European Journal of Clinical (2010) 64, S73–S81 & 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/10

ORIGINAL ARTICLE New nutritional data on traditional for European composition databases

HS Costa1, E Vasilopoulou2, A Trichopoulou2 and P Finglas3 on behalf of the participants of the EuroFIR Traditional Foods Work Package

1Departamento de Alimentac¸a˜o e Nutric¸a˜o, Instituto Nacional de Sau´de Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal; 2Department of Hygiene Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, and 3Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK

Background/Objectives: There are many different cultures within Europe, each with its own distinct dietary habits. Traditional foods are the key elements that differentiate the dietary patterns of each country. Unfortunately, in most countries, there is little information on the nutritional composition of such foods. Therefore, there is a need to study traditional foods to preserve these elements of European culture and, if possible, enrich and improve dietary habits across the continent. The Traditional Foods work package within the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) project aimed to provide new nutritional data on traditional foods for use in national food composition tables. Subjects/Methods: A EuroFIR consensus-based method with standardised procedures was applied for the systematic study of traditional foods and recipes in selected European countries. Traditional foods were selected on the basis of the EuroFIR definition of the term ‘traditional food’ and prioritised according to specific criteria. From the prioritised list, the five traditional foods per country to be investigated were selected to represent a full course meal. Protocols with guidelines for the recording of traditional recipes, the collection, preparation and distribution of laboratory samples, as well as quality requirements for laboratory selection, were developed to establish a common approach for use by all countries for the acquisition of reliable data. Results: The traditional character of the selected foods has been documented and traditional recipes have been recorded. Chemical analyses to determine the nutritional composition of 55 traditional foods were performed and the data were evaluated and fully documented according to EuroFIR standards. Information on food description, the recipe, component identification, sampling plan, sample handling, analytical method and performance was collected for each of the 55 investigated traditional foods. Conclusions: This common methodology for the systematic study of traditional foods will enable countries to further investigate their traditional foods and to continue to update their national food composition databases and EuroFIR’s food databank system. European Journal of (2010) 64, S73–S81; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.215

Keywords: EuroFIR; traditional foods; food composition databases; nutritional composition; value documentation

Introduction Specific eating habits and foods have an important role in the traditional habits of many cultures (Weichselbaum et al., Traditional foods constitute an important part of the culture, 2009). Lifestyle changes are affecting eating habits across history, identity, heritage and local economy of a region or Europe and some traditional foods are at risk of disappearing. country and are key elements for the dietary patterns of each In most countries, there is currently a lack of information on country. These foods are commonly perceived as foods that the nutritional composition of traditional foods, and conse- have been consumed locally or regionally for a long time and quently there is a need to investigate, register and promote the methods of preparation of such foods have been passed such foods. from generation to generation (Trichopoulou et al., 2007). Food composition databases (FCDBs) that provide detailed and reliable information on the nutritional composition of foods are essential in a range of applications, including public ˜ ˜ Correspondence: Dr HS Costa, Departamento de Alimentac¸ao e Nutric¸ao, health nutrition, clinical practice, research, the , Instituto Nacional de Sau´de Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Avenida Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisbon, Portugal. food consumption surveys, sports nutrition, nutrition educa- E-mail: [email protected] tion, as well as in the development and implementation of New nutritional data on traditional foods HS Costa et al S74 nutritional policies at national and European levels (Harrison, This paper presents the common framework developed for 2004; Williamson, 2006; Egan et al., 2007; Church, 2009). the systematic investigation of traditional foods across Europe Nutritional composition data are an essential resource for and the methodology by which to achieve new reliable health researchers and epidemiologists who investigate the nutritional data on traditional foods for European FCDBs, relationship between food and disease in populations and as developed within the EuroFIR Network of Excellence. require an accurate estimation of intake, and are also the basis for the development of dietary recommenda- tions (Ireland et al., 2002; Egan et al., 2007). Harmonised procedures to generate new and Nutritional composition data for traditional foods are also reliable traditional food data for FCDB necessary to elucidate their role in the traditional dietary pattern of a population. Some traditional foods and patterns Definition of the term ‘traditional’ may have potential health properties that have been tested The first step in the EuroFIR Traditional Foods work package over time (Trichopoulou et al., 2006, 2007) and, in recent (WP) was the development of a definition of the terms years, consumers have shown an increased interest and ‘traditional’ and ‘traditional foods’ for the purposes of food demand for traditional foods as they are often perceived as composition table classification. At the beginning of the having specific sensory characteristics and being of higher project in 2005, no specific legislation on traditional foods quality (Cayot, 2007; Chambers et al., 2007; Guerrero et al., existed in most European countries and the only relevant 2009; Pieniak et al., 2009). In 1992, the European Union (EU) legislation available was mainly restricted to the Council created quality product designation systems, including Regulations (EEC) No. 2081/92 and No. 2082/92 of 14 July Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical 1992 on Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geogra- Indication and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, which phical Indication and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed protect registered traditional foods and enable producers to products (Commission of the European Communities, market distinctive high-quality regional products (European 1992a, b). In 2006, these Council Regulations were replaced Commission, 2006, 2007). Therefore, when consumers by Council Regulations (EC) No. 510/06 and No. 509/06 of purchase an EU quality-labelled product, its quality and also 20 March 2006 (Commission of the European Communities, its authenticity is guaranteed. In addition to the link to a 2006a, b), respectively. In line with the regulations from quality-labelled product, cultivation of specific local raw 1992, the EuroFIR working group reached a consensus on the materials used in the production of traditional foods makes a definition of ‘traditional foods’ (Trichopoulou et al., 2007). valuable contribution to the development and economic The EuroFIR definition of traditional foods, which is sustainability of rural areas and the preservation of biodi- presented in the introduction, was acknowledged by the versity (Avermaete et al., 2004; Trichopoulou et al., 2006; Food and Organization of the United Nations FAO, 2008; Sims, 2009). at the 26th FAO Regional conference for Europe in Although the term ‘traditional foods’ is widely used, there Innsbruck, Austria, on 26–27 June 2008 (FAO, 2008). are few definitions available (Bertozzi, 1998; Jordana, 2000). Two projects funded under the European Commission Framework Programme 6, the European Food Information Selection procedure used for traditional foods Resource (EuroFIR) Network of Excellence and Traditional The 13 European countries participating in the EuroFIR United Europe Food (TRUEFOOD), have been dealing with Traditional Foods WP (Austria, Belgium, , Denmark, the concept of traditional foods. Within EuroFIR, a defini- Germany, Greece, Iceland, , Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, tion of ‘traditional food’ has been developed, according to Spain and ) followed a EuroFIR consensus-based which traditional food ‘is a food of a specific feature or features, method with harmonised procedures to prioritise five which distinguish it clearly from other similar products of the traditional foods per country, as previously described by same category in terms of the use of ‘traditional ’ (raw Trichopoulou et al. (2007). The procedure for selecting materials or primary products) or ‘traditional composition’ or traditional foods and recipes included three steps: documen- ‘traditional type of production and/or processing method’’. An tation, prioritisation and evaluation. Traditional foods were extension to this definition also comprises a description of documented and prioritised according to specific criteria: the terms ‘traditional ingredients’, ‘traditional composition’ documentation of traditional character taking into account and ‘traditional type of production and/or processing’ the EuroFIR definition; availability and quality of existing (Trichopoulou et al., 2007). From a consumer’s perspective, compositional data; frequency of consumption based on Guerrero et al. (2009) in TRUEFOOD defined a traditional ‘guestimates’ (estimation of consumption frequency when food product as ‘a product frequently consumed or associated with consumption data were not available) or published data; specific celebrations and/or seasons, normally transmitted from one beneficial versus detrimental health implications and mar- generation to another, made accurately in a specific way according to keting potential, including potential for increased consumer the gastronomic heritage, with little or no processing/manipulation, demand (Trichopoulou et al., 2007). From the prioritised list, distinguished and known because of its sensory properties and traditional foods to be analysed in each country were associated with a certain local area, region or country’. selected so as to represent the various components of meals,

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition New nutritional data on traditional foods HS Costa et al S75 consisting of at least one starter, preferably two main dishes, maximum sample homogeneity and avoidance of deteriora- at least one dessert and one other special traditional food tion of food constituents. that could be a primary food. Descriptions of the selected The choice of homogenisation technique depended on the traditional foods and the recipes used are available on the availability of liquid nitrogen. Sample treatment with liquid EuroFIR website (EuroFIR, 2009) and in the publication by nitrogen ensures minimum losses of temperature-sensitive Weichselbaum et al. (2009). . Samples were stored in a deep freeze (at least À20 1C) between preparation and analysis to avoid microbial and enzymatic deterioration. Recording and sampling of traditional foods In this study, a composite sample of each food was formed A set of guidelines has been developed for the recording of by pooling five individual samples from the original region traditional recipes and the collection, preparation and of the traditional food. Equal amounts of samples using the distribution of laboratory samples, following experience same recipe were homogenised to obtain the composite from Greece at the National and Kapodistrian University of sample. The homogenised samples were freeze-dried or Athens. This procedure is essential to ensure that represen- frozen before being analysed. A small amount of the tative and reliable food samples are prepared for analysis and composite fresh sample was kept separately for content to establish a common approach that can be used by all determination by the selected laboratory (see below), countries. The location for collecting the traditional foods following a standard methodology. was selected to be within the geographical area(s) of origin of All the procedures and methods applied, from the the specific traditional food or recipe. For preparation of the supplying of primary foods to the sample distribution for traditional food, a household was identified from within the analyses, were recorded in a protocol that accompanied each defined geographical region where the food or recipe is food sample. traditionally consumed. The recipe was recorded and reproduced four times in order to have five individual samples. In the case of traditional semiindustrialised food Laboratory selection, prioritisation of components and products, the recording of the traditional recipe took place in analytical methods the defined geographical region(s) where the product is For laboratories to provide consistently reliable and accurate traditionally produced, and the traditional foods were results in food analysis, a program of quality assurance must collected in five different small businesses/restaurants. be in place that includes the following elements: validation During food preparation, information was recorded on the of the analytical method; the use of certified reference origin of raw materials; preparation of ingredients before materials, where available; and the use of routine internal cooking; measurement of waste during the preparation of quality control (Thompson et al., 2006). According to the ingredients; quantities of the raw ingredients for the laboratory accreditation standards ISO/IEC (International recipe; quantities of the ingredients in the form in which Organization for Standardisation/International Electrotech- they are added to the recipe; production method, placing nical Commission) 17025 (1999), food analysis laboratories emphasis on critical measurements such as time, tempera- are required to ‘ensure the quality of their results’by ture, type of cooking method and so on; weight of the final participating in interlaboratory comparison or in proficiency product (yield); preservation data (time, procedure, storage testing schemes, when these are available (Schmidt et al., place and so on); other aspects concerning the recipe or 2006; Thompson et al., 2006). primary foods (for example, historical and cultivation/ In the EuroFIR Traditional Foods WP, selection of labora- primary production methods were also recorded, if tories to conduct the food analyses in each country was available). based on EuroFIR recommendations for quality require- The preparation of the traditional food recipes was also ments (Castanheira et al., 2007). Laboratories were asked recorded by (audio-)visual equipment (photographs and/or to demonstrate technical competence for each nutrient DVD production). At a later stage, recipe cards for the (Wood, 1996). The selected laboratories (Table 1) were either traditional foods selected in each country were produced and accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 (1999) or had published in collaboration with the British Nutrition Founda- successfully participated in proficiency testing schemes. tion (EuroFIR, 2009). FCDBs should contain all nutrients that are important in After completion of food preparation, the traditional foods human nutrition (Greenfield and Southgate, 2003). How- were placed in appropriate containers, stored in a portable ever, performing an analysis for each analyte in every food refrigerator and transported to the laboratory. item is not always possible for various reasons, such as limited financial resources (Haytowitz et al., 1996). There- fore, it is essential to prioritise nutrient analysis. The EuroFIR Sample handling of traditional foods Traditional Foods WP partners selected the most relevant The methods implemented for sample preparation must nutrients to be analysed for each primary or composite food assure the reliability of the analytical results. Thus, the from the following list: moisture, ash, total (nutrient methods were chosen on the basis of accomplishing the conversion factor), total , saturated fatty acids, mono-

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition New nutritional data on traditional foods HS Costa et al S76 Table 1 Laboratories selected to undertake the analysis of traditional for dietary fibre indicated in the Commission Directive foods 2008/100/EC of 28 October 2008 (Commission of the Country Laboratories European Communities, 2008). Information on food de- scription, the recipe, component identification, sampling Austria Institut Kuhlmann (IKL) GmbH plan, number of analytical samples, sample handling, Belgium Ghent University (RUG) analytical method and performance (Burlingame, 2004; Bulgaria National Center of Public Health Castanheira et al., 2009) was collected for each of the 55 Protection (NCH) Denmark Danish Veterinary and , investigated traditional foods, enabling provision of doc- Region North, Lystrup (DVFA-N) umentation to support the new data and for inclusion in the Germany Institut Kuhlmann (IKL), Ludwigshafen national FCDBs and the EuroFIR databank system. Greece Food Industrial Research and Technological Development Company (ETAT S.A.), Athens Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) Discussion Iceland Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Region North, Lystrup (DVFA-N) The goal of this paper has been to present a common Italy CHELAB, Resana Lithuania National Veterinary Laboratory (NVL) framework on the systematic investigation of traditional Poland Poland National Food and Nutrition foods across Europe and a methodology through which to Institute (NFNI) achieve new and reliable nutritional data on traditional Portugal Instituto Nacional de Sau´de Doutor Ricardo foods for incorporation within European FCDBs. The Jorge, I.P. (INSA) Spain Silliker Ibe´rica, S.A. enrichment of national food composition tables with Turkey TUBITAK MAM Food Insty`tute (TUBITAK) reliable analytical data on primary and composite traditional foods is an important prerequisite for the acquisition of credible results in future nutritional research. Sound conclu- sions require the use of sound background data; otherwise there is a risk of generating misinformation. unsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, choles- Traditional foods are often perceived as healthy foods, terol, total starch, total , individual sugars (glucose, although this is not the case in all European regions. fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, lactose), oligosacchar- Nevertheless, traditional foods that are not considered ides, total dietary fibre and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, healthy still remain an integral part of a nation’s culture magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and and are worth investigating. The aim of this work was not to selenium). Not all of the above-mentioned nutrients were evaluate the nutritional value of traditional foods but to determined for each traditional food. Given that each present a trustworthy approach for the acquisition of these partner was allocated an identical budget to implement data, which will ensure its comparability between European their analyses, the choice of priority nutrients in each case countries. Although it has been demonstrated that many was dependent on the national laboratory costs and the traditional foods meet nutrient recommendations (Vasilo- characteristics of the individual traditional food. All analyses poulou and Trichopoulou, 2009), it is also noted that it is the of the primary and composite food sample were carried out combined consumption of a variety of (traditional) foods, in a duplicate or triplicate manner. meaning the whole dietary pattern rather than the indivi- dual foods, that is accountable for potential health effects (Trichopoulou et al., 2005). Consequently, there is a need to Data evaluation include as many different traditional foods as possible in Data evaluation was undertaken to ensure that the results European FCDBs in order to study traditional country- truly reflected the composition of the food. Results were specific dietary patterns and their potential health effects checked for inconsistencies and compared with results for both within and between countries and, if possible, to enrich similar products from other data sources, such as published and improve dietary habits across the whole continent. food composition tables, and, if there were concerns, the samples were reanalysed. Conclusion

Nutritional composition of traditional foods for A pilot study was conducted using five traditional foods per inclusion in FCDB country to obtain experience and know-how on the systematic study of traditional foods. The common metho- The nutritional composition of the 55 analysed traditional dology developed for the systematic investigation of tradi- foods is presented in Table 2. content was calculated tional foods may be extended in the future to other countries using the energy conversion factors recommended by and will also enable partners to further study traditional Greenfield and Southgate (2003), and the conversion factor foods at a national level, continuously updating their

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Table 2 Nutritional composition and energy values for the selected traditional foods (per 100 g of edible portion)

Traditional food per country Energy Moisture Ash Total protein Fat Cholesterol Total Sodium Potassium (english name/original name) kJ (kcal) (g) (g) (NCF: 6.25) (mg) dietary (mg) (mg) (g) Total Saturated Available Total fibre (g) fat fatty acids carbohydrates sugars (g) (g) (g)a (g)

Austria Vegetable / 163 (39) 89.5 1.48±0.01 1.38±0.01 1.26±0.09 0.76±0.05 1.50±0.12 4.66 3.67±0.12 1.72±0.02 99.8±1.48 78.8±1.48 Gemu¨sesuppe Cabbage noodles/ 541 (129) 71.7 0.67±0.01 4.15±0.02 4.43±0.14 0.83±0.02 8.35±0.60 17.0 15.8±0.04 2.04±0.04 140±2.00 124±0.00 Krautfleckerl dumplings/ 425 (100) 72.0±0.28 1.85±0.03 1.75±0.07 0.10±0.00 NA NA 21.9 NA 2.35±0.21 525±7.07 275±7.07 Erda¨pfelkno¨del Viennese Schnitzel/ 1137 (272) 47.2±0.14 1.98±0.03 18.1±0.14 14.6±0.35 2.48±0.06 52.7±0.07 16.0 NA 2.10±0.61 535±1.41 NA Wiener Schnitzel /Apfelstrudel 817 (194) 56.9±1.20 0.64±0.02 2.20±0.00 5.85±0.21 2.94±0.12 4.30±0.14 32.0 25.3±1.11 2.40±0.28 123±1.41 NA

Belgium Gratin of Belgian endives 526 (127) 76.2±0.08 1.42±0.01 7.08±0.21 8.31±0.01 4.25±0.09 10.2±2.50 4.61 3.65±0.07 2.38±0.16 204±0.57 206±1.06 with ham and cheese sauce/Witloof met ham an kaassaus Waffles/Wafels 1515 (363) 33.0±0.04 1.58±0.02 7.90±0.13 21.6±0.16 11.3±0.06 35.4±0.91 32.6 2.15±0.11 3.36±0.36 319±6.36 139±0.35

Bulgaria Tarator (cold soup)/ 237 (57) 90.0±1.13 0.78±0.08 2.26±0.03 4.18±0.04 0.89±0.01 o0.40 2.38 0.87±0.00 0.40±0.01 113±4.95 119±1.70 Студена супа “Таратор” e urtoa aao rdtoa foods traditional Costa on HS data nutritional New Veal ‘Priest’s’ / 664 (159) 71.0±0.57 0.99±0.00 11.4±0.41 9.93±0.04 2.01±0.04 NA 5.50 2.37±0.04 1.18±0.04 509±9.90 306±6.15 Телешко “Попска яхния” Pepper relish/Лютеница 526 (126) 72.4±0.57 1.74±0.11 1.31±0.01 5.10±0.04 0.50±0.00 o0.62 17.7 4.82±0.01 1.80±0.00 1106±33.2 169±4.31

Nettles with rice/ 244 (59) 88.2±1.13 0.70±0.04 3.10±0.07 3.49±0.03 0.43±0.01 o0.39 2.86 0.59±0.00 1.65±0.01 221±8.98 103±2.19 al et Коприва с ориз Pumpkin pastry/ 660 (157) 65.3±0.71 0.56±0.03 3.64±0.04 4.67±0.00 2.39±0.03 NA 24.3 18.8±2.12 1.54±0.01 317±4.74 264±1.27 Сладкиш с тиква

Germany Swabian ravioli/ 569 (135) 68.0±0.28 2.10±0.07 10.4±0.21 4.02±0.01 1.68±0.01 72.3±0.28 13.3 0.60±0.00 2.20±0.57 497±5.66 174±2.12 Schwa¨bische maultaschen Black Forest smoked ham/ 1261 (303) 46.9±0.57 6.80±0.14 26.5±0.57 21.9±0.28 7.60±0.14 75.9±0.07 0.00 0.00 NA 2140±5.66 434±2.83 Schwarzwa¨lder Schinken Dresden fruit loaf/ 1656 (396) 17.6±0.42 1.67±0.01 6.30±0.00 17.6±0.23 10.2±0.07 22.5±1.84 49.2 33.2±0.07 7.60±0.71 280±17.3 371±22.3 Dresdener

Greece soup/ 685 (164) 64.7±0.14 1.47±0.03 5.19±0.24 7.50±0.13 1.14±0.01 0.32±0.00 16.7 1.68±0.19 4.40 300±5.88 267±8.82 uoenJunlo lnclNutrition Clinical of Journal European Ρεβίθια Σούπα Rabbit stew/ 825 (198) 65.5±0.00 1.77±0.04 14.8±0.08 13.9±0.19 3.80±0.24 51.6±0.75 2.93 2.54±0.32 1.10 391±19.9 421±22.4 Κουνέλι Στιφάδο sausages/ 1212 (290) 45.5±0.14 4.26±0.02 24.4±0.79 18.1±0.10 7.13±0.06 72.1±0.74 7.24 5.50±0.56 0.50 935±18.6 650±11.2 Λουκάνικα με πράσο Must jelly/Μουσταλευριά 598 (142) 66.2±0.28 0.62±0.01 4.38±0.25 3.63±0.14 0.31±0.01 0.00 20.8 20.4±1.69 4.40 7.80±0.28 238±10.7 S77 S78 uoenJunlo lnclNutrition Clinical of Journal European

Table 2 Continued

Traditional food per country Energy Moisture Ash Total protein Fat Cholesterol Carbohydrates Total Sodium Potassium (english name/original name) kJ (kcal) (g) (g) (NCF: 6.25) (mg) dietary (mg) (mg) (g) Total Saturated Available Total fibre (g) fat fatty acids carbohydrates sugars (g) (g) (g)a (g)

Cherry of 112 (27) 90.9±0.14 0.65±0.02 1.31±0.03 0.24±0.01 0.05±0.00 0.18±0.01 2.90 1.89±0.13 4.00 13.0±0.44 282±1.26 /Ntomataki Santorinis


Cured shark/Kæstur ha´karl 1610 (389) 45.3±0.20 1.61±0.00 17.2±0.12 35.6±0.09 5.06±0.02 NA 0.00 NA NA 353±4.85 294±4.03 foods traditional on data nutritional New Smoked lamb/Hangikjo¨t 747 (179) 64.6±0.20 3.08±0.02 22.2±0.09 10.0±0.06 4.20±0.03 NA 0.00 NA NA 1130±24.5 202±4.78 Pickled blood sausage/ 1349 (326) 50.2±0.03 0.53±0.01 7.50±0.01 26.9±0.18 13.3±0.04 NA 11.9 2.70 3.00 71.7±1.77 80.0±1.20 Súrsaður blóðmör Skyr/Skyr 263 (62) 81.3±0.05 0.77±0.01 13.3±0.07 0.16±0.00 0.12 NA 1.80 1.83±0.02 NA 32.4±0.08 144±0.09 Stockfish. Haddock/ 1344 (317) 18.1±0.07 5.20±0.03 72.9±0.03 2.00±0.07 0.52±0.02 NA 0.00 NA NA 599±10.0 1594±31.3 Harðfiskur. hert ýsa

Italy Vicentina cod/Bacala’ 2153 (521) 28.1±0.29 1.25±0.11 21.5±0.08 47.9±0.15 8.01±0.07 80.3±11.3 0.55 0.15±0.00 0.70±0.00 289±7.78 118±1.41 alla Vicentina Braised with Barolo 458 (109) 77.0±0.09 2.35±0.07 13.8±0.04 5.59±0.11 1.51±0.01 28.5±4.95 0.71 0.17±0.02 0.55±0.07 505±2.83 355±2.12 wine/Brasato al Barolo Costa HS Napoletana 999 (238) 48.5±0.02 2.34±0.01 10.7±0.04 9.33±0.04 4.87±0.00 17.2±0.49 26.5 0.93±0.04 2.65±0.07 664±14.8 133±0.00 Margherita Tuscan Castagnaccio/ 1018 (242) 43.4±0.03 1.66±0.01 3.40±5.22 6.79±0.06 1.08±0.02 1.50±0.14 39.0 16.2±0.03 5.75±0.07 275±12.0 585±23.3 Castagnaccio Toscano al et Ricotta stuffed roll/ 1404 (335) 32.7±0.04 0.84±0.01 7.16±0.04 14.6±0.01 7.98±0.02 26.8±0.49 42.7 26.1±0.07 2.05±0.07 118±1.41 94.5±0.21 Siciliani

Lithuania Cold fresh beetroot soup/ 279 (67) 86.4±0.01 1.39±0.00 3.50±0.00 3.55±0.01 NA o25.0 5.16 NA NA 219±17.1 164±6.08 Sˇaltibarsˇˇciai Cheese ‘Dziugas’/ 1515 (364) 35.1±0.01 5.05±0.01 33.2±0.01b 24.9±0.00 16.9±0.01 76.0±3.54 1.75 NA NA 342±0.78 78.8±0.42 Su¯ris ‘Dzˇiugas’ Country style sausages/ 829 (198) 63.0±0.01 1.42±0.04 24.2±0.01 11.2±0.06 4.37±0.02 76.0±2.83 0.18 NA NA 374±69.0 129±1.98 Kaimisˇkos desˇrele?s Zeppelins with meat/ 643 (153) 69.5±0.01 1.03±0.01 5.64±0.01 7.11±0.08 2.73±0.01 o25.0 16.7 4.00 NA 289±27.1 197±17.0 Cepelinai Su Me´sa (,Didzˇkukuliai’) Lithuanian / 2364 (567) 3.44±0.03 0.43±0.01 9.10±0.01 36.5±0.03 NA 100±2.12 50.5 14.6 NA 27.6±0.64 88.9±4.53 ’Twigs’ Zˇagare?liai

Poland Cold soup/Chlodnik litewski 319 (77) 87.6±0.01 0.74±0.01 1.86±0.01 6.25±0.07 3.76±0.06 16.9±0.14 3.13 NA 0.42±0.03 92±1.29 147±4.79 Smoked ewe’s milk 1552 (373) 34.4±0.02 6.79±0.00 29.0±0.16b 27.6±0.00 14.8±0.03 83.1±0.35 2.21 NA NA 1620±19.5 76.0±2.16 cheese/Oscypek Dish made of sauerkraut. 500 (120) 76.9±0.11 1.98±0.01 6.45±0.01 8.10±0.00 3.26±0.00 26.1±1.89 4.23 NA 2.34±0.01 520±2.52 229±5.48 meat and dried /Bigos Pork chop/Kotlet schabowy 980 (234) 54.9±0.13 1.79±0.00 24.6±0.10 12.2±0.07 4.97±0.01 96.2±1.54 6.51 NA NA 326±11.2 374±3.46 Tree /Sekacz˛ 2009 (481) 14.3±0.02 0.78±0.00 10.3±0.01 28.8±0.07 11.0±0.04 253±9.21 44.6 NA 1.27±0.01 113±2.08 136±0.96 Table 2 Continued

Traditional food per country Energy Moisture Ash Total protein Fat Cholesterol Carbohydrates Total Sodium Potassium (english name/original name) kJ (kcal) (g) (g) (NCF: 6.25) (mg) dietary (mg) (mg) (g) Total Saturated Available Total fibre (g) fat fatty acids carbohydrates sugars (g) (g) (g)a (g)

Portugal Green kale soup/ 261 (62) 87.5±0.01 1.09±0.01 2.80±0.07 3.60±0.00 0.80±0.00 12.0±2.62 4.43 0.70±0.07 0.58±0.05 301±3.54 156±2.12 Caldo verde Cod fish with / 608 (146) 68.1±0.07 1.81±0.01 12.9±0.07 6.90±0.06 1.10±0.00 69.0±5.66 5.66 0.80±0.01 4.63±0.35 548±5.66 152±2.83 Bacalhau com gra˜o kid roasted in 763 (189) 57.7±0.25 2.23±0.00 14.0±0.04 6.90±0.01 3.10±0.07 46.0±2.83 16.2 0.30±0.04 3.00±0.22 691±1.41 218±0.00 a wood fired oven/ Cabrito assado Portuguese boiled/ 776 (187) 64.8±0.09 1.55±0.03 13.5±0.11 13.1±0.07 4.50±0.07 49.0±1.41 0.63 0.70±0.00 6.42±0.46 428±16.3 175±4.24 Cozido a` portuguesa Egg sweet from Murc¸a/ 1390 (330) 28.4±0.04 0.74±0.01 7.30±0.35 10.1±0.04 2.80±0.00 352±68.6 51.6 50.9±0.21 1.90±0.18 52.0±0.71 70.0±0.00 Toucinho do ce´u de Murc¸a

Spain Hot vegetable sauce/ 1513 (368) 54.1±0.00 0.75±0.00 1.89±0.00 38.7±0.00 6.31±0.00 o1.00 1.36 1.20±0.00 3.20±0.00 944±13.1 175±1.91 Mojo Pico´n Galician octopus/ 517 (123) 72.2±0.04 1.94±0.05 11.9±0.64 4.36±0.01 0.68±0.00 80.7±2.97 8.55 o0.50 1.05±0.07 356±8.20 285±15.7 Pulpo ‘a feira’ Roasted Pepper and 159 (38) 90.6±0.01 0.82±0.01 1.22±0.03 1.61±0.09 0.31±0.02 o1.00 3.65 3.40±0.14 2.10±0.14 122±6.29 236±1.20 Aubergine Salad/Escalivada Cardoon in 293 (71) 86.4±0.09 0.86±0.00 3.85±0.08 5.07±0.13 1.01±0.04 6.80±0.00 1.02 o0.50 2.80±0.14 207±9.76 107±10.6 sauce/Cardos en Salsa foods traditional Costa on HS data nutritional New de Almendras Almond cake/Soplillos 1997 (476) 1.82±0.01 1.02±0.08 11.1±0.01 18.8±0.03 1.69±0.03 o1.00 63.9 59.7±0.07 3.35±0.07 49.9±2.69 229±16.3 tal et Turkey /Tarhana 1493 (352) 9.75±0.04 4.89±0.01 11.1±0.08c 2.30±0.14 0.84±0.00 11.0±0.28 71.5 4.10±0.01 0.46±0.09 1155±0.71 438±7.35 /Pastırma () 994 (237) 45.5±0.02 6.94±0.03 28.6±0.01 9.50±0.28 4.38±0.32 67.0±0.28 9.00 1.39±0.04 0.46±0.09 933±2.47 511±14.7 with yoghurt/ 948 (228) 60.4±0.08 1.62±0.04 9.22±0.04 15.6±0.14 6.89±0.02 35.1±0.04 12.1 2.50±0.01 1.07±0.09 381±1.34 262±0.64 Kebap, yogˇurtlu Hamsi Anchovy/ 648 (156) 72.9±0.01 1.64±0.06 9.32±0.53 11.0±0.14 3.50±0.03 64.2±2.31 4.63 2.09±0.08 0.51±0.01 242±0.14 345±2.62 Hamsi Bugˇulama /Baklava Gaziantep 1801 (431) 18.6±0.14 0.74±0.03 4.53±0.08 22.4±0.0 11.2±0.10 25.4±0.34 51.4 30.2±0.01 1.98±0.10 86.9±1.65 180±1.63

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European Journal of Clinical Nutrition