
Social Phobia Script

Now I would like you to get comfortable, loosen any tight clothing & take one deep breath……. and allow the days stress to fall away as you exhale.

And... just... let it…. go...... that's good.

And in a moment I am going to ask you to take another deep breath and hold it... This time when you let it go... become aware of where you are holding tension in your body….just becoming aware of it……then let go of…. all… the tension…. in your body….. as you allow a sigh to fall out with your breath ... now letting go of all the tension in your shoulders and your arms...

Another deep breath & hold it and really let go with a sigh... ………that's good.

And now another one and this time let go of all the tension in your body.

That's good.... let it all go... and now resume breathing normally....

And with each breath out ... the voice in your mind says.... "you are getting more relaxed" with each breath... again… And with each breath out ... the voice in your mind says.... "you are getting more relaxed" with each breath...

Deeper and deeper relaxed...

That's right..... Just allow yourself to relax totally.

You are doing very well....

Now I want you to be aware of any sounds in the room….maybe voices, electrical devices, a clock ticking, just take a moment to do this……………………………….. and now, take your focus outside the room and bring your awareness to any sounds you may hear outside the room….maybe birds…. Traffic….. wind….. voices….. any sounds you are aware of………………………and now…expanding out as far as your ears can travel….listen carefully…for any…sounds…at all

Now bringing your focus back to my voice………focusing only on my voice…and any sound you may hear will only help you to relax deeper and deeper…more and more….the louder the sound, the more you will drift into a deep, peaceful, relaxed state of consciousness.

You don't have to do anything.... you don't have to think... you don’t have to listen... you don't have to do anything particularly.... Just allow yourself to enjoy that lovely gentle peaceful feeling...

Allow that same, peaceful relaxation to enter your body

And now, I would like you to relax the very top of your head.....feel it letting go...calm and peaceful, and now, the sides and back of your head... now your eyes....

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 1 Really relax those little muscles around your eyes.... focus on those tiny, tiny muscles.... the ones that control your eyelids

And just feel those eyes.... totally….. let….. go...totally relaxed.

Now it feels as if they are glued together....

And those eyes are so relaxed you couldn't open them if you tried.

And you could try opening them... and you could be surprised at the result.... (Depth test)

That's right... your eyes are now completely relaxed...

And now allow that relaxation to spread ... from your eyes... down through your cheeks.... your nose, your ears, now down your neck & throat...

Feel it going into your shoulders and your arms and down through your body, your chest....your upper back, your stomach & middle back, your abdomen and your lower back...your hips & buttocks, your whole front torso...your whole back torso....your whole torso..... and now all the way down into your legs.... your left thigh, your left knee, your left calf, your left ankle and foot....your big toe, second toe, third toe, forth toe, fifth toe, your whole left leg

Now your right leg.... your right thigh, your right knee, your right calf, your right ankle and foot....your big toe, second toe, third toe, forth toe, fifth toe, your whole right leg

So that you are totally….. relaxed...

And allow yourself to enjoy that feeling... of total relaxation…………….

And now….as you reach this deep level of relaxation – I want to now invite in a mentor to join you on your journey, someone you love and trust completely. Just raise the index finger on your right hand when you have done this…………….that’s really good. And now, I would like you to use your wonderful, creative imagination to visualise the scenes that I describe. Make them as real and vivid as you possibly can.

Imagine now that there is a door in front of you. The door is closed but in a moment you and your mentor are going to walk through the door and when you do…. you'll find yourself on board a luxuriously furnished ocean liner - the type of boat that was intended for royalty or rich and famous people.

So when you are ready - walk easily towards the door and gently push it open…… push with your mind - and the door opens effortlessly for you.

Walk through and close the door gently behind you - then notice how your surroundings have completely changed.

The first things you notice are the rich, vibrant colours - purple and gold and the deepest shade of crimson you have ever seen.

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 2 And - looking around - see how this boat is furnished - with long, elegant curtains and drapes…. adorning the bejewelled walls of the deck and deep, comfortable cushions on the seats.

And it is so quiet on this cruise liner - notice that there is no-one else present but you and your mentor - and yet, even though you are alone …… there is a comforting presence surrounding you.

You feel very safe on this boat - and - over there - is a wonderfully inviting recliner for you to rest on - and relax - so you do.

You lean back - feeling a little sleepy and very much at home. Imagine you are looking through a porthole - and you can see the vast blue ocean.

The sea is very calm and tranquil today and it makes you feel calm as well - calm and relaxed and at ease.

It's so very peaceful here - all you can hear is the sound of the gentle waves splashing lazily at the sides of the boat - and there is nothing to see - but ocean outside for miles and miles.

You begin to drift into a deep and comfortable feeling - rocking ever so gently from side to side - keeping in rhythm with the movement of the boat.

And - closing your eyes - you begin to remember a time from long ago - a time when you were a very small baby - lying safe and snug in your mother's arms - rocking gently from side to side - listening to a lullaby - feeling safe and protected - nurtured and loved - those strong arms around you.

Perhaps you can even recall your mother's perfume or natural aroma - maybe see her face as she was then - so much younger than today - but so loving and protective - rocking you gently from side to side, the love she has for you flowing into your heart…filling you…..

Remember this feeling now - experience it again - having all of your physical and emotional needs cared for - it is such a safe and comforting feeling - as though You are surrounded by a cocoon of warm, safe, protecting, enveloping love.

And drift deeper now - go deeper still into gentle hypnotic rest.

I want you to hold that feeling of safety and comfort right there….feeling that baby growing in that safe, warm, protecting love…..growing bigger and bigger…older and older in that love you have brought with you……and now that you're bigger and older and wiser - perhaps you can make those feelings grow stronger - more powerful - more colourful - and vibrant - make them a part of your new awareness - and tell yourself - I am safe - I am wanted - I am loved and I am enough…..I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.

Hold that love for yourself there inside you - feel it beating in time with your heart - experience your heart centre expanding as you absorb tender, evocative feelings for this beautiful, unique Divine human being who is you.

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 3 You now love yourself…….not in a vain or egotistic way…….but in a natural healthy way - for you are indeed a child of the Universe - and you have every right to happiness, safety, love and protection while you are here.

And now that you are older your sense of completeness is stronger ……..you can generate all of these feelings within you….. on your own …….it's easy…… is it not?...... to feel comfortable, safe, loved and protected…..I am safe, Iam safe…I am safe

You always do your best for yourself - you are proud of who you are - you love yourself and you like yourself - you believe in and accept yourself for the wonderful person you are and let go of any false or unrealistic expectations that you have of yourself or that was unfairly placed on you…...letting that go NOW…just drop it….dropping all that is no longer serving you…..

And these feelings can extend beyond your own limitations - you can feel comfortable with yourself and you feel comfortable with others…… and yes….. you can feel safe….. protected….. loved….. nurtured and wanted ……… you feel wonderful, you are wonderful.

Now ……. in your mind…….in your imagination …….. open those eyes and look around once more and suddenly you notice that there are six other people in this luxurious cabin - all looking as apprehensive as you did - when you first entered the room.

You realize that once, they were all babies as well……..each of them lived through similar basic experiences in their stages of development as you did ….. and you are all meeting here on the same level as each other.

You feel so comfortable and soooooo safe here…… and knowing how easy it is…….you talk to each of those people and then introduce them to each other - your aim is to put them at ease…..to make them feel comfortable too …….so they no longer feel lonely and isolated……….and you notice…how comfortable you now feel in conversation….knowing you have so much to offer….and that you are commanding….and captivating and confident

Feeling even better now…… you look around again and discover - there are now twelve people in the room….. no….there are fifteen….. or twenty.

So now…..using your newly acquired skills…….you become the icebreaker again and integrate this new group of people.

There are many others here now ……all living in their own private worlds ……each is a person unto themselves …..doing their best to reach out and communicate……..and isn't that what we all want?...... to interact with others and so enrich our own lives…. to be wanted ….accepted….to be heard….and validated…… giving and taking and feeling good.

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 4 Just as you think you have finished your introductions….. you look around once again and see…..the room is now full of people! And notice how relaxed and comfortable you feel…..

And your task is to integrate all of these people into comfortable groups. You are the catalyst and feel so natural doing this.

In the past you felt uncomfortable being around so many others……but all that has changed now……you realize that mixing with others is an essential ingredient to becoming accepted by them…..and this is something you really want.

You feel a strong need to get to know people …… and you share interesting bits of information about your life with them…… as they do with you.

Uncomfortable feelings and thoughts have now gone…… because you feel safe and protected, nurtured and loved…..you feel wanted and accepted ……not just by others but by yourself as well…….and you now like yourself and you love yourself more and more each and every passing day…as you realise that your old thoughts about yourself were false…it was just a program…like a program in a computer….and now….you can see that computer in front of you…with that old outdated, program icon….now hit the delete button…and erase completely….forever! Gone!

Imagine now……a situation which…..in the past……made you feel uncomfortable in some way….a situation involving others which you would have previously tried to avoid……raise the index finger on your left hand when you can see that………….

That's good…….. now see yourself interacting in a way that makes you feel good…..with that new love for yourself….that new confidence in yourself…remembering confidence is just a thought…..

As you talk to these people……you realize that they really want to get to know more about you….and you do with them.

Listen to the conversation….small talk…..or something in depth……notice how interested they are in what you have to say……and when it's their turn to speak you give them the same respect….. mixing easily with people you didn't yet know.

You find that some people you can bond with immediately…..others may take a bit of work and effort but they too would like to feel accepted and you understand that.

And when this new scene is over….give yourself a mental pat on the back….tell yourself…. I am safe…. I am wanted……I am loved….I am safe….I am safe….I am safe……. and as you repeat these words in your mind you are pleasantly surprised to discover that you really do mean each one of those statements.

In future…..when the time comes to mix with others….to socialise….. you find that you feel just as good as you do today….. you feel just as relaxed and at ease as you do right now.

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 5 It’s nice to know that you can be yourself….totally yourself…totally free to be who you really are and you really do like being yourself.

You find yourself mixing more with those that you meet……..You feel comfortable with this new you …..and so you should……because you are a good and worthwhile person with a lot to offer as a friend.

And these suggestions are now deeply embedded in your subconscious mind…..and grow stronger and stronger day by day……they grow stronger by the hour……stronger by the minute……stronger by the second……every….single….day!

In a moment…….I'm going to count from one to five and at the count of five you'll be wide awake and feeling wonderful - your whole outlook on life is becoming more positive and as a result, you feel happier and so much more confident than you did before…..but before we do…..we will close ALL doors no longer serving you……closing them all….one ….by one….by one. Closing them tight…..and now…saying thank you to your mentor for joining you on your journey….knowing that they are there for you anytime at all…or when you need them.

So when you are ready I will count up - and know too - that should you ever wish to return to this scene……you can do so by simply relaxing on that comfortable recliner in your mind ….on the ocean liner.

One….felling the natural muscle tone and energy returning up through your feet……. Two…feeling your energy returning up through your legs, abdomen…chest and back…arms and shoulders….. three ……coming slowly back….as energy returns to your face and head…..four……eyelids beginning to flutter…..and five….. eyes open…..wide awake….. mind and body returning to normal, conscious awareness.

Hypnotherapy Training Australia © 2019 Social Phobia pg. 6