Child Relief Rescue Dinner for Children of .Sraeu a New·Chapter

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Child Relief Rescue Dinner for Children of .Sraeu a New·Chapter ...... I Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, Febru;moy 26, 1976 \ Thll4'sday, February 26, 1976 THE JEWISH POST, Page Thne The Olde," Anglo-lewisn _ · .', - Marx: The Non-Jewish, . Jew Weekly ir' WeBtem Canada - , CST By DR. FREDERICK LACHMAN Jews on a number of occasinns; in his Thesis Child Rescue Dinner , P . ESTABLISHED 192& for JEwiSH on Feuerbach, ill his articles for the New (lu",ed' weekly in the interettd of Jewish Community' ~cttvltJe9 Born in the Rhineland town' of Trier In Winnipeg and W... tem Canida) (then West Prussia), ·Marx was the' son of York Tribune and in 'Das K apital. In his Relief of .sraeU Children MembPr of Jewish ChronlcJe News and Feature Service. Londpn. , Eng. Jewish parents, Heinrich and Henrietta private correspondence the I' e are, many . --..,., Marx. Heinrich Marx became a successful. derQgatory references to Jews, who were fnr PubU.hed eve.,.' Thu.. da~ by EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD. him symbols of financial p-ower and capitalist WINNIPEG.. CANADA.. ;' lawyer, and when a,n edict prohibited Jews frnm being advncates he CoJ1verted to Protes­ mentality, and also to the dashing socialist HAROLD MARKUSOFF MARTIN .LEVIN Publisher Editor tar;ltism in 1817. In 1824, when Karl was six Ferdinand Lassalle, to whom he referred in f his letters' to. Engels in typical anti-Semitic Head O,fflee: P.O. Box 3777. Station 'U • Wlm.lpeg. Canada. R2W IRG years old, his .father converted his eight Phone 633-5575 SubscrlpUon: $7.00 per annum . Eve. Phone 339-5571 children; cliches. The only sympathetic account of Seeond Cl8.98 Man'RegiatJ'ation No. 0517 . Heinrich,. whose original' name was Hirs­ Jews to emerge from Marx's pen is that which described their life' and traditions in The reproduction or transmission of aU or part 01 this 'PUbltcation by an, chel ha-I,.evi, was the" SOl) of a rabbi and the meanS whataoever Ie forbidden. without prior 'permiuion of the Dubliaher. the city of. Jerusalem (New . York Tribune, ' . descen,dant of talmudic scholars fQr many April IS, 1854). .. ' . generations. Hi.rschel's brother was chief rabbi .of Trier. Heinrich Marx marri'ed Hen­ For six years Marx lived in Lnndon, at The Arab Blacklist 'rietta Pressburg, who came from Hungary the hnuse of a Jewish lace dealer. While on and whnse father became a rabbi in Nijme- hnliday he met Jewish historian Heinrich The, so-calIed Arab bQycott, a device' to obtain eCQnQmic gen, Holland. ' Graetz in Carlsbad, and sent him his bonk and political leverage against Isr~el, has, for the,.past year The History 01 the,Commune as a present. or so, been a: general and frequent topic of. conversation .. Karl Marx's attitude to Jews 'and Juda. Two years pri6r to" his death, the wave of The official 1970 boycott list, including over ]50 Canadian.­ ism evolved' into what was later described anti - Jewish pogroms occurred in Russia 'firms, seems random. Companies such as Coca-Cola, l"ord as "self-ha6;ed." At the age of 15 he was (1881) and the influx of Jewish immigrants and Xerox," all already on the Arab's American list, show solemnly cQnfirmed and became de~ply at- into London began. But there is no evidence 'up, as do, such compat'atively innocuQus operatiQns as the . tached to Christianity and German culture. of Marx's reaction to these events . Oakqu~en Shopping Plaza in Oakville, Ontario.. The inclu­ . Great iQfluence on him was exerCised by his Marx's beloved, daughter'. Eleannr, who . sion of the/Jewish-owned Seagram's. is' mQre symbQlic than. future father-in-law, Baron Johann Ludwig acted as his secretary, considered herself '-practical since alcohoI-is prohibited in mQst Arab countries. VQn Westphalen, who was a neighbor of his Jewish, took an interest in her ancestors and '., . family. But later his relations with. other SOL TAPPER ABE GREENB.ERG · .. The boycott. is probably as old as Israel, Itself, but en­ had a warm appreciation for the Jewish members of his wife's aristocratic family be­ . committee member • • • committ.. member forcement.was haphazard. until the Yom Kippur, partly workers in the East End of London. (She came st~ained" For them he was a Jew, an ·because the Arabs lacked the economic clout they nQW have, committed suicide in 1898 after an unhappy Israel fuces the greatest crisis in atheist, ,a nnnconformist, ~a man lacking in marriage to. Edward Aveling.) its short, -troubled histOTY, To help With an .estimated·$60 billion a year surplus available for manners.. .Photo courtesy Sheldon I1scovltch Marx's Jewish origi,p became a catalyst of in this difficaJ t time, energetic . Avivlm Chaphtr executive, left to right (standing): .' Sherri Brazer, secretary;, Judy ItscQvltc:h, trade anditfvestment, it is 'small wonder that greedy cor- . Marx's first, .essay in the Deutsch-Franz_ , '. poi-atlons are clamQring to be taken off the list. The Arab.'s anti-Jewish er-Ilntions. His rival in the First businessmen of Winnipeg are put­ treasurer; Naomi Turbovsky. presld~nt. Seatecl (left to rlg"t, are: Sheryl Torry, telephone ~hairman; oesiche, Jahr'b.uchel" was entitled Zur Juden­ International, the Russian anarchist Michael ting their expertise to work, to Carol Berenhaut and Sa~y Goldstein. program and social chairmen; Mona POlinsky vice-preSident, stated refusal .to. deal with interests' that trade With Israel Irage (The Jewish Question), in' which he MiSSing is membership ctiairman Balla Youdowlfch. .' , . or.have plants .or ·branches there has potentially disastrous Bazunin, did nnt refrain from anti-Jewish make their annual Ohlld criticized' Brunn Bauer's book .on the topic., .outbursts while attacking Marx. Later it . effects not only upon the blacklisted firms and individuals Bauer had insisted that the Jewish quest inn Dinner a greater success tban ever. · but upon. the Israeli econQmY'itself, although the wnrst fears served rightwing propagandists,' particularly Funds/ from the dinner, to be A New·Chapter \ for was essentially a religious one, insoluble Pioneer< • - · . have not been realiz~d. ..,. '. , the fascist and Nazi regimes of the 1930s and held at the Rosh Pina on .Mar. 24, c Women 'unless the Jews give' up their ,faith and joined 1940s, as a means to spice their anti-socialism Pioneer Women,' an' wganization .' Whanhe Arabs pJ;'actice can not be called a ~rue l?oycott. go to needy Israeli children and, ested 'in w<l1"king together to pro­ while cause, in a thinking woman's the snciety of. the state as atheists or non­ with .outright violent anti-Semitism .. They which promotes ac1li'Ve Canadian videservtce' f(Jf' 'Others tJ&iough .', Rather it is a blacklist and, what is wnrse, the Arabs are Jews. Although Marx f a v 0 red political with uncerthlnty clouding the f1I'­ organizaUon, I!1"Ii invited .to 'attend. used the term "Marxism" as denoting a sinis­ citizell8hlp and assists in main·tain­ c()nstructiveaction on the local , . trying to induce their trading partners to enfnrce it fol' them. emancipation of the Jews, he used violent, ture, the money is more imP<n'tant For f1ll'ther. infOl"ll)'ation, please ~er, worldwide Jewish plot ~ainst their na­ ing half of an soci:al: services for and nation:al.Ievel, It also provides · For. ins·tan~, American. shipping and banking cnncerns are' anti-Jewish language to. present 'his view. than ever. call ,Na;dmi 'furi»vskyat 338-0674 tional interests. youth, women and cbJ.lruren, both women 'With better posabiUties fur '." asked to have their customers stipulate that they are not on . J udaismfor him. was synonymous with the Arab and Jewish, in 15II"ael, has OT BeHa Youd(Jwitch at 586·3381. the: hlacklist;. This kind 'of self~censorship has heen takei. In the Soviet Union, where Marxism­ realizing t~eir JI'Otentiaithrough hate!1 bourgeois capitalism. ' . Leninism became the obl.igatory ideology, General ,Monash News formed 'a new chapter, Avivim, in teresting work. · :even' f.urther; the\. United States Army Corps of Engine.ers :\-1arx's essa.y is striking. evidence of his Avivil]1 is a group of women, be­ , Marx's I Jewish .origin was generally men­ _admitted to prohibiting Jewish personnel from working in" complete ignorance of Jewish history, cul­ The new ruling of the Oanadian ,tween the ages ()f 20 and' 26, inter- There will be· a membership Uni\'ersity Staff Cut · Arab countries. Only a few' months ago,' the State of Cali­ tioned .. in research wnrks and encyclopaedias drive by Avivlm executive early in ..I ture and religinn, an ignorance .surprising in Legion C<>mm'llnd ·allow.s sons and Tel Aviv (JeruS'lllem Post)-Tel fornia turned down a $25 millinn highway. contract with ,until' the I 940s; but frnm the later 1940s, March, . at the home of Mrs.' Judy , li~ht of hisl .otherwise encyclnpaedic .know­ wh'en Stalin's policy becnme anti-Jewish, it d'augMers of members of LegiOn Aviv University has notified 130 S'lludi Arabia.because Jews.were barred .from participatinn , ledge. Marx expressed his ant~onism to Branches to become full members Kit~ • Making Course ~tscovitch, 35 HlddleSton Ores.,· in ,i , " ('for ~he Sinidls; onQe 'a J'ew"alwilys a Zionist). Geared rather . has been. studiously cnncealed... The Maples. members of its academic staff that I of a Legion. If YOU qualify why their jobs will end with the cur­ to consjderaii.nns than' moral ones,' the huge Offered at the Y.M.H.A. niom~.t~.ry • - not pick up the phone and call Israeli food and folk singing, rent school year, due' to budget · Bechte) Corp;, B. San Francisco, constr,uctjon outfit, is being _" Cold Blood .n Chile 582'-8388 fOT an application? You ISAAC ZIPURSKY The, YMHA is offering an un-' with accompaniment by a guest problems.
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