-Aged Whisky Teas Smoked Water Bottles Tomatin's Whisky Barrel Aged Black Tea is This Oak Smoked Water From Halen Mon is Aged in Bourbon Barrels Used for Culinary Adventures

Vegetarian Bourbon Barrel Sauces Barrel-Aged Hot Sauces Barrel-Aged Cold Brews The Bourbon Barrel Aged Worcestershire The Pappy & Co. Barrel-Aged Pepper Sauce Starbucks Reserve Roastery Now Serves a Unique New Cold Brew Beverage Sauce is All-Natural Has a Complex Flavor Profile

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 54 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 3.8 51,697 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Alternative Barrel-Aging Barrel-aging is no longer exclusive to the alcohol industry

How could your brand incorporate artisanal production processes, or values, for the products/services it offers.

CONSUMER INSIGHT #14 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Accessible Gastronomy Molecular gastronomy becomes accessible to the average consumer

Implications - Once almost entirely limited to a high-end, exclusive market, molecular gastronomy is now more accessible to the average consumer. Whether combined with comforting foods or used in the home, the application of chemical food transformations in a more approachable format caters to the experiential foodie, while also broadening the consumer base that is able to appreciate such food practices.

Grateable Balsamic Spheres Scientific Ramen Eateries Acetaia Terra del Tuono's 'Ballsamic' Offers a 'Shiba Ramen' Creates "Scientifically Flavorful" New Way to Enjoy Vinegar Dishes

Stress-Reducing Airline Food Molecular Cocktail Classes 'Monarch Mood Food' was Designed by a Food Future Food Stuido Re-Imagines the Way One Interacts with Food & Drinks Psychologist

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 45 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.4 48,987 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Accessible Gastronomy Molecular gastronomy becomes accessible to the average consumer

How could you play with the form or format of your products to create more engagement with your consumers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #15 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Gastronomic Veganism Fine dining classics are reinterpreted for vegan eaters

Implications - While a three Michelin starred vegan restaurant remains elusive, food producers all over the world are contributing to the vegan movement by creating animal by-product-free equivalents of luxury food items. As the vegan food market continues to experience growth, these meat-free innovations challenge fine dining conventions. Initiatives like these signal the need for more creative and scientifically-backed vegan alternatives to push forward a more accommodating vision of the luxury dining industry.

Vegan Caviar Dishes Vegan Caviar Alternatives Los Angeles' PYT Serves Tonburi as an 'Cavi-art' is a Plant-Based Caviar Made from Alternative to Roe Seaweed

Vegan Jelly Appetizers Reimagined Shark Soups High-End Cultured Meats The First-Ever Vegan Starter is Set to Be Enjoy Vegetarian Created a Plant-Based Shark Mosa Meat Aims to Disrupt the Meat Market Through High-End Served at the BAFTAs Fin Soup Establishments

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 39 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 3.5 51,655 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Gastronomic Veganism Fine dining classics are reinterpreted for vegan eaters

How does your brand support or thwart the ethical decisions of your consumer?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #16 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Repurposed Booze Booze brands are using waste food materials to create their products

Implications - Innovations in the alcohol industry are leading to products that are made using repurposed scrap foods, with everything from beer and wine to hard liquors adopting these sustainable practices. This shift is cost-effective and highly marketable for the brands in question, while appealing to consumers' wish for sustainable consumption that doesn't impact or alter their daily rituals.

Repurposed Bread Beers Fruit Waste Gins Marks & Spencer and Adnams are Creating The Reliquum London Dry Gin is Made from Beer from Discarded Bread Crusts Leftover Farm Produce

Tofu-Based Wines Wine Grape-Infused Water Researchers in Singapore Created 'Sachi' as a 'O.Vine' is Infused Spring Water with Healthful Grape Skin Extracts Healthy New Kind of Wine

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 35 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.0 37,323 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Repurposed Booze Booze brands are using waste food materials to create their products

How could your brand be more sustainable in its businesses practices, or prioritize sustainability in its donations or investments?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #17 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Algae Accompaniment Gourmet seasonings infused with seaweed offer multifaceted flavor experiences

Implications - Gourmet seasoning salts and cooking oils are expanding to focus on elegant seaweed infusions that make elevating everyday meals convenient and simple. This shift speaks to the desire for elevated basics that allow at-home chefs to explore new flavor vehicles in a way that is cost-effective and emphasizes sustainable food sources.

Gourmet Seaweed Seasonings Umami Seaweed Salts Lofoten Seaweed Offers 'Lofoten Umami' and Curio Spice Co.'s Spicy Seasoning Salt Boasts 'Ocean Truffle Salt' Ginger, Seaweed and Shiitake

Seaweed-Infused Seasoning Salts Seaweed Seasoning Sauces Seaweed-Infused Cooking Oils This Seaweed Sea Salt Blend Was Made in Ocean's Halo Launched a Range of Gluten- 'Weed and Wonderful' Makes a Range of Unique Culinary Products Wales for Liberty London Free, Soy-Free Sauces

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 44 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.8 28,234 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Algae Accompaniment Gourmet seasonings infused with seaweed offer multifaceted flavor experiences

How can you provide a new way of channelling authenticity in terms of flavor that will appeal to amateur chefs?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #18 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Imitation Seafood Plant-based substitutes are being used for vegan-friendly imitation seafood

Implications - With concerns over depleting fish stocks worldwide, brands have been developing more sustainable and vegan-friendly alternatives by using fruits, vegetables, and algae. These items offer similar textures to the products they're imitating, and highlight the expansion of alternatives to animal-based products like chicken and beef. As consumers continue to be more open-minded to mock foods, brands are adapting their product offerings to be more inclusive of vegetarian and vegan consumers.

Mock Salmon Burgers Plant-Based Sushi Substitutes Terramino Foods' Sustainable Burger is Made Ocean Hugger Foods is Developing Veggie- with Fungi and Algae Based Fish Alternatives

Tomato Sushi Rolls Plant-Based Poke Bowls All-Vegan Sushi Boxes Ocean Hugger Foods' Vegan Sushi Replicates Veestro Serves Vegan Poke Bowls with "Meat" ima is Introducing the First Plant-Based Salmon Sushi Alternative to the UK Fish with a Vegetable from Ocean Hugger Foods

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 45 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.2 59,962 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Imitation Seafood Plant-based substitutes are being used for vegan-friendly imitation seafood

How could your brand reconsider its product offering to be more inclusive of consumers you’re currently excluding?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #19 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Accessible Alternative Realistic vegetarian meat products hit the mass market via fast food chains

Implications - As consumers become more aware of and concerned with the origins of their food, a shift toward both more natural and plant-based foods has taken place. Though not previously widely available, meat alternatives that closely resemble meat have been gaining traction over the past few years and are now becoming widely available by way of fast food chains. Signifying an openness to more sustainable yet science-based food products, this shift could potentially popularize plant-based diets with an even wider audience.

Plant-Based Meat Pizzas Health-Focused Entrée Menus The Newest Fresh Brothers Pizza Features TGI Fridays' Better for You Menu Has a Vegan Meat from Impossible Foods Meatless Burger and Superfoods

Meatless Fast Food Burgers Plant-Based Fast Food Offerings White Castle is Modernizing its Menu With the TGI Friday's is Adding Beyond Meat's Vegan Burger to Its Menus 'Impossible Slider'

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 32 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.6 14,268 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Accessible Alternative Realistic vegetarian meat products hit the mass market via fast food chains

What's something your consumers in feel guilty about as it pertains to your business? How could you provide them with a way to alleviate or avoid that feeling?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #20 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Insect-Based Protein Crickets offer consumers a healthy and eco-friendly alternative-protein

Implications - Cricket-based food items showcase the versatility of this under-used source of lean protein. By opting for cricket-based protein sources consumers are able to enjoy a sustainable source of protein that offers additional benefits, like fatty acids and vitamins, not found in meat-based sources of protein. Such products appeal to consumers who are looking for a protein source that enables them to lower their individual carbon footprint.

Canadian Cricket Snacks Cricket Flour-Infused Breads 'Crickstart' Makes Crackers and Bars from The Fazer Sirkkaleipä Contains 70 Crickets Per Ontario Cricket Farm Insects Loaf

Mainstream Insect Powders Cricket-Based Energy Bars Healthy Cricket Flour-Based Snacks The President's Choice 100% Cricket Powder is The Swedish Cricket Bar Contains Only Six Seek Uses Cricket Flour for Its Protein-Rich On-The-Go Snacks Now Available in Canada Ingredients

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 43 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.9 55,141 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Insect-Based Protein Crickets offer consumers a healthy and eco-friendly alternative-protein

How can your brand change consumers’ perception of the less traditional products or services it offers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #21 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Slow-Release Energy Energy snacks and beverages adopt slow-release qualities to promote endurance

Implications - Healthy, energy enhancing snacks and beverages are incorporating ingredients with slow-release functions that allow for more consistent results, for longer periods of time. This shift comes as consumers' busy lifestyles require an endurance that traditional energy-enhancing foods have failed to address, as most tend to prioritize quick bursts of noticeable, but unsustainable, energy.

Slow-Release Energy Bars Healthy Gut-Supporting Drinks The Tribe Infinity Bars are Infused with The Phivida Nano-CBD Iced Tea Blends are Buckwheat and Scottish Oats Tasty and Beneficial

Blood Sugar-Sustaining Bars Slow-Release Sports Drinks Generation UCAN's Energy Bars Contain the The KILL CLIFF 'ENDURE' Drink Supports Sustained Hydration Key Ingredient SuperStarch

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 54 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.3 55,538 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Slow-Release Energy Energy snacks and beverages adopt slow-release qualities to promote endurance

How can your brand curate more positive, long term impacts with its products/services?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #22 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Lab-Grown Sustainability Lab-grown meat, or imitation meat, offers a cruelty-free alternatives

Implications - The practice of growing meat, or meat-like products in labs has taken hold in the food industry, and is becoming increasingly commonplace as consumers seek to adopt ethical purchasing habits in varied aspects of their lives. The influx of lab-grown meats is evidence that finding solutions to issues both local and global can be worth the sacrifice of more convenient practices, that tend to be harmful in the long term.

Lab-Grown Fish Meats Lab-Grown Leather Products Finless Foods is Making Cultured Meats from 'Modern Meadow' Sells Bioengineered Leather Fish Stem Cells Clothing and Textiles

Lab-Grown Leather-Bound Books Lab-Grown Pet Meals Paul Shapiro's 'Clean Meat' Boasts a Cruelty- Bond Pets is Exploring the Future of Cultured, Cruelty-Free Meat for Pets Free Leather Cover

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 3.6 35,109 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Lab-Grown Sustainability Lab-grown meat, or imitation meat, offers a cruelty-free alternatives

How can your brand adapt innovative practices that prioritize ethical production and purchasing?


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Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Healthy Classic Candy-Inspired Sweets

New SmartSweets Peach Rings Contain 28 Grams of Fiber

The SmartSweets Peach Rings are the latest creation from the plant- based gummies brand that builds on the rising popularity of better- for-you indulgences as consumers seek to decrease their intake of sugar.

The candies are inspired by the widely popular and recognizable peach ring slices, but maintain a distinctly healthier profile that contains just three grams of sugar per serving. The candies also contain just 80 calories per bag along with 28 grams of fiber to make them a better option for consumers to choose when craving sweets. The candies are made without any soy, dairy or lactose and are made in a facility that doesn't process any tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or milk.

The SmartSweets Peach Rings will be rolling out on June 4 to Whole Food Market locations nationwide.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.2 4,249 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. QSR Grab-and-Go Breakfast Bowls

The New Dunkin’ Bowls Come in Two Delicious Options

Convenience is holding steady as one of the most important factors for consumers when it comes to food, which is seeing brands respond with new options like the Dunkin’ Bowls. Developed with busy consumers in mind, the breakfast bowl meals can be easily consumed while on-the-go and feature an egg-based profile that's protein-rich. The bowls come in two options including the Sausage Scramble Bowl and the Egg White Bowl, which contain 450 calories with 21 grams of protein and 250 calories with 14 grams of protein, respectively.

The Dunkin’ Bowls come packaged in a convenient paper bowl that can be held in one hand and eaten using a utensil with the other hand. The breakfast bowls are available now for a limited time only at participating locations nationwide.

Image Credit: Dunkin’

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.5 2,528 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Clinical Evidence-Backed Nutrition Apps

The 'Span' App Creates a Lifestyle-Based Nutrition Plan

The 'Span' app is a personalized healthcare solution for consumers looking to take more control over their daily lifestyle to curb food cravings, boost energy levels and much more.

The service provides users with a medical nutrition plan that is based on their own lifestyle and available for them to access via the smartphone app. The information used to craft the nutrition plan is sourced from up-to-date clinical evidence, which could effectively reduce a person's visceral body fat, help them sleep better, eliminate feelings of fatigue, improve blood sugar and much more.

The 'Span' app speaks to the need for personalized healthcare plans as consumers look for more evidence-based procedures to help them lead healthier, more active lifestyles.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.8 4,725 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Probiotic Puff Snacks Qwrkee's Probiotic Puffs Contain a Billion Live Cultures in Every Serving

Qwrkee is a plant-based food and beverage brand out of the UK that shares alternative products like soy-based jerky, Pea M’lk and Probiotic Puff snacks. The brand's probiotic snacks are made with a base of gluten-free, plant-based flours and real vegetable seasonings to create fun flavors like Sweet Chilli and Vegan Cheese, as well as simple, vegetable-focused varieties like Beetroot and Cauliflower.

Each serving of Qwrkee Probiotic Puffs contains more than a billion live bio cultures, which are beneficial for supporting healthy digestive functions and maintaining good gut health.

As a well-balanced digestive system has a part to play in one's overall health, consumers are now becoming interested in a range of probiotic-enriched food and beverage products—and the brand's Probiotic Puffs introduce these benefits in a comforting snack food format.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 5,420 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. QR Code Dinner Plates Bru's Social Plates Remind Diners to Interact with Their Companions

Millions of food photos have been captured at restaurants and shared with social media and Belgian mineral water brand Bru created a special set of 'Social Plates' specifically for those who love to Instagram their meals. The Social Plates are designed with complicated patterns that are not only aesthetically pleasing but fully functional as QR codes. As such, when a diner snaps a photo of their meal, a phone's built-in QR code reader automatically brings up a notification that says: "Nice Photo! But don’t forget to enjoy your dining companions as well."

As many people are fixated on taking the perfect image for social media and often ignore the good company they have around them, the Social Plates encourage people to live in the moment.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.9 6,296 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. AI Tea Shops The Next-Gen AI TEA Smart Workshop is Fully Automated

Artificial intelligence is playing a role in not only the creation of food and beverage recipes but also the way restaurants are run—and AI TEA is emerging as a fully automated smart tea shop.

The fully automated smart tea shop is one of the first of its kind to apply artificial intelligence technology to the food and beverage industry, enhancing it with robotics, cloud computing and big data and industrial 4.0 technologies. While customers will be able to benefit from quick self-service via a mobile app that instantly directs a robot to begin preparing tea, stores will see reduced labor costs and more.

The AI TEA Smart Tea Workshop project is set to revolutionize a number of tea chain brands and introduce smart tea stores to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York and Vancouver.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 5,449 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Homemade Jerky Machines This Hamilton Beach Food Dehydrator Makes Healthy Snack Prep Easy

The Hamilton Beach Food Dehydrator 32100 is an easy-to-use machine for those looking to create their own jerky at home. In addition to meat jerky, the machine is also ideal for preparing dried fruit and vegetables that have an impressive shelf life and makes healthy snacking easy and delicious. In addition to fruit and vegetable snacks, the machine also provides an easy way to prepare cocktail garnishes and dry herbs. Pureed fruit can also easily be made into fruit rolls for younger eaters.

Boasting a digital thermostat and a 48-hour timer, this food dehydrator has five stackable shelves and includes a mesh sheet for drying herbs and a solid sheet for creating fruit rolls. This affordable Hamilton Beach model is ideal for those looking for an affordable machine to experiment with at-home food dehydration.

Image Credits: Hamilton Beach

By: Rebecca Byers

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.3 3,946 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Street Food Documentary Series

The Netflix Street Food Series will Launch April 26

Street food is often touted by travelers as being one of the best ways to experience the traditions and flavors of a location, which is something the new Netflix Street Food series aims to explore further.

The documentary series focuses on food vendors from India, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam, and identifies the part they play in the local dining experience. The series also focuses on the experience of the vendors who often work long hours and deal with financial hardships to deliver food that is readily available for all to enjoy.

The Netflix Street Food series will be available on the streaming service on April 26, and will center on meals, desserts and even delicacies found on the streets of the above-mentioned countries.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.8 2,180 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Responsibly Sourced Cold Cereals

Kellogg's is Selling Responsibly Sourced Corn Flakes in Europe

Fans of Kellogg's Corn Flakes in Europe are now able to purchase the iconic cold cereal product in a Responsibly Sourced Corn Flakes version. Knowing that consumers are becoming increasingly interested in what goes into the making of their food, the quality of the ingredients and where they were sourced from, Kellogg's now uses corn for its Corn Flakes in Europe from farmers in Argentina, in accordance with the best environmental and social practices. While Kellogg does have its own standard for determining that the corn is responsibly sourced, it is modeled on some of the standards as outlined by international non-governmental industry groups.

On the boxes of Kellogg's Corn Flakes sold in Europe, consumers will see that the packaging calls out the company's use of Responsibly Sourced Corn.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.3 4,983 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Small Space BBQ Grills The VonShef Electric Smokeless Indoor Grill is Suitable for All Food

The increasing number of consumers in urban areas means a decrease in the amount of outdoor space they have at their disposal, so products like the VonShef Electric Smokeless Indoor Grill are being created with this in mind. The grill is designed for use in smaller living spaces like condos or apartments and will allow inhabitants to prepare their choice of fare without the need for outdoor space. The ceramic grill features a nonstick design and is also dishwasher-safe, while an internal fan works continuously to filter smoke before it is released into the room.

The VonShef Electric Smokeless Indoor Grill also works well for those who want to continue grilling through the winter when outdoor conditions don't allow for it.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.4 27,353 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Pop-Up Grocery Shops Pop Up Grocer Shares Specialty Products from Innovative Brands

People flock to pop-ups to get their hands on highly curated product selections, ultra-exclusive drops and experiences that can only be had for a short span of time—and Pop Up Grocer introduces a new way for consumers to purchase specialty food. The traveling pop-up grocery store specifically spotlights products from natural food brands, with many of the items being plant-based and sugar-conscious. Outside of its retail hours, Pop Up Grocer also hosts after-hours events on various healthy living topics.

Pop Up Grocer recently set up shop in New York City for a few days, giving locals the chance to shop brands like CoolHaus, Healthyish and Mylk Labs.

According to Pop Up Grocer's Emily Schildt, "I want a place where I can go to discover the most innovative and exciting products in market, within walls I can trust, knowing the items have been carefully and thoughtfully selected for me. That is the white space Pop Up Grocer intends to fill."

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.1 24,754 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Cross-Sectioned Vehicle Food Vendors

This Street Food Car by Benedetto Bufalino is a Fiat Coupe

This new street food car has been created by France-based designer Benedetto Bufalino as a head-turning installation that is crafted from a real vehicle and actually capable of providing fare to passerby. Made from a red Fiat Coupe, the street food vehicle was created in collaboration with La Condition Publique and revamps the idea of a friterie, which is a traditional food kiosk or van that sells .

The vehicle has been sliced into two parts to provide ample space for frying up fresh French fries, while also offering ample preparation space for the proprietor. The abstract design of the street food car is indeed designed to catch eyes on the street and make a visual impression in the urban space.

Image Credit: designboom/Benedetto Bufalino

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.7 9,979 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Mainstream Vegan Burgers The Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger Contains Soy and Wheat Protein

The Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger has been announced by parent company Nestlé as a new option that's coming to the market to offer consumers a way to access plant-based meat alternatives in an easier way.

The burger is set to launch in select European countries starting in April and features a plant-based profile that contains protein from soy and wheat along with carrot, beetroot and bell pepper to create the look of real meat. These ingredients work together to create a meat alternative burger that is flavorful and perfect for consumers looking to try out a vegan meal option.

Head of Nestlé's Food Business Wayne England spoke on the new Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger explaining that, "These new burgers don’t compromise on flavour, texture and cooking experience. They underline Nestlé’s increased focus on tasty, authentic plant- based food. We believe this trend is here to stay, as consumers look at different ways to enjoy and balance their protein intake and lower the environmental footprint of their diets.”

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.9 3,536 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Attention-Catching Centre-Store Displays

Kroger's 'Treasure EmporiYum' Spotlights Select Products

The 'Treasure EmporiYum' is a specially curated center-store display that is dedicated to directing consumer attention to "hidden gems in [Kroger's] Our Brands roster."

Supermarkets are usually set in large spaces, where consumers can feel overwhelmed. An eye-catching fixture like the 'Treasure EmporiYum' can go a long way in directing attention to select products as it very explicitly places emphasis on them. From craft sodas and snacks to ice creams and hors d'oeuvres, there is really no limit to what Kroger will infuse its food merchandising concept with.

The idea is said to celebrate a "trove of fantastically unique finds." Highlighting the uniqueness of each product, the 'Treasure EmporiYum' has its own dedicated website page as well, marking a full circle for the aesthetics of the product which occupy both digital and physical spaces.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.9 10,071 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Artisanal Salt Chunk Graters

The Kikkerland Rivsalt Salt Grater Offers Fresh Flavor

Freshly ground or grated spices are well-known to provide the best flavor possible when cooking, so the Kikkerland Rivsalt Salt Grater has been created to help extend this same experience to salt seasoning. Designed by Jens Sandringer, the grater is made from premium Japanese stainless steel and is expertly crafted to be perfect for grating your choice of salt from rock form. The grater comes with a chunk of Himalayan pink salt as well as a beech wood base that will help chefs to get started grating fresh salt as soon as possible.

The Kikkerland Rivsalt Salt Grater has a high-end design that is likely to be favored by avid and amateur chefs who are looking to enhance the flavor of their favorite dishes.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.0 20,095 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Breakfast Menu Collaborations

Shake Shack Teams Up with Dominique Ansel Bakery for Two New Dishes

This is not the first time that the Shake Shack collaborates on a menu item with the Dominique Ansel Bakery.

The two establishments hosted a two-day event at the Shake Shack's West Village location in New York City to spotlight the partnership. For this project, "lauded pastry chef Dominique Ansel" engineered the Egg Katsu Sando and the Morning Maple Latte. Offered at affordable prices — $8 USD and $3 USD respectively, the dishes have the potential to pleasantly engage the audience. The sandwich draws inspiration from Japan, featuring a panko-fried steamed egg roll, enclosed in soft milk bread and seasoned with miso-honey mayo.

The collaboration between Shake Shack and the Dominique Ansel Bakery does not only boost the value of the former with an artisanal twist but also gives ample publicity to the later business.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.7 4,169 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Dedicated Macaroni Restaurants

Murray’s Cheese Shop is Opening a Macaroni and Cheese Restaurant

Murray's Cheese, an artisanal cheese and specialty foods retailer, recently announced that it will be opening a fast-casual macaroni and cheese restaurant concept. Naturally, Murray’s Mac & Cheese is set to feature all of the cheeses from Murray's in pasta dishes—with pasta supplied by pasta maker Sfoglini, another iconic New York business.

Murray’s Mac & Cheese is set to open next to the cheese shop's Bleecker Street flagship store, making it a new hub for cheese lovers who want to do some shopping and stop by for a meal at the same time.

On-site, six signature macaroni and cheese meals will be shared, including options like the Classic with a secret blend of cheeses, Buffalo Chicken, Barbecue, French Onion and Carbonara. Murray’s Mac & Cheese will also be offering plenty of family-friendly options like the Little Mac for young ones and the Family Mac.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.7 7,592 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Boba-Flavored Popcorn Snacks

The Taiwan Smile Food Co. Created Popcorn Inspired by Bubble Tea

Bubble tea may have originated in Taiwan but its global reach is now inspiring brands to create a range of inventive products that capture the essence of the popular boba flavor. At ISM, the world's largest trade fair for sweets and snacks, the Taiwan Smile Food Co. will be exhibiting its Bubble Tea-Flavored Popcorn, which takes after the delicious, tapioca-based drink.

In other parts of the world, boba flavors are being incorporated into everything from oatmeal breakfasts to craft cocktails and sandwiches, offering unique fusions of flavors and cultures. In this way, the best features of bubble tea—like its creamy consistency, chewy tapioca pearl add-ins for texture, bright fruity colors and exotic flavors— instantly add excitement and a globally inspired feel to some of the most familiar food and beverage products.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.5 15,149 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Charcoal-Infused Meat Rubs

Hardcore Carnivore's Black Charcoal Meat Rub Adds Smoky Flavor

Hardcore Carnivore's Black Charcoal Meat & Steak rub consists of salt, pepper, garlic, onion, brown sugar, chili powder that are fused with its standout ingredient. The artisanal rub is both gluten-free and doesn't contain MSG, making it a choice that meat lovers can trust.

Known for a meat-celebrating cookbook of the same name, Hardcore Carnivore offers a vast selection of signature seasonings, butcher accessories, artisanal grilling utensils and more.

The brand's Black Charcoal Meat & Steak rub is said to "boost not just the flavor, but the appearance of food" by creating a foundation base for meat's crust to form while simultaneously ensuring that it isn't overcooked. Additionally, the rub contributes to a black color that is described as "cosmetics for meat" thanks to its ability to make meat look more visually appealing.

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.4 3,397 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Globally Inspired Hot Sauces

Oye!Mirch's Artisanal Sauces Pull Inspiration from Around the World

Oye!Mirch (which translates to "Hello Chili!") is introducing its artisanal sauce products to the world with a Kickstarter campaign, which will be initially the only place that the globally inspired hot sauces will be released.

The first products that are coming to consumers from the hot sauce company include Oye!Mirch Tomato Chili Sauce, a Mango Chili Sauce and a Peanut Chili Sauce, which draw inspiration from the flavors of Asia, South America and Europe.

Oye!Mirch is a new venture from chef and entrepreneur Shruthi Bharathur, who is of the opinion that "a hot sauce should not be just a single tone of heat." With this new artisanal hot sauce range, consumers will be able to enjoy a great depth of flavors that will pair well with a range of meals.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.4 4,151 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Artisanal Popping Corn Kits

The Amish Popcorn Library is Packed with 12 Different Varieties

The Amish Popcorn Library is a non-GMO collection of kernels that will offer popcorn connoisseurs alike with a way to try a number of different varieties instead of sticking with just the traditional variety.

Packed with 12 varieties in total, the popcorn pack has been created by Brian Lehman who grows the various corns on his family farm. The kernels come packaged in individual packages that are nestled neatly into a cardboard case to make them great for displaying and easily discernible when looking for the exact variety you want to make.

The Amish Popcorn Library contains 48 ounces of corn kernels in total, which will allow users to mix and match the different kinds or find their favorite.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.9 3,159 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Beer-Flavored Cured Meats

The Columbus Craft Meats India Pale Ale Salami is Deliciously Artisanal

The Columbus Craft Meats India Pale Ale Salami has been created as a collaboration product with California-based Faction Brewing to offer consumers a new kind of meat snack to enjoy.

The cured sausage is reported to have notes of citrus, sweet pepper and spicy hops, and is completely free of artificial flavors, colors and added hormones. The premium meat product is the perfect option to pair with other savory offerings to serve to guests this holiday season that is sure to start conversation surrounding the flavor and preparation style.

The new cured sausage was discussed by Henry Hsia, Director of Marketing at Columbus Craft Meats, who said, "Craft beer continues to grow in popularity and we wanted to celebrate that in a uniquely Columbus way. The new Columbus India pale ale salami is perfect for our adventurous consumers looking to try something new or upgrade their charcuterie boards."

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 9,518 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Cell-Grown Steaks Aleph Farms' Steak Replicates the Shape, Texture and Flavor of Beef Cuts

The newest product from Israel's Aleph Farms takes the form of a cell- grown steak, which replicates the look, taste and texture of beef cuts—yet the beef steak is grown from cells, which means that no animals are harmed in the creation of the meat product.

The innovative "slaughter-free steak" from the food tech start-up shows off a bright future for cell-cultured meat technology, as well as saves valuable land and resources from needing to be consumed.

One of the biggest challenges in creating the cell-grown steak is said to have been getting various types of cells to interact with one another to build a tissue structure. True to its name, the thin, "cell- grown minute steak" cooks in about a minute, which makes it ideal for casual restaurants and other venues that are centered on quick service.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 4 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.4 8,332 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Artisanal Vegan Butcheries

The Herbivorous Butcher Hopes to Convert Most Meat Eaters

Founded by sister and brother duo Aubry and Kale Walch, the Herbivorous Butcher is a unique food store that offers deliciously deceiving meat-free options. Designed in the same fashion as traditional meat markets, the Herbivorous Butcher aims to dispel the myths that meat-free alternatives are bland and flavorless. All the offerings at the shop are crafted with dedication and feature fresh, flavorful, and protein-rich ingredients.

Ultimately, the Herbivorous Butcher aims to steer the general consumer towards meat-free alternatives. The offerings showcased at the shop all feature exquisite flavor as a means of enticing carnivores to rethink how and what they consume. Also, instead of shaming carnivores for eating meat, the Herbivorous Butcher highlights the ecological impact caused by the meat industry and how opting for vegan alternatives can help curb this destruction.

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.0 3,928 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Blue Cheese Mustards Trader Joe's Blue Cheese Mustard Combines Two Polarizing Items

Trader Joe's recently added to its condiment collection with a Blue Cheese Mustard, which is said to combine "what are often thought of as a hot dog condiment and a stinky cheese." As such, the uniquely flavored mustard product is likely something that will not be for everyone, considering that blue cheese is either loved or hated by consumers.

The small-batch Blue Cheese Mustard is prepared with a combination of yellow and Dijon mustard, as well as rBST-free blue cheese, sugar, honey, Worcestershire sauce and spices to round out the flavor experience. When it comes to enjoying the hybrid condiment, Trader Joe's recommends serving it with everything from nuggets and sandwiches to pretzels and crudités.

Although polarizing, blue-veined cheese is gaining popularity among consumers—particularly Millennials—who are interested in the specialty, artisanal nature of the product.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.2 4,952 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Cultured Meat Patties JUST Meat's Cultured Meat Products Introduce a Sustainable Solution

Many consumers are now making a conscious effort to eat less meat and more vegetables, and at the same time, some innovative food companies are looking to be at the forefront of making cultured meat products. The first product from JUST Meat product will hopefully be available for commercial sale by the end of the year. Timing is of the utmost importance, especially as JUST Meat notes that "at current rates, production of meat and seafood around the world will double to 1.2 trillion pounds by 2050."

Knowing that not all consumers will want to adopt a fully plant-based lifestyle, JUST Meat aims to introduce a solution that's less taxing on the environment and its resources. Ultimately, JUST Meat aims to develop sustainable protein for an ever-growing global population.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 1 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.2 8,442 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Customizable Pasta Menus The Panera Bread 'Build Your Own Mac' Experience Enables Custom Meals

Customization is key for consumers who are seeking products and meals that are more in line with their taste preferences, so the new Panera Bread 'Build Your Own Mac' experience has been unveiled with this in mind.

The new offering from the brand enables consumers to choose from a number of fresh toppings to have infused into their mac & cheese meal when placing an order online or through the app. This includes a multitude of artisanal options including premium meats and other fresh ingredients that are capable of transforming the simple dish into a completely customized meal.

The Panera Bread 'Build Your Own Mac' experience has been announced alongside the Panera Catering 'Build You Own Mac Bar' option.

Image Credit: Panera Bread

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.9 6,874 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Small-Scale Kombucha Shots

Big Easy Bucha's Kombucha Shots are Packed as a Trio in Tiny Bottles

While Humm Kombucha recently released a Humm-ongous 40-ounce bottle that provides consumers with more servings of its top flavors, Big Easy Bucha is setting itself apart by launching small-scale Kombucha Shots.

The Big Easy Bucha Kombucha Shots are packaged in sets of three, providing consumers with four-ounce bottles of Ginger Spice, Tropical Fruit and Verry Berry flavors. The artisanal, probiotic-packed kombucha beverages are made with a focus on regionally sourced and organic ingredients where possible, without any artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.

These Kombucha Shots are touted as helpful for providing one's daily dose of probiotics, which many consumers now know to be a vital part of not just their gut health, but their well-being in its entirety.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.0 3,486 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Urban Indigenous Restaurants

Nishdish Sources Ingredients from Indigenous Businesses and Societies

Located right in Toronto, Nishdish is a restaurant that delivers Indigenous products to its locals at an affordable price. It is a quick and casual service eatery that has a plethora of options for lunch, dinner, brunch, and it even has catering services for events. The highlighting element of the cost-friendly restaurant is that it sources as many ingredients as it can from Indigenous communities and businesses.

On top of its delicious food, Nishdish has books throughout the shop that tell tales of its heritage -- this includes the tale of the Three Sisters, Two Row Wampum Belt, gardening, and the Ojibway language. It is the place to be to explore Indigenous foods, culture, and community.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 2.9 1,952 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Cordless Food-Warming Trays

The Salton Cordless Warming Tray Removes Unsightly Wires

Whether for professional catering or simply entertaining guests at home, the Salton Cordless Warming Tray helps to keep the focus on the food. The cordless tray comes with a long-lasting rechargeable battery that makes presentation clean and streamlined, reducing the clutter and limitations that come with cord-based warming trays.

The stainless steel tray isn't entirely cordless; it needs to be plugged in in order to reach its desired temperature. However, it will warm up in just eight minutes, at which point it can be unplugged and the cord can be removed entirely. The Salton Cordless Warming Tray will keep food warm for a full hour while unplugged, making it ideal for hors d'oeuvres during a dinner party. It also has handles that stay cool no matter what, so it's easy to quickly remove when its time to bring out the main dishes.

By: Joey Haar

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.2 4,696 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Interactive Agriculture Co-op Activations

The Food Effect Was on Display at SXSW

The Food Effect is the latest activation at SXSW that's promoting conscious consumerism while spotlighting the future of the food and farming industry.

With the help of National Geographic and Microsoft, Land O'Lakes, an agricultural co-op, created an immersive activation that blurred the lines between food, technology and art. The space featured three unique and interactive elements. The first of which, was a giant head of lettuce with an integrated VR element. The second, was a soil- covered Ford Bronco that helped consumers visualize the process of soil absorbing carbon dioxide. Also featured was an "interactive DNA helix" and a wall of pay phones that played audio recordings of people struggling with poverty throughout the globe.

Image credit: Katie Richards

By: Ellen Smith

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.2 23,622 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Measured Olive Oil Dispensers

The Vremi Olive Oil Bottle Pre-Measures for Precise Cooking

Judicious use of good quality olive oil can turn a frequent frozen food connoisseur into a passable chef, so the Vremi olive oil bottle can be a key tool in those cooks' arsenals. The clever bottle lets people pre- measure the amount of olive oil that they want to use before actually pouring it, ensuring the right amount of oil every time.

The Vremi olive oil bottle consists of a main reservoir for the oil and a smaller container just below the pouring mechanism. That container has measuring markers on it, and it can be precisely filled by pressing a button on the bottle. When pouring, the oil in the large reservoir stay in place, with only the measured amount coming through.

By: Joey Haar

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 31,568 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. VR Sampling Experiences Président Cheese's 'Taste with A Pro' Pairs Food and Recipe Creation

At the Winter Fancy Food Show 2018, Président Cheese launched a unique virtual reality sampling experience called 'Taste with A Pro' that gave attendees the chance to enjoy live samples alongside immersive visuals.

The Taste with A Pro VR experience was hosted by Président Chef Expert Gavin Kaysen and was filmed at Gavin’s restaurant, Bellecour. As part of the sampling experience, people were given a behind-the- scenes look at how recipes like brie-stuffed pork chops and cheese and butter boards can be created with Président products.

Alongside the full VR experience, Président Cheese also provided iPads so that a 360-degree view of the kitchen could be seen without the need for guests to put on a virtual reality headset.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.3 4,006 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. VR Fast Food Restaurants Guests Can Play KFC's 'The Hard Way' at One Remodeled Location

KFC's newly remodeled restaurant has been altered to enable guests to participate in the virtual reality seminar the brand uses to train its employees, titled 'The Hard Way.'

The game, which was initially designed to teach employees how to properly cook fried chicken has been modified to allow for public participation and now features a digital escape room, from which the player must make their way out of. In order to win the game, players must successfully cook the fried chicken, with the help of a virtual Colonel Sanders.

Other than the virtual reality element, this restaurant, located in Overland Park, Kansas, also features a customized interior, an exclusive menu and a statue of Colonel Sanders that's perfect for taking selfies with.

By: Ellen Smith

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.7 6,263 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Culinary Coffee Partnerships

CONDIVIDERE by Lavazza Was Created in Collaboration With Ferran Adria

Ferran Adria is a Spanish chef who is considered to be one of the best in the world, and he recently collaborated with the Italian coffee manufacturer to create the 5,000 square-foot space CONDIVIDERE by Lavazza.

The space was designed with the help of Dante Ferretti, an Academy Award-winning artistic director, while the space's menu was created by Adria himself. Lavazza and the world-renowned chef have collaborated in the past to create coffee-flavored orbs that resemble caviar, and that are made using molecular gastronomy. The CONDIVIDERE by Lavazza space will feature similarly innovative food items, along with coffee and the option for tastings and pairings.

This new space will be located at the brand's headquarters, which is said to feature "a Lavazza museum, piazza, and convention center."

By: Mishal Omar

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.5 7,228 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Honey-Focused Bars Gosnells' Bar and Tasting Room Pairs Mead with British Gastronomy

Gosnells, London’s only meadery, recently launched a bar and tasting room upstairs at the Coal Rooms that offers a unique way for people to experience its products. The space serves Original and Vintage meads alongside an ever-changing menu of British gastronomy.

Gosnells Upstairs at Coal Rooms gives people the chance to try experimental ferments such as hibiscus and barrel-aged varieties, as well as non-alcoholic options. For those who are looking to try a bit of everything, a Gosnells flight is also available. Some of the food that can be enjoyed with the mead include potatoes, cheese, sausages and butter pudding.

To complement the food and drinks that it offers, the Gosnells Upstairs at Coal Rooms bar also offers activities like a mead masterclass, as well as weekly tours of the one-of-a-kind meadery.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.5 4,625 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Versatile Vegan Gravy Granules

The Kallø Organic Low-Salt Gravy Granules are Gluten-Free

The Kallø Organic Low-Salt Gravy Granules have been announced by Wessanen UK as a new option for consumers that is packed with nutritional benefits. Positioned as a better-for-you product, the granules boast a vegan profile that is also gluten-free, MSG-free and free from artificial ingredients, which makes them a versatile option for enhancing various recipes. The granules can be purchased at Waitrose locations in the UK at a low-cost to make them applicable for consumers of all ranges.

Explaining the new Kallø Organic Low-Salt Gravy Granules, Marketing Director at Wessanen UK Bryan Martins said, "We pride ourselves on having a sustainable and healthy brand portfolio that can help consumers connect to nature through the foods they eat. We’ve got some fantastic products under the Kallø brand that can help to support healthier living, and our new low-salt gravy granules provide a host of nutritional benefits. With more people seeking out gluten-free or vegan- and vegetarian-friendly foods, Kallø is well-placed to [continued online]

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.6 4,470 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Empowering Restaurant Initiatives

DoorDash's Kitchens Without Borders Supports Refugee Businesses

DoorDash, the top on-demand platform for door-to-door delivery, just unveiled its Kitchens Without Borders initiative which aims to empower immigrant and refugee restaurant owners. The company has launched a dedicated Kitchens Without Borders channel which spotlights stories from local business within the San Francisco Bay Area -- featuring interviews with restaurant owners who immigrated to the United States for the chance at a better life.

Spotlighting eateries like Sweet Lime Thai Cuisine, Besharam, Onigilly, Los Cilantros, Sabores Del Sur, West Park Farm & Sea, Little Green Cyclo, Afghan Village, D’Maize, and Z Zoul Cafe, the channel allows refugee and immigrant business owners to share inspiring success stories while revealing the unique, cultural aspect of each location.

"When you start understanding the stories of these makers and builders in our cities, you start feeling more and more belonging to the place that you live in. At the end of the day, fostering those connections [continued online]

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.4 6,325 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Vegan Taste Tester Positions

The Food Brand Vibrant Vegan Co. is Hiring a New Director of Taste

If sampling delicious international dishes is your idea of a dream job, you'll want to apply for Vibrant Vegan Co.'s new Director of Taste position.

Vibrant Vegan Co. is a UK-based vegan delivery service that sends healthy meals straight to your door. Right now, the company is on the hunt for a new Director of Taste, who would work 35-hours a week traveling the world and tasting different dishes. The mission is to find the most innovative new ingredients and unique recipes from countries such as China, India, Chile, Mexico, Turkey, Japan, and more. The Director of Taste with also help to set up overseas partnerships for sustainable ingredient sourcing.

But before you send in your resume, note that the position requires at least three years of food industry experience and each candidate's palette will be put to the test.

Image Credits: Vibrant Vegan Co.

By: Katherine Pendrill

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.3 3,300 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Toronto Italian Food Festivals

Giro d’italia is Returning to the City from April 4th-14th

Giro d’Italia is Toronto's premier Italian restaurant festival, and it will be returning this spring to give locals and visitors the chance to take advantage of exclusive prix fixe dining menus at 20 of the city's top restaurants.

The prix fixe menus will be each represent a different region of Italy, taking inspiration from the rich culture that shapes its food. American Express has partnered with the festival, and is offering early reservations to its cardmembers -- allowing them to book their dining experiences starting March 28th. For those who aren't Amex cardmembers, reservations are available beginning April 1st.

The 20 restaurants will offer four-course dinner menus for $52 a person, which includes an antipasto, primo, secondo, and dolce. At select locations, there will also be three-course lunch menus for $32.

By: Riley von Niessen

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.9 4,823 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Organic Vertical Farms Living Earth Farm Specializes in Producing High-Quality Greens All Year

Living Earth Farm is a sustainable and certified vertical farming brand based in Toronto and it specializes in producing premium greens all year round. It also produces high-quality culinary herbs as well, spotlighting the mission to create food sustainably to the environment in a nutritious and delicious manner.

The goods are grown indoors and managed in an urban farm setting. The space blends tactics of a traditional organic farm with technology methods to ensure that the facility produces a great plant environment throughout the entire year. As of 2015, Living Earth Farm was Ontario's first ever certified organic vertical farm and it has been thriving in its mission since then, with hopes of pushing for further positive change beneficial to the environment and food system.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.7 10,827 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Sustainable Home Food Growth

Just Vertical Makes Home Plants a Simple and Sustainable Process

Just Vertical's Aeva system ensures that home plants are a sustainable source and a great piece of decor to domestic space. It feeds the space that it lives in to ultimately improve a home owner's overall lifestyle -- it purifies the air, increases mental well-being and allows owners to grow their own food to eliminate waste.

The brand recognizes the health is a priority, making home-grown goods a simple process. How it works starts with choosing where the Aeva system is placed, followed by seed pod and nutrient selection, setting it up and planting them, turning on the grow light, filling water component once every two weeks, and watch it harvest and grow into a sustainable piece in the home.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.5 2,845 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Transparent Food Delivery Services

Skip The Dishes Offers Added Convenience for Local Restaurants

Skip the Dishes is a food delivery service currently based in the US and Canada -- it essentially makes local restaurants even more accessible. The seamless service offers delivery and pickup options using the advantages of technology. The app takes in millions of orders through the network, with growing opportunities to partner with the brand.

The service adapts to the busy lifestyles with instant updates on the preparation, delivery, and arrival time of every order made. There are thousands of restaurants to choose from, filtered out with different cuisines to narrow down what one is craving at any time. The order tracker provides full transparency on the entire order process to make the entire service run smoothly.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.0 4,284 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Contemporary Chinese Restaurants

SoSo Food Club Offers a Tasty Menu, Craft Cocktails & Event Space

SoSo Food Club is a contemporary Chinese restaurant that is located in Toronto's West End neighborhood. The establishment is characterized by a slick and elegant aesthetic, bringing together good and chic design with authentic, tasty dishes.

When it comes to the menu, SoSo offers interesting, culturally specific food that has been made in-house. Honoring the modern understanding of a sustainable business, the restaurant sources its ingredients ethically. The establishment also offers a selection of craft cocktails, local beers, and unique spirits that would go exceptionally with its snack menu.

In addition, the contemporary Chinese restaurant sets itself apart from others by offering a venue for entertainment. This space is utilized for local events that pertain to the music and arts scene, as well as private bookings.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.9 11,856 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Recycled Cider Packaging Aston Manor Cider Packaging will Now Feature Recycled Material

Consumer demand for more sustainability from their favorite products is seeing brands respond with new initiatives as seen with Aston Manor Cider packaging, which will now feature recycled materials.

The new initiative will save about 1,000 tonnes of raw material on an annual year across the brand's entire portfolio of products in a bid to focus more on overall sustainability. This is likely to be a hit with consumers who are becoming more weary about the amount of virgin materials being used to package food and beverage products.

Aston Manor Cider Head of Compliance and Sustainability Jamie Weall explained the new initiative saying, "We are proud to be driving sustainability in the alcohol industry by becoming the first business to deliver 51% recycled material into our packaging. This is a clear priority for Aston Manor Cider and supports our wider investment in sustainability."

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.3 2,408 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Nutrient-Rich Pea Milks The Qwrkee Plant-Based Pea M'lk Comes Sweetened and Unsweetened

The Qwrkee Plant-Based Pea M'lk has been unveiled as a new product for consumers in the UK that will offer them a natural alternative to dairy, which also boasts a low environmental footprint.

The milk is made with pure pea protein that is not only vegan and gluten-free, but nutrient-dense with protein, fiber, calcium, iron, omega 3, iodine and vitamins B2, B12, D and A. This makes it an animal-free milk option that is perfect for those seeking to increase their intake of essential nutrients in a convenient way.

Founder of the brand Vishal Madhu spoke on the new Qwrkee Plant- Based Pea M'lk saying, "We founded Qwrkee with a clear mission; to help protect the planet by fueling the plant-based movement, creating foods for the future. We’ve taken a lot of time to develop products that deliver on taste, nutritional quality and sustainability, whilst bringing something completely new to the market. We’re so excited to be now launching the brand and to have the early support of Whole Foods.”

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 7,620 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Foodie-Inspired Ice Creams

The New Straus Family Creamery Organic Ice Cream Flavors are Indulgent

These new Straus Family Creamery Organic Ice Cream flavors have been created by the brand as a new offering that is sure to satisfy foodies seeking a premium way to indulge their sweet tooth.

The new flavors include Vanilla Fudge Swirl, Chai Latte and Maple Cream, which are all made without the use of coloring agents or any artificial ingredients. Each one of the flavors are made with a commitment to quality, the environment and much more to address consumers seeking products that are created with more care and attention.

Founder and CEO of Straus Family Creamer Albert Straus spoke on the ethos of the brand and new favors saying, "As an organic dairy farmer, I’m focusing on sustainable agriculture and organic family farming to strengthen our rural communities. We’ve come a long way in helping sustain local family farms, but there is still more work ahead of us.”

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 3,628 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Vegan Blue Cheese Alternatives

Spero Foods' Bluebert Cheese is Sustainable and Dairy-Free

Spero Foods' Bluebert (Blue + Camembert) cheese is a limited edition product that is both sustainable and dairy-free. The vegan product is made from clean sunflower ingredients versus nuts which are traditionally used to create most dairy-free cheeses on the market.

Boasting 5 grams of protein per serving, Spero Foods' Bluebert cheese is enriched with magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium and B and E vitamins while featuring a realistic blue cheese taste. This vegan cheese product is also described as "10 times more sustainable than nut cheese" and is said to have "9 times the antioxidants of dairy cheese."

Targeting consumers adhering to a strict vegan diet or those with lactose intolerance, Spero Foods creates delicious and sustainable cheese alternatives. In addition to its Blue and Camembert limited edition product, the brand also carries other dairy-free cheese varieties like a herb-filled Herbacious flavor and its Smokey Chipotle Chevre among a slew of others.

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.3 2,703 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Eco-Conscious Modern Bakery Designs

La Fille Du Boulanger's Aesthetic is Playful and Uplifting

Quebec-based La Fille du Boulanger tapped a number of creatives for the facilitation of an uplifting modern bakery design that reflected its values and ethos. Rooted in sustainability, the company has an innovative approach to the business that seeks to limit food waste and motivate a healthy lifestyle. The loaves that are offered by La Fille du Boulanger, for example, are made only on-demand, putting conscious consumption on the map for the business.

The modern bakery design is playful, accessible and vibrant. The establishment tapped Montreal-based design studio BANG BANG to come up with the front-facing aesthetic which heavily relies on minimalism and pastel colors to bring an ethereal vibe to La Fille du Boulanger.

Photo Credits: Luc Robitaille

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.1 24,965 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Compostable Frozen Treat Packaging

The Lickalix Plastic-Free Packaging Decomposes within 12 Weeks

The new Lickalix plastic-free packaging has been created to the delight of consumers and companies alike as a step forward for eco-friendly packaging that won't contribute to the growing amount of plastic waste in our environment.

The new packaging for the frozen treat products is made from a compostable material that can be tossed in with food waste to decompose within 12 weeks. This is a far cry from traditional plastic- based alternatives that are reported to take hundreds or even thousands of years to break down to address growing consumer preferences for less invasive packaging.

Co-Founder of Lickalix Karis and Dominic Gesua spoke on the new plastic-free packaging saying, "We are only a small family business but we want to lead the way for everyone to invest in sustainable packaging to reduce plastic use and to make the planet a happier place to live in. Retailers can benefit from our plastic free ice lolly packaging because it’s compostable, the products are more profitable than other competitors, customers [continued online]

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.2 3,977 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Premium Champagne Bars Coffee Oysters Champagne is in the Heart of The Entertainment District

Coffee Oysters Champagne is a unique spot in the heart of Toronto's entertainment district, offering everything that the name references and more. The concept is to bring three simple things to one place, ensuring that the coffee is sourced from premium local roasters, the oysters are freshly delivered every day, and that it has the largest champagne selection in the city.

The beautifully designed space offers a selection of food and impressive cocktails. In addition to the dressed oyster options, the food features caviar, frites, watercress squash salad, and bread and butter. The cocktail menu offers a selection of brew, stirred drinks, spritz, and cocktails include the notable 'Night Off for Boo.' It is a concoction of apricot, grapefruit, Tromba Blanco tequila, nonino, lemon, soda, and crabapple bitters.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 6 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.3 12,479 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Protein-Packed Meatless Nuggets

Alpha Foods' Chicken-Style Nuggets Have 13 Grams of Protein

Increased interest in plant-based eating was reflected at this year's Natural Product Expo West with the introduction of many new plant- powered products, including all-new meatless nuggets from Alpha Foods. These chicken-style breaded meatless nuggets contain 13 grams of protein per serving, offering a plant-based alternative of a popular kind of food. Alpha Foods is passionate about sharing products with plant protein to support those who are looking to make even a small amount of change for the sake of better health, improved animal welfare and a more sustainable planet.

Products like Alpha Nuggets undoubtedly appeal to those who follow a plant-based diet but like many brands, Alpha Foods is also targeting flexitarians by noting the appeal of its solutions for those who appreciate meatless Mondays as well as the meatless life.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.5 3,197 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Frozen Seafood Stew Meals

Orca Bay's Fisherman's Stew Boasts All-Natural, Premium Ingredients

Orca Bay's frozen Cioppino Fisherman's Stew meal is sourced from raw and natural ingredients like wild-caught Alaska cod, mussels, shrimp and calamari. Each of the food brand's premium ingredients is sustainably sourced and responsibly caught, embodying its ethos of high quality products that are also made convenient and accessible to consumers.

Featuring a blend of tomato-based spices with an Italian flair, this Fisherman's Stew meal boasts a medley of fresh seafood favorites and offers 17 grams of protein per serving. Convenient and quick-to- prepare, this frozen medley is also a great source of iron and calcium. with every package serving two people.

This gourmet-inspired frozen entree is easy to make and is the perfect option for amateur seafood chefs looking to create a tasty and naturally sourced meal.

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.4 2,383 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Allergy-Friendly Frozen Seafood

Hook Line and Savor Delivers Convenient Ocean-to-Table Products

Hook Line and Savor introduces a new line of prepared seafood goods in a variety of different flavors. All of the selections are sourced from high-quality fish and boast allergy-friendly elements. The range is also free of any eggs, gluten, soy, and dairy, without disrupting the flavor- packed options. The line includes wild-caught fish that come in the flavors 'Citrus Ginger Salmon with Garlic & Brown Sugar Sauce,' 'Crispy Beer Battered Haddock with Classic New England Tartar Sauce,' and 'Black Bean Crusted Cod with Roasted Corn & Red Pepper Salsa.'

Hook Line and Savor also proudly uphold a 'catch code' that ensures sustainable practices when fishing. The label works together with the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life to collaborative practice responsible sourcing practices, with 5% of profits donated to SeaShare. SeaShare is a non-profit organization that aims to elevate premium seafood at feeding centers and food banks.

By: Amy Duong

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.6 1,820 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Reusable Beeswax Wraps Rainbow Bee Design Features a Handmade, Eco-Friendly Packaging Solution

A key product of Rainbow Bee Design's sustainable collection on Etsy is the eco-conscious reusable beeswax wrap. Based in Surrey, British Columbia, the shop offers consumers easy, guilt-free and even stylish portable storage solutions — from the zero-waste reusable lunch bags to the handmade eco-friendly tote bags. Inspired by her occupation as a preschool teacher, owner Josee Lavallee started her little design practice on a hunch that was motivated by passion.

The reusable beeswax wrap offering is definitely a highly desirable product today as individuals are beginning to be more conscious about consumption. The fabric is made with beeswax, all-natural cotton and a little bit of oil. The reusable packaging is ideal for storing food, as the reusable beeswax wrap keeps the food fresh and dry.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.0 27,774 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Plant-Forward College Food Menus

Aramark is Redesigning Its Offerings to Appeal to Generation Z

Aramark is stepping up its game with a revamped college food menu that is designed to appeal to Generation Z.

The demographic in question is on the lookout for meals that are "quick, fresh, healthy, local and sustainable." As a result, Aramark makes new commitments to the planet with innovative programs, healthier offerings and an eco-friendly use of resources. For one, the company is growing increasingly conscious of plastic use. Secondly, Aramark joined forces with FarmLogix to offer Gen Zers on campus a platform that "sources and reports on sustainable ingredients and purchases."

Aramark's new college food menu is predominantly rich on plant- forward meals — from the Roaster Butternut Tartine to the All American Beyond Burger. In addition, the new set-up will allow students a degree of personalization.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.7 2,505 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Homemade Meal Sharing Services

Home-Cooked Japanese Food is Available to Travelers Via AirKitchen

AirKitchen is an innovative service that makes home-cooked Japanese food readily available to travelers. The service allows visitors of the country to browse hosts and the meals that are offered. After finding an appealing option, one can book and pay online. Afterward, one travels to the host's home, helps with meal preparation and sits down to enjoy the dish.

The ultra-convenient AirKitchen meal sharing service is beneficial in a number of ways. Not only do travelers get the chance to experience authentic and delicious home-cooked Japanese food but they also get the chance to meet locals, converse and get to know the culture.

Recognizing that some people have restrictive diets, the company launches AirKitchen Plus which is specifically geared toward vegetarians and vegans.

Photo Credits: JGalione

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.7 2,919 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Cooperative Cheese Products

Craigs Creamery Cheese is Made by Eight New York Area Farms

Consumer preferences to know what is in their food and where it came from is increasing in tandem with a need for convenience, so the Craigs Creamery cheese products have been developed with this in mind. The cheeses are made through a partnership between eight New York area farms to ensure the utmost attention to quality, flavor and local production. The cheeses are made with milk that contains no added growth hormones and comes conveniently packaged in several different ways to accommodate different consumer lifestyle needs.

The Craigs Creamery cheese were explained by Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) Executive Vice President of Commercial Operations, Doug Glade, who said, "As a cooperative, we’re committed to responsibly producing milk and bringing high-quality dairy products from our family farms to family tables. With Craigs Creamery, consumers get to know where their food comes from and can have confidence it was sourced responsibly, which we know is highly important to today’s consumer.”

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.9 2,071 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Accommodating Convenience Markets

The Alltown Fresh Concept Caters to Various Dietary Preferences

New England-based convenience store chain Alltown opened the doors to a new convenience market format Alltown Fresh in Plymouth, Massachusetts that offers fresh food for different dietary preferences and a "rush-free environment." While there are stations within the store that allow for guests to easily grab a coffee, snack or meal to go, there are also spots to encourage sitting and enjoying the moment— for fresh made-to-order food items, there's even an open grill.

The 4,800 square foot store includes everything from groceries and craft beer to pet relief areas and electric charging stations, all with a modern design that emphasizes healthy living.

Although convenience stores have become associated with inexpensive, unhealthy food and beverage choices, Alltown Fresh sets itself apart with organic, natural, vegan, free-from and locally sourced options.

Image Credit: Global Partners

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.4 10,649 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Bite-Sized Butter Chicken Nuggets

Sabrini's Indian-Inspired Snack Range is Created by Chef Harpal

Described as a "world first," Sabrini's Butter Chicken Nuggets are a bold twist on a classic meat snack. The popular snack is remixed with authentic Indian flavors and ingredients, with a recipe created by Sabrini founder Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi. Known as a renowned restaurateur and television show host, Chef Harpal creates a frozen food range that is convenient and quick to prepare without sacrificing flavor.

His Sabrini Butter Chicken Nuggets are a bite-sized take on the iconic butter chicken meal and are made with 100% locally sourced Aussie chicken and no added preservatives, MSG or artificial colors. The snack is marinated and coated with golden crumbs for a crunchy taste and can be served as a party snack alone or alongside a dip of one's choice.

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.8 3,848 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Sustainable Salmon Startups

'Pure Salmon' Aims to Lessen the Environmental Impact of Eating Fish

Overfishing is continuing to put increased pressure on our aquatic ecosystems which could be doing irreversible damage, so startup 'Pure Salmon' aims to change our fishing and farming capabilities for less environmental impact.

The company has come forward with a focus on sustainability and a locally sourced mindset to farm salmon in a way that doesn't affect the environment as badly as traditional fishing or fish farming. The salmon raised by the brand are reported to not only be a more sustainable option, but will also be free from pesticides, chemicals, mercury, antibiotics, pollutants and even microplastics.

'Pure Salmon' was explained by Chairman and Founder of 8F Asset Management, Stephane Farouze, who said, "We’re delighted to be launching what is the most exciting global development in land-based Atlantic salmon farming. Pure salmon is not only healthy and delicious, it is an excellent choice in a resource-strained world, where producing sustainable food without further damaging our oceans is paramount."

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.3 5,170 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Pasta-Inspired Chocolates

Majani's 'Tortellina' Filled Chocolate Takes Cues from Italian Pasta

Tortellino—is a type of Italian pasta that is often stuffed with meat, cheese or other kinds of fillings—served as the inspiration for Majani's 'Tortellina' filled chocolates. With its pasta-inspired chocolate range, Majani notes that it explores a sweet version of "classic Bolognese gastronomy." The pasta-shaped chocolate shells are offered in dark, milk and white varieties and contain soft, sweet cream fillings.

With this confection, those with a sweet tooth are able to rediscover a familiar flavor and form in an unexpected way. For richly sensory eating experiences, consumers are turning to sweet food products— including pasta chocolate noodles and chocolate lasagna desserts— that do not taste at all like the savory dishes that they take inspiration from.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.0 6,103 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Sustainable Gourmet Burgers

The 'Toltec Royale' by Chef David Ruiz Features a Blended Meat Recipe

The 'Toltec Royale' burger by Chef David Ruiz encourages conscious consumption thanks to a blended meat recipe. Ruiz seamlessly fuses premium brisket and ground beef -- sourced locally in New Mexico -- with cremini mushrooms and fresh herbs. Available at Albuquerque, New Mexico's Toltec Brewing, the artisanal burger aims to help foodies reduce their carbon footprint and also boasts less calories, fat and sodium content than full-meat burger varieties.

Getting its name from cult classic film Pulp Fiction, which references the French version of a McDonald's Big Mac named the "Royale with cheese," this burger targets meat eaters looking to reduce their overall intake.

Thanks to its innovative, blended meat recipe, the burger has been entered into "The Blended Burger Project, a contest put on by the James Beard Foundation to promote healthier and more sustainable meat consumption."

Image Credit: David Ruiz

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.0 3,205 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Grass-Roofed Authentic Peruvian Restaurants

Estudio Rafael Freyre Taps Traditions in This Design

This authentic Peruvian restaurant is a must-visit. Located in the historic Sacred Valley of the Incas, the architectural concept was developed by Lima-based Estudio Rafael Freyre.

The appeal of the dining experience can be traced to a few things. For one, the 'Mil Centro' has been defined as "a laboratory and hub for experiments in local gastronomy." Secondly, the location of the eating establishment is incredibly alluring -- the building is absolutely secluded in the Andean highlands, boasting breathtaking views and chances for mindful contemplation. Lastly, the architectural arrangement by Estudio Rafael Freyre boldly embraces the region's traditions. The roof of the authentic Peruvian restaurant is made with grass. Moreover, the square-shaped floorplan forms a small courtyard where an endangered Andean queñua tree is growing.

Photo Credits: Gustavo Vivanco

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.1 15,621 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Food-Accenting Flavor Pearls

Christine Le Tennier Offers Balsamic Vinegar Capsules to Consumers

The culture of Molecular Gastronomy is becoming more and more accessible to home environments and these affordable flavor pearls by Christine Le Tennier are a testimony to that. Made in France, the cuisine supplements definitely give a subtle kick to taste as they accompany homemade dishes. Moreover, the whole ordeal requires minimal effort since the flavor pearls can be easily arranged on top of any plate or even served with cocktails for "added originality, sensuality, and fun."

Christine Le Tennier makes balsamic vinegar-flavored capsules available to consumers. However, the "caviar spheres" can literally be anything — from sweet and savory to fruity and spicy. In addition, the product is shelf-stable and can be stored in refrigerators for up to two weeks after opening. This gives individuals flexibility in terms of using the flavor pearls in their cuisine.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 3,901 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Informative Food Packaging Concepts

SÍCLIC Attempts to Teach Consumers About Colombia Regions

SÍCLIC produces a knowledgeable food packaging concept that is designed to provide consumers with facts from regions in Colombia. The project essentially provides individuals with cool facts about gastronomy across the country. As a result, the design does not only delight and productively entertain the consumer, but it also liberalizes and spreads prideful facts about the local cuisine of Colombia.

SÍCLIC's knowledgeable food packaging concept attempts to facilitate growth in gastronomic tourism. It reaches non-residents directly and serves as an illustrative guide about "typical food, fusion food, informal and formal food, and [...] national haute cuisine," while providing the on-the-go individual with a convenience-focused container. Based in Bogotá, SÍCLIC's design proves to be interactive and entertaining.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 13,961 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Caribbean-Themed Food Festivals

The YUL EAT Festival in Montreal Embraces the Art of Gastronomy

YUL EAT is an annual food festival in Montreal that is in its fifth year of running. Produced by evenko in collaboration with Delta Air Lines, the experience embraces cultural values, authentic cuisine, and creativity. This year's event is Carribean-themed and offers curious visitors a glimpse into an expressive community with "Carribean dishes, a rum bar, cocktails, a DJ, and percussionists."

YUL EAT is the perfect destination for "epicureans, gourmets, and culinary creativity enthusiasts." The event does not only supports local restaurants but also highlights "Montreal as a gastronomical epicenter." Alongside the tasty Carribean dishes and the live entertainment, festival-goers will have the chance to venture behind the scenes and attend live workshops, which directly inform foodies about ingredients, practices, and recipes.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 6 RELATED ACTIVITY 2.6 4,351 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Encapsulated Beer Pearls Carlsberg is Sharing 'Beer Caviar' This Year During the World Cup

For the 21st installment of the FIFA World Cup that is being held in Russia this year, world-famous Danish beer brand Carlsberg—and the sponsor of the Danish national team—created 'Beer Caviar.'

The unique "caviar" was created by the brand with help from chef Umut Ra Sakarya, which involved a complex molecular gastronomy process to encapsulate beer in tiny edible pearls. The finished product is virtually indistinguishable from real caviar, which can be found in a yellow color. At select Danish World Cup match events, Carlsberg is sharing its unconventional Beer Caviar with World Cup fans to provide a unique twist on a Russian delicacy.

In the same way that the luxury food product is conventionally packaged in tins, Carlsberg created branded tins filled with the golden beer-filled pearls.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.8 11,778 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Botanical Honey Lattes The New Rose Honey Latte From Starbucks is Now Available in the US

Coffee giant Starbucks recently added a Rose Honey Latte to its menu lineup and hopes to entice patrons with a unique pairing of rich and botanical flavors. The newly released beverage is described as a "fragrant infusion of caramelized honey, rose water, and earthy cinnamon” which are combined to create a blend that is flavorful without being overpowering.

Ideal for consumers seeking a flavored coffee alternative to Starbucks' more indulgent frappuccinos, the new beverage is guaranteed to satisfy patrons' craving for something sweet.

Featuring distinct floral notes, the newly released beverage is now available at Starbucks locations across the United States. As botanical flavors grow more popular in the mixology and gastronomy spheres, it's no surprise that coffee makers are also embracing this versatile ingredient.

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.3 4,656 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Experiential Colombian Restaurants

ElCielo Restaurant Spotlights Molecular Gastronomy and Mixology

ElCielo Restaurant is a South American eatery that spotlights the best in molecular gastronomy and mixology creations. Located in the heart of Bogota, Colombia, the artisanal restaurant is home to a handcrafted menu of elegantly presented fare that is curated by chef Juan Manuel Barrientos Valencia.

Creating a sensory dining experience for guests, the restaurant specializes in locally sourced and fresh dishes including its famous Scallop ceviche and an expansive wine list. Featuring immersive elements like dry ice, each of ElCielo Restaurant's menu items defies tradition and can be described as an edible work of art.

In addition to a variety of meat, vegetarian and seafood dishes, this eatery is also home to an indulgent dessert menu that is not only tasty but also visually striking.

Image Credit: ElCielo Restaurant

By: Jana Pijak

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.0 12,989 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Local Gastronomy Beers Carlsberg is Launching Cask-Conditioned Beer for Danish Restaurants

Carlsberg Group is one of the leading multinational breweries in the world, and it is now venturing into new territory by experimenting with cask-conditioned beer. In particular, the brewery has developed high-end beer for a Michelin-starred restaurant in Denmark, appealing to the local gastronomic scene.

For the project, Carlsberg Group worked with a team of researchers from the Nordic Food Lab at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Food Science. The products to come out of this collaboration between researchers and brewmasters are two cask- conditioned beers: the Jacobsen Chanterelle Lager and Jacobsen Sour Rye.

As Jacobsen Brewmaster Morten Ibsen describes: "The goal was to brew high-end beers from natural ingredients aiming for an ABV of at least 10% to give the beers the best potential for vintage cellaring." Moving forward, the experimental project has the potential to inspire new ways of fermenting raw materials to produce different kinds of food and beverages.

Image Credit: Carlsberg Group

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 1 RELATED ACTIVITY 2.1 11,454 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. iii. Clustered Lists

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Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

From Intelligent Sous Vide Cookers to Connected Coffee Machines

These contemporary kitchen appliances range from intelligent sous vide cookers to connected coffee machines. When it comes to notable food prep devices, standouts include the AirGO AP360 Multicooker which boasts a versatile 5-in-one design -- allowing at-home chefs to prepare meals in a variety of ways.

By: Jana Pijak

Counter Space-Saving Cookers Smartphone-Connected Coffee Wine-Saving Devices Automated Pan-Stirring Appliances The 'Ordine' Cooking Hub is Optimized for Brewers The Zos Wine Saver Removes Oxygen to Give The Uutensil Stirr Prevents Recipes from Small Living Spaces The Conceptual 'Tap and Drop' Coffee Users the Ability to Store Wine Burning or Clumping Machine is Advanced

Small Fast-Cooking Ovens Voice-Controlled Coffee Makers Fridge-Upgrading Cameras Intelligent Pizza Ovens The Brava Smart Oven is an Elegant and Stylish The Gourmia Coffee Maker Responds to the The Smarter Fridge Cam Can be Placed Inside The Breville Smart Oven Pizzaiolo Creates Cooking Appliance Skill Name 'Mia' Any Kitchen Fridge Restaurant-Quality Pizzas

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

Continued 9 to 16

Automated Sous Vide Cookers Intelligent Food-Monitoring Dual-Functioning Kitchen Appliances High-End Connected Cookware The Chef Sous Vide Machine Ensures Food is Cooktops The Grundig Exclusive Line Frees Up Counter Thermador is Launching a New Line of Cooked Perfectly The AEG SensePro Hob Keeps an Eye on Your Space Advanced Cookware Food's Preparedness

Screen-Integrated Range Hoods App-Connected Smart Dishwashers Sous Vide-Enabled Pressure Cookers High-Tech Sous Vide Devices The 'REC' Range Hood Boasts a Touch The Kenmore Elite Smart Dishwasher is The Instant Pot Max is Capable of Cooking The Mellow Sous-Vide Integrates Advanced Interface to Display Recipes Monitored Via Mobile Devices Endless Meals Technology

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

Continued 17 to 24

Programmable Five-in-One Cookers Intelligent Tea Steeping Appliances Pressure Cooker Air Fryers Multifunctional Countertop Brewers The AirGO AP360 Multicooker Prepares Meals The Willsence Electric Tea Kettle Automates Gourmia's GPA1980 and GPA1990 Models This Tea and Coffee Machine by Stas Qlare is Many Different Ways Beverage Brewing Combine Popular Cooking Methods Futuristic

10-in-1 Pressure Cookers Multilevel Induction Cooktops Cooling IoT Multicookers Recipe-Guiding Connected Cooktops TaoTonics' Pressure Cooker is the Ultimate All- The 'Levelled Induction Hob' Maximizes Gourmia's IoT CoolCookers Boast Built-In The Conceptual 'Quiett' Cooker Offers Step- in-One Kitchen Appliance Cooking Space Refrigeration Systems by-Step Instructions

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

Continued 25 to 32

IOT Kitchen Appliances Voice-Controlled Smart Faucets Automated Pot Preparation Connected AR Ovens The LG Instaview ThinQ Refrigerator is Delta's Alexa Faucet Can Change the Water Appliances The Whirlpool Connected Hub Wall Oven Updated With AI-Controlled Features Temperature and Pressure The SAKI Automatic Pot Mixer Prevents Features a Touchscreen & AR Tech Recipes from Burning

Integrated Sous-Vide Appliances Automated Cheese Preparation Voice-Controlled Smart Multicookers Miniature Workstation Coffee The Signature Kitchen Suite Boasts a Unique Appliances Gourmia is Launching an 11-in-One Cooker at Brewers Built-In Tool The Fromaggio Home Cheesemaker Crafts CES 2019 The Keurig K-Mini Plus Fits into Almost Any Premium Products Small Space

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

Continued 33 to 40

Vacuum-Sealing Fridges Smart Defrosting Devices WiFi-Enabled Pressure Cookers Double-Wall Smart Combination The Sharp VacPac Pro Fridge-Freezer Helps The NXP Frozen Food Defrosting Design Can The New Instant Pot Lets Consumers Control Ovens Preserve Food More Effectively Thaw Food in a Few Minutes the Multi-Cooker Remotely LG's New Release is Efficient, Convenient and Tech-Savvy

Demure Smart Home Refrigerators Stylish At-Home Cafe Equipment New-Generation Steam Cooking Time-Saving Commercial Ovens The Samsung Black Stainless Steel Four-Door The Caprisssa Machine Brews Premium Drinks Technologies The Panasonic NE-SCV2N Commercial High Fridge is Connected at the Press of a Button UNOX's STEAM.Plus Contributes with High- Speed Oven is Convenient Level Efficiency

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

Continued 41 to 45

Nutrient-Preserving Vacuum Intelligent Countertop Coffee Multifunctional Kitchen Appliances Compact Sous Vide Appliances Blenders Brewers Ninja's Intelli-Sense System is a Multipurpose The Anova Nano Sous Vide Precision Cooker The Pado Ozen 310 Prevents Oxidation During The Keurig K250 Quickly Brews Your Chosen Appliance Easily Stows in a Drawer Preparation Amount of Coffee

Safety Focused Smart Stoves The iGuardStove Aims to Prevent Fires and False Alarms in the Home

SCORE POPULARITY 45 FEATURED, 267 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.7 463,391 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 30 Food Pop-Up Experiences

From Branded Bowl-Shaped Haircuts to Artistic Health Pop-Ups

Temporary activations are a great way for engaging with one's consumer base and food pop-ups are ideal for companies who want to debut a new product, culinary enthusiasts that want to initiate sustainable change or brands that simply want to facilitate an unforgettable, Instagram-worthy experience. Hotpoint, for example, engages in eco-advocacy.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

Glow-in-the-Dark Ramen Bars Interactive Crunchy Chocolate Pop- Breakfast-Dispensing Slot Machines Designer Avant-Garde Pop-Up Cafes Bompas & Parr is Opening a Showstopping Ups The Nutella Morning Slot Dispenses Nutella The Hermes Cafe is Enhancing the Retail Ramen Noodle Bar in Atlanta Guests of the M&M Pop-up Voted on the Toast Variations Experience Brand's Next Flavor

Single-Day Pop-Up Bakeries Stacked Fruit Desserts Artistic Health Pop-Ups Luxe Fast-Food Pop-Ups Strongbow Dark Fruit Honours Its Fans in Cafe de Paris Makes Its Bon Bon Sweets with Special K's Escape the Nonsense Breaks Myths The McDonald's Butler Experience Will Offer a Manchester with a Tasty Treat Whipped Cream & Powdered Sugar & Promotes Healthy Nutrition Lavish Take on Fast-Food

SCORE POPULARITY 30 FEATURED, 254 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.6 316,075 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 30 Food Pop-Up Experiences

Continued 9 to 16

Branded Bowl-Shaped Haircuts Promotional Afternoon Tea Food Waste-Fighting Cafes Chocolate Customization Pop-Ups KFC Famous Bowls are Being Promoted with a Gatherings The Hotpoint's Fresh Thinking Cafe Menu is This Kit Kat Chocolatory Pop-Up is Centered on Pop-Up and Free Haircuts The Ritz-Carlton and Givenchy Collaborate on a Inspired by Often-Wasted Food Custom Confections Pink Pop-Up

Cartoon-Themed Ice Cream Pop-Ups Blindfolded Food Bars Personalized Snacking Pop-Ups Cocktail-Paired Chocolates The Afters Ice Cream Rick and Morty Pop-Ups The 'Bar of YES!' Offers a Blind Tasting The Laughing Cow's 'Snack Like You Cafe' The Pop-Up Kit Kat Bar Pairs Cocktails with Open December 1 Experience Inspired by Snack Bars Underlines Customization New Chocolate Flavors

SCORE POPULARITY 30 FEATURED, 254 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.6 316,075 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 30 Food Pop-Up Experiences

Continued 17 to 24

Gourmet Snack Brand Restaurants Multi-Sensory Pizza Exhibits Japanese Dessert Pop-Ups Globally Inspired Rice Pop-Ups Cheetos Launches 'The Flamin’ Hot Spot' with 'The Pizza Experience' in Los Angeles is a Pop- The Haagen-Daaz Sabo Pop-Up Fuses Ice The 'Tilda Rice-taurant' Offers a World of Meal Roy Choi Up Pizza-Themed Museum Cream, Traditional Sweets and Tea Inspiration

Donut Playground Pop-Ups Nostalgic 90s Pop-Up Diners Whole Food Diet Cafes Egg-Themed Pop-Up Museums Krispy Kreme is Opening a Sweet New The 'Saved by the Max' Pop-Up Offers Fans a The Clean Slate Cafe Pop-Up Serves Whole30- The Egg House is Opening a New Location in Destination in London Taste of Bayside Cuisine Approved Meals, Snacks & Drinks West Hollywood, Los Angeles

SCORE POPULARITY 30 FEATURED, 254 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.6 316,075 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 30 Food Pop-Up Experiences

Continued 25 to 30

Chicken Sandwich Pop-Ups On-Demand Meal Starter Deliveries Culinary Gondola Experiences Booze-Infused Ice Cream Pop-Ups Daniel Son's Katsu Sando Delivers Some of His Knorr is Sharing Easy Meals for National The Fondue Express Gondola Pairs a Three- The Tipsy Scoop Pop-Up Will Be Open in Soho Favorite Childhood Flavors Farmers Market Week Course Menu with Champagne for the Summer

Foraged Food Pop-Ups Coconut Rum Frozen Custards Tegui in Buenos Aires Opened a Pop-Up in the Sweet Melody Ice Cream Celebrates Christmas Mendoza Wine Valley With a Rum-Infused Flavor

SCORE POPULARITY 30 FEATURED, 254 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.6 316,075 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations From Ice Cream-Stuffed Bagels to Cheesy Macaroni Snack Donuts

The land of drink and food hybrid creations is a largely unpredictable category that can surprise, delight and disappoint. This inclusive list of menu items includes culinary combinations that might sound strange but have the potential to be delicious. Of course, food hybrids like the 'cruffin' — a treat that joins the taste of a muffin and a croissant, or Krispy Kreme's cookie-inspired doughnuts are difficult not to like.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

Hybrid Chocolate Cookie Treats Pasta-Inspired Pizza Bowls Chocolate Bar Sushi Rolls Classic Cookie-Inspired Donuts The Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo Sandwich Merges The Olive Garden Pizza Bowl is Part Nestle Has Created Kit Kat Sushi to Celebrate Krispy Kreme Has Turned America's Most Favorite Treats of the Lunch Duos Menu the Opening of a New Store Iconic Cookies into Donuts

Bread-Shaped Crisps Hybrid Condiments On-the-Go Coffee Bars Hybrid Cultural Street Food 'BRIPS' Introduces a Traditional Russian Bread Heinz Has Combined Mayo and to Pocket Latte is a Tasty and Organic Ready-to- The Street Food Fighter Truck Offers Asian- Snack in the Shape of Chips Create 'Mayochup' Eat Choco-Latte Snack Mexican Fusion Foods

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 9 to 16

Stuffed Bagel Hybrids Donut-Flavored Jelly Beans Crunchy Cereal-Topped Cupcakes Mediterranean Food Hybrids The 'Baogel' is a Bagel and Bao Bun Hybrid Jelly Belly is Introducing a Set of Krispy Kreme Sprinkles Cupcakes is Serving Breakfast SAJJ Mixes Flavors and Cultures with Its from NYC's Black Seed Bagels Jelly Bean Flavors Cupcakes Topped with Cereal Shawafel Burrito Offering

Hybrid Dessert Donuts Fruit-Filled Donut Croissants Hybrid Hydration Drinks Bite-Sized Pizza Snacks The 7-Eleven Caramel Bar Made with Twix The Chocolate Drizzled Strawberry Croissant The Tsamma Watermelon and Coconut Water The Blaze Pizza 'Dough Knots' are a New Take Donut is the its First Fresh Donut Donut is a Hybrid Treat Blend is Optimally Hydrating on Breadsticks

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 17 to 24

Mince Pie Croissant Hybrids Fried Chicken Ramen Sandwiches Cheese Puff-Coated Burgers Coffee-Infused Sodas UK Bakery Paul's Remixes an On-the-Go The Bruxie's Kickin' Kimchi Ramen Waffle Applebee’s is Selling a Deep-Fried Cheetos The New Coca-Cola Coffee Plus Blends Coffee Breakfast with Mincemeat Upgrades a Classic Dish Burger Bomb in the UAE Extract into the Soda

Marshmallow Potato Desserts Nut Butter Granolas Dual-Flavor Toaster Pastries Stuffed Berry Snacks Trader Joe's Pixie Pie Mix Makes a Chewy The Nature Valley Nut Butter Granolas Make The New Pop Tarts Mash Ups Combine Two Driscoll's Took Inspiration from Justin Brownie and Pie Hybrid for a Creamy, Crunchy Snack Tasty Flavors in One Snack Timberlake and Created 'Braspberries'

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 25 to 32

Frozen Croissant Desserts Japanese Fruit Chocolates Donut-Shaped Chicken Snacks Ice Cream-Filled Watermelons Mr. Holmes Bakehouse and Smitten Ice Cream 'Furukari' Blends Creamy Milk Chocolate and 'Donugs' are a New Hybrid Indulgence for Tokyo's Dominique Ansel Bakery is Selling Team Up for a Bold Dessert Crunchy Dried Asian Fruits Foodies to Enjoy 'What-a-Melon Soft Serve'

Coffee-Infused Pancakes Chocolaty Liquid Nitrogen Shakes Savory Mac & Cheese Bagels Hybrid Tea-Infused Coffees The IHOP Latte Lover's Pancake Menu is Creamistry's Choco Pie Infused Nitroshake is a Einstein Bros.' New Mac & Cheese Bagel is a The Nagi Kyoto Organic Tea X Coffee Blends Inspired by Java Beverages Next-Level Dessert Cheesy Morning Treat Come in Three Options

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 33 to 40

Hybrid Croissant Desserts Artisan-Inspired Croissant Pizzas Chocolate Avocado Easter Eggs Hybrid Pizza Burgers Korica's Cruffin Menu is a First for the Croatian The Starbucks Croissant Crust Pizzas are Dominique Ansel's New Chocolate The Pizza Hut 'Hut Burgers' Feature Patties Capital Available in Australia 'Huevocado' Celebrates Easter Wrapped in Dough

Croissant-Tortilla Mash-Ups Crunchy Candy-Packed Chocolates Cinnamon Bun-Filled Cookies Collaboration Dessert Cakes The Crotilla is a Wal-Mart Exclusive Food The Reese’s Outrageous Bar will be Available The New Cinnabon Cookie BonBites Celebrate The Café Valley Bakery Chocolate Cheesecake Hybrid Starting in May 2018 National Cookie Day Brownie Bites are Tasty

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 41 to 48

Dual-Oven Foodservice Trays Donut-Topped Coffees Ice Cream-Stuffed Bagels Pizza French Toast Hybrids The DeLight Paper-Based Tray is an Alternative Matcha Man Ice Cream is Now Serving Hybrid The Bagel Shop's Bagelwich Menu Fuses Kid Food Nation's Family-Friendly Meal to Boxed Plastic Food and Drink Treats Frozen Treats and Bagels Combines Two Iconic Dishes

Taco Croissant Hybrids Cannabis-Infused Sparkling Waters Cheesy Steak-Stuffed Quesadillas Hybrid Confection Ice Creams This San Franciscan Bakery Invented the Tacro The Mountjoy Sparkling Water is Infused with Taco Bell is Now Testing the New Double Steak Breyers' 2in1 Tubs are Packed with Cookie & With Different Fillings Cannabis Oil Gordita Melt Candy Combinations

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 49 to 56

Boozy Ice Cream Sandwiches Cereal-Topped Funnel Cakes Rose-Colored Candy Shakes Ramen Ice Cream Pints Tipsy Scoop Sells Its Alcohol-Infused Ice Cream Disneyland's Fruity Pebbles Funnel Cake Fries The New Candy Crunch Milkshake from Sheetz Namco's 'Baby Star on Ice' Features Baby Star in Sweet Sandwiches is the Ultimate Mashup is Made with Jolly Ranchers Noodles Mixed into Ice Cream

Cabernet Peppercorn Biscuits Hybrid Chicken Slider Sandwiches Milkshake-Sundae Hybrids Asian-Inspired Dessert Donuts Janis & Melanie's Cabernet Wine Biscuits Pair Chick-fil-A's Chick-n-Sliders are Available at Baskin Robbins is Offering a Milkshake and The New Pei Wei Thai Donuts are Freshly with Salad, Soup & More Select Locations Sundae Combination Made-to-Order

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 57 to 64

Ultra-Cheesy Popcorn Snacks Korean-Inspired Chicken Pizzas Cookie-Flavored Whipped Creams Crumbled Cookie Brownies 'Cheetos Popcorn' is a Hybrid That Will Be KFC's Newest 'Chizza' Takes Flavor Cues from Cool Whip's Oreo-Flavored Whipped Cream is Mrs. Freshley's and OREO are Introducing an Served at Regal Cinemas Traditional Bulgogi a Hybrid Dessert Topper OREO Brownie

Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches Remixed Matcha Crepes Cheese Puff-Coated Cookies Hybrid Flavor Breakfast Snacks Trader Joe's Newest Frozen Dessert Puts a Chef Romain Avril's Hybrid Recipe Fuses Cookie Good's Cheetos Cookies are a Sweet The New Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Splitz Boast Tasty Twist on a Summer Classic French and Asian Influences and Salty Hybrid Snack Flavor Combos

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 65 to 72

Nacho-Inspired Fast Food Fries Yorkshire Pudding Pizzas 24-Karat Hybrid Donuts Croissant-Style Breadsticks The Taco Bell Nacho Fries Come with Warm Morrisons Launched a Special Pizza to Goldeluck's Bakeshop Offers a Gilded Version Trader Joe's '27 Layer Croissini' Fuses French Cheese Dipping Sauce Celebrate Yorkshire Pudding Day of its Famed Croissant Donuts and Italian Dishes

Hybrid Tex-Mex Pizzas Mediterranean-Style Quesadillas Cheesecake-Filled French Toast Spicy Teriyaki Condiments Taco Bell is Testing a New Mexican Pizza Gyroville's New Gyrodilla is a Cross Between a IHOP is Now Serving Three Decadent French 'Teriacha' is a Sweet-and-Spicy Sauce Made Crunchwrap in Oklahoma Gyro and Quesadilla Toast Holiday Meals with Teriyaki and Sriracha

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 73 to 80

Hybrid Burger Patties Candy-Infused Trail Mixes Hybrid Savory Snack Dips Hybrid Mint Confections Blue Apron and the James Beard Foundation The Mars Fruit and Nut Trail Mixes are Packed The New Rojo Queso Dips Come in Two 7-Eleven's Mint Dorayaki is a Special-Edition Created a 'Blended Burger' with Flavorful Treats Cheesy Varieties Convenience Store Snack

Ultra-Spicy Pretzel Chips Hybrid Spicy Hummus Crossover Korean Meals Tiramisu Sushi Hybrids Rose Gold's New Flamin' Hot Thin Crisps Bring Gonzo Hummus Pairs Hummus with Tsug and Suji's Korean Cuisine Offers Creative Pairings This Strange Dessert Fusion Combines Italian the Heat Harissa for a Piquant Kick Like Kimchi with Bacon and Japanese Cuisines

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 88 Food Hybrid Creations Continued 81 to 88

Spicy Condiment Hybrids Hybrid Raisin Bun Cones Hybrid Fall Popcorn Snacks Crunchy Cake-Inspired Cookies The Flying Goose Sriracha Mayonnaise Mixes The Hot Cross Bun Cone Combines Freshly The G.H. Cretors Salted Caramel Popped Corn The Tastykake Kake Chips Come in Two the Original Sauce with Mayo Baked Buns with Ice Cream With Pretzels is Savory Distinct Flavor Options

Hybrid Brownie-Infused Cookies Meat Sauce-Topped Fries Precooked Cauliflower Crusts Cereal-Infused Peanut Butters Great American Cookies is Now Serving The McDonald’s Japan's New Fries Come with Cali'flour's Cauliflower Pizza Crust is a Versatile Cinnamon Crisp Peanut Butter Combines Two Brookie as a Hybrid Treat Bolognese Sauce and Cheese Meal Base Breakfast Favorites

SCORE POPULARITY 88 FEATURED, 765 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.6 634,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

From Sugarcane-Based Takeout Containers to Meatless Cult Burger Menus

These conscious QSR innovations range from sustainability-focused takeout packaging and marketing campaigns to diet-conscious reinterpretations of cult menu items. Standouts include everything from White Castle's meatless burger menu to Sonic's blended patties which fuse together beef and mushrooms for a reduced carbon footprint.

By: Jana Pijak

Futuristic Food Pop-Ups Fast Food Salad Shops Redesigned Fast Food Chains Globally Inspired Salad Jars IKEA's 'Space10' Lab is Opening a Six Day Food KFC's K Pro is a Healthy Remix on the Famous Subway Stores Will Now Feature More BOL Foods Makes Grab-and-Go Salads Inspired Production Pop-Up Fast Food Restaurant Modern and Health-Focused Designs by International Cuisine

Weight Loss Drive-Thrus Fresh Food Vending Machines Mushroom-Blended Burgers Low-Cost Vegetarian Meals The Weight Watchers Drive-Thru Serves The Green Moustache Organic Café's Machine The Sonic Burger Blends Mushrooms and Beef The New Qdoba Vegetarian Menu is "Healthy & Happy Meals" Dispenses Clean Vegan Eats for a Smaller Carbon Footprint Competitively Priced and Healthy

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 9 to 16

Fad-Free Food Brands Salad Vending Machines Rescued Food Restaurants Sustainably Reimagined Fast Food The New Sano Food Brand is Based Entirely in 'Shake Salad' Targets Busy, Health-Conscious The Newly Opened Rice Bar Turns Food Waste IKEA's SPACE10 Lab Developed "Fast Food of Nutritional Science Consumers into Delicious Creations the Future" Concepts

Resolution-Inspired Juices Sparkling Water Dining Events Vegan Fast Food Pop-Ups Colorful Tapioca Crepes For a Limited Time, Nékter Juice Bar Will Be S.Pellegrino's 'Itineraries of Taste' is a Dining London's 'Pure Filth' Pop-Up Shares Healthy NYC's Market Ipanema Colors Its Crepes with Offering New Year Drinks Series in London Plant-Based Fast Food Vegetable and Fruit Juice

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 17 to 24

Local Grab-and-Go Markets On-the-Go Granola Bowls Retro Vegan Burger Bars Wheat Straw Takeout Containers Public Market and Bakery is a Restaurant- Rush Bowls Assembles Nutritious Fruit Bowls Flower Burger Sets Itself Apart as "Italy's First La Tour's New Containers Can Be Used for Connected Grab-and-Go Grocer for Any Time of the Day Gourmet Veganburgheria" Dining In or Takeout

Tropical Fast Casual Salads Ethical Imitation Shrimp Vegan Burger-Centric Eateries Family-Friendly Mediterranean Qdoba is Offering a Sweet Chicken Mango New Wave Foods Creates 100% Plant-Based Monty's Good Burger Was Inspired by the Dinners Salad for Summer 2018 Shrimp Impossible Burger Zoës Kitchen is Offering 3 New Mediterranean Family Dinners

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 25 to 32

Holistic Restaurant Concepts Health-Conscious Restaurant Healthy Alternative Comfort Foods Extra Protein Power Bowls Sydney's Clean Treats Factory is Described as a Interiors Toronto's Parka Food Co. Gives Favorite Foods El Pollo Loco's New Double Protein Avocado "Culinary Day Spa" Savvy Studio Focus on Nature & Urban a Gourmet Makeover Bowls Help Fuel Long Days Dynamics for its Design

Plant-Based Liqueur Pop-Ups Beetroot Falafel Burgers Fast Food Spinach Smoothies Halloween Bug Burgers The Vegan Treat Stop by Baileys Almande Pairs The 'Beetnik' is Byron's First Vegan-Friendly Crussh Juice Bars' Green Protein Power Huxtaburger's Bugstaburger Features Ant Alcohol and Sweets Burger Option Smoothie is Made with Greens Mayo, Blue Buns & Roasted Mealworms

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 33 to 40

STEM Family Dining Fully Vegan Cafes Farm-to-Table Cafeteria Trucks Market Fresh Sandwich Offerings Sue's Tech Kitchen is a Tech-Focused, Family- The Menu at This London-Located Vegan Uproot is Bringing Locally Sourced Meals to Arby's Has Added Three Fresh Offerings to Its Friendly Dining Experience Coffee Shop is Completely Dairy-Free High School Students Summer Menu

Farm-to-Table Airline Food Vegan Vitamin Burgers Vegan Oat Milks Greek-Inspired QSR Meals Qatar Airways' In-Flight Offerings Include a Moving Mountains Foods' 'B12 Burger' is Starbucks is Adding a Dairy-Free Oat Milk to Its The New Arby's Greek Gyro Menu is Packed Fresh Seasonal Menu Enriched with Vitamin B12 Menu with Options for Everyone

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 41 to 48

Organic QSR Meal Milks Meatless Chicken Bowls Politically Charged Burger Ads Vegetarian Comfort Food Diners The Arla McDonald's Happy Meal Organic Milk The Vegetarian General Tso by Wok Box The Whopper Neutrality Ad is a Political Push Mythology Diner Boasts Robust Menus for Bottles will Launch in the UK Features YamChops' Meatless Chicken from Burger King Brunch and Dinner

Percentage-Based Food Branding Plant-Based Pulled Pork Burgers Matcha Donut Collections Mexican QSR Seed Snacks SimpleFood's Packaging Calls Out the Contents Soul Burger's Pulled Pork BBQ Burger is Made Mister Donut and Gion Tusjiri Teamed Up for a BIGS is Creating Seasoned Sunflower Seeds of Each Product with Jackfruit Line of Matcha Donuts Inspired by Taco Bell

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

Continued 49 to 55

Farm-to-Table Berry Desserts Topical Superfood Breakfast Bowls Sugarcane-Based Takeout Bowls Japanese Farm-to-Table Restaurants Royal Dinette's Red and White Dessert Nékter Juice Bar's New Superfood Bowl is Zao Asian Café's Eco Bowl Can Be Used for California's 'Locale' Sources Its Fresh Celebrates Canadian Colors Made with Graviola Dining in or Takeout Ingredients from Japan

Plant-Powered Pizza Menus Ballpark Tofu Sandwiches Hard Candy-Flavored Frozen Yogurts Parkway Pizza and The Herbivorous Butcher PNC Park Serves Its 'Toasted Tofu' Sandwich Orange Leaf Launched Jolly Ranchers-Inspired Created a Vegan Pizza Menu on Gluten-Free Bread Dairy-Free Treats

SCORE POPULARITY 55 FEATURED, 525 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.2 847,956 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 13 Innovative Supermarket Concepts

From Drive-Thru Grocers to Supermarket Entertainment Centers

These innovative supermarket concepts range from convenient drive-thru grocers to supermarket entertainment centers like 'Nation's Experience' -- an all-in-one food store where visitors can purchase groceries, have dinner, or enjoy immersive VR tech.Other standouts include sustainable high-end grocers like Tokyo's Fukushimaya Supermarket.

By: Jana Pijak

Heat-and-Eat Supermarket Meals Japanese Retailer Food Markets Meat-Free Supermarkets Sustainable High-End Grocers The 'Eat Fit Go' Meals Can Be Taken Home and A MUJI Food Market Has Opened in Tokyo The Karma Supermarket Sells Only Vegetarian Fukushimaya Supermarket Was Made from Consumed Immediately Selling Fresh Produce and Vegan Goods ZAM Pipes and Wine Crates

Alcoholic Grocery Shopping Cafe Brand Grocery Shops Rooftop Grocer Gardens Wonky Produce Deliveries Experiences Blank Slate Coffee + Kitchen is Creating the The Grocery Store IGA Has Introduced a Oddbox Reduces Food Waste By Selling A Winn Dixie Location May Soon Be Offering 'Blank Slate Gourmet Market' Rooftop Garden Unattractive Produce Wine On-Site

SCORE POPULARITY 13 FEATURED, 231 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.0 1,152,505 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 13 Innovative Supermarket Concepts

Continued 9 to 13

Drive-Through Grocers eCommerce Grocer Acquisitions CG Beverage Displays Pasta-Focused Grocery Bars AmazonFresh Pickup is Opening Its First Amazon's Acquisition of Whole Foods Has This Dynamic Asahi Beer Sign Calls Consumers The Whole Foods Market Mac & Cheese Bar Location in Seattle Already Seen Big Results Over to Look at Products will Open in Denver

Supermarket Entertainment Centers Nation's Experience Offers Grocery, Dining and VR Entertainment

SCORE POPULARITY 13 FEATURED, 231 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.0 1,152,505 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 14 Sustainable Produce Innovations

From Low Cost Boutique Grocers to Food-Preserving Smart Stamps

These sustainable produce innovations range from low cost boutique grocers to food-preserving smart stamps that monitor food freshness levels effectively. While more consumers are embracing healthy lifestyle choices, food waste continues to be a major issue across the globe. This can be largely attributed to consumers' desire for aesthetically pleasing produce -- leaving misshapen or "ugly" produce to be discarded despite its nutritional value.

By: Jana Pijak

Intuitive Indoor Gardens Veggie-Growing Kitchen Appliances Online Farmer's Markets Vertical Hydroponic Farms 'Seedsheet' Indoor Gardens are Themed and The 'Homefarm' Home Hydroponic Garden Chesapeake Farm to Table Has Farmers Sasaki Designed an Urban Farm for Shanghai's Easy to Use Grows Produce All Year Harvest Produce Orders on Demand Urban Agricultural District

Seasonal Produce Apps Food Rescue Snack Brands Expiration-Monitoring Smart Fridges Fruit-Monitoring Sensors The 'Seasonal Food Guide' Shows Local In- Spare Fruit Offers Fruit Crisps Made from The Smarter Fridgecam Can Turn Any Fridge EMPA Created An Embedded Temperature Season Produce Imperfect Apples and Pears into a Smart Device Sensor to Keep Fruit Fresh

SCORE POPULARITY 14 FEATURED, 265 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.6 973,986 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 14 Sustainable Produce Innovations

Continued 9 to 14

Container-Grown Strawberries Friendly Produce Snack Packaging Fresh Produce Startups Protein-Rich Lentil Powders Agricool Grows Organic Strawberries in Their The Googly Fruit Organic Snacks Have a Fresh Range's System Drastically Reduces the 'LENTEIN' is a Protein-Rich Powder Made with Containers Charming Branding Design Time from Farm to Table Water Lentils

Freshness-Preserving Fridge Rooftop Produce Brands Accessories IGA's 'Frais Du Toit' Brand Sells Organic Greens The 'BluApple' Works to Keep Produce Fresh from Its Rooftop Garden for Far Longer

SCORE POPULARITY 14 FEATURED, 265 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.6 973,986 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Table of Contents

Consumer Insights 54) Healthy Classic Candy-Inspired Sweets 7) CulinaRetail 55) QSR Grab-and-Go Breakfast Bowls

9) Smart Shelving 56) Clinical Evidence-Backed Nutrition Apps

11) Gen Z Appetite 57) Probiotic Puff Snacks

13) Sous Vide On-Demand 58) QR Code Dinner Plates

15) Eco Edible 59) AI Tea Shops

17) Advanced Package 60) Homemade Jerky Machines

19) Voiced Delivery 61) Street Food Documentary Series

21) Dining Automation 62) Responsibly Sourced Cold Cereals

23) Truffled Condiment 63) Small Space BBQ Grills

25) Epicurean Syrup 64) Pop-Up Grocery Shops

27) Franken-Flower Flavor 65) Cross-Sectioned Vehicle Food Vendors

29) Dessert Destruction 66) Mainstream Vegan Burgers

31) Luxe Leftover 67) Attention-Catching Centre-Store Displays

33) Alternative Barrel-Aging 68) Artisanal Salt Chunk Graters

35) Accessible Gastronomy 69) Breakfast Menu Collaborations

37) Gastronomic Veganism 70) Dedicated Macaroni Restaurants

39) Repurposed Booze 71) Boba-Flavored Popcorn Snacks

41) Algae Accompaniment 72) Charcoal-Infused Meat Rubs

43) Imitation Seafood 73) Globally Inspired Hot Sauces

45) Accessible Alternative 74) Artisanal Popping Corn Kits

47) Insect-Based Protein 75) Beer-Flavored Cured Meats

49) Slow-Release Energy 76) Cell-Grown Steaks

51) Lab-Grown Sustainability 77) Artisanal Vegan Butcheries Specific Examples 78) Blue Cheese Mustards Table of Contents

79) Cultured Meat Patties 104) Premium Champagne Bars

80) Customizable Pasta Menus 105) Protein-Packed Meatless Nuggets

81) Small-Scale Kombucha Shots 106) Frozen Seafood Stew Meals

82) Urban Indigenous Restaurants 107) Allergy-Friendly Frozen Seafood

83) Cordless Food-Warming Trays 108) Reusable Beeswax Wraps

84) Interactive Agriculture Co-op Activations 109) Plant-Forward College Food Menus

85) Measured Olive Oil Dispensers 110) Homemade Meal Sharing Services

86) VR Sampling Experiences 111) Cooperative Cheese Products

87) VR Fast Food Restaurants 112) Accommodating Convenience Markets

88) Culinary Coffee Partnerships 113) Bite-Sized Butter Chicken Nuggets

89) Honey-Focused Bars 114) Sustainable Salmon Startups

90) Versatile Vegan Gravy Granules 115) Pasta-Inspired Chocolates

91) Empowering Restaurant Initiatives 116) Sustainable Gourmet Burgers

92) Vegan Taste Tester Positions 117) Grass-Roofed Authentic Peruvian Restaurants

93) Toronto Italian Food Festivals 118) Food-Accenting Flavor Pearls

94) Organic Vertical Farms 119) Informative Food Packaging Concepts

95) Sustainable Home Food Growth 120) Caribbean-Themed Food Festivals

96) Transparent Food Delivery Services 121) Encapsulated Beer Pearls

97) Contemporary Chinese Restaurants 122) Botanical Honey Lattes

98) Recycled Cider Packaging 123) Experiential Colombian Restaurants

99) Nutrient-Rich Pea Milks 124) Local Gastronomy Beers 100) Foodie-Inspired Ice Creams Clustered Lists 101) Vegan Blue Cheese Alternatives 126) 45 Contemporary Kitchen Appliances

102) Eco-Conscious Modern Bakery Designs 132) 30 Food Pop-Up Experiences

103) Compostable Frozen Treat Packaging 136) 88 Food Hybrid Creations Table of Contents

147) 55 Conscious QSR Innovations

154) 13 Innovative Supermarket Concepts

156) 14 Sustainable Produce Innovations