Child Relief Rescue Dinner for Children of .Sraeu a New·Chapter
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...... I Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, Febru;moy 26, 1976 \ Thll4'sday, February 26, 1976 THE JEWISH POST, Page Thne The Olde," Anglo-lewisn _ · .', - Marx: The Non-Jewish, . Jew Weekly ir' WeBtem Canada - , CST By DR. FREDERICK LACHMAN Jews on a number of occasinns; in his Thesis Child Rescue Dinner , P . ESTABLISHED 192& for JEwiSH on Feuerbach, ill his articles for the New (lu",ed' weekly in the interettd of Jewish Community' ~cttvltJe9 Born in the Rhineland town' of Trier In Winnipeg and W... tem Canida) (then West Prussia), ·Marx was the' son of York Tribune and in 'Das K apital. In his Relief of .sraeU Children MembPr of Jewish ChronlcJe News and Feature Service. Londpn. , Eng. Jewish parents, Heinrich and Henrietta private correspondence the I' e are, many . --..,., Marx. Heinrich Marx became a successful. derQgatory references to Jews, who were fnr PubU.hed eve.,.' Thu.. da~ by EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD. him symbols of financial p-ower and capitalist WINNIPEG.. CANADA.. ;' lawyer, and when a,n edict prohibited Jews frnm being advncates he CoJ1verted to Protes mentality, and also to the dashing socialist HAROLD MARKUSOFF MARTIN .LEVIN Publisher Editor tar;ltism in 1817. In 1824, when Karl was six Ferdinand Lassalle, to whom he referred in f his letters' to. Engels in typical anti-Semitic Head O,fflee: P.O. Box 3777. Station 'U • Wlm.lpeg. Canada. R2W IRG years old, his .father converted his eight Phone 633-5575 SubscrlpUon: $7.00 per annum . Eve. Phone 339-5571 children; cliches. The only sympathetic account of Seeond Cl8.98 Man'RegiatJ'ation No. 0517 . Heinrich,. whose original' name was Hirs Jews to emerge from Marx's pen is that which described their life' and traditions in The reproduction or transmission of aU or part 01 this 'PUbltcation by an, chel ha-I,.evi, was the" SOl) of a rabbi and the meanS whataoever Ie forbidden. without prior 'permiuion of the Dubliaher. the city of. Jerusalem (New . York Tribune, ' . descen,dant of talmudic scholars fQr many April IS, 1854). .. ' . generations. Hi.rschel's brother was chief rabbi .of Trier. Heinrich Marx marri'ed Hen For six years Marx lived in Lnndon, at The Arab Blacklist 'rietta Pressburg, who came from Hungary the hnuse of a Jewish lace dealer. While on and whnse father became a rabbi in Nijme- hnliday he met Jewish historian Heinrich The, so-calIed Arab bQycott, a device' to obtain eCQnQmic gen, Holland. ' Graetz in Carlsbad, and sent him his bonk and political leverage against Isr~el, has, for the,.past year The History 01 the,Commune as a present. or so, been a: general and frequent topic of. conversation .. Karl Marx's attitude to Jews 'and Juda. Two years pri6r to" his death, the wave of The official 1970 boycott list, including over ]50 Canadian. ism evolved' into what was later described anti - Jewish pogroms occurred in Russia 'firms, seems random. Companies such as Coca-Cola, l"ord as "self-ha6;ed." At the age of 15 he was (1881) and the influx of Jewish immigrants and Xerox," all already on the Arab's American list, show solemnly cQnfirmed and became de~ply at- into London began. But there is no evidence 'up, as do, such compat'atively innocuQus operatiQns as the . tached to Christianity and German culture. of Marx's reaction to these events . Oakqu~en Shopping Plaza in Oakville, Ontario.. The inclu . Great iQfluence on him was exerCised by his Marx's beloved, daughter'. Eleannr, who . sion of the/Jewish-owned Seagram's. is' mQre symbQlic than. future father-in-law, Baron Johann Ludwig acted as his secretary, considered herself '-practical since alcohoI-is prohibited in mQst Arab countries. VQn Westphalen, who was a neighbor of his Jewish, took an interest in her ancestors and '., . family. But later his relations with. other SOL TAPPER ABE GREENB.ERG · .. The boycott. is probably as old as Israel, Itself, but en had a warm appreciation for the Jewish members of his wife's aristocratic family be . committee member • • • committ.. member forcement.was haphazard. until the Yom Kippur, partly workers in the East End of London. (She came st~ained" For them he was a Jew, an ·because the Arabs lacked the economic clout they nQW have, committed suicide in 1898 after an unhappy Israel fuces the greatest crisis in atheist, ,a nnnconformist, ~a man lacking in marriage to. Edward Aveling.) its short, -troubled histOTY, To help With an .estimated·$60 billion a year surplus available for manners.. .Photo courtesy Sheldon I1scovltch Marx's Jewish origi,p became a catalyst of in this difficaJ t time, energetic . Avivlm Chaphtr executive, left to right (standing): .' Sherri Brazer, secretary;, Judy ItscQvltc:h, trade anditfvestment, it is 'small wonder that greedy cor- . Marx's first, .essay in the Deutsch-Franz_ , '. poi-atlons are clamQring to be taken off the list. The Arab.'s anti-Jewish er-Ilntions. His rival in the First businessmen of Winnipeg are put treasurer; Naomi Turbovsky. presld~nt. Seatecl (left to rlg"t, are: Sheryl Torry, telephone ~hairman; oesiche, Jahr'b.uchel" was entitled Zur Juden International, the Russian anarchist Michael ting their expertise to work, to Carol Berenhaut and Sa~y Goldstein. program and social chairmen; Mona POlinsky vice-preSident, stated refusal .to. deal with interests' that trade With Israel Irage (The Jewish Question), in' which he MiSSing is membership ctiairman Balla Youdowlfch. .' , . or.have plants .or ·branches there has potentially disastrous Bazunin, did nnt refrain from anti-Jewish make their annual Ohlld criticized' Brunn Bauer's book .on the topic., .outbursts while attacking Marx. Later it . effects not only upon the blacklisted firms and individuals Bauer had insisted that the Jewish quest inn Dinner a greater success tban ever. · but upon. the Israeli econQmY'itself, although the wnrst fears served rightwing propagandists,' particularly Funds/ from the dinner, to be A New·Chapter \ for was essentially a religious one, insoluble Pioneer< • - · . have not been realiz~d. ..,. '. , the fascist and Nazi regimes of the 1930s and held at the Rosh Pina on .Mar. 24, c Women 'unless the Jews give' up their ,faith and joined 1940s, as a means to spice their anti-socialism Pioneer Women,' an' wganization .' Whanhe Arabs pJ;'actice can not be called a ~rue l?oycott. go to needy Israeli children and, ested 'in w<l1"king together to pro while cause, in a thinking woman's the snciety of. the state as atheists or non with .outright violent anti-Semitism .. They which promotes ac1li'Ve Canadian videservtce' f(Jf' 'Others tJ&iough .', Rather it is a blacklist and, what is wnrse, the Arabs are Jews. Although Marx f a v 0 red political with uncerthlnty clouding the f1I' organizaUon, I!1"Ii invited .to 'attend. used the term "Marxism" as denoting a sinis citizell8hlp and assists in main·tain c()nstructiveaction on the local , . trying to induce their trading partners to enfnrce it fol' them. emancipation of the Jews, he used violent, ture, the money is more imP<n'tant For f1ll'ther. infOl"ll)'ation, please ~er, worldwide Jewish plot ~ainst their na ing half of an soci:al: services for and nation:al.Ievel, It also provides · For. ins·tan~, American. shipping and banking cnncerns are' anti-Jewish language to. present 'his view. than ever. call ,Na;dmi 'furi»vskyat 338-0674 tional interests. youth, women and cbJ.lruren, both women 'With better posabiUties fur '." asked to have their customers stipulate that they are not on . J udaismfor him. was synonymous with the Arab and Jewish, in 15II"ael, has OT BeHa Youd(Jwitch at 586·3381. the: hlacklist;. This kind 'of self~censorship has heen takei. In the Soviet Union, where Marxism realizing t~eir JI'Otentiaithrough hate!1 bourgeois capitalism. ' . Leninism became the obl.igatory ideology, General ,Monash News formed 'a new chapter, Avivim, in teresting work. · :even' f.urther; the\. United States Army Corps of Engine.ers :\-1arx's essa.y is striking. evidence of his Avivil]1 is a group of women, be , Marx's I Jewish .origin was generally men _admitted to prohibiting Jewish personnel from working in" complete ignorance of Jewish history, cul The new ruling of the Oanadian ,tween the ages ()f 20 and' 26, inter- There will be· a membership Uni\'ersity Staff Cut · Arab countries. Only a few' months ago,' the State of Cali tioned .. in research wnrks and encyclopaedias drive by Avivlm executive early in ..I ture and religinn, an ignorance .surprising in Legion C<>mm'llnd ·allow.s sons and Tel Aviv (JeruS'lllem Post)-Tel fornia turned down a $25 millinn highway. contract with ,until' the I 940s; but frnm the later 1940s, March, . at the home of Mrs.' Judy , li~ht of hisl .otherwise encyclnpaedic .know wh'en Stalin's policy becnme anti-Jewish, it d'augMers of members of LegiOn Aviv University has notified 130 S'lludi Arabia.because Jews.were barred .from participatinn , ledge. Marx expressed his ant~onism to Branches to become full members Kit~ • Making Course ~tscovitch, 35 HlddleSton Ores.,· in ,i , " ('for ~he Sinidls; onQe 'a J'ew"alwilys a Zionist). Geared rather . has been. studiously cnncealed... The Maples. members of its academic staff that I of a Legion. If YOU qualify why their jobs will end with the cur to consjderaii.nns than' moral ones,' the huge Offered at the Y.M.H.A. niom~.t~.ry • - not pick up the phone and call Israeli food and folk singing, rent school year, due' to budget · Bechte) Corp;, B. San Francisco, constr,uctjon outfit, is being _" Cold Blood .n Chile 582'-8388 fOT an application? You ISAAC ZIPURSKY The, YMHA is offering an un-' with accompaniment by a guest problems.